What food should a student buy? Food and study: what students eat in different countries

Recipes: Konstantin Zhuk

You're hungry like a bear after hibernation, and you're actually going to live for a month on the cost of a business lunch at a nearby cafe: if this happens every day, you must be living in a student dorm. There is a great temptation to cheaply and cheerfully eat custard noodles from a bag, but with such a diet you will definitely not become healthier. Don't be discouraged - here are a few recipes for quite healthy dishes that won't cost you much money and that can be prepared even if all the equipment in the dorm kitchen has died.

(3-4 servings)


1 chicken
3 cloves garlic, crush
Salt and pepper to taste
A bottle (a regular beer or wine bottle will do - wash it thoroughly and scrape off all the paper)


1. Rub the bird with garlic, spread sour cream, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

2. Pour water into the bottle up to your finger from the neck and place the chicken on top. Wrap the entire structure with foil.

3. Place the chicken in a cold oven, heat to 190º C, cook for 40 minutes. Remove the foil from the chicken and bake for another 10 minutes. Ready.

P.S. The bottle is needed to ensure that the chicken turns out juicy and beautiful on all sides. You can also experiment with flavors: pour it into a bottle of beer or cognac. Dilute strong alcohol with water, but determine the proportions yourself, the principle is the same: the less you dilute, the more flavor from the drink will transfer to the chicken.

(10–12 servings)


1 loaf of white bread,
chop everything you have in the fridge

For the sauce:

Mix low-fat (up to 10%) sour cream with ketchup in equal proportions. You can replace ketchup with adjika or mustard (proportions to taste).


1. Place sliced ​​white bread on a baking sheet. Spread with sauce and sprinkle with whatever topping you have: crab sticks, ham, sausage, tomatoes - let only your imagination limit you. Before this, cut the filling into slices or grate it.

2. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and place in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

P.S. If you don't have an oven on hand, you can use a microwave instead. Place the pizza in it, turn it on high and stand there for 10-15 minutes until the cheese on top melts.

(1 serving)


2 eggs
½ tsp. soda
1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
½ cup flour
70–100 g unsweetened yoghurt
2 tbsp. l. cocoa


1. Carefully cut off the jagged edges of a tin can that remain after opening. Cover the resulting glass with baking paper.

2. Mix all ingredients, beat thoroughly for 5 minutes. Pour into a tin can, place in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 20-25 minutes, until the dough puffs up.

(2 servings)


200 g fillet of any fish (pink salmon, for example)
1 carrot
1 zucchini
1 handful of any greens, chopped
Juice of one lemon


1. Place the fillet on a square sheet of parchment or baking paper, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with lemon juice.

2. Cut the carrots and zucchini into strips. Place on top of the fish. Sprinkle with herbs.

3. Wrap the fillet in a thick envelope, folding the sheet in half and tucking the edges twice. Secure it or ask someone to hold the iron with the piece of iron facing up and heat it up.

4. Once the device heats up, place the fish on it and turn it over every four minutes. About 10 minutes on each side - and you're done.

P.S. There is nothing stopping you from preparing this dish in a regular oven, if you have one nearby. Place the fish on a greased baking sheet and put it in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for half an hour.

(6–8 pieces)


2 eggs
200 g bread (can be stale)
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tbsp. l. low-fat (10%) sour cream
1 handful of greens (any), chopped
1 pickled cucumber
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Peel the crusts from the bread and cut into cubes. Grate the cucumber. Boil the eggs soft-boiled (in boiling salted water for 3-4 minutes).

2. Pour the eggs (without shells, of course) and bread into a deep bowl, mix with the rest of the ingredients and let sit for a little while. It is important that the bread softens from the sour cream. You can add any spices to your taste.

3. Form palm-sized balls from the resulting mass and place on a plate. It turned out to be a good snack.

To add color to the material, we learned from former residents of the hostels about what they used to satisfy their hunger during their student years. Here, marvel:


Rostov State University

I remember there was a terrible situation. Coming down with bronchitis, no money. The only food left at that time was a bag of onions, which were sent to my roommate Lekha from his home village of Stepnoye (they sent him a lot of things back then, but in the end only onions were left). There was also lard at the bottom of the jar - a hellish product, fat rendered from lard. For example, they are used to lubricate hacksaw blades for metal when sawing. Well, they fry it on it if there are no other options. So, my heroic Lekha put on a medical mask and painting glasses, peeled three kilograms of onions, chopped the tubers into large pieces. I rented a huge frying pan from Afghan students (now I would just say “wok”), melted lard in it and dumped the onions in it. The result was a grey, smelly and watery something (it is clear that the onions were not fried, but rather boiled), which my neighbor and I devoured in one go without bread and were very pleased. It was delicious.


University of Bournemouth, England

There were a lot of people in our hostel; they came from all over the world. Everyone cooked what they were used to eating, and at first my head was spinning from how the kitchen stank around the clock. They cooked everything there: from fried sprat to almost grasshoppers. But somehow I became friends with the Arabs, and they invited me to their festive meal. They cooked a lamb with a duck baked in its stomach. I thought for a long time that this was all a joke until I saw a ram with a duck inside with my own eyes. It turned out to be very tasty!


A neighbor’s aunt worked at some kind of canning factory and from time to time sent us jars of liver pate. We exchanged most of it (for cigarettes, alcohol and other communal entertainment), and what was left we ate, of course. But I want hot food, and not just scrape a jar of cold pate with a spoon, so we came up with the idea of ​​plopping it into a frying pan and binding it with an egg. And it went great - with pasta, with porridge, or with potatoes. And one day there were no eggs, and I dumped it into the frying pan as is. It turned out to be a stupid idea: the pate began to foam like plasticine, bubble - and in the end it all disappeared to no one knows where. I fried it with potatoes, but only one aftertaste remained. What was this product made from anyway?


Kuban State University

Although I am from an industrial town, I studied in the capital of a rich agricultural region. For people like me, the strategic goal was to get a dorm roommate from the “State Farmers.” Each parent in the village grew something and sent it to their son: vegetables and fruits, of course, but also chickens, eggs, pork. However, I came across Seryoga - a hillbilly of a new breed. His parents did not keep a garden, but they grew nutria in industrial quantities. The fur was used for hats, which were sold at the market; The carcasses themselves were smoked and also sold. And they sent it to Seryoga. Well what can I say? Smoked rat as it is. Still scary: a dark red carcass, arms and legs on the sides, like a gymnast, no head... Seryoga used his nutria to scare his philological neighbors with great success. But I didn’t have to choose, my parents produced furniture and microcircuits. And this rodent went well with beer. Kind of like jamon, only softer.

The student is always hungry. And this is normal: young people should spend their time not on healthy and high-quality food, but on entertainment. After all, this is precisely why we are given youth, isn’t it?

But it’s better to preserve at least a little bit of health, so that in the near future you don’t have to go to the doctor and heal the wounds received as a result of an unhealthy diet. Therefore, we decided to tell you about how to eat cheaply as a student, and so that the food does not cause much harm to your health.

And now in more detail about proper nutrition for students. Menu for every budget!

Meals depend on the type of student

But first, let's figure out what students eat. Here are 3 popular categories into which students are usually divided:

  1. Student-"doshirak". This representative eats only rolltons and doshiraki, instant soups, sausages, pasta, pasties with cats. In general, his food is everything that is filling, cheap and can be eaten with ketchup-mayonnaise. Most often, this is what hostel students eat, since eating healthy is not profitable here: at any moment, 100,500 neighbors will come to you, ready to forcibly share your meal with you.
  2. Vegetable students. This includes most of the fair sex. Under the guise of preserving their figure, they make up their diet mainly from vegetables: onions, cabbage, potatoes (someone tell them that this vegetable “preserves” the figure in the same way as pies made from yeast dough!). however, they don’t disdain porridge either. On their table you can always find something that you can’t lure guests with: oatmeal, rice and unsalted buckwheat.
  3. Student breadwinner. These are smarter than everyone else: they don’t spend money on food at all. Their tactics are as follows: we make as many friends as possible and visit them every time we want to eat. And the money saved will always be something to spend on!

And now about the main thing.

Healthy menu for those who like to eat cheap

You don't know what it is yet "Student pilaf"? Quickly write down:

  • boil the rice;
  • fry the onion;
  • if you have carrots, fry them too.
  • Mix all the ingredients and enjoy the meal.

We don't ask if you have meat for pilaf. After all, if there is, then you have nothing to do on this page. Because we tell smart guys and girls how to live on a budget without it.

Another option for a wonderful, cheap and healthy student snack is Sandwiches "Joy". Behind this modest name lie equally modest components. Stale bread is fried in a frying pan and rubbed with grated garlic. As easy as pie!

And our most valuable advice on what should be in your refrigerator that will be useful for both your wallet and your health.

Do you want meat?

Buy offal at the store. Chicken liver, gizzards, hearts - all these products cost several times less than any meat. They have exactly the same benefit. And as a bonus, get a recipe for a healthy dish:

  1. We take a kilogram of any offal and wash it.
  2. Peel and chop 5 onions, fry in a frying pan.
  3. Place offal (navels, hearts, ventricles or liver) in a deep saucepan, add chopped onion and simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours.
  4. At the very end, add your favorite spices and salt. Optional: sour cream, curry, ketchup.

You won't believe us, but this is the perfect nutritious dinner for the whole week. You can eat it with or without a side dish, just with bread.

By the way! For our readers there is now a 10% discount on

Excellent meat substitute – mushrooms

Some even call them "white meat". Why not? In terms of nutritional value and satiety, they are in no way comparable to meat. In addition, in the summer you don’t have to buy them at all - you can stock up on them for the year ahead! Go to the forest, collect it, put it in jars or dry it, or just ask your relatives.

Mushrooms are great both as an independent dish and as a side dish, additive, or decoration. Fry, make soup, pickle, add to salad or eat with onions and butter - mushrooms are incredibly tasty, cheap and healthy, but only if you know how to pick them.

Meat is an indispensable product

If you love meat, but cannot stand any “substitutes” for this product, do this: buy several chicken backs/necks or a broth kit, boil in a large saucepan or simmer with potatoes. There will definitely be a smell of meat, and in some places there will even be a taste!

Students' food supplies: what everyone should have in their cupboards

Well, in addition to pleasant and healthy substitutes for expensive food, every student should have the following products in their warehouses:

  • cereals Buckwheat, rice, barley, pearl barley, oatmeal, peas - all this is suitable for preparing first, second, and independent dishes;
  • pasta – as much as possible and in any form. This product is the alpha and omega of nutrition for every student;
  • tomato paste (it’s better to replace the much-loved ketchup) and of course mayonnaise. Without these products, no student will recognize you as one of their own;
  • beets, peppers, tomatoes, onions, cabbage. Even if you don't eat these vegetables, you should still have them. So that they are, and that’s the end of the conversation;
  • potato. This product is generally a substitute for everything. It can be eaten together with cereals, and instead of vegetables, and instead of meat. Fried, boiled, steamed, stewed - respect to potatoes.

Don't throw away stale bread. Sprinkle it with sugar or salt and fry it in a frying pan. This way we’ll get a budget-friendly treat for tea or beer – whichever is more relevant for whom.

Oh, how hard it was to write this article! In general, everything is as always: if you want, write it yourself; if you don’t want, turn to specialists to write tests, term papers, essays and dissertations. I'll go eat.

A hungry student is a passive student. Sleeping, absent, unhappy and simply blown away by the wind. But each country usually has its own gastronomic customs and traditions. However, there are no boundaries for students. A Ukrainian student, just like an American one, can enjoy borscht, eating it with french fries and washing it down with beer. But in general, just as there is a difference in the mentalities of countries, there are also certain differences in the nutrition of students from one state or another. We decided to find out how and what students eat in different countries and approximately how much daily meals cost them. Read more in our material.

Germany: Mensa canteen - student discounts and home-cooked food

In Germany they approach almost everything seriously and thoroughly. Precision, quality and affordability are the main features of student lunches and dinners. When talking about any German university, one can cluck their tongues enthusiastically for a long time when describing the lecture halls, computer classes with the most modern technology or the richest library. However, as they say, a hungry student is an absent student. Therefore, no matter where you go, your feet will still lead you to the dining room by smell. Here it is called Mensa - from the word “table”. Several main dishes are prepared here every day - Tagesgericht - usually meat, fish, a side dish and, of course, a vegetarian addition for those who adhere to a similar lifestyle.

The dining room itself is a large buffet, with separate sections for a pasta buffet, pizza, two dozen different salads, snacks: cheese, olives, chicken, fried vegetables, potato pancakes, etc. The menu for each day is posted on the university website and each student can view it in their personal account. The local is responsible for creating the menu, its quality and the hygiene of the dining room. Studentenwerk.

In addition to the main dishes, anyone can take fruit or dessert, several types of fresh bread and drinks. However, Menza works only for a few hours - at lunchtime, and by the way, the canteen functions even during periods when there are no lectures at the university. And on holidays there is also a bonus menu. If you are hungry, and Menza is already closed, welcome to the cafeteria, where there are more snacks and snacks, drinks, and on holidays they sell mulled wine and beer. The quality of these dishes is no different from canteen standards.

As for the pricing policy, you ask. After all, it often happens that an ordinary student cannot afford lunch in the university canteen. For Germany this is not a problem, because you have a student card! By presenting it at the Menza or cafeteria checkout, the student receives a discount and buys his lunch at a special, reduced price. You can also ask to pack your own lunch for free. So a regular lunch will cost about 2-3 euros, and coffee with pastries or sweets - from 50 cents. The interesting thing is that if you are a die-hard fan of home-cooked food, and still try to eat only home-cooked food, in Menza no one will forbid you to eat your own lunch. Moreover, for such cases, there are microwave ovens, disposable tableware and an electric kettle.

The most common type of lunch, despite the large assortment of dishes, is: potato salad with ham, dough envelopes with meat filling, fried vegetables, cheese, coffee and salad.

The cost of such a lunch is 3 euros.

Poland: potatoes rule!

National Polish cuisine is very similar to Ukrainian. At least, the student menu in this country is very close in composition to Ukrainian dishes. Universities in Poland also have adapted canteens, cafeterias and shops, but students prefer to eat homemade food, which they take with them from home or prepare in the common kitchen. This is explained by the fact that many students from the CIS countries study in Poland, who perceive home-cooked food as a tradition, and often do not have enough money to eat on a scholarship in special canteens for a whole month.

A gastronomic hit is the Polish soup “zurek”, prepared with eggs and finely chopped sausage, potato pancakes with meat and cabbage rolls. They often eat typical “our” student dishes: they cook pasta, potatoes, buckwheat porridge, and make salads. As a rule, refrigerators and electric stoves are already installed in the rooms of Polish hostels, so there are no problems with food.

The most popular product is potatoes - they are fried and boiled, made into mashed potatoes and potato pancakes, casseroles and added to salads. So it is impossible to calculate the exact cost of food in Polish universities, but you can be sure that everything is fine with the children’s food!

USA: money forward!

Student cafeteria at the University of Toronto

The social and social life of American students is the envy of many students around the world. In addition to clubs and committees, student fraternities, open colloquiums, master classes and lectures, which you can attend completely free of charge, food here is also a matter of technology. Once at college, a junior student moves into a dormitory, where he has everything he needs to cook a simple lunch. However, parents, when sending their child to study, pay for his food for six months at once. This amount includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and sometimes even afternoon tea. To pay for food, a special individual card with an identification code is used, from which the money is debited. Food in canteens varies greatly. If the college is community college, that is, it does not have a lot of funding, then the cafeterias offer French fries, hamburgers and pizza, which is not healthy food. But such a standard is already becoming a thing of the past - now in America a special program has been developed for first-year students, where the menu does not allow them to gain extra pounds. According to this program, vegetables, fruits, fresh salads and soups are added to the menu.

Education in America is expensive, so many high school students move to apartments that they rent together. This allows you to save a lot of money. The traditional lunch for such students is a sandwich with vegetables, a pack of chips and a glass of cola. If a person adheres to a healthy diet, iced tea is poured instead of cola, and chips are replaced with fruit. As for a full meal, American students are in many ways similar to ours - they buy semi-finished products. For example, $1 pizza or pasta with sauce, which is sold already in a container, or tacos, which are also sold already in shape, but without vegetables. In general, meals for one student for the whole day will cost $5-6.

Bulgaria: bread with milk


The life of Bulgarian students is in many ways similar to ours. Students live in dormitories, in rooms for 2-3 people, which are not designed for their own kitchen. Most often, students live in blocks - 2-3 rooms - one shower, toilet and kitchen, where there is an electric stove, microwave, etc. A refrigerator is allowed to be kept in the room. In the kitchen, students boil vermicelli and eggs, and also prepare okroshka, cabbage soup and green borscht with sorrel. However, most often, the guys eat what can be cooked in a couple of minutes. Parcels from parents are important - mainly, they send pickles, jams and preserves, as well as lyutenitsa - grated tomatoes with pepper, salt and sugar. A popular breakfast and lunch item is the lyutenitsa and goat cheese sandwich.

There are canteens on university campuses where a full lunch can be purchased for 2-3 leva (approximately 12-17 hryvnia). Lunch includes a first course - most often soup or roast, a second - a side dish or salad, a drink and dessert. But many students still prefer to eat in dormitories, as it is much cheaper. A kind of bestseller is “papara”, which is prepared on the basis of butter, milk and bread. In general, one day of food for a Bulgarian student is equal to 10-15 leva.

Ukraine: food from a bag

In matters of nutrition for our students, everything is not so clear. Following European trends that have recently appeared in our country, many Ukrainian students buy coffee and a bun/sandwich or a pack of cookies for lunch. You can have a full lunch and breakfast in the student canteens, which each educational institution has and differ only in price and assortment. In some canteens and cafeterias, instead of baked goods and biscuit desserts, they prefer to sell various sweet snacks; in some places, the price does not allow for a full meal, and in others, hygiene or the quality of the food do not allow.

Nevertheless, many students of Ukrainian universities eat home-cooked food, preparing it in the common kitchen. The most commonly used dishes are dumplings, sandwiches with sausage and cheese, pasta, various cereals, scrambled eggs and many other dishes that are quickly prepared. However, the preparation of light soups and potato dishes is also in use. Many students rely on food parcels that they receive from their parents. Most often these are pickles, canned food, and also preparations for full meals - already rolled cabbage rolls, formed cutlets or closed frying for borscht. Some take food from home with them for the week so as not to spend money on food in the capital. In general, students in Ukraine are divided into equal shares of those who prefer to eat at home, buying only bread and other products for every day, and some who have lunch and dinner in canteens. In this case, food for the day will cost them 20-70 hryvnia.

Student lunches around the world

Student life is one of the brightest pages in everyone’s life. After all, this is the best time to meet people, achieve your goals and party. But every coin has a second side - after all, modern students often do not have enough time to eat normal food, which leads to stomach problems and even gastritis. To protect yourself from all illnesses, a student just needs to stick to proper nutrition.

Sample diet. In the morning you need to start the body, wake it up after sleep. Therefore, it is worth making light porridge for breakfast, for example, oatmeal, or boiling buckwheat with a spoonful of salad and a piece of meat. Breakfast is the most important part of proper nutrition and should not be skipped, because eating early helps the metabolism work faster. For a student, oatmeal is the ideal breakfast, since it does not require long preparation.

How to eat healthy as a student - experts

Snack. With a proper diet, it is very important to have a snack between breakfast and lunch. For a student, ideally there would be a break between classes. At this time, you can eat fruit (for example, an apple) or a glass of kefir, or a sandwich (instead of bread - crispbread, instead of sausage - tomatoes and a piece of boiled meat).
Dinner. If you are a student who lives in a dormitory, then it is very important to eat at least once a day. For example, order soup and also salad in the dining room. That's all for lunch, don't overdo it!
Afternoon snack. Yogurt and a glass of kefir can also help. But under no circumstances should you eat fruit at this time or later.

Dinner. Should not be later than four hours before bedtime. For dinner, it is also advisable to eat a piece of boiled or baked meat or fish (for example, 200 grams), as well as a salad.

How to eat healthy as a student video

What foods should a healthy diet consist of? There are not so few products in the diet of a person who eats right. And the possibilities of its preparation are absolutely impressive.

Carbohydrates. Porridge (buckwheat, barley, oatmeal), bread. As well as fruits (except bananas and grapes) and vegetables.
Squirrels. Chicken or turkey fillet, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, kefir, eggs.
Fats. Olive oil is better for dressing salads.

Combinations of all these products will help make the menu more tasty and varied. It is better to steam, bake or boil these products. Also remember that you should eat porridge for breakfast, as it gives you energy during exercise.

It will be useful for students to know! For better brain function, it is very important to eat fish and seafood three to four times a week, as they contain omega-3 fatty acids. One slice of dark dark chocolate and walnuts (no more than 5 pieces per day) will also stimulate mental activity. Also introduce carrots into your diet, which will help your vision cope with heavy eye strain. And believe it or not, it is very, very beneficial to eat one apple every day.

Remember that if you are a student and spend a lot of time studying, then under no circumstances refuse to eat. After all, if you are hungry, your stomach will process gastric juice, which will lead to stomach pain and ulcers. Remember, eat your first course at lunch every day.

The best diet for students: 5 basic rules. Student years radically change the life of a young person, especially when a young man or girl goes to study in another city and lives in an apartment or dormitory. Student life is filled with new events, lectures, exams, acquaintances - who would think about such “nonsense” as proper nutrition?! However, the first thing you should organize at this stage of your life is a healthy and proper diet. Scientists at the University of Leeds have developed a unique guide to nutrition for new students with the aim of teaching young people not to let their bodies develop painful symptoms, as often happens in the first years of student life: from excessive fatigue to constipation and, in many cases, - even before obesity. Proper and balanced nutrition is the main component of a healthy lifestyle. 1. Forget fast food. Most students fall into the trap of cheap menus, buying food from nearby fast food establishments, which ultimately ends very sadly: among numerous health problems, there is increased fatigue and weight gain. Fast food products lack valuable nutrients and, in addition, are a real bomb of calories, fat and sugar, which are very harmful to your heart health. 2. Drink plenty of water. Being engrossed in lectures, practical classes, parties and maybe even part-time jobs, which student would think to remember to drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day? Even if you are crazy about Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks, you must learn once and for all that water is the most important drink that contributes to the good functioning of the body. If you often feel a loss of energy, this is probably due to a lack of fluid in the body, so when leaving the house, stock up on a bottle of plain water. 3. Eat fruit daily. Fresh fruits should not be missing from your diet! For example, bananas are an excellent source of potassium and vitamin B6, which are necessary for the good functioning of the nervous system, especially during very stressful periods of life. Apples are rich in fiber and vitamin C, which means they ensure good intestinal function, and wild berries, thanks to the antioxidants they contain, strengthen the immune system “by five.” Any fruit is great for a snack, and this is a much better solution than a bun and sausage bought on the nearest corner. 4. Hearty breakfast- This is the most important of all meals, it fuels you with energy for the whole day, speeds up metabolic processes in the body, which contributes to increased calorie burning during your daily activities. The best option for a hearty breakfast is a bowl of whole grain cereal with milk or low-fat yogurt, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Complex carbohydrates, found in whole grains, help the body produce serotonin, which will provide you with energy throughout the day. 5. Charge your body with magnesium. Probably the last thing on your mind during the exam period is proper nutrition, and it is during this period that your body needs vitamins and microelements more than ever, the supply of which you can replenish by diversifying your menu. If you realize this need, then fill the refrigerator with vegetables. Spinach is very rich in magnesium, so don't forget about it, especially if you're stressed; A lack of magnesium leads to increased fatigue and headaches. Also rich in magnesium are pumpkin seeds (eat them raw), almonds and beans. A study conducted at the University of Oregon showed that college students, for the most part, eat very unhealthy foods, consume little fruits and vegetables, and 30% of their calories come from foods rich in saturated fats, which are dangerous to health. A student's diet for one day.

Type of food


Calorie content


Tea with milk

Boiled egg




Premium pasta

Tea with milk

Afternoon snack

Tea with milk


Chicken's meat

Tea with milk

Wheat bread
