How to replace milk and dairy products. Plant milk is a healthy replacement for cow's milk

It's not so easy to live in modern world dairy free. Cow's milk is added to almost everything we eat. It is used to prepare first and second courses, sauces, smoothies, cheeses, not to mention everyone’s favorite desserts.

But this product is not safe for everyone. Today, more and more people are experiencing lactose intolerance ( milk sugar), as well as an allergy to cow's milk protein. Most often this concerns young children breastfeeding, whose mothers, like me, have to give up dairy products.

As my experience of communicating with mothers who have similar problems has shown, many basically resign themselves to fate and try to wait until the child outgrows the allergy.

So what can you replace dairy products with if you are allergic to cow's milk protein, lactase deficiency and breastfeeding? As it turned out, very few people know about the existence worthy replacement usual milk – plant milk.

This is exactly what I want to talk about. I draw your attention to the fact that the alternative is plant milk, not goat milk! According to statistics, if you or your child has a body reaction to cow protein, then there is a 90% chance that you will also react to a goat! Although almost all articles on alternative dairy products on the Internet present goat’s milk as a safe substitute, this is far from the case.

And one more moment. You may have come across lactose-free milk on store shelves - Lacto free, No lactose, law lactose, etc. So, you also need to be careful with such milk. In addition to lactose intolerance, you or your child may be allergic to cow's milk protein, which has not disappeared from its lactose-free counterpart. Therefore, you should not rush to drink liters of it; it is better to introduce it gradually, like any new food.

I don’t know about you, but I just recently learned that homeopathy is milk sugar, which means the same lactose to which my child has a reaction. I could not understand where the symptoms came from again when I was treated with oscillococcinum. And only later I read that it was milk sugar.

So, back to plant milk.

There are many types of plant milk - coconut, almond, soy, oat, rice, poppy seed, etc.

Its consistency is similar to cow's, which means it can be successfully used in cooking.

It is worth noting that plant milk is quite healthy and contains a lot of vitamins and microelements that are well absorbed by our body. There is no animal protein in it, the “cow” that gives plant milk was not injected with antibiotics and was not fed with anything unknown.

But I would not like to dwell in detail on the benefits or harms of such milk. My goal is to help you make your diet more varied and tasty despite a dairy-free diet. If your main goal is healthy image life, you are already on the right path.

What dishes can be prepared from or based on plant milk? – any! Any of those that you are used to eating. The fact is that the consistency of plant milk is similar to cow’s milk, which means it is suitable for any experiments and familiar dishes.

I often use oat milk. I add it to pancake batter. It turns out very tasty, no difference from pancakes made with cow's milk. But the difference with pancakes on the water is colossal! I use coconut oil instead of butter.

Shortbread. In my version, it contains a little milk and vegetable oil, instead of creamy. Recently I managed to make cookies like in McCafe with coconut cream.

Omelette. We do the same as always, only add oat milk instead of regular milk.

Made with coconut and almond milk excellent porridge, smoothies, homemade ice cream. It can be added to coffee, cocoa and even whipped for cappuccino.

They even make yoghurts and cottage cheese based on this milk! Yes, yes, read it again J If you have long dreamed of yogurt, then it is quite possible to realize it. In specialized vegan stores or on you can buy dairy-free yogurt (I’ll omit the price, if you really want it, you can buy it) or a starter for plant-based milk and make it yourself! Stay tuned to my blog, I will share the recipe with you very soon!

Where to buy plant milk?

This type of milk is now produced by many different companies. It can be purchased at specialized stores, such as Diet, Jagannath, Shop Indian spices, Vkusvill, etc., as well as in ordinary ones. For example, coconut, soy, rice and oatmeal can be bought in Auchan. But it’s worth paying attention to the composition! IN store-bought milk a very low percentage of the raw materials from which it is made, a lot of water and foreign additives and flavors are present. If you or your child are sensitive to food, it makes sense to introduce this milk into the diet carefully.

In addition, store-bought plant milk has another significant drawback - price. So, in Auchan, coconut milk costs from 92-140 rubles, rice milk about 160 rubles, in Jagannath coconut costs about 300 rubles. I don’t remember the exact prices, but the picture is roughly clear.

Unlike cow's milk, plant milk can be made at home yourself. The price difference is quite significant. For example, 1 coconut costs about 50 rubles. You can make more than 500 ml of milk from it at home, coconut flakes, cream and coconut water.

Stay tuned for the blog, I will share all the recipes with you soon! Let's live deliciously despite the restrictions!

Milk contains almost everything nutrients, necessary for a person for life, and they are very well absorbed. Is a good source of easily digestible calcium, thanks to correct proportion between it and phosphorus (1 to 1). Contained in milk squirrels They are also easily digestible and have an almost model composition, containing all the essential amino acids.

Microelements found in milk: magnesium (regulates nervous system), potassium (supports muscles), zinc (strengthens the immune system) and calcium. Milk is a good source of vitamin A (essential for vision), vitamin D (promotes calcium absorption), B vitamins (involved in the production of hormones and enzymes) and vitamin E (protects against free radicals).

Fermented dairy products will replace milk

pay attention to reduced fat dairy products, but not low-fat, because calcium from such products is less absorbed due to the lower vitamin D content.

Choose natural yoghurts no artificial colors, preservatives, sugar. Remember that kefir contains some less calcium than yogurt. But, thanks to the content of living bacterial cultures, it has a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract and improves the mechanisms of calcium and phosphorus absorption.

Plant-Based Alternative for Milk

Apart from soy milk, other milk drinks are available in the market e.g. coconut milk(obtained from freshly squeezed coconut pulp), corn milk (from corn syrup), rice milk (product brown rice), buckwheat milk (from buckwheat and soybeans).

Their advantage is that they can be drunk by people who are allergic to cow's milk protein. Their disadvantage is that they contain little (coconut, buckwheat) or no (corn, rice) calcium.

Therefore, replacing cow's milk, we should choose plant-based milks that are fortified with vitamins and minerals.

Try goat milk

Great alternative cow's milk– goat milk and cheese and fermented drinks made from it. This milk contains even more calcium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins than milk from a cow, and is better absorbed.

Goat's milk is less likely to cause allergies than cow's milk, so some allergy sufferers may drink it instead of cow's milk. The disadvantage of products from goat milk is a high price.

Cheese instead of milk

Among dairy products rich in calcium, you should pay attention to yellow cheeses, which contain 6-10 times more calcium than cottage cheese. This difference is a consequence of other technological processes used in cheese production.

However, due to high calorie content and high content of saturated fatty acids, yellow cheeses should only be eaten occasionally. This is especially true for people who are overweight and have high cholesterol levels.

Soy instead of milk

Milk obtained from soybeans contains a lot of calcium, lecithin, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, protein, vitamin E and B vitamins. It has no cholesterol, but is high in calories.

It's best to choose milk drink without flavoring additives, enriched with calcium. Good source Calcium and protein is tofu cheese made from soy milk.

Moderation should be observed when consuming soy milk and its products. You should not often take meals consisting of soy, meat and eggs, because these are real “protein bombs”. Toxicity value ½ kg soy flour corresponds to the value of 27 eggs or 1.25 kg of beef.

Milk and soy cheese can cause allergies, and long-term use can cause problems with the thyroid gland.

Add sardines and vegetables to your shopping list

Eat at least 2 times a week a can of sardines in oil or tomatoes along with the skeleton, because they contain a lot of calcium. A lot of this element is also found in dark green vegetables (spinach, cabbage, broccoli, parsley), legumes (soybeans, beans, peas), chocolate, and nuts.

Unfortunately, calcium from plant products is absorbed only by 10-13%, while from dairy by 30%. In addition, some products (spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, beets, radishes), in addition to calcium, contain oxalates, which bind calcium and prevent its absorption; for example, the body receives only 1% calcium from spinach.

Almond milk. The sweet makes an excellent substitute for cow's milk. Almonds must first be soaked for several hours in boiled water, then drain the water, pour into a blender and grind with the addition of water in a ratio of 1:3. This drink contains large amounts of calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, potassium and manganese in bioavailable forms. Almond milk is perfect for making smoothies and milkshakes, desserts and cold milk soups.

Goat milk. If you are allergic to milk (lactose), it is recommended to drink goat's milk. However, it has a slightly salty taste, which may not be to everyone's taste. Goat's milk in its own way useful qualities in no way inferior to cow's. Recent research in the field of nutrition shows that drinking goat's milk is beneficial for both children and adults. And the clot that forms in the stomach when digesting goat's milk is much less dense than when drinking cow's milk, which makes it easier to process by digestive enzymes.

Soy milk. Products based on have long been in demand among amateurs proper nutrition and vegans. Soy milk is not as widespread as, for example, soy meat. However, due to its beneficial qualities soy milk is in no way inferior to other soy products. Soy milk contains valuable soy protein, which contains all eight essential amino acids. Many varieties are additionally fortified with calcium and vitamin B12, which are also found in cow's milk. Soy milk is easily absorbed by the body. Scientists claim that daily use Just 25 g of soy will significantly reduce the risk of cancer.

Rice milk. Milk obtained from some varieties of brown milk is rich in fiber, which lowers cholesterol levels in the body and keeps blood sugar levels constant. Rice milk contains as much calcium and vitamins as cow's milk, but it is not as fatty. Rice milk, which can be bought in hypermarkets today, is often fortified with calcium and vitamins A and D, so it is especially useful for strengthening bones.

Potato broth. Ideal for replacing milk in yeast dough. You just need to boil three or four small potatoes, pour the broth into a container, and crush the potatoes. The resulting puree should be added to the container with the broth and mixed well. You need to replace milk in a 1:1 ratio. Housewives say that yeast dough really “loves” potato broth.

Water. Yes, no matter how it sounds, plain water may be a suitable substitute for milk in a recipe. The dish will definitely be less high in calories and fat. This option is especially suitable for hot dish recipes. Don't pour milk over the meat, add water and you won't lose anything. Of course, meat stewed in milk turns out to be a little more tender and has a different aroma. But by simply replacing the fluid, you can avoid many unnecessary calories.

Experiment, and you will definitely find your own recipes for delicious and healthy dishes!”

This dilemma has long been discussed (as in other matters and how to live without meat between vegetarians and non-vegetarians). Non-supporters argue that you can't live without dairy, because only it contains microelements and nutritional properties so necessary for our body... I wonder what it is. So, what is milk and cottage cheese rich in, and what benefits can it give to a person:

  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Protein (as casein, albumin, globulin)
  • B vitamins

At the same time, vegans insist that dairy products are not characteristic of the human body (they are intended for small newborn calves) and therefore they are more likely to harm us by causing putrefactive processes in the body and loading it with toxins.

Basic useful microelements milk- it's still calcium and protein. Now about calcium...

Where can a raw foodist or vegan get calcium?

Not so long ago, everyone believed that the best supplier of calcium to the human body were food products such as milk and cheese. However, some scientists and studies already say that milk contains calcium that human body is absorbed extremely poorly, since it is unusual for him. Not only does the body need to consume a lot of energy to absorb it, but it also requires using up its own already accumulated supply of calcium.

A industrial cheeses can hardly be called useful product- after all, they give in for a very long time heat treatments(killing most of them, perhaps useful elements), their fat content is off the charts - 40-50% and higher, they are often oversalted and naturally there is no escape from artificial colors and preservatives in order to prolong the life of such products. Accordingly, and undoubtedly much more beneficial for health, is to obtain calcium from more natural and natural products such as poppy seeds, sesame seeds, different nuts and seeds. A large number of Calcium appears to be found in vegetables, fruits and berries: cabbage, celery, grapes, apricots, currants, as well as in greens such as parsley.

But let's say that even if milk contains "normal" calcium, how does its level compare to other foods?

Calcium content in products (mg per 100 g)

  • Cow's milk – 120
  • Cottage cheese – 95
  • Poppy 1667
  • Sesame 1474
  • Wheat bran 950
  • Sunflower, seed 367
  • Almond 273
  • Parsley 245
  • Dried figs 144
  • Cabbage 135
  • Raisins (quiche-mish) 80
  • Dates 65
  • Celery (root) 63
  • Oranges 40

Proper absorption of calcium

Many microelements and vitamins are characterized by the ability to be fully absorbed by the body only in the presence of other microelements/vitamins. Calcium is no exception, so in order for calcium to be absorbed into the body, the following microelements must also be supplied at the same time: potassium (twice as much calcium); phosphorus (1.5 times more), magnesium. The following vitamins are needed for the absorption of calcium: A, D, E, C, B vitamins (), fatty amino acids. Naturally, it is very difficult for a person to balance just like that, but nature took care of us and created necessary balance which is found precisely in living plant products.

So, as you can see from the list, dairy products for getting calcium are absolutely not a panacea. You can also nibble on cabbage... But of course, this is not very inspiring for breakfast... Therefore, you can prepare a vegan-raw food alternative - nut milk or.

In order to deprive milk of all its shortcomings, namely, to make it hypoallergenic, lactose-free and not offensive to the self-consciousness of cows and other “dairy” animals, it will be necessary to completely change its essence. Transform an animal product into a plant product. Yes, it will be a completely different drink, but who said it will be bad? All over the world people have been drinking plant-based milk for thousands of years.

Soy milk

This is not milk, of course, but a drink made from soybeans. They are soaked, ground, heated, and then passed through a filter. Cheap, accessible and most popular substitute traditional milk. The taste, of course, is specific, but the nutritional properties are very similar. There is more protein, although vegetable, and iron than in cow protein, less fat, no cholesterol and lactose at all. The disadvantages are that there is little calcium and B vitamins, especially B12.

Soy milk is sold in packets or powder form, often fortified with vitamins and minerals. There are “improved options” - with chocolate, vanilla, syrups or spices. Stored in glass bottles a week, in plastic - 2 days. Choose packages that say “non-GMO.”

Why drink? Recommended for allergies, lactose intolerance and iron deficiency anemia. In addition, soy contains phytoestrogens, which reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, so the product can be useful for problems with the heart and blood vessels. As for use, feel free to replace milk with it traditional recipes. Fly at least mashed potatoes, even in pasta sauce. Ready meals will have an unobtrusive nutty flavor.

Rice milk

Milk made from cereals is also successful. Oats, rye, wheat - whatever it is made from. The most popular variant of grain milk is made from rice and is traditionally drunk in Asian countries, primarily China and Japan.

Rice milk is usually made from brown rice, less often from white, refined rice. The taste is delicate, sweetish - natural sweetness appears during the fermentation process, when carbohydrates break down into simple sugars.

Compared to cow's milk, rice milk has a lot of carbohydrates, B vitamins and some fiber. It is low-fat and the most hypoallergenic of all milk substitutes. There are also disadvantages - lack of proteins and calcium. Why drink? The Chinese and Japanese have been drinking rice milk for thousands of years, as a tradition. Europeans drink it out of curiosity, in the wake of interest in oriental cuisine, plus in cases of reaction to cow's milk. Due to its fiber and carbohydrate content, this drink saturates well and improves digestion. It is drunk both on its own and added to desserts.

Milk: pros and cons

An excellent source of protein.

  • Contains calcium necessary for strong bones. Calcium from milk is well absorbed because it comes with vitamin D and lactose.
  • Milk contains magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D and B12.
  • It is a product of animal origin and, accordingly, contains cholesterol and saturated fats.

Often causes allergies.

  • Many adults do not produce the enzymes necessary to digest the milk sugar lactose. Lactose intolerance causes digestive problems.
  • May contain antibiotics and hormones used to treat cows.

Almond milk

Another source of milk rivers is nuts: walnuts, peanuts, cashews and, of course, almonds. General principle The preparation is the same - chop, add water, let it brew, strain. Almond milk was especially popular in the Middle Ages. Firstly, it was the main product for fasting people, and secondly, it was stored longer than cow meat.

Main feature almond milk- it contains a lot of protein and calcium. From this point of view it is almost like a cow's! It also contains magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E, B6. Why drink? Combination of magnesium + calcium + vitamin B6 - perfect formula to strengthen bones. A glass of almond milk covers a third daily requirement human calcium. Vitamins A and E protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation; in addition, they are well-known antioxidants that rejuvenate the body as a whole. Potassium is needed to keep the heart beating smoothly and to keep your nerves calm.

Smoothies, cocktails, desserts, and soups are prepared using almond milk. True, the recipe often requires the use of roasted almonds. This way, of course, it tastes better, but, alas, there are fewer benefits. Raw foodists are probably right about something.

Coconut milk

Inside everyone coconut liquid splashes - but it’s not milk, but coconut water. Tasty, rich in vitamins, suitable for use in cooking and giving a refreshing effect in the heat. Coconut milk is made from coconut pulp - it is crushed, for example, using a grater, mixed with water, and then squeezed. The consistency depends on the proportions - the less water, the thicker the drink. The thick one is used for making sauces and desserts, the liquid one for soups.

Why drink? Coconut milk is quite high in calories - up to 17% fat, and contains a lot of B vitamins. Ayurvedic tradition suggests that the drink helps with dehydration, loss of strength and skin diseases. You can drink it for stomach problems - recent studies have shown that coconuts also have a weak antibacterial effect.

...unless it's birdlike

In general, milk is not distilled except from a stool. Hemp, for example, makes an excellent drink. It does not have a narcotic effect, but it contains an excess of Omega-3 and Omega-6 unsaturated acids, valuable microelements such as magnesium, 10 essential amino acids, and hemp proteins are better absorbed than soy proteins. Sesame milk - great source calcium. Milk of the poppy contains even more calcium. Pumpkin seeds easily turn into a nutritional substance that supplies the body with iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium, which has the most beneficial effect on the ability to think and not get sick even in the midst of a flu epidemic. Oat milk- from flakes, or better yet whole, unrefined oat grains - a source of valuable dietary fiber, removing “bad” cholesterol from the body.

The general principle of preparing plant-based milk is simple. Nuts and seeds are washed, soaked for several hours, crushed and mixed with water in a blender in a ratio of 1: 3. Then the mass must be squeezed out. You can add something interesting to the drink: spices, fruits, sweeteners, syrups, poppy seeds, coconut flakes, rose water - in a word, everything that matches your ideas about beauty.

Get yourself a soy cow
Previously, soy milk was made for a long time and by hand - the beans had to be ground, the flour had to be boiled and filtered... Special combines - soy cows - simplify and speed up the process. The unit looks like a kettle; its main functions are to grind and heat. It takes 100 g of soybeans to make a liter of milk. Time - 20 minutes. In countries where soy milk is traditionally used in cooking, primarily in China, soy cows are found in almost every home. Some models can be used to make nut and rice milks.