What is Philadelphia cheese made of? Exquisite taste of Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia cheese is a creamy variety that does not require ripening. The modern technology for producing this product is as follows: first, the milk is pasteurized, and then it is cooled and combined with the starter. The process of forming curd flakes lasts approximately 20 hours. The next step is getting rid of the whey. Next, the remaining ingredients according to the recipe are added to the cheese. That's it, the cheese is ready for packaging.

There are several varieties of Philadelphia cheese that differ in the amount of fat:

  • classic – 69%;
  • light – 12%;
  • very light – 5%.

To diversify the taste of the final product, manufacturers use various herbs, vegetables, fruits, spices and berries. Philadelphia cheese has a dense, but at the same time quite plastic consistency (see photo). In addition, the distinctive features of this product are its smooth surface with a slight oiliness.

Selecting and storing cream cheese

When choosing, pay attention to the composition so that there are no preservatives or other harmful substances.

Thanks to special production technology, Philadelphia cheese has a fairly long shelf life - approximately 4 months. If you have opened the package with the product, the cream cheese should be stored in cling film in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Beneficial features

The benefits of Philadelphia cheese are due to its rich composition of minerals and vitamins. This product contains choline, which normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood and increases the protective functions of cell membranes. Philadelphia cheese contains large amounts of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. This product contains phosphorus and calcium, which strengthen bones, nails and teeth. Philadelphia cheese has a beneficial effect on brain activity.

Use in cooking

Philadelphia cheese is very popular in many cuisines around the world. The delicate consistency allows this product to be used for making sauces and creams. This cheese is included in the recipes of numerous desserts and in sushi, which has been quite popular lately. In addition, Philadelphia is included in the recipes of cream soups and various cocktails. Soft cheese is also used to make snacks and sandwiches. It can also serve as butter in baking.

How to cook at home?

If you don't trust the quality of a store-bought product, it's very easy to make Philadelphia cheese at home. To do this, you need to take 1 liter of milk, 0.5 liters of kefir, a chicken egg, a little citric acid and 1 teaspoon each of salt and sugar. Heat the milk over medium heat, stirring it constantly. After this, you need to add salt, sugar and bring the liquid to a boil. Next, add kefir and continue stirring until the mixture begins to curdle. The next step is to remove the whey using gauze, in which you need to place the cheese and hang it for 20 minutes. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and citric acid until smooth. Then combine the resulting mass with cottage cheese, and beat thoroughly again until fluffy. That's it, Philadelphia cheese is ready.

What can you substitute for Philadelphia cheese?

Sometimes it is not possible to buy or prepare Philadelphia cheese, but do not be upset, as it can be replaced. Since this is cream cheese, you can use any other option instead. Only in this case you need to choose soft and delicate cheese without any additives. Many people use unsalted cheese as an alternative, for example, for making rolls and sushi.

If you want to make dessert or baked goods, you can use cream cheese instead of Philadelphia, for example, "Viola". Some housewives mix similar cheeses with regular cottage cheese and claim that such a mixture is almost as good as the original Philadelphia cheese.

Harmful effects of Philadelphia cheese and contraindications

Philadelphia cheese can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. Fatty varieties are not recommended for use in case of obesity and atherosclerosis. People with high cholesterol levels should limit the amount of Philadelphia cheese. Contraindications to consuming Philadelphia cheese include problems with the urinary system and hyperalcemia.

Philadelphia (Philadelphia) is a cream cheese invented in America in 1872 in the city of Chester by milkman William Lawrence and named after the city famous for its quality food. A distinctive feature of Philadelphia cream cheese is that its preparation does not require ripening or infusion, which at one time made it a revolutionary and cheap product to prepare. William Lawrence, when preparing soft Philadelphia cream cheese, tried to imitate French cheese, because France at that time was the most advanced country in the field of cheese making. Focusing on the best versions of expensive French cheeses, William Lawrence created a cheap and original American product.

A little later, the rights to produce soft Philadelphia cheese were acquired by the Kraft cheese company and its owner James Craft was able to pasteurize it, and it was in this form that Philadelphia cream cheese was used in the first New York Cheesecake - a pie that later gained worldwide fame and became one of the symbols New York. Nowadays Cheesecake is prepared using various ingredients, even finding a replacement for Philadelphia cream cheese, but it is with soft Philadelphia cream cheese that the Cheesecake turns out the most delicious.

Philadelphia cheese is a type of cream cheese with a soft and delicate taste, made from milk and cream. Analogues of Philadelphia cheese among cream cheeses include Mascarpone and Boursin cheese.

Composition of Philadelphia cheese

  • fresh pasteurized and skim milk;
  • milk fat;
  • salt;
  • whey protein concentrate;
  • cheese cultures;
  • preservatives and stabilizers.

Philadelphia cheese making technology

  1. milk is pasteurized;
  2. the milk is homogenized;
  3. the milk is cooled;
  4. milk is heated;
  5. Sourdough is added to the milk and a curd of cheese with whey is obtained;
  6. the whey is separated from the cheese mass;
  7. Salt, stabilizers, preservatives and flavorings are added to the cheese mass.

The benefits of Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia soft cream cheese is a dairy product that has most of the beneficial properties of milk, since the natural milk in it is minimally processed. Soft Philadelphia cheese contains vitamins A, B (1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 12), K, PP, E, beta-carotene, choline. Philadelphia cheese is rich in macro- and microelements, including copper, selenium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, calcium, and potassium.

The benefit of soft Philadelphia cream cheese is that it is very nutritious; a person receives from it most of the substances necessary for the functioning of the body: minerals, vitamins, amino acids, proteins. The result of moderate consumption of Philadelphia cheese will be a general strengthening of the body, strengthening of the immune system, and a surge of strength and energy.

The dangers of Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia soft cream cheese is still a very fatty product, its calorie content is 253 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Excessive consumption of it can create additional stress on the body, leading to obesity and all the ensuing consequences. Philadelphia cheese may be contraindicated in people with lactose intolerance and certain kidney diseases that prohibit the consumption of milk.

What can you substitute for Philadelphia cheese?

There are several options for food products such as Philadelphia cheese that can be used to replace it in culinary dishes. As a rule, it is better to replace soft Philadelphia cheese with other creamy cheeses like Mascarpone cheese. But besides this, in some cases, curd cheeses for baking are suitable as a replacement.

You can try mixing one of the cheeses "Almette", "President", "Viola" with cottage cheese in a 1:1 ratio, it should taste something like Philadelphia cheese. You can also try replacing Philadelphia cheese with a mixture of full-fat cottage cheese and heavy cream or sour cream.

You can, of course, try to replace soft creamy Philadelphia cheese with food products of similar taste, but to obtain the original taste of the dishes, it is recommended to follow the recipe strictly and use only Philadelphia cheese if it is specified in the recipe.

1. Appearance

2. What is the situation with fat content?

3. Reviews

4. Price.

The original Philadelphia cream cheese, the price of which is acceptable for many consumer categories, is a soft cheese that is ready to eat straight from the counter, since it does not require ripening. Thanks to its airy structure, indescribable taste and unique ability to combine with almost any product, it is extremely popular in many countries around the world, including our country.

Unfortunately, since 2013, cheese supplies to Russia have been temporarily suspended due to sanctions restrictions. Therefore, a number of lovers of this product are looking for a worthy alternative. Finding it is difficult, but real. However, only the original Philadelphia cheese has exclusively positive reviews, which once again emphasizes the uniqueness of this variety.

According to historical data, cream cheese first appeared in the 17th century - in France. Later it spread to England, and after about a hundred years it came to the territory of the United States. It was here that a cheese based on milk and cream, excellent in taste and healthiness, was invented, calling it Philadelphia - in honor of the city where it was first produced.

What does Philadelphia cheese look like?

The appearance of Philadelphia will be clearly demonstrated photo . It can be seen that the product resembles regular butter. At the same time, its shade is lighter, its structure is creamy and airy. When you eat this cheese, you feel it literally melt in your mouth.

As for the consistency, it is dense. But this does not make the cheese hard - on the contrary, it is very soft and plastic. Today there are many varieties of this product. The classic one is the one described above. Philadelphia curd cheese can contain various fillers, which are designed to significantly expand its taste and aroma. We are talking about additives such as:

· spices, in particular herbs;

· sauces;

· berries;

· fruits;

· vegetables.

The presence of additional components causes not only a change in the appearance of the cheese, but also its energy value.

Fat content of Philadelphia cheese

Many types of cheeses are dietary products. This is due to their low calorie content. The same applies to this variety. It also contains a relatively small amount of calories. Accordingly, it is recommended to be used by people who take care of their figure and health.

It should be remembered that Philadelphia cheese is made from milk and cream. This significantly increases the percentage of fat content in the product. The fat content of the classic Philadelphia cheese is 69%. This product is not suitable for everyone. Increased fat content is the ability to accumulate fat deposits in the body, resulting in weight gain.

Therefore, the Philadelphia cheese manufacturer offers customers low-fat options. The percentage of fat in them is significantly reduced. There is a light option - this is 15 percent fat, and a very light one - no more than 5%.

Reviews of Philadelphia cheese

Reviews about this product are overwhelmingly positive. People note the unusual taste for cheese - slightly sweet, melting in the mouth, leaving no aftertaste. Thanks to its plastic structure, the cheese is easy to cut, spread, etc.

Positive reviews are also due to the fact that this cheese can be stored for quite a long time. People, first of all, are interested in how much Philadelphia cheese costs, but they forget how and how long it can be stored.

When sealed, the product is stored for the period specified by the manufacturer on the packaging. It is strictly not recommended to eat expired cheese, as this can lead to poisoning and other disorders of digestion and the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract - do not forget that the product is based on dairy components.

Opened packaging can be stored for a week. To do this, it must be placed in the refrigerator, for example, on the bottom or middle shelf, but not frozen. To eliminate any possible troubles, it is advisable to wrap the packaging tightly with special cling film. If you don’t have one, a regular plastic bag will do, but it must be clean.

Negative reviews are mainly related not only to the fact that the price of Philadelphia cream cheese is quite high, but also to the fact that it contains various plasticizers and stabilizers, which determine the special structure of the cheese and extend its shelf life. In defense of the manufacturers, we can say that all these additives are completely safe for the human body, and there are no harmful preservatives and never have been.

Philadelphia cheese price

How much does Philadelphia cheese cost? This is a question that interests everyone who wants to prepare a dish at home that requires this ingredient, for example, rolls of the same name. In fact, this cheese does not belong to the cheap category. For a small package you will have to shell out a lot of money.

But there is one thing - this is a sanctioned product, that is, it cannot be purchased in Russian stores, because it is simply not there now. Therefore, the question of how much Philadelphia costs smoothly flows into more pressing questions - what is the price of optimal analogues?

We suggest paying attention to high-quality cream and curd cheeses, presented in a wide range on. We offer only the most optimal alternative options that can effectively replace Philadelphia cream cheese without compromising the prepared dish.

The range includes:

· cream cheese for rolls Violette - 400 gram package of a tasty and nutritious product, with a fat content of 60 percent;

· curd cheese for rolls Hochland - characterized by a pleasant sweetish-sour taste and homogeneous, soft consistency. It is actively used for making rolls, as it goes well with sea fish;

Cremette curd cheese - an impressive two-kilogram package of true pleasure. A great alternative to Philadelphia cheese. Ideal for making rolls, as it has a plastic, soft structure and goes well with the taste of fish.

Read the article

The well-known and beloved Philadelphia cheese is found in many recipes: in sushi, creamy mousses and cheesecakes. The product itself belongs to soft cream cheeses. There is nothing to say about its qualities - the unobtrusive taste with a creamy tint is warmly loved by admirers of gastronomic delights. However, “Philadelphia” is not a variety, but a brand of the company that produces this product – Kraft Foods.

History of Philadelphia Cream Cheese

As historical facts tell us, soft cheese with a similar composition was popular and widely used already in the 17th century in the country of gourmets - France.

In the next century, it won its audience among the prim British, and by the beginning of the 20th century, the production of this delicacy passed into the hands of the Americans. “Philadelphia” was created as a result of a gastronomic experiment by the American William Lawrence, who wanted to expose the recipe for French Neuchatel cheese. The result will be a new species unknown to Europeans, and an enterprising American farmer began mass production of this delicacy.

Of course, the Philadelphia Cheese Corporation was bought out many times. Today it is in the hands of the huge Kraft Foods concern.

Philadelphia cheese: composition

As you know, soft varieties of cheeses do not ripen and are prepared much easier and faster. The peculiarity of Laurence cheese lies not in the method of preparation, but in its composition: premium milk is mixed with a variety of starters and thick cream. This combination creates a delicate, unobtrusive taste.

The process of its preparation is as follows:

  • milk is pasteurized over low heat;
  • after heating, the milk mixture is cooled;
  • fermented milk starters are added to cold raw materials;
  • leave for a day;
  • put under a press to drain the liquid;
  • add salt and other spices;
  • packaged and packaged.

The calorie content of the final product is 342 kcal per pack, that is, per 100 grams. However, in
In Philadelphia cheese, the calorie content also depends on the fat content. Today on store shelves you can find more than a wide range of it: from thick 69% to light with only 5% fat.

The consistency of this type of cheese is soft, but thick - it definitely won’t spread over the dish. In appearance it most closely resembles oil. Additional flavor notes are created by various spices and mixtures of herbs, which are provided for in the manufacturer’s recipe.

Of course, the composition additionally includes stabilizers and thickeners.

However, Kraft Foods warns that all ingredients are natural and there are no preservatives in the cheese. It is the pasteurization of the milk mixture that allows the product to be stored for a very long time - 4 months. However, it is worth remembering that this shelf life is only valid for sealed packaging. An open box should be consumed within a week, and the product itself should be additionally wrapped in film.

Where is it used?

Although this delicacy originated in America, today it is included in the recipes of many dishes in both Europe and Asia. Moreover, some well-known ingredients in national dishes were replaced with “Philadelphia” (as we see in sushi). Today it is indispensable in most confectionery products: cakes, cheesecakes, cakes and desserts. It is an absolutely integral part of Japanese rolls.

Chefs are increasingly using it in salads and gravies, desserts and cream soups.

Its distinctive feature is that even when heated, the cheese retains its taste, which means it is ideally suited for baking and confectionery.

And its soft texture allows it to be used in buffet dishes, sandwiches and sandwiches.

How to replace Philadelphia cheese

Although cream cheese is more than delicious, this delicacy is not cheap. Especially if you are going to cook cheesecake or sushi for a large company. And not every store has it, and going to a shopping center is not always convenient. Therefore, it is worth choosing a more affordable substitute.

In terms of consistency and composition, Mascarpone is best suited. However, the prices for it are even higher than for Philadelphia. Therefore, enterprising housewives often use any other soft cheese, for example, Bucco or Almette. But there are other substitutes. It all depends on what exactly you are going to cook.

First of all, let us remind you that this element of a gourmet kitchen should be replaced with an equivalent one, and
namely, for any other soft variety of cream cheese. But it is worth remembering that in addition to the consistency (thick, soft and viscous), there is also the taste of the product. Therefore, you should not use ordinary “Yantar”, “Korovka” or other processed cheeses. They have a completely different taste, which means they will not give the expected flavor note.

You can put softened Feta or Fetaki cheese in the rolls. Also add crushed cheese and mixed with sauce or sour cream (but not salted).

Baking is a little easier. Any other cream cheese mixed with cottage cheese is often added there. However, cottage cheese should be fatty and coarse-grained.

Particularly persistent cooks use a mixture of fatty homemade cottage cheese and sour cream, whipping them with a blender.

If you prepare the cottage cheese correctly and the mass comes out homogeneous, it will be as similar as possible to Philadelphia. You can also replace sour cream with heavy cream. After all, they are the ingredients of the original product. But this composition is only good for confectionery - it is not used in sushi.

Homemade Philadelphia Cheese Recipes

You can look for a store-bought substitute, or you can try making Philadelphia at home.

So, the cooking method:

  • take 3 liters of homemade fat milk;
  • a package of starter (can be regular) and enzyme (can be special for Philadelphia);
  • Heat the milk over low heat until it boils;
  • leave to cool;
  • into the baked milk, which is still warm, but not hot, add a packet of enzyme and starter and stir;
  • leave for half a day to thicken;
  • after the specified time, a slightly thick mass will be obtained;
  • pour it into a thick cloth or fine gauze folded many times;
  • hang to separate the cheese from the whey - the mass should drain for about two hours;
  • then we put it still in the cloth in a container and put it under a press in the refrigerator;
  • after 3 hours, take it out and transfer the mass to a container;
  • add salt to taste and stir;
  • ready!

Another budget recipe for making Philadelphia cheese at home has a slightly different composition of ingredients.

You will need:

  • half a kilo of cottage cheese - you can have fat, you can have low-fat, but the fat version is more viscous. However, if the cottage cheese is homemade, check that it does not have a specific smell, as this will affect the dish;
  • 200 g glass of sour cream with a high fat content (from 20%);
  • Cream, 200 ml – also fat (at least 30%);
  • salt to taste.

The preparation method is very simple: all ingredients are whipped at high speed until thick. You can add salt and pepper or add herbs/herbs. Stir and leave for a day. Then we put it in the refrigerator for several hours and the delicacy is ready!

The world-famous Philadelphia cheese is added to baked goods, sushi and rolls, and salads. There are budget analogues of cream cheese that can be used to replace it without spoiling the taste of the dish.

How to replace Philadelphia cheese in rolls, cheesecake, sushi

Philadelphia is a creamy cheese with a delicious taste. Classic Philadelphia has a plastic, dense consistency, salty taste and low fat content - 24%. There is also a light dietary option - cheese with a fat content of 5%. The composition of the product is distinguished by a variety of vitamins and minerals. It is successfully used in the manufacture of many sauces, desserts, and snacks.


You can use various cream cheeses, but the most successful substitute is Mascarpone. This type of cheese is fatty, unsalted and has a consistency similar to cream. It is made from cow's cream with the addition of citric acid or white wine vinegar to initiate the curdling process. Its fat content is 75%, and its calorie content is over 400 kcal. It goes well with seafood and fish, and is great for making tiramisu and various sauces.

What are the differences?

If you know how they differ from each other, you can determine which one is better to use in different dishes.

  1. Mascarpone's homeland is Italy, and Philadelphia's is the USA.
  2. Age difference: Mascarpone is 300 years older.
  3. Philadelphia's fat content is lower.
  4. Mascarpone is more expensive.
  5. Mascarpone is included in tiramisu cake. This dessert is not baked. But to make cheesecake you need an option that doesn’t melt.

Mascarpone is produced by different manufacturers, who set their own prices for it. Philadelphia is a trademark, so the price does not change, regardless of the place of production.

How to make Mascarpone at home

It’s easy to make it yourself from lemon juice (2 tablespoons) and full-fat sour cream (400 g):

  1. Place sour cream in a saucepan, heat without boiling, add lemon juice.
  2. When the process of curdling the mass is completed, place gauze folded in several layers on the bottom of the colander and discard the cooled mixture through it.
  3. Place the cheese mixture and place in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

To prepare a tender and delicious spreadable Mascarpone, the heavy cream is heated in a water bath. To start the curdling process, add wine vinegar or lemon juice. Then the mass is cooled, placed in fabric bags and hung.

How to cook Mascarpone - video


To make cold cheesecake, use Boursin cheese. It has 40% fat, which makes it a bit of a poor substitute for people watching their calories. There is Boursin with low fat content (21%). This light version of Boursin is a completely adequate replacement. The cheese is salty, but its taste is delicate.

For hot cheesecakes, use unsalted cheese (55% fat content), tofu (1.5–4% fat content), and ricotta (13% fat content). Softer, more delicate varieties should not be put in the oven. Cheesecake is prepared in one of two ways:

  • hot - baked in an oven in a water bath;
  • cold (no baking) - the dish holds its shape thanks to the addition of gelatin to the mixture.

Budget substitutes

The most budget-friendly replacement options are Cremette (65% fat content, creamy and slightly salty taste), Buko (25% fat content, salty taste). They can be used for rolls, sushi, creams, canapes and other culinary delights that require the presence of Philadelphia.

The most unsuccessful replacement options are melted varieties “Druzhba”, “Viola”, “Violett”. But if you combine them with cottage cheese in a 1:1 ratio, it will be better.

How to cook Philadelphia at home

In substitutes, not only calories and taste are important, but also consistency. It should be soft, tender, creamy or curd-like.

You can prepare an analogue at home. To do this, fatty, non-acidic cottage cheese is whipped with 20% cream. This option is suitable for cold cheesecakes.

Another option is from yogurt and sour cream:

  1. Place a colander in a saucepan to collect liquid. Place gauze in it, folded in several layers. Another material through which excess liquid will drain is also suitable.
  2. Add yogurt (500 ml), sour cream with a fat content of at least 25% (or cream with a fat content of 30%) and add salt to taste.
  3. Mix everything well and cover tightly with a lid.
  4. To remove excess liquid, the mass is placed in the refrigerator under pressure. After 12 hours the product will be ready.

Philadelphia at home - video

Mascarpone is not suitable for cheesecake. I make it with Iranian cream cheese. as a last resort, you can use Violet Karat cream cheese



Philadelphia is more expensive, but Almette is cheaper, about the cat. They said that Svalya Lithuanian cream cheese is available in Paterson, Buko even has 17% fat content, Rama has more preservatives with “E”. If used for sweet dishes, it is creamy, but for snacks with herbs and cucumbers it is available.


There are many substitution options for Philadelphia cheese. The best option is to use Mascarpone. You can also try making soft cream cheese at home.