Cha cha is alcoholic. Chacha: how to make a homemade drink, distillation and taste of Georgian vodka

Sometimes chacha is called any moonshine made from different fruits and berries. Let us immediately sweep aside this delusion: chacha is a grape Georgian moonshine prepared according to special recipes from grape pomace remaining after making wine and sugar, passed down from generation to generation.

But this is not just a drink. Chacha is a ritual, it is national traditions... This is an almost theatrical action: from the cooking process to a feast accompanied by melodious Georgian rehearsals. Also, chacha is a drinking culture taught from childhood - yes, yes, don't be surprised! How to drink chacha, what to eat - these are the lessons that every boy living in Georgia goes through, especially in the countryside. This is probably why the locals drink this drink without getting drunk at all.

How many degrees are there in chacha?

Self-respecting masters distill the drink at least twice, bringing the strength to 70 degrees or more. Then everyone dilutes it to their liking, deciding for themselves how many degrees their drink will contain. In the homeland of this drink in Georgia, it is diluted to 60, it is such a strength that is considered optimal, there are those who do not dilute at all, but there are only a few of them. V retail grape vodka usually has a strength of 40-65.

In our opinion, the strength should not exceed 40%, because it is with this strength that the aroma of grape moonshine is optimally revealed and it is drunk softer.

What appetizer goes with chacha?

Chacha appetizer can be very varied. First of all, these are national Georgian dishes, and not necessarily the most exquisite. But first things first…

Georgians know how to cook wonderful corn tortillas- mchadi. Warm fragrant mchadi straight with a couple and even with goat cheese - the most unpretentious, but great appetizer under chacha! You will see such a ritual in any rural Georgian family from the very morning. One - two small, specially for chacha glasses (chikebi in Georgian) with such a simple snack - and you can start your work day!

As for serious feasts, any dishes are suitable here. Georgian cuisine: Saturating satsivi - cold cooked chicken dish with ground nuts fantastically flavored aromatic spices, lamb or pork shashlik on a skewer, steaming chakhokhbili with chicken and delicious bean soup with coarsely chopped onion pieces, or even better - grated boiled beans- lobio with nuts.

There is also the iconic khinkali, somewhat reminiscent of dumplings in appearance and taste, but much stronger flavored with spices, roasted pig on a spit, homemade cheese cakes khachapuri and a whole scattering of vegetables and meat salads, numerous pickles led by the king of the table - a special Georgian salty delicacy from the buds of a kolkhid klekachka - jonjoli!

You will be treated to such snacks in Georgia. If you took out a bottle - another is out of its limits, that's okay! Snack on any food, just try to keep it satisfying! Chacha will go with fatty borscht and baked potatoes in the company with coarsely chopped bacon, fish dishes, pickle and just under thick sour cream, abundantly spread on black bread!

What shouldn't you eat?

In conclusion, here are some tips: I categorically do not recommend eating chacha with sweets. One glass - wherever it went, but then it will definitely knock you off your feet! If there are only fruits on the table, eat only those that have sourness: citrus fruits, feijoa, kiwi.

Some people like to make cocktails by mixing chacha with fruit juices, but it will already be from a completely different "opera". Take advice - don't do it if you want to get along with it wonderful drink Not only good mood, but also a piece of warm, hospitable Georgian sun!

Gamaspindzlet da Gaamos, genatsvale - welcome to Georgian table and drink to your health!

Chacha can be made from wine that you didn’t like or it didn’t work, see.

Caucasians are real connoisseurs of both exquisite cuisine and no less spicy alcohol. At large celebrations, guests are often invited to try the traditional high - chacha. Despite its strength, Georgian vodka, as it is sometimes called, has earned the love of many people around the world.


Chacha - national drink from grapes for the owners of "hot blood", which according to current estimates attributed to the brandy class due to its high alcohol content. Although chacha is consumed practically throughout the entire territory of the Caucasus, it is produced exclusively in Georgia and Abkhazia, since it is in these countries that the climate allows growing the necessary grape varieties. In Georgia, these are Rkatsiteli, in Abkhazia - Kachich and Isabella. It is these types that provide the basis for cooking on classic recipe significantly different from those that distilleries offer their customers.

The drink itself is quite insidious, its taste softened by berries and fruits, especially if it was obtained as a result of the second or third distillation, does not fully feel the strength and high content there is alcohol in it.


The history of the origin of this type of grape brandy goes back to ancient times, when people learned to make wine from grapes. Somewhat later, the pomace remaining after the preparation of wine was used, and as a result of their fermentation, alcoholic beverages with a higher alcohol content were obtained. Even the very name "chacha" literally translates as "grape pomace". Chacha is made both in a wide scale industry and at home. Lovers and true connoisseurs of this drink will give preference to the so-called "bush" production, where the recipe has been tested by many generations and retained a piece of antiquity and traditions. pure form reaches 70 degrees. The diluted drink becomes a little softer and does not exceed 60 degrees.

Due to the high alcohol content, it is not recommended to drink chacha with plain or carbonated water. Alcohol, when interacting with water, emits a large amount of heat, which can adversely affect the health of the person consuming it.

Grape brandy is one of the first distilled alcoholic products. The distillation process itself can be repeated several times, and with each distillation the drink becomes softer, which will enable true connoisseurs to feel and appreciate the bouquet to the fullest.

The number of distillations can be determined by the color of the liquid. So Georgian vodka after three distillations has a delicate yellow, while the product of one distillation will have a brighter and more saturated hue.

To cook real Georgian chacha, you need to follow traditional recipe, in which the vessel for the finished mash plays a very important role:

  1. The grape pomace is placed in a container, tightly closed to avoid dust, dirt or small objects;
  2. The mass should ferment for about 3 months, this will give the drink more strength and astringency;
  3. The resulting mash is distilled, and then put on fire in a special copper cauldron with a spout.

For the classic recipe, use lightly unripe grapes as it reduces acidity. Thanks to this nuance, the drink will have more soft taste, although it will remain as strong.

Home cooking

Play traditional at home Caucasian drink quite easy, despite the laboriousness of some of the processes. This does not require any special knowledge or skills, it is enough just to have a distillation apparatus like moonshine.

Although chacha is often called moonshine, it is absolutely different drinks... They do not use yeast or sugar, unlike moonshine.

Chacha production has its own secrets, knowing which significantly increases the chance correct preparation drink:

  • Picking up. It is best to pick grapes in dry weather. The sediment will wash the yeast off the rind, just like washing the berries.
  • Berries. In no case should they be washed or cleaned, since it is on the peel that yeast "lives". If you wash it or remove it altogether, the fermentation process simply cannot take place.
  • Water. Can not use plain water from the tap, in this recipe only bottled is taken, but even it must be thoroughly filtered.
  • Temperature. It should vary from 15 to 20 degrees, otherwise the aroma will be lost during the fermentation process, and the finished product will no longer smell so good. Pre-chilled berries will ferment faster.
  • Fermentation. In order for the fermentation to proceed properly, the process must be monitored daily. Mix the mass thoroughly every day. For at least 2 months of fermentation, the mass should invariably gurgle, as soon as the bubbling stops and the grapes settle to the bottom, the process will be completed.

After the berries have fermented, you can proceed to the direct preparation of the drink:

  • Braga must be cleaned of cake, to separate the liquid.
  • The liquid can already be distilled, not forgetting to carefully monitor the indicators. Heating should be slow and the first 12% finished product must be drained. This part will represent pure alcohol, you can not use it, except in medical purposes... With the help of an alcohol meter, it is easy to determine the moment of stopping the draining of excess alcohol, the indicator on the device should be 40-45 degrees.
  • For the taste to be softer, it is necessary to re-distill the liquid. But before that, it is imperative to dilute it with water and clean it with potassium permanganate or activated carbon.

When cleaning, it is important to remember: the slower the filtration with charcoal or potassium permanganate, the cleaner the finished product will turn out.

  • Pour the finished drink into a bottle and let it brew. Ideally, chacha should wait about 2 weeks.

To check the quality of Georgian vodka, you can dip your finger in it and set it on fire. If the flame burned out, but the finger was not burned, this indicates high quality product.


There are many options for chacha, depending on the ingredients in the composition. In addition to grape cake various fruits can be used for making, most often these are:

  • figs;
  • tangerines;
  • plum or cherry plum.

They can insist on various herbs, which gives Georgian vodka spicy notes and an unrivaled aroma.

One of the most common cooking options is tangerine chacha. Citrus pulp is added to the grapes in a container where the fermentation process will take place. When the mash is ready, the distillation will not differ from the standard, however, the tangerine juice will add sophistication to the taste and lightness. citrus aroma drink.

How to drink

Chacha, like vodka, is usually drunk from glasses. There is no need to dilute it, since the taste is very mild, the high strength of the drink is practically not felt. However, in order not to get drunk, it is recommended to eat in quantities appropriate to the degree; traditional Georgian phali, churchkhela or pickles are perfect for this. Grape brandy helps to warm up quickly in cold weather, one glass will be enough for this.

Aged drink served room temperature... If no exposure has been carried out, it is better to refrigerate.

Unlike Georgia, it is customary to drink chacha in Abkhazia. However, such experiments can only be afforded by a person with a colossal supply of health. Chacha is washed down with dry wine, where for two glasses of brandy there is a glass of wine. But you also need to eat abundantly in order to prevent excessive intoxication.

Benefit and harm

Grape vodka has a number of useful properties, because it is completely natural. The warming properties are excellent for the symptoms of colds and flu, as well as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. The indisputable advantages include the normalization of digestion and metabolism, chacha perfectly copes with edema. The brandy contains a large amount of trace elements and mineral substances that have a positive effect on the body.

But despite the benefits of this drink, it is worth noting that there are a number of contraindications and some dangers. Drinking Georgian vodka is not recommended for pregnant women, children and people with digestive or cardiovascular system as well as with high blood pressure.

Homemade chacha can be very dangerous if filtration is neglected. Poorly Peeled alcoholic beverage may contain hazardous toxic substances, which can lead to poisoning or more serious consequences.

Chacha, prepared according to the classic recipe, is significantly different from the drink bought in the store. Only traditional vodka Georgians to their pleasant taste and light aroma berries will help you feel the charm of the Caucasus. And snacks on the table and close people around will complement the atmosphere of comfort and joy, because it is not for nothing that this drink is called consonant with a perky dance.

Chacha is a strong alcoholic drink originally from Georgia. Business card any Georgian restaurant or a cafe, the drink of which, according to the Georgians themselves, has no equal on the whole earth, and the recipe for chacha was given to them by God himself. Let's try to find out what this famous drink is and how chacha is made at home.

Chacha is made from grape fruits or squeezed grape substance, which is a residual material after making wine. It belongs to the class of brandy based on grape juice... It takes a lot to make chacha large quantities grapes different varieties... Rkatsiteli has long been a classic variety for making Georgian brandy. Most often, chacha is made from the most common Isabella variety. The resulting strength of the drink ranges from 45 to 50 degrees, sometimes reaching 80, but in very rare cases.

The history of the chacha recipe goes far back in time, until now some were guarding, arguing about where chacha appeared earlier, in Georgia or Abkhazia. But this is just a controversy, in 2011 Georgia patented the rights to produce chacha. An interesting fact the case when I.V. Stalin gave a couple of bottles of chacha to Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. Calling her then “ a special kind»Vodka. The presidents really liked the Georgian "vodka", according to rumors Churchill later ordered a whole box.

Chacha is the most common alcohol in Georgia and other Caucasian countries. And that's all, because chacha is made at home. Purchased chacha is in demand only among tourists, a self-respecting Georgian should know how to make chacha from an early age. Chacha recipes are passed down from generation to generation, and some dynasties protect their secret recipes for centuries.

The real recipe for chacha

Disputes are ongoing to this day, what is real recipe chacha. But as it turned out, it is very simple, it only differs in how to prepare it. Much depends on the people and the presence on the territory the right amount of the required grapes, the preparation of chacha turns into a whole performance. To cook classic chacha you need:

  • grapes - 15 kg or cake from grape fruits in the amount of 10 kg necessarily of the Rkatsiteli variety;
  • boiled water - 15 liters;
  • sugar - 5 kg.

If there is no grape cake, then you need to make it, just without this, the preparation of chacha loses its relevance, and the resulting mixture will not even be 50 percent similar to a true drink. Since olden times, aksakals cooked chacha only in oak or teak barrels, less often in glass containers... Thanks to this, the chacha had a unique amber.

How to make chacha at home

It is quite simple to prepare chacha at home, but you need to strictly adhere to the recipe. By the way, only in this case it will be possible to enjoy a taste that cannot be found even in the most expensive bottle of Chacha in the store. To understand how to make chacha at home, consider two main methods.

  • 10 kg cake grape variety rkatsiteli or isabella
  • 30 liters of boiled or distilled water
  • 4-5 kg ​​of sugar
  • 120 g yeast (preferably alcoholic)

To prepare this recipe for chacha, you need a cake, but not squeezed out strongly, you need 25 percent of the juice in it in order for the resulting chacha to have a cool smell. As a mash, you can use glass bottle, with a capacity of about 50 liters. Further strictly point by point

  1. Squeezed grape fruits (cake) are poured into a container, sugar and yeast are added.
  2. Water is poured, in no case hot, in order for the yeast to "work".
  3. Everything is thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark place, at room temperature, for 2 weeks, in order for fermentation to take place to the desired level.
  4. Stir the mixture every day for 2 weeks.
  5. The resulting mash will have to be filtered through cheesecloth in order to separate the pulp, which may burn during distillation in the moonshine maker.
  6. The resulting grape alcohol is once again distilled into moonshine still, now with splitting into "tails" and "heads". Cools and divorces to the desired degrees.
  7. Sort into bottles of 1.5 and 2 liters, leave to infuse for another 2 weeks.
  8. We drink and enjoy.

How to make chacha at home without yeast?

There is a second recipe for this. The disadvantage of this preparation is that without yeast, your chacha will ferment longer, but you will get rid of not very pleasant smell yeast, which cannot be avoided when preparing the first recipe. You will need:

  • 15 kg of unripe grape fruits, or not in condition (Isabella variety is suitable)
  • 10 liters pure water and 30 liters for later
  • 7-9 kg of sugar

The cooking process must be divided into a couple of stages:

How to drink chacha properly

In order to appreciate the full taste of chacha, you need to drink it without any impurities. Natural chacha, despite its strength and high degree, is very easy to drink. So comparing it with vodka, at least, is not acceptable. Grape brandy very often used in the preparation of very strong and delicious cocktails... It is quite tolerable that chacha is drunk in tandem with cola or sprite, but connoisseurs will shout out loud “you can't do that!”. For those who are afraid high degree drink, you can try some delicious cocktails.

Sakartwella- beautiful Georgian name and the intoxicating aroma will appeal to even the most sophisticated lover of alcohol. For cooking you will need:

  • 50 ml chacha
  • 20 ml vermouth, better than red
  • 15 ml - vodka, better than lemon

All ingredients are mixed in a shaker, pour them into a glass and add ice. It is better not to add ice to a shaker, as it will spoil the taste by adding excess fluid that will dilute the cocktail. Served with a lemon wedge.

"Batomi nat"light cocktail for a welcoming bar. The cocktail contains:

  • 40 ml chacha
  • 2 teaspoons sugar syrup or 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
  • 15 ml orange juice
  • 10 ml lemon juice

You need to pour chacha into a shaker, add ice, pour orange and lemon juice, shake well. The exit cocktail turns out to be rather weak, in some case soda, sprite or cola are added to the resulting cocktail. Garnished with a slice of orange or lemon.

"Sunny Georgia"

  • 50 ml of Georgian drink
  • 150 ml grape juice
  • lime and fresh mint

This cocktail is prepared strictly according to the recipe in order to feel the whole palette of taste. You will need a tall glass, first you need to cool it well, put it in the freezer or in a container with ice. Pour chacha and grape juice. Squeeze the lime into a container, and put a couple of fresh mint leaves, stir everything with a bar spoon. The resulting cocktail is garnished with a small bunch of grapes.

Chacha is the flagship of Caucasian spirits, many confuse it with vodka, but this is far from the case. This is a variety of grape brandies such as italian grapp or Peruvian pisco. It's a fairly high-grade drink, but surprisingly easy to drink. To feel natural taste and the aroma of chacha, it is better to try it in in kind how to savor.

Chacha is made both at home (classic) based on ancient traditions, and industrial at different distilleries, even outside the territory of the Caucasus. The recipes, of course, have a different technological basis, as well as, by the way, the resulting alcohol. The base of chacha is an alcohol obtained from grapes, most often unripe or not in condition, which is not used in the production of wine drinks. But the preference remains with the pressed grapes, and it remains after the wine is made. As the old-timers say, only quality grapes can produce quality products. Chacha at home is not a difficult process, but you will need to be patient and fulfill some conditions with doctor's accuracy.

All alcoholic beverages are initially high in strength, and chacha is no exception. And, in order not to harm health, chacha must be cleaned. And this can be done using ordinary potassium permanganate, activated carbon and ash.

  • Fresh chacha smells rather unpleasant, and this smell needs to be removed. Use potassium permanganate crystals for this. Add 3 grams of crystals to alcohol for every 3 liters and place in a dark place for 3 days. After that, you will see that dark flakes have appeared in the chacha - a sediment, which will need to be drained.
  • Add to Reviver handful pine nuts the size of your palm. Put the alcohol to infuse for a week All the unpleasant oils will be absorbed by the nuts. Then just strain the liquid and discard them.
  • Fold several packs of activated charcoal on cheesecloth and pour chacha through a funnel through it into another container.
  • 28

Chacha strong alcoholic beverage from grapes. It is common throughout the Caucasus, especially in Georgia and Abkhazia. The fortress of traditional Georgian chacha is 65-70 degrees. The history of the origin of chacha goes back to ancient times, its recipes were kept in strict secrecy, and disputes about where it appeared in Georgia or Abkhazia continue to this day. But in 2011, the production of chacha in Georgia was officially patented. The shop chacha is mainly in demand only among visiting tourists. Local residents cook strong grape drink independently and pass on their recipe from generation to generation. Making chacha with your own hands at home is quite simple, although it is a long time-consuming process.

For making chacha are used wine varieties grapes with high acidity... Which better grade it is difficult to answer for chacha, white varieties will make a lighter drink with some sourness, red varieties of grapes will convey a deeper aroma. Georgian chacha made from white grape varieties Rkatsiteli, and in mountainous Abkhazia they prefer dark varieties Akachich, Isabella. The aroma and taste of chacha will be more harmonious if you use a mixture of different grape varieties.

In central Russia and in northern regions chacha is made from Isabella grapes. This is the most common, unpretentious, frost-resistant variety, almost always with a high yield. Isabella is the main source of raw materials for homemade alcohol in the central region. This grape is used to make juice, jam, jam is made from it delicious wine and strong homemade alcohol... Below is a simple recipe for chacha.

Attention! In some countries of Europe and America, alcoholic beverages made from the Isabella grape variety are prohibited for sale due to their high methyl content, which is harmful to the human body. One liter of fermented isabella juice contains 70-120 mg of methanol, which is not critical. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse strong distillate, although chacha is considered without hangover vodka.

Recipe for making grape chacha

The basis of chacha is mash, it can be prepared from the grape cake left over from the production of wine. In some cases, the mash is made from whole grapes. Classic Georgian grape chacha made from pomace and water, yeast and sugar are not used. But due to the fact that Isabella grapes have a low sugar content, it will have to be raised by adding sugar, as well as adding water to reduce acidity.


  • water - 30 liters;
  • grape cake - 10 liters;
  • sugar 5-7 kg.

How to make chacha:

  1. Preparation. Harvested grapes clean from leaves and rotten berries. Not mine at all. On the surface of the berries there is a white bloom - wild yeast that triggers the natural fermentation of the mash. Crush the grapes with your hands or feet, you can crush along with the ridges. To simplify the process, you can use the drill mixer attachment. For chacha, only pomace is needed, we squeeze the juice into a separate container from it, we will further make a delicious aromatic Home wine... The recipe indicates the amount of cake from freshly squeezed grapes. If you use the cake that fermented while fermenting the wine, then its amount should be doubled. The distillate will turn out to be more aromatic from fresh cake, so it will be better if more grape juice remains in the cake.
  2. Fermentation. Place the pomace in a container, add granulated sugar and pour in water at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. How much sugar to take can be determined using a sugar meter, in the wort it should be 20-25%. If you want to speed up the process, then you can use wine yeast... This is a special yeast for making homemade wines, they practically do not spoil the taste of the drink, and fermentation lasts 2-3 weeks.
    Fermentation should take place in a warm place of 20-25 °, its time depends on the raw material, the sugar content of the wort and the temperature. Usually on wild yeast mash is ready in 1-2 months. During fermentation it is necessary
    stir the wort and heat the raised hat from the pulp. The end of the process can be determined by the cessation of gas evolution, the mash also becomes bitter, and there is an alcoholic smell in the mash.
  3. Mash filtration. Squeeze the braga for chacha from the pulp, if you plan to distill it on its usual moonshine still, this is done so that the solid particles do not burn. If you are the owner of a steam-water boiler or the distillation will be done with steam, then you can distill it with cake, this will give the final drink a more enriched aroma.
  4. Distillation. Place the finished grape mash in a distillation cube and produce double distillation... For the first time, raw alcohol is obtained from the mash, it is distilled at maximum power to water. The result is 12 liters of raw moonshine with a strength of 30-40 degrees. The second distillation is fractional. At the beginning, drop by drop, separate the head fraction in a volume of 10% of absolute alcohol, which is 350-400 ml. Experienced distillers determine the end of heads by smell, they contain ethers that partially convey the aroma of raw materials, but there are many harmful impurities which are very harmful to humans. Therefore, we only use heads for technical purposes. Then the heating power can be increased and the “body” - the drinking fraction - can be removed. According to the recipe, you should get about 4 liters of fragrant chacha with a strength of 85-90 degrees. The distillate yield depends on your apparatus and experience. Then there are "tails", "booze", also not the required fraction. Everyone decides for himself to select the tail fraction or to stop sampling.
  5. Maturation and refinement. Dilute the finished chacha with water to 45-70 degrees, pour into bottles and keep in glass for a month. During this time, the taste of the drink will round out, become balanced and soft. Chacha is drunk white as it is, but you can insist on it oak chips or soak in oak barrel... Such a drink will look like a good elite brandy, which tastes like cognac.

How to make chacha at home video recipe

The benefits and harms of Chacha. In the Caucasus, chacha is still used as a prophylactic agent against colds... Small but regular use Chacha promotes better functioning of the digestive system, the drink relieves stress and normalizes blood pressure. Grape moonshine good remedy against the development of malignant tumors. Another undoubted plus of chacha is the absence of a hangover from it, of course, if a limited amount is drunk. Contraindications in the first place are too overuse alcohol and individual intolerance. People with severe heart disease and peptic ulcer should not drink chacha. It is strictly forbidden to use by pregnant and lactating women.

How to drink chacha correctly and how much. Correctly prepared chacha from grapes, despite the fact that there are many degrees in it, is drunk softly and easily. They drink a drink heated to room temperature, 30-50 ml each, at this temperature it opens up as much as possible taste qualities grape distillate. They are consumed in pure form or as part of cocktails.

The cocktail is especially popular "Sunny Georgia" ... For its preparation, take 50 ml of chacha and 150 ml of grape juice, lime and a sprig of mint. The recipe is simple. Isabella chacha and grape juice are poured into a tall glass, pre-chilled, squeeze lime juice and add mint, stir everything and decorate with a small bunch of grapes.

By tradition, chacha is made from alcohol and grapes. In Georgia, they have adapted to add figs, cherry plums, mulberry fruits or tangerines to the drink during its production. All this indicates that the drink in small quantities contained useful elements and vitamins. The following minerals can be found in chacha: potassium, calcium, sodium, iron and some others.

Chacha cannot be classified as high-calorie foods, but also diet drink she is not. In small quantities, chacha is not able to harm the figure, but if it is abused, problems will appear much more serious than a couple of extra pounds.

The benefits of chacha

Chacha has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. She is also able to relieve existing puffiness. It has been proven that regular consumption of this drink in small quantities helps to improve blood circulation, normalize digestion and restore the correct functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Chacha helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system, while normalizing metabolism and increasing blood pressure... In winter, this drink will help you warm up quickly. Chacha helps to fight flu or colds well, but not in pure form, but added to hot tea, along with honey and lemon.

Chacha application

Traditionally, chacha is drunk in its pure form. However, not everyone will be able to drink such a strong drink, so many use chacha to prepare other various less alcoholic cocktails... Chacha can be easily mixed with almost any alcoholic beverage. Chacha goes well with ice and fresh fruit.

In winter, there was a tradition in Georgia that every morning the peasants drank a tiny glass of chacha. Moreover, in the west of Georgia, it is customary to eat something sweet with something sweet, but in its eastern part, on the contrary, they eat it with various pickles.

It is imperative to have a snack of chacha, because it is a very strong drink. High-quality chacha is served on a table at room temperature, but if the drink is second-rate, then it is cooled to five or ten degrees.

Chacha harm

Like any other alcoholic drink, chacha is misuse can do great harm. First of all, do not forget that alcohol is addictive. Chacha is contraindicated for individual intolerance, a tendency to allergies, for children under the age of eighteen.

In no case should you drink alcohol during pregnancy and lactation. You cannot drink chacha if you have peptic ulcer, mental disorder, severe cardiovascular disease and with oncology.
