Quick apple wine recipe at home. How to make delicious apple wine at home

Anyone who does not have large vineyards, but loves wine, can make it from ordinary apples. The result is a very tasty drink, which in small quantities only benefits our body. Making apple wine at home is a fairly simple process that even beginners can do. It is worth noting that many people like this drink, and your guests will be satisfied after tasting it.

Choosing raw materials for apple wine

To make homemade wine, you can, in principle, use almost any berries and fruits. However, the ideal raw materials for this drink are grapes, pears and apples. This is due to the fact that some fruits contain very little sugar and a huge amount of acid. Wine made from the pure juice of such berries and fruits ends up being very sour and slightly alcoholic. Grapes and apples have the ideal composition for preparing this drink. You can make wine from fruit juice. However, it does not need improvement or correction.

Today, more than one recipe for apple wine is known. The drink can be prepared as dessert, table, strong, liqueur, simple, or with the addition of yeast. If you are just taking your first steps and don’t know how to make homemade apple wine, then you should start with liqueur, dessert or strong wine. After all, when preparing these varieties, they do not require the most complex equipment and are easier to tolerate inept and rough handling. It's no secret that the ability to make dry and light wines comes with experience. And you may not get a good drink the first time. Making apple wine at home has certain difficulties.

What do you need to make wine from apples?

So, how to make homemade apple wine? First of all, you should prepare everything you need. To do this you will need:

  1. Plasticine and a small plastic tube. All this can be replaced with a medical glove.
  2. Several sealed containers. One is needed for fermentation, and the second is for settling the wine.
  3. Special equipment for making juice.
  4. The apples are ripe.
  5. Sugar.

To make simple apple wine, any variety of red, yellow, or green fruit will do. Can be used both summer and winter. The main thing is that the fruits are fully ripe and, of course, juicy.

Preparing the apples

Fruits collected from the ground or picked from trees do not need to be washed. After all, yeast lives on their surface, which will bring considerable benefits in the future. Especially if you are planning to make apple wine without yeast. If the fruits are too dirty, they can be cleaned with a clothes brush or simply wiped with a dry cloth.

Many novice winemakers complain that the finished wine has a bitter aftertaste. To avoid this, remove the core and seeds from apples. If the fruit is slightly damaged, then it is worth cutting out all the rotten areas.


Making apple wine at home begins with processing the fruit. The juice should be squeezed out of them. For this, of course, it is better to use a special unit - a juicer. Only in this case the raw material turns out to be clean and practically free of pulp. This greatly simplifies the further preparation of the drink.

If you don’t have such a kitchen tool, you can use a mechanical grater. As a result, you should get a puree that needs to be squeezed out. This can be done using regular gauze. Of course, the process is labor-intensive, but in the end you should end up with at least a liquid puree. Only in this case will you have a chance to create your own apple wine, the preparation of which takes a lot of time.

The juice must settle

The apple wine recipe is really simple. Liquid puree or juice must be placed in a container with a fairly wide neck for several days. To do this, you can use a barrel or a large pan. During this time, wild yeast gets into the drink. As a result, the mixture should decompose into several fractions: regular juice and pulp, which collects at the top. In order for the yeast to get directly into the raw materials, the mixture must be stirred up to 4 times a day for several days with a wooden device or with a clean hand.

After three days, the pulp should form a dense layer on the surface of the juice. You need to remove it using a colander or a saucepan. As a result, pure juice should remain in the container, as well as a small layer of pulp up to 5 millimeters thick. This stage can be considered completed. The first signs of fermentation are the characteristic hissing and vinegar-alcohol aroma. We can consider that making apple wine at home has begun.

Important Ingredient: Sugar

It’s hard to imagine homemade apple wine, which takes a very long time to prepare, without adding sugar. After all, the fruits remain sour in any case. Of course, you can make a drink like cider without sugar, but not wine. Do not forget that the drink comes in different varieties: dessert, sweet, semi-sweet, dry. The amount of sugar added to it depends on what kind of wine you want to make. Of course, this also depends on how much fructose the fruit contains. If the apples are sweet, then less sugar is needed.

If you want to get dry homemade apple wine, the preparation of which is somewhat more complicated, then you need to add only 200 grams of sugar per liter of juice. If it’s dessert or sweet, then from 300 to 400. Do not exceed the specified standards. Otherwise, you will end up with a cloying drink.

Main process: fermentation

Making apple wine at home is a complex process. When fermentation begins, contact of the wort with air should be avoided. Otherwise, you won’t end up with wine, but you should use sealed containers to make a tasty drink. In this case, jars and bottles are ideal.

Particular attention should be paid to the removal of carbon dioxide. It is released during the fermentation process. In this case, it is necessary to install a water seal. To do this, you need to make a small hole in the lid of the container with juice. Insert a tube into it, the end of which should be installed in the bottle so that it does not become clogged with foam. And the second one is placed in a jar of water. Such a system will make it possible to freely remove all gases formed inside the container with wine. This will also prevent air from entering the container.

If you are preparing apple wine without yeast, then instead of such a complex system, you can put an ordinary medical glove on the neck of the container with raw materials, having previously made small holes in it in your fingers. If this option is not suitable, then it is worth purchasing a special water seal lid.

Making wine: basic rules

The container should be filled with wort only 4/5 of the entire volume. Free space is needed for foam and gases. After this, the container should be tightly closed with a lid and covered with plasticine.

During the fermentation period, the bottle of wine should be placed in a dark room. The temperature should be at least 18°. The optimal temperature is from 20 to 22°. At this stage, the container should not be opened and the wort should not be shaken. The fermentation period is usually 30-45 days. You can determine readiness by how often gas bubbles come out in a glass of water. If they have been gone for a long time, then your apple wine, which took a little over a month to prepare, is ready. The drink should sit a little longer, literally a couple of days.

Wine maturation

Of course, the young can already be consumed. However, it is worth considering that the drink will have a slightly harsh aroma and taste. But this can be fixed. The wine should just sit.

To do this, take a dry, clean, sealed container. It is important that there is no yeast on the walls of the vessel. To do this, wash the container thoroughly and dry it with a hairdryer. Using a straw, the wine should be carefully poured into another container. To begin with, you should merge the upper light layers, gradually moving to the lower ones. The procedure should be carried out carefully so that sediment does not rise from the bottom. Once the container is completely filled with wine, it must be closed (hermetically). Store the poured product in a cool place where the temperature does not rise above 16° and does not fall below 10° for a long time: from 60 to 120 days. As a result, your drink will fully ripen and acquire a unique taste and aroma.

After aging, the wine has a strength of 12 to 16 degrees. This drink has the aroma of ripe apples and a dark amber hue. You can enjoy it. Your wine is completely ready!

In a good year, the abundance of apples pleases gardeners with a wealth of supplies, and avid winemakers are already looking forward to fresh, aromatic apple wine! This juicy and tasty fruit is good in any form.

Apple jams, preserves, and confitures are waiting in the wings on the shelves. A variety of compotes, juices and fruit drinks from apples have been prepared for several years in advance. Apple pies are included in the daily menu.

But perhaps the best way to process valuable vitamin raw materials is to make homemade wine from apples. The simplest recipe for wine from apple juice will use the entire ripe harvest and will not allow these tasty, fragrant and healthy fruits to go to waste.

When prepared for future use, apple wine can be stored for a long time, while the bouquet of the drink reveals new fruity notes and acquires an extraordinary richness of taste.

Healthy homemade apple wine: how to make?

First of all, you need to decide on the taste of the future alcoholic drink. If you like sweeter apple wine, then in this case you need to take ripened fruits of late varieties, which contain the most sugar. Otherwise, fruits with a pronounced sour taste should predominate. But the most optimal thing is to mix sour and sweet fruits in the required proportion. Making an alcoholic fruit drink cannot be rushed; it requires a thoughtful and serious approach.

So, let's start preparing the future king of parties.

— we take unwashed apples in any quantity. The fruits should not be washed because they contain natural yeast on their surface. If you use fruits collected from the ground for the drink, then wiping them with a damp cloth is enough. The apple core and seeds must be removed.
- grind fruits in any available way - using a food processor, blender, grater, through a meat grinder.
— leave the resulting applesauce at room temperature for one day in an open container.
- stir every hour.
— remove the thick thick crust from the top of the apple mass and leave it again for a day.
- we repeat the operation.
— squeeze out the remaining softer fraction of the puree, pour the resulting juice into a separate bowl.
- add granulated sugar in the proportion of 250 grams per liter of apple juice and water at the rate of 150 grams per liter.
- Stir the liquid vigorously until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved in it.
- pour into a glass, enamel or plastic container with
— Place the bottle of wine in a dark place at room temperature.
— the fermentation process takes about one and a half months, its completion is signaled by the absence of carbon dioxide bubbles.
- homemade apple wine is ready, let it sit for about another week.
- after the specified period, the young apple wine is removed from the sediment.
— place the bottle with the drink on the table, and place another dry and clean container under it.
- using a hose, carefully, without stirring the sediment, pour the homemade product into a new container.

Your very own apple wine is ready! But it would still be better to let the drink brew and ripen, having previously clarified it. To do this, it is placed in a cool and dark place for a couple of months. Then we repeat the procedure for removing the sediment again.

If there are a lot of ripe fruits and the volume of production of homemade alcoholic beverage is also significant, care should be taken to ensure that the apple wine does not spoil. To do this, place a container of alcohol in a tank, jug or large pan of water and heat it to a temperature of 70 degrees. After this, it is slowly cooled and placed for further ripening.

Aromatic and light wine, produced at home, has a fascinating amber color and is distinguished by a wide variety of flavors, which depends on the type of fruit used. Delicate apple wine - a drink for any occasion and celebration!

For amateur winemakers who do not have access to a large amount of good grapes, I recommend making wine from apples according to the recipe published below. The result is a very tasty and healthy drink in moderate quantities with a strength of 10-12 degrees. I will prove that making apple wine at home is easier than you think.

Any varieties of green, yellow and red apples (summer and winter) are suitable for winemaking, the main thing is that the fruits themselves are ripe and as juicy as possible. It is allowed to mix different varieties, getting interesting blends, for example, sour apples with sweeter ones.


  • apples - 20 kg;
  • sugar - 150-400 grams per liter of juice.

Adding water is advisable only when using unripe, very sour apples (the taste of the juice stings the tongue strongly). But even in this case, the acidity is reduced with a small amount of water - up to 100 ml per liter of juice, and not diluted in a ratio of one to two or one to three.

Apple wine recipe

1. Preparing apples. Do not wash apples picked from the tree or collected on the ground, since the yeast that is needed for fermentation lives on the peel. If the apples are very dirty, they can be wiped with a dry cloth or lightly brushed with a clean shoe brush.

To prevent any bitterness from being felt in the finished homemade wine, I advise you to remove the seeds and core from the apples, and cut out the rotten parts, spoiled and moldy parts of damaged fruits.

2. Getting juice. The method of processing apples depends on the available equipment. If you have a juicer, I recommend using this particular kitchen tool. The result will be pure juice with a minimal amount of pulp, which will simplify further preparation.

If you don’t have a juicer, you can use a mechanical grater. The applesauce will then have to be squeezed out in a different way. For example, with gauze (a very labor-intensive process) or with a press. In any case, the minimum task is to get at least a liquid puree as a result.

3. Juice settling. Place the resulting apple juice (or liquid puree) in an open container with a wide neck (large pan or barrel) for 2-3 days, tying the top with gauze to protect against insects. During this time, wild yeast spores will get into the mixture, and it will begin to decompose into two fractions - pulp (remains of peel, pulp) and regular apple juice. The pulp will accumulate on top of the juice. In order for the yeast to get directly inside, you need to stir the contents of the container 3-4 times a day for the first 2 days with a clean hand or a wooden stick.

On the third day, the pulp will form a dense layer on the surface; it should be removed with a saucepan or colander. Only juice and a small (3-5 mm) film should remain in the container. The stage is considered complete when foam, hissing and a characteristic vinegar-alcohol smell appear in the wort, indicating that fermentation has begun.

4. Adding sugar. The amount depends on the initial sweetness of the fruit; the sweeter the juice, the less sugar is added to apple wine, especially at the initial stage. If the sugar content exceeds 20%, the wine will ferment poorly or fermentation will stop altogether. To prevent this from happening, it is better to add sugar in parts rather than pour it all at once.

Total amount: to obtain dry apple wine, I recommend adding 150-220 grams of sugar per 1 liter of fermented juice, the concentration for sweet and dessert varieties is 300-400 grams per liter. It is better not to exceed these standards, otherwise the wine will turn out cloying.

The first batch (100-150 grams per liter) is added immediately after removal from the pulp. Sugar is simply poured into the fermenting juice and stirred.

After 4-5 days, you can add a second portion (50-100 grams per liter). To do this, you need to remove the water seal, pour half as much wort into a separate container as you plan to add sugar (for example, for 500 grams you need 250 ml), add sugar to the drained juice, and mix. Pour the resulting sugar syrup back into the container with the wine. Reinstall the water seal.

The procedure for adding sugar can be repeated 1-2 more times every 4-5 days using the technology described above, adding 30-80 grams per liter of juice.

5. Fermentation. First, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of contact of the wort with air. If you don't do this, you'll end up with vinegar instead of apple wine. I recommend using glass bottles, jars or plastic mineral water bottles as hermetically sealed containers.

Next, you need to take care of the removal of carbon dioxide, which will be released during the fermentation process. To do this, install a water seal. It is made as follows: make a small hole in the lid of the vessel into which to insert a small diameter tube (cambric). Place the end of the tube located in the vessel as high as possible so that it does not become clogged with foam. Lower the other end of the cambric into a glass of water by 2-3 cm. Now the gases inside the container will freely flow out, but air will not be able to enter the container with wine.

Alternative options are to put a medical glove on the jar with a small hole in your finger (made with a needle) or buy a special water seal lid.

Classic water seal scheme Fermentation under the glove Factory water seal

Fill the vessel with fermenting juice no more than 4/5 in height, since you need to leave some space for carbon dioxide and foam.

During fermentation, the container should be in a dark and warm place (18-25°C), the optimal temperature is 20-22 degrees. The fermentation process of apple wine lasts from 30 to 60 days. Its completion is determined by the long-term absence of gas bubbles in a glass of water (a deflated glove) and the appearance of sediment at the bottom.

Attention! If fermentation lasts longer than 55 days, to avoid a bitter aftertaste, the wine should be poured into another container without sediment at the bottom and the water seal should be installed again.

6. Maturation. The young apple wine obtained at the previous stage can already be drunk, but it has a pungent smell and taste. These shortcomings are eliminated with endurance.

You will need another absolutely clean and dry sealed container. Here it is important to exclude the possibility of foreign yeast entering, so I recommend washing the prepared vessel well with hot boiled water and then drying it with a hairdryer.

Using a water seal tube, pour the apple wine from one container to another. First, drain the upper, lightest layers, then move on to the lower ones, trying not to touch the sediment at the bottom. If desired, the filtered drink can be sweetened (add sugar to taste) or fortified (pour in 40% alcohol or vodka in an amount of 2-15% of the wine volume). Fixing promotes storage, but the taste becomes harsher.

Fill the vessel to the top with wine and seal it tightly. If sugar was added, it is better to keep it under a water seal for the first 7-10 days in case of re-fermentation. Store wine in a cool, dark place (6-16°C) for 60-120 days. This time is enough for it to fully ripen and improve its taste.

First, once every 10-15 days you need to remove the wine from the sediment by pouring it into another container. Over time, sediment will appear less frequently, then the frequency of filtration can also be reduced. Homemade apple wine is considered ready when sediment no longer falls or its amount is minimal. After this, the wine can be bottled and hermetically sealed.

The wine is ready!

The resulting drink is dark amber in color with the smell of ripe fruits. Strength – 10-12% (without fixing). Shelf life – up to 3 years when stored in a cool, dark place in hermetically sealed containers.

Surplus apple harvests are often used for cooking. This is especially practical in areas where not enough grapes grow. Not all varieties of apples can be stored for a long time. Then the recipe for a very healthy drink with a strength of up to 12 degrees will come in handy. Making homemade wine from apples is quite simple - any varieties of fruits that have reached maturity are suitable.

Making homemade wine from apples is not only practical, but also healthy. Popular fruit processed into drink:

  • helps with fatigue;
  • relieves tension;
  • relaxes muscles;
  • improves digestion;
  • stabilizes the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • used for cosmetic procedures, improving the condition of hair and skin;
  • favorable for the hormonal background of women;
  • burns fat, improves metabolism;
  • has an anti-carcinogenic effect on the body.

This is interesting! During the wine making process, fruits retain their beneficial properties, vitamins A, B, C, minerals and trace elements.

Moderate consumption of the drink is very beneficial for health.

Types of apple wine

According to your preferences, you can make wine from apples in the following varieties:

  • low alcohol cider;
  • dining room;
  • dry (low sugar content);
  • semi-sweet;
  • sweet;
  • fortified (with the addition of alcohol or strong alcohol).

Original recipes are obtained with the addition of spices, berries, and fruits.

How to make apple wine?

When preparing apple wine at home, you can mix varieties. The end result is an amber-colored drink with a significant shelf life (up to 3 years) under the following conditions:

  • cool temperatures;
  • lack of light;
  • tightness.

Apple wine at home is prepared from the following ingredients. Compound:

  • 20 kg apples;
  • from 150 to 400 g of sugar per liter.

How to make apple wine? The fruit is turned into juice, which is then undiluted for better quality.


Homemade apple wine is prepared according to the following steps:

1. Using fruits from the garden, they do not wash to preserve natural yeast on the peel. Remove damaged areas and remove the core.

2. Get juice juicer or grate the fruits and then squeeze them out.

3. Juice or liquid with pulp keep for 3 days c, covering the top with gauze. The contents will be divided into pulp (remnants of pulp) located on the surface and juice. In the first two days you need all this mix for the penetration of yeast into the future drink. On the third day, the pulp is removed from the surface, leaving only the juice.

4. Add sugar to the fermented contents, the less, the sweeter the fruits used. At first it is a small portion (up to 150 grams/l). When the sugar content is more than 20%, it worsens until it stops. Therefore, granulated sugar is added in parts. The quantity depends on the type of final product:

  • dry wine requires from 150 to 200 grams per liter;
  • sweet and dessert - from 300 to 400 grams/l.

The second portion of sugar (up to 100 grams) is added after 5 days, for which the installed water seal is removed from the container. Part of the liquid is poured (2 times less than the portion of sugar), mixed with sand, poured back, and set again. After 5 days, you can add up to 80 grams/l.

5. Further preparation of apple wine - fermentation in a hermetically sealed container. Contact of wort with air produces vinegar, but not wine. A water seal with a carbon dioxide removal tube placed in the glass will help prevent this.

Or a rubber glove with a puncture is put on the throat. The container should be 4/5 filled with wort to leave room for gas and foam, and kept in the dark at a temperature of about 22 degrees C (18 to 25). The process lasts from 1 to 2 months and ends with the absence of bubbles in the glass. In this case, sediment appears at the bottom.

Important! When fermenting for more than 55 days, you need to pour the wine, separate it from the sediment and leave it again under a water seal, otherwise the taste will become bitter.

6. Maturation or aging will improve the quality of the drink. The wine must be poured through the water seal tube into a clean glass container without sediment. You can once again add sugar or alcohol 40%, vodka in a ratio of 2 to 15% of the total volume. Fortified wine stores better, although it changes the taste. The container should be filled to the very top and sealed tightly. If sugar is added, it is preferable to keep the wine for another 7 days under a water seal for re-fermentation.

7. Wine storage produced from 2 months to 120 days in a dark place at 6 - 16 degrees C. At first, every 15 days you need to pour the drink into another container, getting rid of sediment. Then filtration is required less and less. When sediment stops appearing, the wine is considered ready; it is bottled, sealed tightly.

These are the basic steps of the instructions: how to make wine from apple juice - a simple recipe.

Original recipes at home

Based on the described method, you can make other apple wines, including additives. These are spices, citrus, raisins, alcohol, everything that makes the product unique. A recipe for apple wine can differ in strength, aroma and flavor bouquet. Additives and varying amounts of sugar make the recipe original.

Juice wine with raisins

Homemade apple juice wine is made from fresh garden fruits, just squeezed in a juicer. For better fermentation without yeast, add raisin. Components needed:

  • 5 liters of juice;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • water for fermenting raisins.

First we make the starter by chopping the raisins and pouring warm water over them. After 3 days of fermentation, squeeze the juice out of the apples, mix it with sugar, add raisin starter. We keep the wort for 5 days, then the mixture ferments under the seal for another 2 weeks. Next, drain the drink from the sediment and distribute it into bottles, letting the wine ripen in a cool place.

With spices

Homemade apple wine turns out delicious if you add aromatic spices to it. Ingredients to try:

  • 2 kg apples;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon;
  • a little vanilla (or a pinch of vanillin).

Prepare according to the following steps:

  1. Cut the fruit into pieces, add water in a saucepan and add vanilla and cinnamon.
  2. After softening the fruits, rub them through a sieve.
  3. Place the puree in a fermentation bottle.
  4. At the end of the process, we free the liquid from sediment.
  5. When fermentation is completely over, add sugar, removing the sediment again.
  6. Store in a cool, dark place. Orange juice or lemon zest can be successfully added to this wine.

Cinnamon Recipe

Making spiced apple wine uses cinnamon, a popular additive loved by many. Required:

  • 4 kg apple slices;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 40 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 1 kg sugar.

The raw materials need to be boiled with cinnamon and water in a basin over medium heat. After softening the slices, rub them through a sieve and keep them in an enamel pan for 3 days at a temperature of about 22 degrees, covered with a cloth. Further actions are as follows:

  1. After the pulp has risen, stir it once every 12 hours.
  2. After 3 days, the pulp is removed, except for a thin layer. Sugar is added to the wort and everything is poured into a glass fermentation container, covered with a seal.
  3. The wine ferments for 7 days. The container is rotated to mix, and then the seal is replaced with a lid and left for another week.
  4. The liquid is drained from the sediment and placed in bottles.

Now you can store the drink, it is ready to drink.


Making low-alcohol wine from apples, called cider, is simple.

Light drink requires ingredients:

  • 6 kg apples;
  • water - 2 times more (12 liters);
  • 3.5 kg of sugar.

The cooking recipe is as follows:

  1. Chop and place fruit in a pan, place a press on top (lid with a stone).
  2. Prepare syrup from 1/2 sugar and 1/2 water and pour over apples. Keep the container cool for 40 days.
  3. Pour the liquid into another bowl, cook and add the remaining syrup, keep the same amount.
  4. We store the cider for 6 months in the dark, then remove the sediment and put it in the refrigerator for 1 month.

The strength will not exceed 7 degrees.


Making fortified homemade wine from apples requires:

  • 3 kg of sweet and 3 kg of sour apples;
  • 2 kg sugar;
  • up to 7 liters of water;
  • 1 liter .
  1. Squeeze the juice from the apples and place it in a large container.
  2. Cook the syrup from water and sugar for 1 hour, cool to 35 degrees, add it to the juice.
  3. Close the container tightly and keep it cool for 8 days.
  4. Add vodka and keep it cool for 3 months.
  5. Remove sediment and bottle for storage.

From dried apples

Wine made from dried apples at home uses aromatic raw materials that enrich the taste of the drink. Compound:

  • 2 kg of dried raw materials;
  • 5 kg sugar;
  • 15 liters of water;
  • 30 grams of yeast.

The preparation steps are as follows:

  1. Rinse the dried fruit, put it in a saucepan and add warm water, leaving for 3 hours.
  2. After draining the water, grind the raw materials in a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Add sugar, hot water.
  4. Let cool to 22 degrees C and add pre-diluted yeast.
  5. Place a water seal on the container and leave it in a warm place to ferment for 2 weeks.
  6. Drain off the sediment and pour, sealing.

After 3 days you can try. The wine is ready.

Making wine from apples following the recipe is not that difficult. At the same time, its safe preservation includes a cool temperature regime, a horizontal arrangement of sealed bottles, which are not exposed to sunlight. Vibrations also need to be eliminated.

Important! Under such conditions, the taste of the drink may even improve.

The topic of homemade alcoholic drinks would be incomplete without apple wine recipes. Today we will learn how to make various drinks from apples for a home feast. A simple recipe for apple wine at home should definitely appear in every housewife’s notebook. How to make wine from apples worthy of a royal table?

Apple wine at home: a simple recipe without squeezing the juice

As always, I will start introducing you to home winemaking recipes, starting with the simplest ones.

What we need:

  • Apples of sour and sweet and sour varieties, well ripened;
  • Sugar - at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of apple mass.


Let's prepare a clean, dry glass bottle, an enamel bucket, gauze, and a medical rubber glove.

We won’t wash the apples, we’ll just try to take clean, healthy, well-ripened fruits; the most ideal option is to remove the apples from the tree. Since this recipe is yeast-free, fermentation of the wort will occur due to its own fungi that live on the surface of all fruits. Today we will study a simple recipe without squeezing the juice; we will use apple mass.

  1. Remove the core from the apples, grind through a meat grinder, put the apple mass into a clean enamel bucket, add sugar at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of applesauce, mix well.
  2. Transfer the apple mixture with sugar into the prepared bottle, filling it 2/3 full.
  3. We tie the neck of the bottle with a clean gauze napkin. Place the bottle in a dark place and leave to ferment for several days.
  4. After 15-20 hours, the fermentation process should begin, i.e. active proliferation of yeast cells. Every day we will stir the contents of the bottle so that the apple particles sink to the bottom and the foam settles.
  5. After 4 days, pour the fermented juice into another clean glass bottle, straining it through several layers of gauze. Squeeze out the rest of the apple mass; it will no longer be useful.
  6. How to ferment wine correctly? Let's find a dark, warm place for active fermentation. We will put a rubber medical glove on the neck of the bottle and puncture a small hole in it to allow excess gas to escape.
  7. The whole process will take about one and a half to two months. Fermenting wine will make characteristic gurgling sounds, and the escaping gas will inflate the glove.
  8. As soon as the glove falls off, the liquid will become light, all small particles will sink to the bottom, and the gurgling will stop - this stage can be considered complete.
  9. Young wine is carefully filtered from sediment, poured into clean glass bottles or jars, hermetically sealed, cutting off air access. In this form they are kept for at least 3 months in a cool room.

The finished homemade wine has an amber color, a pleasant balanced taste, and a strength of 12-15°. How to make homemade wine fortified? You need to add alcohol or vodka during the fermentation stage of the wort to increase the strength to 18-20° and kill yeast.

Here's a collection of useful tips: Making wine with a sweet and sour balanced taste involves using apples and sour and sweet varieties in a 2:1 ratio.

A drink made from wild apples or winter apples will be more tart due to natural tannins.

The warmer the room, the faster the fermentation process will take place. Temperature range for fermentation: 18-23°C, changes in the direction of lowering or increasing temperature will slow down the vital activity of the yeast, which will certainly affect the quality of the drink.

Apple juice wine

A large harvest of apples will never be a problem for a smart housewife. Homemade apple wine is a wonderful option for the proper use of resources.

How to make delicious wine from apple juice? First, we must obtain apple juice using a juicer or in a more labor-intensive way - grate the apples or pass them through a meat grinder, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. We remember about our little helpers - yeast, and do not wash the apples; we wipe dirty fruits with a napkin.

What we need:

  • Apple juice;
  • Sugar at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter of juice.

Let's prepare a clean glass container with a wide neck, gauze, and a rubber glove.

  1. Pour the apple juice into the prepared container, filling it to 2/3 of the volume, tie the neck with gauze and leave to ferment for 3 days. We will stir the juice periodically to remove the foam.
  2. After 3 days, strain the juice through cheesecloth and place it in a clean glass bottle, add sugar and mix. We put a rubber glove on the neck of the bottle and put it in a warm place for 1-2 months. We will monitor the fermentation process so as not to miss its completion.
  3. Carefully salt the young wine, strain it, pour it into jars or bottles, seal it hermetically and put it in a cool place. Let it sit for 3-6 months, during which time it will lighten and a dense sediment will settle to the bottom. Before use, add salt from the sediment, strain, and pour into beautiful bottles.

Here's a collection of useful tips: It is not advisable to use juice from a juicer to make wine; it turns out almost sterile, fermentation will be very weak, and the drink will be tasteless.

The strength of the drink will depend on the amount of sugar taken for each liter of juice. 100-150 g of sugar will yield dry wine, 400 g of sugar will yield a dessert drink.

A simple recipe for dry apple wine

How to make dry wine from apples? The drink differs from all other wines in its low sugar content.

What we need to make dry wine from apples:

  • Ripe apples;
  • Sugar at the rate of 100g per 1 liter of juice.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, a wide-mouth container, gauze, and a rubber glove.

  1. Let's take apples that are ripe, sweet, healthy, without wormholes. As you already understood, we won’t wash them; if the fruits are dirty, we’ll just wipe them with a napkin.
  2. Remove the core of the apples, grind them in a meat grinder or grate them, put the resulting applesauce into a clean glass or enamel container with a wide neck, tie the neck with gauze and place it in a dark place for primary fermentation.
  3. We will stir the apple mass several times a day so that the fermentation process occurs evenly throughout the entire volume; in addition, stirring saturates the liquid with oxygen, which the yeast needs.
  4. On the third day, separate the juice from the sediment by straining it through cheesecloth.
  5. We no longer need the pulp, and we will pour the wort into a clean glass bottle. For each liter of juice we will add 100, maximum 150 g of sugar, mix, and put a rubber glove with a hole on the neck.
  6. We will place the bottle in a warm, but not hot place, and observe the maturation of the wine for 1-2 months. During this time, it will ferment, gas formation will stop, and a sediment of small particles will settle to the bottom.
  7. Carefully drain the wine from the sediment, strain and pour into clean glass jars, seal tightly, and send to a cool place to ripen.

During the ripening process, our homemade homemade apple wine will lighten, become transparent, and acquire a bright, classic taste.

Apple wine without yeast

How to make homemade wine without using industrial wine yeast? Elementary!

What we need:

  • Apples are sweet and sour;
  • 250 g of sugar for each liter of juice;
  • 150 ml of water for every liter of juice.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, a clean enamel bucket, and gauze.

  1. We will take late apples, select large juicy fruits, we will not wash them, if they are dirty, we will simply wipe them with a napkin. Remove the core from the apples and chop them in any way available to us to get applesauce with juice.
  2. Place the applesauce in a bucket, cover with gauze and let it ferment for 3-4 days, stirring the contents several times a day. During this time, the apple mass will separate into pulp and liquid.
  3. Let's strain the contents of the bucket into the prepared bottle, squeeze out the pulp, it is no longer needed. Let's measure the volume of the resulting juice, calculate the amount of water and sugar for the syrup. Dissolve sugar in hot water, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool and mix with apple juice, mix well.
  4. We will install a water seal on the neck of the bottle. If there is no water seal, remember a simple recipe with a glove that removes excess gas no worse than a water seal. We will put the bottle in a warm place for 1-2 months.
  5. When fermentation comes to an end and gas formation stops, we carefully pour the young wine into glass containers in which it will ripen - jars or bottles. The main thing is to seal the container hermetically so that there is no access to air.
  6. The drink will ripen in a cool place for at least 2-3 months. The longer the aging, the richer the bouquet and the less astringency.
  7. To clarify the drink, it is advisable to pour it several times into a clean container during ripening, getting rid of fine sediment. As soon as the sediment disappears completely, the wine is ready.

Here's a collection of useful tips: You can improve the taste of wine and diversify its bouquet by using a technique such as blending. You can mix the starting materials at the stage of fermentation of the berry mass, you can mix musts or ready-made wines after they have been clarified.

If you end up with apple wine that is poor in taste: how to make the right blend? When blending ready-made wines, it is advisable to do preliminary mixing: take small portions of each drink, for example, 100 ml, mix them in different combinations, achieving a certain taste and strength. A truly new bouquet of blended wine will be formed only after 1-2 years of aging.

Wine from apples and pears

How to make wine from homemade apples and pears? This drink will take all the sweetness of pears and tartness of apples, their combination will give a light pleasant taste.

What we need:

  • Apples have a sour taste;
  • Pears;
  • 250 g sugar and 150 ml water for every liter of apple juice.

Prepare a clean glass bottle, enamel bucket, water seal or rubber glove.

  1. Do not wash the apples and pears, just remove the core. Grind the fruits individually to a puree and squeeze the juice from the apple mass.
  2. If you have a juicer, it is better to run the apples through it. Pears do not produce much juice, so we will use their pulp. The ratio of apple juice and pear pulp will be 1:2.
  3. Place apple juice and pear pulp in an enamel bucket and stir.
  4. Let's calculate the amount of sugar and water for the syrup, cook the syrup from water and sugar, cool and pour in the fruit mixture, mix again.
  5. Cover the bucket with gauze and leave to ferment for 2-4 days, stirring the contents periodically.
  6. When the pulp rises like a cap, remove it, strain the wort into a clean bottle, and install a water seal. The drink will ferment for 2-3 months.

The pear will make the liquid cloudy, so the clarification process will take 3-4 months. But the result will be worth all our efforts - the wine made from apples and pears is very aromatic and soft.

As they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. We will definitely look at the video on how to make wine from apples at home; a simple recipe from a master of his craft will relieve you of doubts about whether it is worth engaging in home winemaking.

Wine from apple pomace after juicer

What we need:

  • Apple pulp;
  • 200 g of sugar and 1 liter of water for every kilogram of cake.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, wide-necked jar, gauze, air seal or rubber glove.

  1. Weigh the apple pulp to calculate the amount of sugar and water. We will fill the jar to 2/3 of its volume.
  2. After squeezing the juice, there is very little moisture left in the cake, so we will fill it with syrup. Place the cake in a wide-necked jar, prepare a syrup from water and half the sugar, cool, pour in the cake, mix well.
  3. Cover the neck with gauze and put the jar in a dark place for fermentation. Active fermentation will continue for 3-4 days, all the pulp will float to the top, we will periodically stir the contents of the jar.
  4. After 4 days, carefully pour the liquid into a clean bottle, filtering it through cheesecloth, add the remaining sugar, mix well and leave to ferment for 1-2 months.
  5. We will put a glove on the neck of the bottle or install a water seal. After fermentation, the wine will become clearer, and a residue of small particles will settle to the bottom of the bottle.
  6. Carefully salt it, bottle it, seal it tightly and put it in a cool place to ripen for another 2-4 months.

I gave you a recipe without yeast, based on the active work of natural fermentation. But if fermentation proceeds very sluggishly or stops completely, I advise you to use a simple recipe with wine yeast, which is added to the wort.

It should be taken into account that baker's yeast is not suitable for winemaking; it develops too rapidly in the initial stages of fermentation and dies when the alcohol concentration exceeds 15%.

It is better to take industrial wine yeast; one package weighing 5 g is enough for 10-20 liters of wort to resume fermentation.

The wine made from apple pomace after the juicer is called secondary, it is less saturated, its color is lighter, but, nevertheless, the drink turns out to be pleasant, light and less tart.

To get a drink with a brighter color and taste, you can add chopped chokeberries to the apple pulp at the first stage of preparing wine; the rest of the process will remain unchanged.

Wine made from chokeberries and apples based on pomace is no worse in its characteristics than the drink of the classical method of preparation. Homemade apple wine is very popular at all holiday feasts.

Green apple wine

How to make wine from apples at home if the fruits have not yet ripened? Technologically, the process of preparing alcohol from green apples is no different from making it in the classical way, the only difference is in the source material.

What we need:

  • Green unripe apples of different varieties;
  • 150 g and 250 ml of sugar water for every kilogram of pulp.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, an enamel bucket, gauze, and a glove.

  1. We will not wash the apples; we will remove the core and seeds, grind them in a meat grinder and put them in a bucket. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar, pour in the apple mixture and mix well.
  2. Cover the bucket with gauze and place it in a dark place. We will periodically stir the apple mixture, precipitating the pulp.
  3. After 4 days, pour the liquid into a clean bottle, filtering it through cheesecloth, squeeze out the cake, it is no longer needed.
  4. We put a rubber glove with a hole on the neck of the bottle, put the bottle in a warm place, and let the wine ferment for 2-3 months.
  5. We salt the young wine from the sediment, package it in jars or bottles, seal it tightly and leave for another 2-3 months for final maturation. As a result, we will get an amazing dry wine.
  6. According to the recipe of a famous winemaker, you can soften the harsh taste - at the last stage of ripening, add spices to taste: a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of vanilla, a star anise.

And now - the promised video from enthusiastic winemakers.

I hope that every reader will choose the most interesting and simple recipe for apple wine, try it at home and share their impressions!