Cowberry - recipes for medicines. Lingonberry infusion - a gift from the queen of berries


Lingonberry is an evergreen shrub belonging to the heather family. The distribution area is Siberia, the Tundra, as well as some forest areas of the European part of Russia.

Tea with lingonberries - favorite drink indigenous population of Siberia. Healing properties its fruits have been known since ancient times. The berry was widely used to treat a number of diseases. In addition, it has become widespread in cooking.


Lingonberries are rich in vitamins and mineral composition. She is full of:

  • phenolic glycosides;
  • licopid;
  • vaccinin;
  • organic acids;
  • sugars;
  • fatty oils;
  • carotene;
  • micro and macro elements.

In the composition: magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, copper, as well as zinc, nickel, strontium, vanadium, barium, lead, boron, silver and other elements.

What diseases does it treat?

Recipes for decoctions and tinctures are shown with:

  • hypertension;
  • inflammatory and colds;
  • urolithiasis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • neuralgia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis, etc.

Berry tincture - excellent tool with avitaminosis. It can be used as an additional source beneficial to the body substances, including in the recovery period after illness.

A decoction of the leaves has a pronounced diuretic effect. It is used for edema, increased blood pressure, impaired renal function and many other ailments.

Application in folk medicine and cooking

Lingonberries are widely used in traditional medicine. It is eaten, harvested, tinctures and decoctions are made from various parts of the plant.

Decoction - diuretic

The decoction is a wonderful diaphoretic and diuretic. It is used for cystitis, hypertension, liver ailments, kidney disease, colds, gastritis, etc.

To prepare it, you will need:

  • plant leaves - 20 g;
  • 3 glasses of water.

Dry raw materials are poured cold water, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Next, the composition is insisted for about one and a half to two hours. This recipe extremely easy to prepare. The decoction should be taken 1 glass, half an hour before meals, three times a day.

Infusion of berries for the gastrointestinal tract

The infusion recipe will be useful for people with diseases gastrointestinal tract: colitis, gastritis, etc. You will need 100 grams of cranberries. It must be washed and poured over with boiling water. Then, pour the raw material with a glass of cold water and leave to infuse for 6 hours. The drink is used 3-4 times a day before meals, 1/4 cup.

Potion for colds

Pouring is a drink that can be easily prepared at home. IN winter time it will save you from colds and prevent the development of beriberi, improve kidney function and strengthen cardiovascular system. In addition, the liqueur is amazingly delicious. alcoholic drink, which can be used for festive table. Naturally, given the strength, it must be taken with caution.

You will need:

  • 1 liter lingonberry syrup, or ripe berries volume 1 kg.;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • sugar or honey.

Method for preparing alcohol liquor:

  • Rinse the berry and lightly crush, place in a glass container;
  • pour raw materials with alcohol or vodka;
  • dissolve sugar or honey in water.
  • add syrup;
  • mix thoroughly and close the lid.
  • place in a dark cool place for 1.5 months.

Ruby red fortified drink is ready. Storage in this form can be quite long.

Syrup for immunity

Lingonberries in syrup - excellent remedy during the cold season.

Just like liqueur, this drink is rich in vitamins, microelements, tannins, etc. The recipe is quite simple:

  1. The berries must first be washed and placed in glass jar.
  2. Then top up with sugar. You can add more sugar as needed when juice appears.
  3. The jar is tightly closed and left for a day.
  4. Then strain for a rich sweet and sour drink.
  5. It is necessary to sterilize the raw materials for 15-20 minutes and roll them into jars.

Every housewife should know this recipe. After all, it's not just healing agent, but also a magical delicacy. In addition, the storage of such a syrup in a rolled up jar can be quite long.

steamed berry

In addition to preparing decoctions and tinctures, lingonberries can also be steamed.

For this:

  • it is enough to wash the required amount,
  • put them in a container
  • sprinkle with sugar, if desired
  • the container is placed in the oven for several hours.

The finished product retains some of its useful properties. Storage can be extended by wrapping it in a jar and placing it in the refrigerator. However, the steamed berry should not be stored for a long time. It is better to eat it in the next few days.

Soaked cranberries

To prepare such a product, you will need:

  • 1 kg. ripe berries;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 300 ml. water.

Prepared as follows:

  • sort ripe berries, wash;
  • place raw materials in a glass jar;
  • pre-weld sugar syrup(water and sugar), cool;
  • pour syrup to the top of the container;
  • roll up, store in a dark, cool place.

Such lingonberries can be used to season meat dishes, salads, act as an element of desserts, etc.

In the cold season, you especially want to please yourself delicious fruits and berries. However, these products cannot boast of durability. Nevertheless, there is still a way out: you can buy fruits or berries in the store, or you can preserve them and eat goodies from your garden even in winter.

Cowberries will bring you a lot of pleasure and benefit. This berry contains many vitamins and other useful elements. It can be prepared different ways. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages.

Cowberry syrup

In order to cook delicious syrup For this bittersweet berry, you will need berries, water, and lemon juice. The syrup can be an excellent seasoning for meat and poultry dishes.

It is necessary to take ripe lingonberries, sort them out, rinse thoroughly in cold water. Then, put clean berries in a glass jar.

Then make your own syrup. To do this, take 400 ml of water and 300 g of sugar (per kg of berries). Here you need to add a little lemon juice, you can peel. All this must be boiled, then strained and left to cool. After the syrup has cooled, pour over the berries. The bank needs to be closed parchment paper. Keep this product in a cool place.

Cowberry soaked

Another type of lingonberry preparation, which will be an excellent addition to meat and poultry. Soaked lingonberries can be added to salads and vinaigrettes.

As in previous recipe, the berries must first be thoroughly rinsed with cold water. Throw clean berries on a sieve.

Next, you need to prepare the syrup. To make syrup for a kilogram of berries, you need to take 1 liter of water, add 2 tablespoons there. sugar, half 1 tsp. salt and a little cloves and cinnamon. The syrup must be boiled for ten minutes. When boiling, foam will form, which must be skimmed off.

When the lingonberries on the sieve are completely swollen, arrange the berries in glass jars and fill them with syrup. The syrup must be chilled before being used. We cover the jars with the resulting preservation with parchment and put in a cool place for storage.

Cowberry jam for the winter

Since ancient times, Russian families have enjoyed special honor lingonberry jam. Pears and apples can also be added to lingonberry jam.

Berries must first be poured over with boiling water and kept in boiling water for two to three minutes. After this procedure, they need to be thrown back on a sieve so that water is glassed from the berries.

Cooking syrup. To do this, you need 1.5 kg of sugar and 2 tbsp. water per 1 kg of berries. It is necessary to prepare the syrup in the same way as in the recipes proposed above. After the berries are swollen, they are placed in a basin. Boiling syrup is poured there. It is very good to put a little cloves in the jam before the end of cooking. This will spice up the taste.

If you decide to use fruits in your jam, then they must be cut, after removing the seeds along with the seed box. Then the fruits need to be boiled a little in syrup, and only then lingonberries should be poured there. In this case, fruits are usually taken 0.5 kg per 1 kg of berries. At the end of cooking such a jam, it will not be superfluous to add a little lemon peel there.

Cowberry jelly

Cowberry jelly is best prepared using honey. This product will become delicious dessert, however, it is also suitable for meat dishes.

Berries must be put in a basin and boiled in own juice without adding water until they burst. Then the resulting mass must be filtered through a cloth. As a result, we get juice.

Honey or sugar should be added to this liquid, but honey is preferable. The amount of sugar or honey should match the amount of juice. Then the jelly must be boiled until tender. After it is ready, it must be cooled and distributed among the banks.

Cowberry steamed

In the old days for better storage lingonberries were steamed. This is enough tasty dish. Besides, such lingonberries are stored very well. In order to use it in winter, you just need to add a little sugar.

To steam lingonberries, you need to sort through the berries. Pour them into a bowl with a lid and place in the oven for one and a half to two hours. After the berries are ready, they must be placed in jars, which must first be sterilized.

Cowberry compote recipe for the winter

You can pamper yourself in winter with lingonberry compote. The collected berries must be sorted out. They must be thoroughly washed and placed in jars. Pour the berries with hot syrup, the sugar concentration in which should be approximately 30-40% of the total mass. Next, the jars must be rolled up with metal lids, and then pasteurized for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees. After all the preparations are completed, the compote must be put in a cool place.

Cowberry is incredible useful berry, should be used all year round . It can help to cope with many diseases and replenish the supply of vitamins that we lack in winter. Read about the benefits of lingonberries in the article Useful and medicinal properties lingonberries, and about other ways of storing this wonderful berry- in the article How to store cranberries?.

There are many ways to harvest cranberries for the winter. For example, berries can be rubbed with sugar or poured with syrup, and then used as a filling for pies and cakes or eaten with tea. Today you will learn another option on how you can save most of the useful properties of lingonberries for the winter and get a chance to enjoy the aroma and taste of summer, even cold. winter evening.

Recipe steamed cranberries in the oven

Let's figure out how to properly soar lingonberries in the oven.

Cooking steamed lingonberries according to an old Russian recipe. We put the sorted, washed and naturally dried berries into a saucepan, which we place in the oven or a heated, but already cooling Russian oven for 2-3 hours (you can slightly open the door oven). It can be kept in the cooling oven for up to 5 hours.

Next, put the steamed lingonberries in sterilized jars and close with plastic lids. Cold for storing steamed lingonberries is an optional but desirable condition. In the cold season, you can cook delicious vitamin dishes from harvested steamed lingonberries. lingonberry fruit drinks with addition a small amount Sahara.

Stewed cranberries

We sort out the lingonberries and rinse thoroughly, after which we lay them out to dry on the canvas. Cleanly washed jars are sterilized with steam from the spout of a boiling kettle. We fill the jars with berries to the top, cover with metal or glass lids. Some of the berries should be ready to fill the jars to the top, since their contents will settle during the languishing process.

in the pelvis (or large saucepan) put a towel or rag, expose the jars and pour water over the "hangers" of the jars. Carefully put the bowl on the fire.

When the water in the pan boils slowly, the berries in the jars decrease in volume (they begin to languish, that is, heat up, give juice and settle). Well, I remind you that you need to close them with glass or metal removable lids. When the berries have settled, add fresh ones. We repeat this procedure until more berries do not fit. The berries should be completely covered with juice, but it is not necessary to bring the contents of the jars to a boil (otherwise the vitamins will be destroyed).

Typically, this process takes no more than 40 minutes. Much depends on the stove, the capacity and the size of the cans (cans from 0.25 to 1.0 l are most suitable).

When the lingonberries are sufficiently simmered, we remove the jars from the pelvis and close nylon lids and chill. The berries will settle a little more - this is normal.

In the winter-spring periods, such lingonberry preparations seriously diversify your table, maintain immunity at the right level.

Cowberry compote recipe:

Ingredients (for a 3 liter jar):

Lingonberries - 4 cups
sugar - 1 cup

Washed and sorted berries are placed in a clean 3-liter jar, poured with boiling water to the shoulders. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

Then the infused water is poured into the pan through a sieve (so that the berries do not get in), bring to a boil, put sugar in it, and let it boil again. The resulting syrup is poured over lingonberries in a jar.

The jar is rolled up (or clogged plastic lid with 3 lugs or metal screwed). Not bad even without sterilization.

Soaked lingonberries with sugar: a classic recipe

You will need:

Water - 1 liter,
Sugar - 100 grams,
Salt - 1/2 teaspoon,
Cinnamon, black pepper - optional.

Cooking method
1. We sort out lingonberries. Rinse thoroughly under running cold water.
2. We shift the berries to enamel pan, glass jar or wooden barrel.
3. Prepare the syrup: pour water into the pan, add sugar and salt. We mix. We put on fire. Cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.
4. Pour the lingonberry with the cooled syrup.
5. If desired, you can add cinnamon, a couple of black peppercorns or a few cloves.
6. Lingonberry should stand for a week when room temperature.
7. After that, the container with soaked berries should be removed to a dark, cool room. The test can be removed after a month.

Soaked cranberries with spices

You will need:
Lingonberries - 1 kilogram,
Carnation - 7 buds,
Cinnamon - 1 stick,
Allspice - 6 peas,
Salt - 2 teaspoons,
Sugar - 2 tablespoons,
Water - 1 liter.

Cooking method
1. Pour water into the pan. Add salt, sugar, cinnamon, allspice and cloves. We mix.
2. We put on fire. Bring to a boil and wait for the sugar to dissolve.
3. While the filling is cooling down, prepare the lingonberry. We sort out the berries, remove the spoiled and dry ones. Rinse well under cold running water.
4. We lay out the lingonberries in pre-sterilized jars.
5. Pour the berries with cooled syrup.
6. We clog banks.
7. Store lingonberries in a cool place.

Lingonberries in syrup: a classic recipe

You will need:
Cowberry berries - 1 kilogram,
Sugar - 300 grams,
Water - 2 glasses,
Lemon zest - optional.

Cooking method
1. We sort out lingonberries, remove spoiled berries and debris. Rinse thoroughly.
2. We recline in a colander to remove excess liquid.
3. We lay out the berries in glass or faience jars.
4. Dissolve sugar in water. If desired, add lemon peel. Put on fire and bring to a boil.
5. Pour the lingonberry with the cooled syrup.
6. We cork jars.
7. We store jars of lingonberry jam in a dark, cool place.

Lingonberries in syrup: the original recipe

You will need:
Cowberry berries - 4 kilograms.
Sugar - 0.5 kilograms.

Cooking method
1. We sort out lingonberries. Rinse thoroughly with running water. We throw it away in a colander.
2. We divide the berry into two equal parts.
3. Sprinkle one part of the lingonberry with sugar. Mix thoroughly.
4. Put on fire and bring to a boil.
5. As soon as the berries rise to the top, pour out the rest of the lingonberries. We mix.
6. We lay out the hot jam in sterilized jars.
7. We cork the jars with nylon lids or twist them.
8. Cooked in this way, lingonberries in syrup are well stored even at room temperature, but it’s better on long-term storage send it to the cellar or refrigerator.

Lingonberries in syrup with cloves

The original taste of cranberries goes well with the aroma of cloves. It is the recipe for such a jam that we hasten to present to your attention.

You will need:
Cowberry berries - 1 kilogram,
Sugar - 1.5 kilograms,
Water - 2 glasses,
Cloves - to taste.

Cooking method
1. We sort out the lingonberries, wash them. We spread it on a dry, clean towel to free it from excess moisture.
2. We shift the berries into a colander and lower them for 3 minutes in boiling water.
3. We give excess water drain.
While water is draining from the lingonberry, we are preparing the syrup.
4. Bring water to a boil. We add sugar. Stir until all sugar is dissolved.
5. Pour the berries with boiling syrup.
6. Put the jam on the fire and cook for 20 minutes.
7. At the end of the process, add cloves.
8. Pour lingonberry jam into sterilized jars.
9. We cork the jars with lids, both nylon and screw metal ones are suitable.
10. We clean the cooled cans in the refrigerator or basement. However, it is worth recognizing that jam is stored well even at room temperature.

Recipe for lingonberries without sugar:

To prepare natural canned lingonberries, the sepals are removed from the berries, sorted by maturity (soft and damaged ones are discarded).
The preparation is incredibly simple: put the berries in jars to the top and fill with boiling water. Cool a little, cover with lids and sterilize: for large three-liter jars it takes 20 minutes, for smaller containers - 10-15 minutes.

At the end of sterilization, the jars are immediately clogged, turned upside down and cooled.

Lingonberry is a shrub that grows in swampy areas. Lingonberries are a real king-berry, and in order to preserve it for the winter they cook from lingonberries various jams, juices, lingonberries are wetted, dried, frozen and even stored fresh.

Useful properties of cranberries

  • Increases appetite;
  • Normalizes digestion;
  • Restores blood;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • Has a diuretic effect;
  • Disinfects;
  • Restores metabolism;
  • Removes toxins;
  • Choleretic agent;
  • Helps in the fight against rheumatism.

Cowberry juice also has many useful properties. All winter you can cook from harvested berries vitamin fruit drinks. If you add honey to lingonberry juice, then such a remedy is effective for coughing. Cowberry syrup is an excellent seasoning for meat dishes, such berries are added to sauerkraut for taste, they can decorate cakes and pastries.

Cowberry Recipes

Soaked cranberries for the winter

Rinse the berries under cold water, let the water drain. Then pour lingonberries with syrup, prepared at the rate of 1 kilogram of berries, a liter of water, 2 tbsp. sugar, ½ tsp salt. To taste, you can put cinnamon and cloves in the syrup. The syrup should be boiled for at least 10 minutes, then remove the foam from it. We put the lingonberries in jars and pour the cooled syrup over. Use parchment paper instead of lids. Keep soaked cranberries should be in a cool place. You can add soaked lingonberries to meat, salads.

How to make lingonberry jam?

Pour cranberries for a few minutes with hot boiled water. We let the water drain, then the lingonberries are placed in a basin, poured with ready-made syrup. Syrup for jam is prepared based on a kilogram of lingonberries, two glasses of water, one and a half kilograms of sugar. You can add other fruits to the jam, such as apples and pears. If you decide to cook jam with fruits, then first you need to boil them in syrup, and then add lingonberries to the bowl with jam. Will give spicy taste orange and lemon peel jam. Before the end of cooking, you can add mint leaves, linden, rose petals to the jam. To make jam, you just need to increase the boiling time.

How to make berry jelly?

In a bowl, cook lingonberries in their own juice until they begin to burst. Finished mass you need to strain so that there is no mezdra left from the berries. For 1 glass of finished juice, you need to put a glass of honey or sugar and continue to cook lingonberries until a jelly-like mass. Cowberry jelly is not only a delicacy, but also a seasoning for meat dishes.

How to soar lingonberries?

Steamed lingonberries are prepared according to old Russian recipes. The berries need to be sorted out, put into a saucepan and put in the oven or Russian oven for a couple of hours. You need to store steamed lingonberries in sterilized dishes, even under plastic lids. Cold storage of such lingonberries is not a prerequisite. A fruit drink is prepared from steamed lingonberries with the addition of sugar.

Cowberry compote

We sort out the berries, pour them into jars, pour 1 kilogram of sugar with syrup at the rate of 3 liters of water. Roll up and sterilize jars for at least 20 minutes.

Cowberry juice

Remove impurities from lingonberries, boil. After letting the cranberries brew for a couple of hours, then put on a sieve, the juice should drain overnight. The next day, you need to add sugar to the juice at the rate of 2 parts of juice 1 part of sugar and boil it for 10 minutes. Pour the juice into jars and sterilize. Sterilization time depends on the volume of the jar. Liter jar with juice should “cook” for at least 35 minutes. After the banks we roll up.

But best of all lingonberries preserve beneficial features if it is not subjected heat treatment. Lingonberries are rich in ascorbic acid, which is destroyed at a temperature. Even if lingonberries are not boiled, they can be stored all winter in a cool place.

  • You can soak lingonberries in cold sugared water and store them all winter. Soaked lingonberries help reduce blood pressure and treat colds.
  • You can not use sugar when soaking lingonberries, but simply fill it with spring water.
  • Frozen lingonberries also retain all the vitamins.
  • Twist the lingonberries with sugar or honey and store them in the refrigerator.
  • Lingonberries in their own juice

    For cooking you will need a wooden barrel. Washed and slightly dried lingonberries should be poured into a barrel with a layer of 10 centimeters. After you need to lightly squeeze the berries until they give juice. We tamp each next layer until juice appears, so until the container is filled. On top of the barrel, you can put a circle, as a circle, you can use a wooden cutting board, on which you should put a brick in cellophane. Before use, lingonberries can be flavored with sugar. Lingonberries in their own juice are suitable for making desserts, jelly and fruit drinks. It must be kept refrigerated.

    How to prepare lingonberry water?

    Pour the collected lingonberries into containers, five-liter jars are best suited, pour chilled water with sugar. Syrup for pouring is prepared based on 3 liters boiled water 1 cup sugar and some cinnamon. Close the jars with a lid and do not touch for a month. After lingonberry water is ready for use.

    What diseases does lingonberry help with?

    • Hypertension;
    • Atherosclerosis;
    • Gastritis;
    • Diabetes;
    • Cold;
    • Arthritis;
    • Diseases of the kidneys.

    Lingonberry in cosmetology

    Useful substances contain not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the shrub. Extracts and decoctions are used in cosmetology to combat hair loss and dandruff. The lingonberry mask has a rejuvenating effect.

    What is in lingonberry?

  • Sahara;
  • Tannins;
  • Vitamin B2;
  • Manganese;
  • Vitamins C and E;
  • Catechins;
  • mineral salts;
  • pectins;
  • Essential oils;
  • Copper;
  • glycosides;
  • Organic acids, including ascorbic and benzoic.
  • To whom is lingonberry contraindicated?

    • Those with high acidity;
    • Patients with cholecystitis;
    • People with peptic ulcers.

    It is better to pick berries in September, but you can continue to pick berries until the end of autumn. Do not pick lingonberries near the track, berries accumulate radionuclides. For cooking, you need to use only ripe berries. Lingonberries for the winter are not only tasty, but also healthy. If you have not chosen what to cook from berries, then you have at least 10 days to think. How much can be stored without problems fresh cranberries on the balcony.

    And the townspeople who want to provide for themselves tasty vitamins for the winter, at the beginning of autumn they go hunting for lingonberries in the nearest supermarket or choose berries in the market.

    Lingonberries are good both fresh and processed.

    It is not distinguished by sweetness, but you cannot deny the taste of its strong berries in originality.

    Soaked, pickled, steamed, dried lingonberries become a wonderful side dish for meat, fish, mushroom dishes, game.

    For example, any meat, even lean. And in order to enjoy sweet preparations (jam, compotes, fruit drinks, jams), she will only “require” you to add more sugar.

    How to store fresh lingonberries correctly

    Cowberry fruits contain acids that have antiseptic properties. They allow you to keep the berries fresh for a long time.

    Without heat treatment that is detrimental to vitamins, fresh lingonberries can be stored for months even at room temperature.

    Before you save lingonberries for the winter without a refrigerator, you need to select ripe, but not overripe berries without damage, rinse them.

    Then transfer the berries to a jar, fill with cool boiled water, send to cool.

    Let stand for 3 days. After the water is drained, pour fresh, close the vessel with a lid.

    If you pick up beautiful glass jars, you can place them right in the kitchen. The content looks so appetizing that it will become an organic addition to the interior.

    Only collected or purchased lingonberries in their natural state, without pouring, are well preserved in the refrigerator. Select ripe whole berries, wash them, dry them. Transfer to a deep container, such as a cardboard box or plastic container with lid. Place in the refrigerator on the vegetable rack. There they can be stored for 2-3 months.

    To keep fresh berries longer without pouring at room temperature, prepare several sheets of paper. Put a layer of prepared lingonberries on the first sheet, transfer to a cardboard container, then the next layer on a sheet of paper, etc. This way the berries can “hold out” for about a month. But you need to keep an eye on them: when you see a fruit that is ready to deteriorate, immediately get rid of it.

    Save the berry for the winter

    Among the winter stocks, jars of lingonberries stand out for their elegance. Soaked, canned or simply grated with sugar, lingonberries are guaranteed to last until the next “hunting” season. Every day it will become tastier and tastier - this is another of its pleasant features.

    Soaked cranberries

    A simple way to keep lingonberries for the winter without a refrigerator, proven for centuries, will allow you to cook a spicy and healthy lingonberry side dish at any time, pamper your household savory pastries with delicious toppings.

    Prepare compotes, jelly, fruit drinks from soaked lingonberries, or simply refresh yourself with a bright red, divinely fragrant drink infused with wild berries.

    You will need:

    • 5 kg cranberries
    • 2.5-2.8 liters of water
    • 500 g sugar (or half a kilo of honey)
    • a pinch of cinnamon or a couple of cloves (optional)
    • salt (on the edge of a knife).

    How to do:

    1. Sort the berries, put in a colander, rinse.
    2. Transfer fruits to three-liter jars(on the shoulders).
    3. Next, bring the water to a boil, add sugar or add honey, flavor with cinnamon, cloves if desired.
    4. Cook until sugar or honey is completely dissolved in water. Cool down.
    5. Pour berries with syrup.
    6. We cover the necks of the jars with gauze, leave it in the room for a couple of days.
    7. We close the jars with nylon lids, place them in a cool place - you should ideally store soaked lingonberries in the cellar, but the refrigerator shelf will do just fine.

    Canned in syrup

    Lingonberries can be preserved, as. Make a simple (from sugar and water) and fruit filling.

    In any case, sugar should be at least 70% of the amount of liquid.

    What do you need:

    • 5 kilos of lingonberries;
    • 2 liters of water;
    • 1.5-1.8 kg of sugar;
    • glass of lemon juice.

    Process step by step:

    1. Boil water, add sugar to it.
    2. Stir. Boil until dissolved sugar crystals pour in the lemon juice.
    3. Strain and chill.
    4. Fill the jars with lingonberries, pour in the syrup.
    5. Cover the necks with parchment paper, tie, put in a cool place.

    Can be used instead of water fruit syrup, which is prepared as follows: squeeze juice from lingonberries, add sugar (1: 1) and boil.

    With sugar without heat treatment

    One of the best options preservation of vitamins - just grind lingonberry berries with sugar and store the workpiece in the refrigerator.

    This is a vitamin treat. pure form Of course, only desperate sweet tooth will like it - there is too much sugar.

    But it cannot be reduced: the fermentation process can occur even in the refrigerator.

    But as a filling for pies, a sweet preparation will appeal to everyone.

    You will need:

    • 2 kg cranberries;
    • 2 kg of sugar.

    How to cook:

    1. Sort the berries, put them in a colander, rinse.
    2. After the water drains, pour the berries in a bowl with sugar.
    3. Thoroughly, with effort, without fear of crushing, mix.
    4. Dip a tablespoon in boiling water and spread the fruit and sugar mass into jars.
    5. Close the lids, send to the refrigerator.

    How to store lingonberries all winter without sugar

    blank fresh berries lingonberries without adding sugar at home is possible if available freezer or oven. These technologies do an excellent job with the most important task: preserving natural taste fruits and their rich useful component.


    To freeze lingonberries, select the berries: they should be ripe.

    Slightly unripe - also acceptable, but overripe, damaged or rotten mercilessly discard.

    It is ideal to send only harvested or purchased fruits to the freezer.

    In any case, hurry up, not giving the vitamins time to “self-destruct”.

    Rinse the berries, dry on a paper towel.

    Put the forest wealth in plastic bags or sealed containers and send the freezer.


    Before processing, select ripe berries, discarding crushed, rotten ones. Wash the fruits and dry.

    Spread on a baking sheet in one layer and place in the oven (+ 60°C). Stir them periodically.

    Seal dry berries tightly and place in a dark, dry place. It is not worth keeping them for more than six months. Better brew more vitamin tea and improve your health.

    Lingonberries do not ripen on their own. You should not expect greenish berries to turn scarlet. Get only bright fruits.

    When buying, make sure that the berry is harvested in an ecologically clean region. It is capable of intensively absorbing radiation.

    Density lingonberry berries and the acids contained in them allow them, with some types of processing, to be stored for a couple of years. But it is better to empty the stocks before the start of the next season. It will be tastier and healthier.

    Siberians, who know a lot about lingonberry intricacies, add to water when soaking berries spoiled milk, chicory or bread crusts, put licorice root. And in Ukraine, it is soaked together with Antonov apples.

    Useful video

    How to choose good cranberries and why it can be stored in water is described in detail in this video: