Safe drinks. Is it possible for pregnant women? What to drink, what to eat and how to live - myths and truth

With the onset of pregnancy, the question arises not only of reviewing the diet, but also the drinks consumed by the woman. After all, everything that a pregnant woman consumes will certainly affect her child. To create an optimal drinking regimen and select appropriate products, the expectant mother needs to know what she can drink during pregnancy, and what preferences need to be limited or completely abandoned.

Allowed drinks

The best way to quench your thirst is clean, non-carbonated water, preferably from a well. The amount you drink per day is limited by common sense or doctor’s orders if a woman suffers from swelling.

What drinks can you drink during pregnancy:

  1. herbal and fruit teas;
  2. juices, preferably freshly squeezed, since prepared products contain a lot of sugar;
  3. compotes from fresh, dried or frozen fruits and berries;
  4. diluted homemade jams or preserves;
  5. fermented milk products – kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt;

Fruit drinks for pregnant women will be an excellent way to quench your thirst and replenish your body’s supply of vitamins. In addition to berries, there are options using oranges, grapefruits, apples, pears and other fruits and even vegetables. The recipes for healthy drinks are simple; even the youngest housewife can master them.

Drinking different drinks while carrying a child plays no less important role for the normal development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy than a properly selected diet. In addition to changing the usual way of eating, it is also necessary to review the drinking regime. Following simple rules - how much, when and what you can drink during pregnancy - will help the expectant mother feel great for all 9 months, and ensure good health for the child.

What fruit drinks can pregnant women drink?

  • cranberry;
  • lingonberry;
  • currant;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • viburnum and others.

How to prepare fruit juice for pregnant women? All fruit drinks are prepared according to approximately the same recipe. The washed berries, fruits or citrus fruits are thoroughly squeezed, filled with water and brought to a boil. The resulting broth is filtered, sugar or honey is added to taste (you can do without it) and cool. Next, pour the previously obtained berry juice into the prepared base and mix thoroughly. Morse is ready!

Optimal choice

Typically, pregnant women can drink as much fluid as they want. Not surprising - you need to serve two people, so thirst is a frequent companion for pregnant women. In later stages, sometimes the number of drinks consumed should be limited if a woman suffers from edema. This should not be confused with the word “refuse” - dehydration is fraught with dire consequences.

The child’s health and his habitat (amniotic fluid) directly depend on how his mother’s drinking regime is organized. Therefore, you can and should drink enough liquid during pregnancy, and to reduce swelling it is better to avoid salt.

Pure, spring or artesian, bottled, filtered or, in extreme cases, boiled water should take up two-thirds of the liquid received per day. If there are restrictions on the quantity, then it is better to drink during pregnancy in small sips and often. This way you can “deceive” the body - quench your thirst without exceeding the norm.

The average norm is usually up to 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day with a weight of 50-60 kg, then more. At the end of the second trimester, the volumes can be reduced and the glass of drink can be replaced with eaten fruit.

What to drink during pregnancy:

  • clean water;
  • juices, optimally freshly squeezed;
  • teas, preferably herbal, berry or fruit;
  • kefir, fermented baked milk, drinking yoghurts;
  • fruit drinks or diluted jam;
  • compotes from fresh or dried fruits and berries.

Packaged juices are not a good choice - their sugar content exceeds the permissible limit for pregnant women. Black or green tea contains caffeine, so only lightly brewed ones are allowed. Herbal teas for uterine tone are selected with a doctor.

It is useful for pregnant women to drink fermented milk products, unlike milk, they are better absorbed by the body and perfectly quench thirst. It is good to add rose hips, mint, and ginger to compotes. If you suffer from toxicosis, you can drop lemon juice into a glass of water and drink it an hour before meals in the morning on an empty stomach.

Limited drinks

Sometimes the desires of a woman in an interesting position are so strong that it is impossible to resist any temptation. So, many mothers allow themselves to drink brine during pregnancy. Sourness and coolness are what the body asks for, but it is better to replace the vinegar-salt cocktail with something more healthy.

Another commonly forbidden fruit is tarragon. The answer to the question whether you can drink tarragon during pregnancy depends on what kind of product it is - store-bought soda or homemade infusion. Although the herb itself contains many essential oils and is therefore not recommended for pregnant women.

Can pregnant women drink birch sap? Such a wonderful body cleanser, such a healthy and healthy birch sap. There are countless benefits from its use, including a mild diuretic effect, especially when eaten fresh, which is especially important during pregnancy, accompanied by edema.

But, any such effect on the body is therapeutic and therefore it is necessary to drink birch sap little by little, without being too zealous. And birch buds should be used with even greater caution. Such a strong diuretic can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Is it possible to have kefir grains during pregnancy? Opinions differ on this matter. Officially, it is not advisable for pregnant women and children under three years of age to drink milk mushroom. Since the effect of the drink on this category has not been studied. The finished starter culture contains a small amount of alcohol, so Tibetan milk mushroom is not an essential product during pregnancy. But many mothers have been drinking it and drinking it for many years and do not notice any negative effects.

You should drink birch sap carefully and in small quantities if possible. Although it is quite beneficial, due to its ability to detoxify the body, you should be careful. Mineral water can be taken as a therapeutic agent as prescribed by a doctor if indicated.

Alcohol and pregnancy

Separately, it should be noted the question of what alcoholic beverages pregnant women should drink. Nothing! It is not uncommon to find information that good wine in small quantities has a beneficial effect on the body and you should even drink it. Or, if a woman wants beer, it means the baby is asking for it, and you can drink a glass. All this is a misconception that threatens irreversible consequences; alcohol in any form is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. The life and development of a child is directly related to the use of alcohol by his mother.

Can pregnant women drink? Absolutely not and without any “buts”. The placenta is not able to filter alcohol and easily passes it to the baby. The range of negative effects of alcohol on the developing fetus is extremely wide.

The most “harmless” ones would be low weight and insufficient growth of the newborn. Problems with the nervous system, heart, and physique cannot be avoided. Moreover, there are no clear standards that influence the child - whether it is a moderate amount of alcohol or its abuse is not known.

There is no doubt that a sane mother would want her child to be born with alcohol syndrome. We are talking about a set of defects in the development of the fetus, including physical deformities and developmental delays.

Pregnant women who drink in most cases give birth to children who have typical features in appearance - the palpebral fissure is shortened, the upper lip is disproportionately thin, the philtrum is minimal, the face is elongated. Microcephaly, anal fusion, vaginal developmental anomalies, liver fibrosis and other pathologies are also observed.

Getting pregnant is a problem for many. But in order to bear and give birth to a healthy child, you also have to work hard. With a well-organized diet, drinking regimen, and maternal awareness, the risk of developing problems is minimal or completely eliminated. And pregnancy itself will not be a test, but a period in life full of positive emotions and experiences.

The period of bearing a child is not so short. And it’s hard to survive all 9 months on the same water, especially when pregnancy occurs in autumn and winter. For this reason, many women are tempted to look at previously favorite and frequently consumed drinks. What drinks should pregnant women not drink?

Coffee, black or green tea. Because of caffeine, they need to be consumed in a minimal amount - no more than 1 serving of coffee per day, and teas in a diluted form. Cocoa is a product that leaches calcium and is a strong allergen, so it is better not to get carried away, and if possible, completely abandon it. Alcohol is strictly prohibited, for obvious reasons. Packaged juices because of sugar, mineral waters because of salts, a variety of sodas because of gases.

Can pregnant women drink energy drinks? These types of products are strictly prohibited. Alcohol, a high dose of caffeine and “chemistry” taken together is unknown how they will affect the health of the unborn child.

Drinking an energy drink during pregnancy is a one-minute pleasure; it will result in insomnia, fatigue and depression for the expectant mother.

Can pregnant women drink Energy Diet? Well-known weight loss cocktails, positioned as a balanced diet, are not prohibited by the manufacturer from being consumed by expectant mothers. But still, vitamins are absorbed better from natural products; ordinary healthy food has all the properties indicated on the label. The choice in this situation remains with the woman, as does the responsibility.

In addition to knowledge about healthy drinks for pregnant women, information about those that are prohibited would not be superfluous. As mentioned above, regular black or green tea may be too invigorating, especially if you drink it undiluted. Coffee also falls into this category - you should not experiment with the effect of caffeine contained in products on the developing fetus.

Coffee lovers should try to consume no more than a cup of natural coffee per day and avoid instant coffee altogether. By the way, a bad alternative, in this case, is cocoa - the drink quickly and in large quantities flushes calcium from the body, and for the expectant mother this can become a problem.

For the normal well-being of a woman carrying a child, it is recommended to replenish fluid reserves in the body and this must be done correctly. Drinks for pregnant women should bring not only pleasure, but also benefit. But, if you don’t have the strength to restrain yourself, then you should choose the lesser of two evils - it’s better to drink a couple of sips of the same pickle or tarragon a week during pregnancy and be calm than to torment yourself with daily temptation.

What happens if you drink too much? Is it really necessary to follow drinking rules?

Water balance during pregnancy

Water makes up at least 60% of the human body weight and is involved in all processes occurring in our body, without exception, from the molecular level to the functioning of entire systems. Not a single cell - be it a neuron (nerve cell) of the brain, myofibril of the heart muscle (a component of the cells of the heart muscles that ensure their contraction) or an epithelial cell of the skin - can exist without water. Moreover, for the normal functioning of the body, it is important not just the supply of fluid, but also its presence in a certain quantity: excess water, as well as its lack, can have a detrimental effect on human health. Particularly important water balance during pregnancy, when the growth and development of the fetus depends on the normal exchange of fluid in the body of the expectant mother.

During pregnancy, fluid consumption in a woman's body increases. This wastefulness in relation to water resources is explained simply: the expectant mother increases her body weight, the number of blood vessels due to the vessels of the placenta and increased blood supply to the uterus, and the volume of circulating blood. In addition, during pregnancy there is a constant formation of amniotic fluid, the composition of which is constantly updated and by the end of pregnancy is about 1.5 liters, and this is an “additional expense item” in water balance mother. Water is also necessary for vital processes in the baby’s developing body. As in an adult, in a fetus fluid is an important component of metabolism. Obviously, with such a consumption of fluid for the internal needs of the expectant mother’s body, it is necessary to especially carefully maintain the water balance - i.e. the ratio of water entering the body and water released from it.

An increase in the volume of circulating blood in a pregnant woman’s body affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and urinary systems. The load on the heart, blood vessels and kidneys increases in proportion to the length of pregnancy, the woman’s body weight and the volume of fluid in the body. In addition, against the background of hormonal changes, all pregnant women have a tendency to retain fluid in the body; The pregnancy hormone progesterone is to blame for this, increasing the production of aldosterone, a substance that controls the distribution of fluid in the body. Due to the increased production of this hormone in the expectant mother, vascular permeability increases, and part of the water contained in the blood plasma (the liquid part of the blood) leaves the blood vessels into the surrounding tissues, resulting in edema.

It turns out that excess fluid intake into the body of a pregnant woman, as well as its deficiency, adversely affects the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. Therefore, in the process of monitoring the course of pregnancy, obstetrician-gynecologists constantly monitor water balance the expectant mother, observing weight gain, viscosity and biochemical composition of the blood (according to tests such as coagulogram and biochemical blood test) and indicators of a general urine test, which are used to judge the functioning of the kidneys.

Why do you want to drink?

The need for fluid is felt in the form of a feeling of thirst - a special signal from the central nervous system. During thirst, a feeling of dry mouth, slight shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat appears. These signals clearly indicate the body's need for additional fluid. The thirst signal occurs when the drinking center of the brain, which is a collection of active neurons, is stimulated. Its task is to control the amount of fluid in the cells, intercellular space and bloodstream, as well as protect the body from dehydration.

The feeling of thirst depends on many external and internal factors acting on the body. The need for fluid may increase with significant consumption of salty, smoked, spicy or too sweet foods: glucose and salts bind water, and it begins to linger in the tissues, reducing the participation of water in general metabolism. Thirst also increases after physical activity, during which there is always a loss of fluid through sweat and rapid breathing. Thirst when body temperature rises is caused by the body's increased need for water to “wash out” the infectious agent from the blood and reduce the temperature due to increased sweating.

There is another reason for thirst - high ambient temperature, or simply heat. Most people associate the feeling of thirst with the sweltering summer heat. Why does the body’s need for water increase when the air temperature rises? The answer is simple: additional fluid during hot weather is necessary to maintain normal body temperature. Overheating is extremely dangerous for the human body, therefore, when the external temperature rises, it turns on its own cooling system, evaporating liquid from the surface of the body, which is released with sweat. Already at an air temperature of +25°C, daily sweating reaches 500 ml, and with a further increase in temperature for each degree it increases by another 100–150 ml.

At ambient temperatures above +30°C, fluid loss through sweat in a pregnant woman can be up to 2 liters per day. Thus, in hot weather, as sweating increases, water consumption increases, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the need to drink. However, excess water intake, as well as lack of fluid, can do a bad job for a pregnant woman. In the heat, the load on the cardiovascular system and kidney function especially increases, and uncontrolled fluid consumption during this period is fraught with the appearance of edema. Therefore, in the summer, it is especially important for the expectant mother to observe the correct drinking regime.

Thirst during pregnancy

The average daily fluid requirement before pregnancy is 1.5 liters per day. While expecting a baby, the body's need for water changes: at the beginning of pregnancy, fluid consumption increases, and towards the end it decreases due to the formation of internal water reserves. Each period of pregnancy has its own norm of fluid intake. Until 20 weeks, when the main formation and formation of fetal organs and systems occurs and metabolism in the body is especially intense, a pregnant woman needs to consume at least 2–2.5 liters of fluid daily. After the 20th week, the volume of circulating blood and the speed of blood flow increase sharply; this leads to increased stress on the kidneys, heart and blood vessels. Therefore, starting from the 21st week, the expectant mother should gradually reduce the amount of liquid consumed, bringing it to 1.5 liters by 30 weeks.

It is impossible to reduce daily fluid intake to less than 1.5 liters - even if edema appears! This is the minimum required volume of incoming fluid to ensure normal blood flow and metabolism. With a decrease in fluid intake, blood viscosity may increase and the electrolyte balance may be disrupted, which will immediately affect the deterioration of placental blood flow and an increase in uterine tone. The result of such unreasonable fluid restriction can be a disruption in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, and even the threat of termination of pregnancy.

If you suspect fluid retention in the body (determined by excess weight gain, which should be 300–350 g per week from the second half of pregnancy) or if visible edema appears, you must first exclude from your daily diet foods that cause thirst and contribute to water retention. body. These are all, without exception, marinades, pickles, pickled and soaked vegetables and fruits, smoked foods, dishes with an abundance of spices and hot seasonings, fatty and heavily fried foods, salty snacks (nuts, popcorn, roach, chips), as well as sweets. When swelling increases, it is necessary to completely eliminate salt from the diet, without adding it to food even during the cooking process. But the liquid should not be too limited; Moreover, you can fight swelling with the help of the “right” drinks!

Drinks: do's and don'ts

Let's start with the “black list” - drinks that the expectant mother should avoid:

coffee more than 1-2 cups a day and alcohol are contraindicated during pregnancy, regardless of the time of year and ambient temperature, and also do not help quench thirst;
sweet carbonated drinks, industrial juices - may contain additives harmful to the expectant mother and further increase thirst;
citrus-based drinks are the main cause of allergies and heartburn during pregnancy;
highly carbonated drinks - increased carbon dioxide content can cause intestinal dysfunction and flatulence (bloating).

There are also healthy drinks that really help quench thirst and have an overall beneficial effect on the metabolism of the expectant mother.

The most appropriate drink for pregnant women is considered mineral water with low carbon dioxide content. Nutritionists recommend that expectant mothers give preference to mineral water with low mineralization (1 g of trace elements per 1 liter of water) or low mineralization (no more than 5 g of trace elements per 1 liter of water). Data on the degree of mineralization must be indicated on the drink label. Cool mineral water perfectly quenches thirst and allows you to control your drinking regime: it is impossible to drink a lot of it at once. Unlike most popular drinks, mineral water is absolutely safe: it does not contain harmful additives, flavor enhancers, artificial sweeteners and colors, as well as products that can provoke an allergic reaction. In addition, mineral water contains a large amount of useful minerals and trace elements necessary for a pregnant woman’s body for normal electrolyte metabolism. Such important components that regulate the exchange of water in a pregnant woman’s body include potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine ions, their salts (for example, carbonates, sulfates) and alkalis. Beneficial substances dissolved in drinking water are already balanced and ready for absorption, therefore, the body does not have to spend additional energy on processing. Regular consumption of mineral water has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, kidneys and intestines of the expectant mother, and also helps in the prevention of gastritis, constipation, diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas.

In addition to mineral water, you can drink purified drinking water without gas, recommended for baby food. To improve the taste and reduce the feeling of thirst, you can add a slice of lemon or lime, as well as a couple of green mint leaves, to your drinking water. It is better to purchase both mineral and plain drinking water in pharmacies or baby and dietary nutrition departments - this list of products is subject to the most stringent control standards.

The next option for the drinking menu, especially relevant in the summer, is juices, fruit drinks and compotes homemade. Drinks made from sour berries: red and black currants, lingonberries, cranberries, stone fruits, cherries, cherries and rose hips are especially helpful in coping with thirst, and at the same time getting rid of edema - unpleasant companions of heat. All of these berries improve the filtration function of the kidneys and help remove excess fluid from the body. Apples, plums, pears, apricots and quinces have the same beneficial qualities. You can prepare tasty and healthy drinks from the fruits of mulberry (mulberry), serviceberry and chokeberry; They also help quench your thirst well. You need to prepare summer drinks without adding sugar - all berries and fruits already contain the amount of glucose necessary for the body; In addition, sweet drinks quench thirst much worse.

Summer recipes for pregnant women

Preparing drinks is not difficult at all, it does not require special culinary talents and does not take much time. For cooking juice pre-washed berries must be passed through a juicer; if this useful unit is not at hand, you can wrap the berries in cheesecloth, place them in a colander placed on a clean enamel pan or bowl, and press the berries with a press. The role of a press can be successfully performed by any heavy piece of kitchen utensil placed on a pan lid or a clean cutting board. The entire operation of squeezing juice, including preliminary preparations, will not take more than 5 minutes! For better absorption and quenching thirst, it is recommended to dilute the resulting juice with drinking water in a ratio of 2:1 or 1:1 (pure freshly squeezed juice can provoke an exacerbation of chronic gastroenteritis - inflammation of the stomach and intestines).

Prepare compote from berries, fruits or dried fruits is even easier. For this you will need approximately 250–300 g of the main product and 1 liter of drinking water. Fruits, dried fruits or berries need to be washed, put in a saucepan, filled with cold drinking water and put on low heat. As soon as the drink begins to boil and the first air bubbles appear on the surface, you need to turn off the heat, cover the compote with a lid and let it brew for at least 30 minutes. This method of preparation allows you to preserve not only the taste and aroma of the berries, but also most of the vitamins and microelements they contain.

Do berry juice also not difficult; For this drink you just need to wipe the pre-washed berries. A regular food processor will do; you can chop the berries using a blender or mixer. The resulting berry mass is poured with hot (but not boiling - to preserve vitamins, the water temperature should be a maximum of 70–80 ° C) drinking water, mixed and infused under the lid for 20–40 minutes. The ideal ratio of whole berries and water for preparing fruit juice is the same as for compote - 250 g of berries per 1 liter of water. The fruit drink should be shaken before use.

In addition to berries and fruits for cooking summer drinks You can use fresh vegetables - carrots, tomatoes, beets and pumpkin. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are rich in minerals and trace elements; It is recommended to drink them undiluted on an empty stomach. You can dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 and use it as a drink throughout the day. Vegetable juices can be mixed with each other for variety and improved taste.

Ideal drink for pregnant women is green tea or decoctions of diuretic herbs - classic natural remedies to combat edema. Green tea relieves thirst for a long time - the tannin it contains actively moisturizes the oral mucosa, stimulating the activity of the salivary glands. In addition, green tea tastes good, has a tonic effect (which is important in the hot season, because heat causes vasodilation, lowers blood pressure and, as a result, increases drowsiness), stimulates intestinal function and has a pronounced diuretic effect. It is not for nothing that this drink is so popular in countries with hot climates: it has virtually no contraindications and is useful at any stage of pregnancy.

TO medicinal decoctions, which has a diuretic effect and reduces the feeling of thirst, includes a decoction of lingonberry leaves, black currants, mint and rose hips. Preparing the decoction takes a few minutes: 5 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials are placed in a thermos and 1 liter of mild boiling water is poured. Then the thermos is tightly closed with a lid and the medicinal drink is infused for 1 hour. After straining, the decoction is ready for use; Like all summer drinks, it is best enjoyed chilled.

There is another correct one way to quench thirst during pregnancy– consumption of fermented milk products.

In hot countries, for example, in the Caucasus and Asia, it is customary to quench your thirst with fermented milk drinks: ayran, tan, various types of curdled milk, yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk. These drinks really help replenish your water balance, and they are also nutritious and good for intestinal function. The only thing that needs to be taken into account when consuming dairy products on a hot summer day is a sharp decrease in the shelf life of “milk” at high ambient temperatures. In summer, fermented milk drinks should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a day, and before drinking, be sure to check the expiration date of the product.

Water balance in summer

In summer, maintaining a proper drinking regime becomes especially important. High air temperatures increase thirst; You want to drink almost all the time, and excessive consumption of liquid can result in the appearance of edema for the expectant mother. In order to avoid these complications and effectively quench thirst on a summer day, a pregnant woman must use the following simple rules:

You should not drink a large volume of liquid at one time. This does not contribute to faster satiety, but only leads to a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It is better to drink in small portions of 100 ml, slowly and fractionally (at short intervals), evenly distributing the liquid throughout the day.

In no case should you cool drinks too much - hypothermia of the tonsils located in the oropharynx leads to the development of sore throat, laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) and pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx), as well as a general decrease in immunity and secondary infection of the respiratory tract. It is during the summer period that the main peak of these diseases occurs, which, by the way, are extremely undesirable for the expectant mother. In addition, ice water slows down the digestion process and irritates the walls of the digestive tract. The best way to quench your thirst is not ice, but soft drinks, the temperature of which fluctuates between +15...+18°C.
In addition to drinking, it is necessary to use additional means of combating dehydration of the body - take a warm or cool shower (the optimal water temperature on a hot day is +25...+35 ° C) at least 3 times a day, irrigate the face and open areas of the body with a thermal spray , rinse your mouth with water with mint or lemon juice. These methods will help the expectant mother maintain her water balance at the required level and reduce the body’s overall need for fluid.

You may be interested in the articles “Summer nutrition during pregnancy” and “Balanced nutrition during pregnancy” on the website

Many expectant mothers are familiar with the constant feeling of thirst, especially when it’s a warm summer.

The issue of drinking during pregnancy should be taken seriously, and not only because a person consists of 70% water.

After all, everything that the mother drinks goes to the baby.

By the way, even mothers with signs of gestosis are not advised by doctors to limit themselves to drinking. Today, there is an opinion among doctors that a lack of fluid can provoke this condition.

And yet, choosing the best drink - both healthy and thirst-quenching - is so simple. Therefore, about all types of drinks in order.


Coffee is also “dangerous” due to its high caffeine content, which, by the way, will be higher in a cup of instant coffee than in a cup of natural coffee.

And instant coffee also contains chemicals that expectant mothers do not need at all. If you think that you can’t live without coffee, you can drink one cup of natural coffee a day, but no more.

Sometimes doctors advise pregnant women to drink a chicory drink in the morning. In terms of taste, it has something in common with natural coffee, and also has a slight invigorating effect. Chicory is a good remedy for anemia, heartburn, and the fight against fatigue.


This drink is often offered to pregnant women as an alternative to “forbidden” coffee. Cocoa also contains caffeine, but in much lower concentrations.

But still, cocoa can hardly be called an ideal drink for pregnant women.

Cocoa is a pleasant drink, however, it is also a strong allergen. Allergies to cocoa, like chocolate, are quite common in both adults and children.

It is believed that regular cocoa without additives interferes with the absorption of calcium, so it is better not to drink this drink during this time.

Energetic drinks

Of course, energy drinks, or so-called “energy drinks,” are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. Manufacturers even always write about this on drink packaging.

The main active ingredient in energy drinks is caffeine. As we found out above, this substance is not recommended for expectant mothers even in the smallest doses.

But, in addition to caffeine, you can also find in popular energy drinks:

  • Taurine. Literally corrodes the lining of the stomach and injures pancreatic cells;
  • Large amounts of glucose and sucrose. These substances provoke the release of adrenaline and excessive vasoconstriction;
  • Gases (carbonic acid). They cause bloating in the stomach and slow down the digestive process in general.

Due to the consumption of energy drinks, blood pressure rises sharply and the heart rate accelerates.

This negatively affects blood circulation in the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord.

“Energy drinks” can even cause uterine hypertonicity, which can lead to many complications during pregnancy, even.

Sweet carbonated drinks

Like energy drinks, soda contains carbonic acid and a lot of sugar. Some manufacturers add artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers to the drink instead of sugar, which are even more harmful.

Sweeteners disrupt metabolism and interfere with proper liver function. This manifests itself in uncontrolled weight gain.

By overusing sugary carbonated drinks, you run the risk of developing diabetes.

Another fact that proves the harm of fizzy drinks is the risk of premature pregnancy.

In the course of research, it was determined that a third of mothers who constantly consumed lemonade and cola during pregnancy had premature babies.

Interesting! Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

Mineral water

Carbonated mineral water is not the best drink during pregnancy, as it can provoke fermentation processes in the stomach and intestines.

Non-carbonated mineral water is saturated with mineral salts, which is why there is a risk of “overloading” the kidneys with it.

It is better for expectant mothers to completely avoid mineral water, both with and without gas.

It is probably unnecessary to remind you that alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited while carrying a baby. Sweet soda is extremely undesirable, as well as any synthetic drinks containing preservatives, dyes and other harmful substances.

Alcoholic drinks

Alcoholic drinks are something that under no circumstances are recommended for women to consume from the first to the last day of pregnancy.

Alcohol (ethanol) is especially dangerous in the first weeks after conception. During this period, the most important processes occur that determine the appearance, health and proper development of your child: the laying of organs and tissues occurs.

Alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy provokes the occurrence of many congenital pathologies and diseases in the fetus.

Non-alcoholic beer, which is essentially the same carbonated drink, is also on the list of drinks prohibited for expectant mothers.

What can you drink during pregnancy?

Milk and dairy products

Milk and other drinks derived from it do not pose any threat to the life and health of the baby in the womb. On the contrary, the high content of B vitamins, important elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium) and proteins makes milk one of the main sources of nutrients.

Lactobacilli contained in kefir, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products help the digestive system cope with stress.

This property will reduce the risk of heartburn, constipation and other problems so familiar to pregnant women.

It is enough to drink 1 glass of kefir 1-2 times a day to feel noticeable improvements in digestion.

Also, the main advantage of kefir is its low calorie content.

Remember that it is best to consume milk that is pasteurized and purchased in a store.

Do not buy milk and dairy products on the street “from hand”, since even after boiling it, you cannot be absolutely sure of its purity and quality.

You should not consume these products if you are allergic to animal protein contained in milk.


Kissel, home-cooked from fruits (juice, milk) and vegetable starch, is known for its beneficial properties for the stomach and pancreas.

This drink is completely safe for pregnant women. Kissel with a thicker consistency can also be an excellent dessert.

But instant instant jelly does not fit this definition at all. You should forget about such drinks until you finish breastfeeding.


No doctor will advise an expectant mother to drink tap water.

The best water is spring water, but not everyone has access to it. You can buy drinking water in bottles.

You can purchase a special filter to purify water at home.

A filter jug ​​with replaceable cartridges and a filter attachment for the faucet are also suitable.

Another way to get water almost the same as from a spring is to freeze tap water in a large saucepan, and then place the resulting block of ice under running hot water.

Frozen water, which contains the most impurities, will remain on top and in the middle (the middle of the ice floe will be opaque), so these are the areas that should melt under the stream of hot water. The remaining ice needs to be melted to create clean drinking water.

Interesting! Lingonberries during pregnancy - benefits and harms

If you don’t have time for all these manipulations, settled boiled water will do.

Black and green tea

Black and green teas contain caffeine, which you should be careful with during pregnancy. However, green tea still contains more beneficial substances. Drink both black and green teas very diluted, although, alas, this negatively affects the taste of these drinks. Teas with additives made from natural fruits or berries (not from a bag!) should also be diluted “thinner” with water.

Herbal teas

Not a bad choice for a pregnant woman, however, there are pitfalls here too.

Most doctors believe that herbs should still be treated as medicine.

In addition, one type of herb should not be taken continuously.

Therefore, if you prefer to quench your thirst with herbal tea, firstly, be sure to consult your doctor first, and secondly, brew herbs in a proportion no stronger than 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water.

It must be remembered that there are also herbs that pregnant women should not use, as they have quite a strong effect. Among these, for example, are wormwood, St. John's wort, tansy and others.

One of the most famous herbal teas is fireweed. When used correctly, this drink will only bring benefits, and this also applies to nursing mothers.

Fruit and berry teas

Infusions of dried fruits and berries are not only very tasty, but also incredibly useful during this difficult period for a woman. Raspberries, rose hips, bird cherry, viburnum, and rowan are rich in vitamin C, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

Some berries, such as rose hips, can cause allergic reactions. If you know about your intolerance to certain fruits, refuse decoctions with them. It is best to consult with your doctor before starting “fruit” therapy.

Before brewing the infusion, be sure to rinse dried fruits or berries with hot boiled water. This is necessary in order to wash away dust and other contaminants.

What pills can you take during pregnancy? This question is very important, because every woman worries about the health of her unborn baby, even if he has not yet been born. It is very important to take a differentiated approach to the use of any medications during pregnancy, because not only can the child suffer, but the reaction of the woman herself can be unpredictable. Therefore, you need to know about drugs that have fewer side effects on the fetus and therefore their use during pregnancy is a priority.

Features of the use of drugs during pregnancy

It is very important before using any medicine during pregnancy to study all possible options for the effect of this drug on the body of the expectant mother and on the body of the child itself. After all, pregnancy is a period in the life of every woman when another life develops in her body, and at this time you need to be very careful about taking any pharmacological medications. The process of organogenesis begins in the first trimester, and then tissue growth and differentiation continues, which also requires increased attention to taking any medications. The fetus is an agent foreign to the woman’s body, because it contains 50% of the information from the father. The woman’s immune system perceives it as to some extent an antibody, therefore, until the formation of her placenta with an individual barrier and blood flow, a state of relative immunosuppression develops. This is especially true in the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is no placenta as an individual protective mechanism and the fetus is very vulnerable. This condition of a pregnant woman contributes to a change in all the reactions of the female body, which could previously have been normal. That is, the pharmacological transformation reactions of drugs also occur differently, which can thus significantly affect the child. Unexpected allergic reactions to medications that did not exist before may occur. Therefore, the issue of a differentiated approach to the choice of medication during pregnancy is very important, and it is necessary to carefully read the instructions before using the medication.

There are cases in which visiting a doctor is not always necessary, and a pregnant woman does not know whether she can take this or that medicine. In such cases, for example, with a headache or toothache, or with high blood pressure, some kind of quick medicine should be used as a rescue drug until you can see a doctor. In this case, you need to know some features that need to be taken into account and the drugs that can lead to the least harm.

Allowed pills during pregnancy

It is very important to take pills only with the permission of your doctor, but of course, there are times when it is not possible to consult a doctor, so you need to know which pills you can take for certain conditions. The most common problem that arises is pain, which can be caused by dental pain, colds, headaches, but in any case this is a very unpleasant symptom. Very often, women during pregnancy experience headaches, which may be associated with lability of blood pressure or hormonal functional changes. In any case, a headache is one that is difficult to tolerate and requires taking a painkiller. Naturally, it is important to find out the etiology of such a headache. It is imperative to measure blood pressure, and if a headache is a symptom of its increase or decrease, then the treatment tactics are different. But first aid, before diagnostic measures are taken, may be taking medications. What painkillers can you take during pregnancy? These include two main groups of drugs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics. Among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, preference is given to paracetamol, as the least harmful drug from this group. But there are some features of the use of paracetamol at different stages of gestation.

Paracetamol in the early stages of pregnancy, in particular in the first trimester, should not be taken. During this period, the process of formation of the main vital organs of the child occurs, as well as the formation of the placenta, which is a barrier to harmful factors. Therefore, taking any medications, including paracetamol, in the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly not recommended. Although it does not have a pronounced teratogenic effect, the possible harm is high. As for taking paracetamol during pregnancy in the second trimester, fetal tissue growth also occurs here, but there is a formed placenta, which in some way protects the child. Therefore, if indicated, it is possible to take paracetamol in the second trimester. Paracetamol during pregnancy in the third trimester has the least harm, since all the child’s organs are formed, and we are talking about the fact that intense pain syndrome has a stronger effect on the fetus than paracetamol. Therefore, taking paracetamol in the third trimester is the most favorable option. It should also be taken into account that children's paracetamol during pregnancy has a lower risk of complications due to the lower dose, so preference should be given to this drug.

If we talk about the analgesic effect, then for headaches, a drug from the group of antispasmodics, papaverine, can be considered more effective and less harmful. The drug has myotropic antispasmodic properties, which is realized due to the effect on the muscle fibers of arterial vessels, and this also leads to their expansion and reduction of pressure. This is how the analgesic effect of papaverine is realized for headaches, as well as for other spasmodic pains. An additional effect of the drug is its tocolytic effect, which allows its use in complex therapy in pregnant women. Also, papaverine is not harmful during pregnancy, since its active substances and metabolites do not have a direct toxic effect. Therefore, if the question arises about what tablets you can take for a headache, preference should be given to antispasmodics - papaverine or its analogues.

When a headache occurs due to high blood pressure, it is necessary first of all to relieve high blood pressure, since it threatens pregnancy complications. Therefore, it is imperative to know the level of pressure and how much to reduce it. Tablets for blood pressure during pregnancy that can be taken are an advantage of centrally acting antihypertensive drugs. These include clonidine and dopegyt, and dopegyt is the drug of choice. The drug is taken in 250 milligram doses, starting with the smallest dose, that is, one tablet. Nifedipine can be considered a second-line drug and a means of quick relief for high blood pressure. It shows its effect in 40-60 minutes, which can be the initial stage of therapy, and then it will show its effect, maintaining pressure throughout the day. If Nifedipine is not available, then labetolol can be taken as a beta blocker, but as a backup drug. Thus, Nifedipine will show the most pronounced effect, which is why it can be recommended for blood pressure in late gestosis in pregnant women.

Allergy pills during pregnancy, which have a proven effect and do not affect the fetus, are not all drugs; more precisely, there are no antihistamines approved during pregnancy. But in the third trimester, you can use an antihistamine as a last resort, and preference should be given to second or third generation drugs that do not have side effects such as drowsiness. Erius is an antiallergic drug that is used to treat allergic reactions. The mechanism of action of the drug in the treatment of allergic cough is due to the inhibition of histamine receptors by blocking them, which does not allow histamine to show its activity. Thanks to this, there is no swelling of the tissue, increased secretion of sputum and possible skin rash. The drug does not cause a hypnotic effect, like its predecessors, which is why it is widely used. This drug has not been tested extensively during pregnancy, so its use in the first trimester is not recommended. Erius is available in the form of tablets and syrup. Syrup for adults, as a more pleasant form, can be used one teaspoon twice a day. Side effects of the drug are possible in the form of dizziness, headache, rapid heartbeat, liver dysfunction with an increase in liver enzymes, dry mouth and throat. This drug can be recommended in case of a severe allergic reaction, but not for systemic use.

Tablets for colds and sore throats during pregnancy are widely used, since respiratory diseases in pregnant women are the most common. It is recommended to take those drugs that, along with a pronounced effect, have the least effect on the fetus.

The most recommended tablets for sore throat during pregnancy are lozenges, which have a long-lasting local effect. Throat lozenges well envelop the mucous membrane of the epithelial covering of the respiratory tract, and therefore improve the severity of cough when it is wet. They use similar lozenges, the same as syrups - Doctor MOM, Faringosept, Mucaltin. Such lozenges, due to their rich herbal composition, have an expectorant and bronchodilator effect, and also relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction. Thanks to these effects, sputum is better removed, transforming a dry cough into a wet one with a quick resolution of the situation. Isla Moos- These are lozenges that have a pronounced local effect on cough and help reduce it. This drug is developed on the basis of Icelandic moss extract and thanks to this it has an additional effect on dryness and sore throat. The local immunomodulatory effects of this drug are also pronounced, which increases its effectiveness in the treatment of cough as a symptomatic remedy. The drug is available in the form of lozenges and is used throughout the day if you have a rough cough or a sore throat; you can take it every two hours, but not more than a daily dose of twelve tablets. No side effects of the drug were found; use during pregnancy has no teratogenic effect. Therefore, as cough tablets during pregnancy, we can recommend plant-based tablets - Isla-Moos, Faringosept, Mucaltin.

When a woman’s general immunity decreases, local defenses also decrease, which helps reduce the activity of beneficial microorganisms with the proliferation of pathogenic ones. This is how one of the common diseases that worries pregnant women develops - fungal vaginitis or also called thrush. This is a pathology that is characterized by the proliferation of fungal flora of the vagina with the development of corresponding clinical manifestations. Thrush is the most common pathology that occurs in pregnant women and is characterized by damage to the genital organs. This requires treatment as quickly as possible, but at the same time the drug must be safe for the child. Tablets for thrush that can be recommended as treatment are Clotrimazole vaginal suppositories. The drug has no systemic effect on the body even during pregnancy due to its minimal absorption. However, taking the drug is contraindicated in the first trimester, since during the formation of fetal organs any effect, even with local treatment, can be teratogenic. Therefore, clotrimazole can be used during pregnancy as it is very effective against many fungal diseases, but it should only be used in the second and third trimester.

Another representative for the treatment of thrush is Nystatin. The drug nystatin in the form of suppositories used to be the “gold standard” for the treatment of candidiasis, but over time the standards were revised due to the formation of fungal resistance to this drug. Today they are returning to it due to the fact that microorganisms have “forgotten” this drug a little and it is highly effective. Suppositories with nystatin are a drug that has an antifungal effect, which is especially pronounced against yeast-like fungi. The mechanism of action of suppositories with nystatin is the destruction of the cell membrane of the fungus. This occurs due to the fact that the nystatin molecule has many substances that are similar to the ball of substances in the membrane of the fungus, and nystatin is embedded in its membrane, thereby disrupting the functioning of cellular pumps. As a result of these processes, the normal ionic storage of cellular and extracellular structures is disrupted, which facilitates the penetration of sodium ions and then water into the cell. In this case, the cell disrupts its functioning and lysis of cellular structures occurs, and then the fungus dies, which stops the reproduction of the fungus. Suppositories with nystatin have only a pronounced local effect and are not absorbed into the systemic circulation. This suggests the possible use of suppositories with nystatin during pregnancy. Considering that the drug is not completely safe, Pimafucin can be considered the “gold standard”. This drug is considered safer and is more widely used in pregnant women.

Anti-nausea pills during pregnancy are in wide demand, since nausea is one of the symptoms of early gestosis. Therefore, it is necessary to take a differentiated approach to the choice of drug during this period.

Drugs that have a central direct mechanism of action - Cerucal - in the early stages, and even in the later stages, are contraindicated for use for the purpose of self-medication; they can only be used in a hospital. In order to relieve the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the severity of symptoms, you can only take sorbents and some hepatoprotectors.

Smecta is a sorbent of natural origin that is capable of adsorbing viruses and bacteria, and also has a protective effect by stabilizing the mucous-bicarbonate barrier and increasing the amount of mucus. The drug reduces the symptoms of bloating and heartburn. Available in 3 gram bags.

The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation, since it is not absorbed but is excreted unchanged. Its use can reduce the severity of nausea, so you can take it yourself at home before consulting a doctor.

Heartburn is a common symptom that can occur in late pregnancy due to increased pressure in the abdominal cavity and pressure on the stomach from an enlarged uterus, which allows acid to reflux into the esophagus and cause irritation. This is due to the fact that the digestive system during pregnancy due to the influence of hormones - prostaglandins - changes in such a way that hypotension of the gastrointestinal tract occurs. In this case, the lower esophageal sphincter cannot contract normally and its atony or involuntary relaxation occurs, which contributes to the reflux of the acidic contents of the stomach. Increased reflux in late pregnancy also occurs due to an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the stomach and intestines. This is accompanied by complaints of heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.

Tablets for heartburn during pregnancy, which are recommended in this case, are antacids, which include Rennie, Gaviscon, Maalox, Phosphalugel, Almagel. These drugs are practically harmless during pregnancy, since they do not have a systemic effect, but only neutralize acid in the stomach. They also create a protective film that protects the mucous membrane from irritation and the feeling of heartburn disappears. One of the representatives is the drug Rennie. The release form of the drug is chewable tablets with different pleasant fruit flavors, which makes it even more attractive to choose this drug, although this is a subjective characteristic. The mechanism of action of the drug lies in its protective effect on the stomach and its antacid property. The drug contains active substances in the form of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, due to which the effect of the drug is expressed. The active components of the drug, once in the stomach, contribute to the combination with hydrochloric acid radicals and, as a result, it is neutralized to form calcium and magnesium salts. This reveals the neutralizing ability of the drug. An additional effect of Rennie is protective. It is explained by the stimulation of bicarbonate synthesis in the gastric cavity under the influence of magnesium, which helps protect the mucous membrane from aggressive factors. A direct teratogenic effect of Rennie has not been identified; it is able to penetrate the fetoplacental barrier only in the slightest concentrations in the form of calcium and magnesium components, which proves that this drug can be taken during pregnancy. But a side effect of this type of medication is often observed - the opposite effect in the form of increased symptoms without taking the medication, so their constant use is not as effective as occasional use.

Tablets against worms during pregnancy should be taken only after preparing the woman’s body in the form of detoxification of the gastrointestinal tract, so immediately using any drug at home is not justified. But Pirantel is recommended and most often used. This drug has no proven harm to the fetus, but it also does not have an evidence base for use during pregnancy, so its use in the first trimester is not recommended.

Approved antiviral tablets during pregnancy are a very limited list of drugs, since while they have an antiviral effect, the drugs also have a pronounced effect on the fetus. One of the most acceptable antiviral drugs that can be taken during pregnancy is Erebra. This is a herbal antiviral drug based on sea buckthorn extract, which is very effective against various viral diseases - influenza virus, parainfluenza, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus. Therefore, thanks to its herbal basis, such a drug can be recommended as an antiviral and its effectiveness is most pronounced for the prevention of influenza and for treatment in the early stages of the disease.

Pills that can be taken during pregnancy have very limited use, since it is important not only to cure a particular pathology in a woman, but also not to harm the child. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful with self-medication, and also take only drugs when absolutely necessary. Thus, it is better to prevent the occurrence of pathology before pregnancy than to treat it later with danger to the child.

Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kyiv National Medical University named after. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - “General Medicine”


Official instructions for the drug.

Medicines - Inexpensive and effective drugs for the home medicine cabinet - Alyautdin R.N. 2017

Fundamentals of pharmacology with formulation - Astafiev V.A. - Tutorial. 2013

Medicines - Pavlova I.I. - The latest reference book. 2012

Modern medicines - Georgiyants V., Vladimirova I. - Reference manual. 2012

To make information easier to understand, these instructions for use of the drug “What pills can you take during pregnancy?” translated and presented in a special form based on the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use, read the leaflet included directly with the medication.

The description is provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-medication. The need to use this drug, the prescription of the treatment regimen, methods and doses of the drug are determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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Be sure to consult with a qualified specialist so as not to harm your health!

The wonderful nine months of waiting for a baby require the expectant mother to be extremely attentive to herself and her health. Therefore, she should not only regularly visit the antenatal clinic, but also eat right, giving up her favorite “harmful foods” for a while. This also applies to drinks, because the consumption of many of them during pregnancy should be sharply limited or completely eliminated. And Tom, what can pregnant women drink?, and what drinks can negatively affect the development of the fetus and the mother’s body, we will now tell you.

So, let's try to decide whether expectant mothers can drink at least occasionally...

... so-called “energy drinks”?

Of course not. The main harmful component of such drinks is caffeine, which takes a long time to be eliminated from the body of the expectant mother, and in high doses (which is exactly what is contained in “energy drinks”) it negatively affects the nervous system, increases blood pressure, uterine tone, disrupts blood circulation and changes heart rate.

In addition, along with caffeine, energy drinks contain:

  • taurine, which destroys pancreatic cells
  • high doses of glucose, promoting excessive release of adrenaline and, as a result, sharp constriction of blood vessels
  • carbonic acid, or gases that cause bloating and generally have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract

It is precisely because of this harmless composition of “energy” that doctors do not recommend using it during pregnancy (and not only).

… carbonated drinks?

The popular “fizzy drink” is no healthier than “energy drinks”, because it also contains a “horse” dose of sugar and carbonic acid. In addition, some carbonated drinks contain sweeteners instead of sugar, which negatively affect the fetus even in minimal doses and can provoke the development of diabetes mellitus in the mother, rapid weight gain and impaired liver function. Also, carbonated drinks contain phosphoric acid, which quite often causes the appearance of stones in the gall bladder and kidneys.

There is another interesting fact about the dangers of soda: scientists have found that pregnant women who drink one glass of fizzy drink a day have a 38% increased risk of giving birth prematurely. Therefore, it is best for pregnant women to completely avoid using them.

...mineral water?

Mineral water is allowed and beneficial for a pregnant woman’s body - however, a reasonable approach is needed here. Thus, it is not recommended to buy carbonated mineral water or drink non-carbonated water, but in unlimited quantities: gases can cause attacks of pain in the gastrointestinal tract, and mineral salts can cause the formation of kidney stones. In addition, if mineral water has a salty taste, then in order to avoid fluid retention in the body, the appearance of edema and increased blood pressure, it is better to refuse it.

...fruit, herbal and berry drinks?

Herbal teas are tasty and aromatic, but very few are allowed during pregnancy. For example, expectant mothers are prohibited from drinking teas with adaptogens (ginseng, eleutherococcus), aloe, barberry, St. John's wort, wild strawberry, raspberry leaves, nettle, mint, lemon balm, black currant leaf, yarrow and sage. But you can pregnant women drink rosehip, as well as delicious and healthy drinks from cranberries, raspberries, black currants, compotes and dried fruit teas. However, some of them can cause allergic reactions, so in any case, you should consult a doctor before drinking berry or herbal teas.


No no and one more time no. And although many women believe that small doses of light alcohol will not cause any particular harm to the fetus, scientific research confirms the opposite. Thus, alcohol can not only cause birth defects and disorders in the formation of organs and systems in a child, but in some cases it leads to health problems after birth - for example, the development of leukemia in early childhood. Therefore, all drinks, even with a minimum amount of alcohol (including non-alcoholic beer) are “taboo” for all expectant mothers without exception.

But what is still possible?

The priority for all women should be, first of all, clean drinking water, which must first be passed through a special filter, or, in extreme cases, settled and boiled. In addition, it is useful to drink natural pasteurized milk, fermented milk drinks, weak green tea, freshly squeezed and natural juices. But coffee, cocoa and black tea should be included in the diet of the expectant mother in the minimum possible quantities.