How to cook white wood mushrooms. How to cook wood mushrooms

Buy dry pressed tree mushrooms It's quite real now. There are several different varieties and one of them is the black shiitake mushroom. All that remains is to learn how to prepare them correctly. There is nothing complicated about this process at all. So, a story about the correct preparation of the black Chinese tree mushroom for further shamanism of preparation.

For a complete and harmonious transformation of the dried substance, soak the briquette only in water at room temperature. It is very undesirable to use it in hot water, and even more so to brew it with boiling water. Usually there are quite clear instructions on the packaging - they must be followed. There is an ambush with Russian translations of text - here it is better to be more careful. The picture was even attached to the full screen as an example. And on the reverse side - an absolutely masterpiece translation.

We take a deep bowl, pour in water and put the pressed packaging in there... After about forty minutes, although it depends on the variety... ninety percent of the mushroom will open. In principle, you can cook it now, but it’s better to sort it out, rinse it, fill it with cold boiled water again and leave it to ripen for a day - you can also put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Then the muer will open to its natural size - the volume will become unrealistically larger compared to the package of dried mushroom and will acquire elasticity, which will not be present if the process is accelerated. Sand often gets in during preparation, therefore, we always wash them well after opening.

Black wood mushrooms - a type of delicacy

  • Ingredients
  • dry pressed mushrooms
  • vegetable oil
  • bulb onions
  • Red pepper
  • garlic
  • vinegar
  • sodium glutamate

Let's try to prepare pressed Chinese black tree mushroom, here are all the main points of this recipe. Salt the prepared mushrooms and add a little real 90% vinegar. The mushrooms will be lightly marinated while the filling is being prepared. Peel and finely chop the onion. Heat the oil very high - fry ground red pepper, preferably coarsely ground or just finely chopped fresh pepper in pods - it is very important that the pepper is fried, then it does not burn the tongue, but burns the throat a little, and does not interrupt the very taste of the dish - this is there is one of the secrets! Next, fry the onion until lightly browned. You can use a little coriander and pour our boiling frying mixture over the mushrooms. All with constant stirring, then peel the garlic and crush with garlic. Mix again and let it brew for a while. The mushrooms should be rich and have a nice crunch. They also say that tree mushrooms are very beneficial for health.

Muer noodle mushroom and whole mushroom differ only in that point two - you need to cut it precisely. Chinese black tree mushroom is great added to soups and various stir-fries. It does not require long-term heat treatment and almost always retains its appearance well.

Various experiments with black trees were carried out many times. The variations are different, but... speed and results in the matter of preparation are an important indicator. The main feature is only natural soaking in water at room temperature. Any acceleration of the process is already bad, neither the taste nor the texture will definitely improve.

As an honest epilogue, let’s say that this sublimate is good only as a filler for many dishes, and the mushroom itself is not of particular interest. It was grown artificially and dried. No taste, no smell. But it is very good as an addition to many dishes in small proportions - we create the illusion of exoticism.

Snack of Chinese tree mushrooms "muer" - recipe - online menu - recipes with photos

Ingredients for preparing Chinese tree mushroom snacks

dried chinese tree mushrooms

olive oil

Korean carrot seasonings

soy sauce

Preparing Chinese tree mushroom snacks

The mushrooms need to be soaked first. Take a large bowl because... mushrooms will increase 10 times! Put the mushrooms there and add warm boiled water, leave for 2 - 3 hours. The mushrooms will absorb all the water, after which they need to be filled with cold water and put in the refrigerator for a day.

Then sort the mushrooms, cut off all excess, cut large mushrooms into several parts, rinse and place in a colander and glass of water.

Fry the mushrooms in olive oil for 5 - 10 minutes with spices for Korean carrots, add a little salt and a little sugar, remove from heat and add a little vinegar and soy sauce to taste. If you like it, you can add a little garlic. Cool and refrigerate. When the mushrooms have cooled well, you can eat them or make a salad.

Have fun!

Chinese tree mushroom (muer) - recipe iqmena - - festive table - delicious recipes - lady-club at Alice's

The New Year according to the Eastern calendar was successfully celebrated. A Korean friend received guests and made hot Kuk-si. I prepared lung heh and black wood mushrooms. They are also called Muer. They say they are very useful, they cleanse the kidneys and liver. I don’t know about the medicinal effect, but they are definitely tasty.

A completely bright, unusual and simple appetizer - woody Chinese mushrooms, seasoned with oil and spices.

These mushrooms are sold in almost all Tashkent bazaars, in the rows where ingredients for Korean dishes are sold. On these rows there are usually: skeins of noodles, various briquettes and bags and bottles of soy. Mushrooms are sold in matchboxes. Such a box is usually enough if mushrooms are only one of the components of the dish. I was just going to season the mushrooms, so I used five boxes.

First there was soaking. I don't like to just steam mushrooms with boiling water. This way they don't reveal all their crunchy flavor. I soak mushrooms for almost a day.

When soaking, you need to take into account that the mushrooms will increase in volume ten times. Therefore, take a suitable large container with a lid for this. They say one box of mushrooms absorbs a quarter liter of water. I think so.

Remove the mushrooms from the bags and add warm boiled water. Let stand at room temperature for a couple of hours. When you open the lid, there will be no more water in the pan - there will be a huge pile of black shiny mushrooms.

Then fill the mushrooms with regular cold water, close the lid, and put them in the refrigerator for a day.

We wash the finished mushrooms, sort them out, and cut off the attachment point of the mushroom petals. I cut especially large specimens into 2-3 parts. I put it in a colander to let the water drain.

I heat olive oil in a frying pan, throw in ground cilantro and red hot pepper. I fry a little oil with spices, then add mushrooms. Stirring, fry them for about seven minutes. I add a little salt during the process. I remove the pan from the heat, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and good liquid soy.

Let it sit for an hour and it’s ready for the table. The mushrooms are dark, shiny, perfectly crispy, slightly spicy. A wonderful snack.

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How to cook wood mushrooms:: step-by-step preparation of the dish, real recipe, :: food:: how easy it is to do everything

Woody mushrooms introduce enzymes called perforins into the human body. When they are deficient, tumors develop from abnormal cells. This type of mushroom is widespread in China. You can find them in dry form in our stores. Woody in a cool place mushrooms can be stored for a very long time. Outwardly, they resemble charred paper. Woody mushrooms have the aroma of smoke and dust. But as soon as you soak them in water, the smell will immediately disappear. This type of mushroom can increase in volume by 6–8 times. Even a small piece of mushroom can absorb 250 ml of water. Black wood mushrooms Usually used for cooking and stews, they are also added to soup. They are good for health: they cleanse the liver and kidneys, remove toxins from the body. There are a lot of recipes for cooking wood mushrooms.

Recipes with Chinese tree mushrooms. -littleone 2009-2012

Mushrooms in Korean

Open the package of mushrooms, place them in a small liter saucepan and pour boiling water over them. You can salt and drop a little vinegar into the water before pouring, or you can directly salt the dry mushrooms and drop a drop of vinegar. Peel the onion. Pour about 70 g of soybean oil into a frying pan (you can use any vegetable oil, as long as it doesn’t have any foreign smell). Heat it high - but not until it smokes! - and put 1/2 teaspoon of ground red pepper into it (it is very important that the pepper is fried, then it does not burn the tongue, but burns the throat a little and does not interrupt the very taste of the dish - this is the most important secret of Korean cuisine). While the oil is heating up, you need to chop the onion (it can be chopped finely or coarsely). Onions will require one large head. You need to fry the pepper for half a minute, throw in the onion and fry it, but not until brown, but until lightly browned.

By the time the frying is ready, the mushrooms need to be removed from the water and rinsed through a colander, then salted, pour boiling fry over them, stir, add half a head of crushed garlic, stir again and leave to cool.

You can cook these mushrooms differently - rinse them the same way, but then put them in a frying pan and fry them together with onions and peppers and add garlic at the end of frying. This does not affect the taste.

The mushrooms should be sour-salty, spicy, with a meaty flavor and very crunchy, therefore, when pouring boiling water, you should not spare water.

They claim that these mushrooms are good for health - they cleanse the liver and kidneys, and remove toxins from the body.

Sweet and sour mushroom soup


4 dried winter mushrooms, soaked in hot water for 25 minutes,

100g thinly sliced ​​Szechuan canned vegetables,

100 g thinly sliced ​​Chinese green vegetables,

3 slices fresh ginger root,

3.5 glasses of water,

0.5 teaspoons of rice wine or dry sherry,

1 tbsp. spoon of light soy sauce,

2 pieces of finely chopped tofu (bean curd),

1 tbsp. a spoonful of corn flour (starch) diluted in water,

1 teaspoon sesame oil.


Dry the mushrooms, split the stems, squeeze out all the liquid from them and chop finely. In a medium saucepan, combine all ingredients except cornmeal and sesame oil and bring to a boil for 3 minutes.

Pour in the cornmeal diluted with water and cook over low heat, stirring until it thickens, then add sesame oil.

Fried rice with xianggu mushrooms


1.5 cups long grain rice,

4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil,

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

1 tbsp. spoon of Chinese winter marinade,

6 peeled tomatoes,

1 red bell pepper, sliced ​​(without seeds),

6 dried winter black mushrooms, soaked in hot water for 25 minutes, dried and cut into squares,

60 g boiled or frozen green peas,

130 g diced cucumbers,

2 tbsp. spoons of light soy sauce.


Cook the rice in a large volume of boiling water until soft but not mushy. Drain and rinse rice with boiling water.

Heat the oil in a wok (a specific Chinese frying pan with a round bottom), add the garlic and ginger and fry for 30 seconds, then add the marinade, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, peas and cucumbers.

Fry for another 4 minutes, then add soy sauce.

Add rice, stir well and heat for 2-3 minutes.

Spicy stew with almonds and mushrooms


250 g green beans,

4 mushrooms (according to the time of year),

150 g pork fillet,

15 g soy sauce,

5 g starch,

2 g sugar,

70 g vegetable oil,

50 g almonds,

1 g ginger or garlic,

Ground black pepper to taste.


Peel the beans, rinse, cut in half, and chop the mushrooms into thin slices. Cut the pork into thin strips 2-3 cm long, put in a bowl, add soy sauce, starch, sugar, 10 g of butter. Scald and peel the almonds.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the almonds in it until they turn brown and crisp, then put them in, let the oil drain and place in a warm place. Next, fry the ginger or garlic, mushrooms for 1-2 minutes, pour half a glass of boiling water into the pan, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

Sprinkle with pepper and mix with almonds. Serve the dish hot.

Xiangu mushrooms stuffed


50 g pork,

60 g xianggu mushrooms,

15 g lard,

1 g monosodium glutamate,

10 g soy sauce,

10 g flour,

1 g ginger,

20 g wine (or cognac),

1 g salt,

15 g onions


Remove raw pork or loin from the bone, trim off excess fat, pass through a meat grinder, beat in an egg, add ginger and chopped onions, wine, monosodium glutamate, salt, sesame oil and stir well clockwise.

Select soaked xianggu mushrooms of the same size and squeeze out the water. Place the prepared minced meat on one mushroom and cover with another mushroom, then roll in flour, moisten in egg and fry on both sides in a hot frying pan with a little fat.

Place stuffed mushrooms in a hot frying pan with a small amount of broth, add monosodium glutamate and keep on fire until the liquid evaporates.

Broccoli with xianggu mushrooms and oyster sauce


3 glasses of water,

1 cm fresh ginger root, peeled and grated

500 g broccoli,

12 dried black winter mushrooms, soaked in hot water for 25 minutes and dried,

1 teaspoon brown sugar,

2 tbsp. spoons of peanut butter.

For the sauce:

1 teaspoon oyster sauce,

1 teaspoon light soy sauce,

1 teaspoon corn flour (starch),

1 teaspoon sesame oil,

130 ml Chinese vegetable broth,

Ground white pepper.


Add ginger and broccoli to boiling water and cook for 4 minutes. Remove the broccoli with a slotted spoon, drain and place in a warm place. Add sugar, mushrooms, water to the remaining broth and cook for another 6 minutes. Remove the mushrooms, dry and squeeze, cut off the stems. Place the mushrooms in the center of the dish and place the dish in a warm place.

Heat peanut oil in a wok, add broccoli and fry for 2-3 minutes. Remove the broccoli, drain the oil and arrange around the mushrooms. Place in a warm place.

Mix the ingredients for the sauce, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes.

Pour the resulting sauce over the vegetables and serve immediately.

Do you know what tree mushrooms are eaten with?

Mushrooms can not only be soaked in a simple way or filled with boiling water for a short time. There is a more painstaking method that takes a lot of time. To do this, after the mushrooms have been soaked in warm water for 1-2 hours, they need to be sorted out, filled with cold water again and placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for a day or even two. Then the muer will open to its true size - it will become ten times larger compared to the volume of the dried mushroom and will acquire softness, which it will not have if it is simply scalded.

Black wood mushrooms are used to prepare fried and stewed dishes - side dishes, salads, appetizers, and you can also put them in soup. It is known that in some Chinese dishes, tree mushrooms were traditionally combined with dried tiger lily buds. But at least I don’t know what tiger lily is in cooking. Therefore, let’s leave the delights of imperial palaces to the Chinese and move on.

Mushrooms have almost no taste; it appears only in combination with the other components of the dish, which includes mushrooms. They feel smooth and slippery, but at the same time, when they hit the tooth, they crunch unexpectedly pleasantly.

There are several types of muer mushrooms. There is a muer noodle mushroom - very thin and wavy. It is best eaten like noodles. It can be cut and put into broth, used instead of a side dish, or fried for a salad, as will be the case in our case. There are white muer - delicacy and then called inier, as well as yellow and black (the same noodle one, only a little denser). There is also the xianggu mushroom, which when swollen becomes only three times larger and has the shape of an umbrella. But I have never encountered or seen xiangu and yellow tree mushrooms, so we will not dwell on them.

So we come to the most important thing - Salad with wood mushrooms and funchose, which is called “Chinese TsAI”.

1. Cut smoked or boiled chicken into strips.

2. fresh, also into strips or grate on a coarse grater.

3. Grate the carrots, as for Korean carrots (you can fry the carrots with onions, or you can put them in raw form - to your taste).

4. Fry the mushrooms with onions (or separately if the onions are already fried with carrots).

5. Boil the funchoza, drain in a colander and let cool slightly.

6. Beat 2 with a teaspoon of starch and bake pancakes, which then cut into strips.

7. Garlic, soy, spices for Korean carrots or anything else spicy according to taste and personal discretion.

Place all ingredients in a deep salad bowl. Pour soy sauce or salt and pepper (spices), sprinkle a little sugar for juiciness. Squeeze a few cloves of garlic. To stir thoroughly. If necessary, add more dressing in the form of vegetable oil or soy, again to taste. And put it in the refrigerator for a while.

P.S. There can be many options. For me, points 3, 5 and 7 remain constant. It all depends on imagination and the availability of products. Mushrooms can be replaced with any other ones, for example, canned ones, but it still won’t be quite the same. The salad will lose one of its Chinese sides. You can skip point 6 altogether so as not to waste extra time, although pancakes make this dish even more satisfying.

I wish everyone a bon appetit! Be sure to try this recipe – you won’t regret it! And the photo with the salad is natural, from a recent holiday table. Hearty feasts to everyone!

Chinese tree mushroom, with / meat dishes / recipes / chef – and delicious culinary recipes, photo recipes, video recipes

I cook this dish quite rarely. Despite the fact that it is one of my favorites. It's all about the rarity of the product. Chinese, black, wood mushroom. It is always sold dried.

200 gr. Dried Chinese tree mushroom 800 gr. Beef tenderloin 50 gr. Ketchup. 150 gr. Processed cheese First, the mushrooms need to be soaked. There are a lot of ways, this is mine. In two liters of water, add a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of dried dill. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Place mushrooms in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Then drain the water and wash the mushrooms thoroughly.

Prepared mushrooms, cut into noodles. Cut the meat into as thin a strip as possible. I usually cut 3-5mm. Let's fry the meat. As soon as the meat has released juice, add 50 ml. Corn oil and mushrooms. Mix thoroughly, add salt and place on low heat, covered. You need to fry for about an hour.

Then, add the processed cheese and stir until it is completely dissolved. You can add 10-20 ml. water. That's all, the yummy is ready. The taste of cheese and meat, the crunch of Chinese mushroom…. Adore.

Meat, tree mushroom

To the cookbook

White Woody Chinese Mushroom (Korean Marinated)

Among the popular Korean salads (Korean carrots, pickled pork ears, Korean seaweed, spicy cauliflower, Korean garlic arrows and other hot and sour Korean snacks... the mere thought of which is already making your mouth water...) , noticed beautiful white scallops that looked like a multi-layered terry fan. This is the white Chinese tree mushroom (and not white algae, as many people think).

Previously, I only saw pickled tree mushrooms at the market, from Korean sellers. And I never expected to find this exotic product in dried form in a regular supermarket. It turns out that dried porcini mushrooms are a popular product in China, sold in packages like regular pasta. You can order it directly from there. And marinate at home as much as you like. And then eat it plain or add it to salads.

Composition of the marinade

for 1 bush of white wood mushroom

  • Table vinegar (6% or 9%) – 1 tablespoon (you can use 1.5 tablespoons if you don’t think it’s sharp enough);
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar – 0.5 tablespoon;
  • Hot water (boiling water);
  • Spices for Korean carrots, ground black or red hot pepper – optional, this is not necessary (a small pinch).

How to cook

1. Requirements for dishes

To prepare white woody Chinese mushroom, you need a bowl or bowl with a wide bottom (ceramic, glass or enameled iron) so that the entire mushroom fits in it.

I had a 750 ml ceramic bowl - wide and flat. The mushroom fit comfortably into it and did not reach the edge (top of the bowl) a couple of centimeters.

2. How to do

  1. Place salt, sugar and vinegar on the bottom of the dish. Add spices (if you use them. But in my opinion, there is no need at all, and without them there will be a characteristic taste, like the Koreans).
  2. Place the mushroom in a bowl. Pour boiling water over it (the dry mushroom should disappear under water. Don’t pour too much water; once it disappears, that’s enough).
  3. After 1-2 minutes, the mushroom will straighten and marinate. Drain the marinade. All! White wood mushroom is ready to eat! You can eat!

Marinated scallops (white woody Chinese mushroom) with new jacket potatoes, sausages and herbs

By the way, after repeatedly preparing this method, the general principle of which was explained to me by a Korean woman selling Korean snacks at the market, I decided to look for other recipes on the Internet.

And what a surprise it was when I read that, it turns out, someone soaks these dried tree mushrooms overnight, and then cooks them for 2 hours. My God, what will be left of it!))) Friends, no need to soak, no need to cook. Infusing with hot marinade for a couple of minutes is quite enough. The mushroom is immediately straightened, soaked in water and ready to eat (like instant noodles). At least this applies to porcini mushrooms, which are sold dried in our supermarkets.

What does the white wood mushroom taste like?

If you have never tried what pickled porcini mushrooms are, they taste slightly like chicken cartilage, only very thin, with a characteristic sharp-sour taste. The spiciness here does not come from the pepper, but somehow comes from a simple marinade of vinegar, sugar and salt.

They are like nothing else. It’s just so delicious, you won’t be able to put it down!

How to use pickled tree mushroom

This beautiful double Chinese mushroom can be eaten plain as a savory snack. I love him just like that, separately from everything. Eat it all quickly!

But for those who are more relaxed about this Korean appetizer, I can recommend serving tree mushrooms with potatoes (boiled, mashed, stewed potatoes, fried, in any form), with stewed sweetish beef in tomato sauce, or with other dishes that you want. light hot and sour snack (where you would use , for example).

Or add capers to salads, where pickled cucumbers are usually added. I advise you to first try pickling wood mushroom, understand what it is, and then (if you don’t mind) use it in salads. Because its original taste, and, most importantly, its crunchy structure, are unique. And I don’t want to drown out this wonderful taste sensation with something else.

Asian dishes and their individual components usually evoke conflicting feelings among our compatriots. This mixture of emotions can be roughly described as curiosity, stifled by bewilderment and apprehension. Exotic vegetables and fruits, transparent noodles and salty sweets... Compared to these delicacies, Chinese mushrooms seem to be a relatively understandable product. And not at first glance, but only after taking the sample.

In fact, one can be surprised, even admired, by the food of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire - but there is no need to be afraid of it. Everyone who has tried it admits that its taste, although specific, is pleasant. And Chinese woody mushrooms can generally be used not only in Chinese, but also in any other cuisine. They fit perfectly into many recipes and add a spicy touch to familiar dishes. It’s easy to verify this: try cooking Chinese wood mushrooms yourself.

Varieties, composition and properties of Chinese black mushrooms
The East is such a delicate matter that as we move away from Western traditions towards the rising sun, it makes us more and more surprised, and sometimes even puzzle over our mysteries. It would seem: what surprises can you expect from mushrooms, even wood ones? But the catch is that Chinese cooking knows several varieties of black mushrooms suitable for food. Therefore, even if you ask in a Chinese restaurant about the composition of the dish you like, be prepared for the fact that you will not know for sure all its ingredients. To dispel doubts, you will have to study the terminology more deeply, because several varieties of mushrooms are called Chinese arboreal:
Both muer and shiitake are very popular in the countries of Southeast Asia, where they are used to prepare both culinary masterpieces and everyday food. This versatility is due to the pleasant taste and aroma of both mushrooms, and their demand is due to their nutritional and healing properties. Like any other mushrooms, they are low in calories and devoid of fat, and therefore cholesterol. Therefore, Chinese mushrooms can and should be included in the diet of people suffering from atherosclerosis, lipid metabolism disorders and those who are overweight. The lion's share of the nutritional value of tree mushrooms is provided by proteins, which makes them a valuable product for people who do not eat meat and/or eggs. The dried pulp does not lose the components of its chemical composition - dried Chinese mushrooms, like fresh ones, contain B vitamins, ascorbic acid, iron, calcium, and the phosphorus content is twice that of beef.

How to Prepare and Cook Chinese Mushrooms
You can buy Chinese wood mushrooms far beyond the borders of their historical homeland, but most often they go on sale dried and compactly packaged. This does not harm the nutritional properties or taste of black mushrooms at all, if you know how to properly restore them from a dried state. Preparing Chinese mushrooms for use involves soaking them in water, and experienced cooks practice different methods, depending on the circumstances:

  1. Remove the dried mushrooms from the box and remove the plastic wrap. Place dry mushrooms in a saucepan or deep bowl.
  2. Fill the tree mushrooms with clean drinking water at room temperature or a little warmer. The amount of water should be such that the mushrooms are completely covered with it, but there is still free space in the dish. The fact is that after absorbing water, they will increase in volume by 6-8 times, so take this into account in advance.
  3. After two hours, drain the water and rinse the mushrooms under running water to remove sand and other possible contaminants.
  4. Place the mushrooms in a deep bowl again and cover with water, this time cold. Place in the refrigerator for 4 hours or until the morning, after which their taste will be fully revealed and you can cook according to any recipe.
Such lengthy preparation is an invention of particularly scrupulous gourmets. The Chinese themselves do not bother themselves so much, but simply pour cool water over dry mushrooms, drain it after two hours, wash the mushrooms and start cooking. You can try both methods and compare their results. The only thing you shouldn’t do is try to quickly restore the mushrooms using hot, and even more so, boiling water. If you boil or even simply scald dried muer or shiitake, then instead of elastic and whole mushrooms, they will turn into an unappetizing mess. But, if you observed the temperature regime when soaking the Chinese mushrooms, then they became beautiful, dark brown and quite large. Cut off the very bottom of the stems where the mushroom attached to the tree. The caps and stems themselves are completely ready for further processing as part of dishes: the stems are tougher and more fibrous, and the wavy caps have a delicate consistency.
  1. Spicy Chinese mushroom appetizer. Take 200-300 grams of tree mushrooms, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 100 ml of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt and red pepper flakes, 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
    Cut the mushrooms into small equal pieces. Mix salt and vinegar and pour this marinade over the mushrooms. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Pour oil into a small frying pan, heat and add onion, garlic and pepper. Pass until the mass becomes homogeneous. Then add the mushrooms to the pan along with the marinade, reduce the heat to low and cook covered for 20 minutes. Stir the mushrooms into the sauce several times while simmering. The finished dish is very spicy and aromatic and is used in small quantities as a sauce for vegetables, rice or meat.
  2. Warm Chinese mushroom salad. Take about 300 grams of mushrooms, 1 can of canned corn, 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 100 ml of soy sauce and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
    Cut the mushrooms into small equal pieces. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onions and mushrooms and fry for 7 minutes. Then add corn without liquid to the mushrooms and onions, add a glass of water, stir and simmer until all the liquid has evaporated. Meanwhile, peel and crush the garlic. Mix it with soy sauce and add to the contents of the pan. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat and serve. This salad can be made more satisfying by adding chicken fillet or other lean meat fried in a dry frying pan.
  3. Chinese mushrooms with veal. Take 500 grams of tree mushrooms (reconstituted from 80 grams dried), 1 kg of veal, 3 small onions, 2 heads of garlic, 250 ml of soy sauce, 250 grams each of ginger root, potato starch and fresh cilantro, 20 ml of sesame oil (can be replaced with another vegetable), 1 teaspoon sesame seeds.
    Chop the mushrooms not very finely. Cut the meat into thin pieces and fry in a dry or lightly oiled frying pan with high sides. Peel the onion, garlic and ginger. Chop the onion, pass the garlic through a press, grate the ginger. Place vegetables in a frying pan with meat, add sesame oil and soy sauce, add half a glass of water and simmer until tender for 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile, dissolve the starch in a glass of water and chop the cilantro. 2 minutes before cooking, fill the contents of the pan with starch. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs and sesame seeds before serving.
Each of these dishes has a specific rich taste and spiciness characteristic of Asian cuisine. Try pairing them with neutral flavored foods to strike a balance. For example, boiled potatoes, steamed rice or vegetables baked on a grill. But Chinese wood mushrooms absorb well and enhance other components, but do not have their own bright taste, which is why they can be added to almost any recipe. In their pure form, black mushrooms resemble seafood rather than wild mushrooms, but with the help of sauces and spices their taste is transformed. Moreover, no one will forbid you to cook Chinese mushrooms “our way,” that is, with sour cream and onions, or cook mushroom soup with them. If you have soaked dried Chinese mushrooms but haven't fully used them, leave them in water and they will keep for 3 days in the refrigerator without any problems. Well, when dried, they can be stored for a very long time. Therefore, if necessary, stock up on them. Then you can cook Chinese wood mushrooms at any time and please your household and/or guests with an unusual, tasty and healthy dish.

Mushrooms that grow on trees are diverse and belong to different botanical groups. They are united only by their place of growth. Among these gifts of the forest there are inedible and poisonous specimens, however, some of them are suitable for consumption and have a pleasant taste. The main thing is to be able to distinguish them and know the period of the intended collection.

Benefits and harms

This type of mushroom most often grows on tree trunks and stumps, but individual specimens can also be found on the ground. Their caps are wide and fleshy, and their legs can be of different lengths.

Those parts of the mushroom that are suitable for consumption have a mild taste and have a positive effect on the human body. They are rich in the following substances:

  • races body protein;
  • vitamins B and C;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.

There is much more calcium, iron and phosphorus in the pulp of mushrooms growing on a tree than in meat. The chemical compounds contained in them reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.

Despite the abundance of valuable microelements in the composition, such mushrooms can be harmful to health. They should be collected only in ecologically clean areas, away from roads and industrial plants.

In rare cases, an allergic reaction is possible due to individual intolerance to wood mushrooms, as well as their improper processing. The possible harm from consuming forest products is also due to the fact that they are heavy food for humans.

Mushroom picking: scaly polypore (video)

Species diversity

You can notice edible mushrooms on the stumps and trunks of various trees. Their caps can be gray, brown, red and even yellow.

Collecting tree mushrooms is a fascinating activity that requires certain knowledge. Auricularia ear-shaped grows on living and dried deciduous or coniferous trees, which can be found in any forest. What are its signs?

This mushroom is odorless, and the color of its cap is affected by age and growing environment. Young fruiting bodies have a purple tint, while old ones gradually turn brown. The Chinese mushroom is collected in August and September, but in some cases it can be found earlier.

Chaga is a fungus that consists of black growths that infect wood. It is most convenient to collect fruiting bodies in early spring or autumn after leaf fall. Despite its ugly appearance, the mushroom is edible. For medicinal purposes, they take mushrooms growing in a birch grove on living trees. The higher the fruiting body is, the more useful substances it contains.To remove the chaga from the wood, use a strong knife or small axe. The mushroom should be cut parallel to the trunk, paying special attention to the upper and middle parts of the fruiting body.

Lacquered tinder fungi found on dead wood of deciduous trees, less often on coniferous trees from mid-July to late autumn. Occasionally, mushrooms are found on stumps. In Russia, the Korean mushroom is common in the Krasnodar region and the North Caucasus during the summer. Sometimes you can find it in Altai.

Oyster mushroom It is found in temperate climates in Russia and bears fruit from May to October. In the Moscow region, if the autumn is warm, you can find these mushrooms until November. They also grow in Crimea. Oyster mushrooms are collected in groups, cutting off only the caps, since the stems are too tough and cannot be eaten.

Honey fungus prefers weakened and damaged deciduous trees. Groups of these mushrooms can be found in Russia from August to October. In some cases, the yellow fruiting bodies grow at high altitudes and collecting them requires effort.

Cooking methods

Mushroom dishes are among the most delicious and nutritious. Each type of forest gift requires attention and special processing.

Mushrooms such as Auricularia auriculata can be dried in the fresh air and stored in a thick paper bag. In order to prepare them, rinse the dry raw materials, then add boiled water and leave to soak for 2 hours. Next, sort out the mushrooms, change the water and leave them in the refrigerator for a day to fully open.

The recipe for “tree ears” in sauce is simple; to prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • dried e Chinese mushrooms (500 g);
  • hot pepper;
  • soy sauce (3 tablespoons);
  • boiled water (400 ml);
  • wheat flour (1 tablespoon);
  • basil.

Pour soy sauce over the soaked mushrooms and leave for 30 minutes. While they are steeping, fry finely chopped hot peppers and garlic in a deep frying pan, add the wood ears with the sauce and simmer over low heat for 8 minutes. Now add flour dissolved in water to the mixture and mix. Add spices to the dish at your discretion. Chinese mushrooms should be served with basil; they are suitable for any side dish.

The unique tree fungus chaga destroys the tree trunk, as a result of which it is saturated with valuable substances and juices. This creation of nature brings great benefits to humans.

Pieces of birch mushroom are brewed with boiling water and drunk as tea, which increases immunity, improves brain function and reduces inflammatory processes in the body. Due to its healing properties, chaga has long been used in folk medicine.

Lacquered polypore is traditionally used not only for the treatment of various diseases, but also in dietary nutrition. The calorie content of this mushroom is insignificant; it is rich in proteins and polysaccharides. That is why it is often used in dietary nutrition.

Honey mushrooms and oyster mushrooms are familiar to many people from childhood. You can prepare many delicious and satisfying dishes from them. For example, fried mushrooms with potatoes are traditionally served in the fall. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh mushrooms (honey mushrooms or oyster mushrooms);
  • new potatoes (1 kg);
  • sunflower oil (2 tablespoons);
  • sour cream (100 g);
  • green onions.

Sort through, clean off the soil and cut off the damaged parts with a knife. Rinse the potatoes thoroughly with water and place on a napkin to dry.

Large forest products should be cut, and small ones should be left for cooking in their entirety. Now put the mushrooms in a frying pan, add oil and fry them until cooked. Place the potatoes, cut into slices, with the mushrooms. Continue frying all ingredients over low heat for 10 minutes, then add sour cream and chopped green onions. This dish should be served hot.

In order to stock up on mushrooms growing on trees, you need to know their names and characteristics. Proper collection and processing guarantee a pleasant taste and benefits from these gifts of the forest.

Wood mushroom Muer: description (video)

They can be found mainly in the deciduous forests of our country, but some of them grow at high altitudes and getting to the fruiting bodies can be difficult. However, everything spent on searching for mushrooms is compensated by their great taste and beneficial properties.

Asian cuisine, in particular, its individual components, sometimes raise many questions. And against the backdrop of all these incredible delicacies, Chinese tree mushrooms seem completely home-like. They fit perfectly into dishes of many cuisines around the world, adding a unique piquant touch. So today we’ll talk about how to cook wood mushrooms.

Residents of the Middle Kingdom distinguish several subspecies of tree mushrooms. It is with them that we will now get acquainted.


Shiitake mushrooms have been an ingredient in national cuisine for hundreds of years. It is this Chinese mushroom that visually resembles our Russian mushrooms. It also has a stem and a cap, although it grows exclusively on trees.

Shiitake, when freshly picked, has a nice dark brown hue. During the drying process, it changes to a darker color, becoming almost black. You can find both fresh and dry shiitake on supermarket shelves. If we talk about benefits, they are completely universal and can be used in all dishes.

The only thing that needs to be done first is to fill the dry shiitakes with clean water. This procedure will help restore lost moisture to them. And only then the mushrooms can be used in cooking.

Dried mushrooms can be used as an aromatic seasoning that enhances the taste of other foods.


This Chinese tree mushroom contains a huge amount of protein and vitamins. In addition, muer is an excellent source of iron. Mushrooms help increase appetite and also improve overall health.

But muer is not always a black mushroom. You can see porcini (delicacy) and yellow mushrooms. In supermarkets you can find white dried muer, which is very nutritious and tasty. It contains amino acids and polysaccharides necessary for our body. In addition, wood fungus contains phosphorus and iron.


Another edible tree mushroom that is popular in China is xianggu. As a rule, they arrive on store shelves in dry form, so they must first be soaked. After this, they enlarge and take their original umbrella shape. Mushrooms have a very hard stem, so it is not used for food. Xiangu have a rich aroma.

They are also called winter mushrooms. In China, the cultivation of xianggu is given a special place, and the country itself ranks second in their production in the world. Mushrooms are rich in amino acids and enzymes and also contain significant amounts of vitamin D.

Pre-preparation of mushrooms

Any Chinese tree mushroom that is imported into our country is always dried and vacuum sealed. This transportation option does not in any way impair the nutritional properties or taste. But this is only provided that you are privy to the method of their restoration.

Preparing mushrooms for further processing comes down to simple soaking. But there are some subtleties here too.

How to cook wood mushrooms: soaking technology

Professional chefs use the following option:

  1. Remove the plastic and remove the mushrooms.
  2. Place dry mushrooms in a deep bowl.
  3. Add clean boiled water at room temperature to them. The liquid should cover the mushrooms, but there should be some free space in the pan. Remember that mushrooms increase in size significantly.
  4. Tree mushrooms must spend a full two hours in water. Then they are washed. And again they fill it with clean water, but this time it’s completely cold.
  5. The dishes with mushrooms should be placed in the refrigerator for 4 hours. After this time, the mushrooms are completely ready for further use.

Quite a long procedure. The Chinese don't bother themselves that much. They pour the dry mushroom mass with not too cold water and leave for a couple of hours. Then the mushrooms are washed and cooking begins.

Remember that you cannot restore dried mushrooms using hot or boiling water. In this case, instead of quality mushrooms, you will get an unappetizing mass.

If all the recommendations are followed, then beautiful dark brown woody mushrooms will be waiting for you in the bowl. It is necessary to remove the bottom of the mushroom stem, since this is where the mushroom attaches to the tree. The cap and the rest of the stem can be used in cooking. It is worth considering that the legs are hard, but the caps are very delicate.

Chinese mushroom recipes

First we will prepare a salad of tree mushrooms.

You will need:

  • wood mushrooms (already soaked) - 300 grams;
  • canned corn - 1 can;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • soy sauce - 100 milliliters;
  • vegetable oil - 2 large spoons.

The mushrooms must be cut into arbitrary slices, and the onion into thin half rings. Fry the mushrooms and onions for about 7 minutes. Place corn on them, after draining all the water. Add a glass of water to the pan and evaporate all the liquid. The garlic must be passed through a press, combined with soy sauce and added to the pan. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, the salad is ready. It is served warm, and to make the dish more filling, you can add fried chicken or turkey fillet.

A spicy appetizer with Chinese mushrooms will be no less tasty.

You will need:

  • tree mushrooms -300 grams;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • salt and red pepper;
  • vinegar - a tablespoon.

Cut the pre-soaked mushrooms into small even pieces. Combine salt and vinegar and marinate them. Chop the onion and garlic thoroughly and then place them in a hot frying pan. Don't forget to add frying oil. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous state and add mushrooms here. Cook the dish under a closed lid over low heat for about 20 minutes. Be sure to stir the appetizer during cooking. The resulting aromatic dish is perfect as a dressing or sauce for rice, meat or vegetables.

Second course

The next delicious recipe is wood mushrooms with veal.


  • mushrooms - 500 grams;
  • veal tenderloin - kilogram;
  • onion - 3 onions;
  • garlic - two heads;
  • soy sauce - 250 grams;
  • ginger (grated root) - 250 grams;
  • potato starch - 250 grams;
  • sesame oil - 20 grams;
  • sesame seeds - a teaspoon.

Mushrooms should not be cut too large. Cut the veal into thin slices and fry in a frying pan. Take dishes with high sides for cooking. Add chopped onion and garlic, as well as ginger, to the meat, add soy sauce and sesame oil (it can be replaced with regular vegetable oil). Pour in another half glass of water and simmer until tender over low heat. Dilute the starch in water and add it to the dish at the very end of cooking.

Features of Chinese cuisine

All dishes prepared according to these recipes demonstrate the true taste and aroma of Chinese cuisine. To balance out the heat of Asia, try serving them with dishes that have a calmer flavor. These can be our favorite mashed potatoes or, alternatively, steamed rice.

Tree mushrooms can be prepared the way we are used to. Simply fry in a frying pan with onions or cook classic mushroom soup. Good luck!