Azerbaijani praise. Baklava - recipes for honey sweets from Turkish, Armenian and Azerbaijani cuisine

Very tasty baklava. It's hard to stop and not eat everything at once.

2. Sort the nuts, remove the partitions. Set aside 1/2 cup of nuts for decoration, dry the rest in a frying pan without oil over medium heat for 3-5 minutes, grind in a mortar or mince. Add sugar and vanilla sugar to the nut crumbs, mix until smooth.

3. Pour a pinch of saffron into 3 tbsp. boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes, then mix the infusion with egg yolk.
4. Divide the dough into 7 parts, roll each into a thin layer. Grease a baking sheet with butter, lay out a layer of dough, then a layer of filling, lightly pour with melted butter. Place all the dough and filling in this way. Brush the surface of the baklava with the egg-saffron mixture.

5. Cut the baklava on a baking sheet into large diamonds, place half a nut kernel in the middle of each diamond.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake baklava for 35-40 minutes.
7. Prepare sugar syrup: dilute sugar with water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Melt the honey in a saucepan and pour it over the baklava 10 minutes before it’s ready. 5 minutes before the end, pour sugar syrup over the baklava to soften it. Let cool slightly before serving.

Azerbaijani cuisine baklava

This was my first time preparing Azerbaijani baklava, but I have already added this recipe to my notebook cookbook, which I advise you to do as well. I have bought this sweetness several times, but store-bought baklava cannot compare with its baked goods.

If someone finds some inaccuracies with the traditional recipe, then do not judge harshly - the cuisine is delicious and there is room for imagination, it’s a pity, but there is no good teacher.

To prepare Azerbaijani baklava, the following products are needed:
- 1 tbsp. dry yeast
- 150 g butter
- 2.5 glasses of milk
- 2 eggs
- 0.5 tsp salt
- 7-8 glasses of flour

For the filling we use:
– 500 g shelled walnuts
– 1 tsp ground cardamom
- 1.5 cups sugar
- 50 g butter

For honey syrup you need:
- 0.5 cups of water
- 500 g sugar
- 6-8 tbsp. honey

For lubrication:
- whole walnuts
- 1 egg (yolk only)
- a little saffron tincture

For impregnation between layers:
- 200 g ghee

Prepare yeast dough by mixing flour, salt, yeast, and warm milk.

Add eggs and warm butter.

Knead a very soft dough (!). Let it rise once in a warm place.

Meanwhile, chop the nuts and mix them with cardamom and sugar.

When the dough has risen, divide it into 8 parts, one of which will be larger than the other equal parts. Leave in a warm place for 15 minutes.

Next, roll out each ball of dough very thinly. Place 1 layer of dough on a baking sheet, then grease it well with butter, then immediately lay out another layer of thin dough. Do not sprinkle these layers of dough with nuts(!)

After the second layer of dough is buttered, make a layer of sweet nuts.

We repeat this until the last layer of dough - this will be that large ball of dough that we made more than others (crust).

Cut the baklava into diamonds.

Lubricate the pieces with yolk mixed with saffron tincture. We decorate each piece of baklava with a whole nut.

Send to bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Pour warm melted butter between the pieces and bake at 170 degrees until done (another 20-30 minutes).

Meanwhile, prepare honey syrup. To do this, mix honey, sugar and water, boil and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes.

Pour syrup over the finished hot baklava. Let it soak.

Baklava is best on the second day of soaking.

Bon appetit!

Baklava is an oriental sweet that has an amazing and unforgettable taste. But only if we are talking about real Azerbaijani baklava, and not about those hard confectionery products sold in stores and having a similar name.

A real Azerbaijani traditional dessert dish, prepared from the highest quality ingredients, is extremely tasty, very aromatic and juicy.

Those who would like to try such a magnificent oriental sweet can prepare it themselves from a certain set of ingredients:

  • sour cream (160 g);
  • high quality wheat flour (510 g);
  • regular or brown granulated sugar (one tablespoon);
  • table salt (one pinch);
  • selected chicken eggs (two pieces);
  • dry yeast (6 g);
  • butter (52 g);
  • whole milk (160 g).
In addition, the filling should also be prepared for Azerbaijani baklava, and for this you will need to use a number of other components:
  • vanilla (optional);
  • walnuts, pre-shelled (260 g);
  • ground cinnamon (one heaped teaspoon);
  • powdered sugar (260 g);
  • ground cardamom (half a teaspoon);
  • butter (260 g).
In addition, you will also need to prepare syrup and glaze for the baklava, and for this you will also need a number of components:
  • hot water (110 ml);
  • flower honey of the best quality (160 g);
  • walnuts (110 g);
  • fresh chicken egg (one piece).
You should start by preparing yeast dough for Azerbaijani baklava, and to do this you need to combine granulated sugar, dry yeast and warm whole milk, mix everything and leave for a while. Next, in a separate bowl, it is recommended to mix homemade sour cream, table salt, butter, chicken eggs, as well as pre-sifted wheat flour. As soon as the yeast begins to ferment and a rich foam appears on the milk surface, you can mix this mixture with flour and immediately knead a dough that should not completely stick to your hands. Once it is rolled into a ball, it can be placed somewhere warm.

Next, you should start preparing the filling for Azerbaijani baklava, and for this you should mix powdered sugar and peeled walnuts, pre-ground, and add ground cinnamon and cardamom in the required quantity to the same mass. The second part of the filling is butter, and it will need to be brought to a melted state only immediately before use.

Divide the previously prepared yeast dough into twelve equal parts, and select one of these parts, which should be larger. This part should be rolled out very thinly, and the prepared layer should be enough to cover the entire mold. The layer of dough should not only cover the walls and bottom of the mold, but also hang about 2 cm outside it.

This layer of dough should be greased with butter, preferably butter, and sprinkled evenly with the nut filling. Then you need to roll out the remaining parts of the dough, but their size must clearly correspond to the dimensions of the baking dish. After this, you need to create a blank for baklava, and for this you will need to alternate the filling with thin layers of dough. A large layer of dough should be placed on the penultimate layer, and its edges should be generously brushed with beaten raw egg. This large layer will be considered the last layer, and it will also need to be greased with a beaten chicken egg on top. Cut the baklava blank into diamonds, and place half a walnut in the center of each piece as a decoration.

Leave the baklava preparation for fifteen minutes, after covering it with a towel, and after the allotted time, send it to the oven, preheated. The mold with Azerbaijani ready-made baklava can be removed after about twenty minutes, and it is additionally recommended to pour butter over the prepared culinary product at the joints, having previously melted it. As for honey syrup, you can pour it over baklava only almost at the very end of cooking, when the top layer of baked goods is covered with a beautiful crust.

After this, put the baklava back in the oven for about five minutes, then remove it from the oven and dip each diamond completely in the remaining honey syrup.

You can serve juicy, aromatic Azerbaijani baklava with a bright honey taste with tea.

Baklava is a recipe, the mention of which brings to mind the phrase: “the East is a delicate matter” and, I would like to make an amendment - “thin dough” - this is how the popular sweet is presented. Multi-layered, viscous and spicy, incorporating centuries-old characteristics, it is not only a homemade delicacy in the hands of hospitable owners, but also the keeper of the country’s traditions.

Baklava - homemade recipe

The task of how to prepare baklava will seem impossible at first, remembering the construction of this delicacy. Using a recipe for a simple unleavened mass will help you cope with any difficulties, and rolling out the cakes can be done by any housewife who has gotten her hands on making dumplings. An oriental masterpiece created in an hour and a half is a worthy reward for the whole family.


  • unleavened dough - 850 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • walnuts - 250 g;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml.


  1. Mix chopped nuts with 100 g of sweetener.
  2. Add the remaining sugar to the liquid and cook, adding lemon juice.
  3. Baklava is a recipe in which the delicacy is assembled in layers, so start assembling.
  4. Place a layer of dough on a baking sheet, brush with oil, repeat the procedure five times, then cover with the filling. Repeat the steps.
  5. Soak the top, cut the product into diamonds and bake at 200 degrees.
  6. Fill with syrup.

Honey baklava

Honey baklava is a recipe that gives the delicacy a rich taste and aroma. Traditionally, honey is melted into sugar syrup and serves not only as an additional sweet element, but also affects thickness. In the modern version, it is combined with water, thereby preserving the beneficial properties of the product and reducing cooking time.


  • yeast dough - 900 g;
  • nuts - 300 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • honey - 30 g.


  1. Divide the mass into 4 parts, roll into snails and cool for about an hour.
  2. Roll the snails into layers, and chop the nuts and sweetener.
  3. Lay out the first layer and sprinkle with some of the filling. Repeat the process twice, then cover with the last one and cut into pieces.
  4. Bake at 200 degrees for half an hour, soaking in melted butter.
  5. Baklava, whose recipe is hundreds of years old, offers impregnation options: dilute honey with water and pour over the delicacy.

Armenian baklava

The recipe for baklava with walnuts and honey has many variations, each of which reveals the gastronomic features of the country. This recipe emphasizes the Armenian flavor, manifested in the use of spices and the creation of a light and fluffy base. A technically simple dish that takes most of the baking time.


  • butter dough - 900 g;
  • walnuts - 250 g;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • a pinch of cardamom;
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • honey - 50 g.


  1. Chop the nuts and mix with 200 g of sweetener.
  2. Divide the mass into four parts and roll out.
  3. Place on a baking sheet, alternating with filling.
  4. Cut into diamonds.
  5. Decorate each segment with a piece of nut.
  6. Bake for an hour at 200 degrees.
  7. In the first 15 minutes, pour oil.
  8. Boil sugar and water and add honey.
  9. Soak the finished sweetness.

Azerbaijani baklava

Azerbaijani baklava is a recipe that commands respect from sophisticated gourmets. Attention to every component, original saffron impregnation, fluffy dough for baklava - everything speaks of the nation’s great love for this dish. It will take no more than two hours to create a masterpiece and feel the flavor of the country, and four people with a sweet tooth will be able to enjoy the result.


  • yeast dough - 900 g;
  • walnuts - 400 g;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • melted butter - 100 g;
  • saffron - 4 stamens;
  • honey - 30 g.


  1. Combine chopped nuts with sweetener.
  2. Place saffron in a cup with liquid.
  3. Divide the dough into four parts, roll out and place on a baking sheet, brushing with butter and sprinkling with filling.
  4. Cut the product, brush with yolk and saffron mixture.
  5. Baklava is a recipe that involves cooking in the oven for about an hour at 180 degrees. 10 minutes before the end, glaze with honey.

Turkish baklava

Turkish baklava is a recipe that showcases an original and unconventional look. A sweet rolled into a roll is simple, convenient, and delicious. The technique invented by Turkish housewives not only simplifies cooking, but also allows you to stock up on delicacies for a long time; when served this way, the dish remains fresh and juicy for several days.


  • flour - 500 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • nuts - 300 g;
  • powdered sugar - 300 g;
  • cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • yolk - 1 pc.


  1. Knead the first four ingredients for about 10 minutes.
  2. Prepare the sweet syrup for the baklava by boiling the sweetener until thick.
  3. Divide the base and roll it out.
  4. Mix the filling from chopped nuts and powder, spread into layers and roll into rolls, brushing with yolk.
  5. Bake for an hour at 160, then pour in the sweet mixture.

Baku baklava

Baku baklava is a recipe that looks like. Thanks to this “structure”, during cooking the sweetness retains the aroma of spices and remains juicy for a long time. This dessert requires a lot of skill and patience, since preparation and baking will take more than two hours. The prepared dish can decorate any holiday table.


  • yeast dough - 900 g;
  • nuts - 550 g;
  • powdered sugar - 350 g;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • cardamom - 9 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 2 teaspoons;
  • honey - 300 g;
  • butter - 200 g.


  1. Divide the mass into 12 parts.
  2. Blend the dry ingredients in a blender.
  3. Place a layer in the mold, sprinkle with filling, cover with another and seal the edges.
  4. Repeat the procedure.
  5. Cut the product and brush with yolk.
  6. Bake at 180°C for 30 minutes.
  7. Drizzle with warm honey.

Crimean baklava

A simple and unpretentious sweetness that can withstand the hot climate on the Crimean coast has received a second name - “beach”. Creating a dessert in a few minutes is the dream of any housewife, especially since the “mix, roll and fry” technique will help out in any situation. Available products from the refrigerator, cooking in a quarter of an hour is a pleasant feature of the recipe.


  • flour - 450 g;
  • sour cream - 50 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • margarine - 70 g;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • nuts - 80 g;
  • honey - 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 700 ml.


  1. Before preparing baklava at home, prepare all the ingredients.
  2. Make a batch of the first five elements, roll it into a roll and cut into segments.
  3. Fry and sprinkle with filling.

Baklava - puff pastry recipe

Puff pastry baklava is a lifesaver for those with a sweet tooth. A ready-made store-bought base will allow even a novice cook to get dessert in forty minutes without sacrificing quality. Moreover, many residents of the Balkan Peninsula use this basis for sweets. Try a convenient option and your household will be satisfied.


  • - 800 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • nuts - 400 g;
  • honey - 100 g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g.


  1. Divide the workpiece into parts, roll it out and, placing traditional filling, assemble the delicacy and brush it.
  2. The last three components will serve as impregnation for the product.
  3. Bake for 45 minutes at medium temperature.

Baklava made from phyllo dough

Making baklava at home turns into an exciting activity if you have ready-made thin dough on hand. Such cooking options are typical for residents of Arab countries - great connoisseurs of a thin and crispy base. Only a highly trained master can prepare it, and therefore there is nothing wrong with using the store-bought version.

Baklava– this is the most delicious and extraordinary delicacy of the East. Azerbaijani multi-layer Baklava is the perfection among all sweets with the same name, and is distinguished not only by its beauty and shape, but its advantage is also that the preparation and baking itself require special skills, experience and craftsmanship. The only thing tastier than Baklava is Baklava!

Glass size 250 ml
Baking tray 30×45 cm (12″x18″)
Quantity 25-30 pieces.
Ingredients for the dough:
1 teaspoon dry yeast
1 tbsp. spoon of flour
1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar
1/3 cup warm water (or milk)
Ingredients for the dough:

6 cups flour
1 large egg at room temperature
a pinch of salt
2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream at room temperature
1 glass of warm milk
1 cup (½ lb / 230 g) warm melted butter
Filling ingredients:
3 cups chopped nuts (walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts)
2 cups granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cardamom
1 teaspoon coriander (optional)
1 tbsp. spoon of vanilla sugar (1 sachet)
Ingredients for the layer:
1 cup melted butter
Ingredients for lubricant and decorations:
2 yolks
1 teaspoon saffron tincture (zafaran)
1 teaspoon olive oil
Ingredients for fills:
½ cup melted butter
Ingredients for syrup:
1 cup granulated sugar
½ glass of water
½ cup honey
1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice

Prepare the dough .
In a large glass, mix the dry ingredients: yeast, flour and granulated sugar, pour the mixture with warm water (or milk) and mix into a homogeneous thick mass. Place in a warm place to rise (about 30 minutes).
While the dough is rising, melt the butter over low heat and heat the milk until finger warm.

In a large bowl, mix the egg, salt, sour cream, dough, melted butter and warm milk.

Gradually adding sifted flour to knead the dough. Do not add all the flour at once, some of it will be used to dust the cakes (adjust the exact amount of flour yourself, depending on its quality).

The dough should be elastic and soft and not stick to your hands.

Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for about 2 hours. To speed up the rising process, set the oven to 200°F (93°C) and place the dough on a warm stovetop. It should increase 2-3 times.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling and syrup.
Prepare the filling

Crush the nuts (walnuts, peeled almonds or almonds) in a blender or nut grinder (not very finely), and mix with granulated sugar, grated cardamom, coriander and vanilla sugar.

Prepare syrup.
In a small saucepan, mix granulated sugar with water and cook the syrup over low heat for 20-30 minutes until slightly thickened. Then add honey and lemon juice, stir, and cook for another 10 minutes over very low heat, avoiding boiling. Lemon juice will prevent the syrup from becoming sugary.

Assemble Baklava.
Knead the risen dough, place it on a floured work surface, divide it into 12 pieces, two of which are slightly larger than the rest, they will go on the top and bottom layers of baklava.
As you add flour, mix in each piece, rolling it into a ball. Cover the balls with film so they don't dry out.

Roll out the first, large ball to the size of the mold (it’s better to roll out with a thin rolling pin - Ohla). When rolling, the dough should be elastic and obedient so that it can be stretched into shape. (Do not use a mold with split sides; all your butter and syrup will leak out of the mold!) Grease the bottom of the mold with melted butter, and cover the first layer of baklava. Coat the top with warm melted butter.

Then add 3-4 tablespoons of filling and spread over the entire layer.

Roll out the next layer of baklava into a cake approximately 0.5 mm thick (the working surface should be visible through it)

Place it over the filling of the first layer. Also grease it with melted butter and fill it with filling.

Repeat the entire procedure with all layers, lightly pressing each subsequent layer.
The last, top layer, thicker, should not be stretched, but cut exactly to the shape (otherwise it will shrink during baking). Do not grease the top layer with oil, grease it with a mixture of yolks, saffron tincture (prepare the tincture in advance) and olive oil (oil will add shine to the baklava).
Then cut the baklava into diamond shapes.
Place a nut in the center of each diamond and press down.

Bake Baklava.
Place the baklava in an oven preheated to 180°C (350°F) and bake for 20 minutes.
Then remove from the oven, run a knife through all the cuts, and pour in warm melted butter.

Return to oven for 15 minutes.
Remove from the oven, once again go through all the cuts with a knife, and pour in the syrup so that it penetrates along the cuts of the diamonds (one glass, but the more, the better.)
Return to oven for 10 minutes. Make sure that the baklava does not brown too much and that the nuts do not burn.
In terms of time, the baklava should be in the oven for about 45 minutes, but you also need to take into account factors such as a gas or electric stove, the size of the mold, etc., so do not leave the baklava in the oven unattended and monitor its baking carefully.

Allow the finished baklava to cool slightly. Then run the knife again along all the cuts of the diamonds, and remove the baklava from the mold while it is still warm. If the baklava is stuck to the bottom of the pan, heat the bottom over low heat (literally a few seconds), the syrup will melt a little and the baklava will easily come off.

Enjoy your tea! Enjoy!