Armenian cakes. Mikado cake recipe

Boletus is a mushroom widely distributed in the Russian Federation, characterized by amazing taste properties and containing a lot of necessary substances - vitamins (B, D, E, C) and minerals (phosphorus, etc.). It is actually in no way inferior to the wonderful snow-white mushroom in terms of beneficial properties and nutritional value. You can meet it on different soils, in birch forests and forest belts, in clearings and forest edges. The collection of boletus mushrooms is carried out from the end of spring until the middle of autumn.

Various types of mushroom are known, but the largest is the common boletus. You can identify it by its convex cushion-shaped cap, which has different colors - grayish, brown or brown. The stem of the mushroom is usually long, slightly thicker at the bottom, usually light white-gray in color. The pulp does not change color when cut; it is compact in structure and snow-white. Boletus is considered one of the most delicious mushrooms, eaten fresh, dried, fried, or pickled. How to clean boletus mushrooms - read our article. We will also tell you how to process and cook these amazing mushrooms.

How to clean boletus mushrooms correctly?

If you have collected or purchased such mushrooms and brought them home, then you should start cleaning as quickly as possible. The thing is that boletus mushrooms are not stored for a long time in an unpeeled form and quickly deteriorate. Mushrooms should be processed depending on where they were collected and what kind of contamination they have. For example, boletus collected in a clean forest with a large litter of moss and leaves usually does not require harsh processing. Usually they are quite clean, so you only need to slightly clean the cap and the base of the stem, remove stuck leaves and other debris, and also make sure that the boletus is not wormy by making an incision in the pulp.
In this case, if the mushrooms grew in the grass, in open meadows and forest edges, they will need more severe cleaning, because sand, dust and dirt stick to their surface. How to clean boletus mushrooms in this case: carefully scrape with a knife, remove all large debris stuck to it, and also remove all warped places, if any. If the mushroom is wormy, you should soak it in salt water or throw it away. After cleaning, boletus mushrooms need to be washed. It is convenient to do this in the following way: place a batch of boletus mushrooms in a colander and lower them into a large basin with running water a couple of times. This way you will wash away all the sand and other debris simply and quickly. Now you understand how to peel boletus mushrooms. This is not difficult to do, especially if they are untainted and young, without damage or wormholes.

How to clean boletus mushrooms and what can be prepared from them?

It is clear that these gifts of the forest are actually not inferior in taste to the famous snow-white mushroom. Therefore, boletus mushrooms are eaten in a wide variety of variations - dried, salted, pickled, fried, boiled, etc. Before making them, the main thing is to keep in mind that these mushrooms tend to darken very much when heated. This is not something to be afraid of.

If you want to store boletus mushrooms in the freezer, you should boil them in salted water twice for 20 minutes in advance. You can also dry these mushrooms for the winter. This is easy to do using the oven. Preheat the oven to 150°C, cut the stems from the caps, place them on a baking sheet separately from each other. Leave them for an hour, reducing the temperature to 120°C. Then turn the heat to low and dry for about 6 more hours. The readiness of the mushrooms can be determined by the brittleness of the cap. This preparation must be stored in a cardboard bag in a cool, black place.

What else to do with boletus mushrooms? In addition to drying and freezing, you can fry mushrooms or make a fragrant soup from them. They are so tasty that any dish will turn out perfect!

In this material we will talk about how to cook boletus and boletus mushrooms. From mushrooms, even a young housewife understands this, you can prepare a large number of different dishes. But do not forget that mushrooms are a heavy food, which is important to properly heat-treat before serving.

Choosing the right mushrooms

Even forest mushrooms such as boletus and boletus today can not only be collected in the forest on your own, but can be found in markets and even in stores. Fresh mushrooms need to be actively processed after picking or purchasing and you need to know exactly what you will do with them next - freezing, canning, frying.

It doesn’t matter which option for further preparation and use of mushrooms is chosen, this product will still need to be boiled additionally. This heat treatment to clean the mushrooms will remove everything unnecessary from the composition. Let's cook delicious.


These mushrooms grow not only under aspen trees in the forest, as their name might suggest. They will also delight in large numbers in coniferous and mixed forests. But it is believed that one step before this mushroom, aspen will definitely grow. This mushroom is easy to recognize - it has a dark stem and a wide scarlet cap. When you touch the leg of an aspen boletus, this place will turn blue. You should not take mushrooms that are too old - they are no longer tasty.


These mushrooms are common in a wide variety of forests; they are easily recognized by the stalk on which there are brown scales. The stem is always widened at the bottom, but the cap has the shape of a sphere and the color of its top is muted. Prepare aromatic.

About proper cooking

It doesn’t matter whether you choose a method for cooking boletus and boletus mushrooms before frying or for another dish, the preparation steps will be the same. Mushrooms are different and the process of their heat treatment is slightly, but still different.

How to cook boletus so that they do not turn black:
1. First, each mushroom must be cleaned of debris, the stem and cap must be cleaned additionally (you can use a toothbrush). Be sure to remove the film that is on the surface of the cap.
2. Cut mushrooms can be soaked for an hour in cold water; this is a good additional process, but not necessary.
3. Place the chopped mushrooms in a saucepan, add cold water and place on the stove. When the water becomes warm, add salt to it and bring to a boil. Cook, stirring constantly and removing the foam that forms on the surface.
4. From the moment of boiling, cook the mushrooms for another quarter of an hour on low heat. After this time, drain the water and add new water to the mushrooms. Bring to a boil again and cook for five minutes.
5. If you add a little vinegar to the water, this will protect the mushrooms from blackening.

How to cook boletus mushrooms correctly:
1. Boletus mushrooms, we’ll warn you right away, you need to cook longer. But it all starts with regular cleaning.
2. Then place the peeled and chopped mushrooms in a saucepan with water and boil over medium heat. After this, add salt to taste and cook over low heat for about forty minutes.
3. After this time, drain the water and, adding new water, cook the mushrooms until they sink to the bottom.

About cooking time

The process of how to cook boletus and boletus mushrooms for freezing will not differ from other recipes. Remember that prolonged heat treatment negatively affects the taste of any mushroom.

Important! Experts emphasize that pre-cooking mushrooms can be abandoned only if there is 100% confidence that the mushrooms were collected in an ideally environmentally friendly place.

Separately, it should be emphasized that cooking is carried out so that all harmful substances are removed from the mushrooms under the influence of temperature and the product becomes safe for consumption. To make the mushrooms tasty and crispy, before frying it is enough to cook them for 10 minutes for boletus mushrooms and 20 minutes for boletus mushrooms.

Other methods of harvesting mushrooms

Separately, it should be noted that frozen mushrooms can only be properly stored for six months. At the same time, you cannot re-freeze mushrooms if they have already been thawed once. It is better to immediately pack everything in bags, the amount of mushrooms in which is suitable for one consumption.

When the mushrooms have been boiled according to the basic instructions given in this material, you will need to put them in a colander and wait for all the water to drain. Then you can put the mushrooms on a board and put them in the freezer; when they set, put them in a bag.

How to cook boletus and boletus mushrooms, the recipe before pickling will be slightly different. In particular, mushrooms need to be cooked one and a half times longer than indicated in the upper diagrams of our material.

Advice! To deliciously marinate mushrooms, per kilogram of mushrooms you need to take half a glass of water, 40 grams of salt, five peppercorns and the same number of bay leaves, a sprig of dill and a couple of cloves.

About cooking dried mushrooms

When there are no more fresh mushrooms, you have to use stocks. They give the dish taste and aroma, but you need to know how to use them correctly. Before you start boiling dried mushrooms, they need to be filled with cold water and left to mash for hours. After this, drain the old water, pour warm water over the mushrooms and, putting on low heat, cook for another 120 minutes.

This is all you need to know on the topic of how to cook boletus and boletus mushrooms. You need to remember that boletus mushrooms cook twice as fast as boletus mushrooms. Depending on the chosen method of further cooking the mushroom, the cooking time may vary slightly.

Going to the forest to pick mushrooms is a great pleasure. Searching for clearings with forest gifts can be compared to a fairy tale. The fungus found is like a New Year's gift. The crazy charge of energy against the backdrop of physical fatigue puts quiet “hunting” on par with adrenaline sports. And everything would be great, but when you think that you still have to clean a whole basket of mushrooms, your amazing mood instantly disappears.

The exhausting cleaning of the harvest requires patience. In addition, it is this process that helps to identify poisonous, wormy and rotten gifts of the forest that accidentally ended up in the basket. We want to tell you how to properly peel wild mushrooms and how to speed up this process, which takes away your last strength.

How to properly peel mushrooms.

Mushroom is a perishable product. He gaped a little and a small thin worm appeared in the darkened cap or leg. It is absolutely impossible to put off cleaning mushrooms for several days. Even a long stay of amazing forest gifts in the refrigerator entails drying out of the stem and cap, or rotting. And as a result - loss of taste. It is better to immediately throw forest gifts into the trash bin.

If possible, it is better to start cleaning mushrooms in the forest. This way you will not only save time when you arrive home, but also get rid of additional burden in the form of garbage, pine needles, fallen leaves, withered blades of grass, etc. But if you do not want to spend precious time cleaning and sorting forest gifts, then you will have to do the same procedure upon arrival home.

If you notice a worm or bug in a mushroom, make a cut on the cap or stem. Peeling wormy mushrooms is not a pleasant task. But you can cut off the partially wormy or eaten part and throw it away, and use the rest for food. But if the mushroom is completely dug with tunnels, then get rid of such a product.

In parallel with disposal of garbage, mushrooms are sorted. Treat this stage as the most important one. After all, your life depends on how correctly you sort edible from suspicious and obviously poisonous.

It is best to prepare mushrooms for further processing when they are dry. This does not apply to those species that must be soaked in water. For example, greenfinch must first be thoroughly soaked. Of course, if you get caught in the rain while collecting forest products, you will have to work with wet products. The main thing is not to wait for them to dry completely.

Use a small, sharp kitchen knife to cut off corroded and rotten areas, as well as the tip of the stem. You can use the rough side of a kitchen sponge or an old toothbrush to scrape off the stems and caps.

For many, a completely natural question arises: is it worth cutting off the skirt at the leg? This is a personal matter for everyone. If you want to speed up the process of cleaning mushrooms, then do not waste time removing the skirt. It is suitable for use.

When it comes to washing out, do not forget that they absorb water very quickly. Staying in water for a long time leads to loss of juiciness. The mushroom becomes watery and tasteless. But thorough washing is necessary for forest products, especially lamellar species. For example, rowers and poplars. Otherwise, while eating, the crunch of sand on your teeth will prevent you from enjoying their taste. Pour water into a large bowl and add a few tablespoons of salt. Moreover, there should be 3-4 times more water than mushrooms. Since the forest product is lighter than water, you will have to force dip it. And only then rinse under running water.

How to clean porcini mushroom.

It is not for nothing that the hare is considered the king among mushrooms. The “royal person” by and large does not need cleaning. You just need to cut off the tip of the stem to make sure there are no unwanted residents. Don't worry about how to clean white ones. It is enough to wipe the hare's cap with the hard side of the sponge, and then bathe it under running water.

How to clean chanterelles.

The chanterelle, like the white one, does not need a special procedure. The rotten, softened or damaged part of each chanterelle is very easily cut off with a sharp knife. The hat of any subspecies of chanterelle does not require cleaning or special rinsing. If the chanterelles are subsequently subjected to heat treatment, they should be rinsed well in water. The fact is that chanterelle has a natural bitterness. Which, by the way, has fans and connoisseurs. So, the more time passes between cutting the mushroom and its subsequent processing, the more expressive this bitterness becomes.

You can reduce the bitterness in chanterelles by boiling them in milk.

If you plan to dry the chanterelles, then when washing, pay attention to the cap plates. It is important to rinse all the sand out of them.

How to clean boletus mushrooms.

The speed of boletus processing is influenced by its habitat. If boletus mushrooms were found in a clean forest among thick leafy moss litter, then you will get the job done quickly. You just need to cut off the edge of the stem, check each mushroom for worms and scrape the blades of grass and leaves from the cap.

If the boletus mushrooms were collected among sparse grass, there will be grains of sand on them. Therefore, you will have to tinker with washing.

To eliminate the presence of worm bugs in the mushroom, separate the part of the sponge under the cap. If you see passages and tunnels, the mushroom is damaged.

How to clean raincoats.

A small mushroom of the champignon family, easy to process. You can simply wash the small representatives of the raincoat by wiping off the dirt with your fingers. Then cut each puffball to make sure there are no worms. If during processing any rain cover bursts from pressure, throw it away. The middle of the raincoat should be white and firm, not runny or mushy.
Large raincoats need not only washing, but also removing the rough outer layer of skin.

How to clean greenfinches.

A tasty mushroom, which is also rarely wormy, requires special attention. It's all about the large amount of sand that sticks to the greenfinch. The main task when cleaning a greenfinch is to get rid of sand.
First of all, the green row needs to be washed in plenty of water. And then use any of two methods for removing sand:

  • soak in salt water. Prepare brine at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water. And dip the green row into the solution for half an hour. Stir the greenfinch periodically. During the soaking process, the green row plates will begin to open and the sand will begin to settle to the bottom. All you have to do is carefully remove the mushrooms using a slotted spoon. Try not to stir up the sand at the bottom of the vessel.
  • boil. Pour water into the pan. Moreover, there should be three times more water than the volume of greenfinches. Place the greenfinch in water and wait until it boils. There is no need to stir the row. As soon as the water boils, turn off the gas. Then, using a slotted spoon, carefully, without shaking the water, remove the greenfinches. The welded row should be washed again under running water. After boiling, the greenfinch becomes more elastic and dense, so the remaining sand can be easily washed off with a stream of water.

How to clean milk mushrooms.

Processing the royal mushroom depends on what you plan to do with it next. If the milk mushrooms are to be dried, sand, adhering leaves, blades of grass are removed from them with a brush or sponge, and damaged areas and places with dark spots are removed.

Milk mushrooms for frying are first processed, as for drying. Then rinse under running cold water.

The milk mushrooms for pickling need to be thoroughly soaked. Soaking is necessary to eliminate the bitterness inherent in this mushroom. Fill the container with cold water and place the milk mushrooms washed under running water there. The royal mushroom will have to be soaked for 24 hours. But by no means more. Otherwise, the milk mushrooms will lose their aroma and taste. Throughout the soaking process, you will have to change the water every three hours. A longer gap between water changes will cause the milk mushrooms to turn sour.

Milk mushrooms should be soaked only in cold water.

The container in which the milk mushrooms are soaked must be placed in a dark and cool place. The water in the pan should not get hot. As you can see, the best thing to clean milk mushrooms is water.

if it is important for you that the milk mushrooms do not lose their color, add salt to the water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Salt can be replaced with a pinch of citric acid.

After the mushrooms have soaked, rinse them again under running water and start pickling.

How to clean honey mushrooms.

As for honey mushrooms, given the harshness of the mushroom stem, many people use only the caps for frying, pickling and pickling. Old large honey mushrooms have a stiff and fibrous leg. Accordingly, tasteless.

Cleaning each honey mushroom from debris and dirt is quite a job. Therefore, we recommend rinsing the mushrooms several times. And sort through during the washing process.

If you plan to make soup or marinate honey mushrooms, remove the skirt on the stem of each honey mushroom. A slimy, overcooked skirt will not bring you either aesthetic or taste pleasure. For frying, the skirt does not need to be removed. This will make cleaning mushrooms much easier.

The skirts of mushrooms can be easily removed using an old toothbrush.

Housewives are not always able to process mushrooms in a timely manner. Therefore, honey mushrooms can be soaked in cold water and left for no more than 6 hours in a cool, dark place (for example, a basement).

We offer you a comparison table that shows how to process honey mushrooms depending on the cooking method.

Method of preparation Washing Processing Frying + Thorough cleaning of dirt, cutting off damaged areas. Removing the skirt is optional. Cooking + (several times) Thorough cleaning of dirt, cutting off damaged areas. Removing the skirt from the leg. Salting/marinating + (several times) Thorough cleaning of dirt, cutting off damaged areas. Removing the skirt from the leg. Drying - Dry cleaning. Cutting off damaged areas. Removing the skirt is optional. Freeze - Dry clean. Cutting off damaged areas. Removing the skirt is optional.

How to clean boletus.

One of the favorite mushrooms for many is butterdish. It's easy to find. It is quite difficult to confuse it with another mushroom. The slimy dark brown cap is a clear distinction from other types of mushrooms.

But it is the cap that becomes a stumbling block for many housewives when cleaning mushrooms. In order not to experience panic at the sight of a basket with these mushrooms, we are sharing with you how best to clean boletus mushrooms.

The first rule to help you easily clean boletus is to minimize oversaturation with moisture. It is better to go “hunting” for boletus mushrooms in dry weather, when the mushrooms themselves are dry.

Since the main difficulties in processing boletus are hidden in the cap, before you start cleaning, wash the mushrooms under running water. But don't keep them in water for long. Otherwise, the oiler will instantly fill with water. Then take each oiler by the stem and, using a knife to pry the edge of the cap, remove the slimy substance from it. If required, scrape off the stem.

To avoid the hassle of washing your hands after cleaning mushrooms, wear rubber gloves. If this is not possible, then kitchen dishwashing detergent or lemon juice will help whiten your hands after cleaning mushrooms.

How to clean champignons.

Champignon is a pure mushroom. Therefore, it is enough to wash a young champignon with a closed cap. Contaminants on the stem that cannot be washed off with water should be cut off. The open cap should be cleaned from the inside. To do this, it is convenient to use a dishwashing sponge or toothbrush.

How to clean oyster mushrooms.

Oyster mushrooms require not so much cleaning as bringing them into marketable condition. To do this, you need to cut off the lower part of the stem, the darkened areas and remove any irregularities on the cap.

Proper cleaning of mushrooms is the key to your health. Don't forget this.