Peanut butter 1 teaspoon calories. What are the benefits and harms of peanut butter, rules for use in various areas

Peanut butter was invented at the end of the nineteenth century in America. It still remains one of the most common food products. It is very nutritious, good for vegetarians, its nutritional value is equal to meat and hard cheeses.

The basis for making the product is roasted peanuts (groundnuts, Chinese pistachios). Although this is not a nut, but a legume. In the classic version, it is ground until smooth and seasoned with salt and vegetable oil. Now you can find pastes to which candied fruits, nuts, coconut flakes, chocolate, honey, maple syrup and other additional ingredients are added to improve the taste.

Let's look at the benefits and possible harms of such a paste for children, women, men, jocks and those losing weight, we'll tell you how to take it and what you can cook with it.

How to choose a good product

Classic natural roasted peanut paste does not contain flavor enhancers or dyes. Her color - from light to dark brown.

The shelf life does not exceed six months. Peanut oil may collect on the surface of the product. This is normal, you just need to stir the contents of the jar before use.

You should not buy a product whose composition is enriched with hydrogenated rapeseed, palm, soybean or cottonseed oil.

Their long-term use causes diabetes, liver disease, prolonged depression and many other serious diseases.

Pay attention to the expiration date.

An opened jar can be stored in the refrigerator for two months.

How to cook at home

It's easy to prepare a delicious dessert at home.

To do this you will need the following ingredients:

How to cook:

  1. Peel the peanuts and fry in a container without adding oil for ten minutes. You can do this not on the stove, but in the oven.
  2. Cool the nuts and peel them.
  3. Grind the peanuts in a blender until thick and puree-like, add butter and salt.
  4. Properly prepared pasta should have a juicy consistency and a pleasant nutty aroma. If it turns out dry, you need to add a little more vegetable oil to it and beat.
  5. For a sweet option, you can add honey, syrup (maple and others) or chocolate.
  6. Pack the finished product into small jars. Store in the refrigerator for no more than two months.
  7. Homemade nut butter, like store-bought ones, can be used to prepare delicious culinary dishes.

To make homemade paste, you should not buy already peeled and roasted peanuts. It quickly deteriorates and mold begins to develop in it. It will not be possible to make a quality product from it.

The video will help you figure out how to prepare delicious pasta at home:

Composition, calorie content, nutritional value and glycemic index

The calorie content of the product is quite high - 587 kilocalories per 100 g of product, the energy value of 1 teaspoon (12 grams) is 71.76 kcal.

The glycemic index, depending on the composition, ranges from 40 to 60.

Nutritional value of the product per 100 g:

  • Proteins – 17 grams.
  • Fats – 45 grams.
  • Carbohydrates – 23 grams.
  • Fiber – 8 grams.
  • Water – 1.8 grams.

Chemical composition of the product:

Effect on the body: beneficial properties, potential dangers and contraindications

Natural pasta without artificial additives is a very healthy product. It is produced without heat treatment. This retains all the beneficial substances in its composition.

Its moderate consumption reduces the risk of:

A number of other positive impacts have been noted:

  • cleanses of toxic and other harmful substances;
  • improves the appearance of skin, nails and hair;
  • eliminates the consequences of stressful and depressive conditions;
  • relieves muscle tension;
  • normalizes water balance;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • restores liver cells;
  • accelerates the growth of muscle tissue;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract.

In addition to its benefits, the product can also cause harm to health. Peanuts are quite allergenic, so ground peanut paste is introduced into the diet in small quantities. and observe the body's reaction. If an unreasonable rash, irritation or other discomfort appears, you need to stop using it.

Allergies to peanuts and legumes very often occur in severe forms with the rapid development of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal. An allergic reaction is accompanied by severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Since the product is high in calories, you should not exceed the established daily intake. This will lead to rapid weight gain and obesity. Overeating is also caused by the pancreas. Nutritionists do not advise people suffering from arthrosis, arthritis, or intestinal problems to include peanut paste in their menu.

For adult men and women

The product is good for men's health. Peanut butter helps quickly build muscle mass, which is important for athletes and protects against baldness.. The paste has a positive effect on the genitourinary system of men. It is a preventative against the development of prostate adenoma, decreased potency and infertility, and increases testosterone levels and libido.

How is it useful for women? Paste helps women fight age-related changes, as it has a rejuvenating effect. Its regular use has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

For pregnant and lactating women

Breastfeeding women can consume ground peanut paste in moderation. This will increase the calorie content of breast milk. We must carefully monitor the child’s reaction to it.

For children

It is not recommended to include the product in the diet of children under three years of age. For older children It should be used with caution, with regular monitoring of the body's reaction.

You need to start with small doses so that in case of an allergic reaction it does not become too severe.

The product is difficult for the child to digest. You should not abuse it, although many children really like it in the sweet version. One tablespoon of the product, spread on a piece of bread, will be enough per day.

Regular consumption of peanut butter will enrich the body with useful substances that contribute to its proper development.

In old age

The product contains a lot of protein and nutrients. This allows older people who use it to remain alert and active. Brain function improves and memory is preserved.

Due to the difficulty of digestion and the high percentage of fat content, it is recommended to reduce the usual daily intake.

How to use

The daily intake of the product is no more than 100 g (3 full tablespoons). It is recommended to eat it for breakfast or in the first half of the day to get a boost of energy and a feeling of fullness for a long time. Nutritionists advise drinking milk, since the body receives a complex of amino acids during meals.

Use in cooking

In cooking, the product is used to make sandwiches, it is added to desserts and baked goods (cakes, cookies).

It is well suited as an additive to porridge, for example. Of vegetables, it is best combined with fresh, and, and of fruits - with, and berries. You can make nutritious, delicious cocktails from it by adding milk, fruit and blending it in a blender. Gives a special taste to sauces and soups.

Oriental sauce


How to cook:

  1. In a small container, combine the water with the paste, place it over low heat, and heat to a boil. Beat the mixture with a whisk.
  2. Mix the resulting mixture with vinegar, soy sauce, honey and hot pepper.
  3. Heat the sauce, but do not bring to a boil.
  4. To improve taste and piquancy, you can add or to the finished dish.
  5. The sauce goes well with meat and fish dishes.

Nut soup with vegetables


How to cook:

  1. Peel peppers, onions and carrots and chop finely.
  2. Heat oil in a saucepan, fry prepared vegetables in it, add garlic to them.
  3. Grind into puree, pour it into the fried vegetables.
  4. Add broth to the pan, add rice, cook for half an hour.
  5. Add pasta, salt and pepper to the soup, simmer over low heat for about fifteen minutes.

Crispy cookies

How to cook:

  1. Make a mixture of melted butter, peanut product and sugar, mix well.
  2. Beat the eggs and pour into the mixture.
  3. Combine flour, soda and salt, add them to the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Knead the dough well and place in the refrigerator for one hour.
  5. Divide the dough into balls with a diameter of no more than three centimeters. Place on a greased pan and press down lightly.
  6. Bake in an oven heated to 180 degrees for about fifteen minutes.
  7. Sprinkle the finished cookies with powdered sugar.

Video tutorial on making cookies:



Despite the rather high calorie and fat content, The paste can be used for weight loss, as it contains a small amount of carbohydrates.

It quickly satisfies hunger and gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time. This allows you to avoid snacking in between main meals and helps you lose extra pounds.

But Do not exceed the permissible daily intake. Use only in the first half of the day. This is the only way it will be useful for people on a diet.

Is it used to treat various diseases and in cosmetology?

The product is not used to treat diseases. But it can have a beneficial effect on well-being and correct some problems.

It is not used in cosmetology either: Peanut butter, with which it is often confused, is more suitable here. It is part of medicinal formulations for the skin of the face and hair, and is widely used for massage.

Despite its high calorie and fat content, ground peanut paste is quite healthy. It contains a large number of substances that not only nourish the body, but are also preventive agents against many diseases.

Reasonable consumption of a high-quality natural product cannot harm health, and even brings benefits. Plus it's very tasty.

In contact with

In this article we will prove that the harm and benefits of peanut butter depend directly on the raw materials from which it is made. You will know exactly what should be written on the can of the product, how much you can eat, and most importantly, how not to gain weight, but even to lose weight with peanut butter!

If you want a quick answer. Feel free to replace butter with peanut butter and share this article on social networks (button above). If you want more details, open the table of contents and jump to the desired section.

Let's start with something simple: peanut butter and peanut butter are two different things. The first is obtained by grinding (powder and something like butter), the second by pressing and squeezing (liquid and fatty). Accordingly, different nutritional value.

Do you still trust sites that say they are the same thing? Russian GOST is against this, in particular, №7981-68 . The closest state standard for paste is GOST for peanuts №31784-2012 , №17111-88 considering the actual recipe for the product.

Peanut butter is powdered peanut beans mixed with the same oil that is released during the grinding process. That is, while you grind the kernels, some kind of liquid is released from them. If you do not pour this liquid into a separate container, you get a paste, otherwise you get oil and powder. That is, real peanut butter is just peanuts.

This is a familiar food in the places where it was invented: in the Anglo-Saxon countries and their colonies. And it was there that illiterate cultivators nicknamed it groundnut, which was inherited in the Russian language. From a botanical point of view, peanuts are not a nut, but a leguminous plant. Anyone who has seen the casing within which the kernel ripens will understand how regular and pea-like it is.

The seeds ripen in September-October. Accordingly, goods manufactured and packaged closer to this season will spend less time in the barn and absorb less toxic substances.

Chemical composition of peanut butter

What is present in it can be divided into two things:

  • Organic compounds.
  • Additives, chemicals and impurities.

On the label of a good product, the description of the composition should contain nothing more than peanuts.

The harmfulness of the product will be discussed below, but now it is necessary to talk about the main components. Peanut butter, like the original ingredient, consists of fatty oil (53%), proteins, complex and fast. The natural product is valued for its variety of fats and their derivatives:

  • arachidic acid;
  • lignoceric acid;
  • stearic acid;
  • palmitic;
  • oleic;
  • linoleic;
  • lauric and other polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs);

Although, to clear the conscience, it should be said that the Americans promoted the consumption of peanut butter solely to increase the consumption of vegetable protein.

Fortification and mineralization of the product also refers to the chemical composition. We will assume that all manufacturers wish people well and do not work for money, which is why we consider a certain ideal type of product.

Peanut butter in 100 grams of the product contains vitamins:

Mineralization of peanut butter:

The usefulness of each element will be discussed in the “Benefits and harms of peanut butter” section below.

Additives, Chemicals and Contaminants in Peanut Butter

If sugar and thickeners have been added to the product, this means that this is stimulating sales to children (such as Nutella, Nutti, Burenka). If they added vegetable fats, they are trying to increase the shelf life and hide the separation, and at the same time pump you up with trans fats.

Unfortunately, unlike peanut butter, there is no government regulation of peanut butter, hence the lack of regulations on pesticide contaminants. Therefore, we suggest that you proceed from the fact that the paste contains 50-55% oil and, at least for this volume, the paste must meet the requirements from the table below.

Product name Pesticide name Maximum permissible level, mg/l
Vegetable oils for direct consumption HCH (hexachlorane) is a sum of isomers, a teratogen (you better not know this word) and a carcinogen. 0.05
GPC (heptachlor epoxide) – deposited in fat, with large volumes: headache, nausea, itching and redness of the skin, decrease in blood pressure. 0.02
DDT (dichlorodiphenyl trichloromethylmethane) is a sum of isomers and metabolites, an insecticide against legume insect pests. 0.10
Vegetable oils for subsequent processing into food products HCH (hexachlorane) - sum of isomers 1.0

What does a dose mean, for example, GPC 0.02 mg/l? If vegetable oil, consisting of 20% technical heptachlor, comes into contact with human skin, severe irritation will occur and a blood scab may occur, which will disappear on the 25th day. We count:

  1. 20% of 1 liter equals 200 ml.
  2. The permissible GOST norm is 0.02 mg per liter.
  3. 1 ml contains 1000 mg of water (let it be the same with oil, even though it is denser).
  4. Accordingly, 0.02 mg of a substance is 1/200000 ml.
  5. That is, one liter of this substance contains no more than 0.0000005%.

To put it bluntly, you would need to pour 2 million liters of oil on yourself to receive damage comparable to that described. Translating this into peanut butter, multiply by 2.

There is a problem of the following nature. Let's say you prove that the oil part of a jar of peanut butter is harmless. But the problem is that no one knows what pesticides and GMOs the dry (solid) part contains, and what their permissible concentration is for safe consumption. Only the nutritional value is written on the label, but the chemical composition remains hidden behind the words “good for you and your children.”

A few videos on the topic:

But let's assume that proper peanut butter consists exclusively of bean grains. It follows that the requirements apply to it GOST 31784-2012 for peanuts:

Indicator name Norm for
peanut beans peanut kernels
Mass fraction of moisture, %, no more 9,0 7,0
Mass fraction of foreign impurities (dust, dirt, lumps of earth, pebbles, chaff, particles of stems), %, no more 2,0 1,0
Mass fraction of damaged beans/kernels, %, no more 0,5 0,5
Mass fraction of wrinkled beans/kernels, %, no more 3,0 3,0
Mass fraction of purified kernels, %, no more 0,5
Mass fraction of nuclei broken and split into halves, %, no more 10,0
Mass fraction of empty beans, %, no more 2,0
Mass fraction of other varieties, %, no more 5,0 5,0

Nutritional value and calorie content of peanut butter

So, we discussed chemistry and impurities above, and now it’s worth talking about the energy and construction components. Peanut butter is a very fatty product, exactly half as fat as fat.

If we consider this paste as crushed kernels (which is correct according to the original idea), then the calories and nutritional content of peanut butter will be as follows:

Peanuts, peanut butter without additives

Nutritional value per 100 grams

Calorie content: 568 kcal
Calories from fat: 420 kcal (74%)

Daily value (%)*

Squirrels 26.3 g 40%

Fats 45.2 g 63%

incl. saturated fat 8.3 g 42%

incl. trans fats: 0 g

Carbohydrates 9.9 g 3%

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Food fiber (fiber) 8.1 g 41%

Salt g 0%

Sugar 9.29 g 37%

Water 7.9 g

Data source:, USDA 42291

Update date: 09/27/2018

Calculated according to the norm: 1 g protein = 4.1 kcal, 1 g fat = 9.29 kcal, 1 g carbohydrates = 4.1 kcal

*The percentage of daily value is calculated according to Rospotrebnadzor, based on the average rate of 2000 kcal for a woman who is not losing weight with light physical activity, 30-40 years old, weighing 60 kg, height 165 cm. More details:

Peanut butter is one of the favorite dishes of vegetarians. It contains a good amount of protein, which will help in the construction of cells and the synthesis of enzymes. Just remember that in any plant food proteins contain fewer amino acids, and due to proteinase inhibitors (antienzymes) in legumes, they are absorbed worse than from other plants, for example, from.

The effect of peanut butter on excess weight

We'll tell you straight up that if you use peanut butter instead of butter, you will not only slow down weight gain without changing your intake, but also significantly improve your body's health. Judge for yourself, peanut butter:

  • contains 5 times less saturated fat than butter;
  • provides 560 kcal (from fats and proteins), and butter - 660 kcal (from fats only);
  • contains not only fat, but also proteins and carbohydrates, which satiates faster, albeit slightly;

That is, you can easily eat 100 grams of peanut butter in a day and not worry about your figure and extra pounds. But if you eat 200 grams, then you can no longer eat fatty foods that day, and the emphasis will have to be shifted to proteins, but more on carbohydrates.

Let's just estimate the approximate use of the product:

  • (approximately 500 kcal):
    • 2 sandwiches, each with 25 grams of peanut butter;
    • oatmeal;
    • green tea without milk;
    • 3 dried apricots;
  • Second breakfast (approximately 300 kcal):
    • Poke 2-3 cookies per 50 grams into peanut butter (everyone loved to do this in childhood, but with butter);
    • black tea;
  • Lunch (approximately 700 kcal):
    • some kind of soup with vegetables;
    • the rice is not overcooked (as they like to say with noodles: al dente);
    • marine oily;
    • crispy vegetable or fruit in 15-20 minutes;
  • Afternoon snack (about 100 kcal):
    • yogurt, cottage cheese, dried fruits;
  • Dinner (approximately 400-500 kcal until 20:00)
    • steamed vegetables;
    • skinless poultry meat, fried without oil, in 100 grams of quartered peanut grains;
    • juice, tea, water with ginger.

The specified diet for 1 day is suitable for women aged 30-40 years, weighing 60-70 kg, light physical labor and irregular training. It will provide most of the necessary nutrients in your daily requirement. At the same time, there is no red meat, the amount of saturated fat is reduced to zero.

The given menu contains 200 grams of “groundnuts”. This is more than enough for a day. But, you can easily adjust this mode with something of your own. The menu is given as a sample to show product complementarity and variation throughout the day.

Thus, one of the few things that can be borrowed from American films is the tradition of eating peanut butter. It is useful for weight loss, helps to maintain a slim figure and saturates it with microelements. However, the American FDA - something like our Rospotrebnadzor - offers its citizens who want to lose weight an even more suitable product - almond paste.

A few videos on the topic:

Although almond paste is not the topic of the article, let’s say that it has even lower calorie content (460 kcal), a decrease in the total amount of fat, but an increase in omega-3 and MUFA, and a high carbohydrate content. Accordingly, it is more useful than peanut butter, but it is better not to use it closer to the night.

Beneficial properties and harm of peanut butter

All the usefulness of pasta lies in fats and proteins. Although there is more in fats, because they are essential and belong to omega-6 and omega-9 acids. Omega-3s are almost completely absent.

For example, stearic acid is also useful. But not by its existence, but by its low content. Acid in a volume of 8 grams is incapable of causing harm in the form of obesity, but at the same time fulfills its main role - the best store of energy.

Another acid, linoleic acid, exists in large quantities in cell membranes. The concentration is usually 10 times higher than the content of linolenic acid, which indicates its importance. However, perhaps the main purpose is the ability to synthesize arachidonic acid, which is an important component of fat cells in the brain, liver, and adrenal glands. Arachidonic acid products are neurotransmitters and control nerve impulses in the body.

Unfortunately, you will have to find some other product, for example, fish, to fill the daily requirement of omega-3 (very important for children). Let us remind you that 100 grams of peanut butter provides the daily requirement of omega-6, but its ratio to omega-3 should be 4:1, because these are competing, but both, very important elements.

To compensate for the lack of omega-3, pay attention to the following products:

  • linseed oil;
  • olive oil;
  • camelina oil;
  • oily sea fish;
  • spinach;

Another useful property is the presence of fiber, which swells in the intestines, “clings” to waste and removes it from the body.

However, there are harmful aspects to consuming peanuts and their derivatives. In particular, there is material that forms gluten and the presence of fast sugars.

Some people have an allergic reaction to the components of the plant, but this is not systematic. Therefore, the mention of allergies is at the level of individual intolerance, but the frequency of cases is high - it is in eighth place in terms of allergic danger. And this played a role in the ban on peanuts in medical and children's institutions.

If you want something perfect to spread on bread in the morning, it should be almond paste. In second place is peanut butter, in seventh place is butter.

Peanut butter for athletes

If you are an athlete, an athlete in general, and this is your profession that generates income, then you know everything about peanut butter and its parent product - peanuts. A lot of vitamins and minerals help you withstand crazy loads and not delay building muscle mass, which leads to the loss of extra pounds.

It will sound strange, but this product is introduced into the diet to increase calorie content, and due to the right fats. After all, you can just eat a stick of butter and it will be a high-calorie meal. But it would be more correct when calories are obtained not only from fat, but also from proteins and fats, and the latter carry life, not death.

This is what is most important for an athlete and just a person leading an active lifestyle:

  • Vitamin PP - participates in the formation of enzymes, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, the body functions normally if it is in abundance, but if not, then neurological disorders begin, mainly motor dysfunction.
  • Vitamin B5 has a very multifaceted effect; its role in the absorption of other vitamins is most noted.
  • Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, is important during cell division, especially during embryo development, but this in itself suggests an increase in human cell mass - a healthy lifestyle. Plays a role for the circulatory and immune systems.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant and antihypoxant. This means that it prevents the contact of oxygen and lipids inside the cell, which prevents its destruction, and also reduces the amount (saves) the cell’s oxygen consumption.

The vitamins listed are those that are present in significant quantities in peanuts and are important for maintaining an active lifestyle.

Proteins from peanut butter play a significant role for an athlete. While most available proteins (from meat) come with a fair amount of the wrong kind of fat, peanut protein allows the body to function better than it would without it. However, everyone prefers not to notice this fact:

  • protein in 100 grams - 40% of the daily value (but pure protein);
  • since the protein is from legumes, its digestibility is lower, but individual isolates are at the animal level;
  • 100-200 grams is the maximum you can afford per day, depending on individual characteristics.

Basic arithmetic: 40% of the daily value of protein is approximately 70% absorbed, therefore, the maximum you will get from peanut butter is 28% of the daily value of protein. This is no longer possible (it is possible, but not necessary), because there will be a bias in saturated fats, omega-6, and so on.

That is, as was said earlier, the main merit of peanuts, including for an athlete, is the presence of fats that provide vitamins and minerals.

What and how to eat peanut butter with

Peanut butter is used at least in the amount of butter, but also has its own application characteristics. The uniqueness of the paste is that it has its own taste, color and smell, which famous chefs fully use, for example, when greasing cake layers. Other options for eating Peanut Butter:

  1. A sandwich, not just smeared with paste, but also supplemented with pieces of bananas (by the way, a quick carbohydrate), blackberries, and strawberries.
  2. Fruit sauce: 200 ml yogurt, 2 tablespoons peanut butter, 1 teaspoon honey, 1/2 tablespoon cinnamon. The ingredients are mixed and the dish is served. Fruits are dipped into the sauce.
  3. Vegetable sauce: remove all sweet ingredients from point #2 and enjoy.
  4. Pastila and: You can get an interesting flavor combination by dipping it in peanut butter. Do not overuse this option and remember that the pasta should be without additives, even without sugar.
  5. Taking good care of your figure, but allowing you to enjoy the taste will be provided by salty cookies in the form of a sandwich, in which there will be peanut butter as a layer.
  6. A lover of any type of cereal will find the most useful combination if he replaces the usual butter with peanut butter.
  7. , made at home with the addition of pasta, and peanuts in general, will give it the appropriate taste, nutritional value and benefits. It can be used both to fill the bottom of the cone and for topping or filling.
  8. Pancakes and waffles with peanut butter are very tasty, but given that the melting point of the product is just over 70 degrees, it will not spread as an invisible film over the pancake, but will completely replace the cream. Actually, the cream can also be made based on this paste, just add nuts, seeds, vanilla, and a tiny pinch of finely ground black pepper.

How much peanut butter can you have per day?

The answer was given earlier in the text, but it’s easy to repeat - 100 grams per day will not harm a woman (on average, but in general +/- 40%). But with heavy physical activity and individual characteristics, up to 200 grams is possible. But at this point it will be “hard to look” at the jar of pasta.

Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe

Knowing what peanut butter is for, there will be a recipe. Common uses are as a substitute for butter. Another option is as a dessert. In any case, you need to have a good kitchen unit (coffee grinder?) that will not heat up or melt.

Substituting peanut butter for butter

You don't need absolutely anything to prepare it except peanuts. You can choose according to your own preferences: fresh, crispy or from the oven, but unsalted and raw is better - so less usefulness is lost.

  1. The first step is to clean the kernels from the red husk. If the grain has undergone heat treatment, it will fly off easily. For other cases, you must use a regular bag, in which dairy products are wrapped free of charge at the checkout. Add the required amount of peanuts and shake for a while. Alternatively, you can rub it in your palms. After some time, the skin will peel off, leaving small inclusions. They can be removed manually.
  2. Then pour into a blender container and grind for two minutes. Your appliance is bound to get hot, so give it a rest. By the way, the peanuts will also rest because turning into crumbs causes heat and oil release.
  3. Then carry out the grinding procedure again, because the resulting mass will begin to form lumps. This matter should be distributed evenly.
  4. Next, the mass is heated again - lumps - mixer. So, five times for 2-3 minutes until the peanuts become a paste.

Everything is ready, put it in a jar.

Peanut butter as a dessert

The basic procedure is described 2 paragraphs above, here is just an addition to make the peanut butter sweet and get the right to call it a dessert.

The mass obtained as a result of grinding is usually saturated with various fillers to add texture, smell, and color. Among them may be:

  • crushed candied fruits;
  • marmalade;
  • whole and crushed nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • bulk materials such as cardamom, vanilla, powder, salt, cocoa;
  • And so on.

To make the paste more fluid, add vegetable oil (preferably linseed or olive) in the following proportion: 1 or 2 tablespoons per 350 grams of peanuts.

The calorie content of peanut butter per 100 grams (using the example of Nutella products) is 530 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 6.8 g protein;
  • 31 g fat;
  • 56 g carbohydrates.

The composition of peanut butter is represented by sugar, vegetable oil, cocoa powder with a reduced fat concentration, hazelnut kernels, skim milk, and whey. The product is characterized by an increase in the content of vitamins B, A, D, minerals calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine, potassium, sulfur.

The calorie content of peanut butter in 1 teaspoon is 63.6 kcal. In one teaspoon of product:

  • 0.82 g protein;
  • 3.72 g fat;
  • 6.72 g carbohydrates.

Benefits of peanut butter

The following benefits of peanut butter have been proven:

  • the product normalizes the functions of the nervous system;
  • with regular consumption of small amounts of peanut butter, the level of bad cholesterol is restored;
  • peanut butter helps prevent stress and depression;
  • due to its high calorie content and nutritional value, the product allows you to quickly restore vitality after heavy exercise;
  • The properties of peanut butter to speed up metabolism are known;
  • the product's fiber ensures cleansing of the body from waste and toxins;
  • linoleic acid paste reduces the risk of sclerosis;
  • the product's folic acid is important for stimulating cell growth;
  • fatty acids in the paste stimulate brain activity and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Natural peanut butter increases testosterone levels in the blood, which accelerates muscle growth and weight loss.

Harm of peanut butter

The harmful properties of peanut butter include:

  • high probability of allergic reactions to the product;
  • The paste has a fairly high calorie content, which is why you will most likely have to give it up when losing weight;
  • Low-quality pasta contains a lot of artificial oxidizing agents and flavoring additives, which can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate the process of fat accumulation.

Due to the increased fat content, the product is contraindicated in case of exacerbations of diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and liver.

How many grams of peanut butter are in a teaspoon, weight (g, grams) of the serving. How many milliliters (ml) are in a teaspoon, serving size. A SMALL reference TABLE 1 WILL HELP YOU KNOW THE WEIGHT in grams and VOLUME in ml of the PRODUCT.

So, you want to find out how many grams of peanut butter are in 1 (one) teaspoon, convert teaspoons to g, gr. We will help you measure a portion of the product in grams without scales using a teaspoon . You, dear visitor to our site, only need to select the degree of filling of the spoon. What options might there be? See photo. It turns out that not everything is so simple. After all, we do not use a teaspoon for its intended purpose, as a cutlery, but are trying to use it as a measuring device that allows us to measure a certain volume. This is where we run into some problems. Depending on your “courage”, you can scoop up a very different amount with a spoon. For example:

  1. Not quite complete- weight is indicated in TABLE: 4 ml
  2. No slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 5 ml
  3. Little slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 6 ml
  4. Middle slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 7 ml
  5. Big slide- weight is indicated in TABLE: 9 ml
  6. o-o-very big slide, the maximum of reasonable ones- weight is indicated in TABLE: 10 - 11 ml
It is quite possible that having learned what volumes of product we can measure with a cutlery and comparing them with the amount you need for a portion according to the recipe, reasonable doubts will arise about the convenience of measuring this method. Moreover, as you yourself probably understand, the accuracy of this method of measuring the amount of any product other than liquids is disgustingly low (this is a frank opinion of a specialist). You cannot measure large portions this way, not only because it is time-consuming and inconvenient, but the measurement error will be very large. Think, perhaps in your case it would be better to use a glass to measure the portion, or, in extreme cases, measure with a cup. Strange as it may seem, when measuring in glasses, the accuracy of determining portions in grams is much higher. If for some reason you are not sure which glass or cup is right for you measuring a serving of peanut butter in grams without weighing it on a scale , it is useful to remember that:
  1. A cut glass tumbler is smallest glass volume 200 ml(two hundred milliliters and two hundred cubic centimeters).
  2. A standard glass is large glass volume 250 ml(two hundred and fifty milliliters and two hundred and fifty cubic centimeters).
  3. A measuring cup is"neither this nor that", more than faceted, but less than standard glass, its volume is equal to 240 ml(two hundred and forty milliliters and two hundred and forty cubic centimeters).
By the way, not everyone has a good idea of ​​the “volumetric hierarchy of spoons.” They get confused in the “three pines”, sorry - in the “three spoons”. For order and confidence measuring food portions in grams without scales It is useful to remember that we are dealing with these volumes in milliliters:
  1. Teahouse is smallest volume 5 ml. But 5 milliliters are obtained only when NO SLIDE AT ALL, but full.
  2. The dining room is large volume 15 ml. But 15 milliliters are obtained only when NO SLIDE AT ALL, but full.
  3. Dessert is"neither this nor that", more than a tea room, but less than a dining room, volume 10 ml. However, as you already guessed, 10 milliliters will be obtained if NO SLIDE AT ALL, but full.
ANSWERS TO THE UNSAYED QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD HAVE. Why do all sites indicate DIFFERENT amounts of how many grams of peanut butter (nut butter) in a teaspoon? ARE THEY LYING? The objective difficulties of measuring with a teaspoon in g, g, making this method extremely inconvenient and completely inaccurate for independent measurements of the amount of product at home.

The best way to find out your weight or how to measure a serving of peanut butter in grams than direct weighing on precise scales has not yet been invented. An irrefutable, fundamental, sad and concrete fact. However, in practice, weighing small portions, even if you have scales in your kitchen (this happens by accident, I saw it myself once), is such a “headache” that a normal person will agree to get involved with weighing only “on pain of death” (figurative expression, in fact, no one has died for this reason yet). Only a very pedantic and meticulous (what a word!) person can force himself to voluntarily and not force himself to mess with the scales in order to measure out a little of the product according to the recipe. A true enthusiast of his craft, a “fanatic” of accurately measuring portions in grams.

If we put aside a certain touch of humor, without which it would be completely depressing to communicate, then the problem, by the way, is far from being a “kitchen problem”. In production, when receiving, packaging, selling, processing, storing and transporting, professionals also try to avoid weighing on scales. This procedure objectively complicates the organizational structure and incredibly effectively extends the time of any technological process, turning it into a “headache”. As practice has shown, measuring volumes is much simpler, faster and easier than weighing the product on a scale.

That's why, not only in the kitchen measuring peanut butter servings in grams we try to "weave" without weights, but and with large quantities of product, technologists structure production operations in such a way as to “loop” weighing, bypassing it through the volume. This “loophole”, which allows us to measure the weight of a product without scales, is well known to us from physics. It’s not for nothing that smart people came up with bulk density and volumetric weight. These values, in fact, turn out to be a simple linear relationship between the volume and mass of the product. What this means in practice is that if we know the bulk density or volumetric weight of a product, then by measuring the volume we can easily calculate its mass. Let's measure the serving size with a tea, table or dessert spoon, why not? Not everyone can measure quantities in cubic meters, cubic meters, cubes and other nonsense such as buckets, barrels, cars or tanks.

In theory, everything is great, however, When using this method of measuring in practice, “sides” always arise. Volume weight turned out to be a value very sensitive to a large number of various factors. Even a slight change in the particle size of the product, storage duration, caking (read: density), not to mention a change in humidity (amount of water), immediately finds a serious reflection in the bulk density value. It turns out that the same volume can weigh more or less depending on the variety, quality or moisture content. If you think that this has little effect on how many grams of peanut butter are in a teaspoon, then you are mistaken. It has a noticeable effect.

But even greater “discrepancies” in how many grams are introduced by our measuring instruments themselves. How much teaspoon of peanut butter is NOT the same as how much scoop of product , although the volume is declared the same, equal to 5 ml. We just try to use them as measuring spoons and it turns out really bad. After all, the shape of a teaspoon (see photo) is very similar to a small spatula. It is almost impossible to fill it clearly without a slide (you have to try very hard). And the size of the slide or top is arbitrary for everyone, just look at the photo. The picture we get is that we are firmly confident that we are measuring 5 ml with a teaspoon, but in fact we are taking some completely different volume of a portion of the product. Which? I would call this volume “unpredictable” - this is the most accurate definition. Add to this the fact that cutlery is only approximately rated by the manufacturer in terms of capacity. In fact, any spoons can only conditionally, with great stretch, be considered standard utensils. Their volume varies greatly. Or are you suggesting that the Chinese “sleep and see” how they could more accurately observe the volume of dishes in milliliters? Yeah, they’re trying especially for us, only to make it clearer to us how many grams of peanut butter are in a teaspoon.

Why then does everyone want to know? how many grams of peanut butter in a teaspoon and measure out the portion specifically to her if “everything is so bad”? Yes because:

  1. Firstly: comfortable.
  2. Secondly: fast.
  3. Third:"on the drum" accuracy, an error even twice does not change anything particularly, a couple of grams "here and there" does not play any role.
  4. Fourth: may not know that the method is extremely crude and inaccurate.
  5. Fifth: and this is the main reason - EVERYONE DOES THIS.
Reference table 1. How many grams (g, g) of peanut butter are in 1 teaspoon.