Anastasia Skripkina culinary recipes Easter. Kulich and Easter - according to ancient recipes

The dough in the Easter cake turns out wonderful, light and airy.
minus - the dough is so active that it continues to rise even when
cooking, as a result, my Easter cakes turned out to be in the form of mushrooms (with
cap on a stem).
I borrowed the recipe from Anastasia Skripkina on the 7say website.

500 ml. milk
11 gr. dry yeast (or 50 g pressed)
1 kg. flour
6 eggs
200 gr. butter (or butter margarine)
250 gr. Sahara
300 gr. raisins
1 tsp vanilla sugar

For the glaze:
1 egg white
1 tsp lemon juice
100 gr. powdered sugar

heat until steamed, dissolve yeast in nm, add 300
gr. flour, stir, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 30
Separate the whites from the yolks.

Grind the yolks with sugar.
Beat the whites until foamy with a pinch of salt.
Pour the yolks into the suitable dough, stir, add softened butter (do not melt), then add the whites.
Add the remaining flour (sifted through a sieve), knead well (the dough should not stick to your hands).
Let the dough rise in a warm place (about 50-60 minutes).
At this time, steam the raisins. Rinse the raisins, pour boiling water over them, leave for 10 minutes, drain the water, dry the raisins.
After the dough has risen, add the prepared raisins and stir well again.

for Easter cakes, grease with oil, put dough in them (1/3 volume), again
place in a warm place to rise (no more than 30 minutes). Preheat
oven to 180 degrees and bake small cakes for about 25
minutes, large ones - a little more.
As soon as the cake is browned on top, you can open the oven and use a skewer to check the readiness (until the skewer is dry).

Prepare the glaze.
For this we need 1 well-chilled egg white, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 100 gr. powdered sugar.
Beat the whites into a foam, add powdered sugar, beat until thick. Add lemon juice and beat a little more.
Brush the cooled Easter cakes with glaze (preferably with a pastry brush), decorate and refrigerate until the glaze hardens.

Delicious and simple Easter cake recipe? and got the best answer

Answer from Vyacheslav Artsyshevsky[guru]
Easter cake with raisins
* flour - 4 cups
* butter - 200g
* yeast - 50g
* egg - 5 pcs.
* sugar - 1 glass
* milk - 1 glass
* raisins (seedless) - 1 cup
*salt - to taste
Melt the butter, pour in hot milk, add sugar, salt, stir and cool to room temperature, then add flour, pour in the foamed yeast dissolved in a small amount of milk, mix thoroughly, placing in a warm place for fermentation. When the dough has risen, add the yolks, then the whites, raisins, whipped into a stable foam, and stir thoroughly. Place the dough in a generously greased, floured pan with softened butter and fill it halfway. When the dough rises flush with the edges of the pan, bake the cake at 180C until done.

Answer from Vladimir Ptokhov[guru]
Kulich traditional
Make a dough using milk and yeast with half the flour, yeast and milk, adding a tablespoon of sugar. After the dough begins to boil, add the remaining granulated sugar, pour in the melted butter, add 2 eggs and 3 yolks (use the remaining whites for glaze), the remaining flour and knead the stiff dough. Add raisins and crushed nuts. Place the finished dough into molds, filling one third full. Let it rise until doubled and bake at 200° for 25 minutes. Cover the finished cooled Easter cakes with the glaze of the remaining whipped egg whites and sugar and place them in the oven for a few minutes until the glaze browns slightly.
1 kg of flour, 500 ml of milk, 80 g of yeast (1 pack of SAF Moment), 2 cups of sugar, 5 eggs, 250 g of butter, 1 tsp. salt, 250 g nuts and pitted raisins
Easter cake dough (option)
(Father Aripy, senior prosphora student of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra)
Yeast and a glass of flour are diluted in heated water. Knead the thin dough and let it rise. Add warm milk, add the rest of the flour, add eggs, salt, sugar, mix well, add butter, let rise again, add raisins. After baking, decorate with a mixture of beaten egg white and powdered sugar.
flour 1 kg, eggs 5 pieces, sugar 150 g, salt 10 g, butter 300 g, milk and water in a glass, raisins 1 glass, yeast 1 pack

Answer from Marilyn[guru]
See culinary recipes from Anastasia Skripkina. I baked this year. They turned out great cakes.

Answer from Elena Sinelnikova[guru]

Here is a recipe for excellent Kulich. You just need to knead the dough for a long time. It
It is thin and sticks to your hands, but nevertheless there comes a moment when it begins to lag behind your hands. That's when they stop kneading. This applies, by the way, to any test.
For 1 kg of flour - 1.5 cups of milk
-6 eggs
-300g margarine
-1.5 - 2 cups of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt
-50g yeast
-150g raisins, vanilla
Heat the milk and dissolve the yeast in it. Grind the yolks with sugar, beat the whites into foam. Melt margarine, add raisins and vanilla. Knead the dough. It turns out a little rare, but you don’t need to add flour. Knead it for a long time until the dough comes off your hands. Such a moment is coming, no doubt about it. When you finish kneading, cover it with a towel and put it in a warm place. When the dough has risen, place it in the prepared molds (put oiled paper on the bottom, grease the walls with oil and sprinkle with crackers) to cover 1/3 of the mold's volume. When the dough has risen in the pan to 3/4 of the height of the pan, place them in a slightly preheated oven for 50 - 60 minutes. Test Kulich's readiness with a dry splinter. Remove the cakes carefully, on their side and onto something soft. When cool, decorate the top of the cakes with fondant or whipped egg whites with powdered sugar.
Good luck to you.

Answer from Anya Konovalova[guru]
Look here, good recipes!

Answer from Irina[guru]
500 ml milk
11 g dry yeast (or 50 g pressed)
1 kg flour
6 eggs
200 g butter (or butter margarine)
250 g sugar
300 g raisins
1 tsp. vanilla sugar
For the glaze:
1 egg white
1 tsp. lemon juice
100 g powdered sugar
Heat the milk until “steamed”, dissolve the yeast in it, add 300 g of flour, stir, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for 30 minutes.
Separate the whites from the yolks.
Grind the yolks with sugar.
Beat the whites until foamy with a pinch of salt.
Pour the yolks into the suitable dough, stir, add softened butter (do not melt), then add the whites.
Add the remaining flour (sifted through a sieve), knead well (the dough should not stick to your hands).
Let the dough rise in a warm place (about 50-60 minutes).
At this time, steam the raisins. Rinse the raisins, pour boiling water over them, leave for 10 minutes, drain the water, dry the raisins.
After the dough has risen, add the prepared raisins to it and stir well again.
Grease the cake pans with oil, put the dough in them (1/3 of the volume), put them in a warm place again to rise (no more than 30 minutes). Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake small cakes for about 25 minutes, large ones - a little more.
As soon as the cake is browned on top, you can open the oven and use a skewer to check the readiness (until the skewer is dry).
Prepare the glaze.
For this we need 1 well-chilled egg white, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 100 g of powdered sugar.
Beat the whites into a foam, add powdered sugar, beat until thick. Add lemon juice and beat a little more.
Brush the cooled Easter cakes with glaze (preferably with a pastry brush), decorate and refrigerate until the glaze hardens.
Bon appetit!!

Easter has passed and I really want to share a recipe for a wonderful Easter cake. While searching for Easter cake recipes, I really wanted to find exactly what my mother baked as a child, the same soft, airy and very tasty cake! Thank you very much to Anastasia for the recipe for a real Easter cake!!! I’m also adding the recipe to participate in Easter flash mob from lapundrik

We will need:

  • 500 ml milk

  • 11 g dry yeast

  • 1-1.3 kg flour

  • 6 eggs

  • 200 g drained butter or margarine

  • 300 g raisins

  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar

For the glaze:

  • 2 squirrels

  • 100 g sugar

Heat the milk a little (so that it is slightly warm), dissolve the yeast in it.
Add 500 grams of flour, stir well. Place in a warm place, cover with a towel. let the dough rise, when the dough doubles in size, add the yolks, mashed with sugar and vanilla sugar, softened butter, mix, at the end add the hard-whipped whites, mix. Add the remaining flour (you may need more or less flour, it depends on the quality of the flour), knead the dough. The dough must be kneaded well, it should not be stiff and should not stick to your hands.
Put the dough back in a warm place.
Let the dough rise well (about 50-60 minutes)
Add raisins (washed, dried) to the risen dough, mix and place again in a warm place.
When the dough has risen well, place it in greased molds, 1/3 of the way up.
Cover with a towel. Let the dough rise again in its form.
Place in a preheated oven. I bake at 180 degrees. 50-60 min. Glaze:
Beat the whites until stiff, gradually adding sugar.
Grease the finished hot cakes with glaze and sprinkle with confectionery sprinkles.
Bon appetit!!!

Well, what would Easter be without colors! This year I experimented and colored eggs in several ways.
Method No. 1 Decoupage
Boil the eggs. Cool. Cut out pictures, flowers, etc. from beautiful napkins. Use egg white for gluing. We take a brush and grease the egg with white, apply the picture and carefully use the white with a brush to level the picture and we get this beauty

And I painted it in another way from Elena Businesswoman.
Method No. 2: Marble eggs:

Cut notebook paper into tiny triangles and onion skins into arbitrary pieces. We take an egg, moisten it well with water, either under running water or in a saucer, whichever is more convenient for you, carefully dump the egg in our husk-paper mixture and place it on a piece of bandage, lift the corners of the bandage up so that you don’t displace what is in With what we rolled the egg, we collect all the corners into one whole and carefully secure it at the base with thread, we get a bag with an egg. Fill the eggs with water. Once it boils, add 1 bottle of green stuff. Cook until the eggs are ready. Fill with cold water, remove the gauze bags and rub with vegetable oil.


  1. Anastasia Skripkina's Easter cake begins by heating the milk a little (but not too much - a little warmer than room temperature is enough) and dissolving the yeast in it. After this, add a little sugar. Stir well.
  2. Add half a kilogram of flour to the milk mixture. Add in small portions and mix.
  3. Place the dough in a warm place in a room where there are no drafts. You can also do the following: place the container with the dough in a basin or any other larger container, which is filled with hot water (but not boiling water!).
  4. The dough will double in volume in about an hour. Depending on the room temperature, it may take a little longer. Mix the dough, cover the container with a towel and leave in a warm place for another half hour.
  5. While the dough is rising, take chicken eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with the remaining sugar, add vanilla sugar. Mash well in a separate bowl. If you do this by hand with a spoon, it will take longer. You can use a mixer.
  6. Add the egg mixture to the suitable dough and mix again. After this, add softened butter in portions (one hour before cooking, remove the product from the refrigerator) and continue stirring. After this, add the whites to the dough and mix thoroughly again.
  7. After this, you can start kneading the dough. To do this, add flour into the mixture in portions, stir and observe the consistency. The dough should not be too stiff or sticky to your hands. Cover the container with the dough with a lid and place it in a warm place for half an hour.
  8. While the dough is rising, soak the raisins in hot water. Leave it until the water cools down. After this, place on a paper towel and dry.
  9. Add raisins to the risen dough. Mix it thoroughly to evenly distribute the raisins throughout the entire volume. Let the dough rise again for another hour. Once the dough has doubled in volume, knead it thoroughly again. Grease your hands with vegetable oil and knead the dough well.
  10. Distribute the dough into molds pre-greased with vegetable oil. Fill the forms one-third full. Place the dough in the molds in a warm place for half an hour. Wait for the dough to rise. After this, bake the cakes in a well-heated oven at 180 degrees. To prevent the cakes from burning, you can pour a little water on the bottom tray.
  11. While the cakes are baking, you can prepare the frosting for decoration. To do this, beat two egg whites with sugar using a mixer. Beat for about 5-7 minutes. First, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to the whites, beat for about two minutes, then add sugar and beat for at least another five minutes. In this case, you will get a thick, white and fluffy mass with which you will decorate Easter cakes.

Recipes for Easter cake and Easter cottage cheese are passed down from generation to generation in many homes. So the author of cookbooks and TV shows, Anna Lyudkovskaya, has her own history of these Easter dishes - and her own proven recipes, which are included in her book “Our Favorite Food. Stories and Recipes.” We suggest preparing Easter cake from yeast dough with candied fruits, as well as raw Easter cake from cottage cheese.

Easter cake

We have an old notebook covered in fabric at home. My great-grandmother ran it and wrote down her income and expenses, useful tips and recipes. Every year on the eve of Easter, now my grandmother takes this book out of the cupboard and, looking at the yellowed pages covered in pencil, bakes Easter cakes. This tradition was not interrupted even in the atheistic Soviet years, although no one went to church services anymore and no one was going to explain to me the meaning of the holiday. I had to figure it out myself. For me, this is the standard - the dense, heavy Easter cake of my great-grandmother Lidia Dmitrievna Krasnova.

You will need:

  • 570 g flour
  • 20 g fresh or 10 g dry yeast
  • 140 ml warm milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 150 g butter
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
  • 75 g raisins
  • 50 g of any candied fruits
  • 50 g almond petals
  • ½ teaspoon salt

For the glaze:

  • 1 protein
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  1. Dissolve fresh yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar in a third of a glass of warm water. Let the yeast foam. Mix milk and yeast in a bowl. Sift a quarter of the flour into the liquid, mix with a mixer, then add another quarter, stirring. Cover the bowl with film and place the dough in a warm place (in a blanket near the radiator) for 30-60 minutes. If you are using dry yeast, then add it along with the first batch of flour and increase the volume of milk by a third of a glass.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks, leaving one yolk for brushing. Grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar, and beat the whites until a fluffy foam forms.
  3. Add salt, yolks, butter to the dough and mix. Then add the remaining flour and beaten egg whites. Knead the dough. It should not be very thick and easily come off the sides of the bowl. Wrap in a blanket and place in a warm place for another 1-2 hours.
  4. When the dough has doubled in size, add raisins, diced candied fruits and almonds. Take tall pans, cover the bottom and sides with baking paper. Place the prepared dough into the molds, cover with a kitchen towel and let the cakes rise. The dough should double in size again. Brush the tops of future Easter cakes with egg yolk. Place in a cold oven, turn it on to 100 degrees and hold for 10 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 150 and bake the cakes for 1 hour. Check readiness with a wooden skewer: if the skewer is dry and the dough does not stick to it, then the cake is ready.
  5. For the glaze, beat the egg whites until stiff, add the powdered sugar, beat, then pour in the lemon juice and beat for another ten seconds. Cover the cake with glaze and let it dry.

Classic wet Easter

Curd mass with raisins is Easter, which is usually prepared for the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. Preparing Easter is very simple - combine all the ingredients, put it in a mold and put it under pressure. The main thing is to get hold of the form. I still have a family wooden bean box, eaten by bugs, shrunk so much that I have to support the walls with matches, but it has so much history and charm that I voluntarily suffer every spring. Wooden and silicone bean boxes are now being sold in stores and church shops.

There are two types of Easter - raw, like mine, and boiled, when the ingredients are heated on the stove. Culinary historians note that they began to prepare Easter for the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ only in the 18th century. But numerous pies with cottage cheese and cheesecakes have been on the festive table from time immemorial - it was necessary to somehow use the cottage cheese accumulated during Lent.

You will need:

  • 1.6 kg of good low-fat cottage cheese
  • 150 g butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 handfuls of light, seedless raisins
  1. Pass the cottage cheese and butter through a meat grinder or beat in a blender. Lightly beat the eggs with a fork, add salt, vanilla sugar and combine with cottage cheese. Then add condensed milk, washed raisins and mix well. A food processor will do this job in a minute.
  2. Cover the bean box with slightly damp gauze, lay out the curd mass, cover the top with gauze and place under pressure. To do this, place an inverted saucer on top of the Easter, and on it a heavy stone or a jar of water. Place the Easter in a plate into which the whey will drain. Drain the whey from time to time to keep the bottom layer of the Easter dry.
  3. Place Easter in the refrigerator for 12 hours, during which time excess liquid should drain. Before serving, remove the pan and cheesecloth and let the Easter stand at room temperature for 5-10 minutes.

Comment on the article "Kulich and Easter - according to ancient recipes"

More on the topic “How to bake yeast cake for Easter, a recipe for raw Easter from cottage cheese”:

Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes. Recipe for Easter cake and Easter from cottage cheese - for the Resurrection of Christ. How to cook Easter cake on sourdough. Easter cakes are usually baked from sponge dough. Easter recipes are not only about Easter cakes and ways to color eggs.

Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes. Recipes for Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter in many homes are passed down from generation to generation. We have an old notebook covered in fabric at home.

I made it according to the recipe from say7, with sour cream, it differs radically from the Pokhlebkin recipe. [link-1] Then OOOlga gave a link to a cottage cheese cake from the “cook” website. [link-1] This one interested me, I thought I’d try it.

Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes. We suggest making Easter cakes from yeast dough with candied fruits, as well as raw ones from cottage cheese. Mix milk and yeast in a bowl. Sift a quarter of the flour into the liquid, mix with a mixer, then add another quarter...

I lost the Easter cake recipe. - gatherings. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and Good afternoon, last year I prepared incredibly delicious Easter cakes using a recipe from the conference. I only remember that it was very fatty, there was butter, cottage cheese and/or...

Kulich and Easter. Bakery. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. In order for the whites to whip into a fluffy foam, they must be very cold. Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes.

Recipe for Easter cake and Easter from cottage cheese - for the Resurrection of Christ. How to cook Easter cake and Easter. Next time I’ll try to make Easter cake, I’ve already written down the recipe.. Comment on the article “Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes.”

Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes. Recipes for Easter cake and Easter cottage cheese are passed down from generation to generation in many homes. For me, this is the standard - the dense, heavy Easter cake of my great-grandmother Lidia Dmitrievna Krasnova.

Recipe: Easter cake. Announcements from the Cookbook. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, selection of Easter cake, Easter and other sweets recipes for the Easter table. About Easter and Easter cakes. My recipe!.

Easter, however. Give me some advice! 1. Please share your favorite Easter recipe. Last year I cooked according to Yulia Vysotskaya’s recipe, and it turned out so tasteless! 2. And one more thing - where do you buy ready-made Easter cake so that it’s really tasty, huh?

Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes. Recipe for Easter cake and Easter from cottage cheese - for the Resurrection of Christ. How to bake Easter cake and cook Easter: detailed recipes.

help save the Easter cake!. Bakery. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, choosing the dough - yes, but the Easter cake turns out loose or airy, Easter cakes should not be like that, it is a dense product that is difficult to digest...

Who baked according to Molokhovets? Teach you how to cook! Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and reception Who baked according to Molokhovets? And what is generally considered a “classic” Easter cake? Or maybe someone has a link to the recipe from the Pest lying around?

Recipe: Easter cake. To begin with, let's make a dough by mixing yeast, milk and a couple of glasses of flour. Carefully remove the finished products and place them on a plate. It’s delicious and beautiful, our Easter cake!

Easter recipes: pie instead of Easter cake and Easter with chocolate. Easter 2016: recipe for Easter cottage cheese and Easter pie with bulgur. Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes. Classic wet Easter. Curd mass with raisins - this is Easter, which is customary...

Thanks for the Easter cake recipes, but how does anyone make Easter? I've been making "raw Easter" for several years now. the problem is the final Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes. If you are using dry yeast, then add it along with the first batch of flour and increase by a third...

Easter cake. Girls, please tell me the recipes (but only those you personally tested!) for Easter cake. In order for the whites to whip into a fluffy foam, they must be very cold. Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes.

Section: My recipe! (quick cake without dough). a few more recipes for Easter. Pour the hot mixture into the prepared cottage cheese and stir thoroughly. There were recipes for Easter cakes. And my basic recipe for yeast dough (the good thing is that it’s suitable for ANYONE...

share the recipe for Easter and Easter cakes. Teach you how to cook! Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, choice, if you have a recipe for Easter or Easter cakes, share!! I need it by Sunday, thank you.