Fatty waffles recipe in a waffle iron. How to make delicious thick waffles step by step recipe with photos

In Soviet times, it was rather problematic to prepare waffles in an electric waffle iron, since most hostesses did not have the main and scarce assistant - an electric waffle iron. It was almost impossible to buy such waffles in the store, and it was possible to cook at home only from those who could get this "culinary tool" by cunning, ingenuity and acquaintances. To date, modern electric waffle irons are an affordable purchase for every lover of "cheating" in the kitchen and, unlike their predecessors, they are not so bulky, and it is much easier and simpler to cook waffles with their help than three decades ago.

Despite all the difficulties of baking, almost every housewife had a recipe for the best waffle dough in an electric waffle iron. It could differ depending on what kind of waffles the cook wanted to bake: thin, thick, soft, crispy, sweet, salty, etc. But not depending on culinary preferences, the basis of the dough consisted of the following products: eggs, sugar, flour, water / milk. These ingredients were mixed using a mixer to a batter consistency. Today, there are many recipes with an extended list of ingredients, and some of them will also be discussed today.

The baking process for waffles is extremely simple. The main thing is to correctly calculate the time, which depends on the amount of dough. Thin waffles take up to 1 minute to cook, thicker ones need to be baked for 3 to 4 minutes. It is the thickness of the waffles that determines what the finished delicacy will be like. Thin waffles are most often rolled up into a "horn" or tube and filled with a variety of fillings. Typically, this is condensed milk, jam, jam, cream, or whipped cream. Not infrequently, wafer "cakes" are smeared with cream or condensed milk among themselves, and dessert is served on the table in the form of a cake. Decorate the waffles with powdered sugar, chopped nuts or coconut.

Thicker waffles in an electric waffle iron are known to many as "Viennese waffles" or "Belgian waffles". They are sold under a similar name in stores, but cooking them at home is not difficult, so you can do without purchased products and pamper your family with homemade cakes. Ready waffles are poured with honey, syrup or chocolate mousse and served with a scoop of ice cream or fresh berries.

Soft Belgian waffles in an electric waffle iron

Belgian waffles taste very much like regular pancakes. Naturally, they look different, and the crispy crust gives the finished baked goods specific taste. They are best served with whipped cream on top and garnished with fresh berries or pieces of fruit.


  • 100 g butter
  • 100 g sugar
  • Salt on the tip of a knife
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 130 g flour
  • Syrup
  • Berries

Cooking method:

  1. Mix melted butter with sugar and salt. Mix well
  2. Add eggs with baking powder and mix until smooth.
  3. Add flour a little at a time and beat the dough with a blender to avoid lumps.
  4. Grease the electric waffle iron and let it warm up.
  5. Pour the dough into it and cook the waffles for about 5 minutes.
  6. Serve the ready-made waffles by pouring them with syrup and sprinkling with fresh berries.

Lean waffles in an electric waffle iron in a hurry

If you want to make waffles, but you have little time and a minimum set of products, it doesn't matter. For this recipe, you will need flour, sugar, water, and vegetable oil. Lean waffles are slightly different in taste, which can be easily beaten with a sweet filling: jam, jam, boiled condensed milk, etc.


  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • 2/3 st. Sahara
  • ½ tsp salt
  • Vanillin
  • 350 ml water
  • ½ tsp lemon juice
  • ½ tsp soda

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep container, mix together flour, butter, sugar, salt, vanillin to a crumb state.
  2. Add water in small portions, stirring constantly until smooth.
  3. We extinguish the soda with lemon juice and pour it into the dough. Finally, mix the dough well one more time.
  4. Grease the electric waffle iron and put a tablespoon of dough in the center.
  5. Close the waffle iron and bake the waffle until golden brown.
  6. While the finished waffles are hot, roll them up into tubes or cones. So as not to burn yourself, dip your fingers in cold water.
  7. We fill the waffles with your favorite filling and serve the dish to the table.

Crispy Viennese waffles in an electric waffle iron

These waffles are perfect for breakfast and will be enjoyed by both adults and children. According to this recipe, they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, so that even the fastidious and capricious eaters will like it.


  • 3 eggs
  • ¼ Art. Sahara
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp. milk
  • vanillin
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • ½ tsp soda
  • ½ tsp salt

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the egg whites from the yolks, and beat the last with sugar.
  2. Melt the butter in a water bath and add to the yolks.
  3. Add milk and add vanillin to the bulk. Mix well all the ingredients of the dough with each other
  4. Mix together flour and soda and add to the yolk mass.
  5. Whisk the proteins together with salt into a fluffy foam and add in small portions in several stages to the dough.
  6. Lubricate the waffle iron with a piece of butter, pour out a little dough and bake the waffles for about 3 minutes.

Now you know how to cook waffles in an electric waffle iron. Bon Appetit!

Anyone can make delicious waffles in an electric waffle iron. If you carefully review the proposed recipes, you can be convinced of the accessibility, lightness and simplicity of this dessert. Homemade waffles compare favorably with purchased ones in that you will always know what products you use, and you can be one hundred percent sure of their quality and freshness. Since the taste of ready-made waffles for the most part depends on the quality of the dough, this point should be given special attention. The baking process is simple and does not require any explanations, therefore, in the end, I want to give a couple of tips so that your waffles in the electric waffle iron are tasty the first time and without any problems:
  • If you did not have butter available, you can replace it with margarine;
  • To make the dough more uniform, use the same amount of powdered sugar instead of sugar;
  • Milk, kefir or sour cream give the waffles softness. Waffles on the water will have a bland taste;
  • The baking time of waffles depends on the specific electric waffle iron taken. Thin waffles will be ready in 40 seconds, while thicker ones need to be sautéed for at least 3 minutes.

Homemade waffles are a delicate crunchy delicacy that will win the heart of every sweet tooth. They can become both an independent dessert and part of a complex dish. Waffle dough can be made according to a variety of recipes. It remains only to choose the suitable option for yourself, taking into account the products at hand.

The simplest and fastest recipe for the discussed treat is based on margarine.

Better to take a quality creamy baking product (standard pack). And, besides him: 220 g of flour, the same amount of sugar, 3 eggs and vanillin on the tip of a knife.

  1. Margarine (200 g) is cut into large pieces and melted in a water bath.
  2. Eggs are beaten with granulated sugar until the latter is completely dissolved.
  3. Cooled margarine is added to the sweet egg mass, and the products are well mixed.
  4. Flour and vanilla are added to the ingredients in small portions.
  5. A homogeneous dough is kneaded. It turns out to be smooth and pliable.

The dough can be used to bake crispy waffles right away.

The right recipe for Viennese waffles

You don't have to travel abroad to taste Viennese waffles. It is quite possible to cook them yourself at home. This will require the simplest products: 3 eggs, 120 g of sugar, 250 ml of milk, a pack of high-fat butter, 330 g of flour, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and the same amount of baking powder.

  1. The softened butter is ground with sugar. You can do this with a mixer at minimum speed.
  2. Eggs are driven into the resulting thick lush mass.
  3. The dough is beaten again at low speed of the device.
  4. Warm milk and lemon juice are poured into the ingredients.
  5. After mixing, flour sifted with baking powder is poured into the dough. The mass is mixed with a spoon.
  6. As a result, the dough should be like for kefir pancakes.

You can cook such waffles both in a special waffle iron and in the oven in suitable molds.

Making the dough for a crunchy treat

To make the dessert thin and crispy, you need to add potato starch to the dough. You will need 40 g of such a product, as well as: 140 g of flour, 120 ml of milk, half a pack of margarine, 130 g of sugar. A detailed dough recipe is described below:

  1. Flour is sifted through a sieve along with starch.
  2. Beat eggs lightly with sugar until the latter dissolves.
  3. Warm milk is poured into the sweet egg mass.
  4. The margarine is melted in the microwave, cooled slightly and added to the liquid mixture.
  5. With constant stirring, flour with starch is introduced into the dough. The mass should be semi-liquid.

Wafers made from such dough are perfect for wrapping boiled condensed milk in them.

Yeast-based for soft Liege waffles

This recipe makes thick waffles. They require a special device with deep cells or baking dishes in the oven. Of the products you will need to use: 2 tbsp. sifted flour, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. dry yeast, a pinch of vanillin and salt, 170 g of sugar, a pack of butter, 170 ml of fat milk.

  1. Half of the milk is heated, the yeast dissolves in the warm liquid, and it is left for 20 minutes.
  2. The remaining milk is beaten with salt and eggs in a mixer.
  3. The softened butter is ground with flour.
  4. All three parts are brought together and mixed thoroughly.
  5. The result should be a soft, sticky dough. It is covered with a clean towel and left for about half an hour in a warm place.

The finished mass is divided into 12 parts, each of which is rolled in sugar before baking.

Dough for waffle rolls in an electric waffle iron

This is the simplest recipe with a minimum of ingredients. To prepare dessert, you will need to use: 5 eggs, a standard pack of margarine, 1 tbsp each. flour and sugar.

  1. Eggs with granulated sugar are beaten until snowy.
  2. Further, the beating of the mass continues with margarine.
  3. The process does not stop even after adding flour.
  4. The result is a thin dough.

This waffle maker is suitable for both electric and hand-held dessert baking.

Hong Kong Waffle Dough

Hong Kong waffles also have a second name - "egg". It got its name from its special "bubble" structure. Such a dough can be stored in the cold for up to 2 days and delight homemade fresh dessert. To prepare it, you will need: 160 g of flour, 140 g of warm boiled water and baking powder, 280 ml of condensed milk and vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 7 g of baking powder, 1 tbsp. powder for making pudding, liquid vanilla concentrate.

  1. All dry components are combined in a sieve and sieved immediately. These are: flour, baking powder and pudding powder.
  2. Eggs with sugar are beaten until the latter is completely dissolved. Warm liquids are poured into the resulting mixture: milk and water.
  3. The liquid and dry parts are combined and kneaded until smooth.
  4. At the end, 3 drops of vanilla concentrate are sent to the mass.
  5. It remains to pour oil into the future dough and leave it in the cold for 60 minutes.

During the specified time, gluten will swell in the mass. It is not recommended to use the dough for baking treats right away.

For a Belgian dessert

This delicate delicacy is known and loved all over the world today. To make it really soft and tasty, you need to properly prepare the dough for such waffles. From the products you will need to take: 110 g of granulated sugar and butter, 2 eggs, 130 g of flour, a coarse pinch of salt and baking powder.

  1. Melted butter is ground with sugar and salt until smooth.
  2. Eggs are mixed into the mass one by one with hands, a baking powder is added, after which it is thoroughly beaten with a blender.
  3. Without turning off the device, flour is poured into the future dough in small portions.
  4. The mass should be soft and smooth.

From the dough, you can immediately prepare soft thick waffles in special tins. The main thing is not to forget to grease them with fat or oil.

Chocolate waffle dough

According to a special French recipe, everyone can prepare chocolate waffles. For the test you will need to use: 4 tbsp. quality cocoa powder, 7 tbsp. milk, 130 g butter, 110 g sugar, 2 large chicken eggs, 130 g flour, vanillin on the tip of a knife, a pinch of salt.

  1. Melted butter is mixed with cocoa.
  2. The eggs are divided into components, after which the yolks, along with sugar, are added to the dough.
  3. Flour is sifted into the mass, and slightly warm milk is poured.
  4. Whisk the whites with a pinch of salt until a thick white foam. They are added to the dough very carefully using a wide spatula.

Thick soft waffles are baked from the resulting mass.

For thin waffles

Waffles prepared according to this recipe can become, among other things, the basis for a cake. For them, you will need to use the following products: 230 ml of low-fat cream, 2 tbsp. flour, 160 g butter, 1 tbsp. sugar, 4 eggs.

  1. The butter is melted in the microwave and cooled.
  2. Eggs are beaten with sugar. During the operation of the mixer or blender, cream and butter are gradually added to them. All components must be thoroughly mixed.
  3. The mass will turn out to be homogeneous and liquidish.

What could be better than freshly baked aromatic waffles for breakfast ?! Thin and thick, Belgian-style crispy shortbread dough slices with a grooved surface, covered with whipped cream or with jam and hot chocolate, savory with cottage cheese and ice cream - it's hard to put into words the variety of this dessert. It is not at all necessary to go to the pastry shop for them: if you have a little time and special equipment, you can easily prepare such a breakfast yourself. Well, we will show you how to make crispy thick waffles in an electric waffle iron. You will find the recipe for this delicacy in various variations below.

Classic Belgian waffles

It seems that plump Belgian waffles have always been around. Most likely, the way it is, they just became the property of the general public only a few decades ago, namely in 1956, after the World Exhibition held in Brussels. We draw your attention to the fact that there are two types of this delicacy, which comes from Belgium. The first are Liege waffles. They say that they appeared in the 18th century, and owe their name to the Prince of Liege. It was he who asked his chef to come up with something original for dessert, and he, in turn, did his best. The recipe for thick waffles for an electric waffle iron will be presented below. They are hard, round or oval, served both hot and cold.

The second type is Brussels waffles. Unlike the previous ones, they are lush, light and soft. They are served warm, poured with melted chocolate or berry syrup, garnished with whipped cream and fruit. In the classic version, they are rectangular. We will start with them.

Brussels waffles: ingredients

This classic recipe for waffle dough in an electric waffle iron is extremely simple. Even an inexperienced housewife can embody it in her kitchen, having at hand a minimum of ingredients and utensils. So, prepare the following foods (they shouldn't be cold):

  • 4 large chicken eggs;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • 0.5 cups butter (melted);
  • dry (fast-acting) yeast - 12 g;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

Dough kneading

This recipe is for unsweetened thick waffles. They cook pretty quickly in an electric waffle iron. The recipe is simple not only in the ingredient composition, but also in the embodiment. Initially, carefully separate the egg yolks and whites from each other. Beat the latter with a mixer until a stable foam is formed. In a bowl, combine salt, vanilla sugar and flour. Dissolve the yeast in slightly warmed milk and add to the dry mixture. Whisk everything until smooth. Then gently stir in the whipped egg whites. Let the dough stand in a warm place for 30-40 minutes and then bake.


When using any recipe, remember that the waffle maker for thin and thick waffles must be warmed up beforehand. Lightly oil the baking dish before baking the first portion. Pour in the center in portions (0.5-1 scoop), then close the waffle iron and wait three to five minutes. The finished waffles should be appetizing brown and slightly crunchy. Serve them hot, sprinkled with honey, syrup, fruit, berries or whipped cream, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Liege waffles: ingredients

To make crispy and aromatic sweet Liege waffles you will need:

  • flour - 400 g;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • sugar (regular or cane) - 180 g;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 150 ml of warm milk;
  • yeast (fast acting) - 1 tsp

Cooking process

If you decide to use this recipe for waffle dough in an electric waffle iron, then note that it has some peculiarities. Lightly heat half of the milk and dissolve the yeast in it, leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes. Mash flour with a fork with butter. Whisk the remaining milk, eggs, and salt with a whisk or mixer. Then add loose yeast and butter-flour mass to the mixture. Move everything carefully. The dough should be a little sticky and thick. Leave it in a warm place for half an hour. When the dough is done, divide it into twelve equal portions. Dip each piece in sugar, place in the center of a preheated dish and bake for one to two minutes. As a rule, such waffles are served, poured over with chocolate.

Recipe for waffle dough (in an electric waffle iron) with baking powder

This option for making thick waffles is relevant if you have very little time or you are in a hurry. A quick breakfast will be ready in just 10-15 minutes. Moreover, the dough can generally be prepared the night before. You will need:

  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 250 g sifted flour;
  • ½ cup melted butter;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • baking powder bag;
  • ¼ h. L. salt.

Beat eggs until fluffy, then add all other ingredients. The dough should be smooth and lump-free. Pour it in portions into the center of the heated pan and bake. Before you finally choose an electric waffle iron for thick waffles and buy it, pay attention to the presence of a timer. As a rule, most devices have a special indicator. A signal lets you know that your waffles are ready. This is convenient and allows you to do several things at the same time, although you still won't be able to go far.

After trying the classic waffle recipes, do you want something special and new? Then the following three options are just for you. The first is very simple, with a minimum of ingredients and excellent taste, the second is original, with a subtle coconut aroma, and the third is for chocolate lovers not only outside, but also inside.

Thick waffles with sour cream

You can prepare a wide variety of waffles in the electric waffle maker. The sour cream recipe is surprisingly simple and economical. It is especially relevant when you have only a little sour cream and butter in your fridge, but you really want something tasty and hot for breakfast. The following products are required:

  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • large eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • butter - 1 tbsp l .;
  • ¼ h. L. soda;
  • sour cream - 125 g;
  • flour - 250 g.

If you chose this recipe for thick waffle makers, calculate the products correctly. The amount is indicated per 10 servings.

Separate the yolks from the whites and rub until smooth with sugar. The mass should turn white. Then add butter and sour cream to them. Mix thoroughly. Add the sifted flour and whisk everything together. Beat the whites into a firm and firm foam, then gently pour into the dough.

Bake the waffles immediately on a heated surface. Serve hot, similar to classic Belgian recipes.

Belgian waffles with coconut milk

This recipe for thick waffles for an electric waffle iron will surprise you with its ingredient composition and unusual taste. To make dessert you will need:

  • coconut and soy milk - 180 ml each;
  • dry (fast) yeast - 12 g;
  • unsalted butter - 65 g;
  • 1 tbsp. l. a spoonful of condensed milk;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 220 g flour;
  • 2 tsp vanilla;
  • salt on the tip of a knife;
  • 3 tbsp. l. white sugar;
  • coconut flakes for sprinkling;
  • fresh blueberries and strawberries for serving.

Despite the fact that this recipe for thick waffles for an electric waffle iron has difficult products in its composition, making a delicacy is as easy as a classic Belgian dessert. And the taste is simply amazing! So, let's prepare.

Combine all dry ingredients in one bowl and liquid ingredients in the other. Then, in portions, combine both mixtures with each other. Using a whisk, bring the dough to a smooth, uniform state. Let it stand for a while for the yeast to start its "work". This will take about 10-15 minutes, just like in the previous recipes. Heat the waffle iron at this time. Use for one dressing of the form dough in an amount of 2 tbsp. l. for each cell. Cooking time is standard - from three to five minutes.

Serve hot waffles with ice cream, sprinkle with coconut and garnish with fresh berries. Delight!

Chocolate waffles

  • wheat flour - 170 g;
  • cocoa powder - 40 g;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • buttermilk (skim cream) - 500 ml;
  • melted (unsalted) butter - 6 tbsp. l .;
  • two large chicken eggs;
  • whipped cream for serving.

Put the waffle iron on to warm up. At this time, mix all dry ingredients in a deep bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk or use a mixer to whisk the ghee (never hot!) With the buttermilk and eggs. Combine the mixtures in one bowl and stir gently until smooth. Do not use high speed mixer.

Pour 3-4 tbsp of dough into the mold. l. spoons for each compartment and cook for 3-4 minutes. Chill waffles on a metal wire rack, do not put them on a plate, otherwise condensation will occur. Or serve them right away, garnished with fruit and cream.

Now in service with housewives and just those who love and know how to cook deliciously, as well as eat, a lot of modern technology. It helps to save not only time, but also food. One such miracle is the electric waffle iron. Now there is no need to stand for hours at the stove with a heavy cast-iron mold, which our mothers and grandmothers used, constantly turning it over the fire. It is enough to prepare the dough, and the device will do the rest for you. Let a waffle iron for thin and thick waffles appear in your home. This technique is universal, has removable panels and allows you to cook not only thick Belgian waffles, but also thin, as well as everyone's favorite tubes. The classic and unusual recipes presented in the article will help you. They are very simple to perform, and with minimal time investment, you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with a delicious breakfast.

I continue to collect my recipes for the Redmond multibaker- a very simple recipe for soft waffles for the multibaker, with a crispy crust, which just melt in your mouth! And they become even tastier when they cool down.

Eggs and sugar ...

It's easy to do, there are a minimum of ingredients! For making dough for soft waffles you will need:

2 eggs
half a glass of sugar
100 grams of butter
a quarter spoon of baking powder
a glass of flour

optional vanilla.

How to make delicious thick waffles step by step recipe with a photo:

1. Take out the butter, 100 grams in advance, leave to soften at room temperature for half an hour or an hour.

2. Beat 2 eggs and sugar with a mixer until white foam.

3. Add softened butter, stir with a mixer to avoid lumps. Add vanilla on the tip of a knife.

4. Add baking powder to flour (!), Then flour to dough and stir until smooth.

I got it like this, pretty thick

5. Heat a redmond multibaker or electric waffle iron. Spread a little, about a tablespoon, bake for 5 minutes.

Remove carefully when hot waffles are very soft, cool - become crispy. My baker on the bottom makes these panels a darker crust than on the top, but this does not interfere)

Serve with icing sugar, jam, fruit, jam or just like that)

Bon Appetit! Recipe for delicious soft waffles for your tea)

You can buy a multibaker on the official Redmond website. And until January 31, also with a discount for only 2990 rubles with panels here at this link. Just add something else to the order (for example, I advise everyone on the Rybka panels), since free delivery directly to your home goes from 3000 rubles)))

Fritters in a multi-pot

Yet recipes for the redmond multibaker:
  • The easiest recipe for a gingerbread house with a photo step by step

  • Read more:

    Soft waffles are a dessert that can be prepared using a special device - an electric waffle iron. It is easy to use and all you need to make such a delicious treat is to choose a recipe and prepare an appropriate set of products.

    Classic soft waffles

    This recipe is the least expensive and easiest to follow. It will require the following ingredients:

    • granulated sugar - 200 g;
    • vanilla - 1/2 tsp;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • soda - 1/2 tsp;
    • flour - 1-2 tbsp. l .;
    • butter - 250 g;
    • potato starch - 2 tbsp. l .;
    • sour cream - 250 g.
    1. Break eggs into a bowl and add granulated sugar to them. Beat with a mixer until a white foam forms and the granulated sugar dissolves.
    2. Add sour cream and melted butter to the resulting mass, mix everything well.
    3. Then add flour and starch, mix everything thoroughly. The consistency of the dough must be thin.
    4. Turn on the electric waffle iron and pour the dough into it.
    5. Bake until cooked through.

    Delicate waffles

    Such a treat will appeal to both adults and children. It turns out to be lush and delicate in taste.

    • milk - 250 ml.;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • vanilla - 1/2 tsp;
    • flour - 250 g;
    • granulated sugar - 75 g;
    • baking powder - 1/4 tsp;
    • butter - 125 g.
    1. Separate the whites from the yolks and pour into different containers. Beat the whites with a mixer until they turn into a white foam.
    2. Beat the yolks in a deep container. Then add butter, sugar and vanilla to them. Using a mixer, beat the ingredients thoroughly until smooth.
    3. Next, sift the flour, and then pour the preheated milk into it. After that, pour alternately the yolk mixture, whipped whites and a glass of boiled water. Mix the entire contents thoroughly until smooth.
    4. Pour the dough into the electric waffle iron little by little and bake until tender.

    Soft waffles made from yeast dough

    This recipe is less common, but in terms of taste, it is no worse than others. But cooking will take more time than using soda, since the yeast must be infused for some time at room temperature.

    1. Heat 1/2 cup milk until warm (do not boil).
    2. Dissolve yeast in warmed milk.
    3. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Put the squirrels to cool in the refrigerator.
    4. Combine the other half of a glass of milk with butter and yolks. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth.
    5. Remove the whites from the refrigerator and beat until white foam.
    6. After the yeast in the milk begins to foam, add it to the yolk mass, and then add the protein there. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
    7. Wrap the container with the dough with a thick cloth and leave in a warm place for several hours.
    8. Heat the electric waffle iron and then pour the dough onto it. Bake until golden brown.

    Wafer rolls with cream filling

    Such waffles can become both an everyday treat and a festive table decoration.

    • flour - 2 cups;
    • sugar - 1 glass;
    • lemon zest - 1 tsp;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • butter - 100 g.
    1. Break eggs into a bowl, add vanilla sugar to them. Beat until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Then crumble the lemon zest here.
    2. Sift flour and mix with melted butter, stir ingredients and add to egg mixture.
    3. Pour the resulting dough into a preheated electric waffle iron in small portions.
    4. Fry each waffle for 4-5 minutes, then roll it up and set aside to cool.
    5. To prepare the cream, beat the eggs in a bowl, then add flour, sugar and cocoa to them. Beat all these products with a mixer.
    6. Heat the milk slightly over low heat. After that, it must be gradually poured into the egg mass, while constantly stirring the cream.
    7. After that, boil it for a short time, remembering to stir. If bubbles appear, remove the cream mass from the stove and let it thicken a little.
    8. It remains to add melted butter to the resulting mass and beat it all with a mixer.
    9. Cool the cream in the refrigerator for several hours.
    10. Using a pastry syringe (if you don't have one at hand, you can make an alternative yourself using baking paper) fill the wafer rolls with cream.

    Soft waffles with berry cream

    This recipe will impress lovers of fruit and berry desserts. The cream can be made with various fruits and berries, but waffles with delicate raspberry cream will be especially tasty.

    • sour cream - 250 g;
    • granulated sugar - 50 g;
    • raspberries (fresh or frozen) - 200 g;
    • raspberry syrup - 1 tbsp l.
    • flour - 100 g;
    • heavy cream - 100 ml.;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • granulated sugar - 100 g.
    1. First, sift the flour. Then in a bowl, mix it with cream and sugar. Mix all of the listed ingredients until smooth.
    2. Next, turn on the electric waffle iron and pour the dough onto it in small portions.
    3. After readiness, roll each wafer into a tube and allow to cool.
    4. A blender is suitable for making cream. Put the cream, sugar and syrup in it. Mix these ingredients, then add the berries. Beat everything again with a blender.
    5. When the cream is ready, fill the wafer rolls with it and put it in the refrigerator for a while.
    6. Enjoy a delicate and aromatic waffle dessert.

    Soft waffles with mineral water and milk

    And this recipe is original and unusual. After all, not every housewife knows that mineral water can be used to prepare such a delicacy as waffles.

    • butter - 250 g;
    • flour - 250 g;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • mineral water - 1 glass;
    • milk - 2 glasses;
    • baking powder - 1/4 tsp;
    • vanilla sugar - 1/2 tsp
    1. Separate whites with yolks and place in different containers. Beat the yolks with a whisk or mixer, then add sugar and vanilla. Stir the resulting mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    2. Melt the butter in a water bath and then add to the yolk mixture.
    3. Sift flour and mix with baking powder.
    4. Heat the milk slightly over low heat, then add to the flour. Add the yolk mass here and mix.
    5. Add mineral water and pre-beaten egg whites to the mixture. The thickness of the dough should be medium.
    6. Pour a little dough into a heated and greased electric waffle iron and fry until golden brown.

    You can choose any of these recipes, each of which is perfect for any holiday. Soft waffles are a great occasion to gather with your family for a tea party.