Yellow bell pepper benefits. Yellow, green and red peppers - useful for some and dangerous for others

Yellow bell pepper belongs to the Indalo variety. Its vitamin composition differs from that of red and green peppers. Carotenoids give the vegetable its yellow color, but the amount of lycopene in it is minimal, unlike other beneficial substances, which are found in abundance in yellow peppers. Used for preparing various dishes (lecho, stuffed or fried peppers, etc.). It is especially useful when fresh. When cooked, many of the beneficial substances contained in pepper are neutralized. The quality of the vegetable is determined by the ripeness, elasticity, rich yellow or orange color of the fruit, its shiny surface, thick pulp and green tail.

The benefits of yellow bell pepper

As already mentioned, yellow bell peppers are rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. For example, 100 g of product contains up to 218 mg of potassium. Potassium is known to be beneficial for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, removes excess fluid from the body, increases mental alertness, gives strength and removes toxins. The high phosphorus content has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and bone formation. One large yellow pepper covers the daily requirement for vitamin C by 5 times. Vitamin B6, which yellow peppers are also rich in, is necessary for pregnant women, people doing heavy physical work and those experiencing stress. The low sugar content (5%) allows it to be used in dietary nutrition.

Harm and contraindications

Even such a useful product may have contraindications. You should not abuse yellow bell pepper if you have cardiac arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, high acidity of the stomach, hemorrhoids, liver and kidney diseases, gastritis, stomach ulcers and some other diseases.

Bell pepper contains a large amount of vitamins A, P, C, PP, group B. It contains carotene, which is beneficial for eye health. It also contains minerals and trace elements: sodium and iron, potassium and calcium, iodine and zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. Due to its high antioxidant content, bell peppers help reduce the risk of cancer.

What are the benefits of bell pepper?

  • Pepper helps strengthen blood vessels and reduce their permeability.
  • Improves vision, hair growth, condition of mucous membranes and skin.
  • Bell pepper will be useful for normalizing cerebral circulation, preventing the development of atherosclerosis, and alleviating bronchitis.
  • It will speed up the recovery process for sore throat, flu and other colds. With its help you can strengthen your immune system.
  • Bell pepper will help activate the pancreas and stomach and stimulate appetite. Will lower blood pressure.
  • Pepper prevents the formation of blood clots by thinning the blood.

Bell pepper is useful for diseases of dermatitis, edema, depression, and diabetes. Pepper will help if you suffer from memory loss, loss of energy or insomnia. For early baldness, osteoporosis and anemia, it will be indispensable. You should increase the amount of pepper in your diet if you have cancer, especially ovarian cancer.

Beneficial properties of bell pepper for female beauty

A nourishing bell pepper mask will help refresh your face and reduce the depth of wrinkles.. To make it, grate 1 large pepper. Then mix 1 teaspoon of the resulting slurry with 1 teaspoon of egg and sour cream. Stir until smooth and apply to neck and face. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then wash your face with water.

What are the benefits of green bell pepper?

Bell peppers come in a variety of colors. It comes in yellow, red, orange and green. Each of them has beneficial properties depending on its color. Green pepper has restorative and restorative properties. It will be useful for bleeding gums, fragility of blood vessels, blood diseases and anemia. Dishes made from green pepper will have a stimulating effect on the production of gastric juice, will help thorough digestion and will be useful during weight loss. Green pepper will enhance intestinal and stomach motility.

Beneficial properties of yellow bell pepper

Yellow bell peppers contain large amounts of carotenoids, which have a beneficial effect on the eyes. It contains large amount of potassium, much more than in peppers of other colors. Therefore, it is very good for the heart and Recommended for older people and those with heart problems. Yellow pepper is also champion in phosphorus content, which is necessary for the formation of the body’s skeletal system and helps proper cell growth and kidney function.

Beneficial properties of red bell pepper

Red bell pepper contains a large amount of vitamin A, which is responsible for the proper development of the body. Red pepper is very important for the normal growth of children. It contains the daily requirement of vitamin C. It is recommended for everyone who has vision problems, as it nourishes the retina. It contains lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant and helps reduce the risk of cancer.

To whom is bell pepper contraindicated?

How to cook bell pepper?

  • For cooking roasted pepper you will need 10 pieces of bell pepper, 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt and ground pepper to taste, 30 ml of vinegar, 3 cloves of garlic and vegetable oil. The peppers must be washed and baked in the oven. After the pepper has cooled, peel it and place it in a saucepan with a tight lid. Then add vinegar, ground pepper, sugar, salt. Press the garlic through the garlic press and add it there. Drizzle everything on top with a small amount of vegetable oil. Cover the pan with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. The next day you can serve it.
  • For cooking stewed pepper take 5 pieces of bell pepper and bake in the oven at 250 C. After its skin becomes dark and blisters, remove the pepper and wrap it in a wet towel and film. Set aside for 10 minutes. Then remove the skin, cut in half, remove seeds and membranes, and cut into large enough pieces. Now pour boiling water over the tomatoes, leave for 7 minutes, and pour cold water over them. Remove seeds and skin, and also cut into large pieces. Peel the onion and cut into 8 pieces. Pour 4 tbsp into the pan. spoons of vegetable oil and fry the onion and pepper. Once the onions turn golden, transfer everything to another container. Now add the tomatoes and bring to a boil with a little water. Then add salt and pepper. After 7 minutes, reduce the heat and simmer under a closed lid for 15 minutes. Open the lid and pour in a little wine and simmer for another 7 minutes, stirring. Afterwards you need to add a little sugar, mix and cool. Before serving, drizzle with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Bell pepper has many beneficial properties. It helps in the fight against colds, anemia and cancer, improves vision and skin condition. For the formation of a child's body, bell pepper is indispensable. It can be added to salads, made lecho, stuffed and added to soups. Bell peppers come in different colors, they all contain useful substances in different quantities. Bell peppers of any color will have a beneficial effect on health and help in the fight against many diseases.

Especially forLucky-Girl. ru- Julia

Sweet bell pepper is a type of vegetable pepper bred in the last century by Bulgarian breeders. Its ancestors come from America, where they can still be found growing wild. Why is bell pepper so beneficial for us?

It contains a large amount of fiber, nitrogenous substances, soluble sugars, pectins, starch and essential oils.

In addition, bell pepper is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, as well as microelements: iron, iodine, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, fluorine, chlorine, zinc, sulfur.

Pepper serves not only as a vitamin supplement, but also as an antidepressant.

Vitamins PP, B1, B2 and B6 effectively fight depression, insomnia, improve memory and restore strength.

Pepper contains the hormone of joy, but, unlike chocolate, which also contains it, its consumption does not lead to the accumulation of excess fats and sugars.

Pepper is indispensable for expectant mothers. By including it in her menu every day, a pregnant woman will strengthen her hair, nails, teeth and bones. Pepper is also necessary for men suffering from baldness.

Known not only for healing, but also anti-aging properties bell pepper. You can make simple face masks from it. For example, with egg and sour cream. Grind the pepper into a paste, add a beaten egg and a teaspoon of sour cream, then apply to the face and hold for 15 minutes. Several such procedures, and your skin will noticeably freshen.

Pepper juice can be used as a moisturizing toner. It nourishes the skin with vitamins and minerals, preventing its premature aging. And if you also drink a glass of juice a day, you can not only improve the condition of your skin, but also protect yourself from colds.

There are many varieties and types of bell peppers, but we usually distinguish them by color: red, yellow, green. Despite the similar chemical composition, multi-colored paprika differs in its properties. Let's see what she can do.

What are the benefits of red bell pepper?

Red peppers owe their bright color to carotenoid pigments. lycopene. This substance is a powerful antioxidant that cleanses the body of toxins and protects cells from destruction.

That is why lycopene is used in the treatment and prevention of cancer, such as lung, pancreatic, ovarian and prostate cancer.

Red pepper contains much more vitamin C than lemon or black currant - 128 mg per 100 g. This amount is 4 times the body’s daily requirement, but there is no need to be afraid of an “overdose” - excess vitamin is quickly eliminated.

The effect of ascorbic acid is enhanced vitamin P, which has a hypoglycemic and antioxidant effect. This duo strengthens blood vessels, reducing the permeability of their walls.

The benefits of red pepper are largely determined by the presence of an alkaloid capsaicin, which can be recognized by its bitter taste. Despite the fact that sweet pepper contains less than 0.01% of it, it has important biological effects. Capsaicin stimulates the functioning of the digestive organs, reduces blood pressure and prevents the formation of blood clots. By thinning the blood and normalizing its circulation, the alkaloid eliminates symptoms such as dizziness, weakness and poor circulation in the extremities.

Fiber, which red pepper is rich in, absorbs all harmful substances that enter the body with food: bile acids, toxins and cholesterol, promoting their rapid elimination.

Another important element, which is more abundant in red paprika than in other varieties, is zinc. It is necessary for normal brain function and stimulation of sexual activity.

Red pepper - golden fund beta carotene. Its content is 7 times higher than the reserves of yellow and green peppers. One large paprika contains almost 1 mg of vitamin A.

For this reason, pepper literally saves smokers and those around them. Carcinogens from cigarette smoke cause beta-carotene deficiency, and only a “pepper” diet can replenish it.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of bell pepper for vision. To improve it, it is enough to consume 30-40 g of the product every day.

The benefits of yellow and green bell peppers

Yellow peppers contain a lot of carotene and virtually no lycopene, which is why they are yellow.

It contains even more ascorbic acid than red pepper. One fruit can provide us with 5 times the norm of vitamin C.

Yellow pepper also contains a lot potassium and iron. Potassium ensures normal functioning of the heart, nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Thanks to it, more oxygen enters the brain, improves heart rate and improves the passage of nerve impulses. Iron protects the body from bacteria and is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and thyroid hormone.

Due to high concentration B vitamins, yellow bell pepper slows down the aging process of blood vessels and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Green pepper contains p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids, which remove potential carcinogens from the body.

In addition, it has large reserves phytosterols– substances that regulate fat metabolism. With their help, the body accelerates metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

Green peppers are a favorite of everyone who wants to lose weight. 100 g of vegetable contains 2.6 g of carbohydrates, 0.9 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat and only 20 kilocalories. But it is worth considering that pepper stimulates the appetite, so its inclusion in diets may have the opposite effect.

Actually, strictly speaking, bell pepper is not bell pepper at all and not even pepper! This plant does not belong to the pepper family at all, but to the nightshade family and is a distant relative of tomatoes and eggplants. Its homeland is Latin America. The inhabitants there were the first to think of eating sweet pepper pods as food. Pepper also had other uses. The Indians sprinkled seeds on smoldering coals to ward off wild animals or enemy invaders using the acrid smoke that was released when the seeds burned. However, pepper smoke screens did not help the Indians withstand the colonists. And pepper came to Europe thanks to the conquests of Cortes, who took with him almost all the Indian wealth, and at the same time a tasty “secret weapon”.

Europeans also tasted pepper and called it vegetable or salad; another name for this vegetable is paprika or sweet pepper. This type of pepper migrated to Russia from Bulgaria, for which it received its Russian name.

What is inside?

Well, bell peppers really have a lot of names, but they contain even more vitamins. In terms of vitamin C content, sweet peppers are second only to sea buckthorn and rose hips, and among vegetables they are the absolute champion. Just 50 g of bell pepper covers the body’s daily need for ascorbic acid.

But in order not to lose a single gram of vitamin C, pepper must be handled correctly. The fact is that most ascorbic acid is concentrated around the stalk, so you need to peel the pepper carefully, sparing the top as much as possible.

In addition to ascorbic acid, bell peppers contain a lot of vitamin E (protects against early aging and cancer), carotene (provitamin A), potassium (necessary for the heart), calcium (needed for teeth) and iron (improves blood composition).

Bell peppers can also protect against stroke. Eating just one pod a day is enough to reduce your risk by half. This is facilitated by the high content of vitamins B6 and B9, which slow down the aging process of blood vessels.


Scientists from Italy conducted a study trying to find out which type of pepper people consider sweeter. The majority of respondents gave the palm to yellow fruits. But in fact, red fruits contain the most sugar. However, most people associate yellow with ripeness and sweetness.

Color is everything!

Each pepper is useful in its own way.

Red. This type of pepper contains the most ascorbic acid and vitamin A. Thus, a serving of red bell pepper will satisfy approximately half of the body’s daily need for vitamin A, and a serving of green pepper will satisfy only 5%!

Yellow. It surpasses its fellows in terms of the number of routines. This element makes blood vessels more elastic and strengthens their walls. Yellow varieties of pepper also contain more potassium and phosphorus than other varieties.

Green. Has anti-cancer properties. Not long ago, Italian scientists discovered substances in sweet peppers that can reduce the risk of malignant tumors. There are especially many such substances in green fruits.

When choosing pepper, you should also consider what dish you are going to cook from it. Any variety will work for a salad, but for hot dishes it is better to choose red or yellow varieties. Green pods begin to taste bitter after heat treatment.

Personal opinion

​Yulia Mikhalkova:

Bell pepper is a very healthy vegetable. I love stuffed peppers, no matter what: meat, vegetables. They are very easy to prepare.


Chinese chicken stew

Cut 500 g chicken fillet into small strips. Remove seeds from 200 g of red bell pepper and cut into strips. Chop 2-3 cloves of garlic with a knife. Fry the chicken fillet in oil until golden brown and place in a pan. Then fry the peppers in the same frying pan until soft, adding chopped garlic at the end of frying, and place on top of the chicken fillet.

Red bell pepper promotes weight loss - scientists from the USA came to this conclusion. It turns out that this vegetable contains substances that accelerate metabolic processes in the body, which leads to the breakdown of fat.

In a separate bowl, mix 5 tablespoons of soy sauce, 6 tablespoons of boiled water, 1 teaspoon of potato starch and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Pour the resulting sauce over the chicken fillet and pepper and simmer for 10 minutes until cooked. Serve with rice.

Pepper salad with apples

Peel and cut 300 g of bell pepper into cubes, wash the apples, remove the core and cut them too. Add 100 g of chopped green onions, a few chopped green lettuce leaves to the salad, add ground black pepper and salt and season with vegetable oil.

Spicy cocktail

Grind 5 tomatoes, 1 cucumber and 1 seeded bell pepper in a blender, add a glass of water and blend again with a blender. Then put 1 bunch of parsley and basil, a clove of garlic and 2 sprigs of celery into the bowl and chop again until smooth. The drink is ready

The history of this vegetable begins in the 15th century, when it was first mentioned in documents. Its homeland is South and Central America, where wild varieties of bell pepper can still be found.

After Columbus's expedition, Europe learned about this vegetable.

It is important to note that for a long time red pepper was considered a wild false berry, and only by the 19th century was it recognized as a significant agricultural crop.

Not only the vegetable itself has an interesting origin, but also its name. It appeared thanks to Bulgarian scientists who developed new large-fruited varieties of this pepper.

Despite the fact that this culture is thermophilic, it can be effortlessly Anyone can plant it on their own plot of land.

Useful and medicinal properties, vitamins

Bell pepper is a very common, incredibly tasty and healthy vegetable.

It is consumed as an indispensable ingredient for various soups, main courses, all kinds of preserves, and salads. He has excellent taste characteristics, has a pleasant smell. In addition, eating the fruits of this vegetable brings great benefit for the body.

The fruits of bell pepper contain many vitamins, thanks to which it is a very healthy vegetable.

First of all, it should be noted the huge content vitamin C specifically in red pepper. Green bell peppers are rich in it in slightly smaller quantities.

Thanks to such a rich fortified composition, sweet peppers even surpassed black currants, strawberries and even lemon.

In addition, the composition of the bell pepper fruit includes a large number of vitamins of group B, PP, vitamins A, E, as well as ascorbic acid, rutin and beta-carotene. It is also worth mentioning the content of iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, calcium and potassium salts in pepper.

Useful And medicinal properties:

  • Bell pepper is useful for those who want to have a good figure. Its fruits have a high concentration of fiber, which will also be very useful for people with diseases of the digestive system.
  • The alkaloid capsaicin, which is also found in pepper, improves the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. Thus, food is processed much easier and more efficiently. By the way, it is this substance that gives pepper its specific taste.
  • The vitamins contained in pepper have a beneficial effect on the entire body, strengthening the immune system.
  • Experts have proven that bell peppers can support the body of people with diabetes. For this disease, it is best to drink juice from the fruits of bell peppers.
  • Eating this crop can improve the condition of the circulatory system thanks to vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • This vegetable will be useful for older people, as it has a positive effect on memory, lowers blood pressure, and the beta-carotene it contains even partially relieves fatigue.
  • Bell pepper strengthens the nervous system, it will help get rid of insomnia and irritability. Calcium, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins help restore brain neurons, thus increasing brain activity.
  • It will be useful for the prevention of cancer thanks to compounds that do not allow carcinogens to penetrate cells.
  • It is useful to consume bell pepper for people living in regions with high levels of radiation.
  • Bell pepper helps reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the body.
  • The substances that bell pepper contains take part in normalizing hormonal levels, so it will be useful for women during pregnancy.
  • Eating pepper is also good for beauty: the substances contained in it can significantly improve the condition of the skin, strengthen nails and hair.
  • In cosmetology, it is used as part of various face masks.
  • Ointments made from its fruits are useful and can be used in the treatment of radiculitis and arthritis.
  • Smokers should include bell pepper in their diet. Scientists have proven that it reduces the harmful effects of tobacco on the body.

Calorie content

How many calories are in bell peppers? The fruits of the vegetable, which is also called sweet pepper, have a rather attractive appearance: they come in red, yellow, green colors with different shades. At its core, it is a pod made up of a skin that has grown together with the pulp, and a seed nest inside, tightly attached to the stalk.

Different types of bell pepper also differ shape: they can be round, spherical, pyramidal, conical. Depending on the number of fruits and the method of their preparation, their calorie content.

Light salads containing bell pepper are tasty and healthy. It has virtually no calories, so even diabetics and people who exercise or are on a diet can eat it.

Calorie content per 100 grams of fresh product - about 25 kcal. Pickled peppers are higher in calories – up to 70 calories.

Bell peppers, eaten rolled up, are very popular. Its calorie content per 100 g. – no more than 80 calories.

Harm to health

There is no doubt that bell peppers are one of the healthiest vegetables in the world. But it is important to know that for any product there are also a number of contraindications for use.

Bell pepper is not capable of causing significant harm to human health, but some provisions about it harm everyone should know.

Pepper seeds have a bitter taste and cause a feeling of discomfort due to a slight astringency in the mouth. In everyday life, they are used not only for growing new seedlings and crossing varieties.

Very aromatic essential oils are also produced from the seeds, which have medicinal, preventive and cosmetic properties. Any essential oil that is made from bell pepper seeds can only be harmful to the category of people suffering from allergies regarding this product.


Although the vegetable is rich in vitamins, under some conditions bell pepper may still be contraindicated. The decisive factor may be the presence of the following diseases:

  • Those suffering from coronary artery disease, hypotension, and people with heart rhythm disturbances should exclude bell pepper from their diet.
  • Bell pepper is harmful for people with stomach ulcers and gastritis.
  • For epilepsy, increased excitability of the central nervous system, and unstable mental state, bell pepper is strictly contraindicated.
  • It should not be used by patients with hemorrhoids, as well as people with kidney and liver diseases.

Some of these contraindications are due to the content of essential oils in bell peppers, which should be consumed forbidden for the above-mentioned deviations and diseases.

The healthiest way to eat bell peppers is to eat them raw. This preserves the largest amount of vitamins and nutrients contained in it.

It can be used in various salads. By the way, a lot vitamin C it is located exactly in the part that is usually thrown away after peeling the pepper - in the seed nest, so there is no need to rush to get rid of it.

For preservation, bell peppers are suitable both raw and dried. It can be stewed, boiled, baked - in any form it will remain useful and provide charitable influence on your body.