Fried Russian cheese. Fried cheese: the origins of the dish and how to prepare it

It turns out that cheeses can be eaten not only in the form in which they are produced: today they are eaten melted and fried.

Fondue pots are designed to melt cheeses, but you can do without them: just learn how to fry cheese in a frying pan!

Let's find out which cheeses are suitable for frying, what this process involves, and get acquainted with several recipes for preparing them fried.

What kind of cheese can be fried in a frying pan?

Any housewife wants to surprise family and friends with exquisite culinary masterpieces. These delicacies also include fried cheeses, which serve as an excellent snack for beer or as an addition to vegetable salads. Can any cheese be fried?

What kind of cheese is fried in a frying pan?

Almost anything can be fried - both soft and hard, but special preference is given to soft cheese products. Soft cheese turns into a delicate melted mass, surrounded by crispy batter or breadcrumbs, and hard cheese is set by a crust.

What kind of cheese can be fried in a frying pan:

  • Adyghe cheeses;
  • Mozzarella;
  • Halloumi;
  • Suluguni;
  • Soy cheese;
  • Fetu;
  • Hard cheeses (Russian, Gouda, Edam);
  • Camembert and brie.

Fried cheeses are tender on the inside and crispy on the outside: no one will refuse such a cheese snack!

How to fry cheese in a frying pan

When exposed to high temperatures, cheeses melt and spread; to avoid this, cold cheeses that have been in the refrigerator for a couple of hours are fried and encased in a retaining shell. Cheese is fried in different ways:

Frying in breading or batter

Roll the pieces of cheese in breadcrumbs, dip them in beaten egg and roll over the breadcrumbs again.

For frying, it is better to use medium-sized rusk crumbs: it absorbs less fat and gives a strong crispy crust that does not fall off from cheese pieces or balls.

Instead of breadcrumbs, cheeses are also dipped in batter - a batter - and fried in a frying pan with butter.

Frying in flour

Finely grate the cheese, roll into balls, add salt and pepper if desired, roll in flour and fry in oil. When they puff up and double in size, remove them to paper towels.

Non-spreading cheeses such as halloumi or Adyghe can simply be fried in oil without additional deboning.

You can enjoy fried cheeses just like that or dip them in sauces (mayonnaise with crushed garlic or tomato sauce) or jam, and even eat them with berry jam! They are ideal with beer or dry red wine.

How to fry mozzarella in a frying pan


  • Small mozzarella balls – 200 g;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Milk – 1 tbsp;
  • Stale white bread or ciabatta – 200 g;
  • Half a glass of flour;
  • Italian herbs or other spicy mixture - 0.5 tsp;
  • A little black pepper and salt.

How to fry cheese in a frying pan

To truly enjoy your Sunday meal or to diversify your holiday table by surprising your guests with an unusual dish, fry mozzarella with white bread. To make fried cheese we use the following recipe:

Break the bread into small pieces, dry in a dry frying pan, stirring often, then grind into crumbs and mix with spices.

Mix the egg flavored with milk, pepper and salt, pepper and add some salt to the flour.

  1. Dry the mozzarella with paper towels: the brine should not drip from it.
  2. Add a lot of oil to a deep frying pan and heat it to 170 degrees.

To understand whether the oil has reached this temperature, put a piece of bread in it. If it turns brown in 40 seconds, then the oil is ready for frying!

Prick the ball onto a toothpick, roll it in flour, shake it, dip it in the egg-milk mixture and let the excess liquid drain off.

  1. Then roll the balls in bread crumbs, dip them again in a mixture of eggs and milk, and again in crumbs.
  2. Fry the mozzarella in hot oil until it browns.

Place fried mozzarella on paper to remove excess fat. Serve this cheese with tomato sauce.

Pan fried gouda cheese


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • 200 g Gouda cheese;
  • 50 g breadcrumbs;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • Half a glass of refined vegetable oil;
  • Provencal herbs or other spices - to taste.

How to cook cheese in a frying pan

Want to fry up elegant and incredibly delicious gouda cheese sticks? If you are not afraid to fall into cheese slavery, because the family will demand that the banquet be continued every day, then we fry the cheese according to the following recipe:

  1. Cut 200 g of cheese into long sticks no more than 0.5 cm thick.
  2. In one bowl, beat the eggs, pour the flour into another, and mix the spices and breadcrumbs in the third.
  3. Dip the cheese sticks in flour, beaten eggs and spiced breadcrumbs.
  4. Place a frying pan with oil, pouring a 0.5 cm or 1 cm layer, over high heat, heat it and fry the cheese sticks for half a minute on both sides.

Place the ruddy delicacy on a plate and serve immediately before it cools down: hot fried gouda is considered the most delicious.

Cheese fried in batter


  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • — 400 g + -
  • Breadcrumbs— 150 g + -
  • Pour some of the breadcrumbs into a bowl, adding them as needed, and heat a frying pan with odorless oil.
  • We soak the cheese pieces in the egg mixture and, after rolling them in breadcrumbs, fry immediately, stirring often, until a golden brown crust appears.
  • Serve the cheese fried in batter immediately after frying, while it is hot. We add sour cream, mayonnaise, tomato or other sauce to it.

    So, you've learned how to fry cheese in a frying pan, which provides much more benefits than salty croutons or chips.

    All that remains is to try the suggested recipes and enjoy the crispy crust and tender contents of the cheese balls or pieces!

It would seem that almost everything can be fried. They even manage to fry herring, bananas and cucumbers.

Perhaps hard cheese is the last thing you should fry. But that's what we think. Grilled cheese is something!

Having visited Bulgaria for the first time, I was somewhat surprised by the name “kashkaval pane”, and the translation right into the menu - fried cheese.

But it was very interesting. Kashkaval pane, a very nutritious and tasty dish, ideal for those who do not eat meat.

Grilled cheese is easy, you can fry almost any hard or semi-hard cheese. Try it, you won't regret it!

Fried cheese. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Hard (semi-hard) cheese or kashkaval 200 g
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Wheat flour 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Breadcrumbs 0.5 cups
  1. Cheese is believed to be a very ancient human invention. Surely the cheese was not specially invented, but was obtained by accident, without using the milk in time, which, left in a warm place, simply curdled. Perhaps this forgetfulness was the beginning of cheese making.

    Hard (semi-hard) cheese

  2. Now all over the world, along with factory cheese production, people are mass producing homemade cheese. The peoples of the Balkans and Southern Europe are no exception.
  3. In Bulgaria, the hard cheese we are used to is rarely found. The main dairy products are sirene and kashkaval. Siren (feta cheese) from any milk: sheep, cow, etc. Kashkaval - semi-hard yellow cheese. This cheese matures for a long time, more than six months. Kashkaval has a smooth surface without holes or stains, even straw color. This is the case when the proverb “If there are many holes in the cheese, then the cheese will be tasty” is refuted. The cheeses available to us are sometimes similar to Kashkaval. Gouda, cheddar, and Dutch cheeses are very close to kashkaval (I won’t say in taste, but more in appearance and consistency). In principle - they fit. For the dish, you should use semi-hard cheese without holes and with a low fat content, otherwise it will leak during frying. We tried frying different local cheeses - it turned out well and tasty.
  4. Along with using cheese as an independent dish, it is added to salads, soups, main courses and desserts. Bulgarians prepare an amazing dish - breaded fried kashkaval.
  5. Hard cheese must be cut into thin slices. Thickness 20-25 mm. Not more. Place the cheese slices in cold water and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes.

    Place cheese slices in cold water

  6. While our future fried cheese is resting in cold water, otherwise the flour and breading will not stick, prepare the breading.
  7. There is a choice here. Whoever likes it. You can simply dip the cheese in flour and fry it. You can dip the cheese in beaten eggs, roll in flour and fry.
  8. We will do it our way. Remove the cheese from the water and roll in flour.

    Remove cheese from water, roll in flour

  9. Dip cheese into beaten egg.

    Dip cheese into beaten egg

  10. Roll the cheese in breading - good breadcrumbs, or better yet, in grated stale bread. You can dip it in the egg again and again in the breading.

    Roll the cheese in breading

  11. After this, let the breaded cheese sit for 3-5 minutes until the oil in the frying pan is hot. There should be a lot of oil so that the fried cheese gets fried on the sides.
  12. Fry the breaded pieces of cheese in very hot oil, first on one side, then on the other, until golden brown. Usually this happens very quickly, 1 minute - maximum 2 minutes, fried cheese is cooked almost in the same time as the breading is fried. The main thing is that the breading is fried.

    Fry the breaded pieces of cheese in very hot oil

  13. The cheese should soften inside the breading, but under no circumstances should it leak out.

And fried cheese can be a great addition to a gala dinner, especially if served with a variety of sauces. Tomato, creamy, garlic-honey, spicy or sweet sauces will help you reveal the subtleties of the exquisite taste of this treat. Fried cheese recipes do not require any special skills; even a novice housewife can handle the preparation. It is worth noting that this culinary idea has its own “geography” - national cuisines have their own methods of frying.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

In Russia they prepare delicious deep-fried snacks, nuggets and cheese schnitzel. In this case, hard varieties are used, which are served with coffee or light wine. In Greece they love pickled food, so they eat kefalotyri, feta, mozzarella or suluguni. Fondue is very common in Western countries. It can be made from Camembert, creamy Hermeline, Brie or Lambert. The main thing is that the selected product can melt well; this is required by traditional regulations.

Want something new, but quick and easy to prepare? Fry the cheese!

Have you tried fried cheese or are you still perplexed - why fry a completely ready-to-eat product that has a delicate consistency and is prone to rapid melting? At least for variety! You can prepare this snack in several ways. Recipes vary depending on the type and use of breading. We have tried to collect here the most popular options that you will definitely like. Stop dieting and get into the kitchen!

Hard cheese in breadcrumbs

For breakfast, instead of pancakes or pancakes, try making hard cheese fried in breadcrumbs. This recipe will help you usefully and tastefully dispose of food left in the refrigerator. To prepare a surprisingly tasty and tender snack you will need:

  • 200 grams of hard cheese (for example, Gouda, Kostromskoy, Poshekhonsky);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 50 grams of breadcrumbs.

  1. First, cut the cheese into neat cubes about 5 cm long and 1 cm wide (height).
  2. Beat the eggs.
  3. Prepare breadcrumbs in a deep bowl.
  4. Dip a piece into the eggs, then into the breadcrumbs.
  5. Dip the slice into the egg mixture again and bread it again in breadcrumbs.

It is important that you get a dense, uniform breading, otherwise the melted contents will start to flow out. To improve the adhesion of the cheese to the egg, you can first roll it in flour.

Breaded fried cheese cooks very quickly - about a minute on each side. Once you have mastered the basic recipe, you can experiment with spices and herbs.

Cheese appetizer in batter

Fried cheese in batter is no less tasty and interesting. Durum varieties (Russian, Mozzarella) are also suitable for this recipe. Prepare:

  • 300 grams of hard cheese;
  • 2 fresh eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • a pinch of curry.

  1. Beat the eggs, add the curry flour and stir well.
  2. Cut the cheese into portions.
  3. Dip the pieces into the batter and fry on all sides in vegetable oil until golden brown.

There is no need to add salt to the fried cheese in the dough; it already contains enough salt.

Secrets of frying Adyghe cheese

Instead of the usual scrambled eggs, prepare fried Adyghe cheese - it goes well with fresh vegetables and herbs, and goes well with both coffee and beer. This cheese holds its shape perfectly during frying, so it can be cooked even without breading, quickly frying it on all sides. If you cut the product into neat squares or circles, you will get some kind of cheesecakes.

Adyghe cheese can be prepared in batter and breaded according to the recipes published above; we will not repeat it, but we will give another option - in flour. Prepare:

  • 350 grams of Adyghe cheese;
  • glass of water;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • salt to taste.

  1. Mix salt with flour.
  2. Heat vegetable oil in a non-stick frying pan.
  3. Dip the cheese slices in water and immediately coat them in flour.
  4. Fry quickly until golden brown.

If you like this grilled cheese recipe, next time replace the water with white wine.

Fried suluguni - a recipe with a twist

Suluguni is a favorite of fans of Georgian cuisine, attracting with its piquancy. You can cook fried suluguni cheese, just like hard cheese - in batter or in breadcrumbs, as well as Adyghe cheese - in flour or without any preparation. To enhance the taste, add dry adjika or hot spices to the batter or breading. You can use butter for frying.

All grilled cheeses should be served immediately after preparation, so first brew your coffee, prepare everything you need, and then quickly fry up an amazingly delicious appetizer. Eat carefully to avoid getting burned!

There is another universal way of cooking - in pita bread. To do this, the pieces are wrapped in pita bread and then fried. In addition to the main ingredient, you can wrap tomatoes, boiled chicken, sausages, herbs, and a boiled egg inside.

If you like cheese, then make snacks based on it, or. Even more recipes await you in the “Kitchen” section of our website.

Adyghe cheese is especially loved by vegetarians, because it can often replace meat in a familiar dish. However, it will also appeal to meat connoisseurs, especially when fried. The crispy crust, delicate taste and the ability to combine cheese with absolutely any ingredients make it almost indispensable on any table.


Adyghe cheese is used to prepare many dishes: it can be fried, added to salads and casseroles, used as a filling for pies and for making sandwiches. We also love this product among followers of PP (proper nutrition), since it has low calorie content and beneficial composition, including vitamins A, B2 and PP. Cheese is often used to prepare dietary delicacies. There are about 260 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

Regular consumption of Adyghe cheese in moderate quantities helps prevent the occurrence of cancer. Since the composition contains a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, bone tissue also receives certain benefits. The condition of nails, skin, and hair will improve significantly. Enzymes have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, helping the body cleanse itself of waste and toxins.

Vitamins and minerals strengthen the nervous system and even help cope with depression, insomnia and chronic stress. This product is useful for pregnant women and the elderly.


Fried Adyghe cheese may be harmful for people suffering from lactose intolerance. Also, excessive consumption of the product can lead to constant headaches due to the accumulation of tryptophan in the body. In addition, it is important to remember that those who suffer from any gastrointestinal diseases should be careful with any fried foods.

Subtleties of cooking

In urban conditions, the easiest way is to fry Adyghe cheese in a frying pan.

Usually, for 300 grams of Adyghe cheese, you need to prepare 2 tbsp. l. butter, a clove of garlic and a pinch of spices. The oil should be as natural as possible (ideally rustic, to add a delicate aroma to the dish and create a sweetish taste). Adyghe cheese is cut into small cubes. The oil is heated in a frying pan, then finely chopped garlic is fried in it for 10 seconds. After this, cubes of cheese are added to it and in the process they are sprinkled with salt and spices.

Fry, stirring, until the dish acquires a golden hue. The cheese should be served immediately, without waiting for it to cool, so that it does not lose the softness of its consistency.

The dish cooked on the grill is no less tasty. Initially, in addition to 300 grams of cheese, it is important to prepare 3 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and spices. You can take, for example, Italian herbs. The cheese is cut into large pieces. Then the crushed garlic is mixed with oil and seasonings. After this, the cubes are rolled in this mixture and fried on each side over medium heat until crusty.

Adyghe cheese on the grill will also be surprisingly tasty. For 3 pieces of cheese you will need about 6 leaves of basil, 2 cloves of garlic, 30 grams of pine nuts and a teaspoon of honey. In addition, it is worth preparing salt, herbs, 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. If you decide to cook a dish with sauce, then you will also have to take care of mayonnaise or sour cream in the amount of 5 tbsp. l., parsley - 1 tbsp. l. tablespoon, cloves of garlic and black pepper. The cheese is placed in a bowl along with basil, coarsely chopped garlic and olive oil. Everything is sprinkled with salt, herbs, nuts, honey and balsamic. All ingredients are carefully mixed and left for 30 minutes.

Next, the pieces of cheese are laid out on a grill and fried on both sides until a golden hue appears. Before removing the cheese from the grill, you need to pour the remaining marinade over it. The sauce is prepared from finely chopped garlic, parsley, sour cream and spices. Everything is mixed in a bowl and served to the table. It is a good idea to complement the dish with fresh vegetables and fresh bread.

Adyghe cheese is usually cooked in foil over a fire.

In addition to a quarter circle of cheese, which is equivalent to 250 grams, you need to purchase a couple of medium-sized tomatoes, 1 yellow pepper, a bunch of herbs, vegetable oil and spices: salt, pepper, turmeric, bay leaves. Everything is cut into small pieces: cheese - into slices, tomatoes - into circles, and peppers - into cubes. Foil is spread on the grill, where oil is poured and ingredients seasoned with turmeric, ground pepper and salt are laid out. The top is again poured with oil and covered with foil. In this state, the dish is infused for 60 minutes, after which it is baked for 25 minutes over hot coals.

It's important to mention that If you replace wheat flour with corn flour, the dish will have an amazing alluring aroma. You can also add spices or dried herbs to the flour. Also, if you dip the cheese not in water, but in wine - both white and red - you can give the dish an unusual taste with a slight sourness. The cheese ingredient itself does not have to be fried for a long time, since the product is, in fact, already ready for use, so you need to focus on the color and condition of the crust. To avoid excess fat content, it is recommended to place Adyghe cheese in well-heated oil.


Below are recipes for fried cheese, following which step by step, you can prepare a delicious snack in a short amount of time.

Very often, Adyghe cheese is fried in a breadcrumb coating. For 400 grams of dairy product, 1.5 cups of flour, salt, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 glass of water. First, the cheese must be cut into slices. The thickness of one piece should not exceed 1.5 centimeters. Then flour is poured into the container and mixed with a couple of pinches of salt. You will need to pour clean water into another container in advance.

The oil is heated in a frying pan. Each piece is first dipped in water and then in flour before being toasted on each side. The finished Adyghe cheese will need to be placed on napkins to absorb excess oil. This dish is usually served with something fruity or berry, such as jam. By the way, In this recipe, water can be replaced with white wine - this will make the taste more piquant.

Fried cheese with tomatoes is also quick to prepare but retains amazing flavor. For 200 grams of Adyghe product, you will need to prepare 200 grams of tomatoes. In addition, you will need a couple of sprigs of basil, 50 ml of vegetable oil and spices.

Cheese and tomatoes are cut into small cubes. First, milk cubes are fried in a frying pan, and then tomatoes and basil. All ingredients are laid out on a plate, after which the dish is sprinkled with spices and poured with oil used for frying. The dish must be served immediately.

The recipe for fried cheese in batter with nori - seaweed for sushi - looks unusual. To prepare you will need 150 grams of cheese, 2 sheets of nori, 3 tbsp. l. flour, 60 ml water, 1 egg, oil and spices. The cheese is cut into sticks. The batter is prepared from a mixture of water, eggs, flour and spices. Nori is cut into small pieces in which the cheese is wrapped. The oil is heated on the stove, after which the sticks are sent to the frying pan, which are first dipped in batter. Adyghe cheese needs to be fried until it is browned.

You can also fry the product in white croutons with an egg. For 200 grams of cheese there are 150 grams of crackers, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. flour, butter and spices. The crackers are mixed with flour and spices in a spacious bowl. Beat the egg with a pinch of salt. The plates are cut into pieces, the thickness of which is 1 cm. Each block is first dipped in the egg and then in the breading. The cheese should rest for a while, after which the pieces are again dipped into the egg, then into the breading and sent to the frying pan. Each is fried on both sides until a crust appears.

The cheese will turn out sweet if you cook it with honey and nuts. In addition to 300 grams of dairy product, take 80 grams of honey, 2 tbsp. l. nuts, 50 grams of butter, 100 ml of milk and 3 tbsp. l. flour. Adyghe cheese is cut into convenient pieces. In a separate container, mix flour, cinnamon, and vanillin. At this time, the nuts are crushed and lightly fried in a frying pan. Each piece of cheese is dipped in milk, then in flour and fried on both sides. The finished cheese is placed on a plate, poured with honey and sprinkled with nuts. The dish should sit for a little 10 minutes before eating.

Fried cheese in pita bread turns out very filling and tasty. For 200 grams of cheese you will need 2 sheets of pita bread. In addition, you need to prepare 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. starch and spices. First, eggs are combined with spices, starch and mayonnaise to form a batter. Then the pita bread is cut into rectangles, and the cheese into slices. Each cheese is rolled into pita bread, as if the filling were placed in a pancake.

The finished packages are placed seam side down. The oil is heated in a frying pan, and each pita cheese is added there, after being dipped in batter. Roasting occurs on both sides.

You can fry the ingredient without oil. It is only important that the frying pan is non-stick and well heated. If you do everything right, you can easily get a crispy crust.

What do they eat with?

Like any cheese product, Adyghe cheese will feel great as a component of a sandwich. It is recommended to supplement it not only with bread, but also with herbs, cucumbers and tomatoes. Fried Adyghe cheese goes well with various fresh vegetables, dill, parsley, cilantro, so serving with these ingredients will always be delicious. You can cut them into a salad, or just carefully arrange them on a platter.

The dairy product is also combined with fruits - grapes and pears, as well as berry sauces, such as lingonberry. There are no special restrictions in this matter - cheese will go well with pasta, rice, and even honey.

For information on how to prepare Adyghe cheese, see below.