Thai fried rice.

How to cook jasmine rice in a saucepan

2. Pour water into a thick-walled cooking container, preferably cast iron, at the rate of 1.5 cups of water per cup of jasmine rice.
3. Place jasmine rice in a container with water, add salt to taste, and place over high heat.
4. Wait until it boils, reduce the heat to low, cook for 20 minutes, without stirring, without opening the container, without adding water - you need to keep maximum steam in the saucepan.
5. After cooking the rice for 20 minutes, remove the saucepan from the burner, open the lid, gently beat the rice with a fork until it fluffs up, close the lid, and set aside to simmer for 5 minutes.

How to Steam Jasmine Rice in a Saucepan
1. Sort the rice, discard the dark grains of rice, and wash.
2. Place the jasmine rice in a metal mesh or muslin bag that fits the diameter of the rice pan.
3. Pour a small amount of water into the pan - 300-350 milliliters.
4. Place the pan over moderate heat and wait until it boils.
5. Reduce heat to low.
6. Place a metal mesh or muslin bag containing rice in a pan with a little water and cover with a lid.
7. Keep the pan with rice on the burner for 20-25 minutes until it softens.

How to steam jasmine rice in a slow cooker
1. Sort the rice, discard the dark grains of rice, and wash.
2. Soak jasmine rice in cold water for several hours.
3. Rinse the soaked rice again, put it in a multi-cooker steamer basket, if the holes in it are too big, cover the bottom with foil, make small holes in it with an awl or a needle.
4. Sprinkle salt to taste on top of the rice.
5. Pour water into the steamer basket of the multicooker, based on the calculation of three glasses of water for one glass of rice.
6. Close the multi-cooker bowl and turn on the “Steam” mode for 40 minutes.
7. After the signal about the end of cooking, do not open the multicooker for another 5 minutes to allow the rice to cook.

If in Russia bread is everything, then in the east, or more precisely in Southeast Asia, it is rice. In Chinese, this word means "food". If a Chinese man asked you “Have you eaten yet?”, this does not mean that he is actually interested in your diet, he greeted you like that, showed attention and care, and made sure that you are not hungry. That’s why we’ll start today’s Asian recipes with Chinese.

Rice with vegetables and egg, Chinese style

In China, this recipe is called "Yangzhou fried rice" and it is not at all limited to the list of ingredients you see below. They also add small shrimp, peanuts or cashews, carrots, cubes of ham, and so on ad infinitum, and you can also take frozen vegetables. Only the cooking technology remains unchanged.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • rice – 150g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • egg – 3 pcs;
  • sweet pepper – 1 piece;
  • canned corn – 170g;
  • canned green peas – 170g;
  • vegetable oil – 100ml;
  • salt - to taste.

How to fry Chinese rice with egg and vegetables:

Serve hot to the table. Delicious Chinese rice with vegetables can be either a separate dish or a good side dish for meat. Let's move on to other oriental recipes.

Japanese rice with seafood and vegetables

One of the Japanese versions of this dish is when it is prepared from sushi rice, already cooked, boiled and seasoned with vinegar. Vegetables, chicken or seafood can be added to it. It can only be shrimp, or it can be several types of seafood. The cooking principle is the same for all options, and we will consider it. And you decide for yourself which seafood to use for the recipe.


  • sushi rice – 150g;
  • shrimp, squid or sea cocktail – 500g;
  • onion – 1/2 head;
  • carrots – 1/2;
  • bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • oil for frying – 2 tbsp.
  • fresh greens.

Cooking process:

  1. Seafood must be completely defrosted and the liquid drained. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and place them in the pan.
  2. Cook until all the liquid is gone.
  3. Move the pan to one side and break the eggs onto the vacated side. Just like in the recipe above, we achieve the formation of lumps.
  4. Add rice, salt if necessary, mix everything and cook for 5 minutes.

Thai style rice with vegetables

Like all previous recipes, we need cereal that has already been boiled, cooled and even stood for at least an hour. Then it will become even more crumbly and during frying it will not form a porridge with vegetables. There are also many variations on this theme in Thai cuisine. Let's take the simplest of them with a minimum of components.


  • “Jasmine” rice – 200g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • egg – 2 pcs;
  • red hot pepper – 1 piece;
  • cucumber – 1 piece;
  • cashew nut - a handful;
  • salt - to taste;
  • oil for frying.


  1. First, let's prepare the products. Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater along with the skin, squeeze a little and drain the juice. Cut the hot pepper in half and remove the seeds, which contain more heat. Cut the onion into quarter rings.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and first add the nuts, fry them a little, then remove them from the frying pan and set them aside for now.
  3. Place the onion in the same pan and cook for 1 minute. Break the eggs and mix until lumps form.
  4. Add cucumber and pepper. Fry for another 1 minute.
  5. It's the turn of the rice, add salt, mix and cook for another 3-4 minutes.
  6. When serving, sprinkle with roasted cashews.

Soy sauce, by the way, is rarely added to any Asian version when cooking.

Rice with turmeric and vegetables Indian style

Very often there is a dish with an easily recognizable yellow color, which is colored by turmeric. This is exactly what our Indian dish will be.


  • basmati rice - 3/4 cup;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • canned red beans – 3 tbsp;
  • hot pepper – 1 pod;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • cardamom – 3 pcs;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • turmeric – 1 tsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • coconut shavings - for serving.

How to cook:

  1. Peel and finely chop the onion, remove the skin from the garlic and rub it together with salt with the blade of a knife, cut the pepper into pieces without removing the seeds.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut into slices.
  3. We need canned beans without adding tomato paste. Take three tablespoons and rinse them in a strainer with cold water to remove the starchy liquid that contained them.
  4. Crush the cardamom with a knife and take the seeds.
  5. Pour about half a glass of oil into the frying pan. Heat well and add onion, garlic, cinnamon, cardamom, pepper and turmeric. Heat the spices in the oil for a few seconds.
  6. Pour in the cereal and add the potatoes, salt, add enough hot water to cover the entire contents of the pan by 1 centimeter. Cover and cook until the rice and potatoes are soft.
  7. Add beans, heat for another 1 minute and turn off.
  8. When serving, sprinkle with coconut flakes.

If we turn to European cuisine, then here too rice has found its place in the menu of all countries. The brown variety is considered very healthy and let's see the recipe with step-by-step photos of its preparation.

Brown rice with mushrooms

The texture of the dish is reminiscent of Italian risotto. This type of cereal takes much longer to cook than usual, so we will first boil it and only then place it in the frying pan.


  • brown rice - 1 cup;
  • champignons – 150g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  • cheese – 100g;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking rice with mushrooms:

In the modern world, many people often use kitchen devices to prepare food. Therefore, the following recipe is in a slow cooker.

Rice with vegetables in a slow cooker

In this version, chicken drumstick is added to the multicooker bowl for satiety.


  • onion – 1 piece;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • long grain rice – 2 cups;
  • water – 6 glasses;
  • salt – 1-2 tsp;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.,
  • pumpkin – 100g;
  • chicken drumstick – 1 pc.,
  • dill/parsley – 1 bunch,
  • vegetable oil – 40ml.

Cooking in a slow cooker:

As you can see, there are a lot of recipes, there are similar ones, and their advantage is that, knowing the principle, you can play with the ingredients, each time getting a new dish. There are hot and spicy, simple, quick ones that you can use on weekdays. And useful, but long, suitable for weekends. The choice of your rice with vegetables is yours! Bon appetit!

Cooked for you: Victoria S, karnizz, 5PH, spaxiax, Torsakarin, subodhsathe, Evgenia Khonovets.

White long grain Jasmine rice is one of the most popular varieties around the world. It goes well with all types of meat, fish, seafood and vegetables as a side dish, in addition, it can easily serve as an independent dish, especially in combination with a variety of sauces.

Jasmine rice is a unique variety. Firstly, it is very environmentally friendly. This variety differs from others in its unpretentiousness and drought resistance, which allows it to be grown without the use of chemical fertilizers.

Secondly, Jasmine requires special salty sandy soils, so it grows only in certain areas of Southeast Asia, mainly in Thailand.

Thirdly, Jasmine is a very young rice variety. It appeared less than a hundred years ago, and entered the world market only in the 1970s. In such a short period of time, this local product has become a very popular variety of rice, loved by housewives and chefs all over the world.

Jasmine owes its name to the flower of the same name, since, according to the Thais, they have a very similar aroma and the same dazzling white color that this type of rice acquires when cooked. In Thailand, Jasmine is always the main product on the rabbit, and they even make desserts from it. Thai cooks cook this rice in a minimal amount of water or even use a steamer.

Properly cooked Jasmine, as a rule, sticks together slightly, is soft, but not mushy, and holds its shape well. By the way, compared to other varieties, this rice cooks very quickly - only 10-15 minutes.

Prepare Jasmine rice according to the recipe of Thai chefs. Pour 1 cup of well-washed rice into 1.5 cups of hot water and put on fire. When the water boils, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the temperature and cook until tender. Remove the boiled rice from the heat, stir gently, cover again and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Jasmine rice is prepared in an oriental style, much like sushi rice, in contrast to the European “al dente” method for risotto, when the grain is left inside with the raw grain. Classic preparation involves the use of water. The jasmine is brought to a boil at medium boiling and allowed to absorb all the liquid, then removed from the heat and left to infuse under the lid for 10-15 minutes. Then the rice can be served.

Ready Jasmine has a rich milky taste and is good on its own, but if desired, it can be combined with almost any sauce - from soy to oyster. By the way, the natural taste of this rice can be further enhanced if you boil it not in water, but in coconut milk. A similar dish with the addition of pieces of fruit is one of the most popular Thai desserts.

Rice in Thailand is “the head of everything.” How is it grown and who fights off mice in rice fields? The most popular varieties of rice and what type do the Thais choose? Tips for cooking rice "Thai style" - a taste from Asia.

It so happens that any one is either based on rice, or this ingredient is served as a side dish. In any case, rice in Thailand is present in the diet of local residents every day. This is not usual for us, because our main farm crop is bread. Along with it, rice in Thailand is rightfully recognized as the “foundation” of the country and the basis of the life of any Thai.
But where is Thai rice grown and how labor-intensive is it? What kind of food do locals like to cook? How to cook and choose rice in Thailand? Which variety is most often prepared by indigenous people?

Where and how is Thai rice grown - the gold of Thailand

Like all Asian countries, Thailand “ate the dog” in the mass cultivation of rice. The entire “farming” of this country comes down to sowing and harvesting rice crops. Thai rice is exported to more than one hundred countries around the world. There are whole “legends” about its quality and beneficial properties. But where is this product grown and how is it extracted?
Thai rice grows in fields that are purposefully flooded with water. As a rule, fertile places for planting are fields near rivers and various reservoirs. The most “global” place for cultivation is the north of Thailand, where you can find endless expanses of rice meadows.

Rice field in Thailand. On the left is freshly planted, on the right is rice that will soon be harvested.

If there is no body of water nearby, the Thais create artificial pools: they first plow the ground, slightly lowering its level. Next, fill it with water and wait for a while. Months later, the prepared land becomes an excellent field for planting.

Farmers' clothing is high rubber boots and a triangular Asian hat. The latter reliably protects the head from sunstroke, and the boots act as a “shield” from the attack of leeches and snakes, which can easily settle down in the water.

Rice cultivation - stages

It is grown in four main stages:
1. Sowing. Rice grains are “thrown” into the prepared place - plowed ground and a filled pool. Waiting for the sprouts to escape.
2. Next, the sprouts are collected in armfuls, trimmed evenly and planted at an even distance from each other.

Above each rice field there is a kind of birdhouse (a place where owls live). Their presence attracts free guards - owls. They, in turn, hunt for mice, which like to “eat up” rice sprouts. Typical cats, only from the air.

3. Rice takes about 30 days to grow. The readiness of the grains is determined by the color of the bush. The brown-yellow color signals the need to harvest.
4. Next, the Thais cut off the sprouts and “knock” them into a special container. From there, the rice grains are sifted to remove debris. Depending on the variety, the product is subsequently polished and/or steamed.

According to centuries-old traditions, only women are trusted to plant rice. Supposedly only she can do this “with love.” With the development of technology, men began to plant rice using specially equipped machines. However, such “high” technologies are rather an exception to the rule, which are used only by large manufacturers.

The most popular varieties of Thai rice - what to choose for home purchase

  • Jasmine (Hom Mali Rice) is the most popular variety among Thais. It has an appetizing aroma, soft white color and optimal stickiness. Jasmine rice grains are smooth, even, slightly oblong. A small groove runs along the grain, which “opens” the grain during cooking. In Thai dishes, it is served and cooked without salt, with a small addition of soy sauce.
  • Brown Rice is recognized as the most nutritious and high-calorie. It does not sand, which is why it has a brown color. Contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and the body as a whole. The grain is long and thin. Recommended for restoring vitality and for problems with the digestive system.

White and black Thai rice

  • White rice is the most common type of cereal. Sold in two types - steamed and classic. The first is that before packaging it is “coated” with steam, which allows you to “close” the grain from loss of moisture and vitamins. Does not stick together, even after prolonged cooking. The grain is oval to round. It is considered the cheapest and most satisfying type of Thai rice, because... “swells” in size when cooked, increasing the volume of portions.
  • Red Cargo Rice is a subspecies of classic jasmine rice. It acquired a similar color due to the mutation of red jasmine grain. To preserve the red shell, the grain is not polished or steamed. It is considered a dietary dish and contains a large amount of vitamin B6. To a greater extent, it is rice as a decoration for a festive Thai table. When cooked, it “opens up” in the form of a small flower, exposing the white core.
  • Black (Black Rice) - has a sharp, persistent aroma, surprises not only with its “interesting” color, but also with its “network” of nutrients. It is a natural antioxidant (anthocyanin) that helps prolong youth. Used by Thais as a cure for all diseases. Prevents disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract. Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland, improves the psychological state of women. Particularly relevant for hormonal imbalances, changes, and pregnancy.

All types of rice can be bought in Thailand at the most common market. The cost of the product starts from 5 baht per 100 g. We recommend sampling as many varieties and subvarieties as possible.

National Thai dish - khao pad - fried rice

How to cook rice like in Thailand - recipes for the “right” dish

The Thais use several “tricks”:
1. In most cases, Thais do not boil rice, but steam or fry it.
2. Never add salt while cooking rice. This is done only after the process is completed. And even more often, soy sauce is used instead of salt.
3. Proper sticky rice in Thailand is cooked in a bamboo container placed on a glass flask. The flask is then heated and the rice is steamed. As an alternative, you can use a steamer after placing a bamboo mat in the rice container.
4. Before cooking, the cereal is soaked in warm water for 5-6 hours.
5. To diversify and prepare a “new” rice dish, Thais simply add a different set of spices and sauces.

World-famous Thai fried rice is one of the real hits of Asian cuisine. It is prepared in different ways in different regions of the Land of Smiles, but everywhere it turns out incredibly tasty. This is a very healthy dish, there is practically no oil in it, so there are not so many calories. Variations of the preparation suggest chicken or tofu as an addition, in this recipe it is shrimp, but they can be replaced to suit your taste. Or make a completely vegetarian version of rice, which is just as delicious.

Prepare all products in advance

In order to have time to put all the ingredients in a wok - a deep cone-shaped frying pan with a long handle made of thin metal, although you can use an ordinary deep frying pan - it is best to prepare them in advance. This is the peculiarity of Asian cuisine in general - and Thai cuisine in particular: everything is done very quickly.

Cook rice properly

The rice needs to be boiled in advance until it becomes crumbly - in Thailand they use special rice cookers for this, which are very easy to use and keep the rice in the desired form for a long time, but you can also take a regular saucepan. It is worth choosing any long-grain rice of the “jasmine” type, which is boiled with a minimum amount of salt at the rate of two parts water to one part dry rice plus one glass of water for the entire volume. If there is clearly not enough water, add in small portions, carefully ensuring that it remains crumbly, but not too hard. It needs to be cooled to room temperature.


For the sauce

  • Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
  • Fish sauce: 2 tablespoons
  • Brown sugar: 1 tablespoon
  • Oyster sauce: 1 tablespoon
  • Freshly ground black pepper: ½ teaspoon

For rice

  • Olive or sesame oil: 4 tablespoons
  • Onion: one medium, chopped
  • Garlic: 7 cloves, finely chopped
  • Cherry tomatoes or sliced ​​tomatoes: about 200 g
  • Thinly sliced ​​carrots: ½ cup
  • Peeled shrimp without tails and shell: about 300 g
  • Cooked, chilled rice: 6 cups
  • Eggs: 2 large
  • Basil: 1 cup, chopped not too finely with a knife
  • Green onions, chopped: ½ cup
  • Salt and pepper: to taste
  • To serve: sliced ​​cucumbers, tomatoes and lemon slices.


Mix all ingredients for the sauce thoroughly in a small cup. Heat oil in a deep frying pan or wok, add onion and garlic, quickly fry for about a minute. Add the tomatoes and literally after a minute, add the shrimp, fry until orange-pink, stirring.

Add the cooked rice, mix everything so that there are no lumps, pour in the sauce. Make a hole with a spatula, pushing the rice apart, and crack the eggs in, making a kind of scrambled eggs. Then mix everything together. Salt, add spices to taste, garnish with fresh vegetables.