Green peas: benefits and harms. How to can peas at home? Canned green peas: benefits and harms

Pea grass with fruits

To improve health, traditional therapy uses not only the grains themselves, but also the fresh tops of the plant, which have healing properties.

  • Decoctions and infusions of pea grass (together with green fruits) are used as a strong diuretic that helps dissolve stones in urolithiasis and kidney stones. Pour 2 s. l. chopped herbs 300 ml boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take 3-4 times a day (20 minutes before meals) for 2 s. spoons.
  • If you mix crushed green pea with raw chicken egg(necessarily fresh), it will turn out great folk remedy for healing wounds and burns.
  • To eliminate severe toothache, it is boiled in vegetable oil, knead to a puree, apply warm to the sore tooth and gum for 1.5 - 2 hours.
  • A few peas help get rid of it.
  • A decoction of green pea grains and tops has the property of strengthening the roots, improving the structure and eliminating oily hair.
  • Make a face mask from green peas: boil for 2 - 3 s. spoons of young green peas, grind to a thick puree, add a little curd whey, mix thoroughly, apply to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. To maintain healthy facial skin, it is recommended to use this mask 2 times a week. In winter, when there are no fresh green peas, you can use dry ones. To prepare the mask, stir for 1 s. a spoonful of flour from a dry product with 1 tsp. a spoonful of fat sour cream and chicken yolk.
  • To eliminate age spots, apply green pea paste to the skin for 10 minutes every day.

Contraindications for green peas

Although it's very healthy vegetable, which in moderate quantities will not harm anyone, but it has minor contraindications for use. It will not benefit people suffering from gout, exacerbations of stomach and intestinal diseases, and a tendency to gas.

Due to increased gas formation, large quantities of peas should not be consumed by pregnant women. But it is imperative to include this product in your diet, especially in early pregnancy. Part of folic acid, helps proper brain development, nervous system child. Magnesium, B vitamins – prevent seizures.

Full plate of fresh green peas

As you can see, the benefits of consuming this product are quite large; in the summer, do not miss the opportunity to saturate your body with useful substances by eating fresh green peas. And for the winter it can be frozen or preserved - in this form it does not lose its beneficial properties.

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Canned peas are one of the most popular canned vegetables, which are often used in cooking for preparing all kinds of dishes. They make soups from it, various salads and seasonings, and are also used in their natural form as simple side dish. Thanks to the rich complex useful substances The value of this product is undeniable. Nevertheless, experts are often interested in the calorie content of canned green peas. It is worth understanding this indicator in more detail.

Calorie content of peas

Peas are the oldest crop that humanity knew about back in the 4th century BC. Its fruits are quite a valuable food product, which contains great amount vegetable protein. In addition, it contains many vitamins, minerals and various useful acids. The energy value of such a product is a little more than 80 kilocalories.

For a long time, the only way to harvest peas was drying. Later, people learned to preserve it.

The Dutch were the first to do this in the 16th century. Today canned peas can be found in any grocery store.

Many people have a question: what is the difference between products that have undergone these types of processing? The most important difference is that the calorie content of canned green peas is several times lower than that of dried ones. There may be two reasons for this. Firstly, removing moisture increases the concentration of basic elements in it (fats, proteins and carbohydrates), which determine its energy value. By the way, the calorie content of dried peas is about 300 kilocalories. Secondly, exclusively young grains are used for preservation. special varieties. Moreover, their processing is carried out precisely when fresh fruits reach the so-called milk maturity stage. Nevertheless, there are quite a lot of vitamins and sugars. The calorie content of canned green peas is only 55 kilocalories. This is much less than that of a natural or dried product.

Practical use

For proper organization nutrition, as you know, it is necessary to take into account not only the quantity, compatibility, but also the nutritional value of each individual product. Low calorie Canned green peas allow you to use them as the main component in various diets. This product is useful for those who care about their figure or want to lose weight. The fact is that you can safely eat the fruits of legumes without fear of gaining extra pounds.

In addition, peas help cleanse the body, removing unnecessary toxins and various harmful substances. By the way, the pea diet is the simplest. It does not contain a strict list of products indicating the amount of their consumption. It is necessary to include at least one dish made from peas in your menu every day. The main thing is that the remaining components in it are not high-calorie. By the way, this could be a few spoons of canned peas as a side dish. The main disadvantage of such a diet is the unpleasant side effects in the form of flatulence. But this problem is not so global.

Calorie calculation

Many people like canned green peas. The calorie content per 100 grams of the finished product is 53-55 kilocalories. And here we mean the edible part of it, excluding liquid. This is the number that is usually indicated on the labels. After all, peas are sold in containers of different sizes. The energy value of the entire package can be calculated independently by drawing up a simple proportion. But as a rule, this is not necessary. Most often, the calorie content of a product unit is needed to calculate the energy value ready-made dish.

For example, to prepare an omelet with green peas you will need the following products:

2 eggs, 200 grams of canned peas, 50 milliliters of milk and 2 grams of table salt.

As a result culinary processing the finished omelette will have the following characteristics:

Having this calculation before your eyes, you can decide how much food to use for cooking. of this dish so that its use does not have undesirable negative consequences.

Official standard

Since the times of the USSR, there has been a certain GOST for any food products produced in the country. “Canned green peas” is a product that meets certain requirements.

Until recently, GOST 15842-90 still existed for it. He represented technical specifications for the production of food pea products for export and needs National economy. This document detailed the following indicators:

  • characteristics of the raw materials used;
  • rules for packaging, labeling and acceptance of finished products;
  • description of testing methods for basic quality indicators;
  • conditions of transportation and storage.

After the collapse of the Union in Russia, many documents were revised. Over time, a new national standard of the Russian Federation was introduced: GOST R 54050-2010 entitled “Natural canned food. Green peas". Today, this document is the main one for determining the compliance of a given type of product with the standards established in the state.

Product benefits

It's no secret that it is proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are responsible for the calories in canned green peas. When they decay, energy is formed that is transferred to the body to maintain its vital functions. Despite the small value of this indicator, canned peas are considered a fairly healthy product.

For example, the selenium it contains is an excellent anticarcinogen, and vitamin PP has a positive effect on cardiovascular system person. In addition, canned peas contain a lot of starch and dietary fiber, which are practically not digested. Due to these components, you can use peas to get rid of constipation and solve many other problems associated with digestion. Don't forget about fiber too. It not only removes harmful waste and toxins from the body. With its help you can set up Good work Total gastrointestinal tract and also normalize cholesterol levels. Besides, frequent use These peas strengthen bone tissue and improve immunity. It also improves blood circulation, resulting in increased mental activity in a person. This is just a small part of the benefits it brings to the human body, a seemingly simple and unremarkable product.

Possible harm

To properly plan your diet, you need to know not only how many calories are in canned green peas. It must be remembered that this product, like many others, has in addition to positive aspects also negative aspects. For example, it is strictly contraindicated for people prone to flatulence and suffering from colitis. This can not only create some discomfort, but also lead to quite serious consequences.

In addition, those who have been diagnosed with urolithiasis by doctors should avoid eating peas. Being a strong diuretic, this product can easily provoke spontaneous movement of sand and cause severe renal colic. In principle, canned peas can no longer threaten the human body. The danger will only arise if the product is stale.

It is also necessary to carefully study the composition of the product, which is usually indicated on the label. It is advisable that it does not contain any additives or preservatives that are harmful to health.

Green peas- a plant of the legume family. The double-leaf pods contain dense grains (see photo), which are used for food. Recent studies have shown that green peas does not accumulate nitrates.

This plant is one of the oldest vegetable crops, which are grown by humanity. Grains were part of the diet of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Today this crop is grown all over the world.

How to select and store?

To select high-quality green peas, you should carefully examine the pods of the plant. They should be a rich, bright green hue, dry, without dark spots, mold or rot, with a fresh stalk. Peas, like pods, should not be wet and should be colored green. Besides, good fruits smooth or wrinkled depending on the plant variety.

There are several ways to store fresh green peas: in the freezer, in the refrigerator, in canned form.

Green peas can be stored in the refrigerator for twelve days. To do this, the fruits should be folded into a regular bag and placed on bottom shelf household appliances.

If peas are canned, they can be stored in the pantry, cellar, or refrigerator for at least a year.

But you can freeze green peas both in peeled form (fruit only) and in the wings.

To freeze the product in the wings, two varieties of the plant are most suitable - “sugar” and “snow”, since these types of peas are characterized by soft and edible (after cooking) pods. Carefully inspect each pod for damage. If there are any, the sashes must be discarded. Next, rinse the sorted pods well and then cut off the edges, since they are inedible. After this you need to boil the water. When the liquid begins to bubble, lower the colander with the pods into the container for several minutes (“sugar” for two minutes, and “snow” for sixty seconds). Then, immediately after blanching, the pods should be dipped in very cold water with ice. As soon as the pods have cooled, they need to be dried, transferred to an airtight container and stored in freezer.

Peeled fruits can be frozen in three ways. The first method involves freezing the peas in a plastic bag. To do this, wash the green fruits, dry them, pour them into a bag and put them in the freezer. According to the second method, green peas need to be washed, poured into a colander and placed in boiling water for three minutes, and then dipped in very cold water. When the peas have cooled, they should be dried, transferred to an airtight container and placed in the freezer. For the third method, you will need an ice tray, into which you should pour washed pea seeds, then fill it with water and put it in the freezer for about twelve hours. After time has passed, transfer the ice cubes with peas to a container and put them back in the freezer.

When frozen, green peas can be stored for about nine months at a temperature of minus eighteen degrees.

Beneficial features

Beneficial features young green peas have been known in folk medicine since ancient times. Official medicine does not deny their presence either.

Pea components have the ability to block the entry of various toxins and radionuclides into the body. Thanks to this, the risk of cancer and heart attacks is reduced, and the aging process is slowed down.

Fresh green peas contain protein and carbohydrates that are easily and quickly absorbed by the body. They make it possible to quickly get enough and not overeat. Thanks to this, the vegetable can be used in dietary nutrition for patients and people who want to lose excess weight.

Vitamin A, which is found in grains, contributes to the normal course of metabolic processes in the body. Ascorbic acid is involved in recovery processes, and vitamin K promotes the absorption of calcium and improves kidney function. Most of the beneficial properties are determined by the ideal ratio of micro- and macroelements. For example, zinc and selenium help in the fight against oxidative stress, which negatively affects the lens and retina of the eye.

Frozen green peas are simply irreplaceable in winter. It is no less healthy than fresh! In this form, the grains retain almost all the beneficial substances.

So, thanks to the consumption of young peas Digestion improves, strength appears, fatigue disappears and the overall tone of the body increases.

Use in cooking

In cooking It is customary to use peas in fresh, canned, boiled and frozen form. Thanks to their delicate taste and amazing aroma, the grains go well with other food products. Green peas are added to first courses, salads, stews, side dishes. The menu of many restaurants includes tender and very tasty pea mash or crepe soup. In addition, the vegetable is used as a filling for various baked goods.

Green peas will not only diversify the taste of the dish, but also improve its appearance!

Green peas are used to make cereals and flour, which are then used to make various baked goods.

Dishes that use fresh or frozen peas have an incomparable taste. Today there are a lot of recipes for delicacies. They describe how to cook the product deliciously and how to fry or bake it.

For example, from green peas you can prepare a side dish. Take leeks and carrots, cut into small pieces (carrots into rings and onions into half rings) and fry in a frying pan for about five minutes, pouring in thirty-four milliliters of sunflower oil. After this, pour about five hundred grams of fresh peas (frozen can also be used) into a frying pan, turn the heat to medium, close the container and simmer for four minutes. Then add twenty-five grams of butter to the dish, salt to taste and simmer again under a closed lid for about seven minutes, occasionally stirring the contents of the frying pan. The green pea garnish is ready. This dish goes well with baked potatoes and chicken.

From green peas you can make puree. Pour twenty milliliters of olive oil into a saucepan and heat slightly. Then place about five hundred grams of frozen green peas in a container (after rinsing and drying) and fry for a couple of minutes. After this, pour a little water into the saucepan so that the liquid does not completely cover the peas, and simmer for seven minutes, and then add a little more than ten grams of salt and add fifteen grams of butter. As soon as the butter has melted, grind the peas in a blender to a pasty consistency, and then pour in twenty milliliters of cream, mixing well. Pea puree can be served along with sausages, fish or chicken.

Cooking green peas is also very easy, and most importantly - fast. To do this, fill a small saucepan halfway with water, boil, add salt, add a pinch of soda and pour the washed peas into a container, boil for high fire about five or ten minutes (cooking time depends on the size of the peas). Then boiled fruits transfer to a ladle and rinse under water.

In addition, you can use green pea pods for cooking. The doors need to be washed, cut off the hard edges and transferred to a container, soaking completely in water for an hour. Pour water into a shallow pan, boil, add salt to taste, add pea pods and simmer until the green peas become softer. After this, transfer the boiled green peas to a colander and let them dry a little.

Green pea leaves are recommended for cooking soups, frying omelettes, stewing with vegetables, or simply baking with tomatoes in the oven. To do this, the leaves after the peas should be washed, dried and cut into slices, and then start preparing the main dish where this ingredient is used.

It is better to fry green peas with spices. Wash and dry fresh peas. Pour fifty milliliters of sunflower oil into a frying pan and heat it well, then add an unpeeled clove of garlic, add a couple of pinches of salt, half a teaspoon of cumin and paprika, two teaspoons of mustard seeds and fry it all for about twenty seconds. Then place three hundred grams of fresh green peas in a frying pan and fry for about fifteen minutes over medium heat.

Many chefs recommend trying green peas, baked in the oven. Grease a baking tray with butter (melt it a little) and lay out four hundred grams of green peas. In a separate container, beat six eggs, adding a pinch of salt, two tablespoons of sour cream, three tablespoons of water. Pour the egg mixture over the peas, adding a pinch of thyme and sprinkling with grated cheese. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for no more than fifteen minutes.

Overripe green peas are also used in cooking. For example, it can be dried and then cooked like regular dry peas. You can also boil these peas and then freeze them so that you can add them to soup or salads in winter.

What does it go with?

Green pea puree or fried peas goes well with meat products(sausages, chicken, cutlets), and also with fish and seafood.

Also, the product (boiled, baked) is eaten together with boiled potatoes, cucumbers, eggs and cheese.

In addition, green peas go well with leafy greens, nuts, and... starchy vegetables(cabbage, sweet peppers, green beans) and aromatic spices(mint, basil and ginger).

How to store in preparations for the winter?

Harvesting green peas for the winter at home is quite simple. It is best to try canning or drying the product.

You can preserve green peas for the winter as follows. Sort out the pea seeds, discarding the spoiled ones, rinse and distribute into three half-liter jars (there should be two centimeters left to the edge). Then pour the peas into a saucepan, add five glasses of water, add thirty grams of salt and thirty-five grams of granulated sugar. Place the container on the stove to boil. When the liquid begins to boil, boil the peas for thirty minutes. Five minutes before the end of cooking, pour ten grams into the broth citric acid. After this, pour the peas into a colander and filter the broth. Place the fruits in sterilized containers, boil the strained liquid, and then pour into jars. Then the jars of peas must be sterilized for another sixty minutes, and then preserved.

Many people are interested in the question: “How to prepare green peas for the winter without sterilization? It’s very simple and even faster than with sterilization. Wash green peas (you will need three hundred and fifty grams), dry them, pour them into a saucepan and add two glasses of water. Boil for about twenty minutes over low heat, periodically skimming off the foam. Place the boiled peas in sterile jars. Now you need to make the marinade. Pour two and a half glasses of water into a container, add ten grams of sugar, five grams of salt and boil for about three minutes. Pour two teaspoons of nine percent into each jar. table vinegar, then pour the marinade and seal. Canned peas should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar for a year.

You can harvest green peas for the winter by drying them. Sort and rinse the peas. Pour water into a deep container, add ten grams of soda, boil, and then pour in the peas and boil for ten minutes. After cooking, cool the peas, place on a baking sheet and dry in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of eighty degrees. After sixty minutes, reduce the temperature to sixty-five degrees and dry the peas for another three hours. Finished product pour into an airtight glass container.

The benefits of green peas and treatment

The benefits of green peas are due to the fact that they contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Doctors recommend that people with diabetes include this in their diet., canned peas. However, it can also be used in fresh and thermally processed. The fact is that peas have low glycemic index, which allows it to be included in the diet of diabetics. In addition, this product reduces the rate of absorption of glucose by the intestines, and it can also lower blood glucose levels. He will also useful for various diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Green peas can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Green peas have also found their use in folk medicine. For example, a decoction of grains is an excellent diuretic and it dissolves kidney stones. Lotions are made from pea flour, which are used to soften boils.

The benefits of green peas for the human body are multifaceted. It helps strengthen bones because it contains vitamin K, which is responsible for the production of calcium. And thanks to vitamin B contained in peas, the development of osteoporosis can be prevented.

Also young green peas in pods bring great benefit heart and blood vessels, helps normalize blood pressure.

Some scientists claim that daily use Peas help reduce the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Thanks to nutritional value It is recommended to eat green peas during pregnancy, but not more than once a week. And a couple of weeks before giving birth, the product should be discarded so as not to overload the intestines.

At breastfeeding Green peas can be eaten, but only a few months after giving birth. Doctors advise nursing mothers to consume green peas in the form of additional ingredient for stewed or baked dishes.

As for children, it is best to introduce green peas into complementary foods first, and then dry peas. Very often, young mothers ask: “At what age can you give your child green peas?” Pediatricians say that children under one year old are recommended to eat green peas after ten months, boiled or stewed. It is better not to give fresh green peas to infants, as they are poorly digested and absorbed. You can also purchase ready-made ones in baby stores. vegetable purees with the addition of peas or cook it yourself. When the child is ten months old, only half a teaspoon of puree is allowed to be tasted. If the baby does not show an allergy to green peas, then the dose can be gradually increased. The daily volume of puree should not exceed fifty grams. Doctors strongly recommend consuming green peas no more than twice a week.

For men, green peas are useful because they help increase sexual desire and also prevent the development of prostatitis.

With chronic gastritis, green peas can be eaten, but not during an exacerbation of the disease. The most optimal dish for people with this diagnosis is soup with fresh green peas.

In folk medicine, green peas are used for heartburn. To get rid of burning pain in the stomach, you need to eat three fresh peas.

To get rid of eczema or purulent wounds, you should grind green peas to a puree and then mix with egg white in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected area of ​​skin, apply a bandage on top and secure. Change the bandage every morning and evening. The course of treatment lasts until the disease disappears.

If you have problems with your facial skin, masks containing green peas can also help. To do this, you need to mix pea puree with cream or sour cream (in a 1:1 ratio). Apply the mask to your face, and after fifteen minutes, wash in warm water. This procedure will help restore the previous tone and whiten the skin.

Below is a video about the beneficial properties of green peas.

Harm of green peas and contraindications

Green peas can be harmful to people who suffer from diuretic diathesis and gout, because it contains purines. In addition, the grains of this vegetable may cause bloating and increased gas production.

The use of such a product as food is contraindicated if an individual allergic reaction is detected.

If you have a stomach ulcer or pancreatitis, eating green peas is strictly prohibited, because this product can cause flatulence and stomach pain.

Diarrhea from green peas is very possible, so the product is not recommended for those people who have intestinal disorders, as well as hemorrhoids, as it can cause inflammation of the node.

Types and varieties

Green peas are divided into three types: shelling, sugar and brain. In turn, they have varieties that differ in color, taste and method of preparation.

The following varieties belong to the peeling type:

    “vinko”, “asana”, “abador” - peas appear forty-six days from the moment the first shoots appear;

    “Matrona”, “Twin”, “Nicholas” - peas fully ripen on the sixty-first day from the moment the first shoots appear;

    “resal” - harvest occurs sixty-eight days after the peas ripen;

    “Hezbana”, “Misti”, “Corvin”, “Zamira” - the fruits ripen after forty days, sometimes after thirty-eight days;

    “Ashton”, “Sherwood” - the period of full ripening occurs after fifty-five days.

This type of green peas is used in cooking for making soups and porridges.

Among sugar type The most popular varieties of green peas are the following:

    mid-season: “Zhegalova 112”, “Kaskad”, “Ilovetsky”;

    late ripening: “inexhaustible 195.”

Sugar green peas can be eaten with the pods or canned. It is not very suitable for drying, since the peas shrink when dry.

The following varieties belong to the brain type:

    mid-season: “urbana”, “maxdon”, “legacy”, “sweet friend”;

    late ripening: “omega”.

These varieties of green peas are excellent for canning, as well as for fresh consumption. Brain varieties are not suitable for cooking.

Growing: planting and care

You can grow green peas both in the country and at home on the balcony. To grow this plant in the garden, green pea seeds need to be planted at the end of April, when the air temperature is above ten degrees Celsius. Also, before planting peas, the seeds should be warmed up. To do this, you just need to spread the grains on outdoors so that the sun's rays fall on them. In this form, the seeds should remain for about four days. In addition, before planting, you need to add fertilizer in the form of ammonium nitrate, as well as mulch from dry grass or humus.

Caring for the plant is not very difficult. It needs timely watering, loosening the soil and weeding. It is also necessary to fertilize green peas. The first time feeding should be done when the plant reaches eight centimeters in height, and the second time after fourteen days.

You also need to know that when the plant sprouts reach twenty centimeters, the green peas need to be tied up. To do this, you can use branches, wooden pegs, mesh or trellises.

Green peas can also suffer from diseases such as powdery mildew, root rot, bacteriosis, anthracnose, which must be combated. To do this, you should remember a few important rules:

    Plant only those varieties that have been planted previously and have not been attacked by pests and diseases.

    Observe the timing of planting peas.

    Before planting the plant, the soil should be dug up.

    Remove infected plant parts, weeds, and pests in a timely manner.

    Clean and calibrate pea seeds.

If you follow all these rules, green peas will not be susceptible to diseases, which in turn will contribute to a high and stable yield.

Green peas ripen in June-July, depending on the variety grown. The fruits of green peas are harvested in the morning, when it is not yet so hot outside.

If you don’t want to buy seeds in the store, you can collect green pea seeds yourself for the next harvest. To do this, you should wait until the bushes are completely dry and the pods turn brown. After this, you need to pick off those pods that contain greatest number grains, and squeeze peas out of them. If there are rotten or damaged fruits, they should be discarded. Next, the grains need to be spread out on paper and allowed to dry for about seven days at room temperature. After a week, dry peas should be transferred to an airtight glass container and taken to a place where the temperature will not drop below fifteen degrees Celsius and there will be no strong moisture.

If you don’t have a summer house, then you can grow green peas at home on the balcony. Seeds should be planted in wooden boxes with sufficiently moist and loose soil. If the sprouts do not grow well, the plant needs to be fed with a solution of urea (one gram is required per liter of water). Exactly after a month, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. To do this, the seeds should be planted in boxes, having previously made grooves in the soil at a distance of twenty centimeters from each other. Each seed should be planted fifteen centimeters apart. After the seeds are planted, they need to be pressed down a little and then watered. Seal the edges of the grooves with earth. When the plant reaches fifteen centimeters, it is necessary to install a net over it along which it will curl.

Care for indoor peas in the same way as for country peas (regularly water and loosen the soil). In addition, occasionally you should make holes in the soil with a fork so that oxygen can better penetrate to the roots.

During the period of flowering and the formation of peas, the plant needs frequent watering and fertilization in the form of a phosphorus-potassium solution. Sugar pea varieties are harvested sixty days after germination at intervals of two days if the weather is dry and warm. If it is cool outside, the collection frequency should be four days.

When the growing season ends, the plant is cut and used for compost.


What are peas?

What are peas, the benefits and harms of peas for human health, what medicinal properties does it have? All this is of great interest to those who healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in traditional methods treatment, including with the help of vegetables and fruits. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Peas (lat. Pisum) are a genus of herbaceous plants from the Legume family. The homeland of peas is considered to be South-West Asia, where it was cultivated back in the Stone Age; in Russia, peas have been known since time immemorial.

The root system of peas is tap-type, well branched and penetrates deeply into the soil. Peas, like all legumes, enrich the soil with nitrogen. Beneficial microorganisms develop on its roots and in the root zone (rhizosphere): nitrogen-fixing bacteria, nodule bacteria, Azotobacter, etc. - capable of assimilating atmospheric nitrogen and having a significant impact on the accumulation in the soil of nitrogen necessary for plant nutrition.

The stem of peas is herbaceous, simple or branched, reaching a length of up to 250 cm. It can be lodging 50–100 cm or standard (bush) - in which the stem is unbranched 15–60 cm high, with short internodes and crowded flowers in the axils of the apical leaves.

Annual herbs with weak climbing stems. The leaves are pinnate and end in branched tendrils, with the help of which they cling to other plants.

The flowers have a butterfly-type corolla. Ancestral hallmark the flower has a three-edged column with a groove at the bottom and a tuft of hairs at the top.

The flowers are mostly white or purple of various shades, moth-type, located 1-2 in the axils of the leaves. Standard forms have peduncles with 3–7 flowers, often collected in inflorescences. Flowering begins 30–55 days after sowing. In early ripening varieties, the first peduncle appears in the axil of 6–8 leaves (counting from the root), and in later ripening varieties – 12–24. Every 1–2 days, further flower stalks appear. Peas are a self-pollinating plant, but partial cross-pollination is possible.

The pea fruit is a bean, depending on the variety it has a different shape, size and color. Each bean contains 4–10 seeds arranged in a row. The shape and color of the seeds are varied, their surface is smooth or wrinkled. The color of the seed coat matches the color of the flowers of the plant.

Beneficial features:

Peas in Russia have always been the most popular of the legumes: they are not difficult to grow, they produce a rich harvest, are perfectly nutritious and do not require complex culinary processing. In addition, in our country the healing properties of peas have long been known, which are due to its rich composition: it contains a lot of useful substances, but it is especially distinguished by the amount of vitamins and minerals, including very rare ones.

As a source of protein, peas are quite suitable for replacing meat, while they are much better digested, absorbed and do not cause the body the harm that we often receive from animal products.

Peas are good for those who lead active image life and engages in physical work - it helps the body endure stress, supplying it with energy, and increases performance. Natural sugar, contained in some varieties of peas, improves memory and brain activity.

Eating peas also contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system, helps get rid of heartburn and problems with intestinal function.

Peas are natural product, which contains a lot of antioxidants, and this is important not only for internal health, but also for the health of skin and hair, and therefore for beauty.

Regular consumption of peas reduces the risk of developing cancer and stimulates regeneration processes in tissues and organs.

It is not for nothing that peas have always been among the foods recommended for consumption during long Christian fasts: thanks to the large amount of healthy and nutritious protein, it gives the body everything it needs, and allows you to do without protein foods of animal origin for a long time.

There are almost as many essential amino acids in pea protein as in meat protein; there's a lot in it vegetable fat and starch, fiber and beneficial enzymes. It is not for nothing that peas occupy a leading place among other agricultural crops in terms of energy intensity and nutritional value - you just have to take a closer look at its composition, and it will become clear why.

Unripe pea grains are good famous product, an ingredient in many salads is green peas. It contains a lot of sugar (6–7%), protein (5–6%), and vitamin C (25–35 mg per 100 g). It's not only valuable food product, but also an effective medicine.

Peas are rich in zinc, magnesium, and green peas contain vitamin B1, which improves the condition of the nervous system. Fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins and excess cholesterol, enhances intestinal motility, so green peas are recommended for constipation. But you need to be careful, as it can increase gas formation.

Peas contain a large number of nucleic acid that the body needs to function normally. In addition, iron and vitamin PP are found in it. The listed microelements have a positive effect on metabolism, mental activity and vision, and also reduce the fat content in the body. Due to its relatively high protein content, peas contribute to quick satiety, but are not a high-calorie product, so they are recommended for dietary nutrition for obesity.

Fresh peas are the most useful, since about 90% of their nutrients are lost during the canning process.

For long-term storage The beans can be frozen.


Despite all the beneficial properties of peas, it misuse may cause harm to the human body.

It is better not to eat it raw. In this case, peas may impair the functioning digestive system, affect the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach.

Peas increase gas formation. This applies to both raw and cooked vegetables, so large quantities its use is also harmful. The formation of gases is associated with a considerable concentration of sugars and coarse fibers in peas.

Frequent consumption of peas is not recommended for elderly people, nursing mothers and gout patients. Pea beans contain a large amount of purines, which increase the level of uric acid in the body and cause the accumulation of salts of this acid, known as “urates”, in the joints, tendons, kidneys and other organs.

What are the benefits of green peas?

Green peas are a non-starchy vegetable that is highly valued by nutritionists. In its properties, young peas are similar to meat. Moreover, unlike protein in meat, pea protein is more High Quality, so the product is ready to eat raw.

In addition to healthy vegetable protein, peas contain fairly large quantities of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids.

Peas are a good diuretic, improve memory, and boost immunity.

It is useful for:

  • kidney diseases (contains a lot of potassium, vitamin B3);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of blood vessels and heart (it contains potassium and many B vitamins);
  • diabetes mellitus and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders (contains nicotinic acid, iodine, cobalt, B vitamins and vitamin D);
  • cardiovascular diseases (potassium, selenium, vitamins B, B1, D);
  • diseases of the organs of vision (it contains enough high content vitamin A);
  • obesity (it has few calories);
  • can increase brain activity (iron, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, E, B1, B5).

To get rid of constipation forever, just eat one teaspoon of pea flour every morning on an empty stomach!

  • Lowers cholesterol levels in the body (contains vitamins B3 and B12).
  • Burns fat.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer (B vitamins and vitamin E).

Medicinal properties of green peas:

Green peas contain a large amount of healing substances that remove toxins, waste and cholesterol from the body, normalize digestion and metabolism. Green peas are used in cosmetology to treat acne and smooth out wrinkles.

It is used in the treatment of diseases such as:

atherosclerosis, cancer, acne, increased oily skin, toxic liver damage, chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, vitamin deficiency.

Treatment of atherosclerosis with peas

Pass 200 g of green peas through a meat grinder along with the pods, add 30 g of crushed kernels walnuts and 2 tablespoons of honey. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 21 days. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment after a two-week break.

Pour 100 g of dried green pea leaves into 1 liter of water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, add 10 g of hawthorn fruit, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 28 days.

How to treat acne with peas?

Finely chop the green pea leaves and pour boiling water over them. Apply to problem areas of the skin for 15 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water. Carry out the procedure once a day (at night). The course of treatment is 10–14 days.

Pour 100 g of green pea pods into 300 ml of vodka, leave for 7 days, shaking occasionally, strain. Lubricate problem areas of the skin with the tincture once a day (at night). The course of treatment is 7–14 days.

Boil green peas with pods, mash, add 1 tablespoon of cucumber juice and 1 teaspoon of juice onions. Apply to problem areas of the skin for 10–15 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water. Carry out the procedure once a day (at night). The course of treatment is 7–10 days.

Cancer Prevention:

Pass 100 g of green pea pods and 2 small aloe leaves through a meat grinder, mix with 10 crushed cloves of garlic and 50 ml of unrefined sunflower oil. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of prevention is 21 days. Preventive treatment is carried out 2 times a year.

Pour 50 g of dried green pea leaves and 30 g of calendula flowers into 300 ml of vodka, leave for 14 days, shaking occasionally, strain. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of prophylaxis is 2 months.

How can you use peas to cleanse your body of toxins?

The cleansing course lasts 28 days. During the course, exclude meat, smoked foods, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, sweets, confectionery. Limit consumption of fatty and salty foods. Cleanse at the beginning of summer.

Day 1: during the day, eat 300 g of green peas (partially with pods) and drink 100 ml of unrefined sunflower oil. There is nothing else to eat that day. Drink vegetables and fruit juices. At night, do an enema with garlic infusion (2 l).

From the 2nd to the 14th day: eat 100 g of green peas daily, take 50 ml of sesame oil once a week.

From the 15th to the 21st day: pour 50 g of green pea leaves into 0.5 liters of olive oil, heat in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.

From the 22nd to the 28th day: pour 50 g of green pea leaves and 20 g of calendula flowers into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.

Recipes from the book by D. Nesterova “Healing with vegetables. Healers from the gardens."

What are the benefits of peas in weight loss diets?

This diet is quite simple, but also very healthy. For example, peas go well in various dishes with other vegetables, and due to the significant presence of proteins in it, this product has considerable energy value, for this reason, even people whose lives are filled with constant physical activity can follow the diet.

Pea porridge is very hearty dish, for this reason you will be full for a long time.

The pea diet is useful for a group of people who suffer from hypertension, anemia, anemia, and a variety of dermatological problems.

However, you should not abuse the diet, because pea porridge can cause flatulence. The diet is also contraindicated for chronic acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, gout, and so on. When losing weight, alternate pea porridge with buckwheat porridge, prepare dietary soups.

According to paleobotanists and historians, peas can rightfully be called the oldest crop used by humans for food. Dry fossilized peas are found in layers dating back to the Bronze Age. And thanks to the amazing unpretentiousness, friendly harvest and nutritional properties Peas quickly spread from the Middle East and Mediterranean to other regions of the world.

In Rus', peas have been grown for a long time, and in our country traditionally preference is given to shelling varieties, while in the southern regions of Europe sugar varieties are more common. At the same time, peas are rich in nutritional and biological active substances, and in some cases can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. What are the health benefits of peas and how can you best take advantage of them?

Composition and calorie content of peas

First of all, peas are a real storehouse of proteins, fiber and sugars.

By protein quantity and quality legume superior to beef, but easier to digest and even one and a half times more nutritious than this type of meat.

Most Valuable dietary product sugar juicy pods and peas are considered. Why is it useful? green peas in pods, and how does its composition differ from dry mature beans? Per 100 grams of peas there are about 300 kcal, and of this weight, 20.5 grams are proteins, 49.5 grams are carbohydrates, and only 2 grams are fats.

What are the benefits of peas consumed in the form of soups, cereals, canned food and salads?

  • The vitamins contained in peas include beta-carotene, vitamin A, E, H, B1 and B2, B5, B6 and B9, PP and choline.
  • The mineral composition of the fruit includes calcium, iron and zinc, copper and iodine, sodium and magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur, manganese, selenium and chromium.
  • Fresh pods contain and useful to man chlorophyll and amino acids.

Green peas, whose benefits for the body are most significant, lead in the amount of sugars, which are converted into starch when ripe.

And there are significantly fewer vitamins in dry peas than in healthy green peas in pods.

Useful properties of peas

Inclusion in the diet, the beneficial properties of which can have a beneficial effect on the performance of many systems and internal organs, becomes a serious help in providing the body with energy and combating various diseases. Even a small amount of peas on the menu have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular system, help normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients and reduce the risk of heart attack.

Dishes with the addition of legumes have a pronounced choleretic property.

No other plant can compare with peas in their ability to cope so effectively with cholesterol, which is harmful to blood vessels. Just 100 grams of green peas in pods, and the benefits are: daily dose vitamin PP, preventing asthma attacks and exacerbations of atherosclerosis becomes obvious. In addition, nicotinic acid is a natural protector of the body against cancer.

In addition, dishes made from tender green peas are an excellent preventive measure that supports the functioning of the liver, helping to overcome anemia and some heart problems. Beneficial properties of green peas traditional medicine used for diabetes and tuberculosis, diseases of the nervous and immune systems, as well as the risk of developing obesity. In treatment and prophylactic and culinary purposes Not only juicy green and ripe peas are used, but also bean blades, as well as young shoots.

Vitamin-rich snacks and salads are made from pea greens.

A decoction of shoots and pods is an effective diuretic used for inflammatory processes and urolithiasis.

The benefits of peas for the body are obvious if a person has digestive problems. For example, pea puree, which does not irritate the gastric mucosa and effectively reduces acidity, will be very useful for those who suffer from peptic ulcer. And the fiber contained in green pea pods is useful if it is necessary to cleanse the intestines of toxins. Therefore, pea dishes can be safely included in the menu for those who want to lose weight and improve their health.

No less effective and pea flour, when you consume just a spoonful of it, you can forget about constipation and sluggish digestion for a day.

Among the beneficial properties of green peas is the ability to quickly increase brain performance and supply all body systems with energy, which is extremely important for children, adolescents and people of active age. In addition, dishes with fresh peas stimulate metabolic processes, activate growth and maintain muscle tone. All this is due to thiamine, which is included in vitamin composition peas

Once in the body of adult gardeners, thiamine slows down the natural aging process and becomes a natural protection of cells from adverse environmental factors.

What else is useful for green peas in pods? So this is a powerful action aimed at stopping the development of tumor processes and diseases.

Pea decoction has the ability to relieve toothache, and vitamins and microelements contained in the liquid from beans and shoots help strengthen gums and relieve inflammation. But for all the benefits of fresh peas, harm from consuming beans of this crop is possible if you do not take into account existing contraindications and characteristics of one’s own body.

For headaches, pea flour will be useful, taken two tablespoons before meals. The same remedy can be used in therapy aimed at reducing sugar levels. Eating flour daily improves blood supply to the brain and metabolism. However, the benefits to the body are not limited to the effect on the functioning of internal organs. This natural spring minerals and vitamins can and should be used externally, for example, when solving cosmetic and skin problems.

Useful properties of peas in cosmetology

In this area, the benefits of green peas in pods and already mature dried grains are most obvious. Lotions with pea flour have long proven themselves as effective remedy for eczema, ulcers and inflammatory processes on the skin.

Pea flour, in equal shares mixed with milk, it is a refreshing mask that neutralizes excess activity of the sebaceous glands. If you add flour olive oil And egg yolk, then this composition will soften and nourish the skin in the autumn-winter season. The beneficial properties of green peas, mashed, depending on skin type, with sour cream or cream, help restore tone to the face and gently whiten it.

Mature women can use pea masks to relieve puffiness and restore a youthful facial contour. And green peas will help young beauties cope with acne.


Despite the presence of many beneficial properties, there are also contraindications for consuming peas and dishes made from them. Most of them are associated with the ability to cause violent gas evolution. You can soften, and in some cases completely remove, such an unpleasant effect by soaking the peas in water for a couple of hours before cooking. ordinary water. This will not affect useful qualities raw product and the taste of the finished dish, but will relieve the unpleasant consequences of its consumption.

Adding dill or fennel seeds and herbs to the water where beans are boiled will give the dish a piquant aroma, enhance the benefits of peas, and neutralize the harm.

And yet, those who suffer from acute inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system and digestion will have to reduce the amount of peas in the diet or eliminate this product completely, and legumes can also cause exacerbation of gout, cholecystitis and thrombophlebitis.

Video about the benefits of peas for the body