Green tea with thyme properties. Contraindications to use and harm of tea

Thyme, Bogorodskaya grass - all these are the names of the same plant, which has a whole range of medicinal properties.

Priests and healers knew about the healing properties of thyme. Even Avicenna used it in the manufacture of his healing potions and elixirs.

Thyme contains a huge amount of essential oils that exhibit antibacterial properties, killing fungal infections and microorganisms that harm our body.

Possessing a unique aroma, it calms and helps the body to relax and heal.


Thyme is a storehouse of vitamin-mineral complex.

100 g of Bogorodskaya grass contains the following substances necessary for our body:

  • Essential oils.
  • Vitamins: C - 160 mg, PP - 1.8 mg, group B - 46.3 mg
  • Minerals: K - 0.6 g, Ca - 0.4 g, Mg - 0.16 g, Na - 9 mg, P - 0.1 mg, Mn - 0.01 g, Zn - 0.02 g, Cu - 0.56 mg

This is what thyme looks like

Thyme tea is rich in essential oils, therefore it has a pronounced taste

Beneficial features

It should be noted that thyme tea is brewed for about 10 minutes and consumed immediately after infusion.

You can only brew thyme, or you can mix it with green or black tea

Additives will help to enhance the taste and useful properties: cinnamon, peppermint or lemon, honey.

Tea with thyme is recommended for people who have undergone surgery, severe and long-term illnesses.

Benefits of thyme tea:

  • Thyme tea is a drink that brings pleasure and healing at the same time. Possessing an indescribable aroma, he won a lot of fans. Tea is useful for people with a weak immune system.
  • Thyme tea is a pain reliever.
  • Another interesting property that thyme tea has is thermoregulation. In the heat, it refreshes, and in the cold it warms.
  • As a tonic drink, it is indispensable for people engaged in mental activity.
  • Thyme tea normalizes the intestinal microflora and is therefore recommended for people suffering from dysbiosis. For this, Art. pour a spoonful of raw materials with 2 tbsp. water and put on fire. Remove as soon as it boils. After an hour of infusion, consume 0.5 cups of 3 r. in a day. Depending on the severity of the disease, the duration of treatment is up to 2 months.
  • The components of thyme tea affect the human body at the cellular level, protecting and strengthening cells, as well as adjusting the metabolic processes occurring in them.
  • It is a mild laxative.
  • It removes phlegm from the body, therefore it is recommended for bronchitis, coughs and colds. Relieves irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane, kills microbes. In this case, mint, St. John's wort, rose hips, currant leaves are used as herbal supplements. This mix is ​​a powerful tool that will get you on your feet quickly.
  • Thyme tea is a remedy that helps get rid of worms.
  • Has the ability to disinfect and disinfect.
  • It is an antidepressant.
  • Helps relieve stress, a wonderful herbal soothing.
  • It is useful for the male body in case of disorders in the intimate sphere.
  • Tea with Bogorodskaya grass is an antipode to alcohol. Therefore, if the "green serpent" defeated someone from your family, conduct healing therapy with thyme. Drinking tea will cause persistent disgust and aversion to alcohol.
  • Tea with Bogorodskaya herb will make your breath fresh, eliminate the unpleasant odor, if any.

Tea with thyme, mint, calendula - soothes the nervous system and saves from insomnia

Tea with thyme treats alcohol addiction, for this it must be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach

Cold thyme tea saves you from the summer heat, therefore it is very popular in the countries of the East.

In fact, if you are not worried about the aforementioned diseases, thyme tea can be drunk for pleasure as well. Plus, it will serve as an excellent preventive measure against many diseases.

Harm and contraindications

Thyme tea is a unique drink.

However, with all the huge presence of useful substances in it for our body, there are a number of contraindications in its use:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Children under 3 years old should not drink thyme tea.
  • People with thyroid disease.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • If you have kidney disease.
  • With liver disease.
  • Heart failure.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Hypertension.

Thyme tea can be consumed for about 2 weeks, but no more. Next, you should take a break for 2 or 3 months. Before using thyme-based tea, it will not hurt to consult a specialist.

How to brew

The easiest way is to pour 2-3 sprigs of thyme with water and put on fire. As soon as it boils, remove.

Very healthy, aromatic and tasty drinks are obtained from a mixture of various herbs, which include thyme:

  • Lingonberry leaves (4 g) and 20 g each St. John's wort and thyme
  • Black tea (10 g), to which a mixture of the following herbs is added - St. John's wort, thyme (leaves), valerian (crushed root). Their ratio is 2: 1: 1.
  • Thyme (dry) and black tea. The proportions are 1: 1. You can add 1 tbsp to the finished tea. a spoonful of honey.

Thyme black tea is available in industrial packaging

Calorie content

100 ml tea with thyme contains 2.5 kcal.

Thyme tea is low in calories, it helps to cleanse the body, therefore it is very effective for losing weight

Traditional medicine recipes

The medicinal properties of tea and thyme will help:

  • Improve facial skin. To prepare it, you need to mix coltsfoot, thyme, chamomile and lavender. This remedy can be drunk in cups three times a day.
  • A mixture of green tea and thyme flowers will help relieve cramps, pain and calm down. It is poured over with boiling water. After a quarter of an hour, the tea is ready to drink.
  • Tea with thyme and apple turns out to be incredibly tasty. To make it for 5 people, you need black tea. It, in the amount of 6 teaspoons, is poured into a teapot. Place 6 small shoots of fresh thyme there. Pour boiling water over with a liter. While the thyme tea mixture is brewing, take 1 apple. Preferably green and sour. The apple, peeled and cut into thin slices, is laid out in teacups, mixed with 1.5 teaspoon of sugar and cinnamon. For our recipe, you should take only 0.5 tsp of cinnamon and divide into 5 glasses or cups. While the procedure was being performed with the apple, the tea was brewed and it can be poured into cups. Wait 1-2 minutes and start drinking.
  • A headache attack will help relieve green tea with the addition of thyme and mint. The components of such a medicine are mixed in equal proportions and filled with boiling water. After 10 minutes, the fragrant medicine is ready.

From this article you will learn about the benefits and possible dangers of thyme tea, how to brew it, about contraindications and much more.

Thyme- a perennial plant, its height is 5-40 cm. It has thin stems that spread along the ground. Flowers and leaves of this shrub are small, small. The leaves are oval and green in color, and the flowers are pinkish-purple, located in bunches at the ends of the branches. During the flowering period, which is June-August, thyme attracts a large number of bees and butterflies, as it is quite fragrant at this time.

Places of growth of thyme are the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, Transbaikalia, Ukraine. This grass prefers sandy soil, so it is easy to find it on the slopes of ravines or gullies, as well as in forests.

Historical reference

This is an unpresentable plant at first glance, which also has a name thyme, respected for a long time. It is often mentioned in oral folk art, in ancient herbalists and in the works of ancient authors (Aristotle, Plutarch). It was regularly used in folk medicine as a sedative, anticonvulsant and diuretic, actively treated whooping cough, stomach cramps, and neuralgia. For rheumatism, it was used in the form of lotions.

Why is thyme tea useful?

Thyme is endowed with a wide variety of useful properties, as it has a rare composition. Stems and leaves contain:

  1. various resins;
  2. flavonoids;
  3. tannins;
  4. organic acids;
  5. thymol;
  6. cymene;
  7. vitamins B and C.

Due to its content, thyme has a unique, memorable smell.

Our next article will talk about, about the species and varieties, how to drink it correctly, and much more.

About how to brew mate tea correctly and what benefits and harm it brings in itself - in.

Healing properties

Thyme tea is an excellent remedy in the fight against many diseases and ailments:

  1. For colds and flu, such tea is very useful in drinking, because it is able to overcome any virus.
  2. With pneumonia and bronchitis, it has an expectorant effect.
  3. Also, tea brewed on the basis of thyme has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. With a feeling of weakness, if depression covers, then this aromatic, tonic drink will have its beneficial effect. Such tea is able not only to bring a person out of a state of depression, but is also often used after brain injuries, during rehabilitation.
  4. Traditional medicine is effective uses brewed thyme in the treatment of cystitis and prostatitis and also helps to improve health for those suffering from sand or kidney stones.
  5. It is also possible to eliminate unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, improve the functioning of the digestive tract with the help of this drink.

  1. Men suffering from potency problems should drink at least one cup of this healing tea a day. This beneficial effect is easily explained by the zinc content in thyme, which has a very good effect on human reproductive function. There are many examples when men were cured of this unpleasant ailment with the help of ordinary thyme tea.
  2. There is an opinion that a person develops a complete aversion to alcoholic beverages with prolonged use of this tea.
  3. Black tea with thyme has a pronounced tonic effect and is perfect for people engaged in mental work. It is able to eliminate fatigue and increase performance.
  4. A childhood infection such as whooping cough is still treatable with thyme.... In this case, a liquid extract from the leaves is used. Thyme is included in the composition of the drug Pertussin, which softens and reduces coughing attacks with bronchitis and whooping cough.

In the cold season, it perfectly warms, and in the summer it quenches your thirst.

Tea Brewing Recipes


In the fight against obesity, you can use a fairly easy tea recipe. Put 1 tablespoon of thyme and a few mint leaves in a glass of water. After boiling water, reduce the fire to a minimum and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Next, the container with tea must be removed from the stove and wrapped in a towel for 10-15 minutes. After straining, the tea is ready to drink. It is recommended to drink it throughout the day.

To relieve pain

To achieve a sedative or anticonvulsant effect, as well as to get rid of pain, it is recommended to brew tea according to a different recipe: pour thyme into a teapot together with green leaf tea, pour boiling water in half and leave for 5 minutes, then add the remaining boiling water and strain.

Against cough

Thyme, brewed with green tea, softens breath, soothes coughs and exhibits anti-inflammatory effects. In these cases, the recipe will be as follows: pour a few tablespoons of chopped thyme into the teapot and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Warm up the resulting mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink a glass of cooled broth in three doses.

For healthy skin

Another drink recipe helps to improve the condition of the skin. It is brewed in the form of ordinary tea, but with the addition of sweet clover, rosemary, chamomile, coltsfoot, thyme, lemon balm and lavender. Everything is required in equal parts. This type of tea can be used several times a day, 150 ml.

For the throat

To treat throat problems, you just need to pour boiling water over a few branches of thyme. After the tea is ready and has cooled down a little, add honey to taste and consume the resulting drink in small quantities all day.

When to harvest thyme for tea

The most the best time for collecting thyme - flowering period, i.e. from June to August... It is then that it is more aromatic and the tea turns out to be rich and with a pleasant smell. It is better to pick thyme in dry weather in the morning, because when wet, it rots quickly. It should be plucked very carefully so as not to uproot.

Thyme is dried in the shade directly in the open air, constantly turning it over. It can be stored in glass containers with well-ground lids. Sometimes it is advisable to check the condition of the grass in order to dry it out if necessary.

In the next publication you will learn everything about rooibos tea: what plant it is made from, how it is produced, the benefits and possible dangers of rooibos tea, etc. More details.


With all the variety of useful actions, thyme also has contraindications. It should not be used by people with gallbladder problems, peptic ulcer disease and gastritis... The flavones in this herb are incompatible with some medications. This should be taken into account during drug treatment and consult with your doctor about the compatibility of thyme with medications.

With frequent constipation, you should also stop using this herb, since it contains tannins.

Essential oils, which this plant is rich in, not only increase appetite, but also irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, thyme is not recommended for those who suffer from colitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, acute nephritis.

Especially thyme is contraindicated in patients with atrial fibrillation, atherosclerosis, hypertensive patients, people with heart disease, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Thyme is undoubtedly a miracle herb with healing properties. It is worth listening to the advice of traditional medicine and applying the above recipes, because they are time-tested and always help a person to get rid of many diseases.

The ancient Greeks knew about the benefits and properties of the drink with thyme. Thyme or thyme has won the honorary title "fortitude". In ancient times, people believed in the power of the gods who could punish or bestow. The thyme wreath was used in rituals: it symbolized fertility, praised the goddess Artemis.

The Greek sages believed that a drink with thyme restores mental strength. Healers admired him for his ability to heal, and magicians and sorcerers believed that a medicine with thyme protects a person and a home from evil spirits.

In Russia, black tea with thyme gained popularity as a drink from God, giving strength. It is not for nothing that the herb was given the name "Mother of God". In the mountains of the Caucasus and Crimea (southern regions of Russia), with the onset of spring, women gathered thyme and prepared teas, decoctions, medicines, and also dried them for the winter.

Useful properties of thyme tea

Thyme tea is a remedy for restoring strength, health and vitality. Black tea with thyme and oregano quenches thirst in summer, warms in winter, fills the air with a pleasant aroma, and improves immunity.

Medicine claims that tea with thyme and mint has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves stress and chronic fatigue. Tea with thyme is valued in folk medicine for its high content of antioxidants that are beneficial for vision, heart, skin, and gastrointestinal tract health.

The chemical composition of thyme includes:

  • essential oils,
  • ash,
  • flovanoids,
  • tannins,
  • vitamins,
  • organic acids.

Relieves inflammation

Inflammation is the body's immune response to bacteria and viruses. Thyme tea, due to its antiseptic properties, prevents the development of infections. Strongly brewed black tea with thyme can be used for colds, tuberculosis, whooping cough, severe cough (pneumonia or acute bronchitis).

Since ancient times, herbalists and healers have noted the ability of thyme tea to remove phlegm (expectorant). Essential oils in thyme tea:

  • relieve pain and irritation during swallowing.
  • relieve spasms and swelling in the throat with acute angina.

Heals diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Thyme tea is effective in treating bone and joint diseases. With articular or muscular rheumatism relieves pain and spasms, relaxes muscles, relieves cramps and inflammation in muscle tissues.

With rheumatism or radiculitis at the stage of exacerbation, you can notice symptoms of fever, headache, general fatigue. Tea with thyme, mint or oregano is an assistant in the fight against the symptoms of inflammation.

Traditional medicine advises using thyme tea against helminths and pinworms. Helminthiasis is more common in children: they forget to wash their hands before eating and often come into contact with cats and dogs. Hygiene monitoring and disease prevention will protect you and your children.

Brew thyme tea 2 times a week. The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties of thyme will cope with the appearance of unwanted guests in the body.

Treats gastrointestinal diseases

Tea with thyme is useful in the prevention of gastritis, colitis. Organic oils and antioxidants in the formula relieve and prevent colic, bloating and flatulence. Please note that the use of thyme tea is contraindicated in chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

Helps with prostatitis and diseases of the genitourinary system

Tea with thyme is also called "fortitude" because it helps in the treatment of male problems. 70% of men face the problem of sexual impotence, complaints of prostate diseases or urinary disorders.

Thyme tea is a drink that copes with the problem of weak potency.

The bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties of thyme serve as a means of preventing and treating problems with sexual dysfunction, bacterial urethritis and prostate adenoma in aged men. "Male grass" helps to eliminate burning sensation during urination, eliminates pain in the pelvis and perineum, increases potency, normalizes lymph outflow.

Urologists and andrologists advise men suffering from chronic bacterial prostatitis to regularly consume tea with thyme. Infused thyme eliminates symptoms, relieves pain, normalizes the functioning of the prostate gland. Brew black tea with thyme and mint leaves for about six minutes.

Normalizes blood pressure

Thyme tea is useful for people with hypertension. High blood pressure brings a lot of unpleasant sensations - headache, migraine, ocular pressure, nausea. Tea with thyme relieves spasms, dilates blood vessels, eliminates attacks of acute headaches and insomnia. Also thyme in tea has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system - it soothes, relieves irritability and fatigue.

Treats skin diseases

The thyme tea compress heals wounds, cracks, skin ulcers, relieves itching and irritation. During the period of exacerbation of seasonal eczema, drinking thyme tea will help avoid acute skin inflammation, the appearance of boils and bleeding wounds. Often skin diseases and their exacerbation are a consequence of a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system. Thyme tea is an antidepressant. Brew thyme and lemon balm tea 2 times a day.

Good for children

A child's body works differently from an adult's body. The use of natural ingredients has a positive effect on health, does not cause allergic reactions, attacks of drug rejection. Thyme tea is useful for children from 4 years of age as an anti-cold, anti-inflammatory and sedative agent. If the child suffers from insomnia - make a cup of weak tea with thyme and mint.

Harm and contraindications of thyme tea

The power of thyme tea in the fight against diseases does not negate caution in its use. Although contraindications are kept to a minimum, pay attention to the exceptions.

Thyme tea is harmful if you have:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • progressive cardiosclerosis;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • heart rhythm disruptions;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • pregnancy.

To avoid the negative effects of using thyme tea, check the dosage. One cup of black tea requires 1 teaspoon of thyme. To enhance the aroma and beneficial properties of thyme in tea, add honey, mint, oregano. Drink the drink a few minutes after brewing.

Thyme tea during pregnancy

Sometimes during pregnancy, women indiscriminately consume food. Behavior is caused by hormonal disruptions, surges and mood swings. Remember that thyme compresses and thyme tea have different effects on the health of a pregnant woman.

Pay attention to the dosage of thyme in your tea. A high concentration of the plant can lead to miscarriage, bleeding or premature birth. Consult your doctor before use.

Ancient healers and herbalists often used the aromatic thyme for the preparation of medicinal potions and spices. The tart spirit of the Mother of God scattered in churches, accompanying divine services, and thyme honey was considered a cure for all diseases. Tea with thyme gave the desired coolness in the heat and warmed the soul on chilly evenings. And now this drink is worthy of attention, because its fragrance awakens the appetite, drives away fatigue and ailments. The article will tell you about its benefits, varieties, brewing methods, contraindications and recommended consumption rates.

Thyme - description, chemical composition and useful properties of the plant

The name of the genus Thymus comes from the Greek word incense, among the people the grass is often called the Mother of God, incense, chebarka, verest. The aroma that the tiny perennial exudes is due to the high content of essential oil rich in thymol. Wild individuals prefer living in mountainous areas, on the forest floor of a coniferous forest, in the steppe.

They can be found in many countries with a temperate climate, the area covers almost all of Europe, Eastern Siberia, Eurasia.
Of more than three hundred species of the genus Thymus in folk medicine and cooking, creeping thyme is in first place in popularity. It is a herbaceous groundcover perennial, reaching a height of 15 cm. Thin graceful shoots spread along the ground, forming a dense dark green cushion, above which capitate inflorescences of mauve tones rise. Perennial blooms long and luxuriantly, decorative up to 30 days.

The oval leaves have a small petiole. The length of the leaflet is up to 1 cm, the width is three times less. On the surface of the plates, there are many glands that produce essential oil. The cultivated relatives of the Bogoroditskaya grass have a more attractive appearance - leaves with beautiful edging or specks and lush hats of carmine, pink and snow-white shades. It propagates well by seed and vegetative methods - by cuttings, dividing the bush.

On a note! As a spice, thyme shows versatility - it goes well with cheeses, meat dishes, seafood, vegetables, fish. In some countries, even desserts are decorated with twigs, alcoholic tinctures and spiced oil are prepared.

After drying, the heather fully retains its beneficial properties and pleasant aroma. Raw materials are harvested during flowering. Shoots should be dried in a dark place with good ventilation. The shelf life of dried raw materials is 2 years. It is better to store in a glass container, avoiding exposure to sunlight and high humidity.

Perennial is rich in B vitamins and ascorbic acid. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, is a sedative, and protects the immune system. The leaves contain an essential oil, the main components of which are thymol and carvacrol. Substances exhibit pronounced mucolytic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic properties.

Studies have shown that the pathogenic microflora has not learned to resist the bactericidal qualities of the incense. This property is used to treat inflammatory processes of various locations and etiologies. So, herbal tea based on the plant eliminates flatulence, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibits the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, and has a beneficial effect on kidney function.

Chebarka is rich in organic acids. Ursolic acid helps to restore the contractile function of muscles, malic acid - relieves swelling and inflammation. Coffee and chlorogenic - are active against the herpes virus, Staphylococcus aureus, are powerful antioxidants. The infusion contains tannins, flavonoids, saponins, bitterness, resins and a whole range of essential trace elements.

The most important property of heather is the ability to activate the mobility of the cilia of the epithelial tissue of the lungs. This contributes to the rapid clearing of the respiratory tract from sputum that is difficult to excrete. On the basis of the herb, the medicine Pertussin is prepared, known as an effective and affordable mucolytic.

The benefits of thyme tea for women

Due to the stimulation of smooth muscles, it has an antispasmodic effect, which makes it possible to eliminate pain during menstruation. Anti-inflammatory components suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora in the pelvic region and intestines.

Noted positive influence for lactation, as heather stimulates milk flow. It is important to know that concentrated infusions and decoctions are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, allergies, and pregnancy.
Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, a drink with incense will give you vigor and relieve the first symptoms of a cold. With a protracted course of the disease, it will help to remove difficult sputum, suppress the herpes virus in the oral cavity, and get rid of bad breath.

On a note! Popular and external use of herbal tea in the form of trays, lotions. This method of using herbal infusions will help eliminate nail fungus, dandruff, skin irritation, and strengthen nails and hair.

Healing properties for men

Men are not used to talking about their health problems, so they are more willing to resort to herbal medicine than to visit the therapist's office. Thyme will help the stronger sex to heal the following pathologies:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the prostate, provoking the development of prostatitis and cancer.
  2. Thanks to molybdenum and zinc, participating in the production of sex hormones, the hormonal background is normalized, and the qualitative characteristics of the seminal fluid increase.
  3. B vitamins reduce anxiety and stress, which helps to eliminate the problem of premature ejaculation.
  4. Herbal tea is effective for muscle pain caused by overwork and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Chebarka helps to eliminate cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, and normalize blood pressure.
  5. For men engaged in hard physical labor or active mental activity, a healing drink will help get rid of pain, cheer up, and strengthen the immune system.
  6. Thyme tea stimulates the digestive system, assists in the absorption of fatty foods, and eliminates the symptoms of flatulence.

Important! Due to the high content of thymol, the concentrated infusion of the plant is capable of provoking vomiting.

This quality of raw materials has found application in the treatment of alcohol addiction. Getting rid of the addiction is based on the development of a stable gag reflex with the simultaneous use of infusion and strong alcoholic beverages.

The benefits of the drink for children

This miraculous drink with incense is incredibly useful for kids over 2 years old. Such age restrictions are due to the possible manifestation of allergic reactions. With moderate consumption and the absence of contraindications, tea with thyme reduces fermentation processes in the digestive tract, strengthens the immune system, increases stress resistance and adaptogenic qualities of the child's body.

But in most cases, this plant is still used for external use in the form of baths. This method of treatment is effective in the treatment of rickets and rheumatism of skin rashes, hyperexcitability.


It should be noted that there are several varieties of thyme tea. The first group includes black or green tea flavored with fragrant herbs, and the second includes medicinal infusions or herbal teas. If the drink is based on medicinal raw materials, the dosage should be strictly observed and the following contraindications should be excluded:

  • the period of bearing the baby and breastfeeding;
  • the patient's age up to two years;
  • a history of allergy to herbal preparations;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system - atrial fibrillation;
  • low blood pressure;
  • cholesterol plaques;
  • atherosclerosis, impaired blood flow;
  • period of exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema.

Another important contraindication is the decreased secretion of thyroid hormones - hypothyroidism. If you take medications with creeping thyme for a long time, there is a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones.

Attention! If there are contraindications or diseases of the endocrine system of the body, you should definitely consult a doctor before taking.

Can pregnant women drink thyme tea?

We have already answered this question in the previous section of the article - pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of thyme-based herbal preparations. Biologically active components of the plant enhance the contractile activity of smooth muscles. It is from this type of tissue that the uterus consists, the contractions of which can provoke a miscarriage.

In addition, it is possible to increase blood pressure and dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which will adversely affect the health of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus.

Choosing between synthetic and herbal medicines, expectant mothers often prefer the latter. The Mother of God herb will not harm your health if you drink it correctly. By adding a pinch of dried leaves to the teapot, you simply flavor the drink.

The life-giving fragrance of heather will give you vigor and drive away the first symptoms of a cold, eliminate headaches. A more concentrated tea, which in its essence is an infusion, is strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

How often can you drink the drink?

If you want to improve your health with natural herbal tea, the duration and dosage of this drug will vary depending on the purpose of the therapy. The recommended dosage and frequency of administration will be announced to you by the attending physician, because you can drink the medicine only after consulting a specialist.

If fresh or dried plant materials are used to flavor a drink based on black or green tea, the dosage will be minimal. Therefore, a healthy drink can be consumed throughout the day as usual - 2-4 cups.

By the way! Some tea brew manufacturers have already added fragrant thyme to it. You can easily find this product on the shelf of a large supermarket.

Thyme tea: benefits and harms, varieties, how to brew correctly

Herbal teas are very popular because they are natural herbal medicines. If you just want to pamper yourself with the indescribable aroma, buy a regular tea leaves with thyme leaves at the supermarket. Or prepare it yourself by adding a few fresh or dried herb leaves to the loose leaf tea. You can find raw materials for the preparation of infusions and herbal teas in a pharmacy or a specialized store.

Fragrant twigs go well with mint leaves, oregano, willow tea, lemon balm, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, valerian root. The components will enrich the beneficial qualities of the plant, but it should be remembered that the list of contraindications will also expand. It is necessary to select the composition for phyto-collection taking into account the desired effect. Let's consider some of the most popular combinations.

Black tea with thyme properties, brewing method

Adding Virgin Mary herb to black tea will give the drink a unique aroma. Incense will drive away fatigue, invigorate, enrich the drink with vitamins and minerals, help fight inflammation, colds, flatulence.

You can make your own drink or buy ready-made tea leaves at the supermarket. For brewing, it is better to use a porcelain teapot or glass French press. The dishes are pre-poured with boiling water, the water is drained. The amount of tea leaves should be taken to your liking. Mix the tea leaves with a pinch of heather or add the same amount of freshly harvested ingredients.

You need to brew the drink with hot, but not boiling water. The optimum temperature is 90 degrees. The infusion time is 7 minutes. The same brewing recommendations should be followed when preparing packaged or loose black tea with chebarka.

Advice! A small amount of leaf tea added to the herbal infusion will give the drink its familiar flavor without affecting the beneficial qualities of the water extract.

Green tea with thyme

Green tea leaves are a powerful antioxidant with a rich chemical composition. Their biologically active components prevent aging, strengthen the immune system, help lower cholesterol and improve digestion, and improve blood circulation. Vitamins and minerals will quickly boost your immune system. You need to cook and drink it according to the recipe described above.

Infusion recipe

Verest for medicinal purposes is more often used in the form of a monocomponent for preparing an infusion. The concentration of extractives is increased in it, therefore it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage. The treatment time should not exceed two weeks, and the amount of infusion is 50-70 ml three times a day. Both fresh and dried raw materials are suitable for its preparation. You will need 2-3 fresh twigs, and a tablespoon of dried leaves. The quantity is indicated for brewing in a glass of boiling water. It should be insisted for 15 minutes.

Tea with thyme and oregano

Oregano shoots emit a persistent pleasant smell, contain essential oil and a number of biologically active components. The substances help to resist inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, activate mental activity, fight migraines, fermentation in the intestines and dry cough. Oregano has a pronounced sedative effect, so a cup of drink before bed will make it easier to fall asleep.

Important! A strict restriction in the intake of infusion during pregnancy will be added to the contraindications for verest. It should also be noted that therapy adversely affects potency.

The proportions for brewing - two parts of the Mother of God herb, one part of oregano. Phyto-collection will require a teaspoon of 400 ml of boiling water. You need to insist for 12-15 minutes, and drink half a glass twice a day.

Collecting oregano, incense, raspberry leaves and coltsfoot will help with obsessive cough. All components are taken in a tablespoon, and a teaspoon of thyme in a glass of boiling water. During a cold, such tea should be drunk 2-3 times a day. It will quickly restore strength and strengthen the immune system, because raspberry leaves are very rich in vitamin C.

Tea with thyme and mint

Thyme and mint leave a great duo, giving the hot drink its healing properties. Drinking will have a beneficial effect on the health of the gastrointestinal tract. The drink will benefit those who want to get rid of extra pounds, since mint helps to reduce appetite.

This wonderful plant has a sedative effect on the nervous system, helps cleanse the liver and bile ducts, normalizes blood pressure and relieves pain. To collect the herbs, it is supposed to mix in equal parts. A teaspoon of the collection is brewed in 500 ml of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. You need to drink the infusion in half a glass before meals.

Thyme and ivan tea - benefits and harms

Another great companion of incense is fireweed. This plant is rich in vitamins and minerals, contains essential oils, pectin, flavonoids. These components help to reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system. The duet of these plants will help to overcome insomnia and migraine, relieve swelling, get rid of cough, prostate adenoma.

The herbal infusion has a great aroma and taste. For its preparation, dried herbs are mixed in equal proportions, two teaspoons are brewed in 600 ml of boiling water.

Remember! Infusion is contraindicated in glomerulonephritis, varicose veins, arrhythmias, a tendency to form blood clots.

Melissa tea, thyme, fennel - beneficial properties

The combination of lemon balm, chebarka and fennel is ideal for eliminating problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system. Herbs have the following effects on the human body:

  • gently soothes;
  • makes it easier to fall asleep;
  • stimulates digestion;
  • used to prevent anemia and strengthen the immune system;
  • helps to get rid of colic and flatulence;
  • copes well with thinning and removing viscous sputum with flu and colds;
  • stimulates the production of breast milk;
  • reduces nausea and attacks of toxicosis.

You can easily find such a collection in the pharmacy network. Especially popular is the Babushkino Lukoshko trademark, which offers packaged tea for children from 6 months. Carefully study the instructions for use, you need to brew filter bags as the manufacturer recommends. Among the contraindications for admission are individual intolerance to the components of the herbal collection.

Thyme and lemon balm tea

Lemon balm leaves contain more than 200 components that make up the essential oil. The leaves have a pleasant lemon scent. Vegetable raw materials contain B vitamins, carotene, ascorbic acid. And also the most important macronutrients for the body - zinc, magnesium, iron, cobalt, potassium, calcium. The plant is rich in organic acids, phenylpropanoids, tannins and coumarins, which are responsible for its healing properties.

Important! Arterial hypotension (low blood pressure) will be added to contraindications. Also, during treatment with a phytopreparation, one should refuse to drive a car and perform potentially dangerous work, because lemon balm is a powerful sedatic.

Melissa is an excellent antidepressant, it allows you to get rid of pains of various etiologies, and supports the immune system. It has antiallergic and antimicrobial effects. The herb does an excellent job of normalizing the heart rate, maintaining blood pressure. In combination with heather, fragrant lemon balm leaves help to calm anxiety, get rid of stress, insomnia, mood swings, nausea with toxicosis.

To make the collection, you will need 2 parts of lemon balm and one part of the Virgin's herb. A teaspoon of raw materials is brewed in two glasses of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes and drunk 1-2 times a day.

Where to buy, price

Herbal preparations and dried raw materials for their own production can be found in the pharmacy network. Ready-made herbal teas are sold in easy-to-brew filter bags. The cost of such natural preparations rarely exceeds 150 rubles, and for dried herbs, 50-60 rubles.

As for black and green tea with a low content of thyme (to enhance the aroma), they can be bought in the store under the Tess, Alokozay, Greenfield, Ahmad, Hyley’s, Mayskiy, Azerchay brands. The price largely depends on the brand and the number of bags in the package. Typically, the cost of such a brew is slightly more than black and green tea of ​​the same brand.


Thyme tea is a great natural remedy that will help in the fight against various ailments. A cup of fragrant drink will invigorate in the morning, cool after a hot bathhouse, warm after a walk in the frost. By adding certain components to the raw materials, you will not only improve the taste characteristics of the infusion, but also its healing qualities. For you an interesting video about the medicinal properties of thyme tea.

© 2018 Health from Nature · Information provided for informational purposes only.

We will show you how to properly brew thyme tea, its benefits and harm to the body. Thyme tea is delicious and aromatic. Let's try to figure out what effect it has on the human body, what are the indications for use.

The benefits and harms of thyme tea

Useful properties of tea

Thyme tea has a beautiful light yellow color, fragrant aroma and delicate, spicy taste. Alone or in combination with other treatments, it has a beneficial effect on the body.

Contraindications to use and harm of tea

Thyme tea belongs to the class of medicines. Therefore, you should not get carried away with drinking it.

It is prescribed in courses during some kind of illness, while brewing technology must be observed. You need to take a certain amount of the dried product and mix it with ordinary tea, which is customary for drinking at home.

If you add additional components (honey, mint, cinnamon), then the healing effect will increase. Tea should be drunk immediately after brewing, otherwise it will lose all its beneficial properties.

In addition, if the thyme stays in the teapot for a long time, the tea will become bitter. If the plant was harvested correctly, in a favorable place and good weather conditions, then there will be no harm from such tea.


  • In large quantities, tea with thyme is contraindicated for pregnant women, it can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus. Against the background of altered hormonal levels, an allergic reaction may occur.
  • Hypertension.
  • Individual intolerance to some component.
  • Children under three years old.
  • In case of thyroid diseases, it is not recommended to take such tea.
  • Tea enhances the production of gastric juice, so it is contraindicated for stomach ulcers, gastritis.
  • For diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • For cardiac arrhythmias.

Greenfield tea

Some elite teas include thyme in their composition. There is no need to mix and invent anything, the producers of Greenfield have thyme tea in the series. The smell and aroma of such tea is no different from other decoctions..

Greenfield thyme tea comes in two main forms:

  • in bags;
  • in loose form.

Greenfield Spring Melody includes Indian black tea, currant leaves, mint and thyme. This combination will enhance the taste and healing properties of the plant.

The drink has a tart taste, mint adds coolness to the taste, and thyme adds spices.

By itself, thyme is a very useful plant. It contains many useful compounds.

Vitamin complex:

Mineral complex:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids.

Varieties of this drink

There are many types of tea, each of them differs in the method of brewing or additional components. Also, do not forget about the change in useful properties., because the interaction of components can improve not only taste, but also usefulness.

Tea with thyme and mint

The required amount of thyme and mint (1: 1 ratio) is poured with boiled water. Then the infusion is put on the fire, where it languishes for another 20 minutes.

After that, it is poured into a glass container, wrapped and left for 10 minutes. Tea can be drunk both chilled and heated.

Tea with thyme and oregano

Oregano itself has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, sedative effect. In combination with no less healing thyme, an effective remedy is formed in the fight against any disorders in the body.

The taste and aroma will certainly please. Tea is brewed with oregano and thyme in a ratio of 1: 3.

Herbs are poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour. Ready tea is drunk chilled or warmed.

But the techniques for brewing hot and cold tea are different.

Green tea with thyme

Thyme green tea is an excellent remedy for seizures. Relieves pain and soothes. This tea is especially useful for men who have problems with the genitourinary system.

Add a little dried thyme to a teapot with green tea, and pour boiling water over it. The tea will be ready in a few minutes.

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Application during breastfeeding

The benefits of thyme tea in small doses for a nursing mother and baby are as follows:

  • Essential oils, which are found in large quantities in tea, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of a nursing mother. This tea soothes and restores sleep, which is very important in this period.
  • Tea restores lactation, if there is little breast milk and it disappears, you can drink tea with thyme. It is especially effective if the decrease in lactation is associated with stress or a cold.
  • Helps the female body recover after childbirth. Promotes uterine contraction.
  • They can treat colds and not be afraid that tea, falling into milk, will harm the child.
  • Helps the immune system fight various diseases.

It is worth refraining from taking tea with thyme for mothers whose babies are prone to certain diseases:

  1. Disorders in the work of the kidneys.
  2. Allergic manifestations.

The area of ​​application of thyme is huge. The herb is added to relaxing baths, thyme is also popular in cosmetology, and various remedies are made on its basis.

It is brewed and added to tea. Thyme tea will bring taste and aesthetic pleasure. And you will definitely want to try it again.

How to collect thyme correctly

It is worth noting that the upper half of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. You need to collect thyme during flowering, it falls on the end of June and beginning of August. The collection should be carried out correctly by cutting off the top of the thyme with flowers and carefully placing them in a basket or bag. Make sure that the harvested plants are not wrinkled or pressed.

Try not to pull out the plant with its roots, because the sod part will not be useful for medicinal purposes, and remaining in the ground will give new shoots next year. Thyme reproduces both vegetatively and by seed.

Harvesting thyme consists in selecting rough stems and diseased or damaged plants from the bulk of the harvested raw material.

Attention should also be paid to ensure that insect larvae and insects themselves do not get into the drying. It is best to sort through the thyme in dry weather, in the afternoon, so that all the morning dew has dried on the stems.
The correct procedure for drying should look like this:

  • tie the plant into small bunches;
  • prepare one of the options for drying:
    • an attic with a metal roof;
    • a canopy in which there will always be a shadow;
  • spread on paper or natural fabric if drying takes place on a flat surface;
  • hang on a rope, leave small gaps between the bunches so that they do not steam up.

In order to leave as many nutrients as possible in the thyme, it is by no means recommended to dry it in a dryer. The plant contains essential oils and when forced drying, they simply evaporate. If, nevertheless, weather conditions force to apply the method of piece drying, you need to carefully monitor that the temperature in the drying is kept at the level of thirty-five degrees, but not higher.

A sign of good drying is that the leaves and flowers begin to fall off when touched. In this case, you need to remove all unwanted objects: rough stems, leaves with yellowness, bloom and imperfections, as well as all other possible impurities.

The quality of the harvest is determined by the consistency of small pieces of dark green leaves and dry brownish-red flowers. A little admixture of small twigs and stems is allowed (less than 5%). The moisture content of the finished collection should not exceed 13%.

You need to store the ready-made collection in dry, well-ventilated rooms, in glass containers, canvas bags or cardboard containers. Do not store thyme in ordinary pouches, there the plant will instantly rot and lose its healing qualities.

If you follow the rules, the medicinal collection of thyme can be stored for two years.

The use of thyme in home cosmetology

The value of the plant in this area of ​​application is that it helps to treat problem skin, hair, and improves the general condition of the body.

There are several recipes for using thyme in home cosmetology.

Steamed bath with thyme

Boil one tablespoon of the collection in 0.5 liters of water for 20 minutes. After removing the boiling broth, cover the back of your head with a cloth and hold your head over the vapors of thyme. This procedure is not recommended to be carried out more than twice a week.


  • oily skin of the face;
  • combination skin of the face.


  • acne eruption.

Thyme tincture facial lotions

Pour one spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiled water, wait - until the liquid cools. Then moisten a sterile napkin, squeeze out a little and apply it to your face. Regularly, after 2-3 minutes, moisten a napkin or a piece of natural fabric again and apply it on your face. Repeat the procedure for 15-20 minutes.


  • inflamed skin;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • loose and loose skin;
  • enlarged pores and blood vessels.


  • closely spaced capillaries;
  • progressive acne.

Thyme bath

Pour a tincture of a collection of 4 tablespoons of herbs and 1 liter of boiling water into the recruited bathroom. Leave the collection after boiling for 20 minutes. Take a bath for no more than 10 minutes.


  • cellulite;
  • improper metabolism;
  • weak immunity.


  • low pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • progressive acne.

Thyme for hair

An excellent remedy for dandruff and hair strengthening. The procedure also helps to prevent hair loss.

Boil two glasses of water and 4 tablespoons of the herb for 10 minutes, then strain and allow to cool. After washing your hair with traditional shampoos, apply the broth to the hair and massage it over the entire length of the hair. The broth does not need to be washed off.

There are many more uses for herbs in home cosmetology, lotions and oils. Thyme allows you to maintain a woman's natural beauty and attractiveness without the use of chemicals, only with the help of Mother Nature.

Side effects when using thyme

Thyme is a very useful plant, but in some cases it may be contraindicated. It can be both diseases and individual characteristics of the organism.

  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • asthma;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • liver disease;
  • kidney disease.

Thyme should be taken with caution in such cases:

  • with peptic ulcer;
  • with gastritis;
  • 4-9 months of pregnancy (only as directed by a doctor).

General opinion of those who took thyme tea

Most people who regularly drink thyme tea report positive changes in their overall health. In the Baikal region, almost all families replace ordinary tea with tea made from medicinal herbs, the basis of which is thyme.

Many people share their impressions of how thyme helps with various diseases or health disorders.
Thyme oil helps people get rid of: headaches, depression and sleep disorders.

Young mothers share how thyme decoction saves their babies from bloating and intestinal spasms. Indeed, thyme improves all digestive processes in the body. It is also used in the industry in the manufacture of toothpastes and mouthwashes, and at home to combat bad breath.
Thyme baths save the elderly from the inconvenience of sciatica and other diseases of the spine and joints.

Men claim that thyme tea helps to solve such a difficult problem as prostatitis and get rid of premature ejaculation.
Women like the taste of the drink itself and the presence of many beneficial properties in it, as well as the amazing property that relieves pain during menstruation.

They also share recipes using thyme, also known as "thyme" as a spice. In addition, dishes with thyme are not only better absorbed in the body, but also induce a healthy appetite.

There are even cases in which they say that thyme helped to recover from alcoholism.
Tea with thyme, perhaps, is not drunk only by those who do not know about its multifaceted benefits or have a number of contraindications to use.

You should not take all statements for the pure truth and follow the advice of other people, before using any medicinal herbs, you must undergo a diagnosis and establish the correct diagnosis, because relying only on your intuition can significantly harm your health. In any case, thyme is not a panacea for all diseases, but simply an extremely useful medicinal plant that must be taken “wisely”.

Cases of poisoning or overdose with this wonderful plant are unknown. This herb is available to everyone in our geographic latitudes, so do not waste your time and use the gifts of nature to improve your health.

Thyme is an herb with many of the most amazing properties. Let's start with the fact that in ancient times it was used to drive evil spirits out of the dwelling. Housewives used it as a spice, and healers cured almost all known diseases with it. In our time, thyme is undeservedly forgotten. But in vain! After all, this little herb has considerable healing power. Let's find out what are the benefits and harms of thyme tea for human health, as well as where it is still used.

The benefits of thyme

The benefits and harms of thyme tea largely depend on its chemical composition, which provides the healing properties of this drink. What's so special about him? Let's find out.


Thyme tea has a fairly rich chemical composition. It contains:

  • vitamins;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • resin;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • bitterness.

The high percentage of essential oils, which can reach 0.6% in fresh leaves of the plant, explains the rather strong aroma that thyme gives to tea. Vitamins include ascorbic acid, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid, retinol. Minerals are represented by potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc.

Thyme is a rather unpretentious plant. It can often be found on barren, "waste" lands

Healing properties

Why is thyme tea useful? What medicinal properties does it have? Translated from ancient Greek, thyme means "strength of mind." He received such a name for a reason. Infusions and decoctions with its participation can heal from many ailments, alleviate a painful condition, reduce the harmful effects of microbes and toxic chemicals.

Also, this drink is able to normalize reproductive function in men, which means it will be useful for elderly people. The high content of vitamins makes it possible to use it as a source of these substances necessary for humans. A large amount of potassium helps to lower blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, and remove excess fluid from the body.

Interesting fact! Thyme is also called thyme, Bogorodskaya herb, incense, motherboard.


For what diseases should you drink thyme tea? The benefits of this drink are especially evident in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • hypovitaminosis
  • hypertension
  • neurosis
  • prostatitis
  • rheumatism
  • radiculitis
  • anemia
  • gastritis
  • bronchitis
  • asthma
  • pneumonia
  • diabetes
  • skin diseases
  • kidney disease.

It also helps with stomach cramps, flatulence, stomach ulcers. With a breakdown, depression, thyme tea will cheer you up, add vigor and positive emotions. He will help alcoholics get rid of the pernicious passion for alcohol, as it can cause disgust to him, relieve addiction. With a hangover, this wonderful drink will relieve headaches, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal system.

Tea with thyme is especially useful for colds. It relieves headaches, tones and helps to keep warm

In what cases is it harmful?

Contraindications to the use of thyme tea are:

  • pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland.

Also, you should not abuse this drink for more than 2 weeks in a row. It is necessary to take breaks between courses, for a period of 2 months. If, during treatment, you suddenly need to take any medication, then it is imperative to inform the doctor about this.

Advice! Thyme is by no means a harmless herb. Uncontrolled consumption of this plant can lead to serious organic damage. Therefore, before deciding on treatment with its help, first consult with a specialist.

Thyme is often found in elite teas. It gives them a spicy note of spicy scent.

Cooking recipes

In order for the treatment to be beneficial, you need to know how to brew thyme correctly. There are several recipes for its preparation. Let's take a look at some of them.

The easiest cooking method is very similar to a regular brew. Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped herbs, poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for an hour. Then the drink is filtered and used as directed.

You can make thyme honey tea in the same way. The recipe in this case is supplemented with a spoonful of honey, which is dissolved in a warm infusion after straining. This drink has a double benefit and is used in the treatment of colds, viral infections.

Tea with thyme and mint is very useful. For its preparation, take 1 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped thyme and mint. Pour 200 ml of boiling water. All are boiled in a water bath for about 5 minutes. After this time, cover with a lid, then leave to infuse. After 15 minutes. filter the drink, add sugar or honey if necessary.

All about the beneficial properties of thyme and how to use it can be found in this video:

Are you one of those millions of women who are struggling with being overweight?

And all your attempts to lose weight have not been crowned with success? Have you already thought about drastic measures? This is understandable, because a slender figure is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, it is at least a person's longevity. And the fact that a person losing "extra pounds" looks younger is an axiom that does not require proof. Therefore, we recommend reading the story of a woman who managed to lose weight quickly, effectively and without expensive procedures ... Read the article >>

A lot has been said about the benefits of plants, and most importantly, right. Therefore, they are often used to treat certain diseases, as well as to generally strengthen the immune system. In connection with the above fact, the most popular shrub, which occupies a leading position in application, should be considered - this is thyme. It is used as an additional component to tea. How much ahead of harm? And have the unpleasant consequences of drinking thyme tea been revealed?

The health benefits of thyme tea

The plant is popularly called thyme. It also has a scientific name: thyme. Due to its pleasant aroma and taste, it is often used in healing and cooking. The dried collection looks great with meat dishes, and thyme tea just works wonders. Its taste is so remarkable that a pleasant aftertaste remains for a long time. But is everything so good with the frequent use of thyme?

Herbal tea can be drunk in large quantities in the treatment of sciatica, sciatic nerve inflammation, to improve the absorption of food, in diseases of muscles and joints. If you suffer from a cough after a cold, use thyme tea or infusion, as it has excellent expectorant properties. If there is a rash on the skin, you can use a special decoction to treat the affected areas.

Important! The use of herbal tea should not exceed the permitted dosage. So, for example, an adult with a normal physique is allowed 2-3 cups of tea, with the addition of half a teaspoon of the dried collection to each.

The harm from thyme tea

There is no need to talk about the dangers of thyme tea. If the dosage is observed, this drink only brings benefits. But, experts strongly advise against taking plant treatment for pregnant women. The following diseases fall into the risk group:

  • thyroid disease;
  • and the duodenum.

These opinions differ, as does the statement that thyme tea should not be consumed by women during lactation. Some doctors, on the contrary, recommend drinking a cup of thyme tea before feeding the baby, believing that this increases milk production. Others, representatives of medical workers, talk about the dangers of taking the described drink, because of the danger and harm to the baby.

Thyme is dangerous for its allergic reaction, which can occur in a person even after drinking one cup of tea. In principle, bans on the use of a drink are justified in the form of allergic reactions.

Important! After your first intake of thyme tea, pay attention to your skin and general condition. If you notice some abnormalities, as well as a slight manifestation of a rash, stop drinking and consult your doctor for advice.

Benefits and harms for men and women

As mentioned above, tea with thyme is prohibited for pregnant women (you can read in detail how to use it in our article). This is explained by the following

reason: women experience an increase in uterine tone due to exposure to thyme, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. As for the rest of women, the presented healthy drink is recommended for use during menstruation, since thyme is able to relieve pain and speed up the process of opening the uterus.

Tea with thyme is recommended for use by women with diseases of the genitourinary system: uterine and accessory inflammations, in the presence of cysts, follicles on the uterus and ovaries. But it is better to use it under the supervision of a doctor and only after consultation, especially if you plan to treat diagnosed diseases by drinking tea.

In men, thyme tea has not only an effect on increasing potency, but is also taken to treat prostatitis. This effective drink, due to its composition, has an anti-inflammatory effect, which means a significant reduction in unpleasant symptoms.

Thyme tea for children

The drink is not recommended for use by children under 3 years of age, due to the danger of an allergic reaction. For children, thyme tea is useful as a cure for colds. If your baby gets his feet wet and sniffles, use tea. Just do not leave the plant in water for a long time. For children, it is enough to withstand the collection in boiling water for 2 minutes, because the thyme gives off bitterness, and the child will refuse to drink a healthy drink. Don't forget to add honey. When combined with thyme, it has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. As a result, the baby will completely get rid of the symptoms of colds in a couple of days.

Use the thyme brew correctly. You should not use the brewed herb twice, because bitterness comes out of the thyme with prolonged exposure to water. This is, firstly, unpleasant, and secondly, it will lead to intoxication of the body, and will be harmful.

"Thyme can heal anything but a broken neck and a broken heart," said Mr. Dudney, the hero of Rudyard Kipling's English fairy tales. Thyme deserves such a high assessment by right: its properties really save you from many diseases. Tea with thyme is especially popular.

Benefits and aroma

tea with thyme photos

Thyme tea is an amazing gift of nature to humanity, which prevents and heals many ailments. Teas with thyme will certainly conquer with their unforgettable taste and aroma. Thyme has several names - thyme, theotokos herb, bonnet. As a medicine and seasoning, thyme is used in a variety of life situations.
Whatever it is called, the drink tea with thyme has excellent beneficial properties. Specifically, why thyme tea is useful, they learned in ancient times, when they treated their ailments with this universal herb and discovered a recipe for a healing drink. Tea with thyme is a kind of stabilizer: it warms up in winter and refreshes in summer.
Among other things, this drink tones up, relieves fatigue and adds strength, it also solves digestive problems, fights colds, helps the body recover from illness, protects against allergies and even gives strength to men. It has also been found that thyme has good anthelmintic, menstrual regulation, appetite-enhancing and vision-enhancing properties.

Distribution and procurement

the herb is used both fresh and dried

Fragrant thyme can be found in the Caucasus, Turkey and Europe. The first mentions of the amazing properties of this herb are found even before our era. Thyme performed the work of an antiseptic, and was also added to the composition of embalming agents, even brought people to their senses after fainting. It is believed that a pillow stuffed with thyme brings health and longevity. Therefore, if a sprig of thyme lies in the room, harmful bacteria will be destroyed in the air, and the smoke from the burnt grass will increase the antiseptic properties.
The harvesting of thyme begins when the herb is in full bloom. The plant must be carefully cut, leaving the roots for the next flowering. You need to dry it outdoors, in the shade, stirring constantly. The dried herb retains its properties for 2 years.
The presence of essential oils, carotene, vitamins, organic acids, gums in the herb makes it useful and valuable in cooking, cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine. Thyme contains organic acids, a polyphenol substance that protects the genetic material of the cell, vitamins B and C, carotene, resins, gum, etc.

Options for making thyme tea

several types of preparation of thyme tea

  • To get rid of a cough, you need to pour boiling water over the branches of this herb, cool it down, if you wish, you can add honey and take it several times a day.
  • If you mix thyme with herbs such as St. John's wort, mint, currant and mint leaves, add valerian root and rosehip, you get a mixture rich in vitamins and trace elements that will relieve ailments.
  • The medicinal infusion is made by adding 0.5 l. boiling water 1 tbsp. l. dry thyme, then insist in a thermos for 30 minutes. This infusion is used to make compresses for pain in muscles and joints, gargle with inflammation, treat rheumatism, eczema and gout.
  • For tea, a less concentrated infusion is prepared: 10-15 gr. herbs are poured into 1 liter. boiling water and use it for disturbed digestion, bloating, edema. Previously, this tea was drunk to cure tuberculosis.

The medicinal properties of this herb are actively used by tea companies that produce their products with the addition of thyme. Thyme tea relieves spasms, improves immunity and dilates blood vessels. In addition, this drink restores not only physical strength, but also improves the mental state of a person. More sophisticated tea drinkers with this aromatic herb prefer summer thyme.
Black tea with thyme saves from coughs or, for example, dysbiosis, and also helps to restore strength in the process of recovery. Green tea with thyme tastes more astringent and aromatic. The drink has proven to be an excellent pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent.
There is nothing complicated in how to brew thyme tea. First you need to prepare a vessel, a cast-iron, porcelain, glass or clay jug or teapot, previously doused with boiling water, will do. The tea leaves should be put in less than usual, fresh or dry thyme should be added to it in a small amount. It is advisable to drink the drink in the morning, so that the charge of vivacity from it helps the body to work during the day.
The drink has more than one recipe for thyme tea. The simplest of them is to pour boiling water over a couple of herb twigs and boil again.

  • To enhance the healing effect, you can add other medicinal herbs to the drink: St. John's wort, lingonberry, valerian root. For example, 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves of thyme and St. John's wort, 4 gr. dry lingonberry leaves.
  • Another recipe: 5 gr. dry thyme leaves, 10 gr. dry rosehip, 1 tsp. honey.
  • To make tea with mint and thyme you need 2 tbsp. l. mint and thyme pour 250 ml. water, keep on low heat for up to 5 minutes, then insist in a warm place for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting drink and use instead of water or tea.
  • There is another version of the drink tea with thyme and oregano: 3 tsp. dry thyme, 1 tsp. pour 500 ml of dried oregano and mint. boiling water. For 12 hours, insist the liquid in a thermos. The drink will help with diseases of the cardiovascular system and the genitourinary system.
  • For those who care about their skin, you can make tea from a mixture of herbs chamomile, sweet clover, thyme, coltsfoot, rosemary in equal proportions. This tea should be drunk at 150 mg. 3-4 times a day.
  • If you add thyme to culinary dishes, as the French like to do, it will be given a unique taste and aroma. Meat, compotes, soups, as well as pastries with this herb will conquer even a sophisticated gourmet.