Bake homemade sausage. How to make blood sausage at home using a recipe

Semi-finished products do not provide any benefit, and some of them are harmful. But what to do if sometimes you really want to try, for example, sausages? And many children love her very much. Don't rush to the store, make your own homemade sausage from natural ingredients. This is delicious!

How and from what can it be made?

Many people will think that cooking sausage at home is incredible. difficult process. In fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem. Here are the main preparation steps:

  1. First of all, decide on the ingredients. If you prefer meat, then use that. This could be, for example, pork, beef or even lamb. But take those parts that don’t have a lot of life in them, otherwise you won’t get a tasty sausage. You can also use poultry meat or offal (liver, gizzards, etc.). You can also add, for example, vegetables or cereals to the meat. A very nourishing and tasty sausage is made with buckwheat. In general, be guided by your tastes. Some people like it fatty sausage, others - blood, others prefer something light.
  2. Second important point– shell. If you want to cook completely natural dish, then it should also be natural. For these purposes, empty pork or beef intestines are used. Where can I get them? This product can be sold in large supermarkets or specialty meat stores. But you can go to the market, find a meat seller there and try to negotiate with him. If you couldn’t get such a component, don’t despair, you can do without guts. You can use regular cling film. But, of course, after cooking it needs to be removed. In addition, frying or baking the dish will not work in this case.
  3. The third stage is preparation. Here again, it all depends on your habits and preferences. If you are eating dietary products and do not eat fried or smoked foods, then the best option– Boil or steam the sausage. But another harmless way heat treatment- This is baking. If principles are alien to you proper nutrition, then fry or smoke the sausage. By the way, you can cook it over a fire.
  4. As far as different flavorings and tricks go, you can use any of your favorite seasonings. There are practically no restrictions here. Improvise and experiment, create your own unique recipe.

Several recipes

How to make delicious homemade sausage? There are a great variety of sausage recipes: with meat, mushrooms, vegetables and other ingredients. Methods of preparation also differ. We invite you to explore several recipes.

Sausage with mushrooms and cheese

To prepare delicious sausage with cheese, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams minced meat(it is best to use pork or mixed);
  • 100 grams of champignons;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • dill to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. First prepare the mushrooms, garlic and onions. Peel the onion and garlic, finely chop the onion, and chop the garlic too. Rinse the champignons well and cut into thin slices.
  2. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, add mushrooms, onions and garlic. Sauté it all a little until a light and barely noticeable golden crust appears.
  3. Now mix the fried ingredients with the minced meat.
  4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, finely chop the greens.
  5. Mix cheese and herbs with the remaining ingredients, add pepper and salt, mix everything well.
  6. If you decide to bake or fry sausages, it is better to use the intestines as a casing. Rinse them and dry them a little.
  7. Now start filling the guts with the filling.
  8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Take a baking sheet, grease its bottom with vegetable oil, and lay out the sausages.
  9. Bake the dish for about 30-40 minutes. If the sausages start to burn on the bottom, turn them over.
  10. Ready!

Pork liver sausage

It's delicious and quite inexpensive liver sausage. It is easy and simple to prepare it at home. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 2.5 kg pork liver;
  • 500-1000 grams of visceral fat (the amount can be varied, it will depend on the desired final fat content);
  • 50-70 grams of salt (the amount can also vary depending on your tastes);
  • ½-1 teaspoon ground nutmeg;
  • beef intestines for casing.

Cooking method:

  1. First prepare the liver. Remove all the veins, cut it into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Boil the liver in salted water until half cooked (about 10-15 minutes), then cool.
  3. Now pass the boiled liver along with interior fat through a meat grinder (or grind in a blender).
  4. Add nutmeg and salt. Mix the whole mass well and thoroughly. It is better to do this with your hands so that the composition is homogeneous and the salt is mixed.
  5. Now take the beef intestines (they should be washed and a little damp) and stuff them with the filling. Tie the ends.
  6. Now boil the sausage in water or, for example, vegetable broth for 30-40 minutes.
  7. Remove the sausages and cool them in cold water and feel free to serve after slicing.

Boiled chicken sausage

The chicken sausage turns out to be very tender and practically dietary. Here's what you'll need to prepare it:

  • 500 grams of chicken breast;
  • 30-50 ml beet juice (for a beautiful pink shade);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 chicken egg whites;
  • 200 ml cream (10% fat);
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. At first chicken breast cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder ( better a couple times) or grind in a blender until smooth.
  2. Peel the garlic and chop it too.
  3. Now to the received minced chicken add garlic, cream, egg whites, beet juice, as well as pepper and salt. Beat everything together thoroughly in a blender.
  4. Now place the resulting mixture on cling film and wrap it, tying the ends. You can use regular films instead of film. food bags, but before that it’s better to wrap the minced meat in foil and only then put it in a bag.
  5. Boil the sausage in water or broth until cooked. This will take approximately 30-40 minutes.
  6. Ready!

Spicy pork sausage

Try cooking spicy sausage from pork. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of pork pulp;
  • 100 grams of lard;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ teaspoon paprika;
  • 1/3 teaspoon nutmeg;
  • salt and black pepper to taste;
  • 30 ml cognac;
  • pork intestines for the shell.

Cooking method:

  1. First prepare the ingredients. Cut the meat and lard into pieces, place in a bowl, add paprika, salt and pepper, and nutmeg. Mix everything and leave for half an hour.
  2. For convenience, immediately place the intestine on the tip of the meat grinder. Start chopping the meat along with the peeled garlic and other ingredients. The shell will immediately be filled with filling. Tie the ends of the gut.
  3. Boil the resulting sausages in salted water until tender (about half an hour).
  4. Cut off the threads and place the sausages on a greased baking sheet. How long to bake? Just 10 minutes (turn the sausage once so that the crust is even).
  5. Ready!

Useful tips for housewives:

  1. Don't fill the shell big amount fillings. Raw sausage should be easily pressed with your finger. Otherwise, the intestine will burst during cooking.
  2. Pierce the shell with a needle or toothpick in several places.
  3. Choose only high-quality and fresh ingredients to prepare such a dish so that the sausage is healthy and tasty!

Cook at home and make your family happy! Bon appetit everyone!

Nowadays these are such dubious GMO times when you are at least suspicious of any factory products. Meat production has especially lost the trust of citizens, so homemade minced sausages, the recipe for which we will look at today, are becoming more popular every day. You can’t even imagine how many products you can create using various ways cooking, taking into account the range of meats and additives.

Production technology

The secret of juicy, tasty homemade sausages is the quality of the meat, the peculiarities of preparing minced meat and adherence to the technological process.

So that all your work does not go to waste due to excessive dryness of the product, we should take into account the following points:

Variety of sausages

Homemade minced sausages have a fairly wide range, but how is such an abundance achieved?

So, having mastered the theory, we can safely begin practice. Today we will learn how to make universal minced meat for hunting sausages. Although the procedure is quite lengthy, the result is beyond praise. You can stock up on these products for future use, because their use is simply limitless. They can be fried on the grill, or on the grill on skewers, they make great soup And cabbage solyanka. They are an excellent addition to any side dish, whether boiled or fried.


  • Pork (neck, shoulder or ham) – 2 kg;
  • Veal or beef ( rear end legs) – 1 kg;
  • Lard (preferably smoked) – 300 g;
  • Beef broth – 200 ml;
  • Ground black pepper – 1 tsp;
  • Ground paprika – 1 tsp;
  • Garlic - 1 large head;
  • Dried dill – 1 tsp;
  • Thyme – ½ tsp;
  • Coarse salt – 90-100 g;
  • Guts for stuffing - 3.5 m;


Now we can finished goods use at your own discretion. They can be frozen for future use, smoked, boiled, baked, fried; with such supplies, even the most honorable uninvited guests are not afraid of you.



  • Beef liver – 2 kg + -
  • - 3 heads + -
  • - 2 tens + -
  • — 1/2 kg + -
  • Sausage casing— 5 m + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -
  • Spices - to taste + -


Many people probably associate liverwurst with USSR times. Back then, this penny thing was amazingly tasty and tender, you won’t find anything like it now. However, you can take a risk and cook it at home. For those who are not particularly oriented, liver is the liver, heart, kidneys, in general, internal organs killed cows, lambs or chickens and other rural animals.

As you have already seen, the recipe for making homemade sausages from minced meat is somewhat complicated, but not particularly complicated. The main thing is to find time and be armed with desire, and then your table will always be full of meat delights to the delight of your children and husband....or wife.

Nowadays it is not difficult to find natural casings for homemade sausage in the retail chain; it is sold in large supermarkets in the meat departments (called “Natural Pork Chains” or “Natural Lamb Chains”), you can also buy them in online stores. The casings are sold peeled and stored in large quantities salt. But still, before you start preparing homemade sausage, I recommend cutting off a small piece of the casing and boiling it (10 minutes), then cool and try. The casing should be tasteless and odorless, if something is wrong, throw it away and prepare something else from the meat. If everything is in order with the casing, then to fill the sausage, the casing needs to be rinsed well under running water. cold water top and inside, pour cold water and leave for 30 minutes. Sausage casing It’s better to immediately cut into the right pieces, the right length (in my opinion, a piece of 1.2-1.5 meters will be just right).


Cut the meat and lard into small pieces. If the meat is fatty, then you don’t need to add lard; if the meat is lean, so that the sausage is not dry, it is better to add lard. Most good way To grind meat for homemade sausage, grind it in a meat grinder with a 4-hole grid (pictured). If there is no such grate, you can grind it a little finer, or chop the meat finely with a knife.

Add ground black pepper, minced garlic and salt to the chopped meat and lard. For medium grind salt, to my taste, I put 1 tablespoon level (put the salt in a spoon and remove the slide with your hand so that the salt level is at the edge of the spoon) per 1 kg. meat. By weight it is 15-17 grams. for 1 kg of meat.

Mix the minced meat and start filling the sausage. Remove the knife and grill from the meat grinder and insert the attachment for stuffing sausages. I bought it in the same store as the shell for only 5 hryvnia (20 rubles). Lubricate the nozzle with vegetable oil and put the shell on the nozzle like a stocking. We tie the edge of the shell into a knot.

We pierce the edge of the casing with a pin and begin to grind the sausage mince through a meat grinder. So gradually fill the shell with minced meat.

Do not stuff the meat into the casing too tightly; periodically twist the sausage several times, this is necessary for further convenience when rolling it into a ring. You also need to sometimes pierce the shell with a pin. to release the air and the shell will remain intact when frying.

When all the shells are filled, you need to tie the ends into a knot or simply tie them with thread. Next it's time to bake the sausage.

The tastiest sausage is baked in the oven in a sleeve. This sausage turns out soft and rosy. There is another big advantage of this method of baking sausage - it is that the oven remains clean after such baking.

Place the sausage in the sleeve, pour 2 tbsp into the sleeve. spoons of water, pinch, place on a baking sheet and send to preheated to 180°C. oven. After 15 minutes, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and cook until the sausage is lightly browned (another 20 minutes). Then turn off the oven and leave the sausage for another 10 minutes.

During the cooking process, a lot of liquid and fat will leak out of the sausage. If you bake in a sleeve, the fat remains in the sleeve and not in the pan. The only thing that is a little inconvenient is that you can’t turn the sausage over in the sleeve and it may not be as brown on the bottom as on the top. This does not affect the taste in any way.

If you bake sausage without a sleeve, then you need to put dry twigs on the bottom of the pan in which you bake the sausage. fruit tree(I have cherry) and pour some water into the bottom of the mold. You need to put the sausage on the branches and it won’t burn and will also get flavor from the branches.

The temperature and baking time are the same as for baking in a sleeve. With this method of baking, the sausage can be turned over for an even color. If the sausage ring is large, it is better to tie it together in several places with threads, then the sausage will not break when turning it over.

You can also tie a ring of sausage, boil it for 5 minutes, then bake it on branches in the oven. Using methods 2 and 3 of baking, the sausage will also turn out very tasty, but a little drier than when baked in a sleeve.

Sausage at home It’s easy to prepare, and the pleasure comes from tasty and quality product You will get a whole sea.

There are no secrets to making homemade sausage, and the process is not complicated, except for the fact that you need to know where you can buy such an ingredient for this process as pork intestines for stuffing sausages. Recipes on how to make sausage at home are readily shared by people who do this all the time, and from special equipment To do this, you only need a meat grinder attachment, which can be used without special troubles purchase at a hardware store. But those who know the secrets know what products are in their product.

Products for homemade sausages and necessary components

It’s just difficult to cross the psychological barrier that still forces people to buy store-bought products. In supermarkets (and even in markets), they are not always distinguished by proper freshness, and at a fairly high cost, there is no guarantee that the sausage contains exactly the right meat, and in the quantity prescribed by the recipe.

Unscrupulous suppliers have learned to replace some products with other, cheaper ones, and add the necessary taste with food flavorings and colorings.

Be vigilant and carefully look at the ingredients of the products you buy.

Many are put off by the apparent complexity and laboriousness of the process. But there is nothing particularly complicated here. To prepare any homemade sausage, three necessary elements are required:

  • minced meat (filling);
  • pork intestines (casing);
  • spices (taste requirement).

Knowing some recipes, choosing a place where you can purchase the casing for the future cooking process delicious dish, and having decided on a set of spices, which every housewife already has on the kitchen shelf, you can safely proceed to the upcoming action to please your family or guests.

Sausage production homemade you can practice in a standard kitchen using simple available tools in the form of:

  • ovens;
  • multicookers;
  • frying pans with tight lids.

Certainly, homemade sausage It won’t look like store-bought, but the taste will definitely differ in an advantageous way.

Minced meat or filling is the basis of success

Most of the recipes for making homemade sausages are based on the use of ground pork meat. This is understandable if we consider that for natural shell Pork intestines are commonly used. But the range of existing possible fillings is much wider than pork sausage, because it’s delicious homemade dish, with the same success, can be prepared from:

  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • chicken;
  • turkey meat,
  • and supporters of vegetarianism are even offered delicious sausage made from peas and beets, so tasty if prepared correctly that it can be safely used for sandwiches.

Beetroot and peas can serve as ingredients for sausage

Economical brawn made from pork head, liver sausage made from ground or chopped liver, and even fish are very popular among housewives.

Therefore, you should not get hung up on pork when inventing sausage at home, even if it is prepared for festive table. With a little imagination, you can completely eliminate the purchase sausages, A necessary recipes even invent it yourself.

Pork can be used in home product ground and chopped small pieces, like any other meat, or passed through a large grill. For amateur homemade sausage you will need ground pork and lard, for liver sausage - lard and ground or chopped liver. Delicacy sausages with mushrooms, hot pepper, or hard cheese, are prepared according to the general recipe, with the addition of ready-made ingredients.

In sausages with cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, or rice), this ingredient is added already finished form. Any cereal must be cooked in a special way, dry (so that no liquid remains in it), and the minced meat is used raw. You will definitely need:

Semolina porridge can be added when preparing liver sausage

Milk is added to some types of sausages, for example, amateur and chicken sausages, sometimes they add bun, soaked in milk, especially if it is prepared in genuine leather.

If you don’t want the sausage to look pale or gray, tint it beet juice. The key to the success of any homemade sausage is properly prepared minced meat.

Shells and delicious spices

Numerous recipes shared by housewives differ in several parameters, which necessarily include the amount of spices added and their composition.

You can purchase a set of ready-made spices with the taste of salami or Brunswick sausage, but they also contain dyes and food flavorings, which is the goal of home food lovers to get rid of.

There are chefs who believe that a proper homemade sausage should contain nothing except:

  • Luke;
  • garlic;
  • pepper, and capsicum grown on the windowsill.

And there are spice lovers who buy half the assortment of spices at the market.

It is advisable to add spices to the sausage based on your taste preferences.

Spices included in recipes cannot be considered an axiom, because some people love thyme, basil, and thyme, while others cannot digest their smell. And when a dish is prepared repeatedly, each housewife has her own zest, developed in the process, or acquired empirically, when at some point it dawned on her to add something dictated by many years of experience.

But sausage casings homemade dictated by strict etiquette. Meat sausage, pork or beef, stuffed into pig intestines. Lamb - only in lamb, and when purchasing lamb for the purpose of making sausages, this should be taken care of separately.

If pig head not old, can be used for shell pork skin, A chicken sausage especially delicious in chicken skin. Amateur food is prepared in a tetra pack, it is advisable to pack vegetable or cereal in a baking sleeve, or food foil. When everything is done in compliance with certain rules, the result is beyond praise.

Homemade sausage

Individual, characteristic cooking methods

In order to clearly demonstrate how simple the cooking process is homemade sausage, it’s worth giving some recipes. Pork and beef sausage:

  • chopped meat together with garlic is scrolled through a meat grinder in a 1:1 ratio;
  • after which the minced meat is prepared by thoroughly mixing in a special basin;
  • salt and pepper are added to taste, spice lovers add a special set for meat;
  • minced meat is stuffed into the washed intestines using a meat grinder, from which the knife and grid are removed, and a special nozzle;
  • blisters on the intestines formed in this process are pierced with a needle;
  • Alcohol and ground lard are added to this minced meat;
  • Before stuffing, it must stand for several hours, and it must be stirred several times;
  • the end of the intestine is tied with a knot or a harsh thread.

This sausage can be fried in a frying pan, simmered in a saucepan over low heat, or baked in the oven.

One of the cooking methods is baking in the oven.

Amateur preparation is as follows:

  • meat and lard are minced through a meat grinder;
  • add milk and grated beet juice, spices, salt and garlic;
  • minced sausage is wrapped in a tetra bag (any shape);
  • in this form, cook for about 50 minutes over low heat in a regular saucepan.

For the liver sausage:

  • liver and lard are scrolled through a meat grinder or blender;
  • eggs (raw), fried onions are added vegetable oil, semolina, salt, black pepper, spices;
  • everything is mixed and infused for about an hour.
  • Lastly, the milk is poured in, after which the cooked intestine is filled.

You can add finely chopped herbs to this sausage before stuffing, and bake it in the oven. The taste and smell are simply intoxicating.

Minced chicken is prepared in a similar way, but without lard, but before the infusion of the minced meat ends (about an hour), a roll soaked in milk is added, thoroughly squeezed out, and everything is thoroughly mixed until the minced meat turns into a homogeneous mass.

This sausage can be wrapped in the skin removed from the chicken and the edges sewn up with raw thread, or simply wrapped. The sausage is baked in the oven, or stewed, with a small amount water, in a tightly closed casserole.

The shape is arbitrary, depending on what pieces of skin were removed. Chicken skin You can sometimes buy it in places where factory-processed chicken is sold. Onions for minced meat can be fried on chicken fat, and add greens.

Cooking homemade sausages is quite simple, and is not much different from frying cutlets or cooking homemade roll. With little time investment, and much more budget set products than purchasing ready-made sausage, you can use any ingredients and eat natural products without preservatives, dyes and foreign additives.

Which sausage is the most delicious? Of course, homemade! The one that is prepared from the most selected meat with the best spices. What we are offered from the shelves of supermarkets and shops has a very mediocre relationship to real sausage. After all, in its composition there remained, at best, thirty percent of not the most best meat, and everything else is ground by-products (waste meat production), soy protein, flour, starch, flavorings and dyes that give sausages the necessary marketable condition and taste.

Meanwhile, homemade sausage is a real meat food, the taste and aroma of which, alas, is not familiar to everyone. This alone is a sufficient argument to please your loved ones and prepare homemade sausages for them.
Anyone, even a novice housewife, can prepare sausage at home. True, the process is not a pleasant one if you have to deal with guts. But what a delicious sausage it turns out! In addition, homemade sausage, unlike store-bought sausage, can be stored in the freezer for a long time and cooked as needed. She is equally good for family dinner and as the main dish of an outdoor picnic.

Of course, you can simplify the process somewhat by using an artificial casing instead of intestines, which can now be purchased in the store. But if you are attracted to traditional old recipes, there shouldn’t be anything artificial. In addition, absolute safety artificial casings This raises quite natural doubts among many people.

Sausage cooking sequence.
The most difficult thing when preparing homemade sausages is preparing the casings that will be stuffed with meat. For this purpose, fresh pork (less often beef, lamb or chicken) intestines are used, which are thoroughly washed under cold running water. It is better to immediately cut them into pieces 20-40 cm long - firstly, it will be easier to process them, and secondly, this is the optimal size for future sausages.

The intestines that have been washed from the outside must be turned out and cleaned of the mucus covering their inner surface. It's best to do this reverse side knife or the edge of a tablespoon, placing the intestine on cutting board. After the mucus is completely removed from the intestines and they become clean, they need to be disinfected by placing them in a soda solution(2 teaspoons of soda per liter of cold water) or a weak alcohol solution (50 grams of vodka per half liter of water).

While the intestines are soaking, you can begin preparing minced meat for future sausages. Exists great amount recipes In addition, sausage is a unique dish with which you can experiment endlessly, changing the ratio different varieties meat, adding all kinds of ingredients and spices.

Homemade sausage.
But one of the oldest and simple recipes, telling how to cook sausage at home. For this you will need 1 kg of lean pork, 0.5 kg of veal, 0.4 kg of lard, 0.5 tsp. ground pepper, 7 cloves of garlic, 2.5-3 teaspoons of salt. Meat and lard are cut small cubes, salted, peppered. Finely crushed garlic and half a glass of water are added there. The prepared mass is thoroughly mixed. The intestines soaked for casing are removed from the water, rinsed in cold water and turned inside out again. Using a special attachment for a meat grinder or making it from scrap materials, for example, cutting off the top part plastic bottle, the minced meat is placed in the prepared casing. It should not be filled too tightly. Once filled, you should tie both ends and put them in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours so that the meat is completely salted, peppered and soaked in garlic.

Then you need to grease the baking sheet with oil and lay out the sausages, after making 5-10 punctures on each of them along the entire length. This is necessary so that the sausage does not “swell” during cooking, and the heated air and excess liquid came out of it freely. Fry at a temperature of 170-180 degrees for 25-30 minutes on each side.

Real liverwurst has nothing in common with what you see on store shelves. It is fragrant, tasty, literally melting in your mouth. To prepare it you will need 500 grams. beef liver, veal, beef and lard, 2 cloves of garlic, half a spoon of ground pepper, 2 teaspoons of salt. Beef liver passed through a meat grinder. All the meat is placed in a pan and cooked. Pork is pulled out after 5 minutes of boiling, veal - after 15 minutes, beef - after 20 minutes.

The meat needs to be cooled, then passed through a meat grinder, adding garlic. Mix the meat with the liver, adding salt and pepper. Now you can start stuffing the pre-prepared shell. Ready-made sausages cook over medium heat for 45-60 minutes. Liver sausage cool and store in the refrigerator.

Homemade smoked sausage with onions.
For this recipe you need to prepare 1 kg of lean pork, 500 g. beef, 100 grams onions, 3 cloves of garlic, 1.5-2 teaspoons of salt, 0.5 tablespoons of ground pepper, nutmeg, a tablespoon of cognac. Cut the meat into cubes measuring 2x2 cm, add salt and put in the refrigerator for two days to salt it. After which, drain excess water, beef and pork should be finely chopped, mixed with finely chopped onion, crushed garlic, salt and spices. Add cognac and mix everything thoroughly. Now you can fill the casing with minced meat and leave the sausages for 2-3 days in a cool, dark room. Then the sausages are smoked over cold smoke at a temperature of 20-25 degrees until the intestines are wrinkled. It remains to leave the sausages for 20-30 days to ripen, hanging in a well-ventilated area. And only after that they will be ready for consumption and acquire the specific color and smell characteristic of smoked sausage.

Homemade hunting sausages.
To prepare them you will need chicken intestines for stuffing, and for minced meat - 1 kg of chicken fillet, 1 kg of lean pork, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper, 3 cloves of garlic. Pass the meat through a meat grinder with a large grill. Salt and pepper the minced meat and add crushed garlic. Mix thoroughly and leave for 2 hours so that it is evenly saturated with spices and salt. Stuff the intestines with minced meat and make several punctures. Boil the sausages in salted water for 15 minutes, then fry on each side in a frying pan or baking tray until golden brown crust. The sausages are aromatic and tasty. They can be eaten both hot and cold.

These are just a few recipes for making sausage at home. But there is no end to them. And, despite the great variety of sausages, there are general rules, which must be followed if you want your sausage to be truly delicious.

It is added to almost all types of sausage lard. This is done so that it turns out juicy and has a delicate taste.

Sausages can be made not only according to traditional recipes, but I also use any additives to give them spicy taste: olives, cheese, potatoes, bell pepper, game meat, cognac and liqueur, a wide variety of spices.

If you want to make sausages a decoration for the holiday table, it would be appropriate to use original sprinkles. As a topping, you can use, for example, sesame seeds or thinly chopped or ground nuts.