Explosion for bread is the main secret of delicious rustic baking. Time proven and new scan recipes for bread

Step 1: Cooking a solder from flour and water.

On the first day, ask in a deep bowl of 100 grams of wheat flour or any other, add 100 grams of pure filtered water and stirred well. Ultimately, you should have a mass of pasty consistency, externally similar to a thick sour cream or even cream. Top to cover the bowl of a wet kitchen towel and put in a warm secluded place where there are no drafts. In this state, the starter must wander approximately 1 day. At first, the flour will love under water and let it not frighten you. Just periodically stir it 3-4 times a day It will be quite enough. After this time, small rare bubbles should appear at the starter.

Step 2: On the second day, add more flour and water.

On the second day, our soldering need to be filled. For this again, ask through a small sieve right in a bowl 100g Flour and fall as much water. We stir and again reach the consistency of the mass like thick sour cream. Also cover the bowl of a wet towel and put in a warm place without drafts. After this time, we expect bubbles on Zakvask, there must be a little more. It is necessary to stir 4 times in the second day.

Step 3: I bring Zavskaya until readiness.

On the third day, as a rule, there should be no questions. The mass should be well bubble and climb, and a foam cap should be formed on the surface of the goat. Again, add water and flour to Zakvask in the same proportion, mix well, cover with a towel and remove into a warm place for another day. Do not forget to periodically stir it. When the foam mass is ready, adopt it again and leave on a breakmetrine on the fourth day. Zakvaska during this time should increase in the amount of approximately 3 times, It will be the peak of her shape. It is very important not to miss this moment, because it is exactly then very strong. After that, the soldering can be divided into 2 halves, one piece add to the dough to baking bread, but the second place in a clean jar, to wrap it with polyethylene to tightly, it should do holes in it so that our starter does not suffer and put in the refrigerator. Before giving bakeing bread, remove it again adopt the technology described above and it is ready.

Step 4: Apply Zavskaya for the Bread "Eternal".

To baking one loaf will need approximately 6 tablespoons of swarms. The effect of the use of such a break will not just surprise you, but will truly delight and encompass the whole family and guests, bread dryers turns out to be a fabulous taste. Enjoy your meal!

There is one old way to speed up the reaction. If there are no bubbles long, add a pinch of sugar to the mass.

Zakvaska is not in vain wearing the name "Eternal". It can be stored in the refrigerator a very long time. But before you start using it, it is necessary to "feed". To do this, it is necessary to get it out of the refrigerator, add some flour and water (3 spoons of each ingredient) and hold a little in heat. As soon as you see the reaction, you can proceed to further preparation.

Published 07.10.2017
Posted by: Drug.
Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: 7200 min

Cooked Oakwask for bread without yeast at home eternal, she was still preparing our great-grandmothers. On the baking of one loaf weighing about half a kilogram will need about 100-120 g starters.
Before baking, the solder is fed - get from the refrigerator, flour, diluted in warm water, are added to 10-12 hours at room temperature, and then mix the dough, and bake.
It will take 5 days for cooking. From the ingredients indicated in the recipe will be 500 g.


- Wheat flour in \\ C - 300 g;
- Water - 300 ml.

How to cook with photo step by step

Measure 100 g of refined wheat flour of the highest grade. I advise you to prepare exactly from such flour to get a universal product.
To bake different types of bread (rye, wheat, whole grain), a few hours before baking, mix the desired type of flour with Zavskaya, then we prepare according to the recipe.

Then pour into a bowl with flour 100 ml of warm water, mix that the mass is without lumps.

We place the mass in the bank (capacity from 1-2 liters), closed with a wet cloth or gauze, wear a rubber band. We put the jar in the warm place, we leave alone on 1 day. The perfect room temperature is 22-23 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher than +25 degrees, then following this step of manipulation will have to do more often.

If all the conditions are observed, the temperature corresponds to the norm, the first timid bubbles will appear on the surface of the mass.
Now we need to feed the mass - add the following 100 g of wheat flour and 100 ml of warm water (not higher than 35 degrees Celsius).
So, we mix flour with water in the bowl, add a mixture into a jar, mix, and leave for a day warm.
On the 3rd day, add another portion of the feed (100 g of flour +100 ml of water).

On the 4th day, the mass will be covered with bubbles, will increase in the amount, it will acquire an acidic smell. This means that everything is ready, you can split the soldering in half. One part is placed in a jar and remove into the refrigerator, and the rest is used for baking.
If there are few bubbles, the smell is unpleasant - something went wrong. Ruthlessly throwing out, start the process first. Trying to save not advise, it is better to try again and again.
But this can be done

Baking bread in any folk cuisine is always sacred, mysterious action, almost witchcraft. The secret of making bread was carefully kept in every family and was transmitted from generation to generation. Bread on Zakvask, baked in a Russian oven, was tasty and fragrant, it can be said that there is no such bread and can not be anywhere else in the world. Ancient science of bread maker is not forgotten today.

Russian bread frivors were prepared from rye flour, straw, barley, wheat, hops ... In the deaf villages, distant from the "enlightened" civilization, you can still find recipes for cooking bread without purchased yeast. Break-free frans and bread, prepared on them, enrich the organism with organic acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, pectins, biostimulants - in general, all the useful substances that are present in solid cereals. In favor of bread on Zakvask, there is one experiment, which conducted journalists of one of the channels of our television. They bought the usual loaf of bread and compared with bread baked at home. The camera recorded changes occurring with bread for a week. Shopping bread was covered with mold on the second day. Three days later he was all in a black and green fluff. And home bread only felt. Just the bread on Zakvask in principle can not moldy - the acidic environment kills all the harmful bacteria and does not touch useful.

So, if you have ripened for baking homemade bread, the first thing you need to do is prepare a starter. There is nothing terrible and difficult in this. You do not need to tremble over it, like over a crystal vase, simply mix the necessary products and wait, and the result will definitely be. To begin with, we will define what kind of start-up we will cook. Exquisites are different: rye, wheat, malt, hop, potato, raisin, even rice - they are all good (each in its own way) for baking bread. It must be said that rye flour is best suited for cooking, as all useful substances that are not in the refined wheat are preserved. That is why Razvaska on wheat flour is often knocked down towards the pathogenic flora, zaksats and becomes unsuitable for use. Wheat starter is better to cook for one or two times, but the rye can successfully be used for more than one year, the main thing is to store it correctly and "feed".

1 day:100 g of rye flour mix with clean water to the consistency of thick sour cream, cover with a damp cloth and put in a warm place without drafts.
2 day: Bubbles should appear on Zakvask. If they are a bit, nothing terrible. Now the start need to be bought. Speak 100 g of flour and plunge the water to make a consistency of thick sour cream. Leave again in a warm place.
3 day:zakvaska has grown in size and has a foam structure. We add 100 g of flour and water again and leave in a warm place.
After a day, the goose is ready for use. We divide it in half, we put one part into a jar and cover with a cloth or a lid with holes to breathe, and put in the refrigerator. Use another part to baking bread.

1 day:to take a handful of raisins with a brush, mix with ½ cup of water and ½ cup of rye flour, add 1 tsp. Sugar or Honey, put everything in a jar, cover with a cloth or a leaky lid and put in a warm place.
2 day: Expassion strain, add 4 tbsp. Flour and warm water to the depletion of sour cream and put in a warm place again.
3 day: Zakvaska is ready. To split it in half, as in the previous recipe, in one piece add 4 tbsp. Flour, water (to the depletion of sour cream) and put in the refrigerator. Use another part for baking bread.

1 day: 1 Glass of grain (wheat for wheat bread or rye - for "black") Soak for germination, to bite the dishes with a towel, put in a warm place.
2 day:if the grain sprout not everything, then rinse it, to bite and leave in a warm place until the evening. In the evening, grind grain in a blender or combine (careful, do not burn the motor!), Mix from 2 tbsp. rye flour, 1 tsp. Sugar or honey, put in a warm place under the lid or towel.
3 day: Razkask can be divided (as in previous recipes), part of the left in the refrigerator, and the other part to use for the preparation of dishes.
As an option - a grain starter can be prepared by boiled. Smalt grain mix with flour, sugar and water (if it is dry) and put in a saucepan on a small fire. Cook for about 20 minutes, remove from the fire, wrap and put in a warm place. Next, go as usual - to bore, divide, etc.

1 day:100 g risa pour 150 ml of warm water, add 1 tsp. Sugar and leave in a cool place for three days.
3 day: Add 3 tbsp. With a slide of wheat flour and 1 tsp. Sahara.
4 days:mix the solder and add 100 ml of warm water and 1 tbsp with a slide flour.
5 day:strain Zavskaya, add 1 tsp. Sugar and 4 tbsp. With a slide flour.
After a few hours you can cook opar. PART OF ROOM to postpone for the preparation of the dough, put the remaining starter to refrigerate. This break is ideal for pies, buns and pancakes.

1 day: From the evening to fill in the thermos 1 tbsp. Dry chips of hop 1 glass boiling water, close the thermos and leave until the morning.
2 day: Straighten the infusion obtained into a two-liter bank, add 1 tbsp. Sugar or honey, to stir well, add rye flour to the consistency of thick sour cream. Put in a warm place, climb the bank with a rag.
3 day: Exquisite will become liquid and foam, the smell is still unpleasant. Add flour to thickness sour cream, cover and put in a warm place.
4 day: Mix the starter, add warm water (1/2 or 1/3 of the yawk volume), mix and add flour to the depletion of sour cream.
5 day: To add water and flour again.
6 day:part of the frkow to use for the preparation of the layout, the remaining starter to put in the refrigerator, adding water and flour to the thickness of sour cream.

As you can see, nothing incredible, Razvash is growing with the minimum of our intervention. But for the preparation of the dough and for baking bread you need some skill. But the most important thing is to be prepared on the bread on Zakvask in a good mood, otherwise nothing will work. Verified.


Homemade bread is preparing on a plate - it allows live yeast in Zakvask to gain strength. One glass of bells is approximately 40 g of pressed yeast (or 1.5 tbsp. Dry). A glass of goat pour into a wide ass, add 350-500 ml of warm water, stirring and pouring so much sifted flour so that the liquid dough consistency is thick sour cream. Cover the towel and put in a warm place for the night.


In the morning we knead the dough. Opara per night should "walk" well, go up 2 times and have time to go down. In ½ cup of warm water stir 1 tbsp. Honey and 1 tsp. Salts (approximate proportions, they can be changed), add to opara, stir well. Then add all sorts of fillers and spices to taste: bran (approximately half and more), ½ tsp. Ground carnations, ground coriander on a knife tip, 1 tsp. Hammer ginger and nutmeg, 2-3 centuries of unrefined sunflower oil. You can add raisins, seeds, nuts, flax seeds, oatmeal, boiled potatoes, swan seeds, pumpkin seeds - in general, for every taste. Everyone is thoroughly mixed and squeeze sainted rye flour - so much so that a spoon was stood in the dough, that is, a sufficiently thick dough should work out. Then we smear wheat flour on the table, fall out the dough, sprinkle on top of the flour and begin to knead it and fold it. Do not knead, but to knead, sprinkling the flour, so as not to stick your hands, and fold the envelope. Then we remember again and fold again. We sprinkle the flour so that the dough does not stick to the hands, but too much flour is not necessary to add, otherwise the bread will turn out dense, indifferent.

Ideally, the dough should be dry from above and sticky inside. Rye dough will always be sticky, so you need to focus on his outer side. As soon as the dough can be kept in her hands, knead it, fold the corners, forming a ball. Then take the dough in the hands and averaging the ball from the dough, shaking the excess flour and penetrating the dough inside the ball. We lay out the prepared dough in a pan or a cast-iron pan, lubricated with oil, seam down, and leave in a warm place. The surface of the loaf can be sprinkled with water and sprinkle sesame seeds or flax. And you can make cuts or decorate thin strips from the dough. The dough is suitable for 1-3 hours.

Baking bread

We bake bread in the oven at a temperature of 220-230ºС, "with a ferry" - that is, it is necessary to put a bowl with water on the bottom of the oven. The first 20 minutes do not open the door! Bread bakes 40-60 minutes, depending on the value. Finished bread wrap in a towel and leave for a day - it is necessary. Properly baked bread when tapping on the crust is published by a ringing sound, and the punching when compressing is completely straightened.

Home Bread Recipes Sets: You can bake a purely rye bread, similar to "Borodinsky", you can add pea flour or boiled potatoes, grind pre-clouded grain or add seedlings, increase the number of wheat flour or bore white bread in general, it all depends on your imagination. In any case, bread on Zakvask, cooked with his own hands, with love, will bring to your household only benefits. Bon Appetit!

Larisa Shufkaykin

Homemade bread fragrant, crisp, tasty and, of course, useful. It is preparing from simple, proven ingredients. At the same time, flour can be wholegrain, wheat, rye. For a diversity, it will not be superfluous to add sesame, seeds, nuts, honey, pumpkin.

Baked in any existing form: a circular cast-iron pan, on a fight with high sidelights, in a special form for bread.


It begins the most correct and full recipe for bread from the starter (see photo below). It is necessary to prepare the starter (starter) on flour and water. You can also purchase it in the store in dry form and before mixing the test dance with water in the necessary proportions (information is indicated on the package).

Very popular is the so-called "eternal" start-up, which consists of flour and water. She is preparing initially a few days, and then the base is simply stored in the refrigerator until the next kneading test.

Recipe "Eternal" Exquisites

  • The first day: it is necessary to put 100 grams of each component in the container. Mix the mass carefully before the creamy state. After that, the container with the future start-up to cover with a food film or a clean towel and remove into a warm place (exclude draft) for 24 hours - until the appearance of small bubbles (it is time to mix periodically).
  • The second day: "feeding" frkow. Get the container from a warm place and shove it again about 100 grams of the main components - to the desired consistency. Next, cover with a towel and return to the warm shelter for another 24 hours.
  • Third days: to get a capacity - now on the surface of the goat you can see many bubbles that form the so-called foam cap. Add up components again and return to the place, after occasionally observing the Zavskaya, which has already become strong. It is now important to catch the moment of its full ripening. After that, to divide into two equal parts: the first to put in the jar with a kapron lid (with holes), which is back to the cold place, and the second - apply to baking bread.


Baking bread on Zakvask (according to the right and complete recipe) - the occupation is not particularly laborious, but requiring certain knowledge, skills, patience and excerpt.

According to the cooking technology, it is necessary to harvest in parallel as if two types of dough - fresh and directly bread. It is necessary so that all the necessary processes of dissolution and fermentation can come true: the protein component of the flour swells well, which contributes to greater development of gluten with the kneading test. This is directly reflected on the quality and taste of finished bread.

It is important to note the next subtle moment. When baking this product, even from flour with a low protein content, compliance with such a sequence in the technology of kneading the test (starter, the overall damn) will allow you to prepare delicious bread.

And when both types of test are ready, you can begin the stage of the general kneading, kneading, followed by an approach (increasing in volume).

How to knead

For bread on Zakvask (correct and complete recipe), kneading and kneading the test can be carried out in several ways: manually, in a special testing or in bread maker.

This process should take about 15-20 minutes. It is very important that the mass gradually acquired an elastic consistency. Then you need to leave the dough for 30 minutes so that it "rested." After that, you can form a bread billet.

Before baking for several hours, it is important to place a bunny or shape, or in a basket with a napkin, pre-spilled with flour, and then put it in heat for 2.5 hours. So it will pass the stage of the proof. At the same time, the bread blank should grow by 2-3 times. At the request, the top can be lubricated with milk and spray sesame.

After that, bread can be baked. For this, the oven, bread maker, a slow cooker.

This article will consider several correct and complete bread recipes on Zakvask.

In the oven

For the knead, simple components are needed, which are easy to get, even being far from civilization. The bread turns tasty and fragrant. And it can be stored for a whole week.


  • explosion (base) - 340 grams;
  • water - 200 grams;
  • wheat flour - 400 grams;
  • salt - 10 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 20 grams.


Baking in bread maker

Of course, with the advent of home electrical devices to knead the dough and bake delicious bread has become much easier. The technique has several programs, timer, special containers and other useful accessories. Can be prepared on yeast or starter.

The complete and correct recipe for bread in the bread maker (for a variety, rye) next.


  • zakvaska (from rye flour) - 300 grams;
  • wheat flour (1-2 grades) - 200 grams;
  • rye flour - 130 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt 1.5-2 teaspoons;
  • water - 230 grams;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon (for color and softness of taste).


  1. Prepare to prepare a solder from rye flour (according to the "eternal" recreation). Take a piece for baking bread.
  2. Mix a fresh starter with ingredients (honey can be melt).
  3. To knead the dough, carefully breaking the lumps and gently adding water.
  4. Consistency for rye bread should be a little liquid and sticky.
  5. Put the dough into the form so that it came up.
  6. After 3 hours, turn on the oven to the "Baking" mode, without kneading (1-1.5 hours).

There is such a nuance: to get bread with additives (nuts, seeds, raisins), it is necessary after the end of the kneading (if it is carried out in the bread maker!) Add grains, raisins. Some kitchen appliances serve a beep. As soon as it sounds, you can add all the additional ingredients.

Bread on Zakvask in a slow cooker

The correct and complete recipe, which involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • zakvaska - 1 complete tablespoon;
  • water - 300 grams;
  • salt - 10 grams;
  • wheat flour - 700-800 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 15 grams;
  • sugar - 25 grams;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece.


  1. In the deep capacity to put water, egg (whipped), sugar and starters. Mix everything. Add salt, sour cream, vegetable oil and stir.
  2. Sift flour and add to the components. Knead the dough.
  3. When it becomes elastic, put the napkin on the piled up the napkin in a basket or colander, leave for 1 hour, covered with a towel.
  4. After that, one more time to knead and put in the container of a multicooker (pre-lubricated oil), cover with a lid and leave for proof (2 hours).
  5. Select multicooker mode "Casserole" (duration - 1 hour).
  6. After the designated time, open a multicooker, turn the bread and leave the stake by another 15-30 minutes.

Pumpkin bread on Zakvask

The recipe (full and correct) of such a fragrant home dish with the addition of pumpkin mashed potatoes, sesame, seeds, walnuts will pleasantly surprise close people, and also give the charge of energy and cheerfulness for the whole day.

It is based on wheat flour, puree from baked pumpkin and whole-grain flour.


  • zakvaska - 300 grams;
  • flour rye wholegrain - 100 grams;
  • wheat flour wholegrain - 400 grams;
  • salt - 15 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 50 grams;
  • honey - 50 grams;
  • pumpkin puree - 500 grams;
  • seeds - 3 tablespoons (flax, pumpkin seeds);
  • walnuts - 3 tablespoons;
  • schuput - 10 grams.

Water is almost no needed, because there is juice in the pumpkin puree. If necessary, you can add quite a little bit.


  1. The finished part of the starter is mixed with pumpkin puree, flour, seeds. Knead the tight dough, leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Continue kneading, add salt and honey (if the density has become too high, pour some water).
  3. For elastic consistency, add vegetable oil. The dough is a little sticky - this is normal. Such an effect is obtained due to pumpkin.
  4. Make a bun and lay out in shape, lubricated with oil, cover and leave for 3 hours.
  5. After that, you can decorate the surface with seeds, sesame, make cuts. Leave under a towel or film on the frost (2 hours).
  6. Bake with 200 degrees to ruddy crust.


An important feature of the final stage of bread production at home is the process of cooling it. It is recommended to wrap in a clean towel or lay out on the grille, leave for 2-3 hours. After that, the product is considered completely ready.

Bread constantly accompanies us, we used to eat with bread absolutely everything. If for some reason you do not want to buy ready-made bread in the store, or there is no such possibility - you can bake this product at home.
You can bake any bread, such as rye or wheat. Everything will depend on what flour will be at the moment available.

By the way, the crispy crust and soft bread turns out very simple - after the bread is ready, we leave it in the oven with an open door for about half an hour. So that the crust is not very much - after baking, we put a wet towel on bread.

Homemade bread on Zakvask

It will be enough to add 100 grams of rye flour and a third piece of glass of water. Mix mix thoroughly, leave for a day at a temperature of 25-27 degrees in the 0.5l bank
A day later, add the same ingredients in the same ratio, mix thoroughly.
After Zakvaska begins to grow - we remove 50% of the mixture from the can, and add the same ingredients - again for a day.
We repeat this process every day, while Zapvaska does not get drifting and the bank will not be a resistant yeast smell.

Recipe for cooking for bread on Zakvask

1. We take the scan 200g, put in an enameled bowl, add 200-400 ml of water, salt, spices to taste. We add flour. You can experiment with any kind and ratios. Please note that flour must be sifted necessarily through a small sieve, otherwise there will be lumps in the test.

2. To mix first with a spoon, after the dough is already more or less formed - you can begin to knead your hands. It is necessary to do it very intensively until the product becomes homogeneous and drumming.

4. For baking heating the oven to about 150 degrees, we leave the dough, in order to approach (by volume) - you need to pay attention to that the packaging should be at least several times more. After readiness, we shift into the cold baking tray and bake. You can use the form, but it will have to be lubricated with vegetable oil and sprinkle the surface with flour. There are silicone forms - they are enough to simply cover with a smooth layer of flour.

5. The finished product is baked at a temperature of 200-240 degrees, about 40 minutes. Time can vary, you need to periodically check as soon as a crust appears - you can check it, pushing it. The mistakes must return its shape after compression. You can cut only after cooling, if you want to cool faster - lay out the finished loaf on the towel, cover the second from above.

Recipe for home rye bread without yeast

After I was fascinated by baking bread at home, I tried a lot of recipes. The recipe for this bread was attracted by the fact that the dough is prepared without yeast, on Zakvask. Explosaw, which you need to cook yourself, matures 72 hours !!! Yes, and then you need to withstand 27 hours (in original 39 !!!). I did everything for the first time as it was written in the recipe. The bread turned out not as I imagined him ... But I did not give up !!! Once again reread the recipe, I took into account all the nuances, I decided to change something and cook again! Homemade twisted at the temple, saying that I calm down and spit on it, but I still decided to achieve. I must tell you that by the recipe it would be nice to put the dough to put a beet gear, but how much I was not looking for, I did not find a molasses. It is good that you can replace it with brown sugar (not just cane, but it is dark brown!). The main ingredient is patience! Baister!


For starters:
1 day:
Rye flour - 4 st.
Water is warm - 4 st.
3 day:
Rye flour - 2 st.
Water is warm - 2 st.

For bread:
Rye leaven - 2 st.
Rye flour - 300 gr.
Warm water - 180 ml.
Salt - 1 pp.5
Beet pattern or sugar brown - 2 hours.


1. First prepare the starter. Mix flour and water. Cover the napkin and remove into a warm place (25-30 degrees). At first, your "flour porridge" will not file signs of fermentation, but on the second day it will become "alive", you will see bubbles, the mass will begin to increase. Exactly 48 hours, you will add more flour and water. Move, cover and remove again in a warm place for 24 hours. Do not close the lid tightly, otherwise the start can moldy.

2. 72 hours passed. Now you can knead the dough. Mix solder, salt, sugar and water. Gradually introduce flour. The dough must be elevated within 5 minutes.

3. It will stick to the hands, so you can sprinkle with flour.

4. You will get a small bun. Form a loaf of it. Take a baking sheet with paper and put the dough on it. The top wrap the food film, cover the napkin or towel and remove into a warm place (25-30 degrees) for 27 hours. In my experience, it is desirable not to touch the dough and not to form. Wait for ripening. The dough will increase, but not much.

5. Only after 27 hours, you remove the film, sprinkle thick flour and put the oven to the oven preheated to 220 degrees and immediately reduce up to 200. Bake 30-35 minutes.

6. When our bread, will be ready, then do not get it out of the oven, leave cool with the door open. You can take out warm and wrap for 10 to 15 minutes in a towel. Here it is, our long-awaited!

7. Of course, you ask what taste it has))) a little acidic, characterized by the taste of rye bread. Myakish is a little lipot, like the "Borodino". My home really liked))) Cut it with thin slices, spread the creamy oil ... And however, it can be without butter!

8. And if you put on a slice a piece of spicy springs ...))) Well, sooo delicious !!!

How to prepare ordinary bread at home. Recipe Jamie Oliver

1 kg of wheat flour
2 tbsp. Sahara
2 h. L. salt, better to take marine
500 ml of warm water
2-3 Packets of dry yeast or 30 g of fresh yeast


1. Put flour slide on a clean surface and make a large "well" in the middle. Fill half of the specified amount of water into the well, then add yeast, sugar and salt. Gently mix the contents of the "well" for a fork.

2. Slowly assemble the trees on the edges of the roller and mix in the center of the "Well", trying not to damage the walls, otherwise the water will definitely fall out. Continue to fall asleep the "well" flour until the total mass thickens and does not acquire a consistency of a viscous porridge, now you can add the remaining water. Continue to knead until the dough stop sticking to the hands. Periodically sprinkle into the hands of flour so that it is easier to cope with the dough (some types of flour require more or less water - add as much as you are comfortable).

3. When mixing the dough, work with your hands - push, fold, roll out, clap and spank the dough for 4-5 minutes. Until it becomes elastic.

4. Pour a small amount of flour on the dough and put it into a great mind. Cover the food film and register to half an hour, until it increases in size twice; Ideal it would be to put it in a wet, warm, unproduced room.

5. When the dough rises halfway, select air, smile and twisting it for 30 seconds. At this stage you can add any seasonings and ingredients to improve taste. Put into the form and leave the dough for another half an hour - hour until it doubles in size.

6. Put the dough on the baking sheet, sprinkled with flour, and place in the heated oven. Do not slam the door sharply, otherwise you lose part of the necessary air. Bake at temperatures (the same applies to time) specified in the recipe. You can check the readiness by knocking on the base of the bread, - if the sound comes as it were from emptiness - bread is ready. Put the finished bread on the grille and retain for 30 minutes. If you have turned out more bread than you need, we boldly send it to the freezer.

Bon Appetit!