Pumpkin appetizer recipes. Winter preparations from pumpkin and recipes for cooking

Do you like Korean carrots? Probably yes. And although everyone has long known that such carrots have nothing to do with Korean cuisine, the name stuck. And there’s no need to talk about people’s love.

Indeed, this appetizer is simply exceptional. Simple as hell, but incredibly tasty and aromatic. An obligatory attribute of a festive feast in many families, and even on weekdays, Korean carrots are desirable and desirable as a spicy side dish for many dishes.

Meanwhile, the highlight here is not the carrots at all, but the spicy marinade. You can mix any vegetable with a dense texture with this marinade - it will turn out delicious. For example, cook spicy pumpkin. The appetizer will certainly be memorable. In addition to the spicy marinade, you will feel a delicate pumpkin flavor and a more delicate texture than carrots.

Spicy pumpkin in Korean marinade is a savory treat that will smell fragrant on the table within half an hour after the start of preparation. If you wait a little and let the pumpkin brew in the refrigerator for several hours, it will become even spicier.


  • peeled pumpkin 400 g (= 600 g unpeeled)
  • onion 1 pc.
  • small garlic 1-2 cloves
  • hot pepper ½ pod
  • olive oil 3 tbsp. spoons
  • balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • coriander seeds ½ tsp.
  • spoons salt, pepper to taste

How to cook pumpkin in Korean

    Peel the pumpkin from peel and seeds.

Grate the pumpkin pulp onto a coarse grater.

Place the pumpkin in a deep bowl, add salt and balsamic vinegar. Leave the pumpkin for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, combine the coriander seeds and chopped chillies in a mortar.

Grind the pepper and coriander thoroughly to a smooth paste and add to the pumpkin.

Thinly slice the onion and garlic.

Add the onion and garlic to the pumpkin and mix everything well.

Add pepper to your liking.

Heat the oil thoroughly, but do not bring it to a boil. Pour the hot oil over the pumpkin and stir quickly.

Place the pumpkin in the refrigerator for 25-30 minutes to infuse. After this, you can serve a delicious snack to the table.

The highlight of this dish is the spicy sauce, which is associated with “Korean” carrots - spicy and tasty, and easy and quick to prepare - recipe with photo.

Pickled pumpkin recipes

It’s unlikely that you’ll surprise anyone with pickled peppers or cucumbers. But I think not every experienced housewife is familiar with pickled pumpkin. Typically, this vegetable is used to make baked goods, porridge, or simply bake with honey. As it turns out, pickled pumpkin is just as good.

Pumpkin recipes

I was also surprised that pumpkin marinated in a variety of ways turns out delicious.

This is a savory, original vegetable appetizer that is delicious on its own.

In addition, it can be served with something and goes well with meat dishes.

Perfect for pies, pies, and salads.

Pumpkin snacks can be prepared both spicy and quite savory, both salty and sweet. At the same time, the cooking process is quite simple, which is why almost everyone can do it.

And the Baltic countries are considered the birthplace of these dishes - such an appetizer is common there, like pickled zucchini in our country. That’s why I want to start with a recipe from Estonia.

Pickled pumpkin “Estonian pineapple”

This type of pickled winter pumpkin is called “Estonian pineapple” due to the fact that the finished pieces really look like this tropical fruit.

What you will need:

  • pumpkin – 1 kg
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp.
  • water – 500 ml
  • table vinegar 9% - 2-5 tbsp. l.
  • cloves – 8 pcs.
  • allspice – 6 pcs.
  • cinnamon – 1 stick
  • grated nutmeg - optional
  • ginger - a small pinch.

How to cook:

  1. First, you need to cut the pumpkin into small pieces.
  2. The syrup is made from liquid mixed with sugar in water and vinegar. Place the orange pieces in this marinade for 12-24 hours.
  3. Then you need to add spices to the pan with the ingredients.
  4. Cook the pumpkin over low heat for half an hour to an hour. It depends on how big the pieces are.
  5. The finished slices should become somewhat transparent. Leave to cool in syrup for at least 30 minutes. After this, you can put all the pieces into jars.

Spiced pumpkin for the winter

The taste is very similar to Estonian pumpkin. Of course, cooking will require some effort, but such a snack can be stored until the next harvest.

  • Cuisine: Baltic
  • Type of dish: preparations
  • Method of preparation: canning
  • Servings: 1 jar
  • 30 min


  • pumpkin – 800 g
  • ground nutmeg – 1 tsp.
  • cinnamon sticks – 1-2 pcs.
  • ground ginger – ½ tsp.
  • table vinegar 9% - 20 g
  • granulated sugar – 150 g
  • clove buds – 3-4 pcs.
  • water – 500 g.

Cooking method

Then, so that the pumpkin can quickly marinate and cook, I cut it into medium squares. In this form it will be convenient to put it in jars.

I heat the water almost to a boil and add all the granulated sugar, stirring until it gradually dissolves.

You will also need spices for the marinade: cinnamon sticks, cloves.

And also ground ginger. I add vinegar to the marinade so that the pumpkin can be stored all winter without problems.

I don’t forget about ground nutmeg. The marinade should boil for about 5 minutes. Then I turn it off and remove it from the heat.

I put all the slices in the hot marinade. While the marinade cools, the pumpkin will marinate. This will take at least 2 hours.

After that, I put everything on the fire and boil for 10 minutes.

I pour the hot, semi-finished pumpkin along with the marinade into clean glass jars.

I set it to sterilize for 10 minutes. During this time, the vegetable will reach full readiness.

I seal them with lids and cover them with a warm blanket. Any preservation should cool slowly under a blanket so that all preparations are well stored in winter.

In winter, such a spicy pumpkin will surprise each of your guests; the taste is something!

Korean pickled pumpkin

Instant Korean pumpkin turns out to be very rich in both taste and smell.

It clearly reveals the combination of sweet, sour and spicy inherent in Korean cuisine.

Required ingredients:

  • pumpkin – 500 gr
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • seasoning for Korean salads – 2 tsp.
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt – 1 pinch
  • garlic – 2 cloves.

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to wash the pumpkin and cut off the skin. After that, grate three. It's great if it's special.
  2. The onion needs to be cut and fried in oil. After cooking, mix the vegetables in a deep container.
  3. You also need to add all the spices and garlic passed through a press.
  4. This pumpkin is infused in the refrigerator for only 4 hours. After this, the salad can be eaten.

Recipe with garlic

This appetizer is no less savory. True, you will be able to try it only after 2 weeks - everything should be infused.

List of components:

  • pumpkin – 300 gr
  • garlic – 2 cloves
  • honey – 1 tsp.
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  • dried mint – 0.5 tsp.
  • wine vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation step by step:

  1. First, the orange fruit needs to be washed, peeled, and seeds removed. After this, cut into cubes and add chopped garlic and mint.
  2. After mixing, place into prepared jars. They also need to add salt, honey and wine vinegar.
  3. Fill it with boiling water to the top and send it for sterilization at a temperature of 120 degrees. After 20 minutes you can take it out.
  4. Seal, cool and store. Let me remind you, you can open it in 14 days.

Sweet pickled pumpkin for the winter

The orange vitamin beauty is perfect for desserts - pumpkin jams, for example, are incredibly tasty.

That’s why I can’t help but like the recipe with oranges.

It’s good that in this case sterilization is not necessary.

Delicious pickled pumpkin is a vegetable appetizer that can be prepared for the winter. All recipes are good: Estonian, Korean, sweet with oranges.

04/27/2015 8 239 0 ElishevaAdmin

Preserves, jams, marmalades / Pickles, marinades, salads, sautés / Candied fruits, drying and freezing

You can often see how owners feed slices of pumpkin to a cow or pig, and, at best, husk the pumpkin seeds themselves. We forgot, you can see how many wonderful dishes can be prepared from it. After all, this is an exceptional product for many reasons: it is perfectly digestible; normalizes digestion and rejuvenates blood vessels, contains many useful substances; present in all kinds of diets due to its low calorie content; prepares very quickly. It is good to give to children, convenient to prepare for the winter.

The simplest thing is to bake, chop and freeze. In winter, pumpkin from such preparation can be put into porridge, squeezed out juice or used as a filling. Or you can prepare it straight away as a puree.

We remind you that before placing the blanks, the jars are pre-washed, sterilized and dried. The lids are also boiling.

When preparing the pumpkin for processing, we clean it, remove all the insides, and cut the pulp into cubes or strips.

Pumpkin puree with apples


Pumpkin, 1 kg

Apples, ½ kg

Sugar, 4 tbsp

Citric acid, 1 tsp.

Peel the apples and pumpkin and grind them in a meat grinder. Cook with sugar slowly for 2 hours. Add citric acid at the end. Seal in jars while hot.

Pumpkin puree with plums

Pumpkin, ½ kg

Plums, ½ kg.

1. Clean the pumpkin and cut the pulp into pieces. Divide the plums into halves and discard the pits.

2. Cook plums with pumpkin, chop. Boil the puree and roll it up.

Pickled pumpkin makes an excellent appetizer and goes well with meat dishes.

Pickled pumpkin No. 1

Water, 1 l

Salt, 30 g

Sugar, 20 g

Vinegar 9%, 80 ml

Spices (black pepper, bay leaf, you can add cinnamon and cloves)

Water, 1 l

We prepare the pumpkin as usual, scald the cubes and cool them. Place in jars, sprinkle with spices, pour marinade at a boil. We sterilize jars: liter jars - 20 minutes, half-liter jars - 15 minutes.

Pickled pumpkin No. 2

Salt, 30 g

Sugar, ½ kg

Vinegar 6%, 1 l

Cinnamon and cloves

We make cubes from the pumpkin, immerse them in the boiling marinade and slowly boil until soft. We roll it up, placing it in jars.

Pickled pumpkin No. 3


Pumpkin, 3-4 large berries

Salt, 250 g

Chopped horseradish, 20 g

Celery leaves, 25 g

Parsley, 25 g

Dill, 25 g

Hot pepper, 1 pod

Bay leaf, 2-3 leaves

Vinegar 80%, 200 g

Cut the pumpkin into cubes, blanch (5 minutes) and cool. Place in jars and pour marinade into them. We pasteurize the jars at 85ºС (3-liter jars for 35 minutes, liter jars for 25 minutes) and seal them.

Pickled pumpkin No. 4

Medium sized pumpkin

Cinnamon, 1 stick

Allspice, 1 pea

Black pepper, 1 peas,

Cloves, 1 bud

Vinegar 6%, 700 g

Water, 700 g

Dip pieces of pumpkin pulp into boiling water and leave there for 10-15 minutes. Remove and cool. Cook the marinade and cool it too. Pour the cold marinade over the pumpkin cubes placed in the jars. Do not roll it up, store it in the cold.

Spicy pickled pumpkin

Pumpkin, 4 kg

Garlic, 100 g

Parsley-greens, 200 g

Hot red pepper, 300 g

Vegetable oil, 150 g

Salt, 50 g

Sugar, 350 g

Vinegar 9%, 200 ml

Water, 1 l

As usual, we make cubes from the pumpkin pulp and chop the remaining components finely. Put everything in a saucepan, pour in the marinade (hot), add oil. Cook for 30 minutes, stir occasionally.

Place on a sieve and strain off the marinade separately. Having placed the vegetables in the jars, boil the marinade again and fill the jars. Let's roll up.

Now let's move on to winter salads and pumpkin appetizers, of which there are a great variety. Here are some of the most successful ones.

Pumpkin appetizer with green beans

Pumpkin, 2 kg

Green beans, 1 kg

Tomatoes, 1 kg

Sweet pepper, ½ kg

Garlic, 150 g

Salt, 50 g

Sugar, 200 g

Vegetable oil, 300 g

Vinegar 6%, 100 g


We cut the pumpkin into traditional cubes, cut the beans into sticks, and cut the sweet pepper into half rings. Grind the tomatoes with garlic in a blender, add vinegar, salt, butter and sugar. We immerse the chopped vegetables along with chopped dill into the resulting mass. Heat slowly, cook slowly for 40-50 minutes, stir from time to time. Place while hot and seal the jars.

Pumpkin caviar with vegetables

Pumpkin, 1 kg

Tomatoes, 1 kg

Sweet pepper, 1 kg

Apples, 1 kg

Green beans, 1 kg

Onion, ½ kg

Salt, 50 g

Sugar, 300 g

Vinegar 9%, 50 g

We prepare the vegetables for processing by grinding them separately with a blender or using a meat grinder. Simply chop the onion and saute it in oil for 10 minutes in a basin. Add sugar and salt, tomatoes and pumpkin to the onions. Bringing the mixture to a boil, add the remaining vegetables and cook slowly for 1 hour, stirring. Add spices and cook for 10 minutes. Place in jars, roll up and wrap the jars.

A spicy snack for the winter. Pumpkin "Spicy"

Pumpkin, 1.3 kg

2 onions

Salt, 2 tbsp

Sugar, 5 tbsp

Grated horseradish, 3 tbsp

Mustard seeds, 2 tsp

Vinegar 6%, 500 ml

Dill seeds

1. Having received the pumpkin cubes, salt them and leave them overnight.

2. In the morning we make the marinade - pour half a liter of water, vinegar and sugar into a pan and boil it all. Blanch the salted pumpkin in it for 5 minutes. Strain off the liquid and put it back on the fire.

3. Cool the pumpkin and place it in jars. In each jar we put horseradish, onion rings, dill and mustard seeds. Pour in the boiling marinade and leave again overnight.

4. In the morning, drain the marinade from the jars, boil and pour again. Cover with nylon lids and store in the cold.

Pumpkin with grapefruits

Pumpkin, ½ kg

Grapefruit, 2 fruits

Zest of one lemon

Sugar, 750 g

Ground ginger, 1 tsp

Vinegar 6%, 1 tbsp

1. Make cubes or strips from the pumpkin pulp. Cut the lemon zest into thin strips, mix it with sugar, ginger, vinegar, and bring to a boil.

2. Immerse the pumpkin in this marinade, cook for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and leave it overnight.

3. In the morning, we resume heating, boil for 3 minutes and let cool. Meanwhile, extract the pulp from the grapefruits, discarding the seeds and membranes. Add the grapefruit pulp to the pumpkin and store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

Pumpkin in apple juice

Medium pumpkin

Sugar, 200 g

Apple juice, 1 l

Fill cubes of pumpkin pulp with boiling juice and sugar; if desired, you can add spices - ginger or cardamom. Let it cool. Return to the heat again, cook for 20 minutes and roll in jars.

Pumpkin “Snack” salad for the winter

Pumpkin, 2 kg

Carrots, ½ kg

Tomatoes, 1 kg

Sweet pepper, ½ kg

Onion, 300 g

Garlic, 2 heads

Salt, 2 tbsp without top

Sugar, 100 g

Vegetable oil, 200 g

Vinegar 70%, 2 tbsp

Black pepper

Coriander seeds

We cut carrots and pumpkin into cubes, cut peppers into strips, and onions into cubes. Grind the tomatoes. Sauté onions and carrots in oil. Add pepper and pumpkin to them, simmer for a few minutes, then pour in ground tomatoes. Salt, pepper and simmer slowly for 30 minutes. Add the spices and garlic at the end, cook for 5 minutes and distribute among the jars. Let's roll up.

Pumpkin salad. Recipe for preparing for the winter

Pumpkin, 1 medium

Onion, 2 pcs.

Salt, 30 g

Sugar, 100 g,

Vinegar 9%, 600 g

Water, 300 g

Peppercorns, black, 5 pcs

Peppercorns, allspice, 3 pcs

Bay leaf, 2 leaves

Mustard seeds, 1 tsp

Cloves, 2 buds

1. Salt the pumpkin cubes and leave for a day.

2. Prepare the marinade from the remaining ingredients and cool it.

3. The next morning, put the pumpkin in jars and fill with cold marinade.

4. Continue sterilizing the jars for 1 hour. Let's roll up.

You can make many different desserts from pumpkin. Here, for example, is wonderful jam.

Pumpkin jam

Pumpkin, 1 kg

Sugar, 1 kg

Water, 400 ml


1. Make cubes from the pumpkin with a side of 1.5 to 3 cm. Blanch them and cool.

2. Boil sugar syrup, pour boiling water over the pumpkin cubes and leave overnight.

3. In the morning, cook for 20-30 minutes, remove to cool for 2 hours.

4. Cook until the pieces are transparent, add vanillin at the end.

5. Roll up in jars.

Pumpkin jam with apples

Pumpkin, ½ kg

Antonovka apples, ½ kg

Lemon, 1 piece

Pears, 2 pcs.

Sugar, 1.2 kg

Water, 1 tbsp

Vanillin, pinch

1. Sprinkle pumpkin cubes with sugar and leave overnight.

2. In the morning, cut the pears and apples, add them along with water to the pumpkin and set to heat.

3. Cook the jam in 4 batches. Halfway through the process, add lemon, scalded and chopped very finely (discard the seeds).

4. During the last cooking, at the end of it, add vanillin. The jam should consist of pieces of different colors, the syrup should be transparent.

5. Spread the jam while it’s hot and seal the jars.

Pumpkin and physalis jam

Pumpkin, 1 kg

Physalis, ½ kg

Sugar, 1.5 kg

Cloves, 1-2 buds

Cut the pumpkin into cubes, physalis into quarters. We put them together, sprinkle them with sugar and do not touch them for 6-8 hours. Cook in 3 batches; breaks between successive cooking sessions should be 6-8 hours. During the last cooking, add cloves. Let's roll up.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots

Pumpkin, 1 kg

Dried apricots, 200 g

Sugar, 1 kg

Mix pumpkin cubes with pieces of dried apricots, sprinkle with sugar and leave overnight. The next morning, cook the jam until the end, but do not roll it up, but store it in the cold.

Pumpkin jam with rowan berries

Pumpkin, 1 kg

Rowan, 100-200 g

Sugar, ½ - 1 kg

Citric acid, 1 tsp

Cinnamon or ginger, ½ tsp

Water, ½ tbsp

Dip the pumpkin cubes into the syrup and cook for 30 minutes after boiling. Add rowan berries to the pumpkin, cook for 15 minutes and roll into jars. Wrap up.

Pumpkin and orange jam

Pumpkin, 1 kg

Large oranges, 3 pcs.

Walnuts, 1 tbsp

Water, 1 l

First, remove the zest from the oranges, then squeeze out the juice, and fry the nuts. Cook the pumpkin cubes in syrup until half cooked, add nuts and zest, and add juice. Cook until thickening begins. We roll up, spreading the jam into jars.

Pumpkin marmalade

Pumpkin, 3 kg

Lemons, 2 pcs

Sugar, 1.5 kg

Cinnamon, 1 tsp

Cloves, 5-6 buds

Water, 2 l

1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes, cook in water with spices until soft. Grind into puree, add sugar in a bowl and cook. Stir the brew with a spatula and wait for the mass to begin to separate from the walls.

2. Add the zest from the lemons and all the juice squeezed out of them to the pumpkin puree, cook for another 15 minutes.

3. Place the puree into jars and leave them open until they cool.

4. Cover each jar with a piece of parchment, tie it and store it in a cool place.

From pumpkin you can make candied fruits and something similar to dried apricots - dried pumpkin. Let's look at these 2 recipes.

Candied pumpkin

In this case, a layer of pulp is used adjacent to the hard crust, to a depth of 1 cm inside, no more.

1. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, prepare syrup using sugar and water in a 1:1 ratio.

2. Boil pumpkin cubes in syrup until the syrup begins to stretch.

3. Decant the syrup and dry the remaining pieces on parchment. Candied fruits are stored in a paper bag in a dry place. You can also place them in tightly tied jars.

"Apricots" or dried pumpkin

In this case, we choose pumpkin from dessert varieties. We cut its pulp into 3x3 cm cubes. First, we dry them simply in the air, then we transfer them to the sun’s rays. We complete the drying stage in the oven, with the door open and a temperature of 50-60ºС. We store it in bags. When serving, you can sprinkle the dried apricots with powdered sugar.

Pumpkin donuts are a wonderful and unusual dessert for a cozy tea party. Surprise your loved ones! The recipe for pumpkin donuts is quite simple, the dish is budget-friendly, but the taste will amaze everyone;)

Pumpkin compote for the winter is very beautiful and healthy, and most importantly, delicious. At first I didn’t believe it, until my mother-in-law convinced me to try it. Since then I have been making pumpkin compote according to her recipe.

A very unusual dish that will amaze your family, friends, and all gourmets - a pumpkin appetizer. Beautiful, crispy, combining both sweet and salty flavors. Meet me!

Pumpkin casserole is a magical dish. If you are biased towards this fruit, then I guarantee that you simply do not know how to prepare it correctly. Read and learn!

Pumpkin pancakes are an unusual dish at first glance, but they are prepared quite simply and quickly. The resulting pumpkin pancakes are very tender, juicy, beautifully colored and incredibly tasty:)

Pumpkin puree is a storehouse of vitamins that can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time and used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. It's easy to prepare, easy to store and long lasting.

Today we are preparing an interesting dish, which I gave a very general name - baking with pumpkin. I myself don’t fully understand what ends up happening - pie, pizza, biscuits or pies :)

Carotene-rich pumpkin inspires us to create a variety of delicious dishes. At my dacha, the pumpkin usually grows gigantic, and after cutting it, it must be used. I'm making spicy pickled pumpkin!

Sunny pumpkin jam will greatly delight lovers of this vegetable. Making jam is easy, the appearance and aroma are wonderful, and the taste is delicious. In addition, pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Pumpkin cheesecake recipe. To protect the cheesecake top from cracking, do not open the oven while the cake is baking or cooling.

My aunt always made pumpkin jam with dried apricots. The most interesting thing is that her jam was always different, sometimes it was amber and transparent, sometimes it was some kind of red mess. But it was always delicious!

Porridge with pumpkin is not only tasty, but also healthy. I offer you step-by-step instructions on how to cook porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker - even a beginner can figure out this recipe.

Do you want some sun in winter? Make pumpkin and orange jam for the winter! It will not only improve your mood with its bright yellow color and taste, but will also replenish your diet with vitamins.

I’ll tell you how pumpkin porridge is cooked - traditional, without unnecessary ingredients, in the most classic way. Only the most basic ingredients - and nothing extra. The porridge turns out to be top class!

Try giving your favorite minced meat dish a little new taste - add pumpkin to the minced meat. Minced pumpkin, which is unusual for us, is a classic in Central Asia, where it is added to manti and other dishes.

It's mid-September, the kitchen is filled with homemade tomatoes and pumpkins. Well, we prepare delicious dishes by recycling excess food. Tomato soup with pumpkin - welcome!

Check out the recipe for pumpkin porridge, which was inherited from my grandmother! Pumpkin porridge is tasty, healthy and very beautiful.

There are such products that no matter what you cook with, everything is healthy and tasty. Pumpkin is one of them. And if you add honey to pumpkin, you get an incredibly appetizing, beautiful and, of course, healthy dessert.

Chocolate pumpkin muffins are delicious and original muffins made according to Jillian Michaels' recipe. It would seem nothing complicated - but what a magnificent result!

Pumpkin cake is a very popular cake in America, which is not difficult to prepare even for a beginner. The cake turns out great - with a moist texture and rich flavor. Try it!

Very tasty and aromatic pumpkin soup. I advise you to prepare it for your children as the soup is very healthy.

Pumpkin lovers and connoisseurs, this is your dish. A piece of sunshine on the dining table. Tasty, healthy and beautiful.

I like to go on a visit not empty-handed, but with some kind of treat. One of my latest treats is Pumpkin Cheese and Seed Pie. Everyone was delighted :)

A popular American recipe for Thanksgiving.

Appetizer "Mosaic" of tomatoes, pumpkin and cucumbers

The Mosaic appetizer made from tomatoes, pumpkins and cucumbers is a wonderful appetizer for the holiday table. Cheap to prepare, but tasty and effective.

Pumpkin soup with shrimp is a hearty, thick and flavorful soup that has a very original and unusual taste. The combination of products is very successful - I recommend trying it.

Pumpkin soup with potatoes and leeks is a very tender and flavorful vegetable soup that perfectly warms you up in the cold season. The ingredients are simple and affordable - there is no reason to refuse this soup! :)

Pizza with pumpkin, pear and Gorgonzola is a very successful experiment on the theme of classic Italian cuisine. The perfect combination of ingredients makes this pizza worth trying.

Recipe for a salad of baked squash, lentils, cumin, arugula, goat cheese, mint leaves and roasted seeds.

Recipe for crostini with roasted squash, sage, ricotta, lemon zest and garlic.

Baked squash recipe with sesame oil, miso, maple syrup, orange juice, lemon juice, lemon zest, tofu and your choice of toppings.

Salad recipe with roasted squash, arugula, toasted walnuts, dried cranberries and Parmesan cheese.

Recipe for a sweet vegetable side dish of carrots, sweet potatoes and butternut squash with garlic.

Recipe for making yeast buns with pumpkin spice puree and a glaze of powdered sugar, cream cheese and vanilla extract.

Cookie recipe with pumpkin puree, oatmeal, ground cinnamon and vanilla extract.

A sweet salad recipe made from pumpkin, apples and carrots, which is ideal for a light breakfast.

This wonderful dish is perfect for both children and adults. It is very beneficial for the stomach, has a low calorie content and can be included in dietary nutrition. And it's also easy to prepare.

Pumpkin is considered a very healthy product. It contains many vitamins. Ascorbic acid will boost immunity, B vitamins strengthen hair and nails. Pumpkin calms the nervous system.

Pumpkin bread is another original way to use this wonderful vegetable in cooking. This fresh homemade pumpkin bread will give any store-bought bread a run for its money. Try it!

Pumpkin season is in full swing, so let's continue cooking with pumpkin! I recommend trying to bake a pumpkin-walnut pie - there is little hassle with it, the ingredients are simple, but the result is very good.

Another option for preparing pumpkin is my favorite pumpkin in puff pastry. The resulting envelopes are very beautiful and tasty.

Pumpkin season is in full swing, so don't yawn and prepare pumpkin dishes! I bring to your attention a sweet pie - pumpkin in shortcrust pastry. It doesn’t sound very good, but believe me, it turns out luxurious :)

Carbonara, Bolognese, Neapolitan - all this is hackneyed and uninteresting. But pasta with pumpkin and shrimp - how do you like this combination? :) We give classic Italian pasta an unusual shape and taste.

My children do not eat pumpkin in any form, the only exception being pumpkin pancakes with cheese. Everyone in our family loves them. Prepare quickly and easily.

Porridge in pumpkin is a very cheap and easy to prepare, but impressive dish of Russian traditional cuisine. If you put this on the table, it will outshine any delights and delicacies.

Pumpkin season is in full swing, so I try to cook pumpkin dishes as often as possible. Pumpkin pie with honey is one of my latest culinary inventions :)

Pumpkin season is in full swing. I suggest making Edwardian pumpkin pie - a very tender and aromatic pie, which is a classic in English national cuisine.

This method of cooking pumpkin is very popular in our family. The pumpkin-curd pie turns out to be very tender, and the pumpkin itself, interestingly, is practically not felt in it. I recommend!

Among all the candied fruits that I prepared this year, candied pumpkin was the most successful. I am sharing my signature recipe.

Pumpkin pies are very easy to prepare and delicious pies that can diversify your daily diet, especially in the midst of pumpkin season.

At the beginning of autumn, at the height of pumpkin season, we decided to prepare our favorite manti with pumpkin, adding bacon and cheese. It turned out unconventionally and very tasty.

This bright juicy “sunny” vegetable combines many advantages. It is an amazingly tasty, healthy and cheap fruit. Therefore, you should definitely include it in your menu. The following are 20 recipes for the best pumpkin dishes.

Many delicious pumpkin dishes are prepared in the oven. To do this, you just need to choose a suitable convenient form.

Pumpkin casserole

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, the same amount of semolina, 230 g each of cottage cheese and pumpkin, a medium egg, 4 tbsp. spoons of low-fat sour cream, a large pinch of baking powder.

  1. The egg is beaten with sand and combined with semolina.
  2. Grated vegetables and mashed cottage cheese are added to the mixture.
  3. Baking powder and sour cream are sent next.
  4. Well-mixed ingredients are laid out in a greased form.

The dish is prepared in the oven for 15-17 minutes.

Pumpkin Pie

Ingredients: 620 g of pumpkin, sweet and sour apple, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, a pinch of cinnamon, 320 g of granulated sugar, 560 g of wheat flour, a pack of fatty butter, 6 chicken eggs.

  1. The oil is ground with sand and raw eggs.
  2. Vegetables and fruits are grated on a medium grater and added to the mixture from the first step.
  3. The other components specified in the recipe are added to the dough one by one. Flour and baking powder are pre-sifted.
  4. The mass is poured into a mold covered with parchment.

Bake for 60-70 minutes in the oven.

Oatmeal pumpkin cookies

Ingredients: 70 g oatmeal flakes, 220 g fresh pumpkin pulp, 80 g white sugar, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 190 g high-grade flour, 135 ml of any vegetable oil, a pinch of salt.

  1. The pumpkin pieces are boiled until soft and then pureed.
  2. Oatmeal is fried in a dry frying pan for 8-9 minutes.
  3. The ingredients from the first two steps are mixed. The rest of the ingredients from the recipe are added to them.
  4. The flour sifted with baking powder is added at the end.
  5. Cookies are formed in any convenient way. The easiest way is to pipe it onto a baking sheet lined with parchment from a pastry bag.

The delicacy is baked for 15-17 minutes at 180 degrees.

Sweet baked pumpkin

Ingredients: half a kilo of very ripe sweet vegetable, a whole lemon, 30-40 g of brown sugar, 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon.

  1. The pumpkin pulp is cut into cubes (thickness - about 0.7 cm).
  2. The pieces are poured with lemon juice and sprinkled with a mixture of dry ingredients from the recipe.

At 180-190 degrees, the food is baked for just under half an hour.

Pumpkin pancakes

Ingredients: 230 g vegetable pulp, 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, a glass of full-fat kefir, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. high-grade flour, a pinch of salt, ½ teaspoon of soda, 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.

  1. The pumpkin pulp is boiled until soft and pureed.
  2. Warm kefir and eggs are added to the vegetable.
  3. After mixing the ingredients, add all other ingredients from the recipe.
  4. Oil is poured into the dough last.

Pancakes are baked in an oiled frying pan according to the principle of regular pancakes.

Homemade candied pumpkin

Ingredients: a kilo of pumpkin pulp, a whole lemon, 240-270 g of granulated sugar, powdered sugar to taste.

  1. The pumpkin is cut into cubes, the lemon into thin slices.
  2. The prepared products are laid out in layers in a large pan and sprinkled with sand.
  3. First, the vegetable is left for a couple of hours so that it releases its juice.
  4. Next, the mass is sent to the fire. After boiling, it cooks for 7-8 minutes.
  5. The syrup is drained, and the pumpkin pieces are dried in the oven at 80 degrees for 4-5 hours.

Ready candied fruits are sprinkled with powder.

Pumpkin recipes for every day

Delicious pumpkin dishes can become everyday guests at the table.

From this vegetable you can cook a hearty soup or prepare an original salad for an appetizer.

Cream soup

Ingredients: half a kilo of vegetable pulp without seeds, half a liter of chicken broth, a pinch of curry powder, table salt, a piece of high-quality butter, an onion.

  1. Onion cubes are fried in butter until golden brown.
  2. Next, small pieces of pumpkin and curry are sent to them. The mass is fried for a couple more minutes and transferred to the pan.
  3. The broth is poured into the container and salt is added. You can add a little more water to taste.
  4. Cook the soup for 17-20 minutes.

The finished dish is pureed in a blender.

Pumpkin stewed with vegetables

Ingredients: half a kilo of pumpkin pulp, onion, bell pepper, carrot, 2 tomatoes, small zucchini, table salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, garlic to taste, a pinch of sugar, any seasonings.

  1. In a frying pan, chopped onions and carrots are first fried in fat. Vegetables are immediately salted and sweetened.
  2. After 6-7 minutes, cubes of pumpkin and zucchini are added to the frying pan.
  3. Next, pepper cubes and tomato slices are added to the container.
  4. Together, the vegetables are stewed under the lid until the liquid has evaporated and all components have softened.

Lemon juice, chopped garlic and seasonings are added to the prepared dish.

Pumpkin cupcakes

Ingredients: 370 g of fresh pumpkin, 230 g of high-grade flour, chicken egg, 80 ml of refined butter, a full glass of granulated sugar, a pinch of ground cinnamon and salt, 6 g of baking powder, 60 ml of full-fat milk.

  1. Pumpkin pieces are boiled until soft and pureed. Butter, milk, and egg are added to the resulting mass. Together, the components are again processed in a blender.
  2. All that remains is to add all the dry ingredients to the mixture.
  3. After mixing, the dough is poured into molds.

The cupcakes are baked for 17-20 minutes at a very high temperature in the oven.

Warm pumpkin salad with bacon and arugula

Ingredients: a kilo of pumpkin pulp, 5 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce and the same amount of vegetable oil, a bunch of arugula, a handful of pitted olives, 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey and 4 tbsp. spoons of white wine vinegar, 3 red onions, 130 g of bacon.

  1. The pumpkin is cut into cubes and poured with a marinade of chopped onion (1 piece), soy sauce, honey and half the butter. In this form, the components are baked for half an hour in a very hot oven.
  2. The bacon strips are fried until crispy.
  3. The remaining onion is cut into thin half rings. Arugula is torn by hand.
  4. All prepared ingredients are laid out in a salad bowl. The olive halves are also sent there.

The appetizer is seasoned with a sauce made from the remaining oil, vinegar and salt.

Pumpkin dishes in a slow cooker

Even in a “smart pan” you can prepare amazing treats from the vegetable in question. The best recipes for pumpkin dishes in a slow cooker are presented below.

Stewed pumpkin with dried fruits

Ingredients: half a kilo of pumpkin pulp, 60 g of butter, honey to taste, a mixture of raisins, dried apricots and prunes.

  1. First of all, dried fruits are washed well with water and poured with boiling water for 6-7 minutes.
  2. Place pieces of peeled pumpkin into the bowl of a “smart pan” (greased with melted butter).
  3. Prepared dried fruits are also sent there. The ingredients are drizzled with honey to taste. You can use sugar instead of bee products.

The healthy delicacy is prepared for 50-60 minutes in the stewing program.

Pearl barley porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 160 g pearl barley, 420 g vegetable pulp, 380 ml filtered water, rock salt to taste.

  1. The washed cereals are left in cold water overnight.
  2. In the morning, the pearl barley is transferred to the bowl of the “smart pan”. Pumpkin cubes also go there.
  3. The products are salted to taste and filled with water.

Cook the porridge in a suitable program for 35-45 minutes.

Stewed shrimp in pumpkin

Ingredients: half a kilo of pumpkin, 320 g of small shrimp, chili pepper, onion, 1 cm of ginger root, garlic to taste, 1.5 multicooker glasses of filtered water, table salt, a pinch of cumin and turmeric, a little vegetable oil.

  1. First, chopped garlic, grated ginger and seasonings are fried in oil in a suitable mode. After a couple of minutes, pumpkin cubes, peeled shrimp and small pieces of pepper are laid out in the aromatic mass.
  2. The products are filled with water and salted.

In baking mode, the dish is cooked for 40-45 minutes.

Amazing pumpkin cupcake

Ingredients: 2 full tbsp. grated vegetable, 1.5 tbsp. high-grade flour, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, 3 chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of quality cocoa, 7 tbsp. spoons of refined oil, 11 g of baking powder, a pinch of vanillin and table salt.

  1. Using a mixer, beat eggs and sand until fluffy.
  2. The remaining dry ingredients are mixed separately.
  3. The butter is poured into the whipped mixture and the ingredients from the second step are added.
  4. Grated pumpkin is added to the dough base. All ingredients are mixed well.
  5. The mass is poured into the bowl of the device.

The cake is prepared for about an hour in the “Baking” mode.

Cooking for children

A lot of pumpkin dishes are prepared for children. Kids love this juicy, sweetish vegetable. In addition, pumpkin saturates the children's body with vitamins.

Pumpkin soup in pots

Ingredients: half a kilo of vegetable pulp, 2 liters of filtered water, half a kilo of chicken, onion, carrots, salt, 3 potatoes.

  1. Broth is made from chicken.
  2. The potatoes are cut into cubes and placed in pots.
  3. Pumpkin cubes, carrot and onion slices are also sent there.
  4. Pieces of meat that has already been cooked and removed from the bones are laid out on top.

All that remains is to pour the broth over the broth, add salt and place in the oven until all the vegetables are soft.

Pumpkin stew with apple and banana

Ingredients: half a kilo of vegetable pulp, ripe banana, 2 sweet apples, granulated sugar to taste, a pinch of vanilla sugar, half a glass of purified water.

  1. All prepared ingredients are added one by one into a deep metal pan with a thick bottom and walls.
  2. First, pumpkin cubes without peel and seeds are sent into the container, then apple pieces and banana slices.
  3. Both types of sugar are added last. You can completely avoid using sand, since all the ingredients are already sweet.
  4. Water is poured over the components.

The dish will simmer over low heat under the lid for 20-25 minutes.

Rice porridge with pumpkin

Ingredients: 370-390 g of pumpkin pulp, a full glass of white round rice, 3-4 glasses of full-fat cow's milk, a pinch of table salt, 3-4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, a large piece of butter.

  1. The vegetable is thoroughly washed, peeled and seeds removed.
  2. The pumpkin is cut into large cubes and placed on a steamer rack.
  3. Cook the vegetable for 17-20 minutes until softened.

All that remains is to puree the pumpkin with a blender and dilute it with a small amount of water/milk/mixture.

Dietary pumpkin dishes

Today, a huge number of delicious dietary pumpkin dishes are known. They will help you lose weight without suffering from hunger and lack of variety in your diet.

Pumpkin juice for weight loss

To prepare such juice, all you need to do is take a fresh, juicy and sweet vegetable and process it with a juicer. The resulting drink is taken 1 glass per day for 3 weeks. It can be diluted to taste with filtered boiled water.

  1. The pumpkin is crushed using the finest grater. You need to do the same with peeled apples.
  2. The ingredients are poured into a glass of water and simmered in saucepans for 12-15 minutes until soft. At this stage, you can add sugar to the mixture to taste.
  3. All that remains is to pour flour into the dough and use the remaining ingredients.

The pumpkin must be peeled, seeds and fibers removed.

The part of the pumpkin that has the most flesh is best, for example, for butternut squash it will be the part closer to the tail.

Cut small rectangular blocks from the pumpkin pulp. It is very important to keep the pumpkin pieces the same size. If the bars are the same, then such an appetizer will look quite impressive on the festive table and will make the right impression.

All trimmings from the formation of pumpkin sticks can be further used for preparing other dishes.

Grease each pumpkin block on all sides with vegetable oil, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Place the pumpkin strips in a mold, cover with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.

In these 15 minutes you can prepare a delicious addition - “kozinaki” from pumpkin seeds.

In a dry frying pan, fry the pumpkin seeds until golden brown. To prevent them from burning, they need to be stirred constantly.

Pour the hot seeds into a deep bowl, add liquid (not candied) honey and a pinch of salt. Mix everything well so that all the seeds are covered with honey.

Lay parchment paper on a flat surface and place future “kozinaki” in the form of small piles. The number of piles of “kozinaki” should correspond to the number of pumpkin sticks. Leave the sweetness to harden on the paper.

Cut the nori sheets into pieces equal to the number of pumpkin sticks.
Remove the pumpkin from the oven and cool it to a temperature at which you can safely handle it with your hands.

Wrap each block in a leaf of nori, and to ensure that the seaweed sticks well, the edges can be slightly moistened with water.

Dip each end of the pumpkin wedges into sesame seeds.