We reserve homemade tomato juice for the winter - it’s very thick and tasty.

When purchasing tomato juice in a store, we do not receive the amount of vitamins and microelements that we expect. Preservatives added to an industrial product negate all the beneficial properties of the drink. However, home-cooked tomato retains vitamins for several years. The benefit of tomato drink lies in the high content of phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, iron, calcium, magnesium, as well as vitamins PP, C, A, B, E.

How to choose the right tomatoes for harvesting juice for the winter

To prepare homemade tomato juice, choose only selected ripe, sweet red tomatoes (green and yellow tomatoes are not suitable). If unripe vegetables are used for processing, homemade preparations will be too sour or bitter, and overripe fruits will make it tasteless. Technologists who specialize in the industrial production of tomatoes advise selecting tomatoes for harvesting with a sugar to acid ratio of about 8. Ideal varieties would be: Simferopolsky, Yerevan 14, Akhtubinsky, Salatny, Yuzhanin and others.

The best step-by-step recipes for homemade tomato juice with photos

On average, one and a half kilograms of tomatoes yield a liter of tomato juice; these proportions should be used as a guide when calculating the required amount of vegetables for preparing stock for the winter. It is possible to make juice from tomatoes alone, or combine them with additives such as sugar, salt, and spices. Some housewives prefer to add other vegetables to the juice - garlic, onions, bell peppers or celery.

Classic recipe without sterilization through a juicer

The tomato can be stored well in a cold room such as a cellar or basement for more than a year. However, to keep the product fresh longer, spices (salt, sugar, pepper) should be added immediately before drinking the juice. Homemade preparation from fresh tomatoes put through a juicer turns out thick and tasty; its quality and nutritional value cannot be compared with its store-bought counterpart.


  • 9 kg of tomatoes;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • salt to taste;

Step-by-step recipe for homemade tomato juice for the winter:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut out the centers.
  2. Cut the fruits in half and pass through a juicer or meat grinder.
  3. Pour the juice into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  4. Pass the drink through a sieve to obtain a uniform consistency. Add sugar, salt.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat and keep it on the fire for another five minutes.
  6. Pour the tomato into sterile jars and seal.

Tomato puree with pulp in a blender

Tomato sauce is a universal preparation for the winter. You can use it not only for preparing borscht or various main courses (sauté, gravy for side dishes, cabbage rolls), but also to season ready-made food with it. Tomato puree goes well with fish, vegetables, meat, and poultry. In addition to its excellent taste, homemade sauce is a very healthy product containing many essential substances.


  • 12 kg of tomatoes;
  • salt.

Step-by-step recipe for making homemade tomato juice with pulp for the winter:

  1. Wash ripe, fresh tomatoes, remove stems, cut off bad spots. Cut them into pieces that will fit into the neck of the blender-juicer.
  2. Grind the tomatoes - you should get juice with foam.
  3. Pour the fresh juice into the pan, leaving some free space at the top (5-6 cm), since the foam will rise during cooking.
  4. Skim off the foam, reduce the heat and leave the juice to simmer for 25 minutes.
  5. Rinse jars and lids with vinegar and sterilize.
  6. When the tomato juice is cooked, the foam will turn red. Remove the pan from the heat, salt the preparation for the winter, pour into jars and leave under the blanket overnight.

A simple recipe with salt and sugar in a slow cooker


  • four kilograms of tomatoes;
  • a tablespoon of sugar, salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Step-by-step recipe for making tomato juice for the winter using a multicooker:

  1. Turn on the “Baking” option on the multicooker and place the tomatoes inside.
  2. Salt, add sugar and pepper. Cook the mixture, stirring constantly for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the juice into sterile jars and close them with lids. You can drink this drink without preservation.

Canned juice with garlic and bell pepper


  • a bucket of fresh, soft tomatoes;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • bulb;
  • three bell peppers.

Step-by-step canned recipe:

  1. Wash and place the tomatoes in a saucepan with boiling water. Let them sit in the hot water for no more than 30 seconds, then remove the fruits with a slotted spoon and place them in a pan filled with cold water.
  2. After 2-3 minutes, remove the tomatoes and peel the skins.
  3. Remove seeds and peels from onions, garlic, and peppers. Grind all the vegetables, put them in a blender, juicer, or grind them in a meat grinder.
  4. Squeeze out the resulting pulp using a sieve. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and boil it for 10-20 minutes.
  5. Pour the winter preparation into sterile jars and seal them. Before drinking the drink, it is recommended to add salt to taste.

How to cook with celery in a juicer


  • three kilos of tomatoes;
  • kilogram of celery.

Step-by-step recipe for winter tomato preparation with celery:

  1. Cut the washed tomatoes into slices and place in a juicer. Fill the container with water, place a saucepan with tomatoes on top, cover with a lid and place everything on the stove, turning on high heat.
  2. When the tomato boils, add the peeled, finely chopped celery. Bring the drink to a boil again, then pour into sterile jars.

Spicy tomato juice with dill and vinegar

Not every housewife seasones her winter preparations with vinegar, but when it is added to tomato juice, the shelf life of the drink increases significantly. A barrel of such a product can be stored for more than one year, and the color of the tomato due to this universal seasoning is very rich and beautiful. To prepare spicy juice, it is better to choose overripe, juicy tomatoes.


  • a bunch of dill (or basil);
  • a kilogram of overripe tomatoes;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf.

Step-by-step recipe for tomato juice for the winter with dill and vinegar:

  1. Cut the washed tomatoes into quarters and wipe them using a sieve or juicer.
  2. Filter the resulting thick drink through double-folded gauze.
  3. Add spices and pour the winter preparation into the pan. Place the container on the fire.
  4. When the drink boils, throw in a sprig of dill and, without waiting for it to boil again, pour it into jars.
  5. Cover the containers with lids and sterilize them for at least 10 minutes. Cool the jars naturally and keep them cool.

Making juice from tomato paste

Only high-quality paste is suitable for preparing tomato juice. Sauce or ketchup is not suitable for this. According to GOST, the paste must contain at least 25 percent of dry substances - this is 25-40%. The product must not contain any components other than salt or water. To check the quality of tomato paste, shake the jar; do not buy a product that is too liquid. At 23 percent density, the consistency should be similar to regular . Making juice from tomato paste is profitable because its cost is three times lower than a tomato from a bag.


  • tomato paste;
  • water;
  • salt as desired.

Tomato paste juice recipe:

  1. To obtain liquid tomato, dilute 1 tablespoon of paste in a glass of water.
  2. If you like a richer taste, use other proportions: dissolve 2 tablespoons of paste in a glass of water.
  3. If desired, you can season the drink with salt, sugar or pepper.

Video about the composition, calorie content and benefits of tomato juice for humans

Almost everyone loves tasty, spicy tomato juice. However, to pamper your family with this drink, you don’t have to buy it in the store. It's not difficult to make your own juice. Unlike the industrial product, which often contains harmful preservatives or aspirin, homemade tomato juice is absolutely pure. In addition to the fact that the drink contains many vitamins, it improves the functioning of the liver and heart, regulates metabolic processes (helps lose weight), and normalizes blood pressure. Its calorie content is only 24 kcal per 100 ml of juice. Watch a video about this drink:

Tomato juice is a very tasty and healthy product. If the norms and rules of preservation are followed, all vitamins and beneficial microelements are retained in the juice. The twist can be used for two years. They close it in different ways; there are recipes with acetic acid, sugar, salt and without these components. On average, one liter of juice will require a kilogram of ripe tomatoes. The process is not very labor intensive. It will take about an hour to prepare, but your family will be delighted with the aromatic drink.

For cooking, you need to have ripe tomatoes, preferably fleshy and large. Cream is not suitable for juice. There are several options for making tomato juice.

Number 1. Divide the tomatoes into four parts, boil in a container for 15-20 minutes. Let cool and pass through a sieve.

Number 2. Pour boiling water over whole tomatoes, soak in it for several minutes, and transfer to running ice water. Remove the skin. Beat into a homogeneous mass using a blender.

Number 3. Process the tomatoes using a meat grinder. Boil the finished juice with pulp for 10-15 minutes until the foam disappears. Package in pre-prepared and processed containers. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes, depending on the volume of the container, and seal. Cool upside down.

How long to cook tomato juice for the winter

Different cooking options require different amounts of time. No matter how a tomato is prepared, it will always have that special summer taste.

It is also worth noting that for juice it is necessary to use only fleshy, ripe fruits. You can cook with the skin, or you can remove it first. After the mass begins to boil, add spices, salt, granulated sugar, and boil for 10-15 minutes. There is a recipe with a longer boiling process, it depends on the desired consistency of the juice; the thicker it is, the longer it takes to boil.

Recipe for tomato juice for the winter from tomatoes

A very easy way to prepare juice for the winter. You will need:

  • Tomatoes at the rate of 1 kg per 1 liter of finished juice;

Cut the fruits, place them in a container filled with water and boil for 10 minutes. Remove the skins from the cooled fruits.

Blend with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Transfer to a saucepan and simmer for 10-15 minutes. You can put spices.

Pack the hot mixture into a prepared container. Roll up. Cool down upside down.

Tomato juice for the winter - a simple way

You can prepare delicious juice at home; you don’t have to buy store-bought juice, which contains a large amount of preservatives and stabilizers.
You'll need:

  • Tomato, preferably large and large, calculation 1 kg per 1 liter of juice;
  • Spices, at your discretion.

You don’t have to struggle with a meat grinder or other complex household appliances. Pour boiling water over the washed tomatoes and let them stand for 10-15 minutes.

Remove the skin from the cooled fruits. In a large container, puree them with a puree tool or hand blender.

The juice can be strained, or left as is, it will have pulp.Boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes until the foam settles. Pack the hot mixture into pre-treated containers. Twist.

Tomato juice with pulp for the winter

Juice with pulp is a very favorite treat for both children and many adults. To stock up on it for the winter, you will need:

  • One and a half kg of ripe fruits;
  • 15 g salt;

This recipe is closed without boiling, which allows you to preserve the freshness of the product and all the beneficial substances as much as possible.

Place the washed fruits in a mesh or colander and plunge into boiling water for a few minutes.

When the fruit has cooled completely, remove the skin.

Grind the finished fruits, you can use a blender. Be sure to add salt, maybe a little bit as you like.

Pack the thick mixture into a bowl.Place it in a container for sterilization. The process takes an average of 20 to 30 minutes.Roll up the treated lid.

Cool upside down.

Finger-licking tomato juice for the winter

Homemade incredibly delicious juice. In order to stock up on it for the winter, you will need:

  • Ripe fruits 1.5 kg, based on 1 kg of the finished mixture;
  • Salt 20 g;
  • Essence or citric acid. 10 g;
  • Granulated sugar 20 g;
  • Ground pepper 5 g;
  • Spices (coriander) 5 g;

Divide the washed fruits into several parts. Using home appliances, a meat grinder or a juicer, process them. Pass the finished thick mixture through a colander to remove all unnecessary components. Boil the resulting mass for 10-15 minutes. When the foam settles, combine with the bulk ingredients. Boil for another 5 minutes.

Remove the hot, processed dish from the oven and quickly pack the hot mixture into it. Roll up the treated lid. Cool upside down.

Tomato juice from a juicer for the winter

The most correct way to prepare juice is in a juicer. All the beneficial substances of ripe fruits are not lost. The taste becomes very bright and aromatic.

The process of boiling in a juicer:

  1. Fill the juicer container with water, approximately 4 liters.
  2. Place the juice bowl over a container of water.
  3. Fill the bowl with washed and chopped fruits. Add spices to them at your discretion.
  4. Close the bowl.
  5. It should be remembered that the tube must be closed. This way the evaporating juice will be collected in a separate container.
  6. After approximately 45 minutes, it should be poured into the already treated container and screwed.

The technology is very simple and does not require much effort. During this time, from 3 to 5 liters of the finished mixture can come out.

After processing, the useful substance Licolin will be collected in the fruits. It is a powerful antioxidant. Its action is aimed at suppressing cancer cells and improves the functioning of the entire cardiac system.

Tomato juice for the winter through a juicer

The recipe is quite interesting. The result is a product with a very rich and bright taste. You can use absolutely all fruits, even those that are not entirely red. During processing, they will become pliable, making them easier for the juicer to handle. You will need to clean it less.

Bake the washed tomatoes in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 C.

Process the cooled ones with a juicer.

Place the resulting mixture in a container and boil for about half an hour.Combine with spices at your discretion and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Immediately pack into hot, processed containers and screw.Cool upside down.

Tomato juice for the winter through a meat grinder

In order to produce 500 g of pure mixture, it is necessary to process 1.5 kg of fruit.

Process the washed and peeled fruits using a meat grinder.

Boil the resulting mixture for about 20 minutes, before finishing boiling, combine with spices at your discretion.Pack into processed hot containers. Accordingly, the lid must also be processed.Cool upside down; no need to cover.

The more powerful your home appliances are, the better and faster they will cope with the fruit processing process.

Sweet tomato juice for the winter

A meat grinder, which is indispensable in the household, will help you prepare such a sweet delicacy. You don’t need a lot of different instruments and devices, everything is elementary simple.

  1. Pour boiling water over the pre-washed and cut fruits. Leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel them. And feel free to start processing. A meat grinder can easily cope with this task.
  3. Additionally, you should rub the mixture through a colander. If you like unpureed juice, start boiling it.
  4. Combine the mixture with spices; all additions are at your discretion.
  5. Pack the hot mixture into a prepared container. Screw on the treated lid.

The recipe is designed for:

  • 5 kg of fruits;
  • 250 g granulated sugar;
  • Salt 15 g;
  • Garlic 10 cloves;
  • Ground pepper 5 g;

Cool dishes upside down.

Tomato juice through a sieve for the winter

The recipe is designed for 1.3 kg of fruit. At the exit you will get about 1 liter of pureed mass. You will need:

  • Ripe fruits;
  • Granulated sugar per 1 liter - 25 g;
  • Salt per 1 kg – 5 g;

Before cooking, the fruits must be washed, peeled, and cut into small pieces.

Transfer to a boiling container.Boil with the addition of 200 g of water for about 10 minutes.Cool and begin processing.

Rub the boiled tomatoes through a colander, then a sieve. The mass will be homogeneous, without unnecessary components.

Pour the finished mixture into a container. Combine it with bulk ingredients. Boil for 15-20 minutes.Process the dishes in the oven for an average of at least 15-20 minutes.

Boil the lid for 5 minutes.Pack the mixture into a bowl and twist. Cools upside down.

Video tomato juice for the winter

Owners of automatic and manual juicers know how useful such a device is in the kitchen. With its help you can prepare delicious fresh vegetables or fruits for children and adults. It is no less easy to prepare tomato juice for the winter using a juicer: you just need to follow the instructions exactly and take into account the conditions for preparing the vitamin drink.

  • tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves (to taste).

Step-by-step recipe: homemade tomato juice for the winter

A simple recipe for tomato juice for the winter without sterilization: preparation rules

You can prepare a lot of tomato juice without adding spices, salt and sugar. But in this case, it is imperative to select only ripe, sweetish tomatoes: they will allow you to get tomato juice for the winter at home without sterilization. And even during long-term storage, the lids of the jars will not be torn off. The only condition for preserving the seaming will be to place the cans in a cool, dark place. A regular basement is the optimal place to place numerous bottles. The recipes below will help you prepare aromatic tomato juice for the winter.

Ingredients for preparing tomato juice for the winter

  • tomatoes - 3 kg (for 2 liter jars).

Step-by-step recipe for preparing tomato juice for the winter without sterilization

  1. The tomatoes are trimmed (if there are damaged or soft spots) and the peel is removed.
  2. The fruits are placed in a deep saucepan, filled with a small amount of water (about 200 ml is enough), and cooked until they take the form of a paste.
  3. The mixture is rubbed through a strainer, the seeds are separated from the main mass.
  4. The purified juice is poured into a saucepan and placed on fire. After boiling, stir constantly and cook for about 20 minutes (until the foam disappears).
  5. The prepared juice is poured into sterilized jars, closed with lids treated with boiling water, and rolled up. After cooling, place in a cool, dark place.

Tomato juice for the winter through a meat grinder: video recipe for preparation

Not having a juicer at home is not a problem. In such cases, you can prepare delicious tomato juice for the winter using a meat grinder. The work takes little time and does not require much effort. This method allows you to quickly chop a large number of tomatoes and roll up a lot of cans and bottles of juice. This video recipe details the steps for preparing tomato juice using a meat grinder:

Using the given recipe as a basis, you can make some adjustments to it. For example, if you need a recipe for tomato juice for the winter with a more nutritious composition, you can add greens. After carefully grinding the parsley, celery and dill using a meat grinder or a regular blender, you should add them to the tomatoes before cooking. After boiling the greens and tomatoes, you can pour the mixture into jars and roll them up.

Tomato juice for the winter through a juicer - recipe with photo

Using different varieties of tomatoes in one recipe allows you to get not just tasty, but also original tomato juice. It is very important to select tomatoes taking into account their taste: it is recommended to mix sweet varieties with savory ones. The resulting tandem will be truly unusual, and the color of such a mixture can be either soft pink or pink-yellow. To obtain such a roll, it is recommended to prepare tomato juice for the winter from pink and yellow tomatoes. Combining them will result in a delicious drink with a rich flavor. At the same time, even a novice housewife can prepare tomato juice for the winter using a recipe with a photo.

Ingredients for preparing tomato juice for the winter with an unusual color

  • pink and yellow tomatoes - 3 kg of each variety.

Recipe for preparing unusual tomato juice for the winter using a juicer

  1. The stems of the tomatoes are removed, and the vegetables are peeled.
  2. Prepared tomatoes are passed through a juicer (two types at once).
  3. The mixture is placed on the fire and boiled for about 20 minutes (the liquid must be stirred thoroughly after boiling).
  4. Boiled juice is poured into jars and closed with lids.
  5. The jars are placed in a large saucepan and sterilized (for liter jars, 10 minutes is enough, bottles are sterilized for 15-20 minutes).
  6. After cooling, the jars are put away in the basement or pantry.

Tomato juice for the winter at home without a juicer: original recipe

Many housewives practice preparing tomato juices from yellow tomatoes. A distinctive feature of such varieties is considered to be a higher content of beneficial substances responsible for the removal of toxins. This unusual juice is ideal for maintaining your diet in winter. It will certainly appeal to kids and teenagers. It is not difficult to prepare tomato juice for the winter at home without a juicer: it is recommended to use a regular blender to chop tomatoes.

Ingredients for preparing tomato juice for the winter without a juicer

  • yellow tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.

Step-by-step recipe for preparing yellow tomato juice for the winter

  1. Tomatoes are washed under running water and peeled.
  2. Cut into small pieces, place in a blender and grind to a paste.
  3. The crushed tomatoes are passed through a strainer to remove the seeds.
  4. The gruel is poured into a saucepan and placed on fire. Boil for about 15 minutes.
  5. In each liter jar (you should get about 2 liters of juice), add 0.5 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar, and add a couple of bay leaves.
  6. The jars are rolled up and sterilized within 10 minutes.

Using such a simple recipe, it’s really easy to get aromatic tomato juice for the winter. And if you can’t grind the tomatoes through a juicer or a blender, you can pass them through a meat grinder a couple of times. This simple recipe is easy to use for preparing tomato juice without sterilization. In this case, it will turn out no less tasty, but it is recommended to store it for no more than 3-6 months. If you wish, you can experiment with adding garlic and herbs: at home it will not be difficult to get a truly unusual and very tasty juice. The attached photo and video tips will help you create your own original recipe. By supplementing recipes with new ingredients, changing their quantities, each housewife will be able to find an original combination of ingredients that will appeal to all household members.

Through a juicer. The recipe is simple and accessible. It’s not difficult to get ingredients in the summer, and most of our compatriots have a juicer at home. Therefore, it all comes down to desire and availability of free time. And if there is the first, then the second will definitely be found.

What do you need?

Not many ingredients are needed to make tomato juice for the winter using a juicer. The recipe requires the following components:

  • 3 - 4 kilograms of fresh tomatoes;
  • 2 - 2.5 tbsp. spoons of table salt;
  • 5 - 5.5 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar.

The proportions are indicated for one to three liters of the finished drink. Calculating them for a larger volume is not difficult. One thing worth noting about tomatoes is that the fruits do not have to be hard and whole. Soft and slightly bruised tomatoes will also work.

Tomato juice

At the next stage, it is necessary to prepare the fruits in order to make tomato juice for the winter through a juicer. The recipe requires chopping large tomatoes and removing spoiled parts. They need to be washed well first. They are then put through a juicer. The resulting drink is poured into an enamel pan.


The filled pan is placed on the fire and brought to a boil, which should last 30 minutes. In this case, the drink is stirred periodically. Then (after half an hour) salt and sugar are added in the required quantity, and the juice is boiled for another quarter of an hour. After which our tomato juice is completely ready to be poured into jars for the winter. Passing tomatoes through a juicer (the recipe also requires a certain heat treatment of the containers) is quite easy. The containers are washed using baking soda, then they are sterilized. To do this, you will need a pan into which a jar turned upside down would not fall. A saucepan (you can also use a kettle) is filled halfway with water and placed on the fire, bringing to a boil. Then a jar is placed on it, with the bottom facing up, and sterilized within 15 minutes. A similar operation is performed with all containers. Another pan is needed to perform exactly the same procedure with lids. It fills with water. Then the lids are placed in it. All this is put on fire, brought to a boil and thermally treated for a quarter of an hour.

Cooling down

At the final stage, the juice is poured into jars. If the jar has had time to cool down, then there should be a spoon in it so that the glass container does not crack. Once the container is filled, it is covered with a lid and closed using a special key. Next, turn the bottom up and cover with a blanket. Preparation of tomato juice for the winter ends after all the jars have cooled. On average, this takes 12-14 hours.


Homemade tomato juice for the winter is a healthy drink. It is much better than what is sold in the store. The ideal option is if the tomatoes are grown in your country house or garden. Then you will receive a natural product. But even if you buy them at the market or store, you can choose the most suitable fruits. At least you'll know what your juice is made of. But this cannot be said about store-bought products.

– incredible healthy and tasty drink. It is recommended to be used regularly by people who have problems with the heart, nerves, intestines, as well as those who want to get rid of extra pounds. The fact is that this drink restores metabolic processes and promotes weight loss.

We are, of course, talking about hand-prepared natural juice, which, when properly cooked, retains its amazing taste and beneficial properties.

To prepare high-quality tomato juice at home, You need juicy, slightly overripe, fleshy tomatoes. One liter of juice usually takes 1.5 kilograms of fresh fruit.

To puree tomatoes, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Meat grinder with juice attachment.
  • Juicer.
  • Sieve.

The tomato base can be with seasonings, herbs, spices, vegetables and even fruits. And you can make it without salt and without additives. This is a matter of taste. Additional ingredients are usually fresh garlic, onions, celery, red bell pepper, apples, beets, and various spices.

The variety of tomatoes is not of fundamental importance. Large and non-standard tomatoes, which are not suitable for pickling due to structural defects or their size, are quite suitable for this purpose. Their preparation includes removing the stalk and spoiled areas, washing, and cutting into pieces.

To prepare seed-free tomato juice, it is best to use a juicer. If you use a meat grinder without an attachment, you will have to separate the seeds using a sieve or manually. And this is not a very easy task, especially if the volume of preparation is not small.

The amount of salt and sugar indicated in the recipes is quite arbitrary. Each housewife is guided by her taste preferences, adding them to her taste. The degree of spiciness and heat also depends on personal predispositions.

Preparing jars

The process of preparing cans for tomato juice is a rather important step. In addition to washing, baking soda and proper sterilization, you need to check them for even the slightest cracks to avoid serious injury if a hot jar of juice cracks. The following methods are suitable for sterilizing jars:

  • Aluminum circle on a container of boiling water.
  • Mantovarka grid.
  • Oven heated to 150 degrees.

Liter jars are sterilized for 15 minutes, A two-liter - 20 minutes. To prevent the container from bursting due to a sharp temperature change, do not take it out of the oven with wet hands.

To cool cans that are sealed and turned upside down, a blanket or thick blanket is usually used. Be sure to replace the lid if juice leaks. After the finished product has cooled completely, the jars can be turned over and stored in a cool place. This could be a basement, cellar or insulated balcony.

Simple recipes

You can prepare a wonderful drink from tomatoes at home in the simplest way, without using any additional ingredients. For this you need:

Traditional option

To prepare a salty, tasty juice, add a little sugar and salt to the tomato base when cooking. “Traditional” tomato juice is easy to prepare. You will need the following ingredients:

  • Red ripe tomatoes.
  • Salt to your own taste.
  • One and a half tablespoons of sugar per liter of product.

How to cook:

We puree the tomatoes in any way.

Add salt and sugar to the tomato base. If you need to add salt, add more salt.

Bring the tomato mixture to the first signs of boiling over medium heat.

After the first bubbles appear, reduce the heat and continue cooking for twenty minutes.

Then pour the finished juice into jars and seal.

Let cool and store in a cool place.

Spicy drink

The aromatic “Spicy” tomato juice will appeal to many people. To prepare it you will need not only tomatoes, but also nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, and allspice.

Acetic acid, which is added to the drink, will allow it to remain in its original form for quite a long time. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • Tomatoes - eleven kilograms.
  • Sugar - 600 grams.
  • Salt - 180 grams.
  • Table vinegar - 280 ml or acetic acid - a tablespoon.
  • Garlic - five cloves.
  • Allspice - thirty peas.
  • Cloves - ten units.
  • Chili powder - a little to taste.
  • Ground cinnamon - three spoons.
  • Ground nutmeg - a fifth of a teaspoon.


  • Prepare tomato base using a juicer.
  • Pour the base into an enamel container.
  • Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for another half hour.
  • Then cook over low heat for another ten minutes.
  • Add garlic, spices and vinegar.
  • Digest with additives for twenty minutes.
  • Pour into jars, seal and cool completely.

Fragrant juice

Bay leaf gives the tomato drink a languid spicy aroma. And preparing it is also quite simple. You will need:

  • Ripe tomatoes.
  • Black peppercorns - to taste.
  • Several bay leaves per jar.
  • Salt - to taste.


  • Puree the tomatoes in a juicer.
  • Pour the resulting mass into an enamel pan.
  • Wait until it boils, and then cook for another fifteen minutes.
  • Then add bay leaf, ground pepper and salt.
  • Then the finished drink is poured into prepared dry jars, sealed and cooled.
  • The cooled juice is stored in a cool place.

Fragrant tomato

Tomato drink with bell pepper has an original taste and aroma. To prepare it you need the following components:

  • Tomatoes - ten kilograms.
  • Garlic - three cloves, although you can add more to taste.
  • Red bell pepper - three pieces.
  • Medium onion - one piece.

How to do:

  • Peel the tomato. To do this, it is cut crosswise at the very stem and lowered into boiling water for half a minute. Then immediately plunge into cool water so that the skin can be separated and removed well due to the temperature difference.
  • We free the pepper from fibrous membranes, seeds and chop.
  • Peel the garlic, onion and chop it too.
  • Puree all the vegetables one by one.
  • We rub the resulting puree through a metal sieve.
  • Place the resulting mass in an enamel container, put it on the fire and bring to a boil.
  • The drink should be brewed for ten minutes.
  • Then, using the above technology, we seal it in jars, cool it and leave it for storage in a prepared cool place.

Vitamin drink

You will need:

  • Overripe tomatoes - one kilogram.
  • Celery - three stalks.
  • Salt - a tablespoon.
  • Black pepper.

How to do:

  • Make tomato puree.
  • Finely chop the washed celery.
  • Place the tomato mass in an enamel cooking container and bring it to a boil.
  • After the juice boils, add celery to it.
  • Wait until it boils and cook for another ten minutes.
  • Then rub the cooled mass using a sieve.
  • Bring to a boil again and pour into a sterile container.
  • Seal, cool and place in cool storage.

If you don’t have a juicer, you can use a meat grinder with special attachments to grind the tomatoes. Tomato juice is very useful for people who suffer from chronic constipation. The substances contained in the drink help normalize digestion processes.

For those who want to lose weight, this drink can become an indispensable remedy. It increases the speed of metabolic processes and contains a rich organic composition, including citric, oxalic, malic and tartaric acids.

Tomato drink is a natural anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic and antimicrobial agent.

If the juice separates during storage and its pulp settles to the bottom, simply shake the jar to restore its normal consistency.

The above recipes will help you prepare this healthy drink for the winter and enjoy it throughout the entire calendar year - until the next tomato harvest.

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