Close up carrots in Korean style for the winter. Carrots for the winter in Korean

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Korean-style carrots without sterilization are not only a significant money saver, but also a tasty and vitamin-rich food for the winter. It is probably difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to this dish. Spicy spiciness and a delicate combination of seasonings give ordinary carrots a simply gorgeous taste. Preparing this does not take much time, since there is no mandatory process of sterilization of the preserve, which significantly speeds up its preparation. The recipe without sterilizing carrots is prepared very quickly.

- carrots – 700 gr.,
- vinegar – 45 ml.,
- vegetable oil – 50 ml.,
- sugar – 1 tsp,
- salt – 1 tsp,
- cilantro – 1 tsp,
- garlic – 60 gr.,
- black and red ground pepper - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

Additional Information
Instead of the above spices, you can use ready-made seasoning for Korean carrots.
Cooking time – 2 hours 40 minutes, yield – 0.5 liter jar.

Cooking correctly and tastefully (step by step instructions)

1. Peel, wash and grate carrots for Korean dishes. True, today a new product has appeared in stores - a special knife specifically for preparing such carrots. According to numerous reviews, it is much more convenient than a shredder, as it allows you to cut vegetables into thin and long strips, which is very difficult to achieve with a grater.

2. Add sugar and salt to the chopped vegetable and mix, leave to brew for half an hour.

3. Now add vinegar, oil and stir again.

4. Add the necessary spices.

5. Three garlic on a fine grater and also put in the dish. Mix the vegetable mixture well and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours so that it marinates well.
While the workpiece is soaked in the marinade, prepare the glass container. Wash the jar thoroughly and sterilize over steam for 7 minutes. To do this, pour water into a small saucepan, bring it to a boil, place a colander on it, and place the jar in it upside down, or keep the glass container in a preheated oven. Each housewife chooses the method of processing containers that is most convenient and familiar to her. Don’t forget to boil the lid that we will use to seal the jar. The more carefully the sterilization process is followed, the longer and better the salad will be preserved.

6. As soon as the above time has elapsed, put it in a jar, and at the same time, apply it so that the marinade completely covers it. Roll up with a sterile lid. Korean-style carrots are ready for the winter. We put it in the cellar or refrigerator and wait for the winter days.

Such a tasty and vitamin-rich vegetable as carrots is present in most sauces and snacks prepared for the winter. But individual recipes are extremely rare. This vegetable is present in the diet of every Russian person regularly. It is added to a variety of dishes to add piquancy and improve taste. But winter preparations from carrots are less popular among housewives. This is because it is quite difficult to make tasty preserves without adding additional vegetables.

To do this, you need to study special recipes. The most interesting and accessible of them are published below.

Korean pickled carrots for the winter

Like any other vegetable, carrots can be canned and rolled for the winter in various marinades, emphasizing its taste with the help of various suitable seasonings. Of course, one of the most popular recipes for preparing carrots among chefs from all countries is Korean. There are several ways to prepare this tasty and spicy dish.

Method 1

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh carrots,
  • 8-9 cloves of garlic,
  • a small piece of pepper (hot).


  • 0.5 liters of boiled water,
  • 7 tablespoons granulated sugar,
  • 5.5 tablespoons of salt,
  • 250 milliliters sunflower or olive oil,
  • 3.5 tablespoons of wine or apple cider vinegar.

First you need to chop the carrots. Ideally, use a traditional large grater for this, rather than a blender or other choppers. Next, you will need to chop all the garlic cloves on the finest grater, and then mix them with the carrots.

It is worth noting that the final amount of garlic in the recipe depends on the tastes of the housewife herself and all other family members. It can be either reduced or, conversely, increased.

The carrots and garlic should not be disturbed for 10-15 minutes so that the vegetables have time to release their juice. And during this time you can have time to prepare the jar for preservation. To do this, it must be thoroughly washed and sterilized over steam.

Next, place the prepared piece of hot pepper in the jar, and fill it with mixed juicy vegetables on top. The carrots and garlic should almost completely fill the jar. Now you need to pour boiling water over the vegetables, cover the top of the jar with a towel and again do not touch for 10-15 minutes.

In the meantime, it's time to start filling. To prepare it, you need to pour water into a small saucepan, add sugar, salt, vinegar and vegetable oil, then mix all the ingredients and put on medium heat. After boiling, the filling must be left on the fire for another couple of minutes.

After 10-15 minutes, the water should be drained from the jar, and the vegetables should be covered with hot pouring and sealed with a lid. A delicious snack is ready. You can either leave it to steep until winter, or open it and enjoy a spicy, aromatic dish within a day.

Method 2

You will need:

  • 0.5 kilograms of fresh carrots,
  • 1 tablespoon regular
  • apple or wine vinegar
  • 50 milliliters sunflower or olive oil,
  • 0.5 teaspoon black pepper,
  • 0.5 teaspoon coriander, salt,
  • 0.5 teaspoon granulated sugar.


First you need to brush and wash the carrots, and then grate them on a special Korean grater. If you don’t have such a grater on your household, then any one with large holes will do. Next you will need to add table, apple or wine vinegar, pepper, coriander and other ingredients. Sunflower or olive oil - heat in the microwave and also add to the mixture.

After this, place all the ingredients in a convenient deep tray, cover with plastic wrap and leave to marinate for 18-25 hours. During the marinating process, you should also sometimes take out the tray and shake the whole mass. When the carrots are pickled, they can be transferred to a pre-sterilized jar and closed with a lid. This dish can be stored for a very long time.

With tomatoes and onions

Carrot preparations will be even tastier if you diversify this vegetable with tomatoes and onions. There is a very interesting recipe for making snacks from these vegetables.

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh carrots,
  • 3-4 tomatoes,
  • 2 large onions.

For filling:

  • 0.7 liters of boiled water,
  • 2.5 tablespoons lemon,
  • 1 tablespoon cumin seeds,
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar,
  • 25 grams of salt.


First of all, the carrots need to be washed, thoroughly brushed and cut into slices. Then also wash, peel and cut the tomatoes (about in our other article) and onions. To pour, add all the ingredients one by one to the water, then boil the mixture for 30 seconds and remove from the heat.

After this, the vegetables must be placed close to each other in previously prepared and steamed jars and covered to the top with boiling pouring. Next, you should close them with lids and turn each one upside down until the snack cools completely. And only then - put all the jars in a dark, cool place for storage.

Other recipes for canning carrots

If you add fresh parsley along with the roots to the carrots, the taste of the snack will be even more piquant and interesting.

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh carrots,
  • 200 grams of fresh parsley along with roots.

For filling:

  • 0.5 liters of water,
  • 0.5 liters of homemade apple juice,
  • 0.2 liters of any vegetable oil,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 10 black peppercorns.


Carrots, herbs and parsley roots should be thoroughly washed under running water and chopped. And then immerse the vegetable mass in boiling water for half a minute and immediately put it in a colander so that all the excess liquid drains.

At this time, you should prepare the filling by mixing all the ingredients one by one and boiling the mixture over low heat.

In addition to salads and appetizers, you can also make a very original seasoning that will suit many dishes.

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of carrots,
  • 250 milliliters of sea buckthorn juice,
  • 0.5 cups granulated sugar,
  • 1 head of garlic,
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt.


Carrots need to be thoroughly washed, peeled and coarsely chopped. Next, sprinkle it with sugar, place it in an aluminum pan and add a little water. When the vegetables are cooked until fully cooked over medium heat, the carrots must be pureed using a blender or simply rubbed through a fine sieve.

Then add sea buckthorn juice, finely grated garlic and salt to the carrot mixture. The thoroughly mixed vegetable mass should then be placed in small small jars and closed with lids. The seasoning must be stored in the refrigerator.

All of the above winter preparations are very easy to make. Such recipes will be accessible and understandable even for novice housewives. All winter long you can enjoy delicious and healthy snacks that will be a great addition to any meal.

Video: canning the whole thing

And preparing a delicious carrot salad at home is not difficult. This spicy vegetable salad is served in families of various statuses and on a variety of occasions.

There are more than a hundred recipes for Korean carrots in Russia alone. Carrots are prepared in spices and with various vegetables. And not only to eat right away, today they prepare Korean carrot salad for the winter. We will present several such simple recipes for Korean carrots for the winter right now. So, let's prepare delicious and healthy homemade preparations.

Korean carrots for the winter - a classic recipe

This is the simplest recipe, traditional and does not require cooking.

Helpful advice!

When making Korean carrot salad for the winter, it doesn’t matter which of the proposed recipes you use, choose carrots that are sweet, juicy, and with a thin core. Grate the vegetable strictly on a special grater (in long thin strips). This way your dish will look especially appetizing, and its taste will certainly please everyone.

To prepare Korean carrots for the winter in the traditional way you will need:

  • 3 kg carrots;
  • 4 medium-sized onions;
  • 2 small heads of garlic;
  • 1.5 packs of 15-20 g. (4 spoons with top) Korean seasonings (sold in any store);
  • 700 ml. distilled or boiled water, but always cooled (cold);
  • 350 ml. vegetable oil (the oil should be odorless);
  • 6 spoons of sugar (tablespoons);
  • 2 or 2.5 (to taste) tablespoons. salt;
  • 4 tablespoons of any vinegar (to your taste).

Classic recipe for cooking carrots in Korean for the winter - step by step with photos:

Wash the carrots thoroughly, peel them with a vegetable peeler, and grate them into a large bowl using a special Korean grater.

In cold (this is a prerequisite, there is no need to heat the water) water, dilute the salt and sugar until completely dissolved, and as soon as the products have dissolved, add vinegar essence to them and mix.

Pour the marinade over the carrots, using a spatula, carefully so as not to damage the beauty and structure of the vegetable, mix everything. Set the food aside for 3.5 hours.

Attention! If you choose a classic recipe for Korean carrots for the winter, then infuse the carrots in the marinade for at least 3 hours and no more than four at room temperature.

Peel the top husk from the garlic, press each clove through the garlic clove. If there is no garlic, you can grate the garlic on a fine grater or on the same grater as the carrots.

Add the garlic along with Korean seasoning and sunflower oil to the carrots, again mix all the ingredients carefully.

Seasoning and garlic should be added after the vegetable has been in the marinade for more than 3 hours.

Now you should work on the bow. It also needs to be peeled and cut to your taste into thin rings or halves of rings.

Place the onion in a frying pan, lightly greased with vegetable oil, and fry a little. The onion is ready when it acquires a beautiful caramel color. Add the hot onion straight from the frying pan to the carrots and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

Prepare, that is, sterilize the jars for your salad. In this case, it is best to take small screw-on cans.

Attention! Screw lids for preparing dishes for the winter should only be taken new; you can use used lids to close jars only if you do not plan to store carrots for a long time.

Place the cooked Korean carrots into jars, compacting the ingredients well. Leave about 2 cm on top of the container. Carrots in the marinade should leave some juice behind in the bowl where they were marinated. It needs to be added to each of the jars of salad, distributing it approximately equally.

Close the jars tightly with sterile lids and you're done. Korean carrots made according to the classic recipe should be stored, as in principle any other seaming, in a cool place. Shelf life 1 year.

Korean cucumbers and carrots for the winter - the most delicious recipe

How to make cucumbers and carrots in Korean for the winter quickly and easily. The second is a rather interesting and unusual recipe for homemade carrots for the winter.

What we need:

  • 1 kilogram of carrots;
  • 1.5 kilograms of cucumbers (in this case, you can take absolutely any cucumbers, even yellowish and large, non-standard ones);
  • 120 ml. vinegar (use only nine percent);
  • 200 ml. any vegetable oil (you can use olive oil);
  • 1 package (20 g) of purchased Korean seasoning.
  • 10-12 cloves (1.5-2 heads approximately or 80-85 grams) of garlic (the more, the spicier the dish).
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 2 boxes table. salt (adjust to your own taste);
  • If desired, you can add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce (not necessary, but it turns out tastier).

From this amount of products, 4 cans of 0.7 liters each are obtained, or approximately 2.8-3 liters of the finished product.

How to cook cucumbers and carrots in Korean:

Wash the cucumbers and remove the skin from them (if you are using old, overgrown vegetables); you do not need to remove the skin from young cucumbers. When peeling the skin, leave the butts of the cucumbers untouched for now. Soak the cucumbers in cold water for 5 hours.

On a note!

When soaked in cold water, vegetables become crispier and take on a brighter green color.

We take the cucumbers out of the water, place them on paper towels, and let them dry.

We cut the butts off the cucumbers and cut the vegetables into long thin slices, about 5 cm in length. We make a kind of straw, but not very thin, thicker than carrots grated in Korean style.

We peel the carrots, wash them, and grate them in Korean.

Attention! If you don’t have a Korean grater on hand, it doesn’t matter; to prepare this salad, you can cut the carrots into strips using a knife, just try to cut the vegetables as thinly as possible.

Mix carrots with cucumbers and add garlic cloves passed through a garlic press to the vegetables. Garlic can be grated if there is no garlic worm.

Mix together sunflower oil, sugar, vinegar, Korean seasoning and salt in a separate container, add soy sauce if you decide to use it. Pour the marinade over the vegetables and use a spatula to mix all the ingredients.

Place your dish in the refrigerator for 8-9 hours (can be left overnight).

Having taken out the salad, mix it again, the vegetables should already have released their juice and be completely immersed in the brine, they will emit a wonderful aroma.

Korean-style cucumbers and carrots are ready for the winter, now all that remains is to put the salad in sterile jars and immerse these jars for sterilization. To do this, place the containers with the salad in a pan, placing a towel on the bottom of the pan, fill the pan up to the hangers of the jars with water and put it on the fire for 25 minutes.

Attention! Initially, turn the heat on the stove high until the water boils, then turn it down and sterilize the product over low heat.

After sterilization has completed, screw the lids on the jars, wrap them in a blanket and leave them like that for a day. In this case, there is no need to turn the containers over. It is best to store the salad in winter in a cool place; the shelf life is no more than one and a half years.

Delicious Korean carrots for the winter with seasoning without sterilization

For the preparation you will need:

  • carrots 3 kg;
  • garlic – 15-17 cloves;
  • a package of spices for Korean carrots (you can add more, it will be richer and spicier);
  • 1300 ml. water;
  • sugar 17 tablespoons;
  • salt 3-4 tablespoons;
  • 550-650 ml. vegetable oil;
  • 9 percent vinegar 10 spoons.

How to properly and tasty cook boiled carrots in Korean for the winter with seasoning - step-by-step recipe:

Wash the carrots, peel them using a vegetable peeler, and grate them in Korean style. Add garlic chopped with a knife or garlic to the carrots. Mix the ingredients.

Take garlic to your taste, you can take more or, on the contrary, less, as you like. If Korean winter carrots with seasoning are prepared for children, it is better to make them less spicy; for men, as a rule, on the contrary, it will taste better if it is spicier.

Add the seasoning to the carrots and garlic, mix the dish well, and set the vegetable mixture aside for half an hour (you can leave it for a longer time, for example, an hour or an hour and a half). You need the carrots to release a little juice.

While the carrots with seasonings are infused, sterilize the jars and boil the lids for rolling or screwing the jars.
Place Korean-style carrots in jars, leaving about one and a half to two centimeters on top of the container.

Place the ingredients for the marinade in a saucepan: vegetable oil, water, vinegar, granulated sugar and salt. Bring all these products to a boil, stirring to dissolve the solids in the marinade. Boil for no more than five minutes, two or three is enough.

Pour the hot, boiling marinade directly from the stove over the carrots, roll up the jars, shake them several times, turn them upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave them to cool for a day.

Attention! If you use screw jars, then there is no need to turn them over; just screw the lids on tightly and shake the containers several times, then wrap them until they cool.

Korean winter carrots with seasoning are ready. It will taste crispy, but semi-cooked, very tasty and aromatic.

Spicy Korean zucchini with carrots for the winter

This is a rather unusual, but very tasty combination of vegetables. The result is a spicy salad that can be served with any meat, as well as fish or as an independent snack.

You will definitely love rolled zucchini with Korean carrots, and you will want to make this salad again and again.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1000 g (kilo) carrots;
  • 6 kg of zucchini, skinned and seeds removed;
  • 1 kg of onion (any variety is suitable, including white and red);
  • 3 heads of garlic;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 300 ml of any oil (vegetable, olive);
  • 180-200 ml. table vinegar;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 1.5 or 2 x 20 gr. packages of Korean seasoning (to your taste, the more you add, the spicier the dish);
  • 3.5-4 tablespoons of salt (adjust to taste so as not to oversalt).

On a note!

If you don’t have 9% vinegar at home, you can make it yourself from acetic acid. To do this, simply dilute 70% acetic acid with water in a ratio of 1 to 7.

Step-by-step recipe for Korean zucchini with carrots for the winter:

Before starting cooking, prepare salad jars and lids for sealing. The jars need to be sterilized and the lids boiled. When making zucchini with Korean carrots for the winter, we recommend taking containers from half a liter to a liter, no more. It’s convenient to store the salad this way, and you can eat it all at once after opening the jar.

Attention! If jars are sterilized in the oven, they should be placed in a cold oven, and then turn it on at 120 degrees for 15 minutes for half-liter jars. If containers are large in volume, the sterilization time should be increased.

Let's move on to vegetables. Wash the zucchini and peel off the skin with a knife or vegetable peeler. At the same time, if you take very young zucchini, then this is not necessary.

Cut the vegetables in half, remove all the seeds and fibrous structure (pulp) from the inside.
Grate the zucchini in Korean (using the same grater). If there is no appropriate grater, you should cut the vegetables into very thin strips.

Wash the carrots and also chop them on a special grater into long strips. Add it to the zucchini. Peel the onion, cut it into half rings, and if the heads are too large, then into smaller pieces, add to the grated vegetables.

Wash the chili, remove the stem, cut it randomly or into very thin rings and semi-rings. Add to products. Following the chili, garlic squeezed through a garlic press is sent into the container with the vegetables. If desired, the garlic can be finely chopped with a knife.

Add seasoning, salt, sugar to the cooked vegetables, pour in a mixture of oil and vinegar, mix with your hands. Leave the food in the marinade for one hour.

We take the jars out of the oven and fill them with salad almost to the top. Only the neck of the jars should be left empty. Pour the juice that has separated from the products on top of the vegetables.

Place the jars in a saucepan, the bottom of which is lined with a towel. Add water until the jars are one third covered.

Turn on the heat at full power and cover all the jars with lids. As soon as the water begins to boil, turn the heat down to the lowest setting and sterilize the food for 20 minutes if the containers are half liter, and 40 minutes if the jars are liter.

After the required time, we take out the jars, close them using a seaming machine, shake them several times, set them upside down, wrap them up and leave them for a whole day. And don’t forget to make one jar for yourself to try.

You don’t have to roll it up, but simply cover it with a nylon lid and leave it to cool on the table. As soon as the salad has cooled, you can taste it, and put the rolled up jars in the refrigerator for storage. Zucchini with Korean carrots are ready for the winter.

Video: A delicious recipe for Korean carrots in jars for the winter

Spicy, moderately hot and unusually aromatic Korean carrots are always a welcome guest on our table. Buying such carrots in a store is not a problem, but I prefer to make them myself - homemade, tastier, and ten times cheaper. Despite the fact that getting carrots is generally not a problem at any time of the year, I prefer to prepare this salad in the summer and autumn - the time of fresh harvest. At this time, the salad turns out especially tasty. That's why I was puzzled by finding a reliable way to preserve this unique taste. Found it. I tried it. And now I share it with you. This is, without a doubt, the most successful Korean carrot recipe for the winter. Salad can be stored in jars until next summer! The proportions of spices, salt and sugar in it are calculated perfectly. The carrots turn out incredibly tasty, juicy and crispy (even after long-term storage). It’s simply impossible to pass by the salad without grabbing a couple of forks to try. That’s why I always try to make the maximum portion: both to cover it for the winter and to “eat right away.” Fortunately, the salad is easy to prepare. Most of the time and effort is spent chopping carrots. The rest is mere nonsense. Add onion and garlic to the carrots, season, let it brew - and you can hide the finished salad in jars! And in winter I opened the jar - and here is a ready-made snack for the table or an integral part of a salad, roll or main course. Very comfortably!


  • carrots – 3 kg,
  • onion – 500 g,
  • garlic – about 100 g (2 heads),
  • sugar – 200 g,
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • table vinegar (9%) – 100 ml,
  • sunflower oil – 100 ml,
  • seasoning for Korean carrots – 1 pack (or a set of spices to your liking).

The specified amount of vegetables yields 3.5 liters of Korean carrots.

How to cook carrots in Korean for the winter

Let's start with carrots. We wash it and clean it, then rinse it again and dry it. Next is the most time-consuming and traumatic part - you need to grate the carrots. Ideally, if you have a special grater with a thin or medium square cross-section for this purpose - with it you will get neat, thin and long vegetable straws.

This, of course, looks very appetizing. To make the carrot threads long, you need to grate the carrots flat, pulling them along the grater along the entire length. An ordinary large grater will also work quite well, with it the carrots will not look so impressive (in my opinion), but the main thing is that it tastes good, right? And the choice of grater does not affect the taste at all.

Once you've finished with the carrots, peel the onions and chop them into smaller cubes. Here I will share with you a recently discovered simple way to avoid pain in the eyes when chopping the insidious “tear” vegetable: we simply put enough cold water in our mouth so that our cheeks swell as much as possible, and calmly chop the onion without tears.

Now comes the last vegetable - garlic. Everything is very simple with him. We clean and pass the cloves through a press. In the absence of a press, you can use the smallest grater that you have.

The vegetables are prepared, all that remains is to season them. Place the vegetables in one container and add sugar.

Add salt.

We fill them with oil.

Add vinegar.

Regarding seasoning. You can season the salad with ready-made seasoning, but it is better not to experiment and choose a mixture from a trusted manufacturer whose taste suits you.

Or add a spice mixture to suit your taste. Try, for example, this option: mix together literally a pinch of ground red (hot) and black peppers, curry, turmeric, ground and whole coriander (crush with a knife) and sodium glucomate (if available and optional). Or a simpler option, also very tasty: 1 tsp. ground black pepper and 2 tbsp. l. ground coriander.

During this time, the carrots will infuse, marinate, soak in seasonings and release juice. In principle, she is now completely ready to eat. But our goal is to preserve the salad for the winter. Therefore, we prepare jars and lids for it (we wash and sterilize), lay out the salad, compacting it tightly, along with the resulting juice.

We cover the jars with salad with lids and sterilize them in actively boiling water: for jars up to 500 ml, 10 minutes will be enough, for larger jars we increase the time by 5-10 minutes.

After sterilization, screw the lids on the jars, turn them upside down and, wrap them warmly, leave them for about a day. Store in a cool place until required. The jars can last a long time - up to 10 months, but they are always eaten earlier!

Korean carrots for the winter in jars has long become very popular in our country. It consists of a certain set of products. We will offer delicious recipes with different ways to prepare this delicious preparation.

For salad for the winter carrots in Korean It is better to choose juicy sweet fruits. And you only need to grate them lengthwise on a special grater; a regular one will not work here.

Korean carrots for the winter without sterilization

  • 2 kg carrots;
  • 3 pieces of onion;
  • 1-2 heads of garlic;
  • 500 ml of cold boiled water;
  • 2 packets of Korean carrot seasoning;
  • 1 glass of vegetable oil;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar essence.

Cooking technology:

  1. The carrots are peeled and grated lengthwise on a special grater.
  2. Prepare the marinade. To do this, add sugar and salt to the water, stir until dissolved, and add vinegar.
  3. Pour the marinade over the carrots and leave to steep for 3 hours.
  4. The garlic is crushed with a press and added along with the seasoning to the carrots.
  5. The onion is peeled and chopped as desired, fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil until golden brown and added hot to the mixture. Mix well with a wooden spatula.
  6. Sterilized jars are filled with carrots,
  7. Pour the remaining marinade on top and roll up.
  8. Store in a cool place.

Watch the video! Korean carrots without sterilization

Classical recipe with seasoning

Such salad for the winter made with seasonings. It will be a great addition to any dish. When preparing it, it is better to use the sterilization method, then the preservation will definitely not spoil and will be stored for a long time.

  • fresh carrots – 3.5 kg;
  • vinegar (9%) – 100 ml;
  • sunflower oil – 100 ml;
  • garlic – 100 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • hot pepper – 10 g;
  • Korean spices – 50 g.

Cooking technology:

  1. Peel the carrots and grate them on a special grater.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut into small cubes.
  3. Place the prepared carrots and garlic into the pan, add all the ingredients according to the list.
  4. Mash the salad with your hands, cover the pan with a lid and refrigerate for 10 hours.
  5. Next, put the pickled mixture into sterilized jars and pour in the released juice.
  6. Place the jars in a large saucepan and fill with water to the top.
  7. Bring water to a boil and sterilize for 12-15 minutes for half-liter jars, 30 minutes for liter jars.
  8. Roll up with iron lids and store in a cool place.

Carrots according to this recipe turn out crispy with an island-sweet taste.

Watch the video! Korean carrots for the winter

Korean carrot salad for the winter with hot peppers

Spicy lovers will love this recipe. This snack is ideal for strong alcoholic drinks, so men especially like it.

  • garlic – 0.3 kg;
  • bulbs – 2 pcs;
  • carrots – 4.5 kg;
  • red and black pepper (ground) – 25 g;
  • vinegar essence – 35 ml;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cilantro – 80 g.

Cooking technology:

  1. Peel the carrots and cut into thin slices in Korean style.
  2. Add salt, sugar and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Next, sprinkle with pepper, pour in vinegar, mix thoroughly and leave to marinate for 40 minutes.
  4. At this time, peel and chop the onion, fry it in oil until golden brown. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro and simmer for a couple of minutes. At the very end, add chopped garlic.
  5. Add the onion mixture to the pickled carrots, mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Place the salad in sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Spicy salad in Korean is made without sterilization. It goes well with liquid hot dishes, kebabs and meat salads.

Watch the video! Korean carrots, preparations