Apricot kernels - benefits and harms. What is in apricot kernels

Apricot is a delicious fruit.

It contains many vitamins and nutrients.

Not all people know that apricot kernels contain healing kernels.

They include a large number of nutrients.

Beneficial features

The benefits of apricot kernels are invaluable.

The product is used in cooking, it is added to confectionery, ice cream, icing and other sweet dishes.

The most important property of apricot kernels is the fight against many diseases, including incurable ones.

Also, oil is prepared from apricot kernels, which serves as the basis for some medicines and is used in cosmetology.

Apricot kernels came to Europe from China almost two millennia ago.

They first came to Armenia, which is why apricots are sometimes called the “Armenian apple”.

In ancient China, nucleoli were used only in the emperor's family, since the process of obtaining seeds was very laborious.

The positive properties and healing effect of the use of seeds have led to the development of new technologies for the removal of this product.

Today, apricot kernels and oil from them are available to all segments of the population.

There are certain varieties of apricots from which the kernels are extracted.

The fruit has a large stone, which is often used instead of almonds. Not all apricot kernels are tasteless, there are some sweet ones.

They are especially delicious fried. The shape of the nucleoli resembles the seeds of a peach or plum.

Chemical composition

Apricot kernels include a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. These include the following:

healing power

The fight against cancer

This fact is confirmed by scientists, it is explained by the fact that vitamin B17 is part of the nucleoli. It includes a small amount of cyanide.

This element, when interacting with cancer cells, promotes their healing or destroys them. However, cyanide is safe for healthy cells.

Oncologists agreed that cancer develops due to an imbalance of vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

Apricot kernels help in the fight against these deviations.

For weight gain

Apricot kernels are excluded from the group of dietary products.

Apricot kernels contain a large amount of quickly digestible oil. This promotes easy weight gain.

Many athletes include nucleoli in their diet, which provides the body with energy for a long time.

Against helminths

For heart disease

Apricot kernels can be brewed as a tea. This is a wonderful tool that strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Apricot kernels are effective in combating a number of other diseases:

Apricot kernels help to improve blood formation, they successfully fight anemia, diseases of the joints, skin and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

They are used as a prophylactic for problems with the pancreas, liver and gallbladder.

Application in cosmetology

Healing apricot oil is obtained from the nucleoli (). It was known in the territory

Ancient China, then the oil was brought to European countries. In the 15th century, this product was equated with gold, this was due to the beneficial effect of oil on human skin.

Today, oil is added to shampoos, lotions, body scrubs and other expensive body care products.

Product calorie content

One hundred grams of apricot kernels contain 519 kilocalories.

Nutritionists do not recommend using this product for overweight people.

But those who want to gain a couple of kilograms can include apricot kernels in their diet.

100 grams of seeds contain 25 grams of protein, 47 grams of fat and 7 grams of carbohydrates.

Contraindications for use

Apricot kernels can harm the body. This is due to the fact that vitamin B17 is included in the bones.

Under the action of gastric juice, amygdalin is broken down, turning into hydrocyanic acid.

This substance can cause serious harm to the body if it is in excess.

  • 40 - 50 grams for adults (about 20 seeds);
  • 20 grams for children (10 medium nucleoli).

Apricot kernels are a medicinal product that came from the East. They contain many useful vitamins and minerals.

Nucleoli include the rare vitamin B17, which helps fight cancer cells, acting as a kind of natural chemotherapy.

Apricot kernels can cause harm, it is advisable to consult a doctor before regular use.

Healing cancer cells with apricot kernels, see the tips in the video.

Apricot kernels: beneficial properties and harm

The kernels that are in the apricot kernels do not have a pronounced taste. Valued mainly oil, which is part of their composition. Although the fried kernels are very tasty and satisfying. We will try to understand how apricot kernels are useful, and what damage they can cause to the human body in large doses.

For some reason, many of us believe that apricot pits are very toxic and have a detrimental effect on our body. But in many southern countries, for example, in Uzbekistan, they are considered a traditional dish. Also a real delicacy is apricot jam with a stone.

Useful components of the bone

Nuclei contain many substances. One of them is a very rare vitamin B 17 or amygdalin, the value of which in the fight against cancer cells is invaluable. Upon contact with a malignant tumor, poisons are released - cyanide and benzaldehyde, which are contained in the bones. Thus, they gradually destroy the cancer. For a healthy body, these substances in such small doses are quite safe.

Also, 100 g of seeds contain:

  • fats -45 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4 g;
  • proteins - 25 g;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - 40 mg;
  • saturated fatty acids - 3 g;
  • vitamins of the PP group - 4 mg;
  • macronutrients (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus) - 12 mg;
  • trace elements (iron) - 7 mg.

The calorie content of apricot kernels is 450 calories (per 100 g), so they are contraindicated for people on diets.

Apricot kernels are eaten raw, fried and dried, in the recommended dose of 20 g at a time. Seeds are used in many industries: food, light, medical.

The benefits of apricot kernels

Apricot kernels are highly nutritious and high in vegetable oil, so they are great for the daily diet of athletes and people trying to gain weight.

The healing properties of apricot seeds were discovered many millennia ago. So in ancient China they were used to heal the skin and joints. Today, thanks to the development of medicine, bones are used for the manufacture of medicinal and cosmetic preparations, as well as for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Apricot seeds, brewed like tea, are an excellent remedy for heart arrhythmias. Also, based on them, you can prepare an excellent medicine for cardiovascular diseases. It is prepared according to an old recipe:

  • 0.5 kg of lemon is crushed in a meat grinder or grater;
  • add 20 detailed apricot kernels;
  • the resulting slurry is poured with 0.5 l of honey;
  • mix thoroughly and infuse for 2-3 days in a cool place;
  • take the medicine in the morning and evening, 1 tbsp. l.

Almond milk, extracted from apricot seeds, has an antitussive effect and is used in the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, as well as kidneys and liver.

Harm of apricot kernels

In doses not exceeding 20 g (approximately 5 kernels) for adults and 10 g for children, apricot pits are completely harmless. But if you exceed the recommended limit, it can lead to poor health (nausea, dizziness). This property is associated with the presence of poison - cyanide, which in small quantities has a detrimental effect on cancer cells, and in large quantities - on healthy ones.

No less harmful are too bitter bones, and not only because of the unpleasant aftertaste, but due to the large accumulation of amygdalin. Although there are such types of apricots, the brushes of which have a pleasant sweetish aftertaste. In recent years, breeders have been actively developing varieties with a minimum amygdalin capacity and a maximum kernel size.

Apricot kernels in cosmetology and cooking

Everyone knows how to grow an apricot from a stone, but not everyone knows that with their help you can prolong life, preserve youth and cook delicious and fragrant food.

The centenarians of the planet - the Indian tribe Khuza, eat exclusively vegetarian food, and one of the main dishes of their menu is apricots with a bone. Surprisingly, according to scientists, the Hunza people live for so long (about 120 years) thanks to the seeds.

Apricot kernel oil, obtained by cold pressing, is used to prepare various cosmetic products (shampoos, balms, masks, etc.). It is also famous for its moisturizing and warming qualities, so professional massage therapists use it for wellness procedures.

Apricot kernels, the benefits and harms of which, of course, are important for cooking, as they are added to ice cream, glazes, creams, waffles, desserts and other dishes, they have a persistent almond flavor. It gives preservation and baking notes of sophistication and unusual taste.


Using apricot seeds, the benefits and harms of which have been studied by experts, you will get rid of many diseases, heal your skin and prepare delicious and fragrant delicacies.

Juicy and fragrant apricots are loved by both adults and children. These fruits are eaten fresh, fragrant jam and delicious compotes are cooked. Many people, having tasted the fruit, take a hammer and break the bones. In the middle of the thick peel is a delicious nucleolus that is eaten. But not everyone knows whether it is possible to eat apricot kernels, as well as what benefits and harms this product can bring. You can eat apricot kernels, as the composition contains many vitamins and trace elements that a person needs. Even doctors believe that when consumed in moderation, they have a beneficial effect on the body. The main thing here is not to neglect contraindications and to know a sense of proportion.

What substances are in the nucleoli

Apricot seeds have an unusual taste, their health benefits were discovered by Chinese healers many years ago. The healing composition of the kernels is used to treat certain joint diseases and skin diseases.. Quite often, apricot kernels are added to cosmetic products - creams, scrubs, masks, shampoos and hair balms.

The composition of the nucleoli contains such substances useful for humans:

  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron;
  • special pigments of natural origin, as well as essential oils;
  • a complex of vitamins A, B, C and PP;
  • a small amount of hydrocyanic acid.

The apricot kernel is quite nutritious, if you eat a handful of such seeds, then it is quite possible to satisfy your hunger. It is good to take such products with you on long trips or to work. Nucleoli contribute to the improvement of brain activity and tone the whole body well.

Dried apricot kernels taste a bit like almonds, so they can be used for confectionery.

The benefits of nucleoli for the body

Apricot kernel nuts are characterized by a unique composition, due to which they can be used to treat certain diseases. During the research, it was found that if you eat them regularly, then immunity increases and a person is less likely to get sick. With the consumption of a moderate amount of such nuts, positive changes occur in the body:

  • The work of the heart muscle is activated, due to which the heart begins to work better.
  • The development of cancer is prevented.
  • The cells of the body are quickly regenerated - this contributes to the prolongation of youth.
  • The work of the intestines is normalized, the problem of constipation disappears.
  • The perilstatics of the intestinal walls is significantly improved, the normal microflora is restored.
  • The immune system is strengthened.

The composition of the nucleoli contains tocopherol, which prevents premature aging.

Acids of natural origin also have a beneficial effect on the human body. They have a good effect on the cells of the epidermis, due to which the condition of the skin improves and, as a result, the appearance of a person.

Apricot seeds can be recommended to everyone in compliance with the measure. Especially actively consume this product is in the summer, when the fruit ripens. They are eaten both raw and dried. To prepare an unusual delicacy, it is enough to hold the nucleoli in the oven for about 5 minutes. If necessary, apricot seeds can be added to confectionery or jam. Many housewives cook apricot jam with the addition of nucleoli, due to which the final product comes out fragrant and very tasty.

What damage can bones do?

Apricot kernels can be consumed only in moderation, without much fanaticism. The composition of the product contains some substances that, if ingested in excess, cause poisoning.

When the apricot kernel enters the stomach, amygdalin begins to be released from it, which, when broken down, releases hydrocyanic acid. With excessive consumption of nucleoli, severe intoxication can occur. The maximum allowable dosage of apricot kernels for a person is 40 grams of the product per day. The main thing is that the seeds are not old, as in this case the risk of poisoning increases.

To minimize the risk of poisoning with apricot kernels, you should first dry them for several minutes in the oven.


Apricot seeds can be harmful to health in such cases:

  • If a person has diabetes of any type.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, in the event that the consumption of the product is immoderate.
  • With diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • With chronic liver diseases.
  • With a tendency to allergic reactions.

During pregnancy and lactation, the allowed volume of nucleoli is no more than 20 grams per day. Younger children can eat the same amount of nuts if they do not suffer from allergies.

When poisoning is possible

Intoxication is possible if a person has eaten more than 40 grams of apricot seeds per day
. Signs of poisoning may appear after only a few minutes or several hours after excessive consumption of the product. The main symptoms of poisoning look like this:

  • severe weakness and drowsiness;
  • cutting pains in the stomach and vomiting;
  • persistent headache radiating to the back of the head;
  • respiratory failure;
  • fainting and convulsions.

If, after eating the bones, the above symptoms appear, it is necessary to drink the adsorbent in a therapeutic dosage, and then consult a doctor. In some cases, the condition of a person can be very serious, then an ambulance is urgently called.

Healing properties of nucleoli

The benefits and harms of apricot seeds have not yet been fully studied. Nucleoli can be found in some traditional medicine recipes. They are used in different forms and for different needs:

  1. Water tinctures and decoctions are often used to treat prolonged coughs or bronchial asthma. Besides, they are recommended for people who suffer from heart disease.
  2. Apricot kernel oil helps restore vascular elasticity and reduces the risk of heart failure.
  3. The oil helps to get rid of constipation, it contributes to the gentle removal of toxins and toxins from the body.
  4. Apricot kernel oil is successfully used to treat gastritis and ulcers of the digestive organs.
  5. Healing oil helps prevent hemorrhoids.

Such vegetable raw materials are actively used in cosmetology., and for the manufacture of scrubs, not only nucleoli from the stones are used, but also crushed shells.

Is it possible to eat apricot kernels

Apricots are specially dried apricots with pits.. Such a product is consumed independently, used for the preparation of confectionery and second courses.

Bones from apricots can also be broken with a hammer and fragrant nucleoli can be extracted, they are allowed to be eaten in the same amount as the kernels of fresh apricots.

Some housewives specifically buy not dried apricots, but dried apricots to complement the dish with delicious nuts.

Is it possible to gain weight from apricot kernels

If you constantly eat apricot kernels for food, you can gain weight
. This is not surprising, because the energy value of the product is quite large. Only 100 grams of nuts contain 510 kcal, so it is recommended to eat them in a very limited amount for those people who are overweight or on a diet.

People who, on the contrary, suffer from a lack of mass, should eat such a product. It is good if it is in the diet constantly. Do not forget that in the composition of such nuts, in addition to nutrients, there are minerals and a complex of vitamins, so they must be consumed by people after prolonged illnesses, as well as with constant mental stress.

We can say that the question of whether it is possible to eat apricot kernels has been settled. They are not only possible, but also necessary to eat, but only in limited quantities. There are very few contraindications to their use, so they must be included in the diet of not only adults, but also young children. The grains that remained in stocks from last summer should not be eaten so as not to be poisoned.. But it is also impractical to throw them away, such a product will make an excellent cosmetic product, it is enough to grind them and add them to your favorite cream.

Apricot is a fruit tree of the Rosaceae family. Armenia is considered its homeland, according to one version, it was brought to Europe by Alexander the Great during one of his campaigns.

Currently, this fruit tree grows in almost all warm countries. In the Russian Federation, apricot trees are bred in the Caucasus and in the southern regions of Primorye. China and Japan consider apricot fruits to be the property of the nation. A wild apricot plant can be found in the Himalayas, and in the western part of the North Caucasus.

Apricots are not only very tasty, but also contain many useful substances and trace elements. Apricot kernels, which are unique in their chemical composition, are especially widespread; they are used in many industries, but especially in cosmetology, medicine and cooking.

The oil obtained from apricot seeds has been known since the time of the Chinese emperors of the Ming Dynasty. Due to its ability to slow down the aging process, this product was previously valued more than gold, and was available only to members of the ruling families.

Apricot kernels are used for food, they taste very much like almonds. The daily dose of consumption is not more than 20 grams. Exceeding the specified amount can harm the body, since the composition of the grains includes hydrocyanic acid, which can cause severe human poisoning, even death.

The kernels are a very high-calorie product, the oil they contain is completely absorbed by the body, so overweight people should refrain from wanting to try the bones.

Chemical composition

  1. Tocopherols are substances that prevent skin aging.
  2. Carotene is a strong antioxidant that reduces the harmful effects of free radicals on the body, prevents premature aging, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and the occurrence of eye cataracts.
  3. Vitamins A, B, C.
  4. Vitamin B 15 (pangamic acid) - very useful for athletes, improves metabolism, enhances energy, reduces cravings for alcoholic beverages.
  5. Vitamin F - participates in the absorption of fats by the body, normalizes the processes of fat metabolism, removes excess cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  6. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - is responsible for redox processes in tissues and cells.
  7. Hydrocyanic acid - found in very small doses, but if consumed excessively, it can cause fatal poisoning.
  8. Vitamin B 17 - has a unique property of cancer prevention.

Trace elements:

  1. Potassium - regulates the water-salt balance, calms the heart rhythm.
  2. Iron - provides saturation of cells with oxygen, supports metabolism, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  3. Sodium - activates the production of pancreatic enzymes.
  4. Magnesium - protects the heart, calms the nervous system.
  5. Calcium - normalizes blood pressure, promotes blood clotting.

Amino acids:

  1. Arginine - relaxes the walls of blood vessels, relieves spasm, stops angina attacks.
  2. Methionine is a substance that relieves intoxication of the body in various liver diseases, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, in case of poisoning with alcohol and toxic substances.
  3. Valine is a source of muscle energy, the lack of this amino acid causes a weakening of the immune system, memory impairment, and sleep disturbance.

Benefits and Applications

Apricot kernels are similar in composition to almond kernels, therefore, according to the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR, their use as a substitute for bitter almonds is allowed. Besides:

Apricot kernels are eaten raw, fried in a pan or in the oven. After heat treatment, the amount of hydrocyanic acid in the product is significantly reduced, and the kernels become practically harmless.

  1. With a strong cough, it is recommended to eat up to 12 grams daily. product. The substances contained in it help to thin and remove phlegm from the lungs.
  2. To expel worms and lamblia, the bones are also consumed raw.
  3. Tincture will help with diseases of the joints. To prepare it, you need to grind 1 glass of nucleoli and pour 0.5 liters. alcohol. Pour into a bottle, tightly close the lid, put on a sunny side. After 21 days, the suspension is ready. It is used for rubbing and compresses.
  4. With diabetes, herbal tea from the seeds will help - brew 6-8 pieces with boiling water and drink twice a day after meals.
  5. Apricot ash cleanses the blood - 2 cups of grains are cleaned, the shell is dried in the oven, crushed and taken 1 teaspoon once a day before meals. The kernels themselves need to be ground and steamed in 200 ml of boiling water.
  6. For general strengthening of the body, raising immunity and a surge of vitality, apricot milk is used - 200 gr. dip the grains in 600 ml of water for 3 hours. When the kernels swell, change the water, beat with a blender. Filter the drink and eat.

Urbech is prepared in Dagestan - apricot kernels, butter and honey are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is heated on a steam bath until thickened, cooled and eaten for dessert. Urbech is very useful for:

  • lowered immunity during the cold season;
  • helps to improve digestion;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • restores skin tissue;
  • improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • has a positive effect on potency.


You can not eat apricot seeds in food in unlimited quantities. If the daily consumption of the product is exceeded (more than 40 grams per day), the body cannot cope with the amount of cyanide, and severe poisoning occurs, which can cause death.

Especially do not eat bitter and old grains. The degree of bitterness depends on the amount of B 17 content, and old kernels have the ability to accumulate hydrocyanic acid.

Symptoms of cyanide poisoning are:

  • nausea;
  • dryness and sore throat;
  • general weakness throughout the body;
  • headache.

If you find the above conditions, you should immediately seek medical help.

  • in acute and chronic liver diseases;
  • with thyroid problems;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with individual intolerance to the drug.

Patients with diabetes should use fruit kernels strictly under the supervision of the attending physician.

Video: useful properties of apricot kernels

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

When you pick up a ripe, fragrant, juicy fruit, then, of course, you want not only to satisfy your hunger, but also to get the benefits that, as it is rightly stated, are in any of the gifts of nature, from cherries to pineapples. Naturally, we are primarily interested in the pulp, which has the most pleasant taste. However, there is an opinion that also the bones of the fruit. The skin really contains valuable substances in many cases, but the benefits of the seeds are a big question; someone, in contrast to the supporters of their "usefulness", argues that the use of seeds of fruits and berries is almost fatal. How are things really? To understand this, let's look at the pros and cons of eating bones, focusing on the most common opinions related to this issue.

Opinion number 1. You need to eat bones, because inside them is the most useful.

Indeed, the core of the seeds contains nutrients, sugars and growth factors, and, in principle, they are able to benefit not only the plant that was supposed to grow from the seed, but also the person who did not let it come true. Grape, apple and pomegranate seeds have a particularly "beneficial" composition, so their use will not cause harm if you accidentally or intentionally swallow them after chewing.

Opinion No. 2. Seeds of fruits and berries should be eaten, as they have medicinal properties.

Opinion number 3. Bones can and should be eaten, as they improve digestion.

This applies only to the softest and most delicate seeds, for example, the "milk" bones of young cucumber, melon or pomegranate fruits, which are a source of dietary fiber - fiber. They are allowed to be used with a tendency to constipation (be careful with pomegranate - it can worsen the situation), but in large quantities they are still not recommended. In addition, they can be replaced with great success with bran: there will be much more benefit.

Opinion No. 4. The bones are not harmful and not useful - they are not digested.

There is undoubtedly a grain of truth in this statement. The seeds of most fruits are protected by a dense outer shell, which is not so easy to crack. Those who have ever tried to eat a plum, apricot, peach or avocado seed will agree with this without hesitation. Other, softer seeds (such as those from mature melons) are also almost indigestible if swallowed whole. So in most cases, whole bones simply pass through the gastrointestinal tract without affecting the state of human health.

By the way, the hard shell is not a random freak of nature, but a powerful mechanism for protecting plants. The vast majority of fruits in nature are eaten by animals along with the peel and seeds; everything is digested, and the bones “travel” in the intestines of animals for some time, and then go outside, end up on the ground and germinate in new places; This is how plants spread. There are even such representatives of the flora that cannot germinate if they have not been in the digestive tract of some herbivorous animal - gastric juice and enzymes soften the outer shell of the bone, which facilitates its destruction in the soil.

Opinion No. 5. Fruit seeds are poisonous and should not be eaten.

Some of them actually contain hazardous substances. For example, many stone fruits, such as cherries and apricots, contain cyanides that can cause poisoning. This can be identified by the characteristic "almond" smell and bitter aftertaste. However, the poison is not in the peel, but inside, in the core, and even if you eat a few nucleoli, most likely there will be no great harm from this, since the toxins are in the bones in a relatively small concentration. Some people even make jam from apricots and apricot kernels. This, of course, is very tasty, but sometimes unsafe: there have been cases when this led to the appearance of symptoms of food poisoning - however, which pleases, without a fatal outcome.

Some say that the poison is also found in the seeds of citrus fruits - lemon, orange and tangerine, arguing this on the basis that they have a bitter taste. However, this is not so: the bitterness of citrus seeds is provided by the presence of essential oils in the seeds; they are not harmful, and the maximum that they can spoil is the taste of the dish in which they were accidentally and unpleasantly found.

Opinion number 6. Bones contribute to the development of obstruction, problems with the intestines, the appearance of appendicitis and other diseases.

Obstruction will be only if the bones are eaten in large quantities and by a person suffering from intestinal diseases with difficulty in its patency (tumors, diverticula, chronic hypomotor colitis). Sometimes healthy people can also suffer from their use. Some bones, for example, apple ones, are pointed at one end, therefore they can injure the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, especially at the bends and the location of the sphincters. So, it is known that people who do not see anything reprehensible in eating bones are more likely to have rectal fissures than those who prefer exclusively pulp.

Intestinal problems often occur when children eat bones if they do this often: unusual, rough food adversely affects the condition of the digestive tract wall. If a child regularly eats whole fruits and berries, this can lead to the development of diverticulosis - the appearance of protrusions of the intestinal wall. Such a connection has been proven by pediatricians and is beyond doubt, so make sure that your children eat pitted fruits and berries.

As for appendicitis, a reliable connection between the love of bones and its appearance has not been established, although there is an opinion that the use of sunflower seed husks and fruit pits "clogs" the appendix and leads to its inflammation. In the formation of this pathology, there are many reasons, mainly a violation of the blood supply to the process, and mechanical causes are rare. It would be fair to say that if you have appendicitis, then you cannot predict and prevent its occurrence, and it will certainly not arise from the bones.

Speaking about diseases caused, as it turned out, by not entirely useful fruit seeds, it is worth mentioning one more thing: small seeds of berries (raspberries, strawberries) fall between the teeth and can remain there for a long time, contributing to the development of caries. So be careful and careful, and accustom yourself to flossing daily if it has not already become a habit for you.

Summarize. Some bones do contain healthy substances, although you should not expect a miracle from them. Alas, for the most part, the seeds do not have any unique or irreplaceable effect, and sometimes they can even lead to exacerbations of existing diseases and the emergence of new ones. Therefore, if we draw any final conclusion, you should still refuse to eat bones - your health will not suffer from this at all.


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