Is beer harmful? What are the benefits of beer? How does a foamy drink affect internal organs?

Scientists studying the problem of alcoholism quite rightly consider it unlawful to divide alcoholic products according to their degrees. harmful effects on the body, since none of them are harmless.

Contrary to this attitude, beer producers, when advertising their product, strive to increase the influx of customers by the fact that beer is not alcoholic, but a low-alcohol, supposedly harmless and almost healthy “drink.” And this despite the fact that in recent years The alcohol content of beer reaches 14% in some varieties(i.e., it corresponds in alcohol content to wines), whereas during the USSR, the strength of beer, depending on the type, ranged from 1.5-6%, and more often - from 2.8% in Zhigulevskoye to 3.5% in Moskovskoye. Not many people know that a bottle of light beer is equivalent to 50-60 grams of vodka. Four bottles during the day - 200-240 g of vodka, almost half a bottle. The situation is even worse with energy cocktails. Here, to the same amount of alcohol, caffeine is added in the amount of four cups strong coffee on the jar.

Beer alcoholism

The existence of beer alcoholism has been known for a long time. And although in the eyes of the average person it is less dangerous than wine and vodka, its consequences are destructive. In the 19th century, the British, fighting alcoholism, decided to replace strong alcoholic beverages with beer. But SOON the “beer law” had to be abolished, since its introduction only worsened drunkenness. The first Reich Chancellor of Germany, Bismarck, who knew firsthand about harmful consequences drinking beer, gave the following definition beer alcoholism: "Beer makes you lazy, stupid and powerless"(The term “powerless” meant impotence).

Effects of beer on the heart

The most destructive and harmful consequence of excessive beer consumption is a bad heart or, as the German doctor Professor Bohlinger called it, a Bavarian heart. "beer" or "bull" heart. It is expressed in the expansion of the cavities of the heart, thickening of its walls, necrosis in the heart muscle, reduction of mitochondria, etc. It is recognized that these changes are associated with the presence of cobalt in beer, which is used as a stabilizer of beer foam. The content of this toxic element in beer in the heart muscle of beer drinkers exceeds permissible norm 10 times. In addition, cobalt causes inflammatory processes in the esophagus and stomach in beer drinkers.

There are other factors that disrupt the functioning of the heart during beer alcoholism. These are, first of all, large portions of beer consumed per day by its lovers, as well as the saturation of beer with carbon dioxide. Once in the body, beer quickly overwhelms blood vessels. This leads to varicose veins and expansion of the borders of the heart. This is how “beer heart” syndrome or “nylon stocking” syndrome occurs, when the heart greatly increases in size, sags, becomes flabby and does not pump blood well.

Beer and hormones

Beer contains a number of toxic substances, including salts of heavy metals, causing change in the endocrine system. Thus, in the body of men, with the systematic consumption of beer, a substance is released that suppresses the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. Beer contains phytoestrogens - an analogue of the female sex hormone, which leads to the gradual feminization of the male population. Men who drink beer begin to deposit female-type fat- on the hips and sides - the mammary glands grow (gynecomastia), the pelvis becomes wider. Beer weakens interest in the other sex. Fifteen to twenty years of beer experience - and impotence is guaranteed. Women who drink beer have an increased risk of developing cancer, infertility, and if they are a nursing mother, the child may experience epileptic convulsions. Also, women's voices become rougher and so-called "beer mustaches" appear.

Effects of beer on the brain

Based on studies conducted in 1985 in paid clinics in Canada by comparing beer drinkers with consumers of other alcoholic products, it was found that the diagnosis of “palpable liver” is most often diagnosed in people who regularly drink beer.

Studies conducted in many countries indicate that chronic alcoholism develops 3-4 times faster from drinking beer than from strong alcoholic products. Although, ethyl alcohol itself is addictive, regardless of the “container” - beer, wine, vodka - who receives a fair dose of alcohol every day with beer, is psychologically protected, does not feel threatened and is not going to fight it. This will happen until a person sees himself in deep beer addiction. If he does not “improve his health” with a bottle or two of beer in the morning, his mental and physical well-being worsens, loss of strength and other symptoms appear.

The harm of beer to the human body is very extensive. Death of brain cells, which, dying, enter the blood, are filtered by the kidneys and come out with urine(video), spinal cord dysfunction, myocardial dystrophy, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, neuropathy, damage to the visual and auditory analyzers. A correlation has also been proven between daily beer consumption and increased blood pressure. One of the severe complications of beer alcoholism is lactic acidosis and hyponatremia. Patients with beer alcoholism end up in hospitals in an extremely serious, neglected condition, most often with severe dementia and a decrease in personal assessment. These are the main consequences of beer alcoholism.

Beer is a legal drug

According to modern research, beer is the first legal drug, paving the way for other, more powerful illegal drugs. It is the consumption of beer that is the root cause of the crippled destinies of millions of our compatriots. Narcologists say that alcohol is the most aggressive of drugs, and beer alcoholism is characterized by particular cruelty. This explains the end of beer bacchanalia with fights, murders, rapes and robberies.

An employee of the Department of Biomedical Fundamentals of Human Life at Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University S. Anikin in his article “Beer is not milk” gives a number of examples confirming the above. An analogy to the data he cited about the disastrous consequences of beer drinking for society, especially for the younger generation, are the May 2002 events on Moscow’s Manezhnaya Square, when football fans excited by beer staged “large-scale demonstrative beatings” of not only compatriots, but also citizens of other countries. A graduate of one of the Moscow schools was beaten to death, who accidentally found himself in a crowd of drunken teenagers and young people, smashing cars and store windows, brutally beating people who came to hand...

All these events confirmed: aggression is caused by alcohol and idleness.

Growth in beer consumption in Russia

Judging by the level of beer produced and sold in trade, Russia is currently among the countries whose population occupies a “leading” position in the consumption of this product, which is still considered low-alcohol and even “non-alcoholic.” And this is despite the fact that the chief medical officer of Russia, G. Onishchenko, on behalf of all medicine, published an article in the Teacher's Newspaper about the harmful effects of beer consumption. According to research conducted by the Department of Biomedical Fundamentals of Safe Vitality at Krasnoyarsk State University, out of four thousand people surveyed between the ages of 7 and 20, 48% of those who used alcohol were among first-graders. alcoholic drinks, which is 12 times higher than the figures of 10-12 years ago. As stated by G. Onishchenko, the growth in beer consumption in the country is “due to teenagers and women of childbearing age”.

Beer advertising is silent about the dangers

Such a multiple jump in beer consumption is not surprising, given the persistently imposed beer advertising, varied in the way it is presented, to gullible Russians who had no previous experience of resisting it. Consider the colorfully decorated huge billboards in cities and on highways, advertising the extreme “healthiness” of beer, and the murderous daily annoying advertising of beer on television, for a long time moved from beer advertising to promoting a beer lifestyle.

How can one ignore the television advertising message related to beer: “There are things worth living for!”?

According to some “experts,” beer is healthier than milk. Some media recommend that pregnant women and nursing mothers use it for better lactation, and for children - for sweeter, deeper sleep.

It is not customary to talk about toxic compounds and the dangers of beer

But not a single media outlet reported that In terms of harm to the body, beer can only be compared with moonshine, because During the process of alcoholic fermentation, both beer and moonshine retain in full the much more toxic compounds associated with alcohol ( by-products fermentation.) These are aldehydes, fusel oils, methanol, ethers, the content of which in beer is tens and hundreds of times higher than the level of their permissible concentration in vodka obtained from highly purified alcohol.

Beer alcoholism leads to generational degradation

First of all, on the average person who believes all the beautiful fairy tales about an affordable “drink”. As for beautiful pictures with beer on billboards and short advertising “vaudevilles” on TV, then they are primarily addressed to young people. We can say that a war is now being waged against the younger generation with the help of cheap low-alcohol drinks, prices reduced to the maximum level fresh water and equal to the price school breakfast. It is not difficult to guess what a modern teenager will choose on the street simply because he wants to drink - water or beer. As a result, before the eyes of their parents, sober children turn into drinking youth, and drinking youth into drunken parents. Isn't it clear that beer subculture is the beginning of drug culture leading to the degradation of generations, and ultimately to the death of the entire people.

The myth about the domestic beer producer

How can we explain the lack of understanding of this terrible prospect on the part of Russian legislators? It is generally accepted that beer production and trade replenishes the state budget. Based on this, the beer consumer is a true patriot of Russia, helping the domestic producer.

In 2004, there were about 300 breweries. Their absolute number belongs to foreign capital. For example, income from Nevsky beer goes to Denmark, Holster beer to Germany, Miller to America, Old Miller to Turkey, Tolstyak to Belgium, Bochkarev to Spain, " Golden Barrel" - to South Africa. Profits from the beer of the Baltika concern, as well as from the beer of OA Pikra, go to Scandinavia. Hence, beer fans support not domestic, but foreign producers. Foreign tycoons have found fertile soil in Russia, which released a monopoly on alcohol in the 90s, but we will have to pay for their business with our future.

So it’s time for Russians to free themselves from illusions and remember the instructions of the tsarist general A. Nechvolodov a hundred years ago: "The path of Russia from ruin to prosperity is the path of a sober Russia". It is necessary that deputies at all levels soberly consider the alcohol situation in the country as a whole and adopt a law on state anti-alcohol policy, and in particular, recognize beer as the alcoholic product that it actually is.

True patriots of Russia appeal to all adults and children with a request: raise your children to be teetotalers!

Prepared from materials: “Features of beer alcoholism.” Z. Korobkina.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Changes in social life and advertising in media mass media led to increased beer consumption, especially among young people. Every alcohol lover needs to know whether he can drink and in what quantities, as well as what the consequences of drinking it may be.

What happens if you drink beer every day?

Beer is becoming increasingly popular among alcohol lovers; many new producers and types of foamy drink are appearing. In this regard, quality control is reduced and the risk of adverse consequences for the human body increases. In pursuit of profit, companies use a large number of preservatives, dyes and other various chemicals. Drink lovers need to know what will happen if they drink beer every day.

The main danger of consuming any type of alcohol is the increased risk of developing alcohol addiction. Traditionally, beer is consumed in large quantities. If other alcoholic drinks are drunk in volumes measured in hundreds of grams, then beer is drunk in glasses and the amount drunk is measured in liters. This cannot but affect the functioning of human internal organs:

  1. The strain on the heart resulting from the need to pump large amounts of fluid leads to increased blood pressure. The carbon dioxide contained in this type of alcohol helps to increase the absorption of ethyl alcohol into the blood, so its lovers have heart sizes much larger than the average. Excessive drinking of beer leads to the development of angina pectoris, coronary heart disease and increases the risk of myocardial infarction.
  2. Products resulting from fermentation, including carbon dioxide, irritate the gastric mucosa, and this causes an increase in acidity, which can cause the development of gastroenterological diseases, and in some cases cause the appearance of a cancerous tumor.
  3. Regular and overconsumption beer leads to toxic substances from alcoholic beverages enter the kidneys, and the diuretic properties lead to increased stress on the organ. An excessive amount of fluid is removed from the body and both harmful and beneficial substances are removed along with it, and dehydration also occurs. Excessive use This type of alcohol provokes the development of inflammatory processes in the bladder, a decrease in the functional capacity of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Harm to men

Due to the fact that men are the main consumers of foamy alcohol, they should know whether drinking beer every day is harmful and what the possible consequences are:

  1. With regular consumption of large quantities of this alcohol, beer drinking may develop.
  2. The production of the male hormone, testosterone, decreases, and the amount of the female hormone, on the contrary, increases. As a result, fat deposits appear in the various areas body, the figure becomes more feminine. Erectile dysfunction and decreased libido may develop.
  3. IN male body blood vessels dilate, hypertension and varicose veins are possible.
  4. The liver and kidneys, which suffer more than other organs, are subject to increased stress; the development of hepatitis or cirrhosis can be triggered.

Harm to women

There is a difference between women and men not only at the physiological, but also at the emotional level; as a result of alcohol abuse, the voice and character become rougher

Drinking beer every day is harmful, even if it is to relieve stress or fatigue, since the breakdown of alcohol in the female body is much slower than in the male:

  1. If a woman drinks a lot of beer, then skin covering becomes dry, pigmentation disorder appears. As a result of vitamin deficiency, hair becomes dull and nails yellowish.
  2. Alcohol consumption causes liver disease, which is a filter for the blood and toxic substances accumulate in it.
  3. The presence of female hormones in the foamy drink large quantities may become a factor in the development of malignant tumors.
  4. Alcohol has a negative effect on a woman’s reproduction, causes mental illness, and contributes to the development of obesity.
  5. Women are more likely than men to develop alcohol dependence.

How to recognize addiction and how to treat it

Many lovers of drinking foamy alcohol suffer from alcoholism to varying degrees. There are symptoms of beer alcoholism that are slightly different from standard alcohol addiction:

  • Beer alcoholics have a loose body;
  • signs of excess weight appear;
  • breathing becomes noisy and heavy;
  • bags form under the eyes;
  • the face takes on a bluish tint;
  • there is a constant feeling of weakness and problems with erection, reproductive function suffers;
  • The man constantly smells of acetone; this is a sign of malfunction of the pancreas and indicates an increase in glucose levels in the person’s blood.

It is not difficult to recognize the symptoms of psychological addiction:

  • gradually increasing the dose in order to obtain the same effect;
  • frequent consumption of a foamy drink and in large volumes, every day 2 liters or more;
  • a break in drinking alcohol causes aggression and irritability;
  • after drinking alcohol, memory is lost;
  • control over oneself is lost, drinking occurs under any circumstances and at any time of the day;
  • morning hangover cravings.

Constant headaches, swelling in various places, and bowel irregularities may also occur.

Treatment of beer alcoholism is a complex and time-consuming process. It must be carried out with the help of a psychologist and a narcologist. The first step is awareness and acceptance of alcohol dependence. Various drugs are used to reduce cravings for alcohol, cause alcohol intolerance and alleviate the symptoms of a hangover.

Steps to help you overcome alcohol addiction:

  • consistently reduce the dose of consumed foamy drink;
  • change your lifestyle, pay more attention to sports activities, walks, spend maximum time with your family;
  • You can motivate your refusal to drink alcohol by putting aside saved funds for more important and pleasant purposes.

Safe beer limit

If beer is consumed in small quantities, then thanks to the vitamins and various beneficial substances contained in the drink, it can have a positive effect. 1 liter of low-alcohol beer, drunk at a time and with an appropriate snack, can be considered harmless. People who drink beer and then can’t help themselves and violate the alcohol limit are better off completely abstaining from drinking.

It is believed that beer is a low-alcohol drink that quenches thirst well. And there is nothing more pleasant, on a hot summer evening, to drink a bottle or two of cold aromatic beer, sitting on a bench in a square or park. And it’s even better in the company of friends in nature, and even with a barbecue or after a bathhouse with salted dried fish! Why do many people love beer so much that they cannot go a day without it?

What is beer made from?

Since ancient times, people all over the world have brewed and consumed beer. Beer is produced by fermenting alcohol and brewer's yeast with malt or hops. Beer contains water, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, substances containing nitrogen, yeast, and vitamins, minerals, and estrogens are present in small doses. Preservatives, stabilizers, and dyes are also added to beer to extend the shelf life of beer.

Is it good to drink beer?

Many people believe that beer is healthy nutritious product, which contains vitamins and microelements necessary for our body. Beer promotes the secretion of gastric juice and improves digestion. When drinking beer, a person's mood improves and it is easier for him to communicate with other people. With the help of beer, you can relieve stress, calm down, and relax. Beer calms nerves and improves sleep. Beer also has diuretic properties and helps our kidneys work, so it’s good to drink.

Is drinking beer harmful?

Everyone knows that drinking vodka is harmful to our body. There is an opinion that beer, since it is a low-alcohol drink, does no harm. It is known that during fermentation processes, compounds such as methanol, fusel oils, and aldehydes are retained in beer. And vodka contains hundreds of times less of these compounds. For our body, for the vascular and nervous system, they are poison. They cause us nausea, vomiting, sneezing. A person’s brain vessels sharply dilate and his head begins to hurt, weakness appears, and his ability to move worsens. But in reality beer is not low alcohol drink. The strength of some brands of beer can reach from 5 to 13% vol.

Let's try to figure out why beer is harmful to our body.

Personal qualities of a person change

Beer contains hops. After drinking beer, a person gets drunk, relaxes, and over time can no longer do without beer. By gradually increasing the dose of beer, a person’s personal qualities change. He becomes stupid, angry, aggressive, pugnacious, deceitful, lazy. Various offenses and crimes are committed while intoxicated.

A person's appearance changes

Why is beer harmful for men?

As you know, beer contains plant estrogens, they are similar to hormones that form the female genital organs and mammary glands. If a man drinks beer every day, a substance is released in his body that suppresses testosterone production and estrogen levels increase. A man becomes overweight, his stomach begins to grow, and his mammary glands and pelvis increase in size. The number of sperm decreases and their quality deteriorates. If husbands like to drink beer in their families, difficulties arise in conceiving a child. Over time, men experience impotence, prostatitis and other diseases.

Why is beer harmful for women?

Women who abuse beer also experience changes in appearance. In women, hairs begin to appear above the upper lip - a beer mustache. The voice changes. He becomes more rude.

What do you usually drink beer with? With dried fish, salted nuts, kirieshka, and chips. Excess salt is known to retain water in the body, which leads to swelling of the face in the morning and excess weight. And you must admit that a drunk woman is not a very pleasant sight. She laughs stupidly, she is vulgar, she behaves inappropriately. Often drunk girls become victims of crimes. Just like in men, excess estrogen causes problems with conceiving a child. Infertility develops, various gynecological diseases and even cancer occur.

Is beer harmful for pregnant women?

For pregnant women, drinking beer is simply unacceptable. If you want to carry and safely give birth to a healthy baby, then give up beer, cross it out of your life. Alcohol adversely affects the formation of the fetus. A child may be born mentally and physically handicapped, premature, or with low weight. Pregnancy may end in miscarriage. During adolescence, the child will most often show the consequences of his mother drinking beer during pregnancy. Your child will be uncontrollable, irritable, and aggressive. It is likely that he will also be prone to alcoholism.

Is beer harmful for nursing mothers?

There is an opinion that beer increases the amount of milk in a nursing mother. If the mother drinks beer before feeding, the baby will be full and sleep long and soundly. Of course he will sleep because he will be drunk. By feeding your child poisonous milk, you will destroy his physical and mental health and teach him to drink alcohol. And your health will deteriorate and be destroyed under the influence of beer.

Is beer harmful for teenagers?

The beautiful beer advertisements that stream from our TV screens creep into the fragile minds of teenagers and destroy the opinion of adults that beer is harmful. What harm is this? After all, you can have a lot of fun with beer, cheerful company young and beautiful people, become successful, strong, rich.

And now the first bottle of beer appears in the hands of teenagers. With the first sips of beer, alcohol flows into the body, intoxicating and cheering the teenager. He feels like a hero, grown up, cool, brave. He picks on other teenagers, sorts things out, gets into fights, and commits various offenses. The teenager’s psyche changes, memory and ability to perceive new material at school deteriorate. A main harm beer is that the health of a teenager is destroyed.

Human health is being destroyed

And now about how beer harms our health.

Our heart is the main organ in our body. The heart acts as a pump, pumping blood. Blood supplies our body and internal organs, nutrients and oxygen.

Excessive beer consumption has a detrimental effect on our heart. You've probably heard the expression "bull's heart" or "bull's heart" more than once. beer heart" When a person drinks a lot of beer, the load on the heart increases, the heart muscle and heart walls increase in volume several times. The heart gradually becomes filled with fat. A person’s blood pressure rises, shortness of breath appears, heart contractions become more frequent, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart attack develop.

The stomach is an organ that stores and digests food. The lining of the stomach contains glands that produce gastric juice. Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid.

If a person systematically drinks large amounts of beer, aggressive substances such as carcinogens, resins, dyes, and ethyl alcohol irritate and cause inflammation in the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. A person develops heartburn, bloating, pain, gastritis and ulcers develop.

The kidneys are the main organ of excretion. They remove urine, excess water, and harmful substances from our body. Regulate arterial pressure and perform many complex functions necessary for our body.

At excessive use beer, the acid-base balance is disturbed. The body produces large quantity urine, the kidneys are forced to work harder to remove the effects of beer libations. Along with urine, useful substances and trace elements necessary for our body to function properly are removed from the body. Constantly working at high speed, the kidneys quickly wear out. A person develops various diseases kidney

The liver is the largest organ and plays an important role in our body. The liver performs many important biochemical functions. The liver secretes bile, which breaks down fats and takes part in digestion. The liver destroys viruses and microbes that enter our body with the blood. The liver regulates cholesterol metabolism.

What harm does beer cause to the liver? Beer contains alcohol, and alcohol is the main enemy of the liver. If you abuse beer, inflammatory processes occur in the liver, hepatitis develops and then cirrhosis.

The brain is the central part of our nervous system and consists of neurons. These neurons in the brain are formed into electrical impulses. With the help of these impulses, the brain controls our body and controls its functioning. The main function of the brain is thinking. With the help of the brain we make decisions and process information. The brain is responsible for our speech, memory, and coordination of movements.

How does beer harm our brain? It is known that beer contains alcohol, and alcohol has a destructive effect on the brain, causing brain cells to die. In people who regularly drink beer, thiamine in the body is reduced - this is a vitamin that affects the functioning of our brain. A lack of thiamine leads to severe damage to the nervous system. A person becomes forgetful, his memory deteriorates. And over time, dementia and memory loss occur. Coordination of movements is impaired and the person may become disabled. Our other organs also suffer from beer.

Family relationships and beer

In families where one of the family members is addicted to beer, many problems arise. Conflicts, quarrels, and sometimes fights often arise. Due to the husband’s poor potency, problems in sexual relationships are growing. A certain amount of money is spent on beer every day and there are shortages of money.

Is it possible to drink beer every day?

There is an opinion that using every day minimal amount beer, the person will remain healthy and not get drunk. But if you can’t go a day without beer, then this already indicates that your body requires its dose of alcohol. And this is already an addiction.

So can you drink beer? Is it necessary? Everyone decides for themselves!

Beer is one of the most popular drinks in the world. There are thousands of ways to prepare it, so it can differ in taste, smell, and the amount of alcohol it contains.

However, in this article we will talk not about the benefits of beer, but about its harm. We will try to understand in as much detail as possible what damage it causes. to the human body from point of view .

The imaginary benefits and real harm of beer

Moreover, the average person regularly sees a lot of television programs that directly or indirectly talk about the supposedly beneficial effects of beer on the body.

At the same time, few people know that beer contains much more harmful substances than vodka, which means it causes much more serious harm to human health.

The effect of beer on the brain

Scientists have long found out that the alcohol present in beer promotes the gluing of blood cells, resulting in clogging of blood vessels inside.

In this regard, brain cells begin to experience oxygen deficiency and then die. This is why the next day after drinking, a person often fails to remember any events that happened the day before.

In simple terms, alcohol gradually destroys the brain of the drinker. In parallel with this, sclerosis begins to develop and is also inhibited. That is, beer has a negative effect on mental condition person.

At the same time, you should know that beer addiction is one of the strongest, which is why it is so difficult to get rid of it.

Harm of beer to the heart and stomach

The foam cap on the surface of beer also poses a hidden threat to the body. Modern beer contains cobalt, which makes foam for a long time does not settle in the glass.

Cobalt helps to expand the cavities of the heart and thicken its walls. As a result, the risk of necrosis, which can cause a heart attack, increases.

In addition, cobalt negatively affects full-fledged work. Due to the fact that beer flushes out gastric juice, the pancreas has to work several times more intensely.

When beer bubbles enter the body, they contribute to the enlargement of blood vessels in the heart. Later, a person develops varicose veins, and his heart muscle works weaker and weaker.

Today in medicine there is such a thing as a “beer heart.” People with this problem find it much more difficult to cope with any physical activity. In addition, they are seriously tormented by shortness of breath.

Recent studies have shown that people who abuse beer live much shorter than those who abstain from it.

Harm of beer for men

In brewing, hops are used, which contain large doses of phytoestrogen, which is responsible for the production of female sex hormones. As a result, men who drink beer begin to enlarge their breasts and develop the well-known “beer belly.”

In addition, representatives of the stronger sex may change their voice and demeanor. Many men begin to develop fat deposits on their hips and sides, which makes them look effeminate.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that if you want to transform from a man to a woman, then the best way You won't find anything better than drinking beer regularly.

Harm of beer for women

In women who drink beer, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and their attraction to men increases. As mentioned earlier, beer promotes increased production of phytoestrogen.

This leads to the fact that the female hormone ceases to be produced naturally, and therefore changes hormonal background. A woman begins to develop hair on her face, legs, and even chest. In addition, the voice also changes.

But the worst thing is that the alcohol contained in beer causes irreparable harm a woman's ability to... Drinking parents often have children born with various pathologies.

An interesting fact is that when Prohibition was introduced during the reign, almost all children born during that period were healthy.

The harm of beer for teenagers

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised to learn that the harm of beer for a growing body is especially noticeable. Teenagers, deceived by advertising and films in which characters constantly drink this drink, very easily become dependent on beer.

In addition to this, they buy all kinds of chips and crackers, which further harms the body.

Initially, teenagers drink one or two bottles of beer, but over time this dose increases. Advertising forces them to try new brands of beer, turning them into real beer drinkers.

Surely you have noticed that both teenagers and adults cannot imagine watching, for example, football, without drinking beer with an appropriate snack?

All this once again proves how harmful advertising is to people if it is silent about the total health hazards of beer.

Low alcohol deception

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that beer can be called a low-alcohol drink only conditionally. If you perform simple arithmetic calculations, you can see that one bottle of beer contains about 60 grams of vodka.

But since few people limit themselves to one bottle of beer, this dose increases several times, and only continues to grow over time.

This is one of the main reasons for the development of beer alcoholism among young people. An interesting fact is that according to statistics, the majority of beer alcoholics are between the ages of 20 and 30.

Moreover, the human subconscious is seriously influenced by the fact that beer is universally called a low-alcohol drink.

In this regard, a person perceives the word “drink” as something positive and not harmful, and not vice versa.

This is one of the marketing ploys through which beer manufacturers seriously increase their sales.

Beer self-deception

It's no secret that for children, parents are the greatest authority. Therefore, when children see their mom or dad drinking beer, they perceive it as something normal, and even good.

Unfortunately, some parents allow their children to try beer at an early age because it is supposedly healthy. However, in reality they with my own hands apply great harm to your child.

Therefore, every parent should remember that by drinking beer or any other alcohol at home, they set a very bad example for their children.

Be sure that they will soon begin to imitate you, and all the words you say about the dangers of beer will no longer be taken seriously by them. Remember that what kind of person your son or daughter will become in the future depends largely on the parents.

It should not be forgotten that the mortality rate of the population not only, but also of any other country in the world, directly depends on the amount of alcohol consumed.

The more people drink, the higher the mortality and birth rate of sick children becomes.

I would like to believe that this article will help you reconsider your views on beer and soberly assess the threat of a “low-alcohol drink.”

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Beer today is the most popular drink, which is provided to the consumer with a large assortment different varieties. The abundance of advertising instilled a love for him among people all over the world. It's not surprising, because it's ancient drink. His recipes are deeply rooted in ancient times. For centuries, disputes have swirled around the hop product. Drink lovers provide numerous arguments confirming that people who drink beer benefit enormously. But there is another side that directly states the harm it causes to the body. What does a mug of foamy drink contain?

Doubts about usefulness

Doubts arose with the appearance of the drink. What does beer bring to the body? Its benefits and harms are one of the common topics of discussion among numerous generations. It should be noted that even our most distant ancestors understood that excessive drinking of alcohol would not lead to good. When did the opinion arise that for a person who drinks beer, the benefits for the body are invaluable?

It turns out that for the first time I started talking about miraculous properties drink of the medieval alchemist and physician Paracelsus. He argued that natural ingredients beer has the most health-improving effect on the body, stimulating the functioning of the circulatory system. It is not at all surprising that at that time almost all of Europe was drowning in a foamy drink. However, we must pay tribute to Paracelsus, who emphasized that excessive consumption of any food can turn out to be poison. True, he considered 2-3 glasses of beer a day to be the norm.

Modern supporters

Many scientists supported Paracelsus, putting forward new arguments that directly testified that the benefits for a person who drinks beer are quite great. Quite authoritative personalities came to the defense of their favorite drink.

Curtis Ellison, a doctor at Boston University, stated that consuming hop products in moderation (1 liter per day) significantly reduces the possible risk of heart ischemia. The benefits of beer for female body, in his opinion, is to slow down the aging process. And what representative of the fair sex does not dream of being forever young?

Danish scientists were simply stunned by their discovery. It turns out that people who constantly drink beer significantly improve their metabolism.

American researchers believe that the intoxicating drink simply contains a “shock” dose of B vitamins. Namely, they stimulate the process of production of red blood cells.

Besides all this, amazing drink from malt contains phosphorus, iron, copper and magnesium. And the presence of sugar in it is not as high as many people say. Listening to the opinions of authoritative scientists, often the question of whether beer is beneficial is resolved exclusively positively. It would seem that drink one liter of intoxicating drink a day and you will be completely healthy. But it's not that simple. And to form your opinion, you need to understand in more detail what beer brings with it. Benefit and harm can sometimes be very closely intertwined and be two sides of the same coin. Does this apply to the drink beloved by many?

Determining the benefit

Let's talk first about the positive side of one coin. It should be noted that we're talking about about consuming moderate amounts. Only under such conditions can we consider that the benefits of beer for the body are completely justified.

Benefits of the drink:

  • beer has an excellent ability to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and this is a real prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • the drink regularly entering the body improves blood clotting and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • there is an improvement in metabolism, and the body is naturally cleansed of toxins and waste;
  • the polyphenols contained in the composition stimulate the work of the heart muscle, improve vision, and normalize the activity of the digestive tract;
  • the content of vitamins and various useful substances, as already mentioned, undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • beer hops are known for their powerful bactericidal properties;
  • organic acids have a positive effect on human activity, preventing the occurrence of osteoporosis;
  • phytoestrogens reduce the process of calcium leaching, thereby reducing the risk of fractures.

Beer can also be used... externally! This is where the benefits of the drink are fully revealed. The use of beer wraps perfectly stimulates the skin. The drink is widely used to make hair care products. Masks based on beer strengthen the roots, improve the condition of the scalp, and completely eliminate dandruff. These products make your hair shine with health, acquire silkiness and natural shine. Beer face masks help delay old age. They are able to smooth out early wrinkles, tone the skin, and eliminate sagging. And beer foam is just a panacea for those with oily skin. It perfectly regulates the process of sebum production, significantly tightening the pores.

Non-alcoholic beer: benefits and harms

This drink is practically no different from its “brothers”. The only difference is the alcohol level. And the taste quality drink totally coincides regular beer. However, it is worth knowing that the presence of alcohol is still present in it, it is simply kept to a minimum (0.2 -1.5 degrees). This beer is obtained by evaporation, simply not allowing it to “ferment.” Should you drink non-alcoholic beer? The benefits and harms discussed below will help answer the question.

Benefits of beer. The biggest advantage of this drink is the ability to quench your thirst in the heat without fear of getting drunk. It absolutely does not affect the coordination of movements, the ability to think soberly, and also make decisions quickly. That is why non-alcoholic beer can be consumed by people who, due to certain circumstances, are completely contraindicated from intoxication.

An important criterion in favor of the drink is the ability to obtain all the beneficial substances that are contained in the same quantities as in alcoholic beer.

One of the most positive qualities is the ability of this particular drink to reduce the risk of malignant tumors. Such studies were carried out by Japanese scientists. The published results confirmed that it is non-alcoholic beer that prevents the entry of carcinogenic substances into the body. The benefits of this discovery are invaluable. True, the studies were conducted only on mice. However, scientists continue to carry out developments in this area in order to isolate “anti-tumor” components from the drink.

Disadvantages of beer. Despite the many positive aspects, one cannot ignore the negative aspects. Non-alcoholic beer quite often becomes a precursor to the development of alcoholism. Teenagers are especially susceptible to this. Starting with such a seemingly harmless drink, over time they switch to regular beer, gradually increasing the dose.

Men who abuse the product may encounter a rather unpleasant problem - the manifestation of female characteristics. After all, excessive consumption can disrupt work endocrine system. The culprits are phytoestrogens found in beer. They help stimulate not only male hormones, but also activate the production of female ones.

And the biggest danger is that the drink contains cobalt, which is a foam stabilizer. This is a very toxic element. It has been noticed that it negatively affects the heart and stomach. And sometimes it causes various inflammatory processes.

What does live beer promise?

A lover of malt and hops cannot talk about the taste of a drink if he has never tasted draft live beer in his life. Its taste and properties are significantly different from bottled. This is due to the manufacturing process. After all, brewing and fermentation occur naturally Therefore, the alcohol formed in the drink is completely natural. That is why it is so rich in useful substances and microorganisms.

Live beer does not undergo a filtration process. As a result, it contains natural yeast culture. This is what gives unfiltered beer its unique aroma and unique taste. The benefits of the drink are numerous beneficial properties. After all, it retains all useful microelements and vitamins.

What are the benefits of live beer? In the following:

  • Thanks to natural alcohol, the drink prevents the accumulation and formation of fats.
  • Normalization is noted blood pressure, improving blood clotting.
  • Cholesterol levels are reduced.
  • The kidneys are cleansed and eliminated excess liquid from the body.
  • A beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract has been noticed. Food is better absorbed and proper intestinal function is stimulated.
  • A heated drink relieves toothache, treats sore throat, and fights cough.
  • It has the most positive effect on a person’s emotional background, often being a sedative.
  • This drink contains many vitamins, which, unfortunately, are not present in pasteurized milk. Undoubtedly, this contains great benefit draft beer. The live drink improves metabolism and can boost immunity. Significantly improves the health of the body.

However, you should not forget when drinking draft beer: the harm and benefits are very close. The main thing is to know when to stop. And don’t cross the line beyond which it turns into poison.

Dark or light?

Which beer is healthier? This question was asked by a group of Spanish scientists (University of Valladolid). They determined that in dark varieties contains slightly more iron than light ones. Of course, this element enters the human body in large quantities with food. However, iron can accelerate the oxidation process of organic compounds.

Filtration is used in the production of light beer. As a result, it is possible that free iron is retained. This explains the low content of the element in light varieties. According to scientists from Spain, it is better to drink dark beer. The benefits of the drink are quite obvious. After all, iron is a component of hemoglobin. Namely, he delivers essential oxygen throughout all tissues and cells of the human body.

Legends of benefits

The ongoing debate about the drink gives rise to many misconceptions. Most utility myths are taken at face value. Beer lovers simply take as an axiom all judgments about the benefits of the drink. Moreover, most of these properties have been proven by scientists. However, what does beer bring to the body? The benefits and harms of the drink are so mixed that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish where the malt lover wins and where he fails. To clarify the situation a little, let's look at the most common misconceptions.

Myth 1: low alcohol drink

The alcohol concentration in beer is minimal. This drink can be compared almost to lemonade. The benefits of beer completely outweigh the possible harm.

True. This drink is a fermentation product. In other words, all molecules disintegrate nutrients. The results of such a process are very disastrous. After all, one can of beer introduces aldehydes, fusel oils, methanol and ether into the body.

The unpleasant thing is that beer alcoholism develops almost 5 times faster than vodka alcoholism. Addiction occurs very quietly. Most people don’t even have time to realize the problem before they fall into the net of hops. Sometimes it becomes impossible to stop yourself.

Myth 2: a source of vitamins

After drinking about one liter of beer, a person restores daily requirement in useful substances.

True. Naturally, the content of vitamins, minerals, and macroelements cannot be denied. However, buckwheat, cabbage, and most food products are rich in all these components. At the same time, they are completely devoid of alcohol. By the way, during the preparation of an intoxicating drink, the concentration of vitamins decreases. Therefore, if you want to saturate your body with the daily requirement of vitamin B1, you need to drink not one liter of beer, but ten.

Myth 3: Good for the heart

Beer stimulates the cardiovascular system.

True. Systematic consumption of the drink leads to thickening of the heart muscle. The cavities of the heart expand significantly. This causes the development of necrosis and a decrease in the number of mitochondria. In other words, the heart begins to fail, pumps blood worse, greatly oversaturating the blood vessels. As a result, shortness of breath, varicose veins occur, and the risk of heart attacks increases.

Myth 4: benefits for women

It is believed that malt drink should be consumed by the fair sex. There is an opinion that the benefits of beer for women are simply invaluable. But what really?

True. Are there any benefits of beer for the female body? Very doubtful. Since phytoestrogen is no less dangerous for drink lovers, as well as for men. Their intake causes depression of the hormonal system. The natural process of estrogen production stops. As a result of such a violation, disastrous results appear. The woman's voice takes on a rough tone. The figure loses its natural outline. A very unpleasant result is increased hair growth above the lip.

Myth 5: Stimulates kidney function

Beer removes excess fluid and toxins from the body.

True. This myth is associated with the diuretic property known to all drink lovers. However, the desired effect is not achieved. Beer does not cleanse the body. At the same time, it “washes out” fats, proteins, and most essential microelements. A person, as a rule, is deprived of potassium, vitamin C, and magnesium. Sometimes this process can turn into a serious problem. A lack of potassium leads to irregular heart rhythms, increased dry skin, unexplained weakness and severe cramps in the legs.

Myth 6: Benefits for the brain

The drink is a source of silicon. Namely, it helps strengthen the blood vessels of the brain and increases their elasticity. Therefore, there is a need to drink beer. The benefits are quite clear.

True. Any alcohol entering the human body causes the destruction of brain cells. Even one can of beer is enough to kill several thousand of them. For teenagers, this action is especially dangerous. After all, any harmful changes occur several times faster in a young body than in a more mature age.

Myth 7: beer reduces vodka consumption

Most drink lovers believe that by consuming an intoxicating product, they are displacing stronger drinks from drinking.

True. Unfortunately, statistics provide a stunning fact: one bottle of beer corresponds to 50-100 g of vodka. It depends on the strength. If 5-6 bottles are drunk per day, then the body receives a dose of alcohol equal to a bottle of vodka. At the same time, the beer lover is completely protected psychologically. After all, anyone who drinks a bottle of vodka is clearly an alcoholic. And a person who has consumed 2-3 liters of beer is, as a rule, an “ordinary” average resident who gives the impression of being happy and successful.

The assumption is completely at odds with the statistics. It is she who demonstrates figures that clearly indicate that along with beer consumption, the demand for vodka is growing. It’s no secret that many people drink both, considering low levels as an impossibility of completely relaxing.

To drink or not to drink?

The benefits and harms of the drink are determined by quite different factors. The main ones are: excessive consumption and product quality. Therefore, beer lovers who simply cannot live without a glass of hops should pay attention to the dose and reputation of the manufacturer.

The best products are European school. The world's most famous beer-producing countries are the Czech Republic, Ireland, Germany, and Austria. It is no secret that year after year they acquire the status of a leader in the drink consumption rating table.

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to the question of whether to drink beer or not. Many studies confirm the benefits of the drink. Therefore, drink. But subject to important conditions. If you know how to “keep” in moderation, choose only a high-quality product and at the same time monitor your health very carefully. For other cases, it is much better to simply abstain from drinking beer. Remember that the drink contains alcohol. And the harm from it can significantly exceed the benefits!