Is the preservative potassium sorbate harmful? E202 - Potassium sorbate

E202 (potassium sorbate) is a food additive belonging to the class of preservatives. By chemical composition represents the potassium salt sorbic acid.

Sorbic acid was first obtained from rowan juice in 1859. In 1939, its antimicrobial activity was discovered. Already in the mid-1950s, it began industrial production sorbic acid and its use as a preservative.

Chemical formula additives E202: C 6 H 7 KO 2. From a physical point of view, it is a granule or powder white color. Preservative E202 is the most soluble of the sorbates. Solubility of potassium sorbate at room temperature is 138 grams of a substance in one liter of water. Additive E202 is a natural preservative. Most often, potassium sorbate is extracted from the seeds of some plants. Also, the preservative E202 can be obtained synthetically.

Sorbic acid, and its potassium sorbate salt in particular, is on the list of the most popular preservatives due to its safety for the human body. The maximum allowable dose of the substance is 0.1-0.2% by weight finished product. The main use of potassium sorbate as an additive E202 finds in the production of cheeses and sausages, due to its ability to stop the growth mold fungi. Also, the preservative E202 can be added to the dough in the production of rye bread to prevent the formation of chalk mold on the product. Due to its neutral taste, potassium sorbate is used as a preservative in chocolate and confectionery, as well as in the preservation of vegetables and juices. In addition, food additive E202 can be used as a preservative in spicy and sour sauces oriental cuisine, as it is a fairly effective antimicrobial agent at high acidity values. Potassium sorbate prevents the formation of yeast and fungi in these products.

With the approval of potassium sorbate as food additive Numerous studies have been carried out on E202, showing that the additive can be considered harmless in doses not exceeding the maximum permissible norm. Only in particularly sensitive people, potassium sorbate can irritate the skin and mucous membranes. The allergenicity of the substance is extremely low. Additive E202 does not have any carcinogenic or mutagenic effects on the body and is not a teratogen. The maximum allowable rate of preservative E202 in finished product is set separately for each type of product and averages from 0.02 to 0.2%. The exact dosage for a particular type of product can be found in the regulatory documents.

Most often, food additive E202 can be found in the following types of products: margarines, mayonnaises, sausages, smoked meats, jams, juices, soft drinks, wines, sugar and flour confectionery.

Additive E202 is included in the list of permitted additives in many countries of the world, including Russia and Ukraine.

In modern Food Industry Without preservatives, which allow you to increase the shelf life of products, not one enterprise can do. However, if a few decades ago, completely harmless and environmentally friendly substances like salt and citric acid, then today wide application found chemical compounds. Among them - potassium sorbate, known to consumers as E202, which was originally obtained from rowan juice. However, this technology has long been outdated, and today potassium sorbate is successfully synthesized by chemical means. It is believed that this preservative does not have a negative effect on the human body. But is it really so?

Why is potassium sorbate good?

Laboratory and medical studies of E202 have shown that this substance does not affect hormonal background human, is not a carcinogen and does not contribute to the development of oncology. Also, no relationship was found between potassium sorbate and gene mutation. Among the advantages of such an additive, it should be noted its hypoallergenicity and enough pleasant taste. Plus, potassium sorbate has established itself as an excellent antibacterial and antiseptic agent. Products with such an additive are protected from mold and fungus, which is not so bad, considering that E202 is added to various drinks, sweets, sausages, cheeses, sauces and even in Rye bread.

It should be noted that E202 is easily soluble in water and is easily excreted from the body. naturally , therefore, this preservative is successfully used in almost all civilized countries of the world without any restrictions.

Harm of potassium sorbate

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that if the dosage of this product is observed, then it is really harmless to humans. In any product, the specific gravity of potassium sorbate should not exceed 0.2%. If this condition is violated, then the consequences of eating products with this preservative can be very sad. Since E202 is an acid, in case of an overdose it has negative impact on the mucous membrane oral cavity and stomach.

In the food industry, potassium sorbate has been used relatively recently, no more than half a century. However, during this time, only a few cases of allergy to this substance were recorded, which is associated with individual intolerance to E202. This is a very good indicator, but you should not pay attention to it if technological process the production of certain foodstuffs is disrupted. If the allowable rate is exceeded, potassium sorbate can provoke premature birth and gastric bleeding, cause disorders of the kidneys and liver. It has been proven that if the specific proportion of the content of E202 in the body exceeds 5 g per 1 kg of body weight, then the person dies. However, in order to achieve such a concentration of a preservative in the blood, it is necessary to eat it with spoons, which, naturally, no sane person will do.

The work of the modern food industry is impossible without the use of preservatives - additives that extend the shelf life of products. To date, the most widely used preservative is potassium sorbate or food additive E202.

According to manufacturers, this preservative is completely harmless to human health and does not cause any side effects. However, most consumers are skeptical about potassium sorbate and fear that it can cause serious illness.

So is the preservative potassium sorbate harmful or not for humans? To understand this issue, it is necessary to find out how and in what quantity the E202 additive is used in food products, what properties it has and what effect it has on the body.


What is potassium sorbate? This preservative is White powder or granules, odorless and with a slight bitter taste. It dissolves well in water without leaving any residue. When the E202 additive interacts with water, sorbic acid is released, which provides the necessary preservative effect.

Potassium sorbate has been used as a preservative in the food industry since the 1950s. In the beginning, this substance was obtained from rowan juice, but today it is synthesized chemically. For this purpose, sorbic acid is mixed with potassium hydroxide (alkali), as a result of which a neutralization reaction occurs and potassium salts are formed.

It was they who were labeled E202 food additive with a pronounced preservative effect. Currently, potassium sorbate is allowed for use in almost all countries of the world, including Russia, the CIS, the USA, Canada, the EU countries and many Asian countries, in particular Japan and South Korea.

This food additive helps prevent the development of pathogenic microflora, putrefactive bacteria, molds and yeasts, thereby protecting products from premature spoilage. Potassium sorbate works equally well in both acidic and alkaline environments, making it the most versatile preservative.

One of key features Additives E202 is that it does not have any effect on the taste, smell, color and texture of the product. Therefore, the presence of this preservative in a particular product remains completely invisible to the consumer.

It must be emphasized that potassium sorbate does not kill harmful microorganisms, but prevents their reproduction.

Therefore, E202 is added to products at the production stage, which ensures its sterility and safety for the buyer.


The preservative potassium sorbate E202 has found wide application in the food industry and today it is present in almost all food products that can be seen on store shelves. It is used in the production of products from meat, fish, milk, vegetables and fruits, as well as in a variety of pastries.

Most often, potassium sorbate is present in products that have a liquid or semi-liquid consistency, namely: fruit juices and nectars, lemonades, sodas, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, mayonnaise, ketchups, mustard, various ready-made sauces(including Asian) and fruit and berry jams.

In addition, the E202 preservative is actively added to sausages, various smoked meats, hard and soft cheeses, cottage cheese, margarine, all kinds of confectionery, sweet pastries, white and rye bread, dried fruits, semi-finished products, any canned vegetables and sauerkraut.

Foods containing potassium sorbate:

  1. Fruit, berry and vegetable juices and nectars;
  2. Jams, preserves, marmalade, fruit and berry puree, marmalade, fruits in syrup, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, dates, prunes, dried berries);
  3. Chocolate, all kinds of sweets and fillings for them: cream, praline, nougat and others;
  4. Cookies, waffles, croissants, pastries and cakes;
  5. Bread, loaves and other bakery products;
  6. Semi-finished products: dumplings, dumplings, cutlets, nuggets, minced meat;
  7. boiled and smoked sausages, sausages, sausages, crab sticks;
  8. Yoghurts, soft, hard and processed cheeses, cottage cheese, glazed curds, margarine;
  9. Non-alcoholic and low-alcohol wines, sweet carbonated and non-carbonated drinks;
  10. Salted and pickled vegetables, vegetable caviar and other canned vegetables, sauerkraut, seaweed;
  11. Salted and pickled mushrooms;
  12. Ready salads;
  13. Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, sauces (garlic, cheese, soy and others).

Potassium sorbate is used not only in food production, but also in the cosmetics industry. This preservative significantly extends the life of cosmetics and keeps them usable even after opening the protective membrane.

  • Means for cleansing the skin: foams, gels, micellar waters, milk, tonics, mousses, scrubs, hydrolates and hydrolysates;
  • Skin care products: creams, lotions, masks, balms, gels, oils;
  • Liquid soap, shower gels and cream-gels;
  • Shampoos, balms, conditioners and hair masks;
  • Sunscreens, sunscreen, self-tanner;
  • Toothpastes, mouth rinses;
  • Wet wipes.

Is potassium sorbate harmful?

The high popularity of potassium sorbate in modern industry makes many people think about the question: what harm does the E 202 additive have for a person? Can the use of products with this preservative lead to the development of dangerous diseases?

To find out the effect of the food additive E202 on humans, a lot of studies have been carried out. scientific research. In the course of them, it was found that potassium sorbate is harmless to the health of people of any age, including children. No patterns between the development of diseases and the use of this preservative have been identified.

Additive E202 is not a carcinogen and mutagen, does not cause cancer and does not harmful effect on intrauterine development of the embryo. Therefore, food with potassium sorbate is allowed for consumption even by pregnant women.

In the table of preservatives compiled by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, potassium sorbate is noted as a harmless food additive. Whereas sodium benzoate, popular with many manufacturers, is listed in it as a dangerous carcinogen that provokes the development of oncology.

It should also be noted that the E202 additive rarely causes allergies in consumers. Over the decades of its use, there have been only a few cases of an allergic reaction to potassium sorbate that were not life-threatening.

However, despite the harmlessness of this preservative, it is very important to use it correctly and not exceed the allowable rate, which is 2% of the total weight of the product. So in the food industry, a rule has been established according to which per 100,000 gr. product should account for no more than 200 gr. sodium sorbate.

This norm should also be taken into account by those people who use this preservative when preparing home-made preparations, for example, canned vegetables, fruit and berry jam, sauerkraut, as well as homemade cosmetics.

So is potassium sorbate harmful to health or not? Given all of the above, it is safe to say that no. But it is important to use it in reasonable quantities and not exceed the established limits. In this case, potassium sorbate, of course, will not benefit the human body, but it will not cause dangerous consequences either.

The article describes the food additive (preservative) potassium sorbate (E202), its use, effects on the body, harm and benefits, composition, consumer reviews
Other additive names: potassium sorbate, potassium salt of sorbic acid, E202, E-202, E-202

Functions performed


Legality of use

Ukraine EU Russia

Potassium sorbate, E202 - what is it?

Sorbic acid, from which potassium sorbate is obtained, in small quantities found in rowan berries

Potassium sorbate is the potassium salt of sorbic acid. It is a white powder that is readily soluble in water. Although sorbic acid is found naturally in some berries, virtually all of it today is produced by chemical synthesis. The chemical formula of potassium sorbate is C 6 H 7 KO 2.

Potassium sorbate (E202) is produced commercially by reacting potassium hydroxide with sorbic acid. The acid itself, in turn, is obtained in the process of interaction of crotonaldehyde and ketene.

Potassium sorbate, E202 - effect on the body, harm or benefit?

The maximum allowable harmless daily intake supplements E202 with food is 25 mg per 1 kg of human body weight. For example, for a person with a body weight of 70 kg, this amount will be 70x25 = 1750 mg of preservative.

Currently, potassium sorbate is one of the safest preservatives known to date. When potassium sorbate is used in food in limited amounts for a short period of time, it is believed that it does not harm the body.

Food additive E202, potassium sorbate - use in food

Potassium sorbate exhibits its antibacterial activity against mold, yeast and aerophilic bacteria. Therefore, the food additive E202 is widely used as a food preservative. The food preservative works quite effectively when added to food, wine, cosmetics and detergents.

Potassium sorbate is used to inhibit the development of mold and yeast in a wide range food products such as wine, cheese, dried meat, yogurt, mayonnaise, apple cider, soft drinks, fruit drinks and baked goods, etc. It can also be present in sweet syrups and milkshakes sold in fast foods, such as Mc Donalds or dried fruit. In addition, potassium sorbate (E202) is commonly found in herbal food supplements in which it inhibits the growth of microbes and molds and increases their shelf life.

This food preservative is also known as "wine stabilizer". It is added to fortified, sparkling wine and some ciders, but can be added to table wines that are prone to lees.

In addition, potassium sorbate is used in many personal care products to prevent the development of microorganisms in them. Sometimes this preservative finds use as a substitute for parabens.

preservatives, added to food products, have firmly entered modern life.

Their presence allows you to save a lot of time for cooking.

Do they bring benefit our body is another matter.

Most widespread Potassium sorbate is the preservative.

It is put as a preservative in semi-finished products, sausages, flour products, fish products, canned vegetable salads, jam, marmalade, egg products, etc. Is this substance so harmless to the consumer?

What it is?

Potassium sorbate is salt of potassium and sorbic acid. The latter has been known since the 19th century. However, its properties were studied in detail later. In 1945, this compound was patented as a remedy for fungus.

The chemical formula of potassium sorbate is C6H7KO2. Externally, the compound appears as a white powdery or granular substance. Salt is odorless.

It has good solubility - 138 g / l at 25 0 C. Potassium sorbate is a substance natural origin. It can be obtained mainly from the seeds of certain plants, primarily rowan.

Designed and synthetic method of obtaining this substance.

It is based on the reaction of neutralization of the indicated acid with potassium-containing substances.

As a result of the reaction, acid breakdown on Ca, K and Na salts.

They are used to obtain sorbates of the corresponding metals.

When potassium sorbate is dissolved in water, this acid is formed in a free form.

She is active substance . Its activity is noted in relation to mold, yeast and aerophilic microorganisms. The acidity of the medium should be in the range of 2-6.5 pH. store this substance in a place protected from light, cool and with low humidity.

Where is it used (food industry, cosmetics)?

Potassium sorbate is put together with sodium benzoate in food products in order to create an environment unfavorable for reproduction of lactic acid bacteria. In particular, this compound is used in the manufacture hard cheeses and their storage. They also process sausages for the purpose of oppression. mold fungi.

Potassium sorbate is often used for pickling vegetables, since it does not inhibit the process of lactic acid fermentation, as well as in the production fruit juices(protects against fermentation and mold). This substance is used in the production food emulsions(example - mayonnaise).

This additive is used in baking bread from rye flour- also in order to prevent the formation of mold. The taste of this substance is neutral, so it is also used in production. sweets.

Potassium sorbate is an ideal preservative in the manufacture spicy oriental sauces , because under the conditions hyperacidity Not all substances with a similar effect work.

Also potassium sorbate applied in the manufacture of products such as jams, preserves, margarine, dairy products, condensed milk, mustard, marinades, smoked meats, vegetable salads, tomato puree, ketchup, semi-sweet wines, beer, non-alcoholic drinks.

Must be used in production semi-finished products and frozen products (dumplings, meatballs, minced meat, sausages, sausages), dried fruits.

Potassium sorbate also finds application in pharmaceutical industries, cosmetics, tobacco industry.

Effect on the body

What harm does the supplement do to the body? At the moment, most scientists are confident that potassium sorbate - safe enough a preservative for humans. A lot of research has been done on this issue.

However, there is another point of view - that the use of any preservatives does not go unnoticed. This also applies to potassium sorbate.

We can definitely say that in people with hypersensitivity, this food supplement can cause allergies. life threatening The human dosage of potassium sorbate is about 5 g/kg.

Comparison with sodium benzoate

Sodium benzoate is no less common preservative than potassium sorbate. His widely used in the production of marmalade, mayonnaise, ketchup, etc. This preservative is no longer as harmless as potassium sorbate. When it regular use arises health hazard.

For example, drinking a bottle of sparkling water every day is already risky. In addition, sodium benzoate incompatible with foods containing vitamin C. As a result of a chemical reaction between these substances, toxic benzene, which can lead to the development of cirrhosis of the liver and oncological diseases.

Just like potassium sorbate, it is able to cause allergic manifestations.

Permissible norms

Maximum allowable mass fraction potassium sorbate according to GOST varies from 0.02% to 0.2% depending on the type of product (see table). Exact values specified in the regulations.

Product name Permissible norms, g / 100 kg of product (raw materials, brine)
animal oil 60—120
mayonnaise and other sauces 100—200
smoked meat and sausages 200
vegetable salads 100—200
tomato puree (12 %) 50—150
jams, preserves, marmalade. 70—200
puree from fruits and berries 50—60
juice - a semi-finished product from apples 65
semi-finished grape juice 65—80
fruit juice concentrated 100—200
drinks that do not contain alcohol 40—60
low alcohol wines 20—30
sweet confectionery 150—200
flour confectionery products (yeast-free) 130—200

Consumer Rights Violation

In any food specific gravity potassium sorbate should be up to 0.2%. If this condition is not complied with, such a product becomes harmful for the consumer. Due to the presence of acid, it negatively affects the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach.

Statistics show that actually recorded cases allergic very few manifestations.

All cases were associated with the individual characteristics of the organism.

Compared to other dietary supplements, this quite acceptable. However, it will have a different meaning if the technology is not followed.


So, potassium sorbate is enough safe natural preservative. He widely applied in the food industry in the manufacture various products, in the production of cosmetics. His main purpose- prevention of fermentation processes and mold formation.

Subject to relevant regulations its content, it does not cause negative effects in the human body. The allergenicity of this food additive is quite low.

Other preservatives (such as sodium benzoate) are not so harmless. Potassium sorbate is dangerous for human life only in extremely large doses.