Delicious zucchini salad like milk mushrooms. Preparations - zucchini, like milk mushrooms: the best recipes for the winter

If you think that zucchini jam is the most unusual work culinary arts, then this is not so. From this vegetable you can prepare another quite unusual workpiece, having tried which no one can guess main ingredient, since its taste will be very similar to wild mushrooms. Moreover, there is more than one recipe for the winter - zucchini is like milk mushrooms, there are two of them, which allows you to choose a snack to suit your taste.

So, let's move on to cooking.

Recipe for zucchini with herbs and garlic

To prepare zucchini for the winter like mushrooms classic recipe let's take:

  • 1 ½ kg zucchini;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 60-70 g sugar;
  • 15 g black pepper powder;
  • half a glass of rast. oils;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • 12-14 sprigs of dill;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic.

We wash the selected zucchini, if necessary, remove the skin in a thin layer, remove the loose pulp and cut into pieces. At the same time, it is desirable that they are not very big size so that they look like pieces of porcini mushrooms. We remove the husks from the garlic cloves and chop them into medium-sized pieces using a sharp knife or simply grate them coarse grater. Wash the dill thoroughly under running water and shake vigorously several times. excess liquid and also finely chop. Combine the prepared ingredients in a large container, add salt, pepper and granulated sugar, pour in oil and vinegar. Mix everything and leave to marinate. Zucchini should spend at least three hours in the marinade.

In the meantime, we are working on jars and lids. We wash them with soda, after which we send them to be sterilized. Place the jars, necks down, on a clean, dry towel to dry thoroughly.
After the specified time, we return to the zucchini - put them in jars, cover with lids and place in a container with hot water.

Important! The water should reach the “shoulders” of the cans. At the same time, it is extremely undesirable to immerse the workpiece in boiling water, since the cans may burst immediately!

We wait until the water boils and sterilize the workpieces for 6-7 minutes. We leave them in the house for about a day with their necks down, after which we take them out for storage in the cellar.

Recipe for zucchini and carrots

Zucchini, which tastes like milk mushrooms, is sometimes prepared with the addition of carrot root. For the recipe let's take:

  • a couple of kilos of zucchini;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs (dill, parsley);
  • medium head of garlic;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • half a glass of rast. oils;
  • 45 g salt;
  • 25 g sugar;
  • 10 g black pepper powder.

We clean the washed and dried zucchini, remove the loose core, cut into circles, then each in half and in half again. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to chop them very evenly; let the pieces be a little sloppy - this way they will look more like mushrooms.

We separate the garlic heads into cloves and remove the husks from each. Cut the garlic into thin slices crosswise. Combine it in a large bowl with the zucchini. Then wash and dry the greens, chop them as desired. Add it to the rest of the ingredients.

On a note! The preparation will look more appetizing if you chop the parsley and dill tops coarsely.

Peel the carrots and chop into slices. Place it in a frying pan and sauté for growth. oil for a few minutes. At the same time, the carrots should not be fried. Place the prepared vegetable in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Add salt and leave the food to marinate for about a quarter of an hour. Then add vinegar specified quantity rast. butter, add pepper and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for several hours (overnight is possible) so that the zucchini absorbs juice. Then we put them in clean jars up to the shoulders, cover them with lids and send them for sterilization.

If your garden has pleased you this year big amount zucchini, then the above-described appetizer is The best way cope with a bumper harvest. You will spend very little time preparing it and at the same time you will get a very tasty hearty dish. After all, the key to success in this case is good combination zucchini, fresh herbs and hot garlic. And in order not to spoil the workpiece, we want to give some useful recommendations.

Storage conditions

The preserved food is stored in the house until it cools completely. Next, the jars are transferred to a dark place where it will be cool. A cellar or basement is ideal for these purposes. You can also put the zucchini in the pantry, only on the condition that the heating system does not pass through it. In the cool season, the workpieces can be kept on the balcony, but it is necessary to ensure that they are not exposed to sunlight.

When using oil and vinegar Bad quality, as well as with poorly sterilized jars or lids, the preservation may well “explode”. In such a situation, it is better to throw away the snack. Some housewives prefer to stew zucchini in a frying pan. However, you should not take risks, especially if traces of mold were found on them and they emitted foreign odors.

Recipes for zucchini under milk mushrooms for the winter will definitely appeal to all your household and guests and will take pride of place in cookbook. Bon appetit!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

How to select ingredients for rolling:
1. For this type of preservation, not only zucchini is suitable, but ordinary zucchini, which most often grow in our gardens. Moreover, it is not necessary to take only young fruits; already ripe zucchini, which have been stored for a long time, will also do.
2. Regardless of the chosen recipe, the required ingredients for this preservation are dill and garlic. It is the combination of these two products with zucchini that will give the vegetables the taste of milk mushrooms.
3. When preserving, you need to use black pepper with extreme caution. Here you can take it at the rate of one small spoon per two kilograms of zucchini.
4. As for greens, for example, parsley is found in many places, its use is not necessary, but highly desirable. Because any greenery will add interesting flavor expressions to the preservation.
5. Vegetable oil, if it is included in the composition, take refined one.
6. It’s great if you can use fresh dill for the preparation. Otherwise, you can take dill umbrellas, which are fragrant and are perfect for this preservation.

Zucchini like milk mushrooms for the winter without sterilization, recipes with photos

Recipe No. 1

What you will need:
1. One and a half kilograms of zucchini of any variety;
2. A tablespoon of salt and half a tablespoon of ground black pepper;
3. Sugar is needed in the amount of two tablespoons;
4. 100 ml of refined vegetable oil;
5. a bunch of dill;
6. 100 ml vinegar;
7. Five cloves of garlic.

The zucchini will need to be washed and peeled, cut into large slices. That is, focus on how you would cut mushrooms in such a situation. Remove loose pulp from the zucchini, otherwise it will spoil the final taste of the roll.

Peel and chop the garlic, finely chop the dill. Mix the three prepared ingredients, add all the spices indicated in the composition, and leave to marinate for three hours at room temperature. Prepare jars for sealing. Place zucchini with herbs and garlic in jars and cover with lids. Place in a container with water and leave for seven minutes. After this, roll up the jars, turn them upside down so that they gradually cool, then they can be stored in a cool place until winter.

Recipe No. 2

This cooking recipe differs in that the ingredients contain carrots. It would seem like one simple ingredient, but it significantly changes the taste of the entire preserve.

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What you will need:
1. two kilograms of zucchini and carrots;
2. a bunch of dill, parsley, a head of garlic;
3. 100 ml each of vegetable oil and vinegar;
4. a large spoonful of salt and sugar, half a large spoonful of ground black pepper.

Peel and chop the zucchini large pieces, exactly. Peel the garlic and cut into slices, add to the zucchini. Send chopped greens, carrots, cut into even slices there (pre-pass in vegetable oil, but you can add to the seaming and raw carrots to save cooking time).

Add salt to the vegetables, mix everything and leave for 20 minutes. After this, add sugar and pepper, vinegar and vegetable oil. Leave the workpiece for 5-10 hours so that it releases the juice. There is no need to put it in the cold; regular room temperature will do. Now put it in jars and seal it up for the winter. If you want the seal to be stored longer, then before screwing the jars tin lids, it will be necessary to sterilize it along with the salad.

Advice! To simplify the sterilization process, which often frightens not only the young, but also experienced housewives, you can use a microwave oven. Place the jars of vegetables in the microwave and bring the brine to a boil at maximum power.

can be viewed ad infinitum. But here it’s better not just to listen to advice, but to think in advance what exactly you want to cook, assemble necessary ingredients and do the actual seaming. Still, to describe this unusual taste you can do as much as you like, but only your own tasting experience will help you understand and feel how zucchini can taste just like natural pickled mushrooms, for example, everyone’s favorite autumn milk mushrooms.

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As you know, zucchini - versatile vegetable, which can be used not only for cooking traditional dishes, but also something special, for example, jam. From our article you will learn how to cook winter preparations from these vegetables. Zucchini prepared according to any of these recipes has a pronounced taste of pickled milk mushrooms. Such winter preservation Perfect as a snack for dinner.

This great option for residents of areas where mushrooms are rarely found. Of course, having the opportunity to pickle mushrooms for the winter, you are unlikely to want to prepare zucchini this way. However, it is worth noting that such preparations can definitely be eaten by children, pregnant and lactating women.

Selection of ingredients for preparations

Before you start preparing zucchini as milk mushrooms for the winter, you should choose the right ingredients.

The main secret of successful cooking of this dish consists of using ripe vegetables, garlic and herbs.

  • Both ordinary zucchini and zucchini can be used in recipes. You can take not only young ripe fruits, but also those that have been stored for some time.
  • In any recipe, you must definitely use garlic and dill, since they give zucchini mushroom taste.
  • If during preparation you do not have fresh dill, dill umbrellas will perfectly replace them in the recipe, giving the vegetables the desired taste of milk mushrooms.
  • It is not at all necessary to use other greens, however, it will not be superfluous, giving ready-made dish rich flavor.
  • Black ground pepper must be used very carefully. You don't have to add it at all. But if desired, one teaspoon will be enough for two kilograms.
  • When choosing vinegar, it is better to give preference to six percent vinegar: it is softer and is perfect for such preparations.
  • Sunflower oil should be refined and not have a pronounced taste.

Recipes for preparing winter zucchini with the taste of milk mushrooms

Such methods of processing a rich harvest of vegetables will surely appeal to every housewife. It will take very little time to prepare, but the result will be hearty, tasty and original dish.

Zucchini like mushrooms for the winter: recipe one

Ingredients required for preparation:

  1. Cut the zucchini into large slices.
  2. Cut the garlic into larger slices.
  3. Mix everything and leave to marinate at room temperature for at least three hours.
  4. At this time, prepare the jars: wash them thoroughly, dry and sterilize along with the lids.
  5. Place the pickled zucchini with garlic and herbs in jars, cover with lids and place them in a bowl with warm water, which should reach up to the hanger. It is not recommended to put jars in boiling water - they may burst.
  6. Place the jars in water on the fire and after boiling, sterilize for about seven minutes.

Store the finished zucchini in the basement or refrigerator.

To prepare this recipe It is not necessary to sterilize vegetables. Sterilized jars and lids will suffice. But to do this, you need to add vinegar to the vegetables before pickling.

Zucchini for the winter under milk mushrooms: recipe two

You can use carrots when cooking zucchini. Thanks to her, the snack will acquire interesting taste and original appearance.

Ingredients required for preparation:

Step-by-step preparation procedure:

  1. Before starting cooking, be sure to remove the loose pulp from the zucchini and cut it into medium slices. During storage, vegetables will be perfectly marinated and will not lose their shape.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut it crosswise into slices. This type of cutting will give the appetizer more beautiful view than if it is passed through a press.
  3. Finely chop the dill and parsley.
  4. Cut the carrots into slices and sauté in sunflower oil.
  5. Combine all the ingredients prepared in this way, add salt and mix thoroughly.
  6. Let sit for a few minutes.
  7. Add sugar, vinegar, sunflower oil and ground black pepper.
  8. Mix again.
  9. Let the mixture sit at room temperature for about five hours.

In order for zucchini and carrots prepared according to this recipe to last longer, it is better to sterilize the workpiece as described in the first recipe. However, you don't have to do this. The preparation can be eaten after the zucchini has been marinated for 24 hours. This snack can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, covered with a nylon lid.

Zucchini like milk mushrooms: recipe three

Ingredients required for preparation vki:

Step-by-step preparation procedure:

  1. Rinse the zucchini well and remove the seeds.
  2. Cut vegetables into medium-thick slices.
  3. Place the zucchini pieces in an enamel pan.
  4. Chop the thoroughly washed parsley and dill and add to the vegetables in a saucepan.
  5. Add finely chopped garlic to the preparation.
  6. Add salt, sugar, and nutmeg, ground pepper mixture, citric acid, pour vegetable oil and mix well.
  7. Cover the workpiece and leave for four hours at room temperature to marinate.
  8. Transfer the vegetables into pre-sterilized jars and add the juice released by the zucchini.
  9. Place the jars with the preparation in a pan with warm water, covering the bottom with a cloth in advance.
  10. Put everything on the fire and, bringing the marinade to a boil, sterilize for ten minutes.
  11. Remove the jars, roll up the lids and turn them upside down to cool.
  12. Store in a cool place for at least five days. If you wait two weeks, the zucchini will acquire the taste of pickled milk mushrooms.

You can also sterilize these preparations in the microwave:

  • Arrange vegetables in jars up to the shoulders, no more. This way, when heated, the brine will not run out of the jars.
  • Bring the appetizer to a boil at maximum power. The time required for this depends on the size of the jars.
  • Roll up the jars with sterile lids, turn them over and cool at room temperature without covering.

How to properly store workpieces

As soon as the banks canned zucchini under the mushrooms will cool down, they should be store in a cool, dark place, in a closet or basement. A balcony is also a good idea for this, but then it will be necessary to limit access to direct sunlight. Opened jar with zucchini should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator and no longer than two weeks.

Sometimes banks with zucchini snack can “explode” due to poor-quality oil or vinegar, poorly washed lids and jars. In this case, it is better to throw them away. However, there is another way out of the situation - stew the salad, making sure that there is no foreign unpleasant odor and mold. But then there is no need to roll it up again, but it is better to eat it as quickly as possible.

Zucchini under milk mushrooms for the winter: reviews

Thank you very much for delicious recipe! I cooked it all three ways: the aroma throughout the entire apartment is indescribable! We are looking forward to taking the sample)))

Elena, Moscow.

Last year, for the first time, I cooked zucchini for the winter like milk mushrooms according to a recipe with carrots. Everything was perfectly preserved and eaten. A very simple and quick dish to prepare.

Larisa, Chelyabinsk.

Zucchini “Under the milk mushrooms” is a song, not an appetizer... A very easy to prepare recipe. Interesting mushroom taste. A good snack with cold vodka and hot potatoes. A snack for those who live in areas where... forest mushrooms one can only dream... And here I took it and made a mushroom appetizer from something that is plentiful and cheap, i.e., from zucchini. A friend treated me to this delicious dish last year. I copied the recipe from her, but I didn’t close it for the winter - my people don’t eat zucchini very much, and, frankly, I’m too lazy to make it for myself. And this year I made a jar to try, but it didn’t last until winter—they literally threshed it on the third day. Tasty. Now you will have to close at least 6-7 jars for the winter. But time will tell... Ingredients: Zucchini - 1.5 kg (zucchini can be used) Salt - 1 tbsp. Black pepper (ground) -0.5 tbsp. Sugar – 2 - 3 tbsp. Oil grows. – 0.5 Dill -1 bunch. Vinegar – 0.5 tbsp. (9%) Garlic – 4-5 cloves. Peel the zucchini and cut into slices fairly large so that the pieces resemble chopped mushrooms. If the core of the zucchini is loose, then it needs to be cut out, otherwise the milk mushroom effect will not work. Chop the dill, peel the garlic and chop with a knife. Mix everything and leave to marinate for 3 hours at room temperature. Then place them in sterile jars, cover with sterile lids and place them in large saucepan with warm water (if you put it in boiling water, the jars may crack). The water should reach the shoulders of the jar. Sterilize for 5-7 minutes from the moment the water boils. Roll up, turn upside down, do not wrap. Leave it like this until it cools. Then put in a cool place until winter.

Most gardeners know that parsley takes quite a long time to sprout.... Did you know that parsley can be grown literally within 3 hours? This recipe has often been used as... a trick. Soak the parsley seeds in fresh milk and, having sprinkled the ground intended for sowing three times with quicklime and finely ground lime, plant the prepared seeds in it, moisten the ground a little on top (without spilling it deeply) with water. After 3 hours, shoots will appear. Spring is just around the corner. Write it down - it will come in handy!!!

2.2M participants

Cherry tomatoes on the windowsill. You can grow quite a few varieties and hybrids of tomatoes indoors. But more suitable for growing at home are early-ripening tomatoes with a low, compact bush, smooth ripening of fruits, and the most unpretentious of tomatoes in terms of lighting conditions. According to these criteria, - best choice There will be cherry tomatoes. They are very decorative, will perfectly decorate the interior of any room, and have delicious sweet tomato fruits various shapes and colors: red, pink, yellow, orange, green. I will list the most popular cherry tomatoes: Low-growing, perfect for a garden on a windowsill: Bonsai, Pygmy (agricultural company "Gavrish"); Cherry Lisa F1 (agricultural company "Semko - Junior"); Zelenushka F1 (agricultural company “Ilyinichna”); Minibel. Tall, for growing in greenhouses, open ground, on balconies and loggias: Red Cherry, Yellow Cherry; Cherry cocktail (agricultural company "Gavrish"); Cherry Maxik F1, Cherry Lykopa F1, Cherry Ira F1, Cherry Mio F1, Cherry Kira F1, Cherry Rose F1, Cherry Cherricollo F1 (agricultural firm "Semko - Junior"); Bead F1, Marishka F1, Golden bead F1 (agricultural company "Ilyinichna"); Baby, Golden Queen, Baby (amateur selection). Tomato in home culture is quite unpretentious if you provide it with sufficient lighting and optimal temperature. It is better to start growing tomatoes in March, when daylight hours increase significantly. Bright southern windows are ideal for placing tomato plants. About creation optimal conditions on the windowsill for plants, see here. We will grow tomatoes using seedlings. It is better to prepare the soil mixture yourself; for this we take equal parts: humus, turf soil, peat. Be sure to add complex mineral fertilizer to the soil mixture (holes are usually indicated on the package) and a glass of crushed charcoal per 10 liters of soil mixture. Any small containers with a depth of 8–10 cm are suitable for growing tomato seedlings. Before germination, we place the sowing containers near heating radiators, covering plastic film, and then transfer it to the windowsill, but to a cooler place so that the tomato plants do not stretch out and take root better. This period of plant development lasts 18–25 days until the seedling develops 1–2 true tomato leaves. Then we plant the tomato seedlings into pots with a diameter of 8–10 cm, pinching the tip of the root for better development of the root system. After planting, water well. Tomatoes can tolerate replanting almost painlessly, just keep in mind that the seedlings are very fragile and do not break the plant when replanting. We place the pots on the windowsill and maintain the temperature between 23 and 25 degrees. Care during this period consists of regular watering (water correctly), loosening the soil, ventilating the room and fertilizing every 10 days with complex mineral fertilizer (azophoska, nitrophoska and others) or humate. To combat blackleg, it is good to water the tomatoes. pink solution potassium permanganate. If the days are cloudy and the daylight hours are short, so that the plants do not stretch out, organize the tomatoes to be illuminated. When the plants form 6–8 true leaves, we finally replant the tomatoes into containers with a volume of at least 4 liters. When replanting, we deepen the tomato plant by 10–12 cm, depending on the size of the container, so that additional roots are formed and the nutrition of the grown tomatoes is improved. 10 days after transplanting, we feed the tomatoes with complete mineral fertilizer (250 - 300 ml of solution per plant) and repeat feeding every two weeks. We provide regular watering, especially during flowering and fruiting, loosen the soil, and ventilate the room. If necessary, we form a plant, plant the tomato, tie it to a support, and add fresh soil. We harvest in a timely manner as the fruits ripen. To increase yield, pick tomatoes when they are brown, which will speed up the ripening of other fruits.

Country recipes TOMATOES IN THEIR OWN JUICE! A RECIPE FOR THE CENTURIES! I’m sharing a recipe that my grandmother passed down to me through a generation! Easy preparation, and the taste is simply divine! The whole family constantly asks to make these, and friends ask for the recipe! A very simple and practical recipe that can be used for large, soft, and slightly crushed tomatoes. What you will need to prepare Large, ripe tomatoes for juice Small tomatoes Salt and sugar Allspice peas Bay leaf Cloves and cinnamon (optional, this is not for everyone) Preparation Sort the tomatoes - large, crumpled, soft tomatoes will be used for juice, smaller tomatoes - in jars. Grind the tomatoes selected for juice through a meat grinder, pour the juice into a saucepan and place on low heat. For three liters of juice, add five tablespoons of salt, six tablespoons of sugar, five peas allspice, six bay leaves. After the juice boils, skim off the foam and boil the juice until foam stops forming (12-15 minutes). At the same time, boil water in another saucepan. Place the tomatoes in prepared jars, pour boiling water over them and cover with lids. Place a thick towel on top. Let the tomatoes sit while they cook tomato juice. Then drain the water, pour boiling juice over the tomatoes and roll up immediately. Turn over, cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool. For 3 liter jar there are two kilograms of tomatoes and a liter of tomato juice

Tips for home and kitchen. Sweet life with your own hands!

2.2M participants

Natural tips. - Catkins have appeared on the maple trees - you can sow beets. - The aspen has bloomed - we sow carrots. - At the moment the birch leaves bloom and the bird cherry blossoms, you can plant potatoes. - “Sitting on the full moon is food for worms,” - this is what the wise ancestors said, and this is what the Lunar Calendar now claims. - Everything that grows upward is planted when the Moon is waxing, and everything that grows downward is planted when the Moon is waning. - Plants with round fruits are best planted closer to the full moon. - At noon from 12 to 14 o'clock it is better not to plant or sow anything. - Before 12, it is best to plant and sow onions, beets, sorrel, parsley, lettuce, dill, cucumbers, zucchini, sunflowers, corn, melons, watermelons. - From 2 p.m. it is better to plant carrots, potatoes, onions, cabbage, seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, wild strawberries, strawberries, and garlic. - First of all, parsley, lettuce, dill, sorrel, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, and cilantro are planted. Secondly (when the frost has already passed) - radishes, peas, beets, potatoes, corn. And lastly - cucumbers, pumpkin, beans, eggplants, basil, zucchini, squash, peppers, tomatoes.

Country recipes) SAUERED CABBAGE IN A DAY Several years ago, a work colleague brought us a jar of this cabbage. To say that it disappeared from the table instantly.... That's an understatement! It is so delicious... that everyone who tasted it unanimously asked for the recipe! The most important thing is how surprised everyone was... when they found out... that this cabbage is extraordinarily delicious... It takes JUST A DAY to prepare! This time, to demonstrate the recipe, I prepared a 1 liter jar! So let's get started: Cut the cabbage For 1 liter - 600 g Grate the carrots - as you like For 1 liter - 250 Knead the cabbage thoroughly and mix with carrots You can add cumin and black peas for taste Pack the cabbage into a jar Prepare the brine: Dosage for a 3 liter jar (as they gave me the recipe) That is, for 1 liter I took everything 1/3 FOR 3 LITERS: 1 liter of hot boiled water 1 table spoon of Sugar 2 table spoons of Salt 1 table spoon of 70% vinegar essence......for information : (1 tablespoon of 70% essence is 8 tablespoons of 9% vinegar.) Pour Salt and Sugar into a measuring mug Pour boiling water Pour in vinegar essence Mix everything...until the Salt is completely dissolved Cool the brine to room temperature Thin pour the brine in a stream into the jar with the compacted cabbage. Use a spoon to release excess air so that the prepared brine is completely and evenly poured over the cabbage. Close the lid. Put it in the refrigerator for a day! In the future we also store it in the refrigerator! I can't hold on for so long...

Zucchini - unique vegetable for blanks. It can be used to prepare amazing jam, And variety of snacks with a huge palette of tastes. Do you want to surprise your guests and treat yourself to pickled mushrooms? And you “can’t find mushrooms during the day with fire”? Zucchini will come to the rescue. When prepared correctly according to the recipe, it will have a pronounced taste of milk mushrooms. How to cook zucchini like milk mushrooms for the winter without sterilization: recipe and important tips- Further.

Interesting! Any type of zucchini is suitable for harvesting - regular, zucchini, and squash. It is better to choose ripe vegetables with firm pulp; it is the hard parts of the zucchini that will be used to prepare the snack.

You will need:

  • zucchini, zucchini, squash - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • fresh dill (if you couldn’t find fresh dill sprigs, then umbrellas will do) - 1 bunch, parsley - 1 bunch, added as desired;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml (choose refined oil, since it has a less pronounced taste);
  • vinegar 6% - 100 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. false;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. false;
  • ground black pepper - ½ tsp.

Important! Don't overdo it with spices, they can overwhelm the whole taste. It is recommended to adhere to the following proportion: 0.5 teaspoons of pepper per 1 kg of raw materials. We prepare excellent food for the winter.

Before you start making preparations, you need to prepare the jars. They are sterilized in any convenient way. It is better to take containers with a capacity of 750 g, 0.5 l, 0.33 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. To prepare zucchini like milk mushrooms for the winter without sterilization, take the zucchini, rinse it well under running water and peel it. We cut off the ends of the peeled vegetables and cut them into wide circles, and then cut them into cubes. If the zucchini has loose pulp, it must be removed;
  2. Place the zucchini in a wide enamel basin or bowl;
  3. Peel the garlic and crush it through a garlic press. If you have a blender, then use it to grind the garlic into a pulp. Add the resulting pulp to the zucchini;
  4. Rinse the dill, chop finely and add to the bowl with the vegetables;
  5. We prepare the filling from vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour vegetable mixture;
  6. Leave the mixture to soak at room temperature for 3 hours. This time is enough for it to soak in the marinade and release the juice. To prevent the mixture from absorbing foreign odors, cover the bowl with cling film;
  7. Next, place the container on a burner with medium heat. Bring everything to a boil and set aside for 20 minutes. The zucchini should become almost translucent;
  8. Fill the jars with the vegetable mixture and fill with marinade to the very edges;
  9. Screw on the lids, turn the top upside down and leave until completely cool. Crispy zucchini, similar in taste to milk mushrooms, is ready.

Important! It is recommended to store preserved zucchini “under milk mushrooms” in a dark place at a temperature below room temperature. The optimal place for storage is a pantry or basement. You can also store it in a loggia, but make sure that the sun's rays do not fall on the jars. It is very important to know the deadlines.

Recipe for zucchini “under milk mushrooms” with carrots

You will need:

  • zucchini, zucchini, squash - 3 kg;
  • carrots - a couple of pieces;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • garlic, middle head- 1 PC;
  • vegetable oil - 500 ml;
  • table salt - 2 tbsp. false;
  • granulated sugar - ½ cup;
  • vinegar 6% - 1 cup;
  • ground pepper - a pinch.

Important! The brine will become more aromatic if you grind the peppercorns in a mortar yourself, rather than adding ready-ground ones.

Cooking steps:

1. Vegetables are taken when they are mature and thin-skinned. Cut them into small cubes;
2. Cut the carrots into even cubes;
3. Wash the greens and chop them very finely;
4. Prepared vegetables are mixed in a bowl;
5. Chop the garlic cloves into thin slices. Add them to the vegetable mixture;
6. Then pepper, salt, granulated sugar are poured into the container with the vegetables, vinegar and oil are poured. The components are thoroughly mixed;
7. Cover the container with a lid and leave to soak at room temperature for 5 hours;
8. While the zucchini is pickling, sterilize glass jars;
9. Then put the vegetable mixture into jars, fill with marinade and close with a lid.

Store cooked zucchini like milk mushrooms for the winter without sterilization in a cold place. The snack is ready to eat in a day; under a plastic cover it can be stored for at least a week.