Delicious, low-calorie dishes. Low-calorie recipes for weight loss

Those who dream of losing weight strive to find the necessary diet. Today, more than ever, there is a lot of varied, sometimes conflicting, advice on this matter. Some advise mono-diets, others - alternating meals with fasting days… it’s impossible to list everything.

You may not want to blindly believe that just eating a few calories will lead to weight loss, but it is still worth remembering that calories are the energy your body needs. And the amount consumed should be proportionate to the amount spent. So in modern times it is impossible to do without low-calorie dishes.

Let's start with salads. After all, they are the easiest ones to make low-calorie. Most often, salads contain vegetables and fruits, and they have the least calories.

  • apple;
  • grapefruit;
  • pear;
  • kiwi;
  • pomegranate;
  • natural yogurt.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Calorie content - 46 kcal.

You can take other fruits, the main thing is that they are not sweet, like banana, grapes, orange. And most importantly, dressing for a low-calorie salad should not consist of sour cream, much less mayonnaise. Natural yogurt is best. It tastes quite like sour cream, but it has almost no fat content.

So, cut all the fruits into cubes, remove the kernels from the pomegranate, and cut the kiwi into rings. Apples and pears should not be peeled. It contains essential vitamins and minerals, necessary for a person. And in a diet, they are required in greater quantities, since the rest of the food cannot compensate for them.

Place everything in a salad bowl, add yogurt, stir a little. That's it, ready to eat.

Vegetable salad

  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • Chinese cabbage - 1 fork;
  • lettuce;
  • any greens to taste;
  • Margelan radish - 1 medium;
  • lemon.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 42 kcal.

Thinly slice the cabbage, and also chop the salad. Tear the greens with your hands. This way it will preserve more useful things than cutting it with a knife. Cut the radish into thin strips. Squeeze the juice from one lemon and sprinkle it over the vegetables. Mix well.

You can add a little salt. But remember that salt will retain fluid in the body, and the process of losing weight will occur much more slowly. You shouldn’t add anything else other than lemon juice, as the calorie content will immediately increase. Especially high in calories olive oil.

So, if you really want to add fat, then it is better to use 2-3 teaspoons of unrefined sunflower oil, it has the least calories. We can also recommend linseed oil. It is low in calories and extremely useful for weight loss. But it has a specific taste and smell, so it’s not for everybody.

Soups for weight loss

With any diet, lunch and liquid nutrition are required.

Therefore, consider options for low-calorie soups.

Tomato soup

This lean soup. Prepared exclusively from vegetables and without frying. It is known that you can lose weight by eating potatoes, if you do not eat them with butter, lard, etc. After all, it’s not just about calories, but how the foods are combined. Some combinations instantly increase calorie content.

Ingredients for soup:

  • white cabbage - 100 grams;
  • Brussels sprouts - 100 grams;
  • broccoli - 100 grams;
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • bell pepper- 1 piece;
  • greenery;
  • tomatoes - 3 pieces.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Calorie content - 23 kcal.

Boil water, put chopped white cabbage. Let it boil. Then add diced potatoes. Brussels sprouts put in whole heads, and broccoli in florets. Cook for 15 minutes.

Then add bell pepper rings and tomato slices into the soup. Cut two tomatoes into slices. Pass another one through a strainer so that the juice and puree get into the soup. Simmer over low heat for another 10 minutes. Then add any greens in abundance, without restrictions.

You can add a little salt. It will also help to reduce calorie content if you put pieces of pumpkin or zucchini instead of potatoes.

Chicken soup

Meat - indispensable product, especially for dietary nutrition. The main thing is that the meat should be lean. The most suitable is chicken or turkey breast.

For a low-calorie dish you need to prepare:

  • chicken breast - whole, medium-sized;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • rice - half a glass;
  • greenery.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content - 25 kcal.

Peel the breast and cook until tender. Then remove from the broth and cut into slices.

Add rice to the broth. Brown or steamed rice works best for low-calorie soup. These types have lower starch content. And the one that is eaten in the absence of frying in oil will not be able to combine with fat and disrupt the dietary lightness of the dish.

Chop the onion and carrots, put them in a frying pan, add a few tablespoons of broth from the pan and blanch for five minutes. Add more broth if necessary.

Meanwhile, add the chopped meat to the broth. Lastly, add the blanched onions and carrots and simmer for 10 minutes over very low heat.

Season generously with herbs and serve.

Buckwheat soup

Everyone has long known what exactly buckwheat the person is revered by those losing weight. Although this is not the lowest calorie cereal, it still contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and salts that are extremely important for weight loss. In addition, boiled buckwheat is delicious without any additives, even without salt. This gives it an advantage over other cereals.

To prepare you will need:

  • buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • raw egg - 1 piece;
  • corn flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken broth - 2 liters;
  • boiled potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • Bay leaf, salt, herbs.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content - 38 kcal.

Into the boiling chicken bouillon, preferably from the breast, add washed buckwheat. Add salt and bay leaf. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat and simmer, closing the lid.

Blanch finely chopped onions and carrots in a saucepan with a small amount of broth until the carrots give up their juice and color. Then add chopped mushrooms. Blanch for five minutes.

You can take any mushrooms: canned, frozen, dried, fresh - whatever you have. Dried ones should be either boiled or soaked before cooking. Frozen defrost in cold water. It is not advisable to use canned ones; they may contain preservatives that do not help reduce calorie content.

In a separate bowl, prepare mashed boiled potatoes, beat in an egg, add 2-3 tablespoons of broth and flour. Knead the viscous dough.

Then scoop up a little of this dough with the tip of a teaspoon and, dipping it into the boiling soup, lower the dumplings into it.

As soon as all the dumplings are added to the soup, they have increased in size and floated to the surface - the weight loss soup is ready.

Sprinkle the dish well with herbs and serve.

To this low calorie soup croutons from rye bread. For this stale bread cut into small pieces, thin strips and place in a warm oven, no more than 150 degrees. Dry, stirring occasionally to ensure even heating. After taking out the finished crackers, cool them. Serve instead of bread.

Main courses for weight loss

Not a single person eats soups alone; everyone eats both main courses and observant low calorie diet- not an exception. What can you prepare for this?

Lean meat, fish, vegetables - all these products are ideal for a low-calorie menu.

It is best to cook steamed or in the oven. This way, the foods will retain nutrients, but will not become saturated with fat.

For this low-calorie dish, you can use absolutely any vegetables, depending on your taste. For example:

  • eggplant;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • tomato;
  • zucchini;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Calorie content - 32 kcal.

The quantity can be arbitrary. You can have everyone equally, but you can also diversify.

So, you should cut the eggplant into thick rings, if it is large and thick, then into half rings. Pepper - slices. Zucchini - thick strips. Tomatoes - in transverse circles. Separate the cabbage into individual inflorescences, cutting the largest ones in half.

Now place all the vegetables neatly and evenly in one layer on a wire rack, lightly greased with oil, so that they do not stick. Place the rack in an oven heated to 170-170 degrees over a baking sheet so that the juice from the vegetables flows into the container. Bake for 15-20 minutes until browned.

You can eat this weight loss dish either hot or cold; the temperature will not affect the taste of the baked vegetables in any way.

Veal with mushrooms and potatoes

You should prepare:

  • lean meat - half a kilogram;
  • mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • cheese - 50 grams.

Cooking time is one and a half hours.

Calorie content - 53 kcal.

Wash the potatoes well and do not peel them. Slice each potato lengthwise to about a third of its thickness. Lubricate this slot a little with butter, preferably butter, it has fewer calories than vegetable oil. Carefully place finely chopped mushrooms there.

Place these “sandwiches” in a flat frying pan without a handle or on a baking sheet with high sides and place in the oven. Place potatoes cut side up.

Bake at 170 degrees for 40 minutes or a little less if the potatoes are small. Five minutes before cooking, remove the baking sheet and place a piece of cheese on each potato. Cheese, for obvious reasons, should be taken low-fat. Place in the oven for another five minutes until the cheese melts and bakes.

During this time you need meat, it is better to cut the veal into transverse pieces of medium thickness, no more than one and a half cm. Add a little salt, you can add aromatic seasonings. Fry without fat in a non-stick frying pan or on a contact grill. Young lean meat will bake quickly and, in the absence of fat, will not become fried, which is not recommended for weight loss.

Serve on the table in a large flat plate: a slice of meat and one potato. This low-calorie dish can also be eaten cold. After all, there is not a drop of fat there, which means nothing will harden.

Desserts for weight loss

Well, who wants to give up desserts, even if on a diet? You don't have to do this if you cook the right dessert. You can even eat pies and cookies and lose weight.

Airy apple pie

Very light tender pie no test.

  • Apples - one and a half kg;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • semolina - 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • soda - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • butter - pack.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content - 47 kcal.

The apples need to be grated, of course, after peeling them from the core.

In a separate container, mix sugar, flour, semolina and soda. It should be crumbly. This will be the dough.

Now prepare a deep baking sheet or mold, line the bottom with parchment. Place a layer of crumb dough onto the paper, then a layer of apples. Repeat layers until you run out of ingredients. Upper layer must be made from dough.

Place butter on the surface in thin slices.

Place in the oven and bake at a temperature of about 200 degrees for 40 minutes. During this time low calorie pie will turn red.

Remove, cool and cut into cakes.

It turned out very light dessert for weight loss. There is no dough in it, the sugar is caramelized Apple juice and it turned out between the sand layers of jelly.

You will need:

  • "rolled oatmeal" flakes - a glass;
  • banana - 1 piece;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 28 kcal.

The banana should be ripe and soft. It needs to be mashed with a fork. Add there cereals. Just don’t use uncooked cereal for cookies, regular ones are better. You can use not only oatmeal, but also mixtures of cereals.

Pour raisins pre-soaked in cold water into the mixture. Stir until the raisins are evenly distributed.

Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. The cookies will become chewy and soft at first. But its readiness will be visible by color. Remove the sheet and cool the cookies. When it hardens, carefully remove it from the paper.

Beautiful low calorie dessert for slimness: no flour, no sugar, no fat. But there is fruit. You can add nuts to these cookies.

It turned out to be quite tasty, varied food for weight loss. It looks like there is an answer to the question: what to eat to lose weight.

But you definitely need to remember that, no matter how low-calorie the dishes are, you must definitely follow the diet and volume.

Just because the salad is made with kale doesn't mean you can eat a bucket of it. After all, every product initially contains both sugar and fats. That is why you should carefully observe the number of products on the menu.

And finally, another recipe for a delicious low-calorie dish is in the next video.

A person who monitors his health and figure carefully selects his diet. This diet should consist of the right products, they should saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, while being low in calories. It is very important that food provides the body with the necessary energy that is required for active and healthy image life. Regardless of gender and age, you need to choose filling and low-calorie foods.

Quite often there is an opinion that if you reduce the amount of food you eat, eat less often and in small portions, you will lose weight quickly. This is a complete misconception, firstly, it all depends on the composition of the products and their calorie content, and secondly, this way can be harmful to health. With any diet, the most important thing is not to harm your health and provide everything you need. Therefore, it is better to spend a little time studying the composition of the product, namely nutrients and kilocalories - it does not take much time, but provides an effective weight loss result.

The calorie content of a product directly depends on its content. When fats are broken down, calorie content doubles, and when carbohydrates and proteins are broken down, on the contrary, it decreases. But at the same time, the most low calorie food must have enough and .

Easily digestible carbohydrates (aka) make it possible to quickly cope with the calories that come from fat. In turn, fiber allows a person to feel full.

Another condition is the water content. Water has no calories, so its consumption does not affect your figure in any way.

Low calorie foods

When a person wants to lose weight, he does not have to give up normal and nutritious nutrition and torture himself with diets. After all, this can be harmful to health, and the end result will not be at all what was expected.

Practical advice: It would be correct to structure your diet in such a way that it consists of healthy ingredients that, with a low calorie content, will help you get rid of extra pounds.

Vegetable origin

Many have heard about the benefits of vegetables and fruits during a diet, which is completely justified. After all, they contain a lot of fiber, which perfectly lowers the level and at the same time helps to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates.

Fiber is the fibrous part of a plant. It is present in vegetables, fruits, and berries. Another advantage is the high content of vitamins. minerals and dietary fiber.

Among the large selection of vegetables, there are clear leaders, for example, broccoli. 100g contains only 33 kilocalories, with this ratio it has many useful properties, contains magnesium, protein and calcium. It is impossible not to mention carrots, which have 35 kilocalories per 100 g, they have an antioxidant effect, help strengthen the immune system, and beneficial effect on vision and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The artichoke is no less useful; it contains only 40 kilocalories, has a large number of vital important components for human health. In addition, it contains a complex of enzymes that help normalize human blood sugar.

Below you can find low-calorie foods in the table. plant origin that will help you create a healthy diet:

Product Kcal per 100g of product
Eggplant 24
Parsley (greens) 49
Parsley (root) 47
Potato 83
Zucchini 27
Celery (root) 32
Red cabbage 31
White cabbage 28
Cauliflower 29
Leek 40
Sweet pepper – red 27
Sweet pepper – green 23
Turnip 28
Beet 48
Onion 43

Regarding fruits, they contain fructose and are low in calories. Nutritionists note that for people who want to lose weight, it is better to eat them during the day, before lunch, then they will bring maximum effect. It should also be consumed in small quantities. Speaking about the leading fruits, we can mention grapefruit. These are the lowest in calories and at the same time hearty foods. It contains 35 kilocalories, but has an excellent property - it suppresses appetite.

Practical advice: If you miss a piece of fruit or drink juice, the feeling of hunger goes away. And for those who are losing weight, it will be useful to know one more fact. This fruit helps burn fat; ¼ of it provides 80 kcal.

Pineapple, which contains 48 kilocalories, copes well with fats. It works great on gastrointestinal tract and promotes the removal of toxins from the body.

To help proteins be absorbed in the body, enzymes are needed, and they are found in large quantities in papaya. This fruit will also help burn fat and contains 43 kcal.

It is worth paying attention to the following fruits:

It is useful to use a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet, saturating the body with various vitamins and nutrients.

Animal origin

Despite all the benefits and rich composition low-calorie vegetables and fruits, without meat products indispensable when losing weight. They contain protein, which is responsible for the structure of muscles. It is the muscles that provide movement, thereby burning fats.

But here you should also choose nutritious, low-calorie foods that will provide everything your body needs and will not add extra pounds when losing weight. Dietary foods include rabbit and poultry; beef and veal are excellent, you just need to choose lean cuts.

Products Kcal per 100g
Rabbit 199
horsemeat 143
Turkey 197
Chicken 165
Chick 156
Veal 90
Meat 187
Udder 173
Brain 124
Kidneys 66
Heart 87
Language 163
Liver 108
Kidneys 80
Heart 89
Lamb kidneys 77

It is better to prepare a diet using different meat products, alternating them in the menu.


Other products that are necessary for healthy diet- These are dairy products. The advantage of such food is its ability to burn fat. The thing is that the calcium they contain promotes the production of calcitrol, which is capable of burning fat.

These are not all the advantages of dairy products; they also contain lactose, trace elements and nutrients that are necessary for healthy body when losing weight.

Products that can be added to your diet when losing weight:

What products do you need to know about?

When a diet is compiled, the main products are taken, calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are calculated. Often, people who want to lose weight are afraid of the menu, because they believe that healthy foods are bland, dry and not tasty. It's a delusion, balanced diet no less tasty and capable of surprising. Thanks to low-calorie products, you can diversify your dishes, discover new tastes, aromas and create holiday menu. What foods are included in the lowest-calorie rating and how they can be consumed.


You can use greens to change flavors familiar dishes, and it can contain 0-50 kilocalories. It can be used in fresh, adding to salads and sprinkling ready meals. It can also become a full-fledged ingredient when stewing, baking and boiling dishes. But unprocessed greens have the most beneficial effect on the body.

Pumpkin, asparagus

When losing weight, it is very important that the body leaves excess liquid. This process is carried out using physical exercise or supplements that have a diuretic effect. But you can give preference natural products, for example pumpkin and asparagus, which also have an effect on the body. If we talk about the calorie content, then there are 22 of them in pumpkin, and only 20 in asparagus.


It is rich in vitamins, nutrients and perfectly strengthens the immune system. This ingredient should be consumed raw, and it contains only 15 kcal.


This product will be useful as a source of vitamins and microelements, which has an excellent effect on the skin, hair, and nails. And you shouldn’t be afraid of calories, as it contains 5 kcal.


An excellent ingredient used as a seasoning, it adds aroma and flavor to dishes. He has beneficial effect on cardiovascular system and is a strong antioxidant. Indispensable in winter period when colds and viral diseases increase. Contains 4kcal.


Also great seasoning to the dishes. It promotes the production of a natural analgesic. The effects on the body are the same as in the two previous examples, but it contains 20 kcal.


It is not only tasty, but also healthy. No matter what type of tea you choose, it will not bring one calorie to the body, since it simply will not contain them. But it has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, and acts as an anti-allergenic agent.

Since each product contains different vitamins and microelements, it is correct to use different ingredients in the menu.

Probably everyone who has problems with overweight, more than once I thought about how to lose weight, but at the same time not exhaust my body with constant hunger strikes. The answer is simple, you just need to replace high-calorie food to the one that contains least amount calories. Low-calorie foods are considered to be those that have no more than 100 calories per 100 grams.

IN Everyday life I consider celery, which contains 12 kilocalories, as low-calorie, as well as marshmallows with marshmallows, which contain 303 calories. Although between them, as you can see, there is simply a huge difference in the number of calories.

You need to know that the energy value must be indicated exactly per 100 grams. And manufacturers who indicate calorie content by servings on the packaging quite often simply deceive customers. Sometimes it turns out that a chocolate cake contains 3 times more calories than indicated on the package.

Hearty low-calorie foods

The most satisfying are those that contain complete, pure protein. For your meal, you can choose from hearty, but low calorie foods.

List of products with calorie content 60 - 120 per 100 grams:

  • Turkey or chicken breast;
  • Lean white fish;
  • Cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 2%;
  • Seafood;
  • Eggs;
  • Tofu;
  • Kefir 1% fat;
  • Yogurt without fillers or additives;

They perfectly stabilize blood sugar levels and also speed up metabolism. That is why after eating them, you will feel full for quite a long time.

The lowest calorie foods are those that contain less than 40 kilocalories per 100 grams. This list included:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Celery;
  • Champignon;
  • Fresh tomatoes;
  • Salad greens;
  • Radish;
  • Cabbage;

Delicious low-calorie foods

In addition to simply satisfying hunger, quite often we just want food to be tasty. Tasty low-calorie foods include those that contain 40–100 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Their list included:

  • Pears, apples;
  • Mango, bananas, grapes, persimmons;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Carrot;
  • White and red dry wine;
  • Melons and watermelons;
  • Lingonberries, raspberries, blueberries;
  • Papayas, pineapples, guava;

How to overcome hunger

Low-calorie foods that satisfy your hunger can help you overcome hunger during a diet. These include:

  • Celery. It not only improves metabolism, but is also rightfully considered one of the best substitutes for high-calorie foods. He contains great amount fiber, which means that it is able to satisfy hunger without unnecessary problems for the figure.
  • Baked zucchini. Low calorie and very tasty. They contain very few calories and a lot of potassium. For those who have problems with excess weight, they are simply a real salvation.
  • Cabbage. Stewed or fresh. Improves digestion, helps cope with excess weight and perfectly satisfies the desire to snack.
  • Cheese. But only if it is eaten in small quantities.
  • Chicken. Keeps you feeling full for a long time.

Recipes for delicious low-calorie salads

You can make many delicious salads from low-calorie vegetables.

Chicken salad

  • Boiled chicken meat;
  • Fresh cabbage;
  • Low-fat sour cream;
  • Boiled carrots;
  • Celery root;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Grated horseradish;
  • Dill greens;
  • Vinegar;
  • Sugar, salt;

Cooking method.
Chop the cabbage and grate the celery root. Cut the chicken meat into strips. Mix everything, add vinegar, oil, horseradish, sugar, salt. Add sour cream and garnish with dill and it’s delicious and healthy food ready to eat!

Cucumber and radish salad

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cucumbers 600 grams;
  • Radish 200 grams;
  • Leaf salad;
  • Low-fat sour cream;
  • Dill and parsley;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Salt, sugar;
  • Ground black pepper;

Cooking method:
Lay out lettuce leaves. Cut the radishes and cucumbers into pieces and place in a mound. Mix sour cream with sugar, lemon juice, salt and pepper and pour it over your dish.

Salad with broccoli and feta cheese

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Brynza;
  • Broccoli;
  • Parsley;
  • Cream;
  • Salt;
  • Ground pepper;

Cooking method:
Place broccoli in boiling water, remove after 5 minutes and cool. Mix the cheese mashed with a fork with cream. Pepper and salt. Mix all ingredients and garnish with parsley.

Fat Burning Products

Fat burning foods also help you lose weight. These include:

  • Cinnamon. Improves metabolism, helps quickly absorb sucrose;
  • Green tea. Reduces cholesterol levels, reduces fat digestibility well;
  • Grapefruit. Reduces insulin levels and completely eliminates the desire to snack;
  • Broccoli. Contains vitamins and also improves digestion;
  • A pineapple. Breaks down fats, improves digestion;
  • Blueberry. Removes toxins, contains a huge amount of pectin;
  • Garlic. Burns excess fat reserves;
  • Onion. Rich in vitamins plus burns excess fat reserves;
  • Raspberries. Contains fruit enzymes;
  • Blackberry. Kills the desire to eat, contains quite a lot of water;
  • Soy. Regulates the absorption of salts, as well as from large amounts of fat.
  • Ginger. Well dilates blood vessels;
  • Pepper. Helps get rid of excess calories;
  • Apple. Removes excess fluid from the body;
  • Dairy products. It contains protein, which helps reduce weight;
  • Orange. Contains vitamin C;
  • Lemon. Quickly burns fat reserves;
  • Banana. Speeds up metabolism;
  • Tomato. Speeds up metabolism;
  • Cabbage. Speeds up metabolism;
  • Carrot. Contains a lot of carotene and vitamins, plus eating carrots makes you forget about food for a short time;
  • Horseradish. Contains enzymes - fat burners;
  • Coconut. Helps the digestive system work;
  • Kiwi. Thanks to the pulp, it burns unnecessary fats;
  • Mustard. Stimulates the secretion of gastric juice;
  • Almond. After it you will feel full for a long time;
  • Spinach. Regulates metabolism;
  • Red wine. Slows down the formation of new fat deposits;
  • Shrimps. Burn calories;
  • Egg. Maintains a feeling of fullness;
  • Tuna. Reduces leptin levels in the blood;
  • Rice. Prevents sugar spikes.
  • Tomato. Regulates pressure.
  • Peas. Gives the body satiety;
  • Pear binds molecules with cholesterol;
  • Chicory. Stimulates digestive processes body

The most important thing is to exclude foods with high calorie content. The most high-calorie foods are those that contain fat. Most high-calorie product, This sunflower oil, its calorie content is 900.

Also, the calorie content of the oil depends on whether it is refined or not.

List of high-calorie foods

  • Butter and margarine;
  • Pastries, cakes;
  • Cookie;
  • Chocolate;
  • Nuts;
  • Fatty meats and sausages;
  • Sausages and canned food;
  • Chips, pizza;
  • Pork fat;
  • Olives, avocado

Food containing large amounts of fat almost always leads to obesity and atherosclerosis. They are a consequence of strokes, heart attacks, as well as other complex diseases, which, as a result, are not only difficult to cure, but sometimes it even becomes impossible.

Complex carbohydrates food list

Complex carbohydrates are those that can be consumed quite often.

These include:

  • Porridge from any cereal. Only semolina is excluded;
  • Low sugar fruits and vegetables;
  • Cherry, plum;
  • Parsley, spinach;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Bell pepper;

Products for weight loss must contain carbohydrates in small quantities.

Most girls who have excess weight, often cannot cope with their eating habits.

The human body, which suddenly finds itself limited in delicious food, begins to demand it with triple force.

Sooner or later, most people who lose weight cannot maintain the diet and return to their usual regime, which means their favorite buns and sweets.

How to overcome yourself?

There is only one way out: accustom your body to proper nutrition. Moreover, it should be understood that this is not a temporary measure. Limit yourself in junk food will have to constantly. However, do not be afraid that a life in which there is no place for cakes, pastries and other harmful products, will become boring and uninteresting. After all, today there are many low-calorie dishes for weight loss. Among them there are even desserts that are practically indistinguishable in taste from their unhealthy counterparts, only they will be prepared from natural and quality products without food additives and preservatives.

Features of preparing low-calorie dishes for weight loss

One of the reasons for weight gain is food fried in oil. For example, healthy and lean chicken, turkey or beef becomes an enemy for health and figure. Therefore low high-calorie dishes for weight loss should be steamed, in the oven or in a non-stick frying pan. Grilling helps you avoid using oil. It is compact, will not take up much space in the kitchen and will save time. Meat cooks on the grill much faster than in the oven. In addition, you can fry scrambled eggs, cheesecakes, vegetables, and fish on it. If possible, do not skimp on purchasing various kitchen appliances. It will allow you to diversify your diet big amount low-calorie meals for weight loss and reduce the temptation to eat junk food. Instead of regular shapes For the oven, you should use silicone ones, which do not need to be lubricated with oil. You can cook pies in them, various casseroles.

However, the oil contains healthy fats . How can we manage without them? Sources of healthy fats include flaxseed oil or olive oil as a salad dressing. They are also found in nuts and fish. When heated, the oil loses some of its properties, but a harmful carcinogenic substance is released. Therefore, refusing to fry in oil will only benefit the body.

Flour is used as one of the ingredients in low-calorie dishes for weight loss. Replace wheat flour You can use buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, rye. You can make some of its types at home. So, it is enough to grind oatmeal or buckwheat in a coffee grinder or using a blender to get flour.

As part of the majority finished products present sugar: it is added to baked goods, desserts, sauces, drinks. Many people drink tea and coffee with it. Accustoming to sweet dishes often occurs in childhood, when, in order to force one to eat an unattractive, but so healthy cereal or semolina porridge, mothers sprinkle it with sugar. You can overcome yourself and give up this product with the help of various substitutes. They are the ones who will make low-calorie dishes for weight loss sweet, bringing them as close as possible to traditional analogues that contain sugar. Substitutes can be dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates, which complement any baked goods or casseroles well. If you don't have allergies, it's fine honey. Due to its natural origin, this product contains a large amount of vitamins and substances necessary to the human body. But it is also important that it is high in calories. When using it to add sweetness to food, moderation should be observed.

If dried fruits and honey are not suitable for some reason, you can find ready-made sugar substitutes in a pharmacy or regular supermarket. FitParad, which contains virtually no calories, helps achieve the greatest sweetness. This substance will need 5 times less than sugar to achieve the same taste. The substitute does not contain genetically modified components, so it will not cause harm to health, but you should not abuse it either. “FitParad” is available in different packaging; small bags of it can be carried with you, added to tea or coffee outside the home. This sweetener contains stevia, which is used as an independent substitute. You can also find it at the pharmacy.

main feature cooking low-calorie meals for weight loss is to get tasty, but healthy food from natural ingredients. It is important to experiment and look for non-standard solutions. After all, constant attempts to overpower yourself and quickly accustom your body to eating unloved foods can ultimately lead to stress and lack of results. Therefore, you should not be afraid to try new things flavor combinations, and in the first stages take the proposed recipes as a basis.

Low-calorie recipes for weight loss

Proper pizza

Lately it has been traditional Italian dish began to be equated with fast food, because most establishments use low-quality products as ingredients for it, and often stale leftovers. Pizza is not only high in calories, but also dangerous for the body. Therefore, it is better for those losing weight and everyone who cares about their health to cook it at home. It will require chicken fillet(500 g), tomatoes (2 pcs.), eggs (2 pcs.), a little cheese, favorite spices, and for the sauce - natural yogurt without fillers, mustard, garlic and salt to taste. The pizza will be low-calorie, as it will have protein base instead of the usual test.

Chicken meat is ground in a blender, after which eggs, salt and spices are added. Using a wet spoon, spread the resulting mixture onto a baking sheet, on which you first need to lay a sheet parchment paper or food foil. Bake the pizza base in the oven for no more than 10 minutes until firm. After this, it should be greased with a sauce made from yogurt, mustard and garlic, and topped with tomatoes cut into rings and grated cheese. Bake in the oven for another 10-15 minutes until done. To keep the calorie content of pizza to a minimum, you should choose low-fat ones. durum varieties cheese.


You can cook the dish in a non-stick frying pan, grill or waffle iron. This way, no oil is required, which will reduce calories. This dish is worth spending money on even a grill or waffle iron, the pancakes turn out so tender and tasty. Especially if you serve them with condensed milk or honey.

For the dough, mix oat flour (6 tbsp), bran (3 tbsp), egg (1 pc.), milk (3 tbsp), water (1 tbsp) into a homogeneous mass. , half a small banana (about 50 g), add a little baking powder and bake using one of the suggested methods. Ready-made pancakes you can pour condensed milk, but not the kind that is sold in the store, but prepared according to all the rules of a healthy diet from whole milk(200 ml), corn starch(1 tbsp), milk powder (4 tbsp), sweetener and vanillin to taste. Beat all ingredients in a blender and cook over low heat until the desired consistency is achieved.

Strudel with cinnamon and apples

Among the low-calorie dishes for weight loss, there was a place and sweet pastries, however, it only contains healthy ingredients, which do not harm your health and figure. For the strudel you will need whole wheat flour(140 g), water, salt, olive oil (2 tbsp.), table vinegar(1 tsp). Add salt and vinegar to the flour, mix, and then, gradually adding water, knead a stiff dough. Leave it for an hour, covered with film.

At this time, you can prepare the filling from apples (2 pcs.), honey (20 g), walnuts or almonds(40 g), cinnamon and sweetener to taste. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, put the fruit and nut mixture on top and bake for half an hour in the oven, brushing the top of the strudel with egg. It is not recommended to serve the pie immediately. If ready-made strudel hold it a little longer in the switched off oven, it will be juicier and more tender.


This salad, beloved by many, is harmful for those who want to lose weight due to improper preparation of the ingredients. A slightly modified recipe allows you to make it one of the low-calorie dishes for weight loss.

First of all, you need to make the right sauce. In many establishments it is even replaced with mayonnaise, which not only spoils the taste, but also makes Caesar unhealthy. The sauce for a low calorie version of this dish will consist of: natural yogurt(400 g), garlic (2 cloves), salt, paprika, mustard. It should sit well in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. For Caesar, chop by hand leaf salad, chop the breast fried without oil, tomatoes, finely grate the cheese, add olives. Mix all ingredients and pour over sauce.

Chicken sausages

High calorie unhealthy food often ends up in the diet due to lack of time. In such cases, home-cooked semi-finished products always help out, for example, chicken sausages, which are low-calorie dishes for weight loss. They will be a good alternative regular meat, diversify the diet.

Grind half a kilogram of chicken fillet into minced meat, add milk (100 ml), eggs (1 pc.), a tablespoon tomato paste, salt, spices, finely chopped fresh herbs. Place the resulting base on cling film. For each sausage you will need about two tablespoons of cooked minced meat. The edges cling film it is important to securely fix it, giving the required form. Boil these sausages for 10 minutes, lowering them into boiling water. They can be frozen so you can quickly prepare them at any time. hot lunch.

Berry casserole

Cottage cheese combined with fresh fruit, nuts, honey allows you to achieve delicate taste in desserts. Among the low-calorie dishes for weight loss based on this product, you should definitely try making berry casserole.

Mix cottage cheese (500 g) with eggs (2 pcs.), rice or oatmeal(4 tbsp), milk (6 tbsp) and sweetener. Finally, add your favorite fresh or frozen berries. For flavor, you can add a little vanillin to the casserole and bake in silicone form in the oven. Cooking time – 30-40 minutes. Like pancakes, you can pour the casserole on top homemade condensed milk or honey.


Cold summer soup, properly prepared, will not harm when losing weight. For the “correct” okroshka, cut into cubes radishes, cucumbers, boiled chicken breast, eggs, potatoes. This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, adding fresh herbs and dressing to it before use. This low-calorie dish for weight loss is filled with kefir and mustard, a small amount vinegar and salt, or mineral water with a spoon of sour cream and spices. Such kvass substitutes are used due to its high energy value.

When losing weight, food is a critical success factor. It should be healthy, natural and low in calories. It is these three elements that will help you achieve your goals. It is also important to observe when preparing food only safe technologies, which save maximum amount useful substances in products.

We'll look at low-calorie meals for weight loss, with calories listed, that will make managing your weight an enjoyable experience.

All food has energy value. This is a supply of calories that our body will spend to ensure its vital functions. If you consume more calories than you need, they turn into fat deposits. Interestingly, two dishes with the same weight or volume can have completely different calorie content. This is due to their composition.

Calorie content of main food components:

  • 1 g protein = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g carbohydrates = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g fat = 9 kcal.

Determining your calorie content

It is important to remember that consuming fatty or sweet and protein products with the same calorie content is not the same thing. If you have chocolate for breakfast, the calorie allowance for the day will sharply decrease. Therefore, it is important to learn how to correctly distribute the energy value of dishes throughout your waking hours. To do this, we need a table of low-calorie foods for weight loss. It can be downloaded from any website dedicated to healthy eating. It is this list that should be used for preparing dishes.

Calorie content is indicated per 100 g of product, so you will have to get a kitchen scale. Don't think that for the rest of your life you will need to weigh, calculate on a calculator and write down the results.

Most often, active calculations take no more than a month. After this, you will be able to understand the characteristics of your eating behavior and will know the price of each calorie eaten.

Creating a calorie deficit

To start the process of losing weight, you need to consume food that contains less energy value than our body needs for normal functioning.

However, you cannot fall below 1200 cal, as this can harm the body.

Low calorie foods

The list of low-calorie foods is wide, so you won’t get bored with the monotony. You can create a menu for the week from delicious and very healthy dishes. You will get not only a good, stable plumb line, but also a lot of new culinary experiences.

In addition, almost all food is prepared quite simply, so you don’t have to become a slave to the kitchen. We should use such products with minimal energy value:

Low-calorie salads

Prepare low calorie salads for weight loss from simple products Even novice housewives can do it. You can eat them as a snack, for lunch or dinner, as an appetizer before the main course. Let's study low calorie recipes in details.

Salad name Number of calories (per 100 g of product) Ingredients Cooking method
"Vitamin" 85 White cabbage (200 g); fresh carrots(1 PC.); sweet and sour apple(1 PC.); vegetable oil cold pressed (1 tbsp); salt (minimum). Chop the cabbage finely, put it in a deep salad bowl, lightly salt it and knead it thoroughly with your hands. Three apples and carrots on a coarse grater, add to the cabbage. Dress the salad with oil.
"Vegetarian Olivier" 90 Processed cheese(1 PC.); carrots (2 pcs.); pickles (3 medium); potatoes (5 pcs.), green onions(1 bunch); fried mushrooms (any, at your discretion, 200 g); frozen peas (or canned, 200 g); low-fat sour cream (150 g); salt, pepper (to taste). Boil the potatoes and carrots, fry the mushrooms, defrost the peas, chop all the ingredients into small cubes and combine in a salad bowl. Add spices and season with low-fat sour cream.
"Greek" 50 Fresh cucumber (3 pcs.); Feta cheese (60 g); ripe tomatoes (3 pcs.); red onion (1 small head); olives (to your own taste); olive oil for dressing (1 tsp); fresh lemon (1 tbsp); lettuce leaves (1 bunch; italian herbs or oregano, salt, pepper (to taste). Slice large cube cheese, tomatoes and cucumbers, tear lettuce leaves with your hands, finely chop the onion into half rings, combine everything in one salad bowl, add olives, spices, oil, lemon juice and mix. You can garnish with a sprig of fresh basil.
"Vegetable with arugula" 58 Arugula (1 bunch); tomatoes (2 pcs.); fresh cucumbers (2 pcs.); dill and parsley (1 bunch each); lettuce leaf (2 bunches); fresh lemon juice (1 tbsp); olive oil (2 tbsp); salt (to taste). We tear the lettuce leaves and arugula with our hands, cut the vegetables into medium pieces, finely chop the greens, combine everything in a salad bowl, add spices, lemon juice and oil, mix.


Low-calorie soups are ideal for weight loss. They perfectly saturate, warm in the cold season and refresh in the summer, improve digestion, and nourish the body with useful substances. First courses are best consumed at lunchtime.

We will learn how to prepare soups for weight loss without special troubles, since all the recipes are quite simple.

Soup name Calorie content Ingredients Cooking method
"Lentil" 44 Red lentils (partial glass); carrots (1 pc.); onion (1 pc.); olive oil (3 tsp); salt pepper (to taste). Grease a frying pan with oil, throw in diced onion, then grated carrots, fry until the onion turns brown. Heat water in a saucepan, add lentils and sautee to it, after boiling, cook over low heat until the lentils are ready, this will take about a third of an hour.
"Mushroom borscht" 60 White cabbage(0.5 kg); medium-sized potatoes (3 pcs.); red beets (1 pc.); porcini mushrooms (200 g); onions and carrots (1 pc.); tomatoes (2 pcs.); vegetable oil (1 tbsp); salt and pepper (to taste). This dish is best prepared in a slow cooker. Shred the cabbage, cut the vegetables and mushrooms into cubes, pour everything into the bowl, add oil and spices, pour in 3 liters of water. Select the “cooking” mode for 1 hour, ready-made borscht should sit for 30 minutes before serving.
"Bulgarian" 130 Onion (0.5 heads); fresh tomato (1 pc.); potatoes (1 pc.); carrots (0.5 pcs.); garlic (2 cloves); fresh herbs to choose from (1 bunch); rice (20 g); red pepper (50 g); salt, pepper, coriander (to taste). Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes, put them in a saucepan, add rice and pour 1 liter of water, put on fire. Cut the onion and carrots into small cubes, sauté in oil, then add red pepper, garlic, tomatoes into the frying pan, cover with a lid and simmer for a couple of minutes. After this, move the sauté into a saucepan, add spices and bring to readiness over low heat.
"Lithuanian cold borscht» 72 Red beets (3 medium pieces); fresh cucumbers(2 pcs.); chicken eggs(4 things.); green onions and dill (1 bunch each); kefir 1% (1 l); low-fat sour cream (4 tbsp); salt (to taste). Boil or bake the beets, cool, peel and grate, place in a deep saucepan. Add the diced boiled eggs and cucumbers and finely chopped greens and onions. Salt everything, add sour cream and grease well. We dilute the soup with kefir with a small amount of chilled boiled water. Let it steep for 1 hour in the refrigerator, then serve.

Second courses

Prepare low calorie dinner Losing weight will not be difficult, because there is plenty of room for imagination. The most delicious dishes are obtained from lean meat, fish and vegetables. Also in the afternoon you can treat yourself to fermented milk products.

Let's look at low-calorie recipes that have excellent taste.

Name of the dish Calorie content Ingredients Cooking method
"Oatmeal cutlets" 109 Hercules flakes (2 cups); medium size potatoes (3 pcs.); onion (1 head); garlic (2 cloves); vegetable oil (2 tbsp); boiling water (2 tbsp); pepper, salt, rosemary (to taste). Steam oatmeal with boiling water for 30 minutes, then add onion whipped in a blender or minced through a meat grinder, grated potatoes and garlic, and spices. Mix the minced meat thoroughly with your hands. Then heat the frying pan, add oil and fry the formed cutlets until cooked on both sides. Low-calorie porridges for weight loss are very useful, and oatmeal is the most useful, so this dish should definitely be included in your diet.
"Steam mackerel" 190 Small mackerel (1 piece); lemon (0.5 pcs.); dill (a couple of sprigs); salt (to taste). Gut the fish and wash thoroughly. We remove excess moisture from it with a paper towel and salt. Place 2 lemon slices and dill in the belly. On the side that will be at the top during cooking, make small transverse cuts and pour in the juice of the remaining lemon. Cook the mackerel in a double boiler for 20 minutes. You can use weight loss porridges, such as brown rice, as a side dish.
"Broccoli and Chicken Casserole" 160 Broccoli (0.5 kg); chicken eggs (2 pcs.); low-fat milk (1 glass); bell pepper (3 pcs.); chicken fillet (1 pc.); large onion (1 pc.); hard cheese (100 g); vegetable oil (1 tsp); breadcrumbs (10 g), salt and pepper (to taste). Boil broccoli in lightly salted water for 5 minutes, then pour over ice water, to save beautiful colour cabbage Beat a glass of milk with eggs in a deep bowl. Beat the chicken and onions in a blender or pass through a meat grinder, add salt and pepper. Grease a heatproof dish with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, lay out cabbage, sliced ​​bell pepper in layers, minced chicken, level with a spatula last layer. Pour in the egg-milk mixture and sprinkle with grated hard cheese, put in the oven for half an hour at 180° C.
Squash caviar 97 Medium zucchini (2 pcs.); large tomato (1 pc.); parsley and dill (6-8 branches each); olive oil (1 tbsp); salt, pepper, bay leaf, sugar (to taste). We clean the zucchini, remove the core and seeds, cut into pieces and boil or steam. Pour boiling water over the tomato to make it easier to remove the skin, blend in a blender or grind through a sieve. We also grind the finished pieces of zucchini into a puree, add salt, pepper, herbs, sugar, tomatoes, bay leaves, and place on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Two minutes before removing from heat, add olive oil. Serve the caviar cold.

Other dishes

We have considered only a small part of the dishes that can be prepared from simple products with low energy value. Best consumed for breakfast low-calorie cereals, steam omelettes with tomatoes, cottage cheese casseroles with fruit, pancakes with corn flour cooked in a non-stick frying pan.

It is assumed that on one day of the week you can treat yourself to sweets. Perfect for this case homemade candy which are prepared from nuts, seeds, dried fruits, cereals, honey, fresh berries and fruits.

Food that is healthy for your figure is tasty and varied, so you will enjoy losing weight.

In conclusion

It will not be difficult for you to collect recipes for low-calorie dishes for weight loss, because specialized resources and literature offer a lot of interesting and useful options healthy food.

It is important that you fall in love with such cuisine and do not say goodbye to it even after losing weight. This will help keep your figure in good shape and improve your health.