Cherry chocolate candy. Cherries in chocolate

The name Chocolate Cherry has more associations with candy or cake. Let's break stereotypes and make jam! As for the taste, I can say - a wonderful combination! If desired, the harmonious cherry-chocolate taste can be shaded with alcohol or vanilla, added at the very end of cooking.
Unfortunately, Cherry jam in chocolate cannot be stored for a long time, since it is cooked for only half an hour, no more. We prepare it in small portions and store it for a maximum of a week in the refrigerator. But I assure you, it won’t last that long, a couple of days and it will disappear! Well, very tasty!

What is not unimportant is that even a novice cook can prepare it. I’m sharing another new recipe for preparations.

Cherry jam in chocolate

You can use any chocolate you like, dark or milk.
I took half a bar of good quality milk chocolate. However, if you want the color and taste to be richer, you should choose chocolate with a higher cocoa content,

I advise you to serve this cherry jam with green or fruit tea.

how to make cherry jam with chocolate


  • cherry - 400 g,
  • sugar - 250 g,
  • chocolate - 50 g.

Cooking process:

Wash the cherries and dry them on a paper towel. I recommend using large, juicy cherries. It is sweeter and tasty, and also very aromatic.

Remove pits from cherries using a pin or special tool. Place the berries in a saucepan or bowl to make jam. The most important thing is to use dishes with a thick bottom so that the jam does not burn.

Cover the cherries with sugar and leave for half an hour at room temperature so that the berries give juice. If you don’t do this and immediately put it on the fire, there is a chance that the jam will start to burn, and there is absolutely no need to add water to this recipe, otherwise the taste will spoil.

Cut the chocolate into small pieces.

Place the cherries and sugar on low heat and bring to a boil, cook, stirring frequently for 30 minutes. If possible, remove any foam that appears. Cook over low heat all the time to avoid burning. And be sure to stir frequently.

After 30 minutes, the pitted cherry jam is ready.

Add chopped chocolate, stir and cook for another 1 minute. Allow the jam to cool completely, then transfer to a jar or bowl.

At first the jam will be liquid, but after cooling it will thicken.

Store in the refrigerator for no more than 1 week.

I hope you enjoy my step by step photo recipe.

Bon appetit!

Sincerely, Elena Gorodishenina.

There's no way a chocolate-covered cherry could have a pit - that's nonsense! Therefore, first you need to remove all the seeds. Use either a special machine or your relatives for this - ask them to help by placating them with future delicious candies! To do this, cut the cherries from the bottom and very carefully remove the pit so that the branch does not fall off.

Place the prepared cherries in a large bowl and, after pouring cognac, set aside for 1 hour. It is best if the cherries lie in one layer so that the cognac is distributed evenly.

To make the marzipan, grind the almonds into flour in a coffee grinder or food processor until finely ground.

Beat the egg whites into a stable foam (almost stiff peaks!). To make sweets, use only half of the resulting mass, the rest for another dish, for example, meringue.

Pour the sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add 70 ml of drinking water, stir and bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Cook for 2–3 minutes.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and cool slightly. Gently, without splashing the syrup on the sides of the bowl, whisk until the syrup becomes slightly cloudy.

Add almonds and protein to the saucepan, mix thoroughly with a silicone spatula, moving from bottom to top. Return to medium heat. Heat for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat and cool slightly. You should get a plastic mass.

Sprinkle the table with powdered sugar and roll marzipan into small balls slightly larger than the pit of the future chocolate-covered cherry. Fill the cherries with marzipan, replacing the removed seeds with almond mixture.

Place a sheet of baking paper on a large cutting board or platter. Draw 30 circles with a diameter of 2–2.5 cm, spaced 2 cm apart. Sprinkle a pinch of chocolate sprinkles on each one.

Melt half the chocolate in a steam bath and cool slightly. Drop about 1/2 tsp onto each circle on top of the sprinkles. chocolate and immediately place the cherry with marzipan on top of the chocolate, tail up. Place the board (dish) in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Gently pour the remaining melted chocolate over the cooled cherries. Strengthen the tails with chocolate and brush them with a pastry brush. Return the cherries to the refrigerator for another 1 hour.

Hello friends, let me introduce you to a recipe for drunken cherry sweets with rum and dark chocolate. They taste like regular candies from expensive gift packaging.

The only advantage to my version is that they are made with quality rum and fresh cherries. Let's take a closer look at the step-by-step recipe with photos.


1. Dark chocolate – 100 gr.

2. Cherry – 15 pcs.

3. Rum – 2.5 tbsp.

4. Honey – 1.5 tbsp.

5. Corn starch – 1-2 tsp.

6. Butter – 15 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Place the dark chocolate in a steam bath.

2. With constant stirring, melt it until liquid.

3. Add cherries to the saucepan.

5. Stirring occasionally, cook for 2 minutes.

6. Pour in the rum and mix everything well again.

7. Add butter to the melted chocolate and stir until smooth. The oil will add a pleasant shine to our future sweets.

8. Place the chocolate in the molds and level it using the end of a teaspoon. I have a heart shape. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

9. We take the mold out of the refrigerator, as you can see, the molds are completely frozen.

10. Take the cherry without syrup and place it in the mold. We do the same with the rest. If you wish, you can of course add a little syrup.

11. Place the chocolate on the mold and, using the same spoon, distribute the chocolate over the entire surface, as if it were covering the cherry. Place the form in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

12. The sweets have cooled completely, you can serve them to the table. Bon appetit.

Additional Information:

Drunken cherry candies are made with fillings such as vodka, brandy or cognac. Most often, such products are associated with a holiday or celebration. Alcoholic sweets first became popular in European countries in the 1920s.

It was during that period of time that they began to be packaged in elegant wrappers, which were distinguished by bright colors and a wide palette of colors. It is noteworthy that it was drunken cherry candies that gained wide popularity among Europeans, although there were plenty of sweet products with alcoholic filling at that time.

In its traditional form, this sweet is a sugar structure, inside of which there is an alcohol solution diluted with plenty of water. It is important to note that they are produced exclusively in chocolate-covered glaze.

This was done not only in order to attract a potential buyer to the product, but also to ensure that the saturated alcohol solution did not dry out when the candy was left in the wrapper for a long time. This type is classified as an elite retail product.

Thus, drunken cherries are popular not only in European countries. They are actively purchased all over the world in honor of memorable or significant events.

Dear friends, I am very glad that you visited my blog and used these recipes for your own purposes. If you liked the recipe, please share it with your friends on social networks. That's all for me, thank you for your attention, bye!

Let's throw a couple of jars of special treats on the winter supplies shelf. Having displaced the classic strawberry, raspberry, and cherry, we will find a place of honor for Cherry in Chocolate jam. The cooking principle is not unique, but the presence of chocolate is appropriate, enriches the aroma and makes the syrup intriguingly dark, almost black - you scoop it up, but you can’t see the bottom.

If the famous sweets and brownie dessert are your favorites, you will also love Cherry jam in chocolate. Naturally sweet and sour, fleshy and, perhaps, one of the most fragrant, cherries are perfect with strong alcohol, nuts, spices and all chocolate derivatives. Experiment by adding rum, star anise, cinnamon, pecans or almonds at the end of cooking.

Let me make a reservation in advance: cherry-chocolate jam is prepared from red stone fruit varieties. You need formed ripe fruits and dark chocolate (preferably with a high content of cocoa beans) plus excellent quality cocoa powder. Well, sterile containers (jars and lids) go without saying).

Preparation time: 7 hours / Number of servings: approximately 400 ml


  • cherry 500 g
  • sugar 300 g
  • dark chocolate 50 g
  • cocoa powder 30-50 g


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    When planning to store the preparation until winter, select only good-quality cherries - rot, worms, and mold will speed up the fermentation process and the homemade jam will soon spoil. Before heat treatment, we carry out a traditional “rite”: we calibrate, wash in cold water, pick off the stalks, additionally rinse and dry, laying them out on a woven or paper towel.

    If desired, remove the bones and find a convenient device for this simple manipulation. There are often recipes for cherry jam with pits - whole berries in rich chocolate syrup are no less tasty, do what you think is right. At least the second method is the simplest and most universal.

    The next step is a recommendation. If you have difficulty making caramel, use the traditional method with cherries: sprinkle clean berries with granulated sugar and leave for 2-4 hours at room temperature until maximum juice releases. I suggest enhancing the aroma with caramel, which imbues the delicacy with dried notes - perhaps you have ever tried sun-dried cherries? In southern villages, fresh stone fruits (plums, apricots, cherries) are laid out in direct sunlight, sometimes right on the roof, and kept for a week or longer until they become shriveled and dehydrated. Dried cherries and other fruits are stored for a long time, have a concentrated aroma and are good in baking. Well, this cherry jam takes on a similar taste. First, pour into sugar, partially heat until brown and liquid consistency. We turn it over and do not allow it to burn (otherwise an unpleasant bitterness will appear). Everything takes about 3-4 minutes.

    Add pitted cherries (or with pits, as you decide). Sometimes the caramel parts harden, don’t worry, the cherry juice will dissolve everything during further cooking. Mix.

    Boil, reduce heat and, stirring from time to time with a wooden spoon/spatula, boil for the first 10-15 minutes. Set aside and cool. We repeat the action 4-5 times - that is, boil, cook for 10-15 minutes, cool and boil again... This principle is necessary so that the cherries do not boil in the puree, become thoroughly saturated with sweet syrup and become “glassy”.

    When cooking various berry and fruit jams, sticky foam often forms on the surface; it is removed. In my example, the seething foam disappeared and there was nothing to remove. So, after five approaches with cooking and cooling, the composition is dark dark brown, almost black, the smell is already fragrant, and the consistency is thick and viscous.

    Since Cherry jam in chocolate, in addition to cherries, implies the presence, taste, and aroma of chocolate, we add the last components. Throw in a portion of high-quality cocoa powder. The dosage is adjusted to taste, but at least 1 tbsp is required. l with a slide so that the chocolate “background” is felt.

    Next we lower the dark chocolate (the higher the percentage of cocoa beans, the better). You can also dissolve large pieces of chocolate bars/bars, but by pressing shavings through a grater, the time will be reduced to a few minutes. Stir thoroughly, remove from the sides of the container, bring to an active boil for the last time and, after boiling for 5 minutes, remove from heat.

    Fill sterile jars, seal tightly and cool. Then we transfer it to a cool room.

Homemade cherry jam with chocolate is worthy of the title of dessert. Serve with tea, with pastries, ice cream, bon appetit!

Today I have chocolate covered cherry jam for you, the name itself already sounds interesting and unusual. I think that not all housewives have heard of it, but in vain, as a result it turns out very tasty. A recipe for cherry jam in chocolate was sent to me by a good housewife who loves experimenting with winter preparations. I advise you to try closing a couple of these jars.

Cherry jam with chocolate is more of a dessert, it is very tasty! It also has the taste of “Cherry in Chocolate” candies. During cooking, the alcohol evaporates and only the subtle taste of cognac remains. Cognac, chocolate and cocoa for such a dessert must be of high quality. If you don’t like the taste of alcohol or if small children will eat the jam, then it is better to dilute cocoa with hot water in the same amount.

The recipe for chocolate-covered cherries for the winter is not complicated and is quite simple to prepare, despite the fact that it has such an unusual composition. I describe the entire process in as much detail as possible so that everyone can repeat everything correctly. But if you still have extra berries and you don’t know what else to make from them, I advise you to look so that in winter you can add them to various baked goods, drinks and more.


  • Cherry with pit – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 600 g
  • Cocoa powder – 1 tbsp
  • Dark chocolate 70% and above – 100 g
  • Cognac – 50 ml.
  • “Jelfink” or “zhelfix 1:1” – 1 sachet 20 g

Step-by-step recipe for cherry jam in chocolate

To make pitted cherry jam with chocolate, first rinse the berries well and dry them on a tray lined with a paper towel. I also prepare jars and lids; they need to be sterilized in any convenient and familiar way. I remove the seeds from the dried cherries and put the berries in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

I put the pan with the cherries on low heat to heat up. I stir gently with a wooden spatula or occasionally gently shake the pan so that the berries do not burn. I warm the berries for about 10 minutes, during which time they will release juice. This is a recipe for cherry jam with chocolate and the “Confiturka” gelling mixture, so I pour it into a saucepan and stir gently, while the cherry juice noticeably thickens and bring to a boil.

You can take any other gelling component, for example, “Zhelfix 1:1” and use it according to the instructions. If you use “Zhelfix 1:1”, then you need to mix it with two tablespoons of sugar from the total mass of sugar, then follow the recipe. You can make jam without such a mixture, but then you need to boil the berries with sugar or in sugar syrup for much longer, until the desired consistency.

As soon as the berries boil, I pour in the sugar. You can add more sugar, depending on your preferences and the acidity of the berries. My cherries are not very sour, so 600 g of sugar was enough for me. If the berries are very sour, then 1 kg of cherries requires 1 kg of sugar. Next, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula, bring the cherries and sugar to a boil over low heat and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved, 8-10 minutes.

Since we have cherry jam with chocolate and cognac, I prepare other ingredients. I break the chocolate into pieces, put a tablespoon of cocoa in a cup, pour cognac into it and stir well so that there are no lumps.

While cooking the cherries with sugar, I try to collect the foam. Next, I add chocolate to the cherries and stir until it is completely dissolved and pour in cocoa and cognac.

Stir the mixture, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for another 5 minutes.

I immediately put the finished chocolate-covered cherry jam into sterile jars to the very top and screw them on with sterile lids. Then I turn it upside down until it cools completely at room temperature.

After this, I send the jars with the wonderful summer dessert to a cold place for storage. An unusual cherry jam with chocolate is ready for the winter. From this amount of ingredients I got 2 jars of 460 ml and 480 ml of a delicious dessert and 200 ml of syrup, which did not wait for winter and was eaten with ice cream on the same day. Try it, it's delicious!