Weight of a teaspoon. Measure of weight in tablespoon

How many grams of sugar are in 1 tablespoon, how much sugar fits in one heaped and unheaped teaspoon, you need to know in order to correctly measure the sugar with a spoon without oversweetening the dish with sugar. A teaspoon and an ordinary tablespoon are considered among housewives to be a convenient measure of weight for weighing the required amount of granulated sugar without scales.

Measuring sugar in grams with a spoon is easy and quick at home. An ordinary spoon is always at hand, and, knowing the volume of your cutlery (the volume of one type of spoon varies), you can weigh the sugar without a slide and the amount of granulated sugar in a spoon with a slide with maximum accuracy to the nearest gram, and determine the exact weight of non-bulk products.

The test expert advises. Information on how to weigh sugar without scales at home using spoons will make the cooking process easier. Knowing how many calories are contained in a tablespoon and a teaspoon of granulated sugar will help you control the number of calories you eat every day.

Regular white sugar, brown sugar and refined sugar are consumed by humans every day. Various are included in everyday and holiday dishes. A sweet bulk product used at home. Sugar in recipe ingredients is often indicated in grams, and it is often necessary to find out whether 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 grams of sugar is how many tablespoons?

Before answering this question and similar ones - how many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon and how many in a teaspoon - you need to measure how many grams of sugar are in 1 spoon. Then determine the volume of ordinary spoons in ml or convert milliliters to grams (g).

1 gram and 1 milliliter: the difference

Are grams and milliliters the same thing? The answer is simple - no, not the same thing. Gram is a unit of measurement of mass. Bulk and solid substances are weighed in kilograms and grams.

Liters and milliliters usually measure volume. Liquid is measured in milliliters. Only for water grams and ml are the same; for all other substances the values ​​of these two measurements will be different. The weight of sugar in grams is greater than the weight in milliliters. Volume to weight ratio of sugar:

  • 50 ml of sugar weighs 40 grams;
  • 100 ml – 80 g;
  • 125 ml – 100 g;
  • 150 ml – 120 g;
  • 200 ml – 160 g;
  • 250 ml – 200 g;
  • 500 ml – 400 g;
  • 1 liter – 800 g.

It is important to understand that spoons are different; in order to accurately pour and measure granulated sugar with a spoon in grams, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar, you need to know the volume of the spoons themselves.

Volume of a tablespoon in ml

The weight of bulk products can be measured using a measuring spoon purchased for such purposes or a kitchen scale. But how to measure sugar in grams with an ordinary tablespoon? To do this, you need to know the volume of the cutlery - a large tablespoon - and it is better to have an ordinary standard size spoon of 15-18 ml in the kitchen.

Art. spoon and tbsp. – generally accepted abbreviations for a tablespoon, denoting a measure of weight or volume. In Russia and the CIS countries, the capacity of a tablespoon is considered to be 18 ml. 1 tablespoon contains the weight of food in grams and milliliters.

Volume of a teaspoon in ml

How much is the volume of a teaspoon in ml? This is approximately 5 milliliters, the exact measurement of mass, as is known, depends on the type of product - liquid or bulk, taking into account whether it was poured with a slide or without a slide.

Tsp. spoon, tsp. and Ch/L are common abbreviations for teaspoon. A small teaspoon is used to stir sugar in coffee and tea when drinking,. In everyday life, a teaspoon of a standard volume of 5 ml is often used as a measure of weight or volume.

Dessert spoon: volume in ml

In milliliters, the volume of a dessert spoon is 10 ml. A dessert spoon is medium in size between a tablespoon and a teaspoon. In cooking, such a spoon is less often used as a measure of weight and volume. The dessert spoon holds two teaspoons. A tablespoon contains 1.5 dessert spoons.

Coffee spoon: how many grams

A coffee spoon is considered the smallest. It holds half the volume of a teaspoon. The answer to the question of how many grams of sugar are in a coffee spoon is simple – 2.5 grams. The shape of cutlery is different in every home; the capacity is affected by the width and length of the device.

Spoon sizes

The size of cutlery matters when weighing food without a scale. In order to obtain weight accuracy of the product poured into a spoon, you need to understand that the sizes of spoons are different. A standard tablespoon has the following dimensions:

  • length – 7 cm;
  • width – 4 cm.

Teaspoon size:

  • length – 5 cm;
  • width – 3 cm.

Dessert spoon size:

  • length – 6 cm;
  • width – 4 cm.

50, 100, 150, 200 and 250, 300 grams of sugar - this is how many tablespoons

How many tablespoons of sugar are in a glass? This question often arises when granulated sugar is indicated in a recipe in grams or glasses, but only spoons are available as measuring devices. Table: how to convert the amount of sugar in grams into spoons:

  • 50 grams = 2 heaped tablespoons of granulated sugar or 2.5 without top;
  • 100 grams = 4 tablespoons of sugar with top or 5 without slide;
  • 150 grams = 6 heaped tablespoons of granulated sugar or 7.5 without a heap;
  • 200 grams = 10 tablespoons of granulated sugar without a slide or 8 with a slide;
  • 250 grams = 10 heaped tablespoons of sugar;
  • 300 grams = 12 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

How many grams of sugar in a tablespoon

  • 1 tablespoon contains 25 heaped grams of sugar;
  • There are 20 grams of sugar in 1 tablespoon.

How many grams of sugar are in a heaped and unheaped teaspoon?

  • 1 teaspoon contains 7 heaped grams of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon contains 5 grams of sugar without a slide.

How much sugar is in a dessert spoon

  • 1 dessert spoon contains 15 heaped grams of sugar;
  • 1 dessert spoon contains 10 grams of granulated sugar without a slide.

How to measure sugar without a scale with a spoon: table of large volumes

The need to measure large volumes of sugar with spoons - 350 grams, 400, 500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 900 and 1 kg - usually arises when preparation begins. Here is a convenient calculation table:

  • 1000 g granulated sugar (1 kg) = 40 heaped tablespoons
  • 900 g sugar = 36 heaped tablespoons;
  • 800 g granulated sugar = 32 heaped tablespoons;
  • 750 g granulated sugar = 30 heaped tablespoons;
  • 700 g sugar = 28 heaped tablespoons;
  • 600 g granulated sugar = 24 heaped tablespoons;
  • 500 g of sugar = 0.5 kg of sugar = 20 heaped tablespoons of sugar;
  • 400 g granulated sugar = 16 heaped tablespoons;
  • 350 g sugar = 14 heaped tablespoons.

Weight of powdered sugar in 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon

In addition to granulated sugar, without a measuring spoon, it is easy to calculate the weight of powdered sugar and measure the product with an ordinary spoon. Here are calculations of how many teaspoons or tablespoons are needed to measure the required mass of powdered sugar. How many grams of powdered sugar in a teaspoon:

  • 1 teaspoon will hold 7 grams of powdered sugar without a slide;
  • 1 teaspoon holds 10 heaped grams of powdered sugar.

One tablespoon of powdered sugar contains:

  • 20 grams without a slide;
  • 25 grams with a slide.

Powdered sugar is often included in the composition of sweets, powder is used when whipping proteins, and. Traditionally, powder is sprinkled on the finished roll and cooked, and a sweet ingredient is added.

When there are no scales at home, and the amount of powdered sugar in the recipe is indicated in grams, such values ​​can simply be converted into tablespoons.

50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 grams of powdered sugar - this is how many tablespoons

By applying the data from the table in practice, you will be able to use them constantly, accurately pour and measure the weight of products, take as much powdered sugar as required by the recipe:

  • 2 heaped tablespoons of powdered sugar = 50 g;
  • 4 heaped tablespoons of powder = 100 g;
  • 6 heaped tablespoons of powder = 150 g;
  • 8 heaped tablespoons of powder = 200 g;
  • 10 heaped tablespoons = 250 g;
  • 12 heaped tablespoons = 300 gr.

Weight of vanilla sugar in teaspoon

Vanilla sugar is usually substituted for vanillin in recipes. Vanilla sugar is a mixture of powdered sugar or granulated sugar combined with vanillin. The composition of vanilla sugar is a vanillin-flavored bulk product diluted with sugar crystals. Vanilla sugar is added for flavor to the protein, often placed in.

The flavored additive, as is known, is used in the confectionery industry in small quantities only to impart a vanilla taste and aroma to sweets. You can buy crystalline vanilla sugar in 8 gram bags. A whole bag of vanilla sugar is not always required to prepare a delicious favorite dish.

To pour the required amount of sugar into a teaspoon, you need to understand how much vanillin fits in a spoon, how many grams of vanilla sugar are in a teaspoon. How much vanilla sugar is in a teaspoon in grams:

  • 1 teaspoon contains about 5 grams of vanilla sugar without a slide;
  • 1 teaspoon contains about 7 heaped grams of vanilla sugar.

A teaspoon of sugar: calorie content

How many calories (kCal) are in a spoonful of sugar? It is not at all necessary to calculate the calorie content of 1 teaspoon of sugar and, accordingly, how many calories one tablespoon of granulated sugar contains, added to tea or a dish. For help, you can turn to existing calculations of the calorie content of sugar, namely how many calories are in a spoon.

Knowledge of the calorie content of sugar will be useful for people leading a healthy lifestyle. The caloric content of sweet carbohydrates should be used by those who want to lose weight to maintain the correct balance of BJU when preparing healthy meals (PN). Having understood how many calories are in sugar in 1 teaspoon, you will be able to keep your weight under control and calculate the acceptable amount of sugar that you can afford to eat without harming your figure.

How many calories are in a gram of sugar? One gram of any sugar contains 3.9 kilocalories.

How many calories are in granulated sugar:

  • Calorie content of one heaped teaspoon of granulated sugar weighing 7 grams (in addition to liquid products) = 27.3 kcal.
  • Calorie content of one teaspoon filled with any sugar weighing 5 grams without a slide (in addition to liquid products) = 19.5 kcal.

How many carbohydrates are in a spoonful of sugar?

As you know, refined sugar consists of carbohydrates, it contains 99.9% sucrose, almost 100% carbohydrates.

  • A 25-gram tablespoon of sugar, topped up, contains 25 grams of carbohydrates.
  • A level tablespoon of granulated sugar is equal to 20 grams and contains 20 grams of carbohydrates.
  • A teaspoon filled with sugar weighs 7 grams and contains 7 grams of carbohydrates.
  • A level teaspoon filled with sugar weighs 5 grams and contains 5 grams of carbohydrates.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the amount of sugar in a tablespoon may differ slightly - tablespoons and teaspoons have different capacities. Small deviations in grams when weighing granulated sugar (sugar) with a spoon without scales will not affect the taste of a dish prepared at home from quality ingredients.

We hope that the information provided, the table, how many grams of sugar are in one tablespoon and the amount of sugar in one teaspoon, will be useful, and all the convenient tables will become your constant assistants in the kitchen.

Every housewife, trying to use a recipe, is faced with the fact that the dose of products is indicated in grams. You need to know the amount of salt, soda, granulated sugar, cinnamon or other substances in one glass, teaspoon or tablespoon, with or without a slide. Weight depends on the specific type of product and varies significantly.

How many mg in a teaspoon

Incorrect proportions can change the taste of a dish for the worse, so the question of the amount of food is always relevant. Substances such as salt, seasonings, soda or baking powder in too large quantities can make food unfit for consumption. Special scales that can be used to determine the volume of a teaspoon in grams or measuring cups are not available in every kitchen. In addition, many recipes contain instructions with a list of ingredients in grams, because this is a standard measurement.

You can find out the amount of different substances from the table:

Substance name

How many grams are in one teaspoon

Sago groats

Condensed milk

Oat groats

Liquid honey

Gelatin powder


Salt "Extra"

Split peas


Barley groats

Corn grits

Wheat groats



Pearl barley

Powdered sugar

Rye/wheat flour

Tomato paste

Coarse salt




Citric acid

Ground coffee beans

Raw yeast


Dried mushrooms

Egg powder

Potato starch

Ground pepper

Ground cinnamon

Powdered milk


Vegetable oil

Protein powder

Mustard powder

Olive oil

How much salt in a teaspoon

This product is most often used in cooking. It is very important not to overdo it with salt: too much of it renders the dish unusable. The table above indicates that there are 7 grams of salt in a teaspoon. If you weigh the heaped volume, you get 10 grams. Fine “Extra” salt is lighter than coarse table salt, so one spoon can hold up to 8 g (heaped). It is very important to take this into account when you are going to cook something, because without the simplest preservative you can only make jam or preserves.


Another popular component of various dishes is granulated sugar. It is worth noting that it is used not only for drinks and desserts, but also unusual side dishes, fish, meat, sauces, and milk porridges. Sugar in a teaspoon in grams is only 5 g, if you take it without a slide, and 7 g if you weigh the volume with a slide. It is important that this substance is used in moderation so that the dish does not become cloying or, conversely, bland.


This amazing beekeeping product is famous not only for its excellent taste, but also for its beneficial properties. In order not to spoil a dessert, sauce, drink, or marinade with honey, it is important to know the proportions of this substance. There is 9 g of honey in a teaspoon, provided that it is fresh and liquid. The specific gravity of the crystallized product will be different: the recipe must be adjusted. You can find out exactly how many grams are in a teaspoon of a particular type of product from special tables, but it is better to weigh the candied sweetness.

Dry yeast

It’s rare to meet a housewife who doesn’t spoil her family with baked goods. The secret to delicious pies is properly prepared dough that contains yeast. Most modern women use a quick version of this product - dry powder. A teaspoon contains 3-5 g of yeast if you weigh it on a special scale. The specific amount depends on whether the substance is measured with or without a slide.

Citric acid

Many people are not aware of how widely this substance is used. Citric acid is added to desserts, drinks, mousses, meat marinades, sauces, and soups. A small amount gives a fresh, original taste to a dish, but if you add too much of this substance, you can ruin everything irrevocably. It is worth remembering the proportion and strictly observing it: 5 g of citric acid is placed in a teaspoon. The required amount of this substance is the secret of successful preservation and preparation of delicious dishes.


To make your favorite drink aromatic and tasty, you need to know the exact amount of coffee. It is calculated for instant and natural ground. The weight of a teaspoon of the substance depends on the type of product. Natural ground coffee in a teaspoon in grams - 8. It is difficult to prepare a drink according to professional recipes without exact proportions, so you need to remember them. If you weigh instant coffee of the same volume, you will get no more than 6 g, because it is much lighter than ground grain.


This substance is widely used for making pancakes, pancakes, pies and more. Baking soda with a drop of vinegar replaces industrial baking powder, helping the dough rise, become more fluffy and airy. If you use too much baking soda, the finished dish will have an unpleasant aftertaste of this substance, which will make it tasteless. In addition to cooking, this product is used to prepare homemade medicines, so it is important to know exactly how many grams of soda are in a teaspoon. If you measure it without a mound, it will come out to 7 g, and with a mound - about 12.


Modern hypermarkets offer customers olive, sunflower, corn and many other types of oil. Each individual species has its own characteristics and chemical composition. The oil is used to prepare first courses, desserts, meat, and baked goods. You should not add more of this substance than normal; it is important to maintain the proportions to obtain not too fatty, healthy food. How much oil is in a teaspoon depends on the specific type. The average is 6 g.

Sour cream

The most popular fermented milk product is sour cream. It is widely used when serving pancakes, borscht, and added to pastry creams and sauces. A teaspoon contains 9 g of sour cream if the composition includes 30% fat. The proportion does not apply to numerous sour creams and other substitutes for natural products. You should carefully choose natural, delicious sour cream before purchasing.

How many grams of flour in a teaspoon

Some people mistakenly believe that flour is only needed for baking. However, most sauces, creams for cakes, pastries, and many meat dishes cannot do without it. It is also important to know its proportions, for example, so that the dough does not turn out too thick. How much flour is in a teaspoon? If you scoop it up with a heap, you get 5 g, 4 g - without a heap. It is worth noting that buckwheat, corn, and wheat flour have the same specific gravity.


Different people have their own vision of the amount of ingredients needed to prepare all kinds of dishes. Some rely on their eye and sense of proportion and measure “by eye”, others - in grams, using kitchen scales, which are always at hand, and others - in spoons. However, those who do not have a scale, but need relative accuracy in weighing foods, medicines and herbs, ask the question: “How many grams are in a teaspoon?” This article will outline how much and what product is contained in a teaspoon.

Measurement in grams of the amount of product in a teaspoon

When asking “how many grams are in a teaspoon,” they always mean that the product is heaped up. It is also necessary to take into account that this measurement may have an error of several grams. It depends on how big the “hill” is, on the moisture content of the dry product, on the volume of the spoon, etc. This information will be very useful for young housewives who are faced with the fact that recipes give the amount of food in glasses, then in teaspoons and tablespoons, or in grams. Below you will find correspondences that will help answer the question: “1 teaspoon - how many grams?”

Measuring liquid foods in teaspoons

A teaspoon contains:

  • water - 5 g;
  • condensed milk - 12 g;
  • vegetable oil - 5 g;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • cream - 5 g;
  • sour cream of medium consistency - 10 g;
  • tomato puree - 5 g;
  • liqueur - 7 g;
  • table vinegar - 5 g;
  • jam - 16 g.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of bulk products?

Below are the correspondences for dry bulk products. A teaspoon contains:

How many grams are in a teaspoon? Medicine

Many in their lives have encountered the fact that when a doctor writes a prescription, the dosage of medications is often measured in spoons. In medicine, it is standard that a teaspoon contains 5 ml of liquid. The drug solvent is mainly water. Thanks to this, it becomes easier to answer the question: “How many grams are in a teaspoon?” In this situation, 5 ml equals 5 grams. However, these data give reason to doubt their accuracy, which is so important in taking medications. During a special experiment it was proven that this correspondence is not entirely correct. First, different standard teaspoons have different volumes. So, the difference is significant - from 2.5 to 7.3 ml. Secondly, all people take different amounts of liquid into a spoon. Thus, in the experimental group, the values ​​gained ranged from 3.9 to 4.9 ml.


As for cooking, there is no need for absolute accuracy in measuring food. Therefore, this method is quite suitable for this. However, it is better to use a syringe for dosing medications.

If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen creating various culinary masterpieces, then, of course, more than once you have encountered a situation where the weight or volume measurements in the instructions for preparing a particular dish are not indicated entirely correctly. An experienced housewife knows that adding ingredients “by eye” can ruin the taste of your soup, baked goods, or anything else, especially when it comes to products such as various spices. So, sugar. How many grams does this seem to be a simple question, but not everyone can answer it. After all, until it comes to cooking, we never think that forks, spoons, knives, glasses and plates are mostly of different sizes, which depends not only on the preferences of the housewife, but also on the country of our residence. Some places traditionally use small-sized dishes, while somewhere, for example in America, portion plates resemble giant serving dishes.

We answer a simple question: “How many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon?”

So, everything seems clear with glasses. When you see in a recipe an instruction to take, for example, 1 glass of flour, then most often we are talking about the usual 250 ml. If you are asked to put salt or vanillin “on the tip of a knife,” then this measure of volume, although very arbitrary, makes it clear that you need to use these spices very, very carefully. But with spoons the situation is somewhat more complicated. Therefore, remember once and for all that the answer to the question of how many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon will be the amount of 20 grams. And if you are used to pouring the product “heaped”, then in this case the weight will be only 25 grams.

Often recipes for preparing certain dishes indicate the weight of the ingredients, which not everyone has the opportunity to measure. Of course, you can purchase special kitchen scales and check the amount of required products with an accuracy of milligrams, or you can simply memorize or print and hang on the wall a table that indicates how many grams of sugar and also gives the weight of some products corresponding to the indicated volumes (teaspoon and tablespoon ).

How to apply the acquired knowledge?

Here's a good example. The Italian cookie recipe states that you need to add 80 grams to the dough. Sahara. Now you won’t have any doubts, because knowing how many grams of sugar are in 1 tablespoon (20 g), you can safely measure out exactly 4 tablespoons, and your cookies will turn out exactly as they should: not cloying, but also without disadvantage This is how easy it is to use this information, now your dishes will turn out exactly as the authors of this or that recipe had in mind.

Calorie content of sugar

It is known that this product contains 395 kcal per 100 g. Not too much, but keep in mind that you add sand not only to tea or coffee in fairly small quantities, but also to all kinds of baked goods or when making jam, where almost kilograms of this ingredient are already used. Nevertheless, we already know how many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon, and, based on this, we can calculate the calorie content of a given volume of product - 80 kcal. That is, by adding 4 tablespoons of sugar to cookies, you increase their calorie content by 320 kcal. For those who are on a diet, this data can be very helpful in calculating the daily energy value of the diet. Therefore, given that this product does not contain any nutritional value (sugar contains no vitamins, useful minerals, etc.), try to consume it as little as possible.

We measured the weight of the "kitchen rock salt» GOST R 51574-2000 first grade. It is made from ancient sea salt deposits “created over millions of years by nature itself.”

Simply put, we took regular cheap coarse salt, which is implied by default in various culinary and other recipes.

Cheap salt often cakes, forming strong lumps that greatly affect weight. Experimentally, we found out that when dosing salt using a glass or spoon, be sure to crush lumps with a diameter of more than 5 mm, otherwise the actual weight will be greater than that indicated on the website.

How much does a spoon or glass of salt weigh?

Tea room with slide

Tea spoon salt " with a mound» weighs 12 gram.

To get that much salt into a teaspoon, you need to scoop it up greedily and then shake off the excess that threatens to fall off.

Usually, after scooping, salt has the shape of a very steep and crumbling rock, which greatly changes its height and therefore its mass from scoop to scoop. It is this “changing” rockiness that should be shaken off or cut off, leaving a gentle and neat hill, as in the photo.

Tablespoon salt with a mound» weighs 21-22 grams.

To get enough salt into a tablespoon, you need to scoop it up and then shake off the excess until you can comfortably carry the spoon from room to room without spilling a crumb.