Blueberry jam. Blueberry jam: benefits Why blueberry jam is healthy

Since the times of the Old Russian kingdom, jam has been considered the most delicious and healthy delicacy. It could only be seen on the tables of rich people, since the main ingredient of jam in those days was not sugar, but honey. Sometimes fruits and berries were cooked in sweet molasses.

Harm with this method of cooking was practically eliminated, and therefore classic jam was an expensive pleasure. It was used in the treatment of many diseases, and for good reason, because this product is a storehouse of the most valuable vitamins and microelements.

It is known that previously it was common not only to make jam from berries and fruits, but also from all kinds of vegetables, herbs and nuts. Naturally, some people still cook this healthy delicacy from radishes, carrots, turnips, pumpkins, and even green tomatoes, but you rarely come across such an unusual dish these days.

To understand the health benefits and harms of this product, you should consider the vitamin composition of several types of jam separately.

The most common types

  1. From raspberries

It is traditionally believed that the healthiest jam can be made from raspberries, since it contains special substances - phytoncides. It is thanks to their influence that during any colds, raspberry jam helps no worse than pharmaceutical drugs and antibiotics. The high content of vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant, allows you to consolidate the effect, acting as an antimicrobial and antipyretic component. The use of this product helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, prevent the proliferation of cancer cells, and also neutralizes harmful carcinogens.

  1. From viburnum

The combination of this healing berry with honey can relieve the first signs of flu, sore throat and any cold. Viburnum contains approximately 1.5 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits! Due to the presence of seeds, this wild berry is rarely boiled, but many years ago such jam was considered the most powerful remedy not only for colds, but also for skin problems, severe bleeding and disorders of the stomach and intestines. Also, such a tasty medicine has a calming effect on the central nervous system, has a mild diuretic effect and normalizes blood pressure.

  1. From black currant

Like viburnum, it contains a large amount of vitamin C, as well as potassium and iron, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of all vital organs.

  1. From strawberries

The benefit of strawberry jam lies in the ability of some of the substances in its composition to prevent the formation of cancer cells and help in the treatment of existing cancer tumors.

  1. From blueberries

Blueberries are record holders for the content of useful substances, since in addition to a large amount of vitamin C, they contain vitamin A, which has a positive effect on vision and the health of skin, nails and hair, vitamin B, which helps normalize brain activity and the nervous system, as well as a large amount iron and manganese, which strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being.

To quickly treat colds, it is better not to heat treat the berries. This procedure will not cause any harm, but it will also reduce the beneficial properties of the product. If vitamins B, E and PP are quite resistant to high temperatures, then vitamin C and beta-carotene are partially destroyed during cooking. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired medicinal effect, it is necessary to either use the cold cooking method or simply grind the berries with sugar.

By the way, it is a generally accepted fact that jam with seeds retains several times more useful substances than jam without seeds.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the large number of positive qualities, this product can be harmful to health if consumed in excess.

Video about the benefits and harms of jam

Blueberries are good for everyone: sweet, fragrant, healthy. One bad thing is that the collection season rarely lasts more than one and a half to two months, but you really want to feast on it all year long. And when the question arises of how best to preserve the collected berries, the first thing that comes to mind is jam.

Blueberry sweetness

Despite the fact that you can find a whole lot of recipes in cookbooks and on thematic websites, they, one way or another, belong to one of the following three types:

  1. No heat treatment– the berries are ground with sugar without subsequent cooking.
  2. With fast heat treatment, “five-minute” - the berries are boiled in sugar syrup for several minutes twice or thrice with an interval of 10-12 hours between cooking.
  3. With long-term heat treatment- whole berries or puree from them are boiled for a long time, sometimes in several stages, to the desired consistency.

Each of these methods is good in its own way, but most of the beneficial substances found in blueberries (for example, B vitamins and vitamin C) are partially destroyed when heated, which means that the benefits become less.

Sweet tooth arguments: why is this delicacy worth eating?

Sweet lovers, remembering the dangers of sugar, always look for an excuse before putting a spoon or two of jam into their mouths. But if it is blueberry, there is no need for excuses, since this sweetness has many benefits for the body.

  • Blueberries contain excess amounts of anthocyanins– vegetable dyes with antioxidant properties. They are not destroyed by temperature, which means that jam should be used to prevent cancer.
  • Anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory property, therefore blueberry sweetness is an excellent auxiliary means of combating inflammation of the liver, gall bladder and genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis).
  • Thanks to high content of vitamin C, blueberries ground with sugar are useful for: colds to strengthen the immune system. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with low acidity of gastric juice. severe vitamin deficiency (scurvy).
  • Blueberry jam and dishes made from it will help with treatment of intestinal disorders. Especially when it comes to thick jams or marmalade, to which pectin is often added during production.
  • Does not collapse under the influence of temperature and vitamin K, which one hundred grams of berries contains a quarter of the daily requirement. This is an anticoagulant - a substance that prevents blood from clotting. Those who consume blueberry jam in large quantities are not at risk of thrombosis, and therefore the risk of heart attacks is reduced.
  • Complex of tannins and acids, which also remain after cooking, with regular use strengthens the walls of small blood vessels. This is useful for the capillaries of the retina and brain, which older people will definitely appreciate - with improved blood supply to the organs, vision will fail less often, and memory will become sharper.
  • Polyphenols, which are found in abundance in the skin of berries, including those that have been subjected to heat treatment, have the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Harmful effects of blueberry jam

With all the benefits that this delicious preparation brings, it is worth remembering that it is not a panacea. Like any medicine, it has contraindications.

Blueberries ground with sugar, as well as “five-minute”, due to the high content of vitamin C and acids (oxalic acid, nicotinic acid, also known as vitamin PP), are contraindicated for people who suffer from:

  • Oxalate nephropathy(a disorder in the body of the metabolism of calcium and oxalic acid, in which difficultly soluble stones form in the kidneys and bladder).
  • Pancreatitis(inflammation of the pancreas).
  • Stomach problems with increased acidity of gastric juice.

At the same time, it is still possible to consume jams that have undergone long-term heat treatment, but not during an exacerbation of the disease and in small quantities

Other harmful properties:

  • Allergenic substances, which are contained in the berries, do not disintegrate when heated, so the jam should not be consumed by those who have an individual intolerance.
  • Due to the risk of allergies This product is recommended not to be used by women in the last stages of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. A nursing mother should introduce berries into her diet for the first time no earlier than the baby turns three months old.
  • Those who are taking blood thinners should not indulge in sweets. Due to the high content of vitamin K, which performs the same function, too much is fraught hemorrhages and prolonged bleeding.
  • No matter how healthy jam is, at least 50% of it is sugar. Diabetics and overweight people should limit it.
  • Those with sensitive teeth should also not overdo it with berry treats. It can provoke attack of toothache, not to mention the fact that the previously mentioned acids in large quantities have a negative effect on thin enamel.
  • Jam, like the berry itself, can color the skin and mucous membranes dark purple. There is nothing wrong with this, but after visiting the dentist it is better to abstain from it for a while: along with the tongue and lips, new fillings, veneers, and plastic braces can change color.

“More benefit, less harm!” - and to achieve this, very little is required:

  1. For high-quality jam, it is enough to take one kilogram of blueberries 500-600 grams of sugar. More is possible, but definitely not necessary.
  2. It is better to give preference to homemade grinding of berries with sugar or “five-minute grinding” rather than industrial jams with questionable composition.
  3. If the existing contraindications are related to the acids in blueberries, jam from them can still be consumed in small quantities, only in the form of jams and after additional heat treatment. For example, adding tea or tea to the filling of pies.

And be sure to listen to the advice of your doctor. The benefits of candied berries are truly an order of magnitude greater than the harm, and if you use them wisely, this delicacy can significantly improve your health and improve your quality of life.

Blueberry jam will be an ideal addition to tea, breakfast, baking, or just a treat when you want something sweet. In the summer, having eaten your fill of fresh berries, you should definitely leave some for the winter to delight yourself on cold days. Jam will be an excellent way to store it, and even a beginner can make it. In addition to its bright taste, this delicacy will replenish your reserves of nutrients, especially if you cook it raw. Let's find out in more detail how to do this.

Features of blueberry preservation

If there are a lot of berries, you can use them to make any preparation for the winter: jam, compote, jam, confiture. Blueberry jam remains the most popular way to use it; it turns out to be very aromatic, bright and rich in taste.

You can buy the berry or pick it yourself; in private gardens it is a rare guest, so it is collected in the forest. Blueberries are very delicate and disappear when fresh quite quickly; it is advisable to start preparing them on the day of purchase or collection, or every other day at most. This sweetness will last longer if you use only high-quality blueberries.

If you plan to make jam with whole berries, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the fruit. Crumpled, overripe, or cracked berries will become overcooked and can even spoil the taste. For jam with whole blueberries and thick syrup, you will need firm and intact fruit. Soft, well-ripened berries can be used for jams or marmalade, but even in this case we are not talking about spoiled blueberries.

To preserve the fruits, they must be washed carefully. It is advised to put them in a colander and immerse them in a large container of water, which should be changed several times. After washing, it is advisable to dry them so that excess liquid does not get into the jam. Even a small amount of excess water can ruin the consistency and quality of the berries themselves. For convenient drying, use a simple clean towel: the laid out fruits should lie on it until they dry.

An equally important part of preparing for conservation is equipment. To prepare jam, you need to use containers made of aluminum or stainless steel. Enameled basins and pans are also suitable, but the bright pigment of blueberries can stain the enamel during the cooking process.

The volume of such dishes should not exceed 6-7 liters; it is better to prepare jam in small portions, especially if we are talking about a delicacy with whole berries. Under their own weight in a deep pan, the fruits will lose their shape and boil; at best, this will make jam, but not jam. If large-scale conservation is planned, several suitable containers will be needed to divide the total quantity into several small parts.

Blueberries are a fairly sweet berry, so you will need a little sugar: per kilogram of berries you need 500-700 grams of sugar. Sometimes a larger amount of refined sugar is used, but such a delicacy is suitable only for those with an avid sweet tooth, since the taste will be very sugary.

Glass containers and lids for preservation must be sterilized. This can be done using boiling water or steam; you can also use a microwave. All jars and lids must be dry before screwing to prevent raw water from entering the product.

Cooking process

So, from prepared and washed blueberries you can make many options for jam for the winter. Among this variety there are the most popular ones, which are distinguished by their taste, preservation of benefits and ease of preparation. Let's look at how to cook this “delicacy”.

Blueberry jam with whole berries

For this you will need:

  • 5 glasses of berries;
  • 3 cups granulated sugar.

This recipe is also called “five-minute”, it is very simple to follow, and preparation takes a minimum of effort. The prepared berries need to be placed in a container where the future jam will be prepared - five minutes. Cover the blueberries with sugar and leave them to soak and release juice, this will take about 3-4 hours. The fruits produce quite a lot of juice, so additional water is not required.

When the contents are infused, the berries should already be covered with a bright liquid, and the sugar should be half dissolved. After this, you need to put everything on low heat and wait for it to boil. After boiling, the jam should stand on the fire for another five minutes, it should be quickly put aside and packed into jars. This simple recipe for jam with whole berries will preserve the vitamins in blueberries that you will really need in winter.

Raw blueberry jam

  • 500 g berries;
  • 250 g sugar.

Blueberries need to be mixed with sugar; in this preparation, you can take an absolutely arbitrary amount of refined sugar - as you like. Next, you need to mash the ingredients with a wooden masher; for convenience, you can use a blender. To grind blueberries, you can pass them through a meat grinder, and then mix them with granulated sugar.

The finished mass is blueberry jam without cooking. Place it in clean jars, but do not fill them completely. Sprinkle a 1-1.5 cm layer of sugar on top of the jam. Then they are covered with a nylon or metal lid. This delicacy should be stored in a cool place, and if nylon lids were used, be sure to store it in the refrigerator.

Blueberry jam


  • 4 cups of berries;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • gelatin.

Washed and dried blueberries need to be finely chopped; for this you can use a blender or pass them through a meat grinder several times. It is necessary to obtain a puree of homogeneous consistency; sugar is added to it. The ingredients should sit at room temperature for a couple of hours so that the crystals dissolve and blueberry juice appears.

After the allotted time, the consistency will become thicker and darker.

The bowl with the future jam needs to be put on the fire, while everything is slowly boiling you can do the gelatin. For the indicated amount of ingredients you will need half a standard pack, it should be diluted in water as indicated on the package, the finished gelatin mass should be without lumps. Add water and gelatin to the boiling jam and mix everything well. After boiling, cook for another 5-7 minutes and place hot into jars; glass containers should also be warm.

Blueberry jam in a slow cooker

To prepare we will need:

  • blueberries – 4 cups;
  • sugar – 2 cups.

Place clean and dry berries in a multicooker bowl, sprinkle them with sugar and stir. You can prepare the jam right away; to do this, select the stewing mode and leave the contents of the bowl to simmer. Periodically you need to stir the dessert with a spatula so that it does not spoil from the burnt smell and taste. In this mode he will need 1-1.5 hours.

At the end of cooking, you need to check the jam for readiness: you need to drop a little syrup onto a cool plate, if it holds its shape and does not “float” - everything is ready. If the droplet spreads, set it on the same mode for another 15-20 minutes. Its thickness will depend on how long to cook this sweetness. This delicacy needs to be served hot.

In addition to a multicooker, such a sweet can be easily prepared in a bread maker; most of them have a “jam” mode. Standard proportions of ingredients are placed in the device and cooked until thick. The result is such a tasty and healthy delicacy, but with less time.

It’s even easier to use an air fryer: mixed berries with sugar are placed directly into sterile dry jars. Filled containers should be placed in a convection oven and the temperature should be set to 1800. This jam can be prepared in just half an hour at high speed.

If you didn’t have time to make preparations for the winter in the summer or you simply don’t want to preserve jam, you can simply freeze the berries. These blueberries will make equally tasty jam, which can be prepared in the microwave in winter: the berries mixed with sugar just need to be heated for 10 minutes - a fresh and aromatic delicacy is ready.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Fresh blueberries are low in calories - only 44 kcal. But jam contains almost half of the sugar, so the calorie content of such a product will increase. If you use classic proportions (one part berries and half part sugar), the energy value of the product will be 250 kcal. Jam can be prepared without sugar, its preservative properties will be replaced by Zhelfix, the calorie content of such sweetness will be almost 100 kcal for every 100 g of jam.

Jam contains fast carbohydrates, some fats and proteins. The amount of each component depends on the original components. In addition, the delicacy will be rich in vitamins and minerals, essential oils and healthy acids.

Precautions: contraindications and harm

Eating blueberries in fresh or processed form is contraindicated for people with pancreatic diseases. For healthy people, this berry is good for digestion, but if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, eating blueberry jam and fresh berries is only possible with the permission of a doctor.

These forest berries are able to absorb active substances from the environment, so healthy jam can be obtained from fruits that grew in clean areas, deep in the forest, or in an area remote from roads. Bad blueberry jam may contain toxins and radioactive substances.

Dishes with this berry are strictly prohibited in case of oxalaturia - the excretion of oxalic acid in the urine. Those who try blueberries for the first time should test for an allergic reaction. Because it can cause intolerance, blueberry jam should be limited to pregnant women. Nursing mothers should avoid this dessert, since in addition to allergies, it can cause constipation and colic in the baby.

Useful uses of jam

First of all, such a delicacy is useful because it will cheer you up on gloomy days in winter and early spring. This sweetness can be used as a separate dessert and for other sweet dishes. A portion of bright jam or preserves will make ordinary porridge much tastier and more interesting; blueberries go best with rice, semolina, and millet.

Homemade puddings from cereals can be eaten together with this preparation, or you can make pudding from the jam itself - it will turn out beautiful and natural. If you don't like pudding, you can make jelly or jelly out of it. As a filling, this delicacy is simply irreplaceable; in addition to ordinary pies and rolls, even dumplings can be filled with thick jam.

Thanks to its rich vitamin composition, this dessert is useful not only for tea parties or culinary explorations, but also in folk medicine. Blueberries have earned special fame for having a very beneficial effect on vision. This jam will be equally useful for both myopia and farsightedness. But its beneficial properties do not end there.

Antioxidants in its composition cleanse the body of harmful microorganisms and prevent the appearance and development of tumors. With its help, you can replenish your reserves of vitamins: PP, C, B, A. There are also useful acids: succinic, quinic, lactic. And the necessary macro- and microelements: copper, potassium, zinc, chromium and iron, which is completely absorbed in the human body.

This dessert is recommended during colds and viral diseases; it can be used simply for prevention, but even during illness it will help you recover faster. It is believed that blueberry dishes are useful for cardiovascular diseases, headaches and damage to the upper respiratory tract.

Due to its antiseptic effect, this jam is recommended to be eaten during diseases that are accompanied by inflammatory processes. In addition to the health of the body, blueberry preparation will be needed for the beauty of hair and skin, since it contains a lot of essential oils and antioxidants.

As you can see, blueberry jam is an extremely healthy product. The combination of bright berry taste and great benefits in one dish makes this preparation a must for every winter. Moreover, as we have seen, doing this is as easy as shelling pears.

Blueberry is a shrub that grows in deciduous and mixed forests. Its most valuable part is the berries, which have healing properties. What are the benefits and harms of blueberries for the human body?

Blueberry composition

Blueberries contain active compounds that give them beneficial properties. The berry contains more than 7% tannins, which have a positive effect on the heart muscle.

The dark color of blueberry pulp is due to its anthocyanin content. The berry contains antioxidants that protect tissues from free radicals. Among them are flavonoids, tannin, etc.

What are the benefits and harms of blueberries? The benefits of the berry are enormous, because it contains vitamins C, B1, PP and A.

Among the beneficial acids that are included in blueberries, the following stand out for their properties:

  • lemon;
  • dairy;
  • apple;
  • amber.

The berry is rich in carotenoids, which have a positive effect on human vision. Blueberries contain a lot of polysaccharides and essential oils.

The berry contains the following micro- and macroelements:

  1. Copper.
  2. Manganese.
  3. Calcium.
  4. Potassium.
  5. Magnesium.
  6. Iron.
  7. Phosphorus.
  8. Sodium.

The nutritional value of blueberries is 43 kcal per 100 g of berries.

Beneficial properties of blueberries

The berry has many healing qualities:

  • Blueberries, having a vitamin composition, can increase the body's defenses and not cause allergies. Because of these properties, the berry can be consumed by adults and children.
  • In the absence of insulin dependence (mild form of diabetes), blueberries can be used to treat the disease. It is able to normalize blood glucose levels, which is especially important for these patients.
  • The tannins in the berries can relieve diarrhea. In this case, it is useful to drink blueberry compote.
  • The anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of the berries are used to treat the throat, nasopharynx and other ENT diseases.
  • Flavonoids help improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.
  • The presence of iron in blueberries contributes to the treatment of anemia in children and adults.
  • For gallstone disease, it is useful for people to take a decoction made from dried berries and blueberry leaves. It helps remove stones from the diseased organ.
  • Blueberries occupy a leading position among foods that increase visual acuity. You can eat the berry to prevent cataracts and strengthen the eye muscles.
  • Blueberries can normalize blood pressure and prevent salt deposition in joints.
  • Berries remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. They prevent chronic constipation and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Blueberries are included in medications that treat the effects of radiation sickness. It removes heavy metal salts from the body.
  • With the help of crushed fruits, which are applied to the affected area, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis can be cured.

The beneficial properties of blueberries are enormous; they are effectively used to treat many diseases.

Benefits of blueberries for men

Fresh blueberries have the following beneficial qualities for men's health:

  1. The berry can improve testicular function, which improves sperm quality. It controls the reproductive function of the body. Blueberries should be eaten by couples who are having difficulty conceiving a child.
  2. The flavonoids that make up the berry support male strength for a long time.
  3. Blueberries can alleviate conditions associated with prostate disease.

By regularly eating blueberries, men can significantly improve their health.

Useful qualities of blueberries for women

What are the benefits of blueberries for a woman's health? The berry has the following medicinal properties:

  • Blueberries have been used for facial skin rejuvenation since ancient times. A complex of vitamins and amino acids helps maintain moisture and oxygen in the skin and the production of collagen and elastin.
  • The antioxidants contained in the berries prevent skin aging and promote its restoration. Blueberries accelerate blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on women's health.
  • To reduce muscle spasms and discomfort, doctors recommend consuming berries during menstruation.
  • Due to its effective effect on hair, blueberries can be used to make masks and other cosmetics.
  • Women suffer from varicose veins, so to reduce the symptoms of the disease and improve blood circulation, berries are recommended to be consumed regularly.

Blueberries have beneficial properties, which allows them to be used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

What are the benefits of blueberries for pregnant women?

What are the benefits of blueberries during pregnancy? Women expecting a baby can eat berries in the following cases:

  1. Pregnant girls feel a lack of vitamins in their bodies, because they must provide them for themselves and the unborn child.
  2. The berry normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, forms the nervous and skeletal system of the fetus.
  3. Helps a woman control her blood pressure.
  4. For colds, blueberries will quickly reduce the symptoms of the disease because they have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. The berry will reduce high fever and fight sore throat and flu.
  6. You can rinse your mouth with blueberry juice to reduce the symptoms of stomatitis.
  7. If a woman consumes berries during pregnancy, she will not have problems with hair, skin and nails.
  8. To reduce swelling of the lower extremities and remove excess fluid, you can prepare a decoction of dried blueberries.

During pregnancy, to prevent many symptoms of diseases, you need to eat medicinal berries.

Use of blueberries in medicine

The benefits of blueberries for vision include the inclusion of its extracts in various medications. Useful properties of the berry:

  • improves blood microcirculation in the eye area;
  • accelerates the production of collagen in connective tissue;
  • helps improve visual acuity.

Blueberry juice contains anthocyanins, which strengthen and heal the retina of the eyes.

Blueberries for children

What are the benefits and harms of blueberries? For children, the berry is used as a preventive measure, which improves children's immunity.

Blueberries can be given to a child starting at 7 months of age. First, the ground berries are added to ready-made fruit purees.

Older children are given up to a glass of blueberries per day. After 3 years, up to 2 cups of berries are included in the diet.

Blueberries are effective in treating diarrhea. Intestinal upset is relieved with the help of a medicinal infusion. Pour 3 tablespoons of dried berries into a glass of boiling water and infuse. Drink 1/2 glass before meals.

Blueberries for the winter

The berry is used not only fresh, but it is also used to make preserves, jams and dried. What preparations can be made for the winter from blueberries?

The berries make delicious jam. In this form, it benefits blood vessels and the heart, improves digestion and has a positive effect on the liver. Regular consumption of blueberries eliminates insomnia and anxiety, improves mood and increases resistance to stressful situations.

Both adults and children can enjoy jam. Calorie content per 100 g of product is 214 kcal.

Preparing blueberries for the winter: the berry is well preserved if you twist it together with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Store in glass jars in a cool place. Sterilize the dishes.

Blueberries can be frozen and stored in plastic bags or containers in the freezer at a temperature no higher than minus 18 degrees.

Berries can be stored dried. The drying process must be carried out correctly:

  1. Wash the blueberries, sort and dry. Remove spoiled and wrinkled ones.
  2. The prepared berries need to be treated with an aqueous solution of pectin, and then with lemon juice. The water should drain.
  3. The prepared blueberries are placed in a thin layer on special screens and then sent for drying.
  4. The process takes from 4 to 12 hours, the berries become dry and fully retain their properties.

You can dry the berries naturally, but it will take much longer. If the weather is good, the process will take several days.

Blueberry Recipes

What are the benefits and harms of blueberries? The berry has many positive properties that are widely used in cooking.

You can make fruit juice from blueberries. The recipe includes:

  • liter of water;
  • 1 glass of berries;
  • 1/2 cup sugar.

Sort the berries, wash and dry. Mash the blueberries, separate the juice and put in the refrigerator. Pour water over the squeezes and boil. After 10 minutes of boiling, strain and combine with juice. Add sugar to the broth and stir.

The benefits of blueberries with milk are enormous, because both components have a positive effect on the human body.

To prepare the drink take:

  1. 4 cups fresh berries.
  2. 1 glass of cream.
  3. 1/2 cup powder.

Wash the berries, dry them and squeeze the juice out of them. Then pour the cream into it, add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly. Cool the finished drink and serve.

For breakfast you can make milk with blueberries. For the drink take:

  • 1 glass of chilled milk;
  • 1/2 cup blueberries;
  • 0.5 teaspoon sugar.

Mix all the ingredients and a healthy breakfast is ready.

Possible harm

We talked about the benefits of blueberries. And now we will consider contraindications to its use. The berry has many medicinal properties, but it can also cause harm to the body.

Blueberries should not be consumed in large quantities. For chronic constipation, it is not recommended to eat fresh or dried berries.

Blueberries are difficult for the stomach to digest, so it is better to include them in children’s menus after permission from the pediatrician.

Blueberries have 2 more limitations: individual intolerance and allergic reactions, although such cases are quite rare.

If you have no experience consuming this berry, then initially you need to eat a small dose.

Blueberries should be taken with caution in case of diseases of the pancreas and urolithiasis.

It is imperative to pay attention to where the blueberries grew. It is better to collect it in an ecologically clean area.


Blueberries are an amazing berry that has a beneficial effect on the human body. It can be used not only by adults, but also by children. Blueberries can reduce the symptoms of many diseases. Pregnant women can normalize their condition by eating it.

You can make jams, preserves and various desserts from the berries.

Eating blueberries allows many people to enjoy food and undergo a course of “berry” therapy.

Blueberries ripening under the northern sun absorb all the strength and beauty of the short summer. These little berries are real caskets full of treasures! After all, blueberries contain a huge amount of vitamins, beneficial elements and various acids.

How to make blueberry jam for the winter

Here you can learn how to make blueberry jam. A recipe with a photo will help you maintain proportions and also make the cooking process easier.

Cooking blueberry jam can raise a lot of questions, especially for novice cooks. How much and how to cook blueberry jam at home, how to make the jam thick, why is it bitter or how to preserve the integrity of the berries? How to properly store blueberry jam? What to do if it gets moldy? How to make a simple blueberry preparation with sugar? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

How long to cook blueberry jam after boiling?

How to make blueberry jam for the winter to preserve the taste and benefits of the berries? Prolonged heat treatment can completely destroy the beneficial elements in blueberries. The jam may turn out tasty, but not at all healthy.

To prevent this from happening, cook blueberry jam, a winter recipe for which can be found here, for no more than five to seven minutes.

Why did the blueberry jam turn out runny?

How to cook blueberry jam so that it turns out thick? Many novice housewives ask this question. First you need to understand the reasons why the jam turns out liquid.

  1. It is better to cook blueberry jam in a basin rather than in a saucepan. The surface area from which water evaporates can play a large role in the thickening of the jam.
  2. The amount of sugar is important. Many housewives advise maintaining a berry-sugar ratio of 1:2 - take two measures of sugar for one measure of blueberries. You can reduce the sugar content to 1.5 measures. But you definitely shouldn’t take less than 1:1. Otherwise, you risk getting syrup instead of jam.
  3. Never dilute berry sugar with water. Excess water can come from freshly washed berries, and from blueberries picked in a rainy summer. In this case, you can combat excess liquid by increasing the amount of sugar and cooking time.

Why is blueberry jam bitter?

Do you make not pure blueberry jam for the winter, but recipes mixed with other berries? Additional ingredients may add a bitter taste to the jam.

Among the blueberries purchased from summer residents, you may find honeysuckle berries that have a slight bitter taste. Blueberries are quite expensive berries, so unscrupulous sellers may be tempted to “dilute” blueberries with cheap honeysuckle.

How to make jam from blueberries and sugar so that the berries are whole?

If you picked the berries yourself, then you need to sort them out - clean them of leaves, debris and twigs. This problem does not arise with blueberries purchased in a store or from summer residents.

Dilute a weak solution of table salt: one teaspoon per glass of boiled water. Immerse blueberries in it for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, wash the berries well in running water and dry.

In an enamel saucepan or basin, combine blueberries and half the sugar according to your favorite recipe. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for several hours - the berries will release juice.

Make syrup from the resulting blueberry juice. To do this, first heat the juice in an enamel pan over low heat. Then add the remaining sugar and, stirring with a spatula, cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then bring the syrup to a boil and cook for about three minutes. Let the syrup cool to room temperature.

Add blueberries to the syrup and stir gently. Cook over low heat until desired thickness.

Storing blueberry jam

When making jam for the winter, it is not enough just to know how to make blueberry jam. It must be stored correctly.

Some housewives claim that they do not sterilize jars of blueberry jam. Simply pour the jam into jars while still hot.

But in most cases, cooks adhere to the traditional view of storing blueberry jam. To avoid mold, it is better to sterilize jam containers.

It is better to keep jars of jam in a dark and cool place. If these rules are followed, blueberry jam can be stored for up to three years.

Blueberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

A simple preparation that preserves all the benefits of the berries - blueberries pureed with sugar.

Take blueberries and sugar in a 2:1 ratio. Clean the blueberries from leaves and debris and wash under running water. Pour into prepared container.

Add sugar to the berries and mix well. Grind the mixture with a blender, mill or mortar by hand.

The resulting puree can be frozen in the refrigerator or placed in sterilized jars. But in the second case, the shelf life of blueberries will not exceed several weeks. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

What should I do if my blueberry jam is moldy/moldy?

It is not without reason that they say that the appearance of mold means that the product was good. But I don’t want to say goodbye to blueberry jam! How to avoid mold and what to do if it does appear?

If mold appears, then you need to do the following. Carefully remove the moldy layer of jam without mixing it with the main mass. Add sugar and cook blueberry jam, a photo recipe for which can be found here. The amount of vitamins may decrease, but the taste and nutritional properties of the product will remain.

To prevent mold from appearing, place blueberry jam in carefully sterilized and dried jars. Store blueberry jam in cool places - heat promotes mold growth.

Blueberry jam: calories

The calorie content of blueberry jam per 100 g is 214 Kcal.

Is it possible to have blueberry jam during Lent?

Jam has always been considered a lean, not a fast food. After all, berries, sugar and water are not included in the list of foods not recommended for fasting.

But always remember the true purpose of fasting. External restrictions (including food) are not as important as spiritual cleansing and self-improvement. Refusal of certain foods is rather a test of the willpower of the fasting person. Fasting without spiritual cleansing is just a diet.

Blueberry jam: health benefits and harms

It’s not for nothing that blueberries are considered one of the healthiest northern berries. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and beneficial compounds.

Blueberries are rich in vitamins A and C. They contain trace elements such as chromium, zinc, sulfur, iron, phosphorus. All of them are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

How does blueberry jam affect vision?

Blueberries rightfully take first place among the berries that have a beneficial effect on vision. Due to its high content of carotene and antioxidants, blueberry jam helps restore retinal cells and normalizes eye blood circulation.

How does blueberry jam help with colds?

The vitamins and microelements contained in the berries have a beneficial effect on the condition of the upper respiratory tract. Blueberry jam can relieve pain and illness from a cold.

How does blueberry jam affect the heart?

Blueberries prevent blood clotting and prevent the formation of thrombosis. With regular consumption of blueberry jam and fresh berries, the general condition of the cardiovascular system significantly improves.

How does blueberry jam affect the gastrointestinal tract?

Due to its bactericidal properties, blueberry jam prevents the development of typhoid and dysentery viruses. Blueberries improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, helping with both constipation and diarrhea.

Is it possible to have blueberry jam for gastritis?

Blueberry jam can be eaten for gastritis with low acidity. They will also help during heartburn.

In all other cases, it is better to refrain from taking blueberry jam without consulting your doctor. It should be remembered that blueberries contain many plant acids. Useful in general, they can be very harmful for gastritis.

Is it possible to have blueberry jam for pancreatitis?

Due to the high glucose content during an exacerbation of the disease, jam should be completely excluded from the patient’s menu. It is not allowed to consume even derivatives of blueberry jam: fruit drinks, compotes, teas.

During the period of weakening of pancreatitis, the doctor may allow you to eat blueberry jam. But you need to be careful and eat jam in small portions.

Blueberry jam during pregnancy and after childbirth

Pregnancy and the birth of a child always remain the most important stage in the life of every woman. An expectant or nursing mother should be as calm and harmonious as possible. And for this you need to know all the contraindications for sometimes so desired delicacies.

Is it possible to have blueberry jam during pregnancy?

The benefits of blueberry jam for pregnant women are difficult to overestimate. Blueberries contain succinic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Pregnant women can and should eat blueberries and blueberry jam. Of course, you can’t overeat even this healthy treat.

But you should always remember that blueberries and blueberry jam can become an allergen. Carefully monitor your body's reaction to these products and consult with your doctor.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have blueberry jam while breastfeeding?

After the birth of a child, a woman’s body is exhausted and needs vitamins. Blueberry jam or fresh berries will help compensate for the lack of nutrients and improve the functioning of the body after childbirth.

Blueberries are considered a hypoallergenic product for infants. But each child’s body reacts differently to blueberries.

Like all foods, blueberry jam should be introduced into the diet gradually. At the same time, carefully monitor your child’s reaction to the new product. If there is no allergy, then the amount of blueberry jam in your mother’s menu can be increased. If an allergy appears, postpone taking blueberry jam for one to two months.

Blueberries have absorbed the beauty and power of the short northern summer. This healthy berry should be preserved for the winter as a reminder of the sunny summer and help for a weakened body.