What year did the first McDonald's open? History of McDonald's

Biography of Khamzat Khasbulatov is like a Cinderella fairy tale, and a career is like the realization of the American dream. It all started in Soviet times. The Khasbulatov family was expelled from Chechnya. Therefore, in 1956, the Chechen boy Khamzat was born in the Kazakh SSR, in the village of Sas-Tyuba. At the first opportunity, the Khasbulatovs returned to the Caucasus. Khamzat studied at a rural school, and after graduation he went to Moscow. My uncle advised me to enter the then fashionable Plekhanov Institute.

Upon graduation, Khasbulatov was assigned to a closed facility in Tushino and accepted as the deputy director of the restaurant. A year later, Khamzat joined the army, and returned to another restaurant, but to the same position.

Starting in 1979, the Moscow Trust of Restaurants transferred Khasbulatov from one enterprise to another. As a result Khamzat Khasbulatov earned a reputation as a good specialist in crisis management. It was Mosrestorantrest who recommended the talented manager to McDonald's.

McDonald's Restaurant is looking for worthy candidates

In 1988, representatives from the Canadian division of McDonald's began to negotiate with Moscow officials about the opening of fast food in the capital. A joint venture Moscow-McDonald's was created, 51% of its shares belonged to Mosrestoranservis. A good specialist was needed to manage the first McDonald's restaurant in Russia. Foreigners received a list of the most worthy, among others, it included the name of Khamzat Khasbulatov. At that time, he worked as a deputy director in a restaurant in Budapest.

By the age of 32, Khasbulatov had already made a good career, he saw prospects for further growth, so he behaved confidently at the interview and did not try to please. However, American employers chose him from all applicants.

Khamzat Khasbulatov gained valuable experience at McDonald's in Canada

I was sent to Toronto to study. English had to be mastered almost from scratch. From the first days of his stay in Canada, Khasbulatov's life was filled with upheavals and incredible contrasts. After his trips to Finland and Czechoslovakia in Canada, there was something to be surprised at: houses with two swimming pools, underground garages, many television channels, a highway. All this luxury was unusual for a resident of the USSR. But even more striking was the contrast between the fabulous life and hard labor

Khasbulatov studied all the processes taking place in McDonald's restaurants. In a Canadian restaurant, along with 15-year-olds, he washed floors, stood at the cash register, and worked in the kitchen. For 9 months of training, he went through all the steps of the career ladder: from the mop to the director's chair. Management was taught in Chicago, at the training center - the Institute of Hamburgology. The knowledge acquired then now helps the president make the right decisions.

The formation of McDonald's in Russia

In 1989, Khasbulatov returned to Moscow, and in 1991 he headed the first in Russia mcdonalds restaurant. A little later, he was appointed deputy general director of the Moscow-McDonald's joint venture. American fast food had difficulty adapting to Russian realities, so Khasbulatov did not have to sit quietly in the director's chair. In Solntsevo, on the territory of the McComplex, they began to grow potatoes. Khamzat Khasbulatov bought harvesters and imported seeds from abroad.

Initially, 80% of raw materials were imported, inflation began. We needed Russian suppliers. Khasbulatov himself traveled around the country and recruited manufacturers. Belaya Dacha was one of the first companies to cooperate with McDonald's. During the first 10 years of existence on the Russian market, tens of millions of dollars were spent on local suppliers. I had to train workers, organize internships, provide advice from specialists from abroad. The firm supplied equipment and new technologies. In Belaya Dacha, they began processing greens and vegetables, and the Agram company pickled cucumbers.

In 1992, Hamidovich began to export the products of the Russian company to seventeen countries. In particular, pies with forest berries, invented in Russia, went abroad. 12% of domestic McDonald's products were exported. Some decisions of the president of the company were unusual from the point of view of world practice. For example, Khasbulatov started a real estate business at the same time as a restaurant business. In 1993, McDonald's built a high-rise office building in Gazetny Lane. It was it that in the crisis year of 1998 brought the company a stable income in dollars. Khasbulatov intuitively took actions that later turned out to be surprisingly correct.

In 1996, MakAuto was introduced into fashion. There was no such concept in Russia yet, but the newly adopted decision turned out to be the right one. Now 50% of McDonald's establishments operate around the clock in this format. In 2002, a new project was launched - breakfasts at McDonald's. The niche was empty and now breakfasts show the best growth dynamics. And in 2005, a new concept appeared - McCafe. After 4 years, there were already 38 cafes under this sign.

The agreement, signed in 1988, when the Moscow-McDonald's joint venture was created, provided that 20 restaurants would be opened in Russia in 10 years. Then Khasbulatov such plans seemed utopian. But in 10 years, he opened 3 times more McDonalds than was planned in that document. Russian McDonald's is the most visited in the world, on average, each restaurant serves about a million visitors a year. The European average is 300,000 people per year.

Today he has 20 years of experience as a top manager. For loyalty to the brand, the American corporation in 2005 gave its Eastern Division in Europe under its management.

Is it possible to franchise a mcdonalds restaurant?

Many entrepreneurs dream of becoming McDonald's partners, but so far there are no plans to develop the network. All 245 McDonald's restaurants in Russia belong to the company. Although Khamzat Khamidovich admitted in an interview that all requests from potential franchisees are carefully stored. A huge number of businessmen want to get a McDonald's franchise. Khasbulatov promised that when the program was launched, it would be announced publicly.

So far, Russia is one of the few countries where there is no franchising chain of restaurants. To become a partner of the corporation, you need to go through the same training that Khamzat Khasbulatov received. Not every businessman will agree to invest in training at the "Hamburger Institute" and undergo an internship in existing McDonald's restaurants.

Did you dream of hamburgers and a glass of cold cola? McDonald's is a chain of restaurants covering the whole world. Ronald McDonald has become one of the favorite children's heroes along with Santa. The US population spends $110 billion a year at McDonald's! Think about it! This is more than for cars, education and travel. According to statistics, every 8th resident of the United States worked in this restaurant. And in our country there are no longer those who would not try a hamburger and french fries.

Clarity and versatility!

The restaurant's menu is limited and unified, adapted to the tastes of the inhabitants of any country. Did you know that in Japan you can eat sushi and rolls at McDonald's? Here everything works according to its own standards and laws, there is a well-functioning conveyor. All these innovations were introduced for the first time McDonald's. At one time they became a revolution! The success of McDonald's– this is something unique! Businessmen all over the world admire this structure! They developed fast food into what we see today! They even have their own "McDonald's Bible", which tells you everything: how to cook, how to serve and communicate with customers.

Where there is no risk, there is no pride in what has been achieved.

Ray Kroc

It all started when, in the 40s of the last century, the brothers Mac and Dick MacDonald organized their own restaurant in the town of San Bernardino, California. They promoted their brainchild and received $ 200,000 a year!

But soon everything changed!

The business was spoiled by competitors, and there were more and more such restaurants every day. The McDonald brothers decided to quickly change their establishment - they increased the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen and conveniently located all the equipment.

The restaurant switched to full self-service, and the menu now has not 25, but only 9 dishes: a classic hamburger, a cheeseburger, three cold drinks, milk, coffee, potato chips and pies. Then they added french fries and favorite American milkshakes. Instead of simple dishes, we decided to use disposable paper.

kitchen shop

Now the conveyor was running in the kitchen, and the visitors themselves ordered at the counter, and then went hunting for a free table (how familiar!). This strategy reduced the price of a hamburger from 30 cents to 15 cents, and the price of other dishes also fell!

Visited were able to appreciate the new restaurant - low prices and fast service (what else do you need?). It was the progenitor of modern fast food. In the 50s, income McDonald's was already 350,000 dollars a year!

That is, they began to sell twice as much! At rush hour, you can see 150 people in line at the restaurant! Does it still surprise you?

On the way to success

After such success, the MacDonald brothers were talked about, in 1952 they were written about in magazines. After reading the articles, they began to receive calls from all over the country. Businessmen simply begged to sell them the right to work according to the new method. This is where it started McDonald's success!


They started giving permission. Paying a thousand dollars to create your own McDonald's now anyone can. They also received support from experienced restaurant staff.

Neil Fox, an Arizona auto restaurant owner, was the first to buy the license. The McDonalds decided to test whether the idea with an auto restaurant would work. McDonald's work!

All over the country, white buildings with sloped roofs and bright golden arches began to appear! A new wave of McDonald's has taken over all of America!

This is destiny!

McDonald's used 8 mixers at once for making cocktails, and supplied them with equipment Ray Kroc- the most talented entrepreneur who changed McDonald'ss making it the way we know it today!

Ray was born in 1902. Like all dreamers, he joined the army at the age of 15 using fake documents, and then decided to go into business. He started out trading paper cups. Then a novelty was launched, from which the whole of America went crazy - an apparatus for whipping cocktails.

The miracle of technology had 8 mixers. The 51-year-old Kroc was so captivated by the devices that he decided to try his luck and bought a distribution license from the inventors. Once Croc received an order for 5 machines and he wondered what kind of diner wants to cook 40 cocktails at the same time...

And he decided to check everything!

And then one fine day in 1954 Ray Kroc showed up in San Bernardino at the McDonald brothers restaurant. When he saw the crowd raking burgers and fries in bags, he immediately realized that the system would work!

He's been looking for this all his life!

The mixer salesman immediately realized that the lazy brothers needed only scope to be successful. Ray decided to develop and replicate the restaurant. His idea was to sell franchises.

The brothers were not against such a development strategy, and Kroc offered himself for the role of an agent. Raymond suggested that the McDonalds sell the license for $950 and receive payments of 1.9% of the amount for the turnover, and the McDonalds would receive 0.5%.

Under the new rules

Since 1955 Ray Kroc started selling franchises by opening his own company in Illinois. He worked according to a new improved scheme - now the license was issued not for the state, for each individual restaurant!

The restaurateur had yet to prove his compliance with a high standard McDonald's! Only then did he qualify for a license!

In the same year, Krok sold only 18 licenses, but in the 60s there were already 200 restaurants operating across the country.

The first clause of the contract is a unified menu. This means that the same hamburger that you may have in your hands right now will be received by any client in New York! It will be the same size, there will be the same amount of onions, ketchup and cucumbers. Ray Kroc personally, until the end of his days, he traveled to the most remote eateries and checked compliance with the standards! Could you also?

The restaurant chain continued to grow and capture metropolitan areas and small towns. But there were still no large incomes. The restaurants were very popular, but Kroc's net income for 1960 was only $77,000 and losses were $5.7 million. He realized: in order to grow, he needs to buy a business!

It's time to redeem!

The McDonald brothers demanded $2.7 million for their cause. Fabulous money! But, if Ray decides, he will go to the end. In 1961, Kroc takes a mortgage on real estate and becomes the owner of the company himself. McDonald's was issuing shares at $22 a share, and within a couple of weeks the price had doubled. Since 1966, the shares of the restaurant have been traded on the New York Stock Exchange! Unheard of!

How successful is McDonald's?

Strict adherence to the rules of cooking! Since 1958, a detailed description of the preparation has been published! This was the first McDonald's Bible. Now it has 750 pages!

Hamburger is studied at the university!

Since 1961, the legendary "Hamburger University", founded by Kroc, has been operating. This is actually a laboratory that studies how to cook potatoes and rolls with meat. All managers are trained and mentored here!

Let's go to McDonald's?

The company conducted research showing that in 70 percent of cases people spontaneously enter their restaurants, so they began to build them in crowded places: near schools, universities, recreation parks, squares.

Crucial moment

It came when an employee of Harry Sonneborn's company suggested making land leases the basis of the business. It was a brilliant decision to buy the land and rent it out along with a permit!

So ... And what is the benefit?

The benefit was in the price. At the start, the cost of rent was the same, but as the business grew, it increased. Kroc and Sonneborn were able to wind up $ 16 million in 10 years!

In 1975, Ray Kroc's fortune was $340 million, but he did not even think of stopping, as Forbes wrote about him.

Continuation of the triumph

In the 60s, Croc started a grandiose advertising campaign, which soon grew from a national into an international one! Slogans McDonald's were recognized as one of the best in the 20th century! We have all heard: “Everything I love”, “Fun and tasty”!

In 1967, the first Canadian restaurant appeared. And in the 70s, McDonald's began its takeover of the world. In 1975, the very first unique MakAuto grew up in Arizona. And now McDonald's provides 50% of the restaurant turnover in the United States.

Since 1968, Fred Turner began to manage the company. He is the named son of Croc. But Ray himself took an active part in the affairs of restaurants until his death in 1984. In the same year, the company's income amounted to $ 10 billion, and they sold 50 billion hamburgers, and 8,300 McDonald's restaurants were built in 36 countries. In 1970, Americans left $8 billion for McDonald's. And since 2011, the figure has not fallen below 142 billion a year!

It's just incredible!

To date McDonald's produce and sell a third of all burgers in the US and a quarter of all french fries. At the restaurant McDonald's 1 in 15 US citizens work. And 9 out of 10 American children want to go to a restaurant at least once a month. US residents eat 3 million tons of french fries a year!

McDonald's are considered the largest buyer of products in the world (beef, pork, chicken fillet, potatoes, vegetables). It is these restaurants that take almost 8% of the total American potato crop.

Almost all restaurant shares are in free float. The chain has nearly 33,000 restaurants in 113 countries and employs almost 1.5 million employees. And their number is growing daily. Corporation McDonald's is considered the second largest fast food organization, second only to Subway. But, for how long is it?

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Remember, we read and argued about? And let's look at the very first institution under this sign in the world.

The very first establishment of the brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald opened in 1940 in the California town of San Bernardino. It was an ordinary cafe for motorists. It brought them about $200,000 a year, but Richard and Maurice were constantly looking for ways to improve it. The very first restaurant was called "McDonald's Famous Barbeque" and offered its visitors about forty types of fried meat.

In the photo above, you can see exactly that original restaurant in its original form.

When, in 1948, the brothers realized that their main income comes from selling hamburgers, a brilliant idea came to their heads. The step was risky, but they nevertheless decided and converted the interior of the restaurant into a conveyor for the production of hamburgers. The menu also changed, now it had several types of hamburgers, orange juice and chips, and a year later the menu was replenished with french fries and, beloved by all of America, Coca-Cola. A modest menu and fast assembly line service brought the price of hamburgers down to 15 cents, much lower than other establishments in the city were offering. The sandwiches sold out with a bang!

They are the first in the world to come up with a completely new concept of fast food based on fast service, low prices and high sales volume. They introduced self-service in the hall and redesigned the kitchen, changing the equipment with the expectation of mass production and faster servings. This drastically reduced the prices of hamburgers, which formed the basis of their assortment.

Word of their success quickly spread, and after an article about their restaurant was published in American Restaurant Magazine in 1952, they received 300 inquiries a month from all over the country. Their first licensee was Neil Fox, and the brothers decided that his car-lover's restaurant in Phonex, Arizona would be the prototype of the chain they wanted to create. The building, clad in red and white tiles, with a sloping roof and golden arches on the sides, became the model for the first "wave" of McDonald's restaurants to appear in the country and a permanent symbol of the industry.

Crawling around their tennis court, the McDonald brothers chalked out an assembly line-style kitchen that was twice the size of their first restaurant's kitchen. By studying the movement of workers during the cooking process, they were able to arrange the equipment in the most efficient way. The rain washed away the chalk, and the brothers had to redo everything anew, improving the design. The success of their San Bernardino business was beyond their dreams, but the potential of the franchising concept they pioneered was far from fully exploited.

For just a thousand dollars, licensees received the name "McDonald's," a basic description of the fast-food system, and could, within one to two weeks, use the services of Art Bender, the brothers' first worker on the counter at the new restaurant, who helped the licensees get started. But in 1954, Ray Kroc, a salesman for the sale of milkshake machines, saw with his own eyes the restaurant of the McDonald brothers. The fast food restaurant industry was ready to take off.

In 1955, the McDonald brothers presented licenses that allowed them to open a chain of fast food restaurants in neighboring cities. The list of cities where it was planned to open branches included Phoenix, Arizona and Downey. One of the very first restaurants is located in Downey today. When it came to opening a chain of restaurants across America, the brothers partnered with Ray Kroc, who sold milkshake machines. McDonald's became a corporation in April 1955. The first restaurant, which was already opened by McDonald's, was called Original McDonald's, it was from it that the history of success and popularity of the world famous network began. Coca-Cola has become a partner of McDonald's, one might say, since its inception.

Exterior of the first store in Des Plaines, Illinois.

Ray Kroc was 52 years old. At this age, many are thinking about retirement. And Kroc founded the company that became the McDonald's we know today. Kroc, who dropped out of school at 15 to work as a Red Cross ambulance driver during World War I, was a dreamer… a salesman who was constantly looking for a finished product to sell. He started out selling paper cups to street vendors in Chicago, dabbled in real estate in Florida, and finally built a good business as the exclusive distributor of the Multimixer cocktail machines. It was the Multimixers that first brought him to the McDonald Brothers hamburger restaurant in San Bernardino, California. After all, if he could figure out how they were able to sell 20,000 cocktails a month, how many more cars could he sell them? But when Kroc showed up at the brothers' restaurant one morning in 1954 and saw a fast-moving line of customers buying whole bags of burgers and fries, he had only one thought: “This system will work everywhere. Everywhere!"

The McDonald brothers did not want to personally control the expansion of their concept's business throughout the country, so Ray Kroc became their exclusive franchise agent. The great salesman has found his final product. On March 2, 1955, Kroc founded a new franchise company called McDonald's System, Inc. On April 15, 1955, his McDonald's opened in Des Plains, Illinois, with the help of Art Bender, who provided patrons with the first McDonald Brothers hamburger and now Ray Kroc's first McDonald's hamburger. After that, Bender opened Croc's first licensed McDonald's restaurant in the California city of Fresno and retired, being the owner of seven restaurants.

Photo taken in 1955, this is Ray Kroc's first restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois.

Shortly after their new restaurant opened, it became apparent that they hit the mark and that was exactly what the Americans wanted. The name of the restaurant quickly spread among the drivers, and its red-and-white tiled building with a sloping roof and golden arches on the sides began to attract more and more visitors.

But Kroc understood that in order to grow further, he needed to buy out the business from the McDonald brothers in order to remove the contractual restrictions under which he worked. Despite the successful operation of the restaurants, Kroc's company had a net profit of only $77,000 in 1960, and long-term debts of $5.7 million. The brothers requested $2.7 million in cash, of which $700,000 went to taxes, leaving each of them with a million. Reasonable pay for the time, the brothers thought, for inventing the fast food industry. In 1961, Kroc managed to get a loan against the company's real estate. Although it ended up costing him $14 million to pay off the loan, he bought the ability to control his growing system.

Team McDonald's in Des Plaines.

That same year, in the basement of a restaurant in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, he opened the University of Hamburgerology, a classroom for new licensees and restaurant directors, which has grown into an international executive training center using advanced teaching methods.

US growth milestones were: turnover, number of restaurants, number of hamburgers sold, and the establishment of standards of quality, culture of service, cleanliness and affordability (CC&D) never before seen in the fast food industry. By 1963 we were selling one million hamburgers a day, the billionth hamburger Ray Kroc sold to Art Linkletter during a television show.

The first national meeting of restaurant licensees was held in Hollywood, Florida in 1965 to commemorate the chain's tenth decade. And in the same year, McDonald's became a joint-stock company, putting its shares on public sale at a price of $ 22.5. Within weeks, stock prices soared to $49 a share.

For Ray Kroc, years without a paycheck paid off. The first shares he sold were worth $3 million, and his remaining shares were worth $32 million. Even June Martino, Kroc's longtime associate and secretary at the Multimixer Company, shared in his success, selling $300,000 worth of stock and leaving an additional 5 million shares. A year later, on July 5, 1966, McDonald's was listed on the New York Stock Exchange, a major achievement for a hamburger restaurant chain. In 1967, the price of a McDonald's hamburger went up from 15 cents to 18 cents, the first increase since the McDonald brothers set the price at 15 cents two decades earlier. And the following year, the thousandth restaurant opened in Des Plains, Illinois, not far from Kroc's first restaurant.

Ray Kroc has kept the McDonald brothers' principles: a limited but high-quality menu, an assembly-line portioning system and fast and friendly service, adding to this the highest standards of cleanliness. The quality of food, accessibility, culture of service and cleanliness to this day remain the main principles of the McDonald's chain of fast food restaurants, which have won success around the world.

By 1970, almost 16,000 McDonald's restaurants in all 50 states and 4 countries outside of the United States had a turnover of $587 million. That same year, a restaurant in Bloomington, Minnesota became the first to reach $1 million in annual sales, and a restaurant in Waikiki, Hawaii became the first restaurant to serve breakfast. The following year, the first McCity opened in Chula Vista, California. McDonald's crossed the billion dollar turnover mark in 1972, and the stock split occurred for the fifth time, bringing 100 shares of the original 1965 block to 1,836 shares.

In 1975, the first McAuto restaurant appeared in Sierra Vista, Arizona. This new service system now accounts for almost half of the turnover of all McDonald's restaurants in the United States. That same year, the company's 3,076 restaurants operating in 20 countries totaled $2.5 billion in turnover. The following year, the 20 billionth hamburger was sold.

The exterior of the first fast food restaurant with its neon arches, 1955

In 1977, Ray Kroc was appointed senior chairman of McDonald's, and Fred Turner, a grill worker at Kroc's first restaurant, was appointed chairman of the board. In the same year, more than 1,000 restaurants exceeded $1 million in turnover, and 11 restaurants crossed the $2 million mark. By the time of the silver anniversary in 1980, 6,263 restaurants in 27 countries were doing $6.2 billion in sales and over 35 billion hamburgers had been sold. On January 14, 1984, Ray Kroc died, fulfilling his McDonald's dreams. In the same year, his company's turnover exceeded $10 billion, 50 billion hamburgers were sold, and there were 8,300 restaurants in 36 countries. A McDonald's restaurant opened every 17 hours in the world and the average restaurant had an annual turnover of $1,264,000. By 1990, trade had risen to $18.7 billion and the number of hamburgers sold had exceeded 80 billion. 11,800 McDonald's restaurants operated in 54 countries around the world.

And in 1990, the management of the company changed for only the third time in its history: Fred Turner became Senior Chairman, passing the baton to Mike Quinlan, appointed chairman and senior executive, who began working at McDonald's part-time in 1963 as a sorting clerk mail.

Fred Turner and Ray Kroc review the project of the future restaurant

It was a testament to its consistent and consistent performance over the years that McDonald's was the only company in the Standard & Poor 500 to report 100 consecutive quarters year on year of growth in revenue, earnings, and earnings per share since 1965. Not surprisingly, Better Investing Magazine named McDonald's the most popular company and its common stock the most common.... And Life magazine named Ray Kroc one of the 100 most important Americans of the 20th century.

Grounds of the first McDonald's restaurant, San Bernardino, California

Ray Kroc's dreams of growing the company in the United States were fully realized, but the story had only just begun. McDonald's is taking over the world. While experts were surprised at the rapid development of the hamburger chain in the United States, our company was preparing another surprise for them in the form of expanding the system outside the United States.

The first restaurant outside the US June 1, 1967, in Canada, and the race began. Today there are over 1,000 restaurants in Canada. When Canada's McDonald's introduced pizza to the menu in 1992, they quickly became the world's largest pizza retailer.

First ever McDrive hosted in Sierra Vista, Arizona

On April 29, 1988, an agreement was signed in Moscow on the establishment of a joint venture between the Canadian company McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited and the Main Directorate of Public Catering of the Moscow City Executive Committee - Moscow-McDonald's.

The authorized capital of the future joint venture was 14.952 million rubles.

It was planned that the total number of McDonald's catering establishments in Moscow would be increased to 20.

In 1988, Moscow newspapers reported that the first Moscow "McDonald's" would invite students and schoolchildren to work, most of them on a part-time basis. "Given the intensive work, the pay will be high - two - two and a half rubles per hour," the newspapers of those years wrote.

On May 3, 1989, construction began on the first McDonald's restaurant on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow, and on January 31, 1990, it was opened.

At dawn on January 31, 1990, over 5,000 people gathered in front of the restaurant, waiting for the opening. On the first day of operation, the McDonald's restaurant on Pushkinskaya Square served more than 30,000 visitors, setting a world record for the first working day in the history of McDonald's. Previously, the world record belonged to a Budapest restaurant - 9 thousand 100 visitors

The first fast food establishment had 700-900 seats inside the building and another 200 in the summer outdoor area.

In 1990, a hamburger cost 1.5 rubles, and a Big Mac cost 3.75 rubles, while the average wage of a Soviet person was 150 rubles. For comparison: a monthly bus ticket cost 3 rubles.

The second and third restaurants of the chain opened in 1993 on Stary Arbat and Gorky Street (now Tverskaya Street).

The first restaurant outside the capital was opened in St. Petersburg in 1996.

Also in 1996, McDonald's launched Russia's first in-car customer service concept, McAuto, a multi-window system that allows you to order and receive products while in your car.

In 1992, McComplex was opened for the production of semi-finished products for a chain of restaurants, producing about 70 million kilograms of products per year.

Today, there are 218 McDonald's restaurants in Russia, which serve more than 600,000 visitors daily.

1971 also saw the opening of the first restaurants in Germany and Australia. Today, there are over 600 restaurants in Germany and about 635 in Australia. In France and England, the first restaurants appeared in the early 1970s, there are currently 625 enterprises in France, and more than 700 in England.

And here is the very oldest McDonald's in Downey, California. The restaurant hasn't changed much since it opened in 1953.

Richard McDonald opens the first roadside McDonald's Bar-B-Que in San Bernardino at 14th and East Streets, where it is still located.

The McDonald brothers decided to renovate their cafe and change the menu, which from now on contains only nine dishes. The main course of the menu was a 15 cent hamburger, with which, for only 5 cents, visitors could get a huge glass of orange juice.

The famous french fries appear at McDonald's and become a bestseller.

Ray Kroc visits McDonald's and becomes partners with Richard and Maurice (also known as Dick and Mac). Soon Ray is already an official franchise agent. He introduces a milkshake to the restaurant menu.

In Des Plaines, Illinois, thanks in large part to Ray Kroc, a second McDonald's opens. On the opening day of the restaurant, its revenue was $366.12. More than 700 McDonald's will open over the next decade.

23 years after the opening of the first restaurant, the 500th McDonald's opens in Toledo, Ohio.

In 1965, McDonald became a formal corporation, selling its shares publicly for $22.50 a share. The initial sale of shares took place on the day of the 10th anniversary of the opening of the network.

Ronald McDonald entered the business, the net profit of the McDonald's network exceeded $ 1 million.

With the opening of the first McDonald's restaurants in Canada and Puerto Rico, McDonald's has become an international chain. This process has continued uninterrupted ever since, eventually McDonald's branches are open today in 118 different countries.

The famous Big Mac appears at McDonald's.

In addition to the lunch menu, McDonald's also has a breakfast menu, which includes sandwiches and an egg called McMuffin. The McMuffin egg was invented by Herb Peterson, a McDonald's manager from Santa Barbara, California.

McDonald's is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

In an effort to cater to health-conscious customers, on May 15, 1987, fresh salads appeared on the McDonald's menu.

Opening of the first McDonald's in the USSR and Russia on Pushkin Square in Moscow. At that time, it was the largest of all restaurants of this chain, which broke the record of the McDonald's chain, serving 30 thousand visitors on the opening day.

McDonald's launches a website, McDonalds.com.

In 2005, McDonald celebrated its 50th anniversary since opening its first restaurant.

McDonald's introduced a snack (snack) to the menu, adding a sandwich to lunch.

As part of the competition with cafes and bistros, McDonald's launches a line of latte and cappuccino in restaurants - McCafe, which also contains freshly squeezed fruit cocktails and Frappes.

McDonalds Museum in Des Plaines, Illinois

The museum of this king of fast food is located in San Bernardino, here you can see a mini-copy of the corporation's first restaurant with original equipment, which includes Ray Kroc cocktail machines. Very interesting exhibits are the uniforms of employees, which have changed many times over the years of the network. And of course, a lot of old ads, photos and a video library, which can be used to trace the history of the restaurant chain.

Ray Kroc is the man behind the operation of 29,000 fast food restaurants around the world, serving more than 45 million people a day. But he met the MacDonald brothers at the age of 52, having an impressive list of illnesses and problems behind him. The history of the development of McDonald's is at the same time the history of the development of which managed to earn $ 600 million at a very respectable age! This man managed not only to get rich quickly and fabulously, but also to significantly change the lifestyle of many people in the world.

The beginning of the journey - the McDonald's brothers

The McDonald brothers are the founders of the famous restaurant chain. It was with their help that the history of McDonald's began. They opened their first fast food restaurant in 1940. In the cafe of that ancient time, 25 dishes were traditionally served. The brothers greatly simplified the menu, leaving it with hamburgers and cheeseburgers, pies, chips, coffee, and all this was prepared and served very quickly in McDonald's restaurants. The history of the creation of the famous brand also began with the transition to self-service visitors, and lower prices for food.

By the way, in those days, girls could not work in such establishments, as the brothers believed that they would distract the male staff from work. The McDonalds were able to capture the desires of people in the difficult post-war period. Their business was doing great. The brothers were very active in promoting the McDonald's restaurant. The history of the logo began its journey in the mid-50s, it was then that the well-known red-yellow arch icon appeared. But the institution still lacked scope. It was then that Ray Kroc appeared - the man who changed the fast food restaurant forever.

Who made McDonald's grow?

Ray Kroc is not the inventor of fast food or anything else. The only thing he knew how to do well in his life was to trade. For a long 17 years, he sold paper cups from a well-known company, and then created his own business selling ice cream machines. True, competitors soon released a new model of the device, and Ray had to close the company. In desperation and looking for work, he began to travel around the country and one day he heard interesting news.

A small restaurant ordered as many as ten of his ice cream machines. When asked about what is happening there, his friend replied: "People make money." Krok, without a moment's hesitation, got behind the wheel and drove off to sunny California. McDonald's, whose history began in 1940, was in for big changes.

Franchise in San Bernardino

Once in the small town of San Bernardino, Ray hurried to see the coveted cafe. McDonald's turned out to be a small roadside establishment with a fast service system and disposable tableware. Ray saw iron kitchen counters and a very small menu of nine items. But most of all, he was surprised by the prices, which were half the prices of competitors. The McDonald brothers, who, unfortunately, were real mattresses, ran all the affairs here. The income that they had was quite suitable for them, and they did not want to achieve great success. If Kroc had not appeared in their lives, the history of McDonald's would simply have stopped. The brothers did not look for investors, and those sponsors that appeared on their way themselves were dissuaded from investing large sums in the construction of restaurants.

Selling a franchise for the right to open for very little money (up to 2.5 thousand dollars), they did not even demand a percentage of the income of this institution. The ruined Ray Kroc took matters into his own hands and offered the brothers a new scheme of interaction.

The history of McDonald's: the sale of franchises by Croc

Kroc invited the owners of the establishment to sell franchises throughout the country with his help. The price for 20 years was $950. Moreover, each cafe must pay a percentage of the profits, which was divided between the McDonald brothers and the enterprising Kroc. The percentage was given by the new owners for the use of the logo, brand and fast food system invented by the brothers.

At the time when Kroc and McDonald's significant acquaintance took place, all known chains of fast food restaurants were already selling franchises. It was believed that this is an easy way to earn good money. Many people who sold franchises were not interested in the further development of the brand and did not follow all the terms of the contract. They only cared about getting money. Kroc, on the other hand, wanted the history of the McDonald's brand to follow a different path. He wanted the restaurant to bring a steady income without dishonoring the brand across America.

He abandoned selling franchises in large areas, trading the right to open only one restaurant. If the owner of the establishment showed that he could be trusted with the brand, Ray allowed him to open another cafe. He did not cash in on restaurateurs, forcing them to buy equipment and products of his choice, but strictly monitored the quality of all purchased products. She had to meet the standard standards of McDonald's.

True, such conditions did not please buyers. Wealthy investors wanted to purchase a license for an entire state, while people with fewer opportunities were not satisfied with the fact that the franchise was only valid for 20 years under the strict control of Kroc. Ray only sold 18 franchises in his first year of new business. Moreover, half of the restaurateurs did whatever they wanted, selling even pizza and hot dogs in cafes. Ray Kroc dreamed of something completely different. An unexpected incident helped him - acquaintance with Sanford Agate.

McDonald's: The Success Story of Sanford Agate

46-year-old journalist Agathe had saved up $25,000 and wanted to start his own business. Kroc sold him a franchise to open a restaurant in the town of Waukegan. Agaté paid the construction fee, bought the equipment, and his money ran out.

In May 1955, the small restaurant opened to an unexpected resounding success. Every day his income was about a thousand dollars. The man who leased the land was outraged. He had no idea that a small establishment in a small town would bring the owner an income equal to 30 thousand a month. He himself received only one thousand for rent. Soon, Agate bought himself a luxurious house and began to live for his own pleasure. This success inspired many people who had little savings but a great passion for work and wealth. People began to line up for Kroc, hoping to repeat the success of Sanford. The history of McDonald's has moved forward. Krok was not selling people a new business, he was giving them success! The restaurant paid off in about six months, starting to bring excellent profits. For the sake of this, people were ready to fulfill all the instructions and requirements of Ray, as he wanted. His dreams began to come true.

Buying out the rights from the founding brothers

The history of McDonald's took a new path when, in 1961, its founders agreed to sell Croc and the right to manage it independently without their participation. The letter "M", which is considered the sign of all institutions, they estimated at 2.7 million dollars. The former salesman, of course, did not have that kind of money. Although the restaurant chain brought in a huge income, Ray's percentage was negligible. In addition, the amount of existing debt already exceeded $ 5 million. Kroc urgently needed a large loan. Sonneborn (network financier) persuaded several well-known universities to invest 2.7 million in business development. But the day before receiving the money, a refusal came, motivated by the unreliability of this enterprise. Then Sonneborn came up with the idea of ​​combining the restaurant business and the real estate market. The goal of the company was to obtain ownership of all restaurant buildings and the land on which they stood. And it was very difficult!

Acquisition of land and buildings

The history of McDonald's would not have been so radiant if not for Harry Sonneborn. He made a huge contribution to the development of the network. By finding an experienced accountant, Harry creates on paper the appearance of a very successful company. This was necessary in order for the banks to agree to give a good loan. By telling creditors that the firm's main business was not fast food, but the sale of real estate, Kroc was able to take out a $2.7 million loan in 1961. Finally, the brothers received their compensation and retired completely. The history of McDonald's has moved on without its founders.

hamburger university

In the 70s, the fast food chain became extremely popular. Croc's income is growing day by day. The famous edition of Forbes published a note stating that his fortune is equal to 340 million dollars. But the former salesman did not even think of stopping! Despite enough, he does not stop working and improving.

In 1961, he opens a laboratory called "Hamburger University". There was a study of all the parameters of cooking potatoes, buns and cutlets. The "University" is still working, however, top managers of the company are trained in it. In the 60s, a famous clown named Ronald came to replace Speedy. The history of McDonald's currently means nothing without this character loved by all children in many countries of the world. Toddlers go to the restaurant on weekends, wanting to see this fun guy!

Ray Kroc died in 1984. Today, a huge corporation is run by James Skinner (the fourth person to cope with such a difficult task).

Fast food restaurant in Russia

For a very long time, the people of our country could not taste the same cheeseburgers as the Americans. The owners of the network explained the refusal to sell the franchise by the instability of the Russian economy and politics. The history of McDonald's in Russia began with long negotiations in 1976. This happened during the Olympic Games in Montreal. The Soviet Union eventually signs an agreement with a large chain of fast food restaurants. In 1990, the first McDonald's in Russia was opened, located on the success of the institution was amazing - on the first day of work, a queue of 30 thousand people lined up in front of the doors! This has never happened in the history of the network. Now many of these restaurants are scattered across the territory of our country, and the management plans to open many more establishments.

The history of McDonald's was briefly reviewed by us in this article, and now you can devote time to interesting and unusual facts about this corporation:

Raymond Kroc fulfilled his dream of becoming a millionaire, initially with only $950 in cash. To achieve the ultimate goal, he needed: a passion for victory, a sharp mind and insight, as well as a little providence. He became a great example for many people going towards their goal. The corporation's products are now loved and chosen by millions of people around the world, because it meets all quality standards! And the taste of the Big Mac hasn't changed since it was first made.

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