Severe degree of intoxication. Severe degree of alcohol intoxication, signs, treatment

Many are interested in the question, what are the degree of intoxication and also how they affect the ability to drive and drive a vehicle. There are unforeseen situations when you urgently need to find out how drunk you are and how much alcohol is in your blood in ppm.

Efficiently and accurately determine blood alcohol level a special device will help, which is used not only by representatives of the traffic police, but also by ordinary people under certain circumstances. For example, when parents let their child go to a disco or a party, and upon returning home, they need to find out what stage of intoxication their child is in and how much alcohol is in his blood. A modern special device will easily, quickly and with great accuracy give the result, so under no circumstances can it be deceived. It will show accurate and truthful results.

We measure the degree of intoxication in ppm.

In order to perform subsequent actions (draw up a protocol, issue a fine or take away rights) after an accident, traffic police officers must find out the degree of intoxication. There is a logical relationship between the level of intoxication and how a person behaves behind the wheel:

  1. 0.2-0.5 ppm. With such a degree of intoxication, objects moving towards a meeting are practically not perceived. The driver tends to drive at high speed and cannot adequately assess the situation. For safe driving, it is necessary to maintain a distance between cars. In this kind of intoxication, a person driving cannot correctly determine the distance from his car to those that are moving towards him.
  2. 0.5-0.8 ppm. The eyes do not react well to changes in lighting, the distance between vehicles is determined completely incorrectly. Red light is perceived much weaker than in a sober state, so the driver may not notice the red light of a traffic light or the brake lights of other cars. The reaction to everything that happens becomes weak, the person is inattentive. With this degree of intoxication, his balance is already disturbed.
  3. 0.8-1.2 ppm. Having such a degree of intoxication, the driver becomes quite relaxed, while overestimating his ability to properly drive a vehicle. The angle of view and, accordingly, the perception of objects is significantly reduced. There is no longer an adequate assessment of what is happening. Driving becomes unreasonably risky. Due to the fact that vision is deteriorating, during the switching of the light, the driver may not notice the curb, guardrail, a moving cyclist or another vehicle, or may do so much later than necessary.
  4. 1.2-2.4 ppm. With such a degree of intoxication, the driver behaves arrogantly and impudently on the road. He does not understand that he sees very badly. In addition to the fact that vision deteriorates, balance is completely lost, coordination is disturbed. The driving style is very risky. The person behind the wheel is not at all oriented in space, which can cause serious consequences.

As we understand from the information received, any degree of alcohol intoxication can serve to ensure that the unexpected happens on the road.

Three main degrees of alcohol intoxication.

Ppm is a value that shows the amount of alcohol in a person's blood. For example, a tester will show 0.5 ppm of alcohol if a person drinks half a liter of beer. But it should also be remembered that there are three degrees of intoxication of a person, depending on physical factors, regardless of the situation in which it is necessary to drive:

1) Mild drunkenness. If considered in ppm, then the device will show the figure 0.5-1.5. It comes in the first minutes after drinking alcohol. It is characterized by a feeling of warmth throughout the body. Muscles relax, mood improves. A person becomes very active, he is cheerful and good. He easily and naturally communicates, boasts, feels confident in himself and in everything. But during the conversation, he can not control himself.

2) Phase of average degree of intoxication. Alcohol is contained in the blood in an amount of 1.5-2.5 ppm. Occurs after taking the next dose of alcohol. A person is even more active, although speech is inexpressive, monotonous and slurred. He cannot walk straight, because the coordination of movements is disturbed. Instead of joy comes anger, sadness and aggression. A person can behave restlessly, provoking fights. Memory problems arise precisely at this stage of intoxication.

3) Severe degree of intoxication. It occurs when the body is 2.5-3% alcohol. A person has completely slurred speech, he can lose consciousness. At that stage, complete amnesia, seizures, and involuntary defecation are possible.

The degree of intoxication depends on the concentration of alcohol in the human body.

Important! 5% alcohol in the blood can lead to death.

The level of intoxication depends not only on the amount of alcohol consumed, but also on many other factors: the individual characteristics of the body, the state of its nervous system, accumulated fatigue, general stress, food eaten while drinking alcohol. The type of alcohol you drink also matters a lot.

How alcohol is excreted from the body.

The main organ involved in the processing of alcohol is the liver. This process is quite lengthy. If, for example, a person drank well in the company of friends and there are 2.0 ppm in his body, then they will be completely processed only by the evening of the next day.

It should be remembered! Alcohol is excreted from the body of a man in the amount of 0.10% per hour, in women - 0.85.

From the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn. After taking a dose of alcohol, driving should not be earlier than the evening of the next day. In addition, it is impossible to remove alcohol from the body by any artificial means. And even a shower, strong coffee or other drinks will not help at all.

bibliographic description:
The degree of alcohol intoxication - 2012.

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The degree of alcohol intoxication - 2012.

— 2012.

In the work of a forensic medical expert, the question of the lethal concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood is important. With the introduction of modern methods for determining the level of ethanol, which are quite accurate and specific, a unified scheme for assessing the quantitative content of alcohol in the blood is needed in relation to its functional effect.

For practical expert work, in accordance with the proposals by V.I. Prozorovsky, I.S. Karandaev and A.F. Rubtsov (1967) criteria, the following indicative scheme can be recommended for determining the degree of intoxication:

Degrees of Intoxication (1967)

  • less than 0.3 ‰ - no influence of alcohol;
  • from 0.3 to 0.5 ‰ - insignificant influence of alcohol;
  • from 0.5 to 1.5 ‰ - slight intoxication;
  • from 1.5 to 2.5 ‰ - moderate intoxication;
  • from 2.5 to 3.0 ‰ - severe intoxication;
  • from 3.0 to 5.0 ‰ - severe alcohol poisoning, death may occur;
  • from 5.0 to 6.0 ‰ - fatal poisoning.

These figures apply to adults. In children, alcohol intoxication and ethanol poisoning occur at other levels of alcoholemia.

The above criteria are proposed for determining the degree of alcohol intoxication in living persons, but they can also be used in assessing the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood from a corpse. The evaluation of such results should be carried out with the appropriate wording, for example: "... the concentration of ethyl alcohol found in the blood of the corpse of a citizen ... during his lifetime could correspond ... to the degree of alcohol intoxication."

Degrees of alcohol intoxication (2016)

The depth of intoxication, the speed of its development depends on the amount of alcohol consumed, their strength and individual characteristics of a person. There are 3 degrees of intoxication:
  • light - the concentration of alcohol in the blood up to 2‰, which corresponds to 0.5-1.5 ml of pure ethanol per 1 kg of human body weight;
  • medium - 2-3‰ of alcohol is detected in the blood, i.e. ethanol was taken 1.5-2.5 ml per 1 kg of body mass;
  • severe - occurs when the concentration of ethanol in the blood is 3-5‰ or more, which corresponds to 2.5-4.5 ml of alcohol per 1 kg of weight. With a severe degree of intoxication, a coma develops, which can be the direct cause of death along with asphyxia due to deep aspiration of vomit, acute heart failure.

Literature data and expert experience allow us to consider average lethal alcohol concentration 3.5-4.0‰, and a concentration of 5.0‰ and above is usually fatal.

However, quite often there are cases when death from ethyl alcohol poisoning occurs when its amount in the blood is less than 4.0-5.0‰ and in the absence of pronounced painful changes in the internal organs, which in themselves could cause death. In this regard, it should be noted that death from acute ethyl alcohol poisoning can occur at any stage of alcohol intoxication: during absorption, at the time of maximum blood alcohol content, but much more often during its excretion (elimination phase). In the latter case, a relatively long period of time (10-20 hours) passes from the intake of alcoholic beverages to the onset of death, therefore, by the time of death, the concentration of alcohol in the body may be lower than 4.0-5.0‰. This is more often observed in young people who are unaccustomed to alcohol. In females, fatal alcohol poisoning can occur at lower concentrations of ethyl alcohol in the blood than in men. In addition, a subtoxic dose for a healthy, habitual person can be fatal for an unaccustomed person. Lethal concentrations of alcohol in the blood for people accustomed to alcohol, as a rule, are 30-60% higher than for unusual or unaccustomed people. However, in chronic alcoholics, death can also occur from taking relatively small amounts of ethyl alcohol.

In people unaccustomed to alcohol, with a single intake of large quantities of alcoholic beverages or alcohol of high concentration, death often occurs in the resorption phase or at the beginning of the elimination phase.

To calculate the degree of intoxication, the maximum concentration of alcohol in the blood in ppm, the time for removing alcohol from the body, we recommend using the alcohol calculator written by us.


  1. Supplement to the methodical letter "On the detection and determination of ethyl alcohol and blood and urine by gas-liquid chromatography", M., 1971.
  2. Methodical letter "On the detection and determination of ethyl alcohol in cadaveric material and forensic evaluation of the results of forensic chemical analysis", M., 1961
  3. Methodical letter "On the determination of ethyl alcohol and blood and urine of corpses by the photometric method", M., 1964
  4. Methodical letter "On defects in the production of forensic chemical examinations", M., 1966
  5. To the question of the functional assessment of the results of forensic quantitative determination of alcohol in the blood of living persons and corpses / Prozorovsky V.I., Acherkan N.N., Levchenkov B.D. // Forensic-medical examination. - M., 1961. - No. 1. - S. 3-7.
  6. Journal of Forensic Medical Examination, 1967, No. 1, 3-8.
  7. Formulation of a pathoanatomical diagnosis in alcoholic disease (alcohol-induced pathology). Clinical guidelines / Frank G. A. et al. / Russian Society of Pathologists. - M.: Practical medicine, 2016. - 20 p.

/ Plis S.S. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2018. - No. 17. - S. 185-187.

/ Pavlov A.L., Savin A.A., Bogomolov D.V., Pavlova A.Z., Larev Z.V. // Forensic-medical examination. - 2018. - No. 3. — S. 11-14.

/ Kovalev A.V., Morozov Yu.E., Samohodskaya O.V., Bereznikov A.V. // Forensic-medical examination. - 2017. - No. 6. - P. 4-8.

/ Petukhov A.E., Nadezhdin A.V., Bogstrand S.T., Bryun E.A., Ramenskaya G.V., Koshkina E.A., Melnik E.V., Smirnov A.V., Tetenova E.Yu. // Forensic-medical examination. - 2017. - No. 5. - S. 23-26.

/ Nedugov G.V., Sharafullin G.V. // Bulletin of forensic medicine. - Novosibirsk, 2018. - No. 3. - S. 39-43.

/ Klevno V.A., Maksimov A.V., Kononov R.V., Krupina N.A. // Forensic Medicine. - 2017. - No. 3. — P. 4-12.

/ Prozorovsky V.I., Karandaev I.S., Rubtsov A.F. // Forensic-medical examination. - 1967. - No. 1. — P. 3-8.

/ Obukhova L.M., Erlykina E.I., Andriyanova N.A. // Forensic-medical examination. - 2014. - No. 6. - S. 33-36.

/ Ivanov N.A., Schneider N.M. // Forensic-medical examination. - 1962. - No. 2. - S. 41-42.

/ Pavlova A.Z., Larev Z.V., Kalyokin R.A., Orlova A.M. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2018. - No. 17. — S. 235-237.

/ Bogomolov D.V., Denisova O.P., Zbrueva Yu.V., Dzhuvalyakov P.G. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2018. - No. 17. - S. 50-53.

/ Konev V.P., Goloshubina V.V., Moskovsky S.N., Bogza M.V., Sorokina V.V., Abubakirova D.E. // Bulletin of forensic medicine. - Novosibirsk, 2017. - No. 3. - S. 47-50.

/ Ulanov V.S. // Forensic-medical examination. - 2017. - No. 4. — S. 12-13.

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The broad concept of "ppm" means one thousandth (one tenth of a percent) of any number or volume. Promille in a narrower sense allows you to consider the presence of alcoholic vapors in the air exhaled by a person, expressed in milligrams per cubic meter (mg / m3). The standard unit of ethanol in the blood, taken as 1 ppm, is identical to the ratio in which the blood alcohol content and its concentration in the pulmonary alveoli are, that is, 1 ppm unit will correspond to 0 45 mg / m3 of ethyl alcohol in exhaled air. All these complex concepts and calculations are very important, since an incorrect determination of how much alcohol is exhaled with air or released during a blood test can cost the drunk person health, life, and traffic police problems.

A bit of math

The presence of alcohol in the bloodstream, expressed by the numerical designation ppm, is due to how much alcohol was consumed and what type it belonged to.
For example, 40 mg is the content of ethyl alcohol in 100 ml of vodka, that is, the concentration is approximately 0 5-0 6 ppm (0 15-0 5 mg / m3 in exhaled air). The maximum level is reached within 30-120 minutes, and is excreted at a rate of 7-10 mg per hour, which means that approximately 4-5 hours after drinking an intoxicating drink, its traces will not be detected.

The human body always contains alcoholic components produced as a result of various metabolic processes. Their number does not exceed 0 008-0 4 ppm in the blood (0-0 29 mg / m3 in exhaled air), although the minimum allowable volume for detection by laboratory research methods exceeds 0 3-0 35 ppm - only at this level is the fact of drinking vodka and of similar drinks is becoming recognizable, but not yet punishable. The accumulation of ethanol in the blood below 0 37 ppm does not confirm the presence of alcohol intoxication.

It's important to know

To determine how much per mille of alcohol is in the blood of a particular drunk person, you need to take into account such data as:

  • gender (women get drunk faster than men);
  • age (it is more difficult to get drunk at 37 than at 65);
  • weight (alcohol is excreted faster with optimal - from 50 to 80 in men, from 45 to 75 in women - body weight than with less than 37 kg of live weight);
  • the volume of alcohol consumed (the higher the dose, the harder it is for the body to “part with it”);
  • the ratio of alcohol consumed to body weight (in percent).

Based on these data, it is possible to obtain information about

  • how much alcohol contains a particular organism in a particular period of time;
  • volume and type of drink consumed;
  • How long does it take to remove alcohol from the body?

This information is primarily needed for a detailed examination of the degree of intoxication of a driver who has sat behind the wheel while intoxicated. Basically, traffic police officers determine intoxication by external symptoms, that is, the presence or absence of:

  • the smell of ethyl alcohol from the mouth;
  • pronounced trembling of the fingers;
  • Complete a short survey and receive a free brochure "Culture of Drinking Drinks".

    What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

    How often do you drink alcohol?

    Do you have a desire to "hangover" the day after drinking alcohol?

    Which of the systems do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

    In your opinion, are the measures taken by the government to limit the sale of alcohol sufficient?

  • posture instability;
  • violations of behavior, movements and speech;
  • changes in the color of the skin (sharp blanching / redness).
  • Different volumes and their impact

    A blood alcohol content of 3 ppm or more (air - 0 5 and 2 mg / m3) is not acceptable - this is a lethal dose for a person who does not drink too often and not too strong alcohol. Fans of vodka and similar strong drinks, approaching the diagnosis of alcoholism, acquire a high threshold of resistance (tolerance) to alcohol, so the lethal degree of intoxication is reached after drinking a larger amount of alcohol. Conversely, people who do not drink at all can say goodbye to life if an amount of alcohol is taken inside that slightly exceeds the allowable volume.

    Symptoms of intoxication from 0-0 4 ppm and higher in the blood (0-0 29 mg / m3 in the air) reflect the following table.

    air blood description
    0-0 4 0-0 29 The stage of relative sobriety with slight inadequacy in behavior. A drunk person is overly talkative, he is in a good mood, although there is a certain obsession. Although the test will not be able to reliably determine how much vodka or other similar drinks were drunk, it is better to avoid meeting with the traffic police
    0 15-0 5 0 30-1 Achieving this degree of intoxication is accompanied by an unjustified increase in self-esteem, a desire to "show character" by violating the norms of society and/or morality. A person loses the ability to concentrate, which means that he is not able to adequately assess the threat, loses control over coordination. At the same time, no matter how much vodka / beer / wine he drank, the state of intoxication is ignored
    0 4-1 0 8-2 Exceeded any acceptable dose of alcohol, as evidenced by unsteady gait, slow reaction, distortion of perception, drowsiness, nausea, rapid transition from anger to fear, and then to apathy and back
    0 7-1 2 1 4-2 4 The state is inadequate, the dose of alcohol taken is almost fatal, the likelihood of coma is high
    1 1-1 6 2 2-3 2 Symptoms - lethargy, apathy, lack of response to pathogens, sometimes - paralysis. The likelihood of a fatal outcome is extremely high, even if a person does not leave the house
    1 5-2 3-4 The last, deadly degree of intoxication. Coma, paralysis, respiratory failure, circulatory failure, hypothermia, death

    With the volume of alcohol in the blood over 3 ppm, an extremely likely mortal danger to the health and life of the drinking person and the people around him. If, in a state of lesser intoxication (up to 0 8 ppm), it is strictly forbidden to drive in order to avoid problems with the traffic police, then a larger amount of ethanol means, in the end, a fatal outcome due to paralysis of the respiratory tract or other similar reasons.

    The larger the volume, the more dangerous driving

    Revealing the degree of intoxication in ppm helps to assess how dangerous a drunk driver is for himself and completely strangers. His reaction speed and his focus on driving decrease depending on how much the person has drunk. The following table shows this in more detail.

    ppm Symptoms
    0 2-0 5 Poor assessment of the situation, difficulties with the perception of moving light sources, the desire to violate traffic rules - speeding, risky driving, non-observance of the distance between cars. When driving a vehicle, there is a danger of getting caught by the traffic police, even if the analysis does not reveal intoxication
    0 5-0 8 Incorrect estimation of the distance between vehicles, problems with balance, decrease in the adequacy of the assessment of signals from other cars, traffic lights, traffic police officers
    0 8-1 2 The driver experiences the relaxing effect of alcohol - narrowing the field of view, distortion of the surrounding reality, loss of concentration. The danger to the drunk and others becomes maximum
    1 2-2 4 Complete failure of vision, inhibition of reaction, failures in orientation to the terrain. In such a state, it is difficult not only to drive a vehicle, but also to maintain consciousness.

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Per mille of alcohol: methods of calculation and punishment for violation of established standards

Most drivers in our country are aware of the fines for drunk driving, but few know what a ppm of alcohol is and how to correlate it with specific volumes of alcohol. Since 2013, the concept of “permissible ethanol content in the blood of a motorist” has been reintroduced in the country. To understand what the allowed norm is, you need to have an idea about the translation of the amount drunk in ppm.

In order to learn how to determine the degree of intoxication in ppm and not drive when it is punishable, you need to learn how to independently translate the amount of alcohol you drink into this indicator.

Ppm is the concentration of alcohol in the driver's blood or in the air exhaled by him, which shows the degree of his intoxication. In fact, this is a mathematical term that means a thousandth of a percentage of a whole. Often this term is applied not only to drivers who dared to drive under the “shofe”, but also in other areas of activity. For example, the slope of a railroad track is measured in ppm.

Ppm as a percentage shows the content of the breakdown products of alcohol-containing beverages in the body. With the help of knowledge about the alcohol content, you can determine your condition and decide on trips or the impossibility of such.

Different alcoholic beverages are excreted from the body in different ways, and they need a different amount of time for this. The table will show what are the terms for removing this or that drink from the body in the amount of 100 grams.

Type of alcoholic drink/Person weight 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Beer 4% 21 to 35 minutes
Beer 6% 31 to 52 minutes
Cocktail 9% "Gin-Tonic" 47 minutes to 1 hour 18 minutes
Sparkling champagne (11% of turnover) from 57 minutes to 1 hour 36 minutes
18% Port or wine from 1 hour 34 minutes to 2 hours 37 minutes
Alcohol tincture 24% from 2 hours 05 minutes to 3 hours 29 minutes
Alcoholic product - liquor 30% from 2 hours 37 minutes to 4 hours 21 minutes
Vodka 40% from 2 hours 37 minutes to 5 hours 48 minutes
Cognac 42% from 3 hours 39 minutes to 6 hours 05 minutes

Observing the terms indicated in the table, it is possible to accurately calculate the period of complete elimination of the drunk from the body and the time for safe driving. The motorist can check his condition the next day with a portable breathalyzer, which is sold in electronics stores.

Self calculation

In order not to be mistaken, based on standard tables that represent average results, without taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, it is better to calculate the amount of ppm yourself.

To make the calculation, take the following indicators:

  • person's weight;
  • the amount of alcohol consumed and its strength.

A person suffering from alcoholism, and taking alcohol regularly, will get the greatest degree of intoxication, since the concentration of ethanol in his blood is increased. The driver must understand the full responsibility of driving while intoxicated and not allow this.

Calculation example

The formula for the permissible rate per mille of alcohol in the blood is called Eric Widmark. The calculation is extremely simple and does not require special knowledge, but it will perfectly help to avoid traffic violations.

The formula looks like this:

C \u003d A / (m X r), where

C is the concentration of alcohol in the blood;

A is grams of alcohol consumed;

m is the weight of the person;

r is a constant value, which for women is 0.6 ppm, for men - 0.7 ppm.

For example, a woman weighing 50 kg drank 50 grams of cognac the night before, which means C=50/(50 X 0.6). That is, in the blood of a woman will be 0.6 ppm.

It is almost impossible to deceive the modern breathalyzers used by the police, due to their absolute accuracy. Therefore, if there are doubts about the state and the dose of alcohol was too large, it is better to refrain from traveling by car so as not to get a fine and not lose your driver's license, or get into an accident.

Tables per mille of alcohol

The degree of intoxication of a citizen can be determined by some symptoms and, accordingly, approximately determine the amount of alcohol contained in his blood. The table per mille of alcohol clearly shows the classification of a person's intoxication.

The amount of vapors in the exhaled air (BrAC, mg/l) ppm value (g/l) Human condition characteristic behavior
0,0 – 0,29 0,0 – 0,4 Sober Some talkativeness and a “good” mood can only be noticed by close people who are well acquainted with the person’s character. Considered the norm.
0,15 – 0,5 0,3 – 1,0 A state of euphoria, a manifestation of impudence Self-confidence, violation of generally established orders, lack of control over the coordination of movements. There is a high risk of getting punished for drunk driving.
0,40 – 1,0 0,8 – 2,0 Nervous excitement Wrong gait, lack of coordination, lethargy, drowsiness. Often angry or apathetic behavior. Possible conflicts with traffic police officers.
0,70 – 1,2 1,4 – 2,4 Inappropriate behavior Confusion, visual disturbances, fits of anger. The feeling of pain is often muffled.
1,1 – 1,6 2,2 – 3,2 Apathetic state Lethargy, apathy for everything, with reduced immunity, paralysis occurs. Possible fatal outcome.
1,50 – 2,0 3,0 – 4,0 Clinical coma, near-death state Reflexes are strongly suppressed or completely absent. There is a low body temperature, the respiratory system and blood circulation are poorly functioning
1,90+ 3,8+ Fatal outcome The probability of death is 100% due to paralysis of the respiratory system.

There are a number of signs that clearly indicate that a person is drunk:

  • persistent smell of alcohol;
  • tremor, unsteady gait;
  • speech disorders;
  • change in the color of the skin (blushes or turns pale);
  • aggression, increased sociability, inappropriate behavior.

These signs, without any examination, may indicate that a person has been drinking and has not yet come to his senses. At the same time, the body of each citizen is individual. Someone needs to drink a whole mug of beer to get very drunk, and someone will need a significant dose of strong alcohol. Allowing a motorist to drive in such a state is extremely dangerous. He can hurt himself and hurt other people. Pedestrians are especially vulnerable to drunk drivers. Serious accidents occur quite often due to the fault of alcoholic beverages, therefore, the employees of the state traffic inspectorate strictly monitor compliance with the established rules, periodically conducting special raids to identify “drunk” drivers.

Information for drivers

Drinking before driving is very dangerous. Disturbances in coordination and thinking often lead to serious accidents. The stage of severe intoxication, as a rule, occurs within half an hour after drinking a strong alcoholic drink.

The Ministry of Health, together with the traffic police, have developed standards in accordance with which drivers are tested for alcohol intoxication. For some time in our country there was a law, according to which the driver had to have zero ppm when checking. This indicator should have been present both when checking with a breathalyzer (exhale), and detected in a blood or urine test. But then changes were made that allow some alcohol content in the blood of a motorist.

The reason for this are some of the products used daily:

  • kefir, curdled milk, yogurt;
  • overripe bananas;
  • kvass;
  • warm fruit juices;
  • some medicines;
  • chocolate candies;
  • cigarettes;
  • sandwiches with sausage and black bread and other products.

Contrary to popular belief, non-alcoholic beer also increases blood alcohol levels. Therefore, you should not drink this drink or other low-alcohol products before the trip.

Permissible norms per mille of alcohol while driving in 2017 are 0.16 ppm in exhaled air and 0.35 milligrams per liter of blood. This ratio is just the permissible error of the devices that are offered for verification by the driver. Measurement of alcohol content is carried out either by police officers at the stop with a special breathalyzer device, or in a clinical setting using a blood and urine test. Saliva may also contain information about the content of ethanol breakdown products, but often the results are not accurate. Therefore, this method is considered unreliable.

For violation of the permissible amount of ppm established by the Ministry of Health, the country provides for punishment in the form of:

  • a fine of 30 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights for up to two years, upon initial detection of alcohol intoxication while driving;
  • a fine of 50 thousand rubles, deprivation of rights for up to three years or criminal prosecution;

The criteria by which drivers are selected for testing are left to the discretion of the police. The inspector may be suspicious of the behavior of a motorist, a professional look can easily see signs of alcohol intoxication in a person, and then he will immediately go for an examination.

"Milligrams per Mille"

People are used to considering the degree of intoxication in terms of ppm, but official documents usually include information on grams per amount of exhaled air. In order not to have difficulty in translating these values, there is a certain scale by which both indicators can be easily translated. In any case, even a small amount of alcohol can harm the body, including causing irreparable changes, serious poisoning. Taking care of your health, you need to strictly limit the consumption of alcohol.

Measurement in ppm milligram/liter
0,1 0,045
0,2 0,09
0,3 0,135
0,4 0,18
0,5 0,225
0,6 0,27
0,7 0,315
0,8 0,36
0,9 0,405
1,0 0,45
1.1 ppm 0,495
1,2 0,54
1,3 0,585
1,4 0,63
1,5 0,675
1,6 0,72
1,7 0,765
1,8 0,81
1,9 0,855
2,0 0,9
2,1 0,945
2,2 0,99
2,3 1,035
2,4 1,08
2,5 1,125
2,6 1,17
2,7 1,215
2,8 1,26
2,9 1,305
3,0 1,35
3,1 1,395
3,2 1,44
3,3 1,485
3,4 1,53
3,5 1,575
3,6 1,62
3,7 1,665
3,8 1,71
3,9 1,755
4,0+ 1.8 or more

It is important to understand that each ppm changes the personality of a person, reduces his ability to work, increases nervousness, and causes aggression. The ppm counter will not help you avoid intoxication. Before trips, it is better not to drink alcohol at all in order to be confident in your own abilities and ensure the safety of not only yourself, but also other road users.

It is also important to understand the rules and follow them not only for the traffic police, but also to maintain your own health. Natural indicators of alcohol do not exceed 0.3 ppm. To maintain normal life and eliminate harm to health, do not exceed the level of 0.75-1.5 ppm. 2.2 ppm of alcohol characterizes the average degree of intoxication, does not cause danger, but should be an alarming bell that the norms are exceeded.

Over 2.7 ppm of alcohol is considered a severe degree of intoxication, which causes serious changes in the mental state and disruption of human life. Exceeding more than 3.5-4.2 ppm is considered a lethal dosage. Either a fatal outcome occurs, or a person falls into a coma. From the point of view of medicine, there are norms for the permissible consumption of alcohol per day that will not harm health:

To eliminate the possible consequences of the negative impact of alcohol on the human body, it is better to completely eliminate the drinking of alcoholic beverages, limiting yourself only to rare festive feasts with a small amount of booze. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated for motorists, provided that in the near future you need to drive. This can harm not only the driver, but also other road users.

Today, almost every person drinks alcohol at one time or another, but most rarely seriously think about the dangers of these drinks. Before any use of alcohol, it is important to know what are the degrees of alcohol intoxication, their signs, stages of change in consciousness, the state of a person after drinking and the possibility of clinical cases after drinking. This will allow you to determine your measure and maintain health.

What is alcohol intoxication

This is the state that is created as a result of the psychoactive effect of alcoholic beverages. During the intake of alcohol, changes occur in the mental and physical activity of the individual, her behavior. This condition often leads to various behavioral disorders, health problems: loss of cognitive functions, diseases of internal organs.

There are various degrees of simple alcohol intoxication in terms of the amount of ethanol consumed and the effect produced on the body. It depends on the weight of the person, the state of his health, the amount of food eaten, the very strength of the drink. There are other factors - for example, in a state of severe fatigue, even a small amount of alcohol causes severe intoxication. Each stage is distinguished by characteristic signs of changes in speech, reaction, perception of the surrounding world.

How does intoxication happen?

The mechanism of the process of intoxication is extremely simple. In the normal state, erythrocytes are covered with a layer of lubricant, electrified during friction in the vessels. After drinking ethyl alcohol through the stomach, it enters the bloodstream, this layer is removed, and the cells stick together with each other. Irregular clots form from hundreds of red blood cells and begin to occlude the arterioles. Oxygen circulation is reduced, hypoxia occurs, blood is poorly supplied to the brain.

The process of oxygen starvation of the brain is perceived by the body as euphoria, a feeling of freedom. During this, parts of the brain become numb, and subsequently die off. In parallel, there is an effect on the internal organs. In the blood, the production of platelets, white and red cells is destroyed. Human vessels are filled with premature sclerotic changes. Alcohol seriously hits the pancreas, stomach.

The state of alcoholic intoxication

Moderate doses of alcohol reduce mental stress, can improve mood, create the illusion of freedom, euphoria. However, with an increase in the dose of ethanol, there is a loss of self-control. The condition is characterized by excitement, leads to increased aggression, a strong feeling of depression. In a state of intoxication, a person is prone to committing antisocial acts. There are several options for human behavior depending on the psychological state.

Atypical intoxication is characteristic of unbalanced, emotional individuals who have any problems. This happens with mental disorders, psychosis, neurological disorders. For example, stress can lead to dysphoric intoxication, during which a person feels hostility to everything around him, anger, discontent. Such a state is like the reverse coin of euphoria after drinking alcohol. A person may develop a viciously intense affect, signs of depression, he becomes aggressive.

Pathological intoxication is the result of prolonged alcohol use. After a small amount of drinking, behavior completely changes, aggression appears, hallucinations, spontaneous delirium may begin. A person may simply not perceive the world around him, or the perception will be distorted. All these changes in consciousness are associated with mental problems that are catalyzed by alcohol-containing products.

The degree of intoxication in ppm - table

To date, there is an approved system for measuring the amount of ethanol in human blood. It is determined in the so-called ppm. This value shows the content of the substance in grams per 1 liter. That is, 0.2 ppm is 0.02% of alcohol in a liter of blood. Depending on the number of ppm, the state of the drinker changes, damage to the internal organs of varying degrees occurs. Intoxication in ppm is determined by special devices. More than 5 ppm is considered a critical dose for the body. Below is a table of the degree of intoxication in ppm:

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication

After drinking alcohol, a lot of physical and psycho-emotional processes occur with a person. This is a change in behavior, internal state, attitude to surrounding and ongoing events. As ethanol is assimilated, the state of the individual changes - from mild euphoria and inner comfort to aggression and depressive states. The stages of alcohol intoxication and their signs have long been studied and classified. Specialists-narcologists are engaged in questions of treatment, removal of patients from intoxication.

Light degree

There are three stages of intoxication. The first of them - light intoxication - is the initial one. After drinking alcohol, a person experiences a feeling of euphoria, a feeling of comfort, relaxation. Almost everything around begins to bring pleasure, thinking accelerates. The emotional background becomes changeable - a trifling event can turn fun into an insult and vice versa.

The first signs of a mild degree of alcohol intoxication are the revival of facial expressions, looseness of gestures. At the same time, the drinker himself does not notice the changes. There is fun, looseness, lightness. The personality becomes more sociable and open to the outside world, disposed to contacts with society. Physical signs include increased heart rate, increased appetite, and sometimes sexual activity.

Average degree

The average degree is the result of the toxic and psychotropic effects of ethanol. This state is achieved at a content of 1.5-2.5 ppm. The user's speech changes, it becomes more difficult for him to choose words, coordination of movements worsens. An increased concentration of alcohol increases self-esteem, reduces a person's critical attitude towards himself, his behavior becomes impulsive and inadequate, and mental excitement occurs.

For such a state, sharp mood swings are typical - in a few minutes, relaxation and friendliness can be replaced by aggression. It is common for an intoxicated person to raise his voice, repeat the same phrase several times, and stutter. Further, speech becomes fuzzy, gait becomes uncertain, ataxia appears. The drunk may become aggressive or gloomy. At the last stage, there is a complete loss of orientation.

Strong alcohol intoxication

Severe alcohol poisoning is the result of the toxic effects of ethanol. There is a strong inhibition of the activity of the central nervous system. The severity of alcohol poisoning is manifested at a content of 2.5 ppm and above. In this state, there is often a violation of breathing, a decrease in blood pressure. Sometimes urgent medical attention is required. The symptoms are easily identified.

Also, the abuse of "fuel" leads to a breakdown in temperature regulation in the body. Therefore, in the cold season, drinkers risk frostbite of the limbs. Abuse should be avoided by people with acute heart failure, vegetovascular dystonia, gastric ulcer and other obviously dangerous diseases.

A blood alcohol level of more than 5 ppm will lead to alcohol intoxication, can provoke irreversible changes in the brain, result in an alcoholic coma and death. Common signs of severe alcohol intoxication are loss of orientation in space, involuntary urination and feces. The next few days, during the exit from the state of intoxication, there is a decrease in working capacity, amnesia. Often this leads to the development of chronic alcoholism, death.
