Broken glass cake from cottage cheese. Jelly "Broken glass" with sour cream

Jelly is one of the most delicious desserts that you can enjoy without much harm to your figure. I offer you a recipe for Broken Glass jelly. Why this dessert is called that becomes clear by looking at its appearance. There are a lot of recipes for such a dessert. This recipe can be prepared not only as jelly, but also as jelly cake "Broken glass", if you take a ready-made cake, biscuit or chopped as a basis. Alternatively, pieces of biscuit or cookie can be mixed together with multi-colored jelly.


  • Ready jelly bags - 3 packs with different flavors.
  • Sour cream - 500 gr.,
  • Gelatin - 20 gr.,
  • Sugar -1 glass.

Jelly "Broken glass" - recipe

To make jelly, you will need three packs of ready-made jelly of different colors and tastes. The more colors will be used in it, the brighter and more colorful it will be. Prepare it according to the instructions, only take 30% less water than indicated, then the jelly will turn out to be a thicker consistency. Pour into plastic trays. Send it to the refrigerator to freeze.

Jelly "Broken glass". Photo

There are a lot of recipes for the Broken Glass jelly cake. They make such a cake with biscuit, yogurt, cottage cheese. This sour cream cake recipe.

Buy sour cream better with a fat content of 20-25%. Multi-colored jelly can be made from ready-made jelly in packs or from gelatin and juice of fruits and berries.


- 2 jars of 500 ml

Sugar - 2 cups

Jelly - 4 packs (different colors)

Gelatin - 50 grams (for sour cream)

Vanillin - 1 sachet (or vanilla sugar)

Kiwi - 1 piece

Orange - 1 piece (or tangerine 2-3 pieces)

How to make Broken Glass cake with sour cream:

First you need to make a multi-colored jelly. You can make jelly from ready-made fruit jelly. If you cook from juice, then pour a small amount of water over a dessert spoon of gelatin (no top). For each color - one spoon in different bowls. Leave to swell as written on the package.

Then pour gelatin with a glass of berry or fruit juice of different colors and heat in a water bath, without boiling. Stir the liquid periodically so that the gelatin dissolves better.

Instant gelatin can be immediately filled with juice and dissolved in a water bath.

Pour the dissolved gelatin into molds (each color separately). You can use ordinary plastic containers for this. Refrigerate until the jelly hardens. Better to do at night.

When the colored gelatin hardens, cut it randomly into small pieces.

Using a mixer, beat the sour cream with sugar and vanilla. To make the sugar dissolve faster when whipping, it is better to first grind it into powdered sugar.

Pour gelatin for sour cream with 1.5 cups of hot water and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. This is if the gelatin is instant. Prepare regular gelatin according to the instructions on the package.

Mix gradually whipped sour cream and dissolved gelatin. The gelatin must be cooled to room temperature before mixing.

Add chopped multi-colored jelly to this mass and mix gently.

Cover the form with cling film. You can use a regular bowl or salad bowl. Cover with foil so that free ends remain.

First place the sliced ​​kiwi and orange wedges. Then - sour cream.

Refrigerate until the jelly hardens completely.

Turn the frozen jelly on a platter and garnish with orange, tangerines and kiwi if desired.

Advice. Sour cream jelly cake can be prepared in layers. To do this, first lay out a layer of sour cream jelly, then a layer of colored jelly.

Bon Appetit!

Step-by-step recipes for making Broken Glass cake with biscuit, cookies, sour cream, cottage cheese at home

2018-08-22 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of finished dish

6 gr.

7 gr.


38 gr.

241 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Broken Glass Cake

Broken glass is the name of a very beautiful cake with multi-colored pieces of jelly. The dessert looks impressive, especially in the context. The classic recipe for the Broken Glass cake contains an ordinary homemade biscuit. You need very little of it, so we cook a cake of just two eggs. You will need two jelly bags to fill. It is desirable that it be of different colors.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 g sour cream 20%;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 3 peaches;
  • 70 ml of water;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 2 bags of jelly;
  • 14 g gelatin;
  • 175 g sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for the classic Broken Glass cake

Beat eggs with a mixer. Bring to a good foam, the mass should increase, then add sugar (75 g). We continue beating until the sand dissolves. We introduce flour, stir, bake a thin crust in the form of 22 cm. Since there is not enough dough, it will be cooked in literally 15 minutes.

Mix gelatin with water, let it swell. We dilute the jelly according to the instructions. Pour into different bowls, put in the refrigerator, it should freeze. You can do this in advance so that the process does not drag out.

Mix sour cream with sugar, add vanillin. Cut the peeled peaches into pieces. We also cut the frozen multi-colored jelly. Melt gelatin, mix with sour cream. Beat the cream for a few seconds.

Put a bowl on the cooled crust, in which we will collect the cake. We cut off the excess, make the biscuit a little smaller than the vessel so that it falls into it. Cut into small pieces. Pour them into sour cream, add pieces of peaches and jelly. Stir gently.

Put plastic wrap in a bowl. We spread the mass of sour cream with jelly and peaches. We align, there should be no voids. Put the cut crust on a bowl, press down. We put the cake in the refrigerator for seven hours. It is advisable to cover the biscuit so that the cake does not dry out.

After the indicated time, open the bowl with the frozen mass. Cover with a flat plate and turn over. We remove the cling film, admire the most beautiful cake with broken glass.

If you don't have fresh peaches, you can use canned fruits. Pineapple also makes a beautiful cake. Only a banana is not suitable, it darkens over time.

Option 2: Quick recipe for Broken Glass cake with cookies

Baking a biscuit, cooling, whipping are not the fastest processes, sometimes there is no time for them. It is at such a moment that cookies will help out. You can also make a wonderful Broken Glass cake with it. Recipe with sour cream and marmalade. It will eliminate the need to prepare multi-colored jelly. We take the most common sugar jelly.


  • 170 g cookies;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 150 g of multi-colored marmalade;
  • 100 g strawberries;
  • 15 g gelatin;
  • 600 g sour cream;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 1 large pear.

How to quickly make Broken glass cake

Grind cookies and soft butter. If there is no time to keep it warm, then you can flood it. We spread the cake of the required size on the film, do it on the board, put it in the freezer. There it will quickly freeze, which is what we need.

While the cake hardens, soak gelatin in water. Well, if it's instant, then it won't take long. Mix sour cream with sugar, add melted gelatin.

We cut the marmalade and pear. If the strawberries are large, you can also cut them. Pour it all into sour cream cream, stir. Pour into a bowl. We take the cake out of the cookies, put it on top of the cream, press it. We leave the Broken Glass cake until it solidifies in the refrigerator; you cannot put it in the freezer.

In addition to cookies, you can also use a ready-made biscuit cake for a cake, which is usually thin, has a sufficiently large diameter, and it is easy to cut a layer of the desired size and shape from it.

Option 3: Cake "Broken glass" (recipe with cottage cheese)

The curd version of the Broken Glass cake is distinguished by its taste. Dessert is more satisfying, more interesting, requires a little more ingredients. Sour cream is also added to it. The recipe below indicates jelly bags. If you didn't manage to buy it (or you just don't want to cook it), then you can simply replace it with marmalade. This option is without biscuit cake.


  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 2 bags of jelly;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 17 g gelatin;
  • 2 kiwi;
  • 1 pear or peach.

How to cook

We combine gelatin with 50 ml of water, you can replace it with plain milk. We leave for 25 minutes. Prepare jelly from bags according to the instructions, let it freeze in the refrigerator.

Cottage cheese does not need to be wiped if there is a blender. Mix it with sugar and sour cream, whisk everything together in a bowl. If there is no blender, then first wipe it, then mix with the rest of the ingredients. If you don't want a cake that is too sweet, you can reduce the amount of sand.

Chop the peeled kiwi, they will add brightness to the cake. We chop a pear or other light fruit into small cubes. Pour everything into the cottage cheese, add the chopped jelly and stir gently, try not to crush the pieces, they should keep their shape.

We cover a bowl of any size with a film or a bag, lay out the curd mass with all the added ingredients. We level it, send it to the refrigerator. After about five hours, the cake can be turned over. If the gelatin is good, then the dessert will harden earlier.

If you suddenly forgot to put a film in the bowl, then you need to put it in hot water for a minute, then turn it over, the cake will separate without problems.

Option 4: Broken glass cake (recipe with yogurt and chocolate)

A variation of the popular fruit yogurt cake. It turns out a very appetizing and aromatic delicacy from interesting ingredients. Instead of jelly, marmalade is used; fruits and berries of different colors are also present.


  • 700 ml yogurt;
  • 170 g marmalade;
  • 1 kiwi;
  • 1 orange;
  • 100 g strawberries;
  • 70 g white chocolate;
  • 100 g blackberries or blueberries;
  • 30 g gelatin;
  • 1 thin biscuit.

Step by step recipe

Mix gelatin with half a glass of water, wait for swelling, then heat and combine with yogurt. We choose it to your taste. Rub white chocolate or chop into small pieces, pour into yogurt.

Cut out a biscuit in a bowl, crumble the rest, pour it into yogurt with gelatin. We also add marmalade there. If initially the pieces are large, then we cut them.

At the very end, we cut the orange, peel the slices, kiwi, rinse the berries. Add to the mixture with yogurt, stir gently, try not to crush the fruit.

We put all this in a bowl. Cover with the remaining biscuit, press down so that it sticks. We put it in a cool place until it hardens.

Broken glass cake can also be made in small tins in portions. In them, the jelly will harden faster, besides, such a serving looks interesting, nothing needs to be cut and shifted, it is enough to turn the mold on a saucer.

Option 5: Broken glass cake (recipe with cracker)

For this simplified version, you also don't need to make a biscuit, but you need a vanilla cracker. Also, the recipe for the Broken Glass cake uses multi-colored jelly, we take as many as three sachets, dilute them according to the instructions, let them freeze in the refrigerator in advance so as not to delay the process.


  • 3 bags of jelly;
  • 650 g sour cream;
  • 2 kiwi;
  • 30 g gelatin;
  • 1 orange;
  • 300 g cracker;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 1 packet of vanilla.

How to cook

Mix gelatin with 80 ml of water, let it brew according to the instructions. We make the jelly in advance, keep it in the refrigerator, and then cut it into pieces. If the cracker is large, then break it into several parts. We try to do this so that there are fewer crumbs.

Whisk sour cream and sugar. Add vanilla. Melt the gelatin and add to the prepared cream. Pour in pieces of multi-colored jelly and a cracker. Stir.

Cut the fruit into small pieces, add at the end, stir again. We send the whole mass into the form, leave it in the refrigerator for five hours. It is desirable to cover the top. Remove from the mold before serving.

To make the finished jelly more dense, we use less water for it than indicated in the instructions on the package. It is more convenient to pour it into small bowls with a layer of 0.5-1 cm, then it will cool down and harden faster.

We recommend trying this excellent Broken Glass cake recipe on hot summer days when you want something sweet and cool. We will describe the options for making a cake called Broken glass; there are several recipes with a photo, according to which you can cook this delicacy. In fact, this dessert consists of a sour cream soufflé, which has inclusions of multi-colored jelly and pieces of biscuit. It is worth noting that cookies are often used instead of biscuits, and some generally prefer to make dessert only from soufflé and jelly.

When the dessert is ready, you can immediately cut it into portions. The cake holds its shape perfectly after hardening, and the cut pieces look very festive. The delicacy is quite simple to prepare, so it can be prepared even with children. Below we describe several options for making such an unusual cake.

Broken glass cake - option one with biscuit

Ingredients for homemade biscuit:

  • vanilla powder - pack;
  • high quality flour - 220 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 240 grams;
  • fresh chicken eggs - 6 pieces.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • jelly of different colors (you can store it) - 3 pieces (a glass of each color);
  • large tangerines - 2 pieces;
  • ripe kiwi - 3 pieces.

Base ingredients:

  • fat sour cream from 25% - 965 grams;
  • gelatin granules - 2 packs;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups.

Biscuit making process:

To begin with, a lush sponge cake is prepared for the Broken Glass cake, according to the recipe presented with a photo, step by step at home. To do this, take a cup into which six chicken eggs are broken, beat this product until a sufficiently persistent foam is obtained.

Gradually, granulated sugar is added to this mass, and then the products are whipped again. As a result, you should get a stable and glossy mass.

Now add a pack of vanilla powder to this bowl and add flour in portions. Stir the dough from bottom to top, this makes it possible to get the most lush cake. If the hostess is not sure of her ability to make biscuit dough, then additional baking powder is added to the mass.

For baking, you can use any shape, but a round one is better suited. It is greased with butter, and then the dough is poured into it. Baking is carried out at a temperature of at least 180 degrees, the baking process can last thirty minutes or more.

As soon as the cake is ready, it is removed from the mold and transferred to the wire rack to cool the biscuit.

Cooking jelly:

If ready-made jelly is used, then it is simply laid out from jars and cut into cubes. When, for a cake called Broken glass, according to the recipe presented with a photo, step by step with a biscuit and fruit, jelly needs to be prepared, it is worth doing this in advance. For this, powdered jelly is poured with the required amount of water, and then put into the refrigerator.

When the jelly is ready, it is cut into cubes and transferred to a bowl. The plate is removed in the cold so that the jelly does not melt.

Preparing the filling:

Now we start preparing the filling, it is not difficult to do this, since the main product here is fatty sour cream. First of all, gelatin in granules is soaked, it is left for the time required according to the instructions so that the product has time to swell. As soon as this happens, you can move the cup to a water bath, and wait until the gelatin dissolves.

Sour cream is transferred into a large cup, granulated sugar is immediately added to it and the mass is whipped until splendor and thickness is obtained. The easiest way to do this will be with a mixer, if the device is not at home, then you will have to use a regular whisk.

Gelatin is poured into the resulting thick mass, after which the cream is thoroughly mixed until smooth. The cream is left aside for now, while the fruit is being prepared. To do this, kiwi is peeled, also comes with tangerines. Kiwi is cut into slices, and tangerines are peeled and peeled, and then cut into pieces.

We make the assembly of the dessert:

You can take a silicone mold, where the cake was previously baked, and chop half of the biscuit into pieces. Spread the pieces over the bottom of the mold as evenly as possible to get the base. One third of the dough is poured onto the surface of the biscuit pieces, and then the diced jelly is placed on top of it. Pour everything on top with another layer of sour cream.

Now you can put the fruit in the Broken glass cake, according to the proposed recipe with a photo, step by step with a biscuit. To do this, the pieces are placed on the surface of the sour cream, and on top, everything is covered with a chopped biscuit cake. The top is again watered with the remains of the cream and everything is carefully leveled with a spoon. The surface of the dessert should be as flat as possible. Such a dessert in the form is sent to the refrigerator for five hours, during which time the cake will receive the necessary shape, and the biscuit and fruits will grasp well in the soufflé. It is necessary to serve the dessert on a large platter; on top it is decorated with pieces of any fruit.

Broken glass cake - option two with sour cream and strawberries


  • strawberry jelly - 1 sachet;
  • biscuit or biscuit - 145 grams;
  • large fresh strawberries - 235 grams;
  • fatty sour cream at least 25% - 1.2 liters;
  • gelatin granules - 1 pack;
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass;
  • vanilla powder - 1 pack;
  • candied fruits - 115 grams.


  1. Making a cake Broken glass, according to the recipe presented with a photo, step by step with a cookie or biscuit, begins with the preparation of berries. The strawberries are washed in water, and then they are allowed to dry and the tails are removed. Now the berries are cut into pieces and transferred to a deep container. The berries are left aside, while strawberry jelly is being prepared, with the help of which the strawberries are poured. The prepared container is removed for several hours in the refrigerator chamber so that the jelly mass solidifies.
  2. Now gelatin is taken in granules, it is soaked in water for a while, and then diluted in a water bath until it is completely dissolved. As soon as the jelly with strawberry pieces in the refrigerator hardens well, you can start preparing the cream. To do this, sour cream is mixed with granulated sugar, and then add vanillin there and beat for another ten seconds. Now the mixer is transferred to the highest speed, and gelatin diluted in water is gradually introduced into the mass.
  3. The finished jelly is removed from the refrigerator and then cut into small pieces. Now these pieces are placed on the bottom of the prepared form; it is best to cover the container with cling film. On top of the pieces of jelly, spread candied fruits, the resulting layer is poured with half of the sour cream. Now a cookie or biscuit is broken into pieces, and then it is laid out on a layer of sour cream. You can make a sponge cake as a base, in this case, on the Broken glass jelly cake, according to the recipe from the photo, there is no need to pour two layers of cream, one is enough.
  4. The last step will be to freeze the finished dessert. The mold is placed in the refrigerator for three hours. During this time, the gelatin will have time to grab the cream, and the delicacy will keep the given shape well. If the container is not covered with cling film, then it is enough to lower the mold in hot water for a few seconds, and then turn the cake over onto a large plate.

Broken glass cake - option three with cherries


  • frozen or fresh cherries - 265 grams;
  • cherry jelly - 1 package;
  • purchased biscuit cake - 210 grams;
  • gelatin granules - 1 pack;
  • cream "Ganache" - 325 grams;
  • canned peaches - 230 grams;
  • granulated sugar 310 grams;
  • Baileys liqueur - 95 ml;
  • fat sour cream - 1500 ml.


  1. This option for making a Broken glass cake, according to the presented recipe with a photo, step by step with a biscuit, is similar to the recipe from Emma's grandmother, but here in addition they use Ganache and liqueur. It is worth starting with making a biscuit, but if it has already been bought, then it is enough just to soak it with liquor. Berries are laid on the surface of the finished cake, and then the biscuit base is rolled into a roll. The finished roll is cut into pieces and set aside.
  2. Now granulated sugar is taken and placed in the bowl, where the fatty sour cream has already been transferred. This mass is beaten fluffily, it is easier to do this with a mixer. The mixer is transferred to a high speed, and then gelatin, diluted in advance, is added to the mass.
  3. It is worth preparing cherry jelly, pour it over with water and put it in the refrigerator, it is better to dilute the jelly in a container so that when cutting the cubes it turns out to be smoother. All the components of the dessert have already been prepared, so you can start preparing the cake.

  1. To assemble a treat, you should take a large cake pan, a round cake with a hole in the middle will look beautiful. Now in the recesses of the form, they begin to lay the prepared pieces of biscuit in pieces. Next, jelly cubes are laid out between these pieces, and peaches in canned form should also be placed there. Peaches can be chopped up a little to keep them smaller.
  2. Now the mass is poured with sour cream, which has been mixed with gelatin. The cake is placed in the refrigerator compartment for a couple of hours. During this time, the dessert will set and can be transferred to a large dish. If no additional decoration will be used, then when stacking products, you should think about the design of the dessert in advance. In our case, ganache is used. This chocolate cream is simply poured onto the surface of the cake and the dessert is left in the refrigerator for another thirty minutes.
  3. You can serve this dessert even on a hot summer day, as the delicacy is served cold. If desired, the cake is decorated with fruits or fresh berries. Instead of a biscuit, it is allowed to use cookies soaked in liquor.

The classic Broken Glass cake is usually made from colored gelatin. It is, of course, beautiful, but there is little useful in such a cake, so I slightly modified the generally accepted recipe: instead of colored gelatin, I use canned fruits. Broken glass cake with fruit turns out to be even more beautiful and appetizing, and most importantly, it does not contain dyes. A cake is prepared without baking, very quickly and easily. Try it, a great dessert, especially in the summer heat.


  • 1 sponge cake
  • 500 gr. canned fruits
  • 500 gr. sour cream or cream cheese
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 25-30 gr. gelatin
  • colored glaze:
  • 3-4 tablespoons jam
  • 5 gr. gelatin
  • So, for the broken glass cake, we need one thin biscuit cake. You can buy ready-made cakes or bake a biscuit yourself. To prevent the remaining cakes from drying out, wrap them in food grade plastic and hide them in the freezer. In this form, they will be perfectly preserved until next time.
  • We take a detachable form, wrap the side part with food grade plastic. Put a biscuit cake on the bottom of the mold. I used mine, homemade, the cut is clearly visible in the photo. If there is no biscuit, then the bottom of the cake can be laid out with ordinary cookies.
  • Put the canned fruits on a plate so that they drain from the liquid. For Broken Glass fruit cake, canned peaches, plums, pears, canned cherries or cherries are ideal. A set of fruits can be any, you can also use raisins, dried apricots, prunes. This time I used peaches, canned pineapple, canned cherries and used fresh kiwi for contrast. I must say right away that it is better to use fresh fruits to a minimum, since they release a lot of juice even after gelatin has solidified.
  • Cut the fruits into long slices, the cherries into halves.
  • Spreading evenly, place the pieces of fruit on top of the biscuit crust.
  • Now let's prepare the gelatinous fill. We take half a liter of non-acidic sour cream. Beat sour cream with sugar with a blender. Instead of sour cream, you can use mascarpone-type cream cheese, in this case add a little milk to make the cheese mass more liquid. Grind the cheese mass with a blender along with sugar.
  • We take gelatin. We carefully read what is written on the package. We act according to the instructions on the package. I used instant gelatin. It is enough just to fill it with a glass of water, and then, stirring, heat until completely dissolved. You do not need to boil.
  • Pour the gelatin into the sour cream or curd mass in a thin stream. Mix well with a spoon so that the gelatin is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume.
  • Pour the resulting mass into a mold, try to distribute it evenly over the entire surface.
  • If some pieces of fruit have risen and stick out strongly, then put them with a spoon. It is desirable that the surface of the cake is more or less even. The mold can be shaken a little so that the gelatinous mass is better distributed.
  • Form with cake We put the broken glass in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours, it is possible overnight. The setting time depends on the quality of the gelatin.
  • When the cake hardens, carefully remove the side of the mold, remove the plastic. It turns out that's such beauty.
  • In principle, the Broken glass cake is ready, the surface can be left the same or greased with thick jam, but it will turn out much more beautiful if you prepare jelly glaze for Broken glass, which will cover the whole cake with an even shiny layer.
  • Cake frosting Broken glass

  • We take any jam or jam. Grind thoroughly with a blender to get a homogeneous sweet mass. You can take peach or apricot jam, then the icing will turn out to be a beautiful yellow-orange color. If you have strawberry jam, then you get a rich red glaze. It is even easier to use jelly, for example