Biscuit cake made from egg whites. Biscuit white angel ☆ types of impregnations for biscuit ☆ biscuit on squirrels

I am now rediscovering recipes that I tried to bake 20 years ago. Then I bought little magazines "Cooking Tips", clearly inspired by "Good Food", I leafed through them from cover to cover and cooked all the recipes in a row. Here, for example, a protein biscuit, I was very surprised at one time. And in principle, nothing surprising!
Biscuit on squirrels, "angel food" - an American invention. Some people think that it cannot be prepared without kremertartar and a special shape with a cone in the middle. Therefore, biscuits of this kind are not very common. In the meantime, such baking is a great way recycling, I'm not afraid of this word, proteins, which, for example, remain at our disposal after cooking.
There is no secret in the preparation of such a biscuit. It is prepared almost like an ordinary biscuit, in slightly different proportions, baked at 180C for 25-30 minutes, but cooled upside down. Why?
In order for the biscuit to rise well and not fall off when cooled, it is baked in a mold that is not greased or sprinkled with anything, that is, the dough must stick to the walls during the baking process (thus, you do not need to use silicone molds, but it sticks perfectly to non-stick molds) . But the main problem arises if the shape is large enough in diameter. Then, under its own weight, the middle of the cake falls a little even during baking. If you use a shape with a tube in the middle or a rectangular one, there will be no such problem. Again, so that the middle does not fail when cooling, the form is turned upside down.
Protein biscuit is snow-white, porous, with a very delicate crust and resembles bread for toast in appearance and softness. It withstands the neighborhood with creams well (and I’ll tell you more about the cake with it), but cream or berries are an ideal addition, which is written about a lot and you really can’t argue with it. I suggest preparing a berry sauce, which is now commonly called compote in the French manner - you just need to pour hot syrup over the frozen berries and leave to stand for half an hour.
I whip egg whites for biscuits with very little sugar, as they are very difficult to beat. And I add the bulk of the sugar along with the flour in the form of powdered sugar. Do not forget to add flavorings to this biscuit - vanilla extract or vanilla sugar, this greatly improves the taste. As for kremertartar, I have it - and I do not see any difference from replacing it with citric acid.

5 large proteins
80g powdered sugar
50g fine sugar
60g flour
pinch of salt optional
1/2 tsp citric acid
1/2 tsp vanilla essence

150g strawberries
100g raspberries
50g currants
120g sugar
150g water
vanilla pod optional

oven 180C
cake tin 10x20cm or round 16cm

To start the sauce. Put the berries in a deep bowl without defrosting.

Prepare a syrup of sugar and water, bring to a boil. Pour syrup over berries. You can add a spoonful of berry liqueur, for example, currant. Leave to insist.

Pour the egg whites into a bowl. Sift flour with powdered sugar. Prepare citric acid and vanilla extract. Heat up the oven.
Start beating egg whites with salt.

When they are whipped as usual, until thick, add citric acid and sugar, beat for a couple of minutes, the mass should not be like for meringue, the peaks will be soft, bent when you take out the whisk. And the mass itself will be softer and more tender, but not fluid at all.

Add vanilla essence, beat a little more. Pour in flour with powder.
Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous dough is obtained.

Now put the dough into a mold, knock it a couple of times on the table so that there are no big holes later.

Bake for 25-30 minutes, the baked biscuit is elastic to the touch. Turn it over onto a bowl, for example. Or on a regular grid. And leave to cool completely.

Now you need to draw a knife along the walls and again knock on the table so that the biscuit falls out. He is such a.

You just need to cut it into pieces with a very sharp knife and serve with compote or cream.

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Biscuit White angel (biscuit on squirrels) 18 cm:

8 proteins
a pinch of salt
1/2 tsp lemon juice
160 gr sugar
80 gr flour
20 gr starch
Good afternoon friends! Today we will prepare a White Angel biscuit. And also today we will talk about impregnation for biscuits. The main difference of this biscuit is that it is cooked on egg whites. This recipe is for an 18cm diameter pan.

And so, let's get started! We take cold proteins, add a pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Separate the whites very carefully from the yolks, the mixer bowl and beaters should be dry and clean. We begin to beat the whites at a low speed of the mixer, gradually increasing it. Beat the mass to soft peaks and increase the mixer speed to maximum. And we start in parts, with small time intervals, add sugar, without stopping beating. We continue to beat at high speed for a few more minutes and after all the sugar has been added. The mass should turn out to be very dense, keep its shape well, shine, and the sugar should completely dissolve.

Our meringue is ready. Now you need to sift flour with starch to it (we take corn starch, if there is no corn starch, then add potato, if there is none, then add more flour). We sift in one step - all at once. And then with the help of a mixer mix everything until smooth. Add vanilla extract, if you use vanilla sugar, then add it along with the main sugar.

The dough for our biscuit is ready - it turns out to be very dense, very thick, the mass holds its shape well and has a very light, snow-white color. This amount is calculated for a 18 cm mold, if you need a cake of a different diameter, then use the calculator on the main page of my website. I use a baking ring and wrap it in foil. We spread the dough in several stages, each time carefully distributing along the walls of the form. We bake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick. Let the biscuit cool for a while in the mold and then take it out of the mold or cut it out of the ring and cool completely on a wire rack. After cooling, it can be wrapped in cling film and allowed to rest for several hours in the refrigerator.

Then you can cut the biscuit into cakes. It turns out a beautiful white color, very porous, airy and elastic!

Now let's move on to impregnations for biscuits. And the first, which is great for chocolate biscuits, is coffee impregnation. It can be made on the basis of instant or natural coffee, as well as on the basis of sugar syrup, in which instant coffee or coffee extract is added.

Sugar syrup for impregnation is prepared very simply - we take sugar and water 1/1, bring to a boil, completely dissolve the sugar, you can add any flavors to it. And soak the biscuit with this syrup.

Another great impregnation option is various juices, such as cherry. If desired, add sugar to the juice and bring to a boil, until the sugar is completely dissolved, let it cool completely, then soak the biscuit.

Not all biscuits need soaking, moist and with a lot of oil do not need soaking.

Another type of impregnation that is great for light biscuits is milk or cream. I don’t even add sugar to them, but you can add various flavor accents. I added a little Baileys liqueur and this is the impregnation I use for the Strawberry Baileys cake. In general, choose the impregnation to your liking. It is very easy to calculate the amount of impregnation - for one cake, with a diameter of 20 cm, it takes about 50 ml of impregnation, which means that for four cakes, you will need 200 ml of impregnation, respectively.

I am sure that everyone can cook the perfect biscuit. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe!

Classic biscuit recipe

So, you will need:

5 eggs;

1 cup * flour;

1 cup of sugar;

vanillin optional.

1. Separate the proteins from the yolks. shown how to do it. Whisk the whites and yolks with sugar in separate bowls (add a little more sugar to the bowl with the whites). Proteins need to be whipped until a stable foam appears, and yolks - until the mixture turns into an airy light yellow mass. By the way, you can check that the squirrels are well whipped with a spatula: scoop up the whipped mass - if it holds its shape, does not drain, then the squirrels are ready.

Then mix in the beaten egg whites and yolks. Add vanilla to the mixture. Take a sieve to sift flour, pour a little flour into the egg mixture. At the same time, mix the flour and eggs with a spatula, carefully so that the egg mixture does not fall off.

2. Take a baking dish, best round, with a removable edge. Lubricate the inside of the form with butter or vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour (this is called a "French shirt"). Pour the dough into a mold, cover it with foil on top, which you also grease with oil from the inside. This is necessary so that the dough does not stick to the foil when it starts to rise in the oven.

3. Put the dough in the oven heated to 170°C. Wait 25-30 minutes. After this time, lower the temperature to 150 ° C and bake the biscuit for another 25-30 minutes. Do not open the oven while it is cooking! Cold air getting in there will spoil the biscuit.

How to make a biscuit on squirrels? What is this food? The answers to these and other questions are provided below. Angel food (squirrel biscuit) is an invention of the Americans. Some believe that it cannot be concocted without a special shape with a cone in the middle and cremortartar. Therefore, most housewives do not cook it at all. Meanwhile, such baking is an excellent way to utilize the proteins that, say, remain after making ice cream. How to make a delicious squirrel biscuit is shown below.


The biscuit familiar to all of us is cooked on the basis of eggs. But the inhabitants of the United States were the first to make the product in question, which turned out to be very delicate and white. It was for this that they called angelic.

If you are a fan of mouth-watering, interesting and extraordinary pastries, this pie is just for you. It is very light and tender, created from a couple of tablespoons of flour, sugar and proteins. It turns out the product is incredibly tasty.

Due to its weightless texture, it is more like a dessert than a rich pastry familiar to all of us. To make the product appetizing and tender, you need to strictly follow all the tips and recommendations.

With raspberries

How to make a sponge cake on squirrels with raspberries? The sweet and mild taste of these berries goes great with a protein biscuit. We take:

Prepare this egg white biscuit like this:

  1. Add citric acid and salt to the proteins, beat at low speed. When the mass increases in size, but does not yet become dense, add sugar in portions. The main condition for making such a biscuit is the gradual addition of sugar over two minutes. Make sure that the mass does not turn out thick.
  2. Once you have whipped the protein mixture to soft peaks, fold the flour into the dough. Mix the mass with light movements.
  3. Put the third part of the dough in a baking dish. Place raspberries on top.
  4. Cover everything with another layer of dough, put the raspberries and the rest of the protein mass again.
  5. Bake the product at 180 ° C for about 25 minutes. You should have a light cake that melts in your mouth.

Serve chilled with herbal tea, custard or raspberry confiture.

  • In order for the protein biscuit to turn out perfect, you need to follow the recommended time for the egg mass.
  • During the winter months, frozen berries can be used to create the pie.
  • Instead of raspberries, you can use any berries: strawberries, cherries, blueberries or blackberries.
  • To prevent the top of the biscuit from burning, cover it with foil.
  • Since the cake is weightless, bake two servings of biscuit for a large company.

chocolate biscuit

Delicate biscuit on whipped proteins with the finest aroma of chocolate is a real delight for a gourmet. If you like healthy and original pastries, make Kiss of an Angel. You will be captivated by this amazing cake. This chocolate biscuit is a great addition to breakfast with friends or a romantic dinner.

It will also appeal to children who love chocolate pastries very much. Biscuit contains only useful components, so kids can eat it without infringement (within reasonable limits). Take:

This recipe with a photo of a biscuit on proteins stipulates the implementation of such actions:

  1. Whip the whites with sugar, salt and citric acid into a tight, strong foam.
  2. Combine baking powder, flour and cocoa, stir.
  3. Pour the dry mixture into the proteins, mix the dough with light movements.
  4. Spread the form with vegetable oil, sprinkle with flour. Put the dough into the form, send it to the oven, heated to 150 ° C, for 30 minutes.
  5. After cooling, put the biscuit on a plate, cut into portioned pieces.

Serve dessert with aromatic coffee, milk or mint tea.

  • Check the readiness of the cake with a wooden toothpick.
  • Do not try to get a homogeneous dough. Even if you come across lighter or darker pieces, it's not scary. Here it is important to preserve the "airiness" of the mass.

Angel Biscuit

To create this dessert, it is better to take “aged” proteins. To do this, separate them from the yolks, pour into a bowl, cover with polyethylene and put in the refrigerator overnight (you can leave it at room temperature).

Squirrels can be kept in the refrigerator for up to five days, they will not deteriorate, but will acquire special qualities. Such proteins are great for baking "Kyiv Cake", "Angel Biscuit", meringues and meringues, pasta cakes and so on. You can also use thawed egg whites.

If you are preparing an angel biscuit, remove the whites from the refrigerator in advance and let them warm up to home temperature. So, you will need:

  • 80 g flour;
  • 190 g of sugar;
  • seven egg whites;
  • salt (at the tip of a knife);
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l. (10 g);
  • lemon juice - 1 dessert spoon.

How to cook?

This simple one suggests following these steps:

  1. Sift flour into a bowl, add vanilla sugar, salt and ½ part of sugar (95 g). Stir the dry mixture with a whisk so that it is saturated with oxygen.
  2. Pour the whites into a clean container, add the lemon juice and beat until a fluffy light foam is formed with a mixer at medium speed.
  3. In small portions, without stopping beating, pour in the remaining sugar.
  4. Beat egg whites with sugar until medium foam. Recommendation: Whipped egg whites do not run off the mixer blades as much as at the beginning of whipping. At the same time, a trace of protein falling from the whisk remains on the surface of the whipped mass for some time. The mixture is still watery and when the dish is tilted, it is easily poured out of it (unlike the hard foam phase, where the whites remain in place when the dish is turned over).
  5. Pour the flour, sugar and salt mixture into the beaten egg whites. Quickly stir the mass with a spoon or spatula from top to bottom until the proteins completely absorb the flour.
  6. Sprinkle a biscuit mold (in the form of a ring with a gap in the center) with water (no need to lubricate with oil). Pour the dough into it and level the surface.
  7. Send the form to the oven, heated to 180 ° C, for 20-35 minutes.
  8. The finished biscuit will be covered with a golden crust and will increase in size by 1.5 times. Take it out of the oven and carefully turn it over, putting it on a bottle with a long neck.
  9. Leave the product for 1 hour to cool.
  10. Carefully separate the biscuit from the sides of the pan with a knife, invert onto a wire rack and cool completely.

In a slow cooker

We suggest you make an angelic biscuit in a slow cooker. The finished dessert will pleasantly surprise you with a finely porous crumb and airy texture. Remember that the multicooker bowl must not be lubricated, as the biscuit dough must climb the walls. It can only be sprinkled lightly with water. Be sure to place a thick-walled glass in the center of the bowl, imitating a shape with a hole. Cool the finished product in the form, and upside down, otherwise it may settle. You will need:

  • 80 g wheat flour:
  • seven egg whites;
  • 0.25 tsp citric acid;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 140 g of powdered sugar.

Prepare this dish like this:

  1. Pour the chilled proteins into a large bowl, add salt and citric acid. Beat everything at medium speed until coarse and white. Next, add sugar in small portions, beating the mass at high speed until soft peaks form.
  2. Combine the sifted flour with powdered sugar, stir. Pour the dry mixture into the protein mass, mix with a spatula from the bottom up. The dough should be fluffy and airy.
  3. Sprinkle the multicooker bowl with water, put the dough into it, level it.
  4. Now take a glass and insert it in the center to the very bottom of the mold.
  5. Bake on the "Bake" mode for 60 minutes. If the power of your device is more than 700 watts, 45 minutes may be enough for you.
  6. When the biscuit is ready, turn the whole structure over on inverted glasses, let it cool completely in this position.
  7. Then turn the chilled mold over again. Grasp the glass and gently run the knife along the walls (glass). Now gently roll the glass along the bottom, and the biscuit will come off the mold. To make sure that it no longer clings to the bottom and sides, slightly pry the pastry with a silicone spatula. Next, turn the bowl over and remove the biscuit.

Do you want to make on proteins? Sour cream or protein-butter cream is perfect for such airy cakes. But keep in mind that the angel biscuit does not come out wet, so be sure to soak it before making the cake. Decorate the product the way you like. Have fun in the kitchen!

Juicy, elastic, and at the same time airy, like a cloud, fragrant biscuit on egg whites you will definitely cook often - it is truly universal! Based on it, you can make a variety of biscuit cakes, all kinds of cakes, breathtaking desserts, and just like that, a fresh biscuit with milk or tea is so delicious! And even if you are completely hopeless when it comes to making biscuits - such a biscuit always turns out, unlike, you just need to follow the simple instructions with the photo below 😉.

And this recipe is very convenient to use when a couple of egg whites are stale in the refrigerator. Indeed, quite often, for the preparation of various sauces, dressings, creams, pies, cakes and desserts, only egg yolks are required - in this case, you can freeze the proteins for a sufficiently long period in a dense plastic bag. I myself have been doing this for a long time and I recommend it to you, just before sending it to the freezer, do not forget to tightly tie the bag and write on it the amount of proteins to be frozen. And then, as needed, the proteins can be thawed and used for their intended purpose, so to speak 🙂 - for making meringues, all kinds of creams, desserts and vanilla protein biscuit, of course!

By the way, such proteins from the freezer are called “aged” - oddly enough, this has the best effect on their qualities (which cannot be said about you and me 🙂): these proteins beat better and faster, and for some desserts it is recommended to use “aged proteins ”- for example, everyone’s favorites in this case turn out to be more accurate and beautiful, and the Italian meringue whips faster.

We will need for two cakes with a diameter of 18-20 cm:

  • butter - 120 g
  • sugar - 450 g
  • flour - 440 g
  • baking powder - 3 tsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • cold water - 330 ml
  • egg white - 4 pcs

Preparing the biscuit dough:

In a large deep bowl, rub with a spatula, fork or mixer 120 g of soft (not melted!) Butter with 450 g of sugar until smooth.

Sift 440 g of flour into another deep bowl and mix with 3 tsp. baking powder and 0.5 tsp. salt.

Add the flour mixture and 330 ml of cold water in two additions to the butter and sugar, mixing thoroughly each time. Add 1 tsp. vanilla extract and mix until smooth.

In a clean, fat-free, deep bowl, beat 4 chilled egg whites with a mixer until stiff peaks - the whipped protein mass will keep its shape well, and if you turn the container with whipped proteins over, they will not spill out of it.

Gently introduce the whipped proteins into the container with the dough, gently mixing the dough with a spatula from the bottom up, trying not to damage the airy consistency of the whipped proteins.

Biscuit cakes can be baked in two forms at once (if any) with high sides with a diameter of 18-20 cm, but biscuits can be baked alternately. The bottom of the baking dish must first be lined with parchment or foil.

Biscuit baking:

Bake a biscuit in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 30-40 minutes. In the first 20 minutes, in no case open the oven door - the biscuit may fall off. As soon as the biscuit is browned, you can cover the biscuit pan with foil (shiny side up) or reduce the baking temperature to 160 ° C so that the biscuit is well baked and does not burn. The readiness of the biscuit can be checked with a wooden toothpick (when piercing the biscuit, the toothpick should come out of it dry) or lightly pressing the middle with your finger (it should spring and quickly take the shape that it was before pressing).

Let the cake cool slightly, carefully remove from the mold and invert onto a wire rack to cool.

In the same way, bake the second biscuit cake, cool.

And now, finally, you can collect a delicious cake or just serve biscuits with milk or tea, sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired and decorate with fresh berries.

Enjoy your meal!

What else to cook from the remaining proteins

It seems that if you have at least a few extra proteins, you don’t have to worry about the menu. Proteins can be used to make many incredibly delicious dishes. For example, garlic sauce Tum, a protein omelet that fits perfectly into almost any diet or is suitable for baby food. There are also batter recipes for meat and fish, or a cocktail for those who want to get in shape.
The classic is. Who among us has not cooked it to fill straws, or to decorate cakes. From the French meringue, we have repeatedly baked the most beloved by us and our children.
Protein-oil cream is another frequent guest in our kitchen. It keeps its shape perfectly, stable, light, almost airy, it is beautifully colored, delicate, even without flavoring additives, therefore it is widely used by confectioners to form simply fabulous decorations.
We all know well how to prepare these two cream options. And we willingly diversify them by adding ingredients such as cocoa, cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese or even fruits to the composition.
Here is the mousse recipe. You know, my mother's favorite sweets I appreciated only when I made them myself.

For sweets we will take:

  • Proteins - 2 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Gelatin - 2 tablespoons;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Milk (cream) - 50 ml;
  • Chocolate - 50 gr;
  • Nuts (any) - 50 gr;
  • Salt - a pinch.

Let's prepare the most tender and exquisite sweets in their simplicity:

  1. We set the gelatin to swell in advance in cold water.
  2. After 10 minutes, put the gelatin on a small fire. Our goal is to warm it up so that the gelatin is completely dissolved. After that, leave it alone so that the gelatin cools. And we do the cream ourselves.
  3. Beat egg whites with salt.
  4. Gradually pour in the powder. Take your time, completely stir each portion until smooth.
  5. When the foam becomes sufficiently lush, without stopping whipping, pour in the gelatin in a thin stream.
  6. We should get a stable mass. We fill out the form with it. You can pour it into individual molds. But I prefer the classic form of candy. So I pour the whole mass on a baking sheet. Let cool and then cut into squares.
  7. Before cutting, I put it briefly (to be sure) in the refrigerator. And after she divided the mousse into parts, she returned my sweets to the cold again.
  8. While the base of the dessert reaches its condition, let's prepare the chocolate icing. Personally, this occupation perfectly distracts me from tasting sweets)))
    We melt the chocolate in the bath.
  9. Add cream to chocolate.
  10. Pour the glaze over the finished sweets and sprinkle them with crushed or chopped nuts.

I talked about candy all the time. But in fact, mousse can become a layer in the cake, or be served as an independent dish. Choose options for yourself, try mousse in various roles.
Another dish that I want to remind you of is pastille. In fact, this is berry, fruit or fruit and berry puree. For him, quite a bit of protein is needed, but not without protein. This delicacy diversifies our menu, it will be especially useful if you are preparing for a children's holiday.

Apple pastille from proteins

What should we take for apple marshmallow:

  • Apples (sour or sweet and sour) - 5 pcs. (medium);
  • Sugar (or honey) - 170g (you need a little less honey);
  • Egg white - 1 pc.;
  • You can dust the finished product with powdered sugar.

How to make apple marshmallow:

  1. There are 2 ways to get apple puree. I like the first one because it retains more vitamins (I hope so) due to baking the fruit in the skin. The second is to wash, peel the apples and only then bake.
    Now I choose the first way. Let's wash the apples and send them to the oven until they are soft. Perhaps the skin will crack, but it's not scary, because we still need to remove it.
  2. Cool the baked apples. Now you can easily clean them and remove the core.
  3. We grind the mass through a sieve. I like the sieve more than the blender. So we will more reliably remove all membranes and seeds.
  4. Add sugar. Since the applesauce is still warm, the sugar will melt. If the puree has cooled down, then we shift the mass into a saucepan and heat it up. We can even boil it down a bit.
  5. Add protein to the cooled puree. Mix thoroughly, you can in a mixer, but you can also use a whisk. The main thing is that we interfere until the mass increases by 2-3 times.
  6. We spread the puree in a mold and send it to the oven for 8 (!) Hours at a temperature of 70 ° C. Here I will stop a little, and note that 8 is in my oven. In yours, it can be 9, and 10, and 11 hours, depending on the oven itself. Complete readiness is determined by the product itself. A small crust should appear on top, which is easily pierced.
  7. When the marshmallow is cooked, cut it into portions. You can sprinkle with powder, but you can also grease with a thin layer of puree (if we leave it a couple of spoons).

I think it's time to move on to baking: cookies and cakes.
I read one recipe and could not help but try it, my nutty soul simply cannot resist if at least one, even a tiny nut, is indicated in the recipe. I present to you this delicacy

Italian cookies with hazelnuts

For the nut cookies we need:

  • Hazelnuts (but let's say peanuts, almonds, and walnuts) - 340 g;
  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Proteins - 4 pcs.;
  • Vanilla and salt.

Preparing walnut cookies:

  1. Preparing nuts. Roast and clean.
  2. Grind nuts and sugar in a blender or coffee grinder. The recipe said: "to the state of flour." But I got very small crumbs. But what a flavor! Fairy tale!
  3. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt.
  4. Mix egg whites with ground nuts until smooth. We do it carefully.
  5. Line a baking sheet with paper.
  6. We send our cookies to the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes.

Tuile cookies

Another one of my favorites is Tuile cookies. The almond flavor is simply amazing, sheer magic and enjoyment of life!
So, what do we need for Tuile cookies:

  • Almonds - 60 gr;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Protein - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 120 gr;
  • Flour - 50 gr;
  • Oil - 30 gr;
  • Salt - a pinch.

Cookie step by step:

  1. Slightly hold the almonds in boiling water to make it easier to peel.
  2. Peel, roast and chop nuts.
  3. Our oil should be at room temperature. It will be easier to knead it with sugar and yolk.
  4. The resulting mass is mixed with flour.
  5. Whisk until stiff peaks with salt 3 egg whites.
  6. We combine the dough with proteins. Stir gently until smooth. The recipe says "quick". But it did not work out very quickly and accurately. I went to the "carefully" side.
  7. Add crumbs and mix again.
  8. Now we distribute our thin small (about 5 cm) blanks on a baking sheet covered with a silicone mat (!!!). Silicone is a prerequisite for the subsequent molding of cookies.
  9. We send it to a hot (180 ° C) oven for 5 minutes.
  10. And after baking, we give the cookies a shape. While still hot, put it on a rolling pin. Press lightly to bend it.
  11. The final touch - sprinkle with powder.

And at the end of the topic - CAKE! I already have it on the site, so I will only remind you of it, and invite you to get acquainted or refresh its recipe: Cake! I think you can’t help but like it, the most delicious, the most delicious, I fell in love with the homemade “Flight” from the very sight. And the taste… try it, and then you will understand my delight!
Of course, this is not all that can be made from proteins. This product is incredibly useful and versatile. So please share your findings! Tell us what you managed to make from those recipes that I wrote about. Ask if you have any questions. I'm always happy to help!

In the next article I will tell you how to cook delicious based on this biscuit)

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