Jerusalem artichoke: benefits and harms, storage tips, recipes. Medicinal qualities and benefits

Summary of the article

Jerusalem artichoke also known as the Jerusalem artichoke or ground pear, belongs to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. The same family includes asters, daisies and sunflowers. If you look at the photo of Jerusalem artichoke, we will see a straight thin stem that grows up to 3 meters tall, hard leaves and oblong tubers.

Jerusalem artichoke: description

The color of the latter varies from yellowish to brown and even red. In August, beautiful Jerusalem artichoke flowers appear, resembling small yellow sunflowers that are about 10 cm in diameter. In total, there can be up to 15 of them.

The root system of a plant is characterized by depth and power.

The resulting underground tubers weighing up to 150 g are edible and can be yellow, white, red or purple. The root crop, similar in shape to a potato, is covered with the thinnest peel of a gray-brown color.

The stem of Jerusalem artichoke is straight and strong, grows up to four meters in height. In the upper part, it has a branching appearance and short pubescence with hairs. The leaves are also pubescent, toothed.

The Jerusalem artichoke got its name thanks to the Brazilian Indians from the Tupinambas tribe. Together with them, it was brought to France in the 17th century. In Russia, Jerusalem artichoke appeared a little later - in the 18th century. Today, the ground pear is widely cultivated in Europe (England, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, the European part of Russia), as well as in Japan.

The true homeland of the tuberous vegetable is considered to be North America, where it still grows wild.

For many years, Jerusalem artichoke was avoided due to the similarity of the tubers to deformed fingers, twisted by disease. But treatment with Jerusalem artichoke is useful for diseases of the joints. During World War II, the pear and rutabaga were the most common vegetables, earning them a reputation as a poor man's food.

Currently, it is preferred to grow this plant because of its food and valuable fodder properties. Tubers are edible, which many people eat raw. They can also be boiled or baked like potatoes.

The main habitats for fodder and weed (but edible) crops are wastelands, roadsides and edges of roads. The plant prefers acidic, but well-lit, soils.

In Russia, the two main varieties of Jerusalem artichoke are best known - "Interes" and "Skorospelka". Although there are at least three hundred varieties of Jerusalem artichoke in the world.

It is customary to collect root crops in October. And if possible, it is better to leave root crops in the ground for the winter (this way they are better preserved).

On sale you can find Jerusalem artichoke juice and Jerusalem artichoke syrup. And tea from Jerusalem artichoke can be prepared independently.

By the way: Jerusalem artichoke can be harvested in autumn, spring and even winter. However, it is better to harvest it after the end of frost for the best flavor and high concentration of inulin.

Jerusalem artichoke

Healing properties of Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke has historically been used as a dietary supplement for people suffering from diabetes and other pancreatic complaints. It helps reduce blood sugar levels and minimize the need for insulin.

  • Jerusalem artichoke is high in inulin, which is broken down into fructose in the colon. As a result, Jerusalem artichoke for diabetes has a very low glycemic index.
  • Jerusalem artichoke also contains prebiotic FOS (fructooligosaccharides) that support normal intestinal flora and balance of yeast in the body and intestines.
  • Jerusalem artichoke juice has laxative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, Jerusalem artichoke treatment is recommended for increased stomach acidity, anemia, arthritis, kidney stones, gout and cystitis. However, before starting independent medical procedures, you should consult with your doctor.
  • Jerusalem artichoke with diabetes can be eaten both raw and in the form of syrup, juice or dietary supplements.
  • Jerusalem artichoke is popular for weight loss as part of various diets. After all, the use of this vegetable leads to an improvement in fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Despite all its useful properties, Jerusalem artichoke itself will not help for weight loss, they should replace one of the meals, while engaging in physical activity during the day.
  • Jerusalem artichoke is one of the best sources of soluble as well as insoluble fiber. Soluble fibers help lower blood cholesterol and stabilize glucose levels. And adequate addition of coarse fibers to the diet helps to speed up intestinal activity and reduce the problem of constipation. Dietary fiber also provides some protection against colon cancer by eliminating toxic compounds from the gut.
  • Jerusalem artichoke tubers and syrup contain small amounts of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E. These vitamins, along with flavonoid compounds such as carotenes, help neutralize harmful free radicals and thus provide protection against cancer, inflammation, and viral cough. and colds. Treatment can be started at the first symptoms of a cold.
  • Jerusalem artichoke is also useful for joints. If you experience pain in the joints or back, take a bath with a decoction of Jerusalem artichoke.
  • In addition, Jerusalem artichokes are a very good source of minerals and electrolytes, especially potassium, iron, and copper. 100 g of fresh root vegetable contains 429 mg or 9% of the daily required level of potassium. Potassium prevents an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Masks of Jerusalem artichoke, grated and mixed with honey, improve complexion and smooth wrinkles.
  • The beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke are also due to a small amount of some valuable B-group vitamins, such as folates, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin and thiamine.
  • Dried Jerusalem artichoke can be a valuable source of inulin and minerals for pets.

Composition of Jerusalem artichoke. calories

The chemical composition of the underground tubers of the Jerusalem artichoke vegetable is quite diverse. Therefore, you can see in it:

  • water;
  • protein fractions;
  • fats;
  • fatty acid;
  • carbohydrates (most of all represented by fructose, starch, mono- and disaccharides);
  • acids of organic origin;
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • 16 essential and non-essential amino acids;
  • pectin substances;
  • insoluble coarse fiber;
  • ash products;
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • provitamin A (or beta-carotene);
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid);
  • minerals represented by aluminum, boron, cobalt, molybdenum, fluorine, manganese, copper, zinc, iodine, sulfur, iron, chlorine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium.
  • Jerusalem artichoke is moderately high in calories. There are about 60 calories per 100 g.
  • 100 g of fresh Jerusalem artichoke contains 3.4 mg or 42.5% iron, probably the highest amount of iron of all root crops.

What can be cooked from Jerusalem artichoke

Cooking appreciates this root crop for its high taste qualities.

Before you cook the Jerusalem artichoke, wash the tubers thoroughly in cold water. Although the skin of the tubers is thin, it is removed before eating with a vegetable knife. Due to their high iron content, the flesh of the tubers darkens quickly when exposed to air, similar to apples.

To prevent this, place the sliced ​​Jerusalem artichoke pieces in a bowl of cold lemon-sour water.

Jerusalem artichokes are a very versatile vegetable. The tubers can be eaten raw like parsnips, added to salads, or cooked and served as a puree. There are also recipes for Jerusalem artichoke fried or stewed like potatoes.

Jerusalem artichoke is mentioned in some cookbooks as a substitute for potatoes for diabetics. In some parts of the world, a liqueur is made from Jerusalem artichoke.

Possible dishes from Jerusalem artichoke:

- Jerusalem artichoke, cut into strips, you can "season" the salad.

- Fry thin slices of Jerusalem artichoke in deep fat with vegetable oil (like potato chips).

- Boiled ground pear can be used in the form of mashed potatoes as a filling for pancakes.

Jerusalem artichoke works well with other tubers like potatoes in a variety of mouth-watering stews and soups. Fried Jerusalem artichoke is prepared as a side dish with turkey, lamb and other meats.

- Tea from Jerusalem artichoke is useful in the treatment of high blood sugar, replacing the usual drink for diabetics. The recipe for making tea is as follows: take 3-4 tablespoons of crushed tubers, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Drink chilled.

Jerusalem artichoke: useful and harmful properties

Ground pear contains inert hydrocarbons in the form of inulin, a natural polysaccharide that is 95% fructose.

  • It has a positive effect on metabolism and promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora.
  • In addition, inulin prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Taking inulin regularly can help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.

However, inulin is not completely broken down in the intestine and leaves the body during defecation. This can sometimes cause unpleasant digestive problems (abdominal pain, gas), especially in those who are using Jerusalem artichoke for the first time.

In fact, all the useful qualities of Jerusalem artichoke are justified by the action of active chemical elements contained in the vegetable.

Thus, the use of an earthen pear:

  • improves visual function;
  • helps in the treatment of gout;
  • contributes to the proper formation and growth of internal organs;
  • removes manifestations of intoxication;
  • builds muscle mass;
  • regulates the general hormonal background;
  • transports hemoglobin to cells and tissues;
  • improves immunity;
  • synthesizes insulin;
  • prevents fatty infiltration of the liver;
  • removes inflammatory processes;
  • thins the blood;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • promotes the dissolution of blood clots in the vessels;
  • regulates the correctness of metabolism;
  • normalizes the water-salt balance;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • stabilizes the work of the central nervous system;
  • strengthens capillaries and blood vessels;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • protects against the development of diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • stimulates the salivary glands;
  • stabilizes healthy intestinal microflora;
  • prevents the development of various pathogenic organisms;
  • synthesizes thyroid hormones;
  • neutralizes pathogenic bacteria;
  • prevents the formation of urinary stones;

Flowering Jerusalem artichoke

When and how to plant Jerusalem artichoke

Growing Jerusalem artichoke is a simple matter, as this perennial plant is unpretentious and can grow in cold climates. It is better to plant it in a sunny place, but partial shading is also acceptable. The only thing that Jerusalem artichoke does not tolerate is overly moist soil.

Planting Jerusalem artichoke should be in early spring, when the soil has moved away from frost. Choose tubers weighing approximately 50 g with 2 or 3 prominent "eyes" and plant them at a depth of 3-5 cm. The tubers should be placed in rows at a distance of 30-42 cm from each other with row spacings of 60-65 cm.

When does Jerusalem artichoke bloom? It takes place from July to October. Be aware that dogs, pigs, and even cats can dig up Jerusalem artichoke tubers to eat. The tubers themselves are formed in August and fully ripen after 90 days.

The stems and leaves of the plant die off annually at the end of the growing season, which ranges from 180 to 200 days.

Slugs and snails can eat leaves and stems. Root grubs can sometimes start in tubers, but this is rare. Fungi can also negatively affect the plant, especially in wet, humid weather.

How to store

Once harvested, Jerusalem artichoke is available on the market from October until spring. In stores, it is better to look for tubers with a smooth surface, as they create less difficulty in cooking. Look for medium-sized, clean, firm tubers. Avoid any sprouted, diseased, or bruised tubers.

At home, Jerusalem artichoke should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 2 degrees and at very high relative humidity (from 85 to 95%). In a cool place, the beneficial properties of the vegetable last up to 10 days.


A contraindication to the use and treatment of Jerusalem artichoke is only intolerance to one of its components.

The use of Jerusalem artichoke in its raw form can cause flatulence due to the release of inulin that is not split by the body.

Basically, this vegetable is useful and very necessary for every person. Its medicinal properties are widely used in folk medicine. Just remember: everything can be consumed in moderation, without fanaticism.

Many people know about such a root crop as Jerusalem artichoke, but hardly anyone has a complete understanding of its benefits and harms. It is a perennial plant, reaching a height of even 2 meters with more than 300 varieties. The differences are in the fruits and the amount of greenery. Jerusalem artichoke can completely replace potatoes, surpassing it with its beneficial properties.

North America is considered to be the place of origin of this product. In our country, it was known as a medicinal plant in the 17th century. To grow Jerusalem artichoke does not require a lot of work - it is absolutely unpretentious, giving excellent harvests for many years in a row.

About the chemical composition

The benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke directly depend on the chemical composition. It contains more vitamins with minerals, as well as iron, than any other root crop, including even carrots and beets with potatoes. But there are also more than enough other useful components in it:

  1. A large amount of potassium, magnesium, chromium, calcium, phosphorus and silicon.
  2. As well as organic acids and amino acids with proteins and pectin.
  3. The vitamin composition is rich in group B, as well as PP and C. And the amount of carotene in it per kilogram reaches 70 mg.
  4. This vegetable even contains insulin, an indispensable element for diabetics.

At the same time, the calorie content is low - only 70 Kcal / 100 grams.

Jerusalem artichoke is useful for humans with its nutrients listed above, and this applies to:

  • To the digestive system, allowing you to heal colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, constipation and diarrhea. This vegetable promotes the absorption of selenium, while not having it. Jerusalem artichoke is able to stop vomiting, nausea and remove bitterness in the mouth;
  • Gastrointestinal system. It is endowed with a choleretic property, having a positive effect on the gastric mucosa. It is also able to get rid of dysbacteriosis, normalizing the intestinal microflora;
  • To the content of sugar in the blood - Jerusalem artichoke helps to reduce its amount by regulating the work of the pancreas;
  • Cleansing the body, which is important for people living in ecologically unfavorable areas. It eliminates heavy metals, toxins and radionuclides. At the same time, removing bad cholesterol, preventing its appearance;
  • To edema, having a diuretic effect. Thanks to him, excess fluid is removed, which appeared due to poor functioning of the kidneys and heart. The same applies to the removal of stones;
  • To high blood pressure, normalizing it and having a beneficial effect on the entire CCC. Jerusalem artichoke is indicated in the presence of diseases such as tachycardia, coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis;
  • To the absorption of calcium, due to the large amount of silicon that contributes to this process;
  • To strengthen the protective functions of the body. By consuming this vegetable regularly at the end of the winter period, seasonal vitamin deficiencies can be alleviated;
  • To strengthen the heart muscle, thanks to the potassium that is part of it;
  • To the prevention of cancer. This action has long been proven scientifically.

From all of the above, it can be seen how useful Jerusalem artichoke is for a person regarding his health and overall quality of life.

The benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke syrup depend on the high content of substances with biological activity in it. The most significant of them are:

  1. Mineral elements including calcium with iron, magnesium with potassium, phosphorus with manganese, and silicon with zinc.
  2. A rich composition of acids represented by malic, fumaric, citric, malonic and succinic acids.
  3. It is impossible not to say about substances such as lysine, leucine and methionine.
  4. The richness of vitamins - almost the entire group B, as well as C with pectins and inulin - a polysaccharide complex.

Based on this, we can tell about the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke syrup:

  • For diabetes of the pancreatic type, on which it acts by reducing the need for insulin, while lowering the level of sugar;
  • It is also a general tonic that can increase performance, including endurance for people with great physical and mental activity;
  • To get rid of digestive problems with an unknown cause. Jerusalem artichoke syrup is also useful for overweight people, impaired metabolism, and problems associated with the presence of various harmful substances in the liver;
  • For those who suffer from morning sickness, including nausea associated with chemotherapy treatment. And also this drink helps to get rid of headaches.

When used regularly in moderation, Jerusalem artichoke syrup will bring many benefits without harm to health.

Studies have shown that this product is able to have a positive effect on diseases such as diabetes. This is possible due to the content of inulin in it instead of starch, which makes Jerusalem artichoke useful in diabetes. At the same time, it not only reduces sugar levels, but also has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision.

You can cook a lot of wonderful dishes from this vegetable, but only strictly following the recipe so as not to harm with such a serious illness - experiments in this case will be inappropriate. Although the most beneficial, of course, will be from a fresh root crop, and a salad prepared from it.

Diabetics of the 2nd group should be aware of some herbs that are incompatible with Jerusalem artichoke. These include sage with lemon balm. Therefore, in order for the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke in diabetes to be maximum without harm, you need to remember this and be careful.

Decoctions and salads

When preparing these dishes, do not add seasonings in the form of pepper, salt, and so on, as well as fill with oil, including vegetable oil. Here is the easiest, tastiest and safest recipe:

  • Pear - 2 pcs. peeled with stones;
  • The same number of apples - pulp;
  • Grapefruit or other citrus, peeled. You can even grate with a grater.

Mix it all up and serve.

There are recipes using other vegetables, adding Jerusalem artichoke to them, the positive properties of which only increase from such a neighborhood.

You should also know that the benefits of the vegetable will be preserved even when added to soups. But before that, he must stand in the freezer for a while.

It is necessary to remember about the presence of nutrients also in the skin of the vegetable. Given this, you need to cook dishes in order not to harm with such a disease.

About Jerusalem artichoke coffee

You can even cook from Jerusalem artichoke, which has an excellent taste without the harmful effects of caffeine contained in the usual drink. Here is his recipe:

  • The vegetable should be thoroughly washed and cleaned, then blotted with a napkin;
  • The pulp is cut into thin slices, after which they are dried in the oven until they turn brown;
  • After cooling, they should be ground to a powder state.

So we got the basis for brewing a drink produced in two stages. To begin with, the brewing container is poured with boiling water, after which half of the planned volume is poured into it, poured with boiling water and covered with a lid. After 3 minutes, you need to add the remaining powder there, adding it with boiling water to the required volume.

Jerusalem artichoke coffee will be an excellent alternative to our usual drink, but much healthier.

The harm of Jerusalem artichoke is based on the existing contraindications, which, in principle, do not exist, since this issue has not yet been deeply studied. There are only restrictions for those who have increased gas formation. But even they can only eat it not in its raw form, but after having cooked, fried or stewed it.

And as always, it is worth mentioning the possible dangers of Jerusalem artichoke when consumed excessively, which should not be done with even the safest product.

Jerusalem artichoke, or earthen pear, is not only tasty, but also an extremely healthy root crop, which is undeservedly deprived of the attention of modern summer residents. Due to its unpretentiousness, endurance and high yield, it can be grown even in the zone of the so-called risky farming.

In addition, unlike other root crops, Jerusalem artichoke does not accumulate harmful substances during growth, but it contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. To taste, an earthen pear can be compared with a turnip or a cabbage stump.

When growing, this crop will not require unnecessary trouble and additional measures, which will significantly save time, and simple care will be possible even for those gardeners who are contraindicated in prolonged physical activity. In a small summer cottage, where every piece of land is almost worth its weight in gold, this beautiful giant will serve as an ornamental crop or green hedge in the summer, and with the onset of autumn it will delight you with a rich harvest of healthy root crops.

In this issue of the magazine, we will consider the features of growing Jerusalem artichoke, give recommendations from experts and advice from experienced vegetable growers, and also dwell in more detail on the beneficial properties of the ground pear and its use in traditional medicine and cooking.

Tuberous sunflower is a tall perennial herbaceous plant from the Astrov family. It is also called an earthen pear, barabol, Jerusalem artichoke, bulba or bulba. However, the most common name is Jerusalem artichoke.

The plant has a well-developed root system, forming a number of tubers. Depending on the variety, they can be colored yellow,

white, purple or red. To taste, an earthen pear resembles a turnip or a cabbage stump.

A powerful erect stem with a height of 40 cm to 4 m branches upwards and is able to withstand strong winds. The bright green foliage has an elongated ovoid shape with a serrate-toothed edge, growing in order of priority. Jerusalem artichoke flowers reach a diameter of 10 cm, yellow in the middle, yellow-gold at the edges. On one plant from August to October blooms, as a rule, from 10 to 15 flowers. The fruit has the appearance of a small achene.

This unpretentious culture can grow almost everywhere: in fields, on roadsides, in wastelands and in river valleys. Jerusalem artichoke, like many other vegetable crops, prefers well-lit and fertile lands, but is also able to grow on poor shaded soils.

Currently, there are more than 300 varieties and hybrids of this plant: they can differ in the amount of green mass, a large yield of tubers, as well as a special decorative effect.

By the way

Raw Jerusalem artichoke has a sweetish taste, vaguely reminiscent of the taste of nuts, and the thermally processed root vegetable tastes like mushrooms.

At home - in North America - this root crop can still be found in vast areas in the wild today. In some European countries, in Japan and Australia, Jerusalem artichoke also grows almost everywhere - like a weed.

In Belarus and Russia, Jerusalem artichoke is most often cultivated in household plots for the purpose of eating - since the crop of this crop is not subject to long-term storage.

Jerusalem artichoke owes its name to the North American Tupinamba tribe. In the 16th century, its representatives (along with the fruits of the plant) were brought by ship to France. The French, without thinking twice, dubbed the new vegetable tupinambus, which eventually "turned" into Jerusalem artichoke. Soon the British learned about the unusual root crop. And the rest of the world “got acquainted” with the earthen pear only in the 19th century.

The Dutch and Belgians liked the vegetable, who grew tubers and boiled them with butter in wine - like the “bottoms” of artichokes. For this reason, in Belgium, the Jerusalem artichoke was even called the underground artichoke.

Our ancestors began to grow Jerusalem artichoke for medicinal purposes - as a cure for heart disease. And only much later, the ground pear began to be considered in Rus' as a vegetable crop. Moreover, initially only rich and noble people could enjoy such a delicacy. In our country, Jerusalem artichoke got its names - earthen apple, Canadian potato and Volga turnip.

Today, Jerusalem artichoke is grown for food (tubers can be eaten raw, fried, boiled or stewed, pickled, dried, and even added to drinks), as a fodder crop (the nutritious grassy part of the ground pear is used for the production of silage and feed for livestock and poultry, hunting farms harvest Jerusalem artichoke for winter feeding of forest animals), in beekeeping (to maintain honey collection), as well as to decorate a summer cottage or personal plot. Due to its beneficial properties, earth pear is used as a medicinal plant that alleviates the condition in various ailments.

To grow this plant with your own hands, you can purchase seeds or several tubers. In the future, the earth pear will not require special care: this crop does not need not only top dressing, but also weeding - such a giant easily displaces any weeds. At the same time, one Jerusalem artichoke bush is able to produce from one to two buckets of healthy and tasty tubers, and bright yellow flowers resembling sunflowers will decorate any flower garden. And yet, growing in a dense wall, earthen pear bushes are able to protect crops of other crops from the winds.

Jerusalem artichoke does not need transplants: it is able to grow and produce crops in one place for three to four decades.


Jerusalem artichoke is grown both in open ground and in containers. Jerusalem artichoke is planted in open ground before winter (about 2 weeks before the onset of stable cold weather) or in spring (when the soil warms up well). Most often, an earthen pear is propagated vegetatively - by tubers, their parts or eyes, but this culture can also be grown from seeds. True, the generative reproduction of Jerusalem artichoke is a long and painstaking process, requiring special knowledge and skills, so breeders most often resort to it.

The earthen pear tolerates both autumn and spring planting equally well. It is only important to remember that whole tubers are planted in the ground in autumn, and in the spring, when planting, they can be divided into several parts.


For planting Jerusalem artichoke, it is best to take a well-lit area, remote from other plants, so that the bush, often reaching a height of 3 m, does not obscure them. Experienced vegetable growers advise placing pear bushes around the perimeter of the garden or along the fence.

By the way

Best of all, according to experts, the ground pear takes root if planted in the fall: in September-October, but no later than the end of October. However, if moles or mice settled on the site, it is more reasonable to plant Jerusalem artichoke tubers in the spring so that rodents do not have time to eat them.

In autumn, planting is carried out, as a rule, 15-20 days before the onset of frost, in spring - after the snow has melted and the soil warms up to 16-18 ° C. In our climatic zone, this period falls on the second half of April - the first days of May.

Seed propagation of Jerusalem artichoke is used quite rarely and is suitable for breeding new varieties (for example, when buying material by mail). To get a full-fledged crop of earth pear from seeds, you will have to wait several years. When planting seeds in the first year, it is better to grow plants in containers, in this case, weak sprouts or bushes can be obtained over the summer. In the spring, young root crops are dug up and transplanted into the soil.

The beds for planting Jerusalem artichoke are prepared in advance: for winter planting - two to three weeks in advance. If you decide to plant Jerusalem artichoke in the spring, you still need to start preparing the soil in the fall. The area reserved for Jerusalem artichoke is dug up to the depth of a shovel bayonet, choosing the rhizomes of perennial weeds and adding compost. Simultaneously with digging, organic fertilizers can be applied to the soil (for example, manure, which will pereperet well over the winter and become an excellent top dressing for earth pear), and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied directly upon planting.

Jerusalem artichoke is an unpretentious plant and can grow on any soil, but it is not recommended to plant tubers in flooded soil or in an area with a close occurrence of groundwater - in this case they will rot.

On a note

The best place to place a tall Jerusalem artichoke will be the area near the fence, on the leeward side.

In this case: embossed green backstage and bright flowers of Jerusalem artichoke will brighten up the monotony of the fence;

  • plants will not interfere with the growth of other inhabitants of the garden;
  • near fence posts, it is easy to provide for fastening supports for tying high stems of Jerusalem artichoke so that they do not break.

It is worth noting that choosing a "place of residence" for Jerusalem artichoke is a simple task. This crop does not impose special requirements on the mechanical composition and fertility of the soil, the only exceptions are solonchaks and excessively dense clay soils. However, it is best to grow and bear fruit earth pear on sandy, slightly alkaline or neutral soils (pH ranging from b to 7.5 units).

The Jerusalem artichoke will like the site, where annual grasses, grains and legumes were grown before. Good predecessors for this plant are potatoes, cucumbers and cabbage. But the soils on which carrots and sunflowers used to grow should be avoided - there is a high risk of infecting Jerusalem artichoke with the same ailments and pests that its predecessors had. It is not recommended to plant plants in a garden where strawberries have recently grown, and vice versa. Corn, potatoes, raspberries and currants are best suited as neighbors for an earthen pear.

On a note

Since Jerusalem artichoke well saturates the soil with useful substances and removes salts from it, in order to restore the fertile properties of the soil, it is often planted after sunflowers and other “heavy” crops for the earth. However, in such conditions, a rich harvest of earthen pears can not be expected.

Having prepared the beds for planting, it is necessary to deal with planting material. First of all, large (about 6-8 cm) and healthy tubers without damaged eyes and putrefactive spots are selected for planting. They must have multiple buds. Only from such planting material will strong plants grow, giving a good harvest of tubers.

If there is not enough planting material, Jerusalem artichoke tubers can be cut into several parts immediately before planting. However, let us pay attention again: such a technique is allowed only during spring planting.

I do not allocate separate beds for Jerusalem artichoke, since this culture feels quite comfortable in any free space on the site (for example, along the fence). Pear bushes (which reach a height of 2 m or more) can perfectly disguise a compost heap. The only condition is to avoid too wet places, especially those where rainwater accumulates. If these nuances are not taken into account, in a particularly rainy year, plants may even die.

Tatiana BUDNIK

Tubers that have wilted or dried out can be "reanimated". To do this, pour warm water into the bucket, immerse the planting material in it, cover the container with a damp cloth and leave for 10 minutes.

Planting material can be sprayed with any immunocytophytic solution that will strengthen the immunity of plants, protect them from diseases and accelerate growth, or you can soak overnight in a solution of the Zircon preparation (at the rate of 1 ml of the preparation per 1 liter of water).

Prepared tubers are planted in prepared grooves at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other. The planting depth directly depends on the size of the root: small tubers are lowered into the ground by 5-7 cm, larger specimens by 10-15 cm. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that autumn planting should be somewhat deeper than spring. The recommended row spacing is 60-70 cm.


So that the roots of Jerusalem artichoke do not grow in breadth, along the perimeter of the hole, you need to dig in the old slate to a depth of 50 cm.


In order for the Jerusalem artichoke tubers to be well formed, the place for planting should be chosen illuminated, with a little shading.

It is extremely important to adhere to such gaps between individual bushes and rows, since during the summer months the Jerusalem artichoke plants

can reach a height of 3 m or more, creating a solid wall of strong, densely leafy stems on the beds, which will seriously complicate the care of the earthen pear.

The landing site is compacted, watered abundantly and leveled with a rake. During autumn planting, the bed can be mulched with fallen leaves.

As for caring for an earthen pear, it is quite simple. After the appearance of sprouts, weed the bed and loosen the soil well. And to do these procedures in the future you need three times with an interval of 2 weeks.

As a rule, an earthen pear does fine without additional watering, being content with rain moisture. However, in dry weather, the plants will need additional watering: once every 1-1.5 weeks at the rate of 10 to 15 liters of settled water.

With excessive moisture and frequent planting, Jerusalem artichoke can be affected by various types of rot and slugs, and a lack of moisture leads to inhibition of metabolic processes, growth retardation, and the formation of small, highly branched tubers. In addition, in drought, the root system of Jerusalem artichoke often suffers from soil pests.

It is important to remember that Jerusalem artichoke should not be watered if the average daily air temperature is below 15 ° C.

As for additional dressings, they are not vital for the earthen pear - this culture can successfully grow on its own. However, to increase productivity and enrich the soil (especially if there is a deficiency of minerals), it can be fertilized. To do this, after the appearance of shoots, wood ash, urea or potash fertilizer are introduced into the soil.

In cultural cultivation, it is recommended to feed Jerusalem artichoke bushes 2-3 times during the growing season: at the beginning of spring (under loosening the soil), granules of mineral fertilizers are applied, which include nitrogen and potassium, and in the second half of summer, the bed is watered with a fermented infusion of green manure herbs. As for organic fertilizers, they feed the ground pear every 2-3 years (while mineral fertilizing is carried out every year).

It is best to fertilize the soil on which the earthen pear grows in three stages:

  1. compost while digging the soil;
  2. phosphorus-potassium fertilizers during planting;
  3. mineral fertilizer during the release of buds.

The best phosphorus-potassium fertilizers for Jerusalem artichoke are dry chicken manure and bone meal.

I do so

If Jerusalem artichoke does not grow well, I feed it with phosphorus-nitrogen fertilizers. If an earthen pear has been growing in one place for several years, in spring and autumn I introduce a mixture of peat and wood ash or rotted manure into the soil (between rows).

When the shoots of an earthen pear reach a height of 20 cm, they can be spudded (like potatoes) and, if possible, fed with urea. Hilling not only improves the taste of Jerusalem artichoke tubers, but also has a positive effect on plant health, and also contributes to high yields. Re-hilling in the middle of summer will help to further increase the yield.

Pay attention to one more nuance that must be taken into account when growing Jerusalem artichoke: an earthen pear should not grow in a heap. Thickened plantings lead to the appearance of small tubers (the plants simply begin to "crush" each other, taking away food and light). They begin thinning when the height of young plants reaches 10 cm. At the same time, experienced gardeners advise adhering to the following indicators: the minimum distance between plants is 45 cm, between rows is 30 cm.

Bushes that have grown to 35-40 cm can be spudded with garden compost. As necessary, the procedure is repeated several times a season.

Plants that have reached a meter height can be tied to strong supports. To do this, plantings are divided into bushes, fenced with wire and attached to vertical poles. You can use ready-made supports for fruit bushes. You can also install 2 support stakes along the edges of the beds with Jerusalem artichoke, stretch a wire or a thin cord between them and tie plants to them so that they are not damaged by wind and rain.

Another important measure that allows the plant to concentrate all its efforts on the formation of tubers is cutting buds. Flowering (and subsequent ripening of seeds) of Jerusalem artichoke inhibits the growth of tubers, so the buds can be painlessly removed. More drastic measures can also be used - for example, cutting bushes to a height of 1.5 m.

Do not rush to cut off the above-ground part of the plant in the fall. The best time for this is November. Up to this point, the Jerusalem artichoke actively absorbs useful elements from the soil so that the tubers left in the ground for the winter can germinate on their own next year. Therefore, if the stems are cut too early, this will reduce the size of the tubers and their yield in the next season.

Having heard about the endurance and unpretentiousness of Jerusalem artichoke, which can grow even on roadsides and wastelands, I, like, probably, many summer residents, made a serious mistake - I let the process of growing an earthen pear take its course. Having planted the tubers in the ground, she “remembered” them only in the fall, when it was time to dig up the crop. Imagine my surprise when, under powerful bushes, I found only a few strongly branched medium-sized tubers. So, no matter how modest the Jerusalem artichoke is in its requests, it is still impossible to do without simple care. Before germination, I carefully loosen the soil to prevent the appearance of a dense moisture and airtight crust on the soil surface, and also do not forget about weeding, removing all weeds. Do not repeat my mistake, remember that this culture is very responsive to care and even with minimal care will please you with a good harvest of healthy root crops!

Svetlana Evseeva, Kashira

You can grow Jerusalem artichoke not only in open ground, but also at home. To do this, an earthen pear is planted in large containers or boxes with nutrient soil.

and obligatory drainage layer. Caring for Jerusalem artichoke in a container is practically no different from caring for plants in the open field. It is only important to ensure regular watering.

For planting Jerusalem artichoke, you need to choose small and even tubers about the size of a chicken egg. I plant in shallow trenches - no deeper than 15 cm. In order for the earthen pear to develop normally in the future, the distance between plants in a row should be within 35-45 cm. After planting, I close the trenches with a rake. A small comb is a must. If you are going to grow Jerusalem artichoke in large quantities, I advise you to stick to the scheme of 40 x 70 cm (in a row and between rows, respectively).

They say that the plant is unpretentious and does not require any care, but in fact: the more attention is paid to agricultural technology, the better the result will be. Yes, the earth pear can grow independently and even show good yields, but by providing the plant with simple care, the fees can be increased several times.

And one more piece of advice. In order to harvest a good harvest of earthen pear tubers in the fall, in early August I cut off some of the plants along with flowers - Jerusalem artichoke bushes should not waste energy and nutrients on flowering and seed ripening. Their main task is to form large healthy rhizomes.

Pavel Pavlovich STESHENOK


Jerusalem artichoke most often differs in enviable "health", rarely suffers from diseases and pests, but in order to surely secure the future harvest, it is worth knowing what can threaten it.

White rot (or sclerotinia) forms a felt coating of mold on the stems of the plant. As a result, they get sick, and then covered from the inside with black growths. Infection, as a rule, occurs through the soil. Temperature fluctuations and high humidity contribute to the development of the disease. Plants affected by this disease should be removed from the site as soon as possible and burned.


This widespread disease affects all terrestrial parts of the earthen pear. The first symptoms of the disease will be dark brown or lighter spots with a yellowish border on the leaves. With the development of the disease, the spots grow between the veins of the leaf plate, the petioles dry out along with the leaves. The most effective method of combating Alternaria is to treat plants with fungicides at temperatures above 18 °C. Sometimes a single treatment is enough, but it is better to carry out two sprayings with an interval of 10-12 days.

Powdery mildew.

This disease usually affects Jerusalem artichoke in the second half of the growing season. 0 its appearance is signaled by a loose white coating on the upper side of the leaves, which eventually becomes pinkish or turns brown. Affected leaves become brittle and brittle. The spread of the disease is facilitated by hot weather with sharp fluctuations in humidity, as well as an excess of nitrogen in the soil. A good result in the fight against this disease is given by the treatment of Jerusalem artichoke on the leaves with fungicides: Topaz, Baileton, Skor, Topsin, etc. culture.

Concerning garden pests, then the tubers of the earth pear were to the taste of moles, mice, bears and even slugs that settle right in the tubers and eat them from the inside. Scoops, May beetles and their larvae also pose a threat to plantings of Jerusalem artichoke. To combat them, you can use a strong soapy solution, infusions of bitter wormwood or garlic. Against slugs, the soil under the Jerusalem artichoke bushes is sprinkled with dry mustard or tobacco dust, and the pests themselves are collected and destroyed by hand. If the presence of pests on the site is known in advance, when preparing the soil for planting, it is additionally recommended to add the preparations "Foxim" or "Diazonon" to it.

In order to timely detect possible pests and identify diseases, plantings of Jerusalem artichoke should be inspected regularly. Even if there are no visible signs of damage, but the plants wither, lose their leaves or change color - you should be wary, since it is these symptoms that may indicate an infection with a disease or pest activity.

In the first weeks after planting an earth pear, it is imperative to loosen the soil to ensure good aeration, remove weeds from plantings and row spacing. When mass shoots appear (and this is after about 15-25 days), you will need to behave more carefully so as not to damage them, but you cannot stop loosening the soil and removing weeds. By the time the plants reach a height of 40-50 cm, they need to be spudded, and when the height approaches 100 cm, the Jerusalem artichoke bushes will need to be tied up. Since placing a support under each stem is almost impossible, I use wire supports with metal or wooden base posts.

To increase productivity, I take such actions during the flowering of Jerusalem artichoke. First, I continue to hill the plants. Secondly, I cut off the flowers of Jerusalem artichoke so that the plant releases all the juices for the development of tubers. And, finally, I introduce organic fertilizers into the soil (for example, an aqueous solution on green manure).



Before choosing a particular variety of this vegetable, you must first answer the question: what will the Jerusalem artichoke crop be used for. In the case of an earthen pear, gardeners, as a rule, do not bother looking for any particular variety, but are happy to take tubers from friends or neighbors in their summer cottage for breeding and grow them. In this way, a "straight" vegetable is distributed throughout a certain region.

Of course, it is suitable for use as food, can act as a healing agent in the treatment and prevention of various ailments, and even be used as an element of landscape design (by the way, a hedge of Jerusalem artichoke bushes will protect the site from neighboring chickens). In a word, such a vegetable performs its main tasks. However, if you want more from an earthen pear, you will have to look for a specific variety.

So, Jerusalem artichoke, which has an increased tuberization, will be an excellent find for those who plan to sell the vegetable or use it to feed animals. A distinctive feature of such varieties is a small green mass.

If the plant is planned to be grown for the manufacture of medicines, preference should be given to varieties in which the yield of tubers is not very high, but the green mass pleases with a large volume.

If you want to create a stylish hedge with the help of an earthen pear, it is better to choose decorative varieties with lush greenery. However, in this case, you should not count on harvesting.

At present, domestic and foreign breeders have bred a large number of Jerusalem artichoke hybrids with improved characteristics. However, work in this direction continues. Its goal is to develop varieties of Jerusalem artichoke with a compact placement of tubers in the soil, since the root system with the nodules formed on it grows both in breadth and in depth. Another priority in breeding work is to increase the thickness of the stem for fodder plant varieties. The third important task is the breeding of zoned varieties of Jerusalem artichoke.

The varieties of Jerusalem artichoke that exist today can be divided into fodder and tuber varieties. The former give a high yield of green mass, but they form few tubers - they are grown on an industrial scale. With tuberous varieties, the opposite is true. Both fodder and tuberous varieties of earthen pears are divided into early ripening and late ripening according to the ripening time.

We invite you to get acquainted with some of the most common varieties of Jerusalem artichoke, among which you can choose the one that is best suited for growing in your summer cottage or garden plot.

By the way

Varieties of Russian selection are widespread: Red, Patat, Bely, Nakhodka, Spindle-shaped, Vadim, Volzhsky 2, Leningradsky. On an industrial scale, high-yielding varieties of Interest and Skorospelka are cultivated. Not so long ago, the Russian State Register of Breeding Achievements was supplemented with a new variety of Jerusalem artichoke - Omsk White.

Volzhsky 2. The plant is tall with a rounded green-brown rough stem. Along it are paired-opposite heart-shaped, slightly pubescent green leaves. Flower basket flat, rounded, pubescent. Flowers are rich yellow. Tubers pear-shaped, white, with a slight purple tint, develop on shortened stolons. The root system of the plant is compact. The period from germination to flowering lasts about 100 days. Plants of this variety are resistant to frost and drought. The average yield of tubers reaches 150 c/ha, and green mass - 200 c/ha. The variety is suitable for mechanized harvesting.

Vylgotsky. Plants of this variety form a sprawling shrub with a juicy, thick, pubescent stem with an anthocyanin shade in the areas of internodes and the base of the petioles. The leaves are large, elongated-pointed, slightly pubescent along the veins with hard villi. Tubers are yellow, elongated. It takes about 125 days from planting to harvesting for green fodder. The variety is resistant to early spring frosts. For tubers left to winter in the soil, the safety approaches 100%.

The maximum yield of Jerusalem artichoke tubers of this variety was 107 c/ha, and green mass - 346 c/ha.

Interest. Tall variety of late ripening with erect, powerfully developed medium-branched bristly stem. The leaves are large, dark green, rough. The tubers are white, with smooth skin and medium-sized deep eyes. Plants show increased demands on moisture, they tolerate heat and cold well. The average yield of this variety of Jerusalem artichoke is about 265 centners/ha of tubers and 436 centners/ha of green mass.

Leningradsky. The plant is highly branched, bushy form. The stem is dark green in color with a weak anthocyanin color, strongly pubescent. The leaves are green, rough, oblong-ovate, with a rare-toothed edging. The duration of the vegetative period is up to 140 days. Tubers are white, medium size, elongated. They have a high (90% or more) degree of preservation during wintering in the soil. The maximum yield reaches 498 c/ha, green mass - 420 c/ha.

Find. Plants with pubescent stems have large triangular-rounded leaves of light green color with equally serrated edges. The arrangement of the leaves is alternate, but not symmetrical. The vegetative period lasts about 190 days. Tubers are medium-sized, pear-shaped, white in color with pinkish streaks around the eyes. The advantages of this variety include the compact arrangement of the root system in the soil. The average yield of Jerusalem artichoke tubers of this variety is 350 kg/ha. The variety is suitable for mechanized cultivation.

Early maturing. Plants of this variety form a well-branched green stem with anthocyanin coating. The leaves are heart-shaped, with a jagged, large edging, dark green, rough. The tubers are rounded, covered with a smooth white skin. The root system is compact.

The vegetative period from planting to cutting the green mass in Jerusalem artichoke of this variety takes up to 120 days (which is 50 days ahead of the development of the Volzhsky 2 variety). The average yield of tubers is about 250 c/ha, and green mass - 268 c/ha. Tubers have good frost resistance when wintering in the soil. The advantages of this variety include also undemanding to lighting. Suitable for mechanized processing.

Pasko. Plants are tall, strongly bushy, consist of weakly branched stems. The leaves are large, broadly ovate, with a pointed apex and a heart-shaped base. The basket is round, small. Tubers weighing about 80 g are oval, white in color. Pasko belongs to the varieties of the tuberous direction. The vegetative period lasts up to 190 days. The average yield of tubers reaches 308 c/ha, green mass - 354 c/ha. This variety of Jerusalem artichoke is recommended for widespread cultivation.

Solar. Plants of this variety are tall (above 2 m), moderate tillering, consist of highly branched stems. The leaves are large, green, rough, elongated-ovate in shape with a rounded base and a pointed apex.

The basket is large and rounded. Tubers of medium size, elongated-elliptical, white, weighing about 60 g. Sunny refers to varieties of the tuberous direction. The duration of the vegetative period is about 170 days. The average yield of green mass is 320 c/ha, tubers - up to 400 c/ha. The variety is recommended for widespread cultivation.

Omsk white. This mid-season variety of Jerusalem artichoke is valued for the friendly ripening of tubers. Plants with a high central stem (more than 2 m) of moderate thickness, medium bushiness. The surface of the stem is bristly, green in color with a slight anthocyanin hue. Green leaves are medium, with a rounded base. The basket is small. The flowers are monochromatic, about the same height, size and density. Small tubers are spherical, weighing about 55 g. The maximum yield is up to 430 kg / ha with a productivity of 1.3 kg / bush. The duration of the vegetative period is 130 days. The variety is suitable for widespread cultivation.

Early varieties of Jerusalem artichoke (Red, Patat, Skorospelka, Bely, Spindle-shaped) give a harvest by the third decade of September and can be grown even in regions with severe winters. However, in conditions of risky farming, it is better not to leave pear tubers for wintering in the soil, but to transfer them to cold cellars, wrap them in burlap and store them under a layer of sand, using them as food as needed.

Of the late varieties of Jerusalem artichoke, you should pay attention to Interest, Hybrid 320 and News. Late varieties form a full-fledged crop by November, so they are not very common in the northern and cold regions.

In recent years, hybrids obtained by crossing Jerusalem artichoke with sunflower can be found on sale. Such a culture is called sunflowers. They are somewhat different from Jerusalem artichoke in external habitus and structure of bushes: shorter, thin-stemmed, with a large number of inflorescences (up to 1 cm in diameter, only yellow flowers). In Jerusalem artichokes, the tubers are absolutely smooth, while in Jerusalem artichoke, small (like hairs) roots are observed, scattered over the surface of the tuber. The hybrids Rapture and Novosti VIR have proven themselves well.

It should be noted that Jerusalem artichokes retained the healing and dietary properties of Jerusalem artichoke and acquired the beneficial properties of sunflowers.

  • Jerusalem artichoke can be grown in one place for up to 40 years without damage to the soil.
  • An earthen pear is planted with tubers, like an ordinary potato.
  • Jerusalem artichoke is characterized by good frost resistance and easily tolerates even low negative temperatures. Green seedlings are not afraid of frosts down to -5 ° C, and tubers - frosts down to -40 ° C.
  • In the southern regions, it is recommended to plant an earthen pear on the beds in the fall, and in the northern (regions of the so-called risky farming) - in the spring.
  • Jerusalem artichoke yields the most abundant crops in the next few years after the first planting of tubers in the soil, and starting from about the fifth year, yields will gradually decline.
  • The average yield of an adult Jerusalem artichoke bush can reach up to 2 buckets of tubers.
  • In the middle of summer, it is recommended to prune Jerusalem artichoke bushes to a height of no more than 1.5 m. In addition, all inflorescences are also removed.
  • Autumn colds are a guide that it is time to harvest the stems of an earthen pear, leaving no more than 30 cm above the soil level. At about the same time, you can start harvesting.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers ripen, as a rule, for at least 120 days. Do not rush to harvest, because the fruits of the earthen pear dug too early will not ripen to the desired quality.

They dig up Jerusalem artichoke in spring (before the ground warms up) or in autumn (as soon as the soil begins to freeze). The tubers of this crop, being in the soil, can tolerate frosts down to -40 ° C. However, both experts and experienced vegetable growers agree that for the winter it is better to cover the area with an earthen pear with straw, dry leaves and cut stems, as well as a layer of snow.

During the autumn harvest, it is best to dig out as many tubers at a time as you can eat during the winter, it is better to leave the rest of the crop in the ground until spring - during the period of spring beriberi, it will come in handy. At the same time, it is important not to forget to harvest before the onset of warm days, otherwise the tubers will give rise to shoots, and Jerusalem artichoke will turn from a healthy and tasty vegetable into a weed.

The most useful tubers of Jerusalem artichoke are immediately after harvesting, since during storage (as a result of hydrolysis), part of the inulin turns into fructose. There is nothing harmful in this, especially for diabetics, for whom fructose replaces sugar.

Store Jerusalem artichoke in the same way as other root crops. A box of sand placed in a cellar or basement is best suited for this purpose. However, before storing, dug out pear tubers must be washed and dried well. Humidity in such rooms should be high, and the temperature should be low (not higher than 4 degrees with a plus sign).

And even better, Jerusalem artichoke will be preserved if you dig up the roots of the plant along with the nodules, and then, without shaking off the ground, put the root crops in an ordinary bag or box. From above, an earthen pear is covered with moistened sand or earth. This method, of course, is more laborious, but it will allow you to keep the tubers throughout the winter.

City residents, due to the lack of a cellar, can store Jerusalem artichoke on an insulated balcony or loggia, since the root crop is not afraid of even repeated frosts and thaws and does not lose its taste and useful properties. To store the Jerusalem artichoke on the balcony, you will need bags with wet sawdust or sand. Moisture will protect the crop from drying out and provide the right microclimate. It is important that the bags of tubers are not exposed to direct sunlight, because with a slight increase in temperature, the ground pear will start growing again.

A small amount of tubers can be kept in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

The dug-out tubers of an earthen pear are well stored even on the street in heaps, it is enough to sprinkle them properly with snow and cover them with straw on top.

Tubers that are picked in the spring are better suited for new planting. They contain more sugar than vegetables harvested in the fall.

Growing Jerusalem artichoke - video


Jerusalem artichoke (or earthen pear) is a natural healer of almost the entire body. Thanks to this plant, the Hippocratic slogan that our food should be our medicine can be realized.

In terms of its nutritional properties, the ground pear is superior to potatoes and beets. Juice, stems, leaves and roots of the Jerusalem artichoke are used to treat a wide variety of diseases. The healing properties of Jerusalem artichoke are due to the special chemical composition of this plant. The antioxidant properties of tuberous sunflower are due to the presence of succinic, raspberry, malic, fumaric acids in it. The vegetable contains about 8% silicon, so even a small amount of Jerusalem artichoke can satisfy a person's daily need for this element.

Ground pear is rich in potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and zinc, and it contains more vitamins B and C than in beets, carrots and potatoes, 3 times. Pectins, which are part of the vegetable, cleanse the body, positively affect the functioning of the intestines and prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, tuberous sunflower contains up to 22% inulin, which makes it a unique natural medicine for lowering blood glucose levels. It is for this reason that the plant is widely used in the production of food products for diabetics. The tubers of the plant are rich in protein - up to 3.2% of the total mass of the root crop.

At the same time, Jerusalem artichoke does not absorb heavy metals from the soil at all and is suitable for food, regardless of the place where it grew up.

Nutritional value of Jerusalem artichoke

Regular consumption of only 100 g of raw Jerusalem artichoke per day for 3 months will help cleanse the body of toxins. Trace elements contained in Jerusalem artichoke will help strengthen blood vessels and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. At the same time, an earthen pear may well replace pharmacy potassium-magnesium complexes. Regular use of Jerusalem artichoke will help in the treatment of anemia, helps to normalize blood pressure and lower blood sugar. The vegetable helps with dysbacteriosis, urolithiasis, gout, salt deposition, obesity and anemia. And Jerusalem artichoke is able to relieve nausea and stop vomiting.

Nutritional value of Jerusalem artichoke

Scientists conducted an experiment with Jerusalem artichoke. The vegetable was planted on lands contaminated with radiation after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Studies have shown that the ground pear turned out to be quite edible, since it did not absorb a single harmful component.

  • for the prevention of diabetes;
  • to normalize blood pressure;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to protect against viral infections;
  • to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Eating Jerusalem artichoke tubers (in parallel with drug treatment of diseases!) Promotes a faster recovery - including by increasing immunity and by removing toxins from the body.

This vegetable has practically no contraindications for consumption, however, excessive passion for earth pear can cause flatulence. Remember, any product when overeating can cause discomfort.

Elena KRIVOLAP, therapist

NameQuantitydaily requirement
Vitamin B 913 mcg3 %
Vitamin B 51.3 mg8%
Vitamin B 50.397 mg8%
Vitamin B60.077 mg6%
Vitamin B 60.060 mg4,5 %
Vitamin B 10.200 mg17 %
Vitamin A20ME<1 %
Vitamin C4 mg7%
Vitamin E0.19 mg1 %
Vitamin K0.1 µg<1 %
NameQuantitydaily requirement
Calcium14 mg1,4 %
Copper0.140 mg15 %
Iron3.40 mg42,5 %
Magnesium17 mg4%
Manganese0.060 mg2 %
Selenium0.7 mcg1 %
Zinc0.12 mg1 %

With diabetes.

Not only folk, but also official medicine recognizes that Jerusalem artichoke has healing properties and recommends it for the prevention and treatment of type I and type II diabetes. Once in the human body, inulin penetrates the organs and replaces glucose in metabolic processes, so that the cells receive the necessary energy. Since inulin helps to regulate glucose absorption, it is possible to achieve a decrease in blood sugar concentration. This improves the patient's well-being. Moreover, the stabilization of glucose levels can become a catalyst that will cause the pancreas to produce its own insulin.

Tip: for diabetes, eat boiled or fresh Jerusalem artichoke roots 3 times a day, 1 piece 15 minutes before meals.

For the treatment of joints. Jerusalem artichoke is rich in silicon, and this element is involved in the growth and division of cells of the synovial membranes that are inside the joints. Regular use of earthen pear will reduce pain and relieve stiffness of the joints. This vegetable must be included in the diet of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and radiculitis.

Tip: just 50 g of ground pear per day fills a person's daily need for silicon.

For bone fractures, sprains, osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, it is useful to drink half a glass of freshly squeezed pear juice daily. In this case, baths with a decoction of the leaves and stems of Jerusalem artichoke will also be effective.

To prepare it, you need 1.5 kg of fresh Jerusalem artichoke greens or 0.5 kg of dry mass. Pour vegetable raw materials with 7 liters of water, bring to a boil and let it brew for an hour. The broth is added to a bath filled with water at a temperature of about 40 ° C. Take such a therapeutic bath should be no more than 15 minutes.

This procedure should be treated with caution for hypertensive patients: you should not completely refuse treatment, it is enough just to monitor the level of blood pressure. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure daily for 3 weeks.

At home, you can also prepare a joint rub from an earthen pear, which will help relieve pain. To do this, you need to finely chop the root crops, fill them with a half-liter jar and pour vodka. Insist in a dark place for two weeks, shaking occasionally.

With pancreatitis. Pancreatic disease is most often accompanied by a violation of metabolic processes and a deterioration in blood supply. The use of Jerusalem artichoke can not only improve metabolic processes, but also remove inflammation.

Advice: for diseases of the pancreas, it is necessary to eat about 150 g of raw Jerusalem artichoke root every day (before this, the vegetable is thoroughly washed and consumed along with the peel), eat it boiled and dried, drink a decoction of the root.

In diseases of the pancreas, it is not recommended to eat pickled, baked or fried Jerusalem artichoke. Prepared in one of these ways, Jerusalem artichoke will irritate the gastric mucosa.

Ground pear is a real find for those who want to reduce their weight, since sugar can be replaced with syrup of this vegetable.

For weight loss. Regular use of Jerusalem artichoke will help to get rid of excess weight. The root crop contains a large amount of fiber, which is able to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, thereby accelerating metabolism.

Tip: the calorie content of 100 g of ground pear is only 61 kcal, so it is perfect for preparing diet meals.

During pregnancy . Since the ground pear is rich in vitamins and trace elements, it is useful for expectant mothers to use the root crop. It will help to fill the body with calcium and other useful substances.

Tip: Jerusalem artichoke has a laxative effect and is recommended for pregnant women who suffer from constipation.

For this purpose, it must be consumed raw.

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for men's health. For the representatives of the stronger sex, vitamins, micro- and macroelements contained in Jerusalem artichoke will also only benefit. And this applies to men of all ages.

Tip: if you regularly include dishes with this root crop in the menu, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases of the genitourinary system. And with the daily use of an earthen pear, problems with potency and even the development of prostate adenoma can be prevented.

In Japan, America and Holland, coffee is made from Jerusalem artichoke tubers.

During World War II, many families did not die of starvation thanks to this root crop.


Decoction to lower blood pressure. 3 art. l. crushed Jerusalem artichoke tubers pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. The cooled strained broth is drunk throughout the day in several doses. You can store the broth in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days. Such a remedy will help normalize blood pressure and “calm down” a rapid heartbeat.

Decoction to increase hemoglobin. 5 st. l. crushed pear tubers are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for 15 minutes after boiling. The cooled broth is filtered and drunk 3 times a day with meals, 75 ml each until the condition improves.

Vitamin infusion. 3 art. l. dried leaves of Jerusalem artichoke are brewed in 1 liter of water, covered with a lid and left for a day in a dark place. Strained product drink 100 ml

twice a day - before breakfast and before bed. The infusion can be used as an anti-cold remedy.

Infusion for the normalization of metabolic processes. 1 medium-sized Jerusalem artichoke tuber is crushed and the juice is squeezed out through several layers of gauze. The resulting volume of juice is diluted with 75 ml of water and drunk. The tool normalizes digestion and helps to reduce blood pressure.

For heartburn and headaches. From the peeled and crushed tubers of Jerusalem artichoke, juice is squeezed using a juicer. Drink 2 tbsp. l. juice diluted with the same amount of water. The tool helps to normalize the pressure. Store the squeezed juice in the refrigerator.

Jerusalem artichoke tincture. Fresh pear flowers are crushed, poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 3 and infused in a dark place for 14 days. Ready tincture is taken 3 times a day after meals, 30-40 drops for overwork, chronic fatigue, impotence.

Jerusalem artichoke powder. The use of this remedy will help improve digestion, help get rid of dysbacteriosis and remove toxins from the body. To prepare it, finely chopped Jerusalem artichoke tubers are dried in the sun and ground to a powder. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day with water.

In cosmetology, due to the high content of useful elements, Jerusalem artichoke tubers are used to make masks. Their use helps to improve complexion and smooth fine wrinkles, and also saturates the skin with nutrients.

Rejuvenating mask. We clean 2 root crops of an earthen pear and grind them with a blender. The resulting slurry is applied in a thick layer on the skin of the face and décolleté. Leave on for 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

Toning mask. We rub the Jerusalem artichoke on a fine grater, add a little natural honey and olive oil. You can add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil if you like. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the skin of the face and décolleté. Keep it for 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

Peeling. We chop the roots of Jerusalem artichoke and squeeze the juice. Add some citric acid (or citrus essential oil) and sea salt. Apply the mass with careful circular movements on the skin of the face, rinse with warm water. This procedure will help cleanse the skin of keratinized particles and pigmentation, promotes its renewal. It needs to be done once a week.

I do so

If I feel discomfort in the intestines, if I ate a low-quality product and there is a suspicion of poisoning, I am treated with Jerusalem artichoke. To do this, during the day I drink 100 ml of ground pear juice at least 3 times a day before meals.

Pavel Pavlovich STESHENOK, Stupino

Tonic for dehydrated, flaky and tight skin. To prepare it, mix a small amount of Jerusalem artichoke juice with mineral water. The resulting liquid can be wiped or sprinkled throughout the day on the face. In terms of useful properties, the tonic is not inferior to micellar water, which is so popular today.

Jerusalem artichoke contains substances necessary to strengthen hair follicles and improve hair growth - ascorbic acid, iron, copper and zinc. Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Thanks to copper, premature graying can be prevented and weakened hair can be maintained. And vitamin C improves the production of collagen, which is necessary for strengthening hair follicles.

With regular use of Jerusalem artichoke, the body will receive the beneficial substances necessary for healing hair. And for external use, you can prepare homemade hair care products based on Jerusalem artichoke:

  • to eliminate dandruff, you need to apply a mask containing earthen pear juice after each hair wash;
  • A decoction of fresh Jerusalem artichoke leaves will help prevent baldness. To prepare it, the leaves are boiled over low heat for about 3 hours. The resulting product is rubbed into the scalp every other day.


It is most useful to eat Jerusalem artichoke raw. Nutritionists recommend adding only 100-150 g of ground pear to the salad daily (for example, three small root crops) - and in a week you will feel better. And with longer regular use, you can get rid of not only accumulated toxins and toxins, but also some health problems. This result can be achieved in 3 months.

Before use in food, the root crop should be thoroughly washed in water. In this case, it is recommended to use a brush to remove all particles of earth from the vegetable. Since the skin of the earthen pear is very thin, it is not necessary to cut it off, it is enough just to remove both tips from the tuber, as well as damaged areas.

We have already said that Jerusalem artichoke is often recommended to be included in the diet of diabetics. And here the question arises of how to eat an earthen pear with this disease? According to doctors, you can use the root crop in exactly the same way as regular potatoes: boiled, fried, stewed or baked, with butter, meat, sour cream, etc.


We wash several tubers of Jerusalem artichoke well under running warm water (if necessary, use a brush) and grate coarsely. Simmer on the stove in a small amount of vegetable oil, lightly salting. We distribute the resulting slurry over the surface of the baking sheet, fill it with a mixture of low-fat milk, beaten eggs and semolina. Place the filled form in the oven and bake for 30 minutes at 185 degrees. Serve hot.


My earthen pear under a stream of warm water. Cut into pieces and simmer until done. Grind the finished Jerusalem artichoke into a puree using a blender or meat grinder. In the resulting fragrant gruel, add salt and spices (whichever you prefer), tomato paste, browned carrots and onions. The number of ingredients is determined by eye. We place the finished dish in a clay pot, close and simmer at 175 degrees in the oven for an hour. Such caviar from an earthen pear can even be preserved, stocking up for future use.

Jerusalem artichoke salad with radish

We take Jerusalem artichoke and radish tubers in arbitrary proportions, wash them thoroughly, peel them and rub them on a coarse grater. Add any chopped greens to the salad (if you wish, you can add green onion feathers), salt and spices and season with sour cream.

Salad "Summer"

For a simple and quick salad, you will need 2 medium-sized Jerusalem artichoke tubers, 2 small cucumbers and 2 medium-sized tomatoes. Add salt and pepper to taste. For dressing, you can use any vegetable oil, but flaxseed is best. If desired, fresh herbs can be added to the salad: cilantro, parsley, dill, green onions.

We thoroughly wash the vegetables, thinly peel them (if required) and proceed to chopping. We rub the earthen pear on a grater, and finely chop the cucumbers and tomatoes into cubes. We combine all the components in one large bowl, add spices and herbs and season with linseed oil. We mix everything thoroughly. A ready-made vitamin salad is good to serve as a tasty and healthy snack.

I also want to note that a fresh ground pear goes well with sweet and sour apples, carrots, bell peppers, sauerkraut, celery, onions and other ingredients. Therefore, from an earthen pear, you can constantly cook completely different dishes that will not get bored.

Natalia Pavlovna VOLOSHINA, Gomel region

The first dishes from Jerusalem artichoke are great for both baby food (including for small children) and for adults.

Ground pear soup

To prepare it, we need cauliflower or broccoli (about 100 g), one large juicy carrot, one onion and one sweet bell pepper. If you like celery, be sure to add it to the soup - no more than 100 g. The amount of salt and spices can be used at your discretion.

To prepare the first dish, fill the pan 2/3 with plain water and bring it to a boil. Put diced carrots, broccoli (or cauliflower), onions, bell peppers, celery and Jerusalem artichoke into boiling water. In this case, it is advisable to grate the tuber or cut into pieces of medium size. Cook our diet soup over low heat for about 15 minutes. When all the vegetables are soft, add fresh herbs. Pour the soup into bowls and serve hot to the dinner table.

Tip: if you want to get a more aromatic soup, then you can additionally add fresh champignons or any other mushrooms to the broth.

Tatyana Olegovna VRUBLEVSKAYA, Nesvizh

Cooking Jerusalem artichoke does not take much time - it takes about 15 minutes to boil, stew or fry this vegetable.


To prepare it, Jerusalem artichoke tubers are washed well in hot water using a brush, and then poured with boiling water and left for several minutes. After that, the liquid is drained, and the ground pear is dried, cut into small pieces and fried in a pan without adding oil. The finished cooled root crop is ground in a coffee grinder. Brewed just like regular coffee.

If for some reason you cannot eat ordinary potatoes, then in the process of cooking it can be easily replaced with an earthen pear, since fried, boiled or baked Jerusalem artichoke practically does not differ in taste from the mentioned vegetable.


For cooking, you will need 2 Jerusalem artichoke tubers, 1 large carrot, a small piece of pumpkin, an onion head (finely grated), 2 chicken eggs and a few tablespoons of flour. Salt and spices are added to taste.

All vegetables need to be washed, peeled and grated on a coarse grater, add eggs, flour, salt and spices to them. The dough for vegetable fritters should be thick and viscous. Fry the pancakes in hot vegetable oil on both sides until cooked, and then put them on paper towels to drain excess fat.

The finished dish is served warm with sour cream and tomato sauce.


We cut large tubers of an earthen pear into plates. Warm-up

I eat vegetable oil in a frying pan, spread slices of Jerusalem artichoke, and on top - chops (chicken or pork). Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and simmer until tender. Turn only the chops, leaving the Jerusalem artichoke slices in place. Serve to the table, sprinkled with herbs.


We rub the prepared earthen pear on a coarse grater and fry in vegetable oil. Boil steamed rice until cooked, mix with finely chopped egg (hard-boiled) and Jerusalem artichoke. We fill everything with sour cream.

The resulting mixture is laid out in tartlets and baked in the oven.


Eggplant, Jerusalem artichoke and tomatoes cut into slices, onions - half rings. Boil the onion in a small amount of water, add eggplant to it and cook for about 5 minutes more. After that, add pieces of Jerusalem artichoke to the pan and keep on fire for another 3 minutes. Add tomatoes to the stew only after we remove the pan from the heat. Mix the dish, cover with a lid and let it brew for at least 30 minutes. Serve with finely chopped greens.


Jerusalem artichoke cut into cubes, blanch for 5 minutes, and then fry in a pan with butter and onions. Boil white beans (pre-soaked overnight) until half cooked and season with fried Jerusalem artichoke. Cook until the beans are done. When serving, add chopped greens.

tightly closed lid. Puree the resulting mass in a blender or grind through a fine sieve.

Saute finely chopped spinach in 30 g of butter. We prepare the broth from water, onions, carrots and bay leaves. We process it. Whisk Jerusalem artichoke puree with broth to the desired consistency, add fried spinach and season with salt and spices to taste.


For the base of the soup, stew Jerusalem artichoke sliced ​​\u200b\u200bwith the addition of a small amount of oil over low heat until completely softened (depending on the variety and quality of the vegetable - up to 1.5 hours) under

Residents of America often replace the usual potato with Jerusalem artichoke and serve an earthen pear with fried sausages, bacon and fresh vegetables. In European countries, this product is often combined with various types of cheese, olives and anchovies, and is also used in poultry dishes in combination with cream.

Jerusalem artichoke will also be an ideal companion for forest mushrooms and game, balancing their intense taste and giving the dish softness and sophistication.

Ground pear can be served as a separate ingredient or mixed with other products in salads and appetizers, first and main courses, make desserts from it, and even brew coffee.

People diagnosed with celiac disease (wheat intolerance) process ground pear into flour and make pastries from it.

Jerusalem artichoke is used in the production of some types of cognac, as well as a source of ethanol for the manufacture of biofuels.


2 medium-sized Jerusalem artichoke tubers, washed, peeled and cut as small as possible. We shift into a bowl, add 480 g of wheat flour, 1 tsp each. soda and baking powder and 0.5 tsp. salt. Mix well.

2 stalks each of basil, cilantro and coriander, plus a stalk of shawl

fairy and celery stalk chop with a knife and add to the bowl. We rub one carrot, half of a medium turnip and half of a medium parsnip on a fine grater and transfer to Jerusalem artichoke. Pour in 120 ml of milk, 2 tbsp. l. maple syrup and knead the dough. If it gets too thick, add water. If you don't have maple syrup, you can replace it with runny honey.

We shift the prepared mass into a greased baking dish and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cooking time is about 30 minutes. The bread is ready when the toothpick inserted into it comes out dry.

Puffs with earthen pear

Defrost 500 g of puff pastry without yeast. 1 kg of apples and 2 Jerusalem artichokes rub on a fine grater and put in a pan. Add 1 tsp. orange zest, half a glass of sugar and simmer for 5 minutes. Cut the dough into rectangles. On one side of each rectangle lay out the filling and cover with the second side, pinch the edges. Lubricate each puff with beaten yolk, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 10 minutes. Then we put the puffs on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.


Cut the prepared pear tubers into thin slices and circles. We put it tightly in a glass or enameled dish, pour it with cold brine, put a wooden circle and oppression on top. To prepare a brine for 1 liter of water, you need 1.5-2 tbsp. l. salt. Leave in a dark room for fermentation for 2-3 days, then transfer to a cool place. Salted Jerusalem artichoke will be ready for consumption in 15-20 days. Its slices can be added to vinaigrette, used as an appetizer or garnish.

In addition to a variety of dishes, tasty and incredibly healthy, syrup is also prepared from Jerusalem artichoke. Derived from tubers, this sweet product contains fructans, rare polymers that are different from glucose and fructose and are more beneficial to the body than refined sugar. Such a syrup can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself at home from Jerusalem artichoke tubers. Moreover, the recipe for its preparation is very simple.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup

Rinse the tubers in water with a brush and cut off the peel in a thin layer. Grate and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth (or use a juicer). Heat the resulting juice to a temperature of 50-55 degrees, slightly darken, remove from heat and cool. Do all this three times. In this case, the juice loses moisture and thickens. After that, add lemon juice to the syrup (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter), pour into sterile jars and refrigerate.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup can be added instead of sugar to tea and compote, as well as to any desserts. In addition, pear syrup (like the tubers themselves) has many useful properties: it improves immunity, improves bowel function and metabolism, lowers cholesterol, strengthens bones and joints, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the general condition of the body.


Such a diet is very effective, but should not last more than 5 days. At this time, you need to forget about pastries, pickled and fatty delicacies, limit (or completely eliminate) the use of salt and sugar.

During the day, you need to eat as many dishes prepared only from this vegetable as possible, and season them with any vegetable oil. The only exception is breakfast, which should consist of familiar products. On

lunch and dinner, in addition to salad with Jerusalem artichoke, you can eat fish or lean meat (boiled or baked). Lovers of first courses can make cream soup from Jerusalem artichoke (several Jerusalem artichoke tubers and 1 onion finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil, added to vegetable broth and boiled until cooked, chopped in a blender and add a little sour cream).

Thanks to such a diet, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your health.

Jerusalem artichoke as a fodder crop

For feeding farm animals, Jerusalem artichoke uses both stems with leaves and tubers. At the same time, the nutritional value of tubers is twice the nutritional value of, for example, fodder beets. The plant is well ensiled, its greens can be used for making grass flour, haylage. The green mass is harvested twice a season. The first time the plants are cut at a height of about a meter, after which young shoots develop again from the axils of the remaining leaves. The second cut of Jerusalem artichoke greens is produced in September.

Almost all animals in a farm or peasant economy - cows, horses, goats, sheep, pigs - willingly eat Jerusalem artichoke (both tops and roots). Since Jerusalem artichoke greens are harvested in October, when the pasture season ends (meadow grass loses its taste and nutritional qualities), the use of Jerusalem artichoke can significantly delay the start of feeding with hay.

Tubers can be fed raw to animals, right after digging (just shake them off the ground). There is no harmful solanine, as in raw potatoes, in Jerusalem artichoke tubers, so raw feeding is possible under any conditions. Tubers (which are highly nutritious fodder) left in the spring will be a real help when winter food is running out. The easiest way this season is to dig up the required number of tubers right before feeding the animals.


Jerusalem artichoke hedge looks spontaneous outwardly, but fulfills its purpose by 100%. Each variety of this crop looks attractive. Beautiful flowers will delight until the frost, and their bright yellow hue will enliven the surrounding area. A Jerusalem artichoke hedge will look especially appropriate if you decide to decorate your site in a rustic style.

Jerusalem artichoke is able to protect the flower garden from cold winds. To do this, it is planted in the form of a windproof belt.

An earthen pear can shelter an apiary from the wind and additionally allow you to get late honey collection. Marketable honey is difficult to obtain in this way, but the last bribe stimulates the uterus to continue laying larvae: the bees believe that there is enough food to feed them, which means that you can get a young bee in sufficient quantities. For this reason, it is useful for every beekeeper to plant an earth pear near the apiary.

Jerusalem artichoke is a plant that is certainly useful and quite decorative, but in some cases it can spread greatly throughout the territory of a summer cottage or personal plot, and it will be quite difficult to remove it.

Many of us do not pay much attention to planting an earthen pear, more “advanced” summer residents use it to prepare various dishes and medicinal remedies, and someone considers an earthen pear as a green fence. And almost no one thinks in advance how difficult it will be to remove Jerusalem artichoke. What is he

can interfere with the site? The fact is that this culture grows quite quickly and occupies a large land area, on which there is no longer any place for vegetable crops and ornamental plants. This problem is especially acute for owners of small plots, where almost every piece of land is worth its weight in gold.

Most often, the fight against the "occupier" begins with the simplest destruction: the aerial part of the plants is cut down, and the small shoots are knocked down with a chopper or removed with a flat cutter. As practice shows, this approach does not work: you can dig up a bed with Jerusalem artichoke, uproot it, trying to extract all root residues from the soil, but next spring it grows again, because you can find the roots of an earthen pear even at a depth of half a meter.

To achieve maximum success, at the landing site of Jerusalem artichoke, you need to dig a hole up to one meter deep, and also expand it to the sides by at least a meter. Thus, if a plot with an earthen pear occupies a couple of square meters, you will have to shovel at least ten cubic meters of soil. This method will not frighten only the owners of mini-tractors, but for the elderly it is not at all suitable.

An interesting solution to the problem is offered by some experimental vegetable growers: you can say goodbye to an earth pear in just one season by simply sowing zucchini on top of it.

As "heavy artillery" you can use chemicals that are used to kill weeds, for example, "Roundup" or "Hurricane". With a solution of these high concentration herbicides (or even a pure preparation), the aerial part is treated with a brush. After a week, the plant will almost die.

Cardboard, boards, roofing material or film are perfect to restrict the access of air and sunlight to the young shoots of Jerusalem artichoke. First of all, you need to try to dig up all the root crops, tamp the soil, pressing old boards into it, for example, folding them tightly side by side, and then cover the area with a black thick film.

There is another way to "evict" Jerusalem artichoke from the site, in which the tubers remaining in the soil simply rot in the ground and no longer germinate. To do this, the top layer of soil is removed from the bed with an earthen pear (approximately on the bayonet of a shovel), the resulting pit is spilled with a compost ripening agent, and the top is covered with the same soil, only well sorted from the remnants of root crops. The top layer is also spilled with this composition. The best time for this operation is August-September.

Useful coffee from Jerusalem artichoke

In cold and damp November weather, one really wants to warm up with a cup of hot aromatic coffee, but excessive caffeine consumption does not benefit our body, and health problems force someone to completely abandon their favorite drink.

It is easy and simple to prepare delicious, healthy and perfectly warming coffee from the fruits of an earthen pear - just dry them properly.

By the way

The most beautiful in color "coffee" is obtained from Jerusalem artichoke tubers with a brown skin.

First of all, Jerusalem artichoke must be thoroughly washed under running water with a brush to remove all impurities. After that, the tubers are rubbed on a coarse grater (with holes of 7-8 mm) or chopped with an electric juicer, installing a folding disk and fixing a knife disk with holes on top, as in a manual grater.

Grated Jerusalem artichoke is laid out on a baking sheet, previously covered in one layer with paper, and then with cotton cloth.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke tubers are crushed in a coffee grinder or with a mixer, setting knives with a protective cylinder.

To prepare a coffee drink 1 tsp. chopped dried Jerusalem artichoke is poured into a saucepan, poured with a glass of water and boiled for about 2-3 minutes. After that, the drink is left for 5-10 minutes (to infuse), and then poured into cups. If desired, milk (regular, almond or coconut), cream, honey or maple syrup can be added to such coffee. The taste of the drink will be enriched with a few drops of vanilla extract.

If you decide to use a mixer to grind dried Jerusalem artichoke tubers, place them in a glass liter jar and cover with a PET lid, after cutting a hole in it with a diameter slightly larger than the largest diameter of the cylinder leg that encloses the mixer knives. Thus, the dust from crushing the Jerusalem artichoke will not come out of the jar.

You can also treat small gourmets with a coffee drink from Jerusalem artichoke. For its preparation 1 tsp. dried pear powder is poured into a glass of water, boiled for several minutes on low heat and filtered through a strainer. Then milk and sugar are added to the drink to taste. Children drink such healthy coffee with pleasure!

To make tea from Jerusalem artichoke, the leaves of the plant, its flowers and tubers are used. Most often, such a drink is used to reduce weight, but its beneficial properties do not end there.

Jerusalem artichoke flower tea

The medicinal properties of this tea are aimed at:

  • increase in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • reduction of manifestations of gastritis;
  • acceleration of choleretic activity;
  • decrease in alcohol intoxication: increase in the body's resistance to bacterial and viral infections, etc.

For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. Jerusalem artichoke flowers (fresh or dried) are crushed, poured with 300 ml of boiling water, wrapped and infused for at least 5 hours.

Jerusalem artichoke leaf tea

The leaves of the earthen pear, collected before flowering, contain the maximum amount of useful substances, therefore it is recommended to use them for brewing.

Tea from such a leaf:

  • removes toxins from the body;
  • improves immunity;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves physical fatigue and mental stress:
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis, etc.

For its preparation 1 tsp. crushed dry leaves of Jerusalem artichoke pour 100 ml of boiling water and insist under the lid for 10 minutes. It is recommended to use this decoction twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

To achieve the best therapeutic effect, it is advisable to prepare fresh tea from Jerusalem artichoke flowers daily.

If you do not like the taste of the drink, add some natural honey to it before drinking.

  • : Jerusalem artichoke - cultivation and useful ...
  • : Planting and growing Jerusalem artichokeIt is rumored...
  • : Growing Jerusalem artichoke, useful properties and ...

  • Tall, visible from afar, Jerusalem artichoke plants are hard to miss in a summer cottage. Not only are the tubers of this culture not inferior in nutritional properties, the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke and the harm from ill-considered use of the product have long been well studied.

    The native American species in the homeland was cultivated several thousand years ago by tribes of local residents. Jerusalem artichoke provided the necessary food, durable fiber for mats and clothing. Today, the value of the plant has been preserved. Juicy, sweetish, starchy tubers weighing from 20 to 100 grams are perfectly stored and can serve as a complete food product from autumn until the next harvest.

    Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke are not limited to the ability to cook delicious culinary dishes. One of the main advantages of culture is the incredible healing power of tubers.

    Composition and useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke

    If for centuries it was possible to talk about the therapeutic effect only on the basis of observations and on a whim, today scientists have taken the side of doctors. The biochemical analysis of Jerusalem artichoke showed that modest tubers resembling a cabbage stump in taste contain a record number of active substances and compounds.

    What is useful Jerusalem artichoke? What substances do folk and official medicine pay the closest attention to?

    Fresh tubers are a source of ascorbic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B6, A and PP. Jerusalem artichoke is rightfully considered the leader among root crops and tubers in terms of the content of an extremely important element for humans - iron. Regular consumption of tubers helps to meet the needs for potassium and calcium, phosphorus and sodium, magnesium and silicon. All these micro and macro elements are contained in sufficiently large quantities, which determines the active effect of the product on human well-being.

    Therefore, the beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke, or, as summer residents and adherents of a healthy lifestyle often call the plant, are in demand with a deficiency of certain elements in the body:

    1. A systematic lack of potassium, for example, can lead to the development of neuralgia.
    2. Losing calcium, teeth and bones begin to break down.
    3. Magnesium is indispensable for the work and development of the heart muscle, maintaining active nervous activity.
    4. Sodium is responsible for metabolic processes, and its deficiency leads to digestive and genitourinary disorders, convulsions and other negative consequences.
    5. Manganese, which affects growth, the function of blood formation, the activity of the gonads.
    6. Iron deficiency leads to changes in the quality of the blood and to a deterioration in its supply of oxygen.
    7. The intake of silicon prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other ailments associated with metabolic processes.

    In addition, with tubers and dishes from them, fiber, pectins with antioxidant properties, proteins, organic acids, sugars and valuable amino acids enter the body.

    Passing through the digestive tract, fiber, like a brush, cleanses the intestinal walls, taking with it not only toxins, but also excess cholesterol that is harmful to the body. As a result of the regular use of tubers, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced, and the process of defecation is being established.

    Due to the ability of Jerusalem artichoke to have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, we can talk about the effectiveness of the medicinal properties of Jerusalem artichoke in dysbacteriosis, dyspepsia and other digestive disorders.

    Dishes from tubers can be included in the diet to prevent exacerbations of gastritis and pancreatitis. not only helps harmful substances leave the body on time, it suppresses the vital activity of such types of microflora as staphylococci, salmonella and enterococci.

    A kind of "star" in the composition of Jerusalem artichoke is inulin, a plant substance that is very similar in properties to insulin. The presence of a compound, the content of which in dry matter reaches 20%, determines the active use of Jerusalem artichoke in diabetes mellitus, but the interest of physicians is not limited to inulin.

    The long list of amino acids present in tubers deserves close attention. Among them are more than a dozen bioactive compounds that affect:

    • on the processes of aging and metabolism;
    • on a neuropsychic state;
    • on muscle tone;
    • on the state of immunity
    • on the rate of tissue regeneration.

    It is interesting that the compounds contained in the tubers form natural combinations that allow the use of the medicinal properties of Jerusalem artichoke in a variety of ailments and painful conditions, for example, for the prevention of such formidable diseases as heart attack, stroke, gout and weakened natural body defenses.

    Dishes and medicines from Jerusalem artichoke: recipes, benefits and harms

    Jerusalem artichoke is eaten raw, boiled, fried and baked. On the basis of tubers prepare:

    • dietary puree soups;
    • original side dishes for gourmet poultry and vegetable dishes;
    • fillings for pies;
    • chips.

    Jerusalem artichoke flour, similar to potato starch, is added to bakery products, and for diabetics, Jerusalem artichoke recipes are a real find, allowing you to significantly diversify the menu even with previously inaccessible, and at the same time, safe confectionery products.

    With the enormous benefits of Jerusalem artichoke, there is practically no harm from its inclusion in the diet. If the tubers have undergone heat treatment, especially baking and boiling, they will be extremely useful in moderation. Jerusalem artichoke is recommended to be included in the diet menu:

    • with gout;
    • with anemia;
    • with gastritis with high acidity;
    • with pancreatitis;
    • with atherosclerosis;
    • with hypertension;
    • with the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder;
    • with overweight and obesity.

    A useful product will not be superfluous if a person works in hazardous industries or lives in a region with an unfavorable environmental situation. However, when studying the recipes for the preparation of Jerusalem artichoke, the benefits and harms of the uncontrolled use of tubers, it must be remembered that there are much more active substances in fresh plant materials. But caution when taking in this case should be more. It is safer to add raw Jerusalem artichoke slices to salads and vegetable snacks. If you do this regularly, the risk of heart and vascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and hypertension is dramatically reduced.

    For the treatment of the diseases listed above, it is advised to take a decoction of root vegetables, which is also effective against urolithiasis and heartburn.

    There are recipes for the preparation of Jerusalem artichoke, usefully and without harm, helping to cope with external skin problems. Masks and lotions based on crushed tuber relieve irritation, soothe the skin after burns, long exposure to the sun or eczema.

    Natural organic acids in combination with mineral salts and starch help to cope with acne, increase skin tone, whiten and dry. Baths with a decoction of Jerusalem artichoke leaves relieve gout, arthritis and osteochondrosis.

    Contraindications to the use of Jerusalem artichoke

    The healing properties of Jerusalem artichoke and contraindications, which can be heard from physicians, are of the same nature. This is a high biochemical activity of plant materials.

    In order not to inadvertently harm your health, it is necessary to make a decision on the use of Jerusalem artichoke for the treatment of a disease only after consulting a doctor. The physician will be able to accurately assess the risks based on diagnosed acute and chronic diseases and the appropriateness of such therapy.

    Healthy nutritionists and gastroenterologists do not advise to abuse raw tubers. It is especially important to remember this with gastritis with low acidity and sluggish digestion. Boiled, baked or added to soup or stew, tubers will perfectly satisfy hunger and safely replenish the body with everything that amazing Jerusalem artichoke is rich in.

    Video about the unique properties of Jerusalem artichoke

    Jerusalem artichoke, the benefits and harms of which we are considering, is in great demand. Based on it, an effective syrup for weight loss is prepared, from which the volumes literally melt before our eyes. Very often it is the root vegetable that is used, which is similar to sweet potatoes.

    Jerusalem artichoke - what is it?

    Jerusalem artichoke is a tuberous perennial plant. In the vastness of our country, it appeared in 1800, since then its popularity has only increased. Jerusalem artichoke is considered to be native to North America.

    Otherwise, the plant is called Jerusalem artichoke and earthen pear. The official name of Jerusalem artichoke is tuberous sunflower.

    In terms of taste, the tuber is similar to sweet potatoes, and according to external data, it has similarities with ginger root. Remarkably, the ground part of the plant is about 1-3 m in height.

    Jerusalem artichoke calories

    Dieters often count calories. If you decide to include raw tubers in your diet, then know that the calorie content of Jerusalem artichoke per 100 g. equals 61 kcal.

    The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke

    Jerusalem artichoke has both benefits and harms. First, consider the valuable properties for the body, at the end of the article we will study contraindications.

    No. 1. For weight loss

    On the basis of fresh tubers, a sweet syrup is prepared, which is subsequently used for weight loss. It does not matter in what form you will take Jerusalem artichoke. Its weight loss benefits are extensive. The root crop promotes the processing of carbohydrates into energy, controls lipid metabolism, removes excess fluid from tissues and areas between organs. Weight loss also becomes possible due to an increase in metabolism by 1.5-2 times and a complete cleansing of congestion.

    No. 2. To lower cholesterol

    The basis of the root crop is probiotics. They are responsible for the synthesis of triglycerides, which are responsible for the processing of fats and the control of lipid levels. Jerusalem artichoke is a very effective remedy for cholesterol. The plant quickly cleanses the blood vessels, improving the functioning of the vascular system and preventing all the resulting pathologies.

    No. 3. For the nervous system

    As part of the ground pear, so many vitamins of group B are concentrated that only 1 tuber will cover the daily requirement of an adult for these substances. B vitamins are responsible for the activity of the central nervous system. Jerusalem artichoke, or rather its benefits and harms are obvious. Thanks to the systematic intake of syrup or tubers, a psycho-emotional environment is established, problems with sleep disappear, a person gets rid of moral fatigue.

    No. 4. For the digestive system

    A huge amount of dietary fiber, pectin, mineral compounds is present in the ground pear. The benefits for digestion are undeniable. Constipation disappears, stagnation comes out. Jerusalem artichoke acts as a brush, traveling through the digestive tract and sweeping away all decay products from the walls. Also, the plant enhances the digestibility of protein and eliminates painful cramps in the stomach, which is important for gastritis and ulcers.

    No. 5. To lower blood pressure

    The basis of the Jerusalem artichoke is inulin - a polysaccharide, a substance of organic origin. Inulin is responsible for stabilizing blood pressure during its sharp increase or jumps. It is enough for hypertensive patients to include syrup or fresh tubers in their menu, and soon blood pressure will stop bothering you.

    No. 6. For liver cleansing

    Jerusalem artichoke, the benefits and harms of which have been studied many times, is valuable for the liver. It restores the filtering functions of this internal organ, cleanses the liver of toxic substances. This is extremely important for the categories of people who lean on alcohol, eat fatty and fried foods. There are many diets for cleansing the liver, which are based on Jerusalem artichoke.

    No. 7. For the treatment of diabetes

    The plant in its fresh form has the ability to lower the concentration of sugar in the bloodstream. Jerusalem artichoke promotes the production of its own insulin due to inulin, which reduces dependence on drugs. Incoming fast carbohydrates do not stagnate in the blood, but, on the contrary, increase the sensitivity of cellular receptors to glucose. Against this background, there is an improvement in the health of the diabetic.

    No. 8. Prevents oncology

    Some active substances from the composition of the ground pear are included in cancer drugs. In particular, Jerusalem artichoke prevents oncology of the rectum. The body begins to produce antibodies that bind and remove free radicals. For people with oncology, products with tuberous sunflower are prescribed in order to close the rush of blood to the tumor and start its destruction.

    No. 9. To relieve joint pain

    Jerusalem artichoke is used in the treatment of joints, the benefits and harms in this matter have been studied extensively. The value lies in the ability of the root crop to break down and remove salts from the body. The plant enhances the production of joint lubrication, strengthens bone tissue and cartilage. All this leads to getting rid of deposits and reducing the risk of fractures.

    No. 10. To strengthen immunity

    Inulin is a naturally occurring probiotic. It increases the resistance of the human body to viral infections. Jerusalem artichoke syrup or tuber in fresh form should be included in the basic menu in winter, autumn, early spring during beriberi. The bactericidal properties of the plant kill pathogenic microflora, increasing immunity by 3-5 times. This is extremely important for people who often change their place of residence, go on business trips or vacations, and also have a low immune system from birth and get sick.

    No. 11. For comprehensive cleansing

    The ground pear is a fully balanced root vegetable that is endowed with powerful antioxidant properties. Jerusalem artichoke cleanses tissues from toxic substances, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides. Jerusalem artichoke also expels excess water, improves metabolism, eliminates congestion and fights constipation.

    No. 12. To improve the condition of the hair

    Jerusalem artichoke is saturated with iron, so its benefits and harms are obvious. The mineral supplies all body cells and hair follicles with oxygen. As a result, growth is stimulated, the hair structure is nourished. Regular intake will prevent baldness.

    No. 13. For the prevention of anemia

    As mentioned earlier, the root vegetable is rich in iron. It contains up to 40% of this element. Iron saturates the entire body with oxygen, has a positive effect on the quality and coagulability of blood. Thanks to the systematic eating of an earthen pear, immunity will be strengthened. Anemia is prevented and treated, hemoglobin increases.

    No. 14. To improve skin condition

    It should be noted that the young leaves of the root crop are saturated with organic acids, which effectively restore damaged cells. Prepare a decoction of Jerusalem artichoke leaves and make a compress. The tool has a rejuvenating and wound-healing effect. It helps to fight even warts.

    The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke in diabetes

    Jerusalem artichoke saturates the body of diabetics with inulin. Moreover, the benefits and harms of diabetes are studied by both folk and traditional medicine. The positive impact of the earthen pear prevails.

    1. When Jerusalem artichoke is consumed, active compounds absorb glucose that has not entered the cells. As a result, it is excreted from the body. Due to these processes, blood sugar levels are significantly reduced.

    2. Jerusalem artichoke, the benefits and harms of which we are considering, is rich in fructose and organic acids. They qualitatively cleanse the body and improve metabolic processes. The tissues are freed from toxins.

    3. The advantage of root consumption is that fructose replaces glucose. It penetrates the tissues without the help of insulin. Due to all the complex processes that occur in the body, metabolic processes are stabilized.

    4. As mentioned earlier, inulin is present in the ground pear. It helps glucose get into cells better. This is what causes blood sugar levels to drop.

    5. By lowering glucose levels, the activity of the pancreas improves. As a result, the body produces more of its own insulin.

    The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss

    1. How useful is Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss? The root crop contains a lot of fiber. It is due to the abundance of dietary fiber that the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated. The body can cleanse itself.

    2. Since the earthen pear binds the fibers, and they swell when in contact with water, the feeling of satiety is prolonged. A person consumes daily less food, respectively, and calories.

    3. Due to the fact that Jerusalem artichoke binds fats without accumulation and processing, the body is cleared of them. There is a natural weight loss.

    4. If you systematically consume an earthen pear, blood pressure stabilizes, the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates improves. Together, all this leads to rapid weight loss.

    The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke during pregnancy

    2. If you want to achieve a laxative effect, the product should be consumed raw. In parallel, Jerusalem artichoke will saturate the body with calcium and a host of other valuable substances. Especially the Jerusalem artichoke is recommended during the lactation period.

    Harm of Jerusalem artichoke

    1. An earthen pear is considered an almost ideal product. But it is forbidden to consume it in any form if you have been diagnosed with individual intolerance.

    Jerusalem artichoke will be an excellent addition to everyday nutrition. With minimal contraindications, it can be considered ideal. Systematic consumption will only positively affect the body.