Top drinking nations. Alcohol consumption per capita in Russia and the world

Alcohol has centuries-old history and distributed throughout the world. Alcohol consumption reflects the cultural characteristics of the population different countries. Strong drinks used in religious sacraments and simply for fun at a feast.

However, alcohol is not at all harmless and can cause addiction, the consequences of which are extremely sad and sometimes fatal. That is why the World Health Organization (WHO) has been working to control and reduce alcohol consumption for many years.

Alcoholism is widespread throughout the world, but in some countries this problem is especially acute. For many years, leading positions were occupied by members former USSR, and over the past decade, Western European countries have broken into the top five. Those who are distinguished by enviable constancy are Muslim peoples who do not welcome the use of alcohol.

Rating of countries according to statistics for 2016–2017

WHO and a number of other authorities maintain statistics on alcohol consumption. For example, the OECD is an international economic organization of developed countries. The report is provided every few years.

The latest data was published on the Delphi portal in mid-May 2017. Gauden Galea, Director of the Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Health Promotion, WHO authorized representative, shared official conclusions with the online publication and named the top five drinking leaders.

It should be noted that WHO statistics take into account the consumption of both legal and self-made alcohol. For example, the population of Moldova prefers homemade wines.

In addition, WHO cooperates with the UN, assesses tourist flows, smuggled drinks and adjusts statistics accordingly. The level of alcohol consumption is calculated in liters of pure ethyl alcohol, drunk per capita of the population over 15 years of age. At the same time, 60% of people in the world do not drink at all and 16% suffer from chronic alcoholism.

Lithuania is ahead of the rest

This country took first place. According to WHO estimates, in the small Baltic state, one resident on average consumes 16.2 liters of pure ethanol per year. Giving an interview, Gauden Galea stated verbatim: “This, according to the latest estimates, makes Lithuania one of the most drinking countries peace." Specified quantity ethanol is 400 liters of beer. It is the foamy drink that Lithuanians prefer (46%). Strong alcohol is consumed by 34% of the population, and wine by 8%.

In addition, statistics show that alcohol in Lithuania is drunk 90% of the time at home. For comparison, in other European countries (Greece, Spain and Great Britain) more than 60% of consumption occurs in entertainment establishments - restaurants, pubs, bars.


From 2008 to 2015, Belarusians occupied an honorable first place in terms of alcohol consumption in the world. In 2016, the ranking of countries changed slightly. Belarus managed to reduce the amount of drinking pure alcohol per year up to 15 liters. This happened thanks to an increase in alcohol prices, which were minimal, and a fight against producers low-quality drinks, as well as tougher penalties for driving in drunk. What do they prefer to drink in Belarus? According to statistics, the population predominantly drinks strong alcohol (47%). Beer (17%) and wine (5%) are held in less esteem.


Another Baltic country closes the top three. Here, according to statistics, the local population drinks on average about 12.8 liters pure alcohol in a year. Moreover, the trend towards leadership has emerged in Latvia quite recently. Just 5–10 years ago, less than 10 liters of alcohol were consumed in the country per year.

Latvians prefer beer when it comes to drinks. According to one study, they spend almost 100 euros a year on alcohol, and spend half as much on attending cultural events. In order to reduce the popularity of alcohol, the authorities banned its advertising back in 2014, but this did not lead to positive changes.

Russia and Poland shared fourth place

Based on the results for 2016, both countries consume close to 12.2 liters per capita. For Russia, fourth place is a kind of achievement. Over the past 10 years, the level of alcohol consumed has decreased by about 5 liters. But Poland, on the contrary, began to drink more. Her traditional drinks are vodka, various honeys, beer. In Russia, the population prefers strong alcohol.


It closes the top five drinking countries. The level of 11 liters of alcohol per capita in Estonia is the lowest in the last ten years. The authorities managed to achieve a similar result by raising the excise tax. However, this did not stop some citizens; they simply began purchasing alcoholic beverages in Latvia, where prices are 3 times lower. As for the preferences of Estonians, they drink strong alcohol and beer at approximately the same level - 37 and 41%, respectively.

Europe vs Russia

Many people ask where they drink more alcohol, in Russia or in Europe? The statistics speak for themselves. Over the past decade, the situation with alcoholism in Russia has noticeably improved, but in Europe, on the contrary. However, the amount of pure ethanol consumed is not the only criterion that is important to consider when talking about the health of the nation. Culture of use alcoholic drinks, their quality and the treatment measures taken are of great importance. Thus, according to WHO data, it is in Russia and a number of other countries that were part of the USSR that the most high level mortality from alcohol-related injuries. They also lead in the frequency of deaths from cardiovascular diseases that develop from alcohol abuse.

But if Europe drinks more, why is Russia suffering? The point is the culture of consumption, cheap alcohol, and its availability, says WHO. In Europe, the population does not know what withdrawal syndrome is; it is not customary for them to celebrate until they pass out. They drink regularly, but in moderation.

Moreover, many countries, such as Norway, sell alcohol exclusively in specialized stores. Moreover, in some cities they work only for tourists.

In Sweden, alcohol is so expensive that it is cheaper to take a ferry to the Germans to get it. As for Germany and Italy, although they are large suppliers of beer and wine, they themselves do not abuse it, thanks to propaganda healthy image life and education of the younger generation about the dangers of alcohol.

Visually see the statistics total consumption alcohol in the world can be found on WHO maps. The latest such graphics are available for 2015. The results of 2017 will be summed up in 2018, presumably also in the spring.

The problem of alcoholism in the world has been acute for many years. More than 3 million people die annually from the consequences of alcohol abuse, which exceeds the number deaths from AIDS.

Alcoholic beverages contribute to addiction and increase the risk of developing more than 200 diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver and some types of cancer. In addition, excessive drinking leads to violence and injury. The global average ethanol consumption is 6.2 liters. Moreover, every second person on the planet does not drink at all.

What is the most drinking country in the world? Similar ratings are published annually by various scientific and public organizations. From the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to the World Health Organization. The amount of alcohol consumed is a reflection of many factors. The standard of living and education, mentality and character traits of the nation. There is often an opinion among Russians that they are among the heaviest drinkers on the planet. But is this really true?

How is the amount of alcohol consumed by the population calculated?

The drinkingiest country is most often determined by the World Health Organization. To compile its ranking, WHO measures how much pure ethyl alcohol each resident of the state drinks. At the same time, for the purity of the experiment, only citizens over 15 years of age are taken into account.

The calculations take into account all alcohol sold in supermarkets and restaurants, cafes and gas stations during the year. So this is the most objective and reliable data.

Who's in first place?

Currently, the ranking of the most drinking countries in the world is headed, surprisingly, by Lithuania. Objectiveness of the most recent WHO rating compiled on this moment, adds the fact that it takes into account the consumption of ethyl alcohol by each resident not during one year, but over the past five years.

It is worth noting that the population of Lithuania is relatively small. The country is home to just under three million people. Moreover, if five years ago each resident drank about 13 liters of pure ethanol per year, now this figure has increased by almost one and a half liters.

This is explained not so much by the passion of Lithuanians for drinking, but by the economic and social situation in the country. Despite the successful transition to a market economy and low inflation, the state retains a very meager raw material base, and the deficit in the services market is rapidly growing. Recently, Lithuania joined the European Union and abandoned the local currency in favor of the euro. At the same time, European assistance is by far the largest source of state budget income. It has already exceeded 30%.

The lack of borders with Europe also plays a role. Most talented and promising Lithuanians today can move to countries with a higher standard of living without any problems. And those who remain take the country to the forefront when the ranking of the most drinking countries is compiled.

At the same time, Lithuania has the most popular drink- beer. It provides almost half of ethanol consumption. Another popular drink is midus, a local mead. Alcohol similar to beer, but a few degrees stronger.

Neighbors come second

In second place on this list are the neighbors of the Lithuanians - Estonia. At the same time, the gap from the leaders is quite significant. Therefore, it is safe to say that the most drinking country in the world will remain unchanged in the coming years.

If in Lithuania each citizen consumes about 14.5 liters of ethanol per year, then in Estonia this figure does not reach 12 liters. Moreover, it is worth noting that several years ago this figure was higher by almost half a liter, but the state is actively anti-alcohol campaign which bears fruit.

In Estonia the same economic and social problems, as in Lithuania. The almost complete absence of a raw material base, a large outflow of population to European countries with a higher standard of living, and the dependence of the budget on subsidies from the European Union.

In Estonia, beer and spirits are almost as popular as each other. Most often, locals prefer the strong liqueur "Old Tallinn".

Who else is in the top three?

Over the past five years, there has been a trend towards a decrease in alcohol consumption per capita, but the French still remain among the leaders. If several years ago each citizen drank about 12 liters of ethanol per year, today this figure has been reduced by almost a liter.

The most popular drink of the French is wine. Largely because of him, many believe that France is the most drinking country. It accounts for almost 60% of the total consumption of all alcoholic beverages. At the same time, the beer consumption rating is extremely low - less than 20%.

Such a high level of consumption in this case is explained by mentality. Almost no meal in France is complete without a glass or even a bottle of wine. The country produces itself a large number of this alcoholic drink, which is actively popularized among its citizens. Teenagers start drinking wine and don’t stop until their death.

Another factor is the large number of migrants who have arrived in France in recent years. They also contribute.

And where does Russia stand?

Now you know that the answer to the question of which country is the most drinking country is definitely not Russia. In the modern ranking, our state is in 8th place. Ahead are the Czechs, Irish, Germans and residents of Luxembourg.

At the same time, there is an unpleasant trend: in recent years, the amount of alcohol consumed has been increasing.

In Russia, the most popular drink is vodka. In general, strong alcohol accounts for more than 50% of total consumption, and beer accounts for slightly less than 40%. Men, on average, drink 4 times more than women.

Where do they not drink?

Residents of Pakistan certainly cannot say that they are the drinkingiest country in the world. This country in South Asia is one of the most populous in the world. It is home to almost 200 million people - this is the 6th largest in the world.

At the same time, the level of alcohol consumption here is one of the lowest on the planet. On average, Pakistanis drink about one-tenth of a liter of ethanol per citizen per year.

The reason for such low consumption is religion. The state religion in the country is Sunni Islam. Any alcohol is strictly prohibited. So the main consumption of alcoholic beverages comes from visiting professionals who have long settled in Pakistan.

Sunnis themselves are not allowed to drink alcohol, but it is not prohibited to buy, sell or give it to representatives of other religions.

Alcohol is very common all over the world today.

The world population is susceptible to negative dependence on alcohol, which leads not only to the development of various diseases, mental and moral decline of the individual, but also to death.

Alcoholism statistics confirm this.

Alcoholism in the world

Alcohol consumption is becoming a problem in many countries. Addiction is widespread on all five continents. According to statistics, about 2.5 million people die from alcohol every year in the world.

Because of overuse alcoholic beverages, not only alcoholics, but also their families experience all sorts of problems. Since alcohol becomes the cause of many unpleasant and illegal activities. Thus, about 50% of all crimes are committed by people in a state of alcohol intoxication. Alcohol causes inappropriate behavior. Under influence strong drinks people commit suicides, murders, serious accidents, violence, beatings and many other actions. Alcohol also has a detrimental effect on children. Alcoholic women often give birth to children with various disabilities in mental and physical development. In addition, because of addiction, families break up, parents abandon their children or do not provide them with appropriate upbringing and support, and as a result, children become street children.

Alcohol addiction can cause an economic crisis, disruptions in the production process, and destruction of people’s ability to work. Alcohol causes the development of various diseases internal organs and systems, mental disorders, loss of normal appearance, rapid aging.

The situation with alcoholism in Europe and Russia

Europe is a part of the world where problems with alcohol addiction are particularly acute. This is where the largest share of alcohol consumption per capita is observed. On average, each person consumes 1-1.5 liters of beer per day. Over the course of a year, Europe suffers losses from alcohol consumption ranging from 125 to 300 billion euros. Such losses include costs associated with both the purchase of alcoholic beverages themselves and the costs of treating addiction and illness. In addition, state profits are lost due to the fact that alcoholics often do not go to work, which leads to various disruptions in the labor process.

The statistics on alcoholism in Russia are also disappointing. The level of the dependent population is approaching a critical level. At the same time, all segments of the population suffer; the problem directly or indirectly affects any person. According to statistics on alcoholism in Russia, every year the number of people with addiction increases by 2 million, and the number of addicts with acute mental disorders increases by 100 people.

Not only men, but also women suffer from drunkenness in Russia. very common in the country. As a result of excessive alcohol consumption, about 500 families break up each year, and approximately 3% of the working-age population does not work. And the costs of treating alcoholism significantly exceed the costs of treating various diseases ( diabetes mellitus, bronchitis, asthma, etc.).

According to the latest data, alcoholism in Russia is getting younger every year. An increasing number of the working-age population begins to drink alcohol from a young age. According to surveys conducted among people suffering from alcoholism, the majority of people have their first experience of drinking strong drinks at the age of 10-20 years. It is worth noting that in adolescence, addiction to bad habits occurs much faster than in more mature years. It is not uncommon for young people to be introduced to alcohol by their parents themselves, believing that it is time to begin their “adult” life. As a result, teenage alcoholism is becoming more common and younger.

Today, 99% of men and 97% of women consume alcohol, including occasional drinking. This is also due to the availability of alcohol. If we compare it with 1925, the situation is now very critical. In those years, the proportion of drinkers among men was 52%, among boys 65% and among women 10%. In almost 100 years the situation has changed a lot and not for the better.

Numbers and alcoholism

As mentioned above, due to alcoholism, various crimes, unpleasant situations, and diseases occur in the world.

If we talk about crime, then around the world from 60 to 90% of all crimes are committed by persons under the influence of alcohol. If addiction treatment were carried out in a timely manner, the number of illegal activities could be reduced by approximately 50%.

Alcohol consumption by drivers also has a significant impact. A large number of road accidents occur while intoxicated, many of which are distinguished by their severity, accompanied by death. A special number of accidents with drunk drivers is observed in Russia - about 85% of the total number of accidents. Most accidents happen due to driving into the oncoming lane and exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 km/h. This is due to the loss of fear in a drunk driver and the inability to soberly assess the situation on the road.

Another disturbing statistic is suicide. According to data, up to 80% of suicides occur among people who are drunk or in a state of alcoholic psychosis. About 60% of suicides are carried out by alcoholics, but only about 8% of them end their lives while intoxicated.

Drunkenness also has a negative impact on children. Most children from families of alcoholics become drunkards themselves. About 60% of teenagers who regularly drink alcohol have an alcoholic father. In addition, such children are different bad behavior, do not study or do poorly at school. All this affects their lives in the future. Alcoholism among teenagers is becoming increasingly common.

Due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, the average life expectancy is sharply reduced. Due to alcoholism, mortality in Europe has increased 2.5 times. In Russia, almost 1 million people die every year due to addiction.

All this data is indicated only in the official aspect. However, in reality everything is much worse, since not all deaths, illnesses and crimes are interpreted in the light of the influence of alcohol.

Rating of the most “drinking” countries

Research is being carried out around the world, according to which a ranking of countries in the world is subsequently obtained based on the level of alcohol consumption by the population. It is expressed in liters of pure ethyl alcohol per capita. The value is calculated using the method World Organization healthcare, whose main task is to solve problems related to protecting the health of the world population.

Alcohol is a kind of narcotic substance that can cause a state of euphoria in a person, distract from problems and various situations. Alcohol has been known since ancient times, but its consumption increased significantly in the Middle Ages, when the processes of distilling alcohol were discovered.

Research into changes in society in the medical, psychological and sociological fields related to alcohol consumption began to be conducted in the mid-19th century. Alcohol statistics began to appear in those years.

Alcohol is one of the three most significant health problems today. And, although approximately half of the world's population consumes excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages, alcoholism is the third risk factor causing various diseases and premature death (after smoking and high blood pressure).

The ranking of countries in the world by level of alcohol consumption is compiled once every few years. Published in a special edition. The amount of ethyl alcohol per inhabitant is calculated. The calculation takes into account persons aged 15 years and older. The last calculation was carried out in 2014, which included 188 countries.

    • 1st place – Moldova;
    • 2nd place – Czech Republic;
    • 3rd place – Hungary;
    • 4th place – Russia;
    • 5th place – Ukraine.

If there is no further improvement in alcohol consumption, the situation may become critical. This is especially true for our country. Almost every resident in Russia suffers directly or indirectly from alcoholism.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do now ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I also feel sorry for my husband, that’s how he great person when he doesn't drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug is used to treat alcohol addiction really is not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried it? traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    Which ones folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law still drinks

According to most people, the drinkingiest country in the world is Russia, followed by countries such as Ireland and the UK. But, according to annual research, it can be understood that these are just established stereotypes. These states are not even included in the “top five countries” in terms of the scale of alcohol consumption. So which country is the hardest drinking in the world? Let's look at the representatives of which nations are in the top ten countries that are lovers of such drinks.

The ranking of the most drinking countries is compiled annually by WHO (World Health Organization). There are several points of view regarding the use of alcoholic beverages. Most experts say that alcohol is a real evil and it is necessary to tighten the limits of its production and sale as much as possible.

Another part of the scientists says that the normalized consumption of many alcoholic products has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. Eg, regular use small doses of wine demonstrates positive effect on the condition of the skin and helps normalize blood pressure. But it is very important to note the fact that no matter what point of view you consider yourself to be, the number of people who abuse alcohol is constantly growing. Experts are concerned about the fact that in some countries this number has already significantly exceeded the norm.

List of states with alcohol abuse

Tenth place – Slovenia and Denmark. According to the latest data, the amount of alcohol consumed in Denmark and Slovenia is about ten and a half liters annually, per inhabitant. According to statistics, most residents prefer low alcohol drinks, other products are in much less demand. In one of the cities of Slovenia there is the oldest vineyard in all of Europe. Its name is “Stara trta”, which translated from Slovenian means “old vine”. Its age is more than four hundred centuries. To the rest of the world, Denmark is known as the producer of beer brands such as Karlbserg and Tuborg.

Statistics on the popularity of alcohol are as follows: weak alcohol - forty-six percent of the population, wine - thirty percent, strong alcohol - eighteen percent, other drinks - six percent of the population. National drink considered "Borovichka".

WHO believes that the most effective measures to solve problems associated with alcohol consumption are limiting access to alcohol, banning its advertising and pricing policy

Ninth place – Hungary. Alcohol consumption per capita in Hungary is ten point eight liters. To collect statistical data, we used a survey of residents in the age category from fifteen to sixty-five years.
Hungary is famous throughout the world for its famous vineyards. Drinks from this country are preferred all over the world.

In terms of popularity in this state, beer ranks first, with fifty-four percent of the population preferring it. In second place is wine, with twenty-eight percent. The top three is completed by strong alcoholic drinks, which are in demand only among eighteen percent of the local population. The national drinks of this place include wine and schnapps.

Eighth place: Spain and Portugal. The eighth place in the ranking is shared by two southern states, Portugal and Spain. Statistics on the use of alcohol in these states indicate that each resident here consumes eleven and a half liters of alcohol annually. The warm climate and constant sunny weather allow local residents to grow first-class grapes.

It is here that drinking wine is given the main preference. According to survey results, more than half of the population prefer wine to other alcohol. In second place, with a popularity of thirty percent, are different varieties foamy drinks. It is important to mention that in these countries beer is several times more accessible and cheaper than wine.

Spanish wineries occupy third place in the list of countries involved in wine production. In total, more than ninety varieties are grown in the state. various grapes. The area of ​​Spanish vineyards is so huge that it ranks first in the ranking of countries with the largest grape plantations. The national drink of the two states is port wine.

Seventh place – Ireland. This country has a special attitude towards beer, and it is here that Guinness is considered a national treasure. In Ireland, the average person drinks about eleven point six liters of alcoholic beverages per year. This country is famous for its largest brewery, which produces the most famous dark variety beer.

In addition, Irish whiskey is in demand all over the world. It should be noted that the price of alcohol in this country is very high. A pint of beer costs about two euros, and a bottle good whiskey can reach prices of twenty-five euros. In terms of popularity of types of alcohol, beer takes first place, wine comes in second, and other strong drinks take third place.

Russia, contrary to stereotypes, was not in the TOP 5

Sixth place – Russia. Many people believe that Russia should top this list. In fact, statistics on alcohol consumption in the world indicate that this country occupies only sixth place in the ranking. On average, one Russian consumes fifteen liters of alcohol per year.

It is in Russia that the popularity of vodka and beer is equal to each other. According to statistics, the consumers of these types of alcohol are equal in number and amount to about forty percent. According to analysts, the popularity of wine in Russia is only increasing every year. In the next few years, its popularity will equal that of other alcohol. Vodka is considered to be the national drink of this country.

Fifth place – Lithuania. In Lithuania, the average resident consumes about sixteen point three liters of alcoholic beverages. Thanks to this fact, Lithuania is in the top five drinking countries. Along with vodka and beer, Lithuanian Midus, a drink made from honey, water and yeast, is popular in this country. It is in this country that the production of most popular alcohol-containing tinctures, balms and nectars is located.

The fourth place is the Czech Republic. Another country where the most popular view alcohol is considered to be beer. The Czech Republic occupies fourth position on the list due to the fact that its residents consume almost sixteen and a half liters of alcoholic beverages. There are many legends and stories associated with beer in this country. Some breweries are known throughout the world for their quality products.

Beer production in this country dates back more than eight centuries. rich history. The Celts were among the first to pioneer the idea of ​​brewing. Even in ancient times, this drink was so popular that it was prepared in almost every home.

Czech wineries are not inferior in quality to beer. Prague is considered a real Mecca for lovers quality beer and wine. An alcoholic product such as Becherovka can be considered a real national treasure of the Czech Republic.

Third place – Estonia. If we divide alcohol consumption by country, Estonia takes third place on this list. This is exactly what WHO statistics indicate. The capital of Estonia, Tallinn is one of the most cultural and peaceful cities on the entire planet. It is here that the amount of alcohol consumed per capita is about seventeen and a quarter liters per year.

On numerous streets of Tallinn there are not only masterpieces of world architecture, but also quite interesting establishments. One of these establishments is the Olde Hansa restaurant, stylized in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

All the furniture in this restaurant is made of oak wood. Candles are used for lighting, and the food is consistent with what many people believe ancient knights ate. Such an atmosphere is the best way to make your hand reach for a mug of light beer. It is beer that ranks first in popularity in Estonia.

In recent years, Russia has been in this sad ranking, which instills a certain positivity, down

Second place – Ukraine. The second place in the ranking is occupied by Ukraine, where the amount of alcoholic beverages per capita is about seventeen and a half liters. This is the amount the average resident drinks. Ukraine is known all over the world for vodka, a product whose popularity dates back to the seventeenth century. In those distant times, vodka was called hot wine.

Among the alcohol producers that are famous throughout the planet, there are representatives of this people. The Nemiroff brand belongs to the Ukrainian wine and vodka distillery. One of the most popular products, produced under this brand is “Nemiroff. Honey and pepper."

The first line is the Republic of Belarus. It is Belarus that takes the lead in this list. According to the latest WHO information, alcohol consumption in Belarus reaches more than seventeen and a half liters annually per native resident. In addition, the researchers did not take into account those nuances that include moonshine. If these data were also taken into account, the figure would be significantly higher.

Belarus is recognized as the world leader in alcohol consumption. The national alcohol-containing compositions of this country include “Krambambulya”.
In terms of popularity in Belarus, strong alcohol ranks first. About forty-seven percent of residents use it. The second place is occupied by low-alcohol drinks, and beer closes the top three.

World average

According to the same statistics, per capita alcohol consumption in the world is about eight liters per person.

This fact is of great concern to WHO representatives, since, in their opinion, the percentage drinking population increases annually. A few decades ago, this value was equivalent to only six liters of alcohol per person.

Despite the high development of civilization, among the most drinking countries in the world in 2016-2017, states with low level life

World statistics on alcohol consumption

When compiling such lists, it is necessary to consider the fact that different types of alcohol are consumed in different parts of the world. For example, beer is quite popular in European countries; the most “beer” cities are recognized as:

  • Brussels;
  • Munich;
  • Dublin;
  • Berne.

In regions with hot climates, products belonging to the wine family are very popular. France and Spain are not only true legislators in this area, but also true fans of this alcohol.

An interesting fact is that the further north the state is located, the stronger its residents prefer alcohol. Strong alcohol quite popular in Russian Federation, United States of America, Czech Republic and Norway.
Also, according to WHO research, about forty percent of people alive have never drank alcohol.

Which countries are non-drinkers?

We found out which country in the world is the biggest drinker in the world thanks to the rating, but which country’s residents can boast that they don’t drink alcohol at all? According to statistics, the states of South Asia are among those where alcoholic products has the least demand. Topping the list of these states is Pakistan, home to more than two hundred million people. Pakistan ranks sixth in the world population list.

Interestingly, the rate of alcohol consumption in this place on the planet is almost zero. According to WHO research, the average person in Pakistan drinks about one hundred grams of alcoholic beverages every year.

The reason for such low popularity similar products lies in religion. The state religion in Pakistan is Sunni Islam. Use alcohol-containing liquids for followers is strictly prohibited. As a result of the research, an interesting fact emerged that only visitors and tourists drink alcohol in Pakistan. Another interesting fact is that, despite the fact that religion prohibits Sunnis from drinking alcohol, it is not forbidden to buy, sell and even give it as a gift to other people.

Dorofeev Pavel/ Date: 2016-04-24 at 4:31 Category: 4 comments

Alcohol consumption per capita in Russia and the world. Horrifying statistics

Hello, dear readers of my blog. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the proportion of annual alcohol consumption per person should be no more than 8 liters. Exceeding this norm threatens the existence of the nation. I prepared an article about alcohol consumption per capita in Russia and the world. After reading it, you will simply be amazed at how many countries exceed the permissible standards by several times!

Having learned the process of fermentation and production of ethyl alcohol, alcoholism moved up the scale bad habits and addictions and over time has become a global problem. Every year the ranks of alcoholics in the world are replenished with new adherents, partly due to ignorance of the consequences of addiction, partly due to the sluggish propaganda of sobriety.

World ranking

As a basis for the rating of residents who consume alcohol by country, it is worth taking not only regions in which the demand for high-proof drinks predominates, but also those where any liquid with an ethanol content of more than 0.1-1.5% is considered alcoholic.

Situation in Russia

A stable situation has been recorded in Russia over the last five years. Only the priorities for choosing alcoholic beverages have changed, and alcoholism, despite government programs, has become significantly younger. In general, there is a persistent increase in ethanol consumption around the world, despite the fact that, according to WHO recommendations, only consumption of up to 8 liters of alcohol-containing products per year can be considered safe.

This concludes today's story. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments and subscribe to new blog articles.

Until next time. Dorofeev Pavel