Top 10 of the best vodka. The best vodka in the world - brand rating

As you know, vodka in the world is one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages in almost all countries. Until relatively recently, such drinks were not evaluated internationally. Good or bad vodka - everyone determined for himself. But today you can see the official ratings of vodka, although some conclusions can be disagreed with.

How vodka is evaluated in international competitions

Probably not worth saying that today in the world you can find a huge number of products of this type. There are so many names of vodka products that no rating agency simply cannot count them.

Some people think that names like "Royal" or "Tsarskaya vodka" are already the key to success and popularity. Alas, this is not the case. Firstly, aqua regia in the usual sense is a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids in a 1: 3 ratio. And secondly, the name can be as simple as you like, and the quality is the highest. On the other hand, today you can find aqua regia intended for drinking. It is a cocktail and is prepared on the basis of ordinary vodka, dessert vermouth, pepper and orange liqueurs.

But now about the assessment. As a rule, in all international tasting competitions, vodka brands are evaluated according to several criteria: aroma, taste, transparency, aftertaste, bottle appearance, etc. Our person, frankly, does not understand why the bottle is involved in the assessment, because the main thing is not what is outside, but what is inside.

It is this moment that raises great doubts, since today you can find expensive vodka brands such as "OVAL Swarovski Crystal" in a bottle of gold, trimmed with stones. It is clear that its cost is about 7 thousand dollars, and only because of the golden bottle.

What determines the quality of vodka and how to determine it

Vodka is a mixture of alcohol and water, and you can immediately notice these two components that affect its quality. As a rule, rectified water and pure artesian water are used in production, although low-quality products can be found anywhere.

In addition, the indicator of the content of fusel oils and other impurities is also directly related to quality. Many unscrupulous manufacturers even add sulfuric acid to increase the strength of the drink!

At home, by the way, it is quite simple to check the quality of alcohol or vodka. To do this, you can use ordinary potassium permanganate. The faster the alcohol or vodka turns into the color of potassium permanganate (much less than five minutes), the worse the product.

You can do it even easier. Just shake the vodka bottle. If large bubbles form in it, then the product is of poor quality. If the bubbles are small (barely noticeable) and rise upward like a snake, then the vodka is good. Finally, the easiest option is to put the vodka in the freezer for a couple of hours. If the appearance of ice is noticeable, then this is not vodka, and do not understand what. Water freezes, but low-quality alcohol remains. In addition, in modern production, double distillation is often used, and with such a technology, such an effect should not be observed.

World ranking (TOP-15): top five

Good vodka isn't always expensive. World ratings prove this. What is most interesting is that the positions of vodkas in the ratings of different countries can be very different.

For example, Smirnoff is recognized as the best-selling vodka in the world, followed by Absolute and, surprisingly, Nemiroff.

Of the Russian varieties in sales abroad, the leader is Stolichnaya vodka. Most interestingly, it is recognized by almost all the world's leading rating agencies in this area.

However, according to the data of absolutely all sources on a comprehensive assessment, the best vodka today is the French brand "Gray Goose", which is made with five-fold distillation. According to analysts' forecasts, it has every chance of pushing out competitors in terms of sales.

The second place is taken by the Russian vodka "Crystall", followed by the Polish brand "Krolewska" almost without a break. Another Russian brand - Yury Dolgoruki vodka (Youri Dolgoruki) - has firmly settled in fourth place, and the well-known Finnish vodka Finlandia closes the top five.

It is interesting that Kristall vodka uses not only high-quality alcohol and water, but also a special additive to soften the taste (regulate acidity) in the form of malic acid. In its production, a special carbohydrate module called "Alcosoft" is also used. Stolichnaya vodka is produced according to the classic technology, which has been worked out to a high degree, which allowed this brand to become one of the most popular in the world.

World ranking (TOP-15): second five

Less popular and good vodka is presented in the second five. In terms of downgrading, the places here are distributed as follows: Russian vodka Jewel of Russia, Dutch Vincent, Rain (USA), Ketel One of Dutch production and English brand 3 Olives.

Note that even good vodka from Holland and England is presented here, although these countries do not differ in special consumption of vodka products (except for whiskey in Great Britain), since here we are talking more about the consumption of beer and its varieties.

World ranking (TOP-15): third five

It is clear that one can disagree with such a rating, because good vodka that is not included in the "Top 15" is found in every country in the world. Nevertheless, based on these data, one can immediately see that Russian and Dutch manufacturers are leading in production and quality. True, it should be noted here that Russia is more focused on the domestic market, while Holland is more focused on the external one.

The best vodka

As it is already clear, the French brand “Gray Goose” was recognized as the best vodka. But do not forget that if such a rating were compiled, say, in Russia, Ukraine or Belarus, then it could undergo significant changes.

In addition, if you look at the price difference, many people simply cannot afford a French drink. But Russian and Ukrainian varieties are relatively inexpensive (price for the same volume). Yes, and the taste can also be argued here, because our people prefer, so to speak, the classics, and they absolutely do not need all these inventions with a softening of taste.

The most unusual and expensive vodka

Now let's dwell on the most unusual varieties of vodka. One has already been said from Swarovski. Among the most expensive vodkas, it is worth noting the Belver Bears brand, which has become an official attribute of the 2014 Cannes Film Festival. Its price is about 7 thousand 250 US dollars.

But, perhaps, the most unusual can be called drinks like "Russo-Baltique" with a cost of 740 thousand dollars and "DIVA", which is sold at a price of 1 million dollars. In the first case, the price is due to the fact that the bottle cap is made of yellow and white gold, and an SUV is attached to it when purchasing. In the second case, the price rises due to the fact that precious and semiprecious stones are added to the vodka when bottled.

But all the records will be broken by a more expensive version of Russo-Baltique vodka, the bottle of which is packed in 30-centimeter bullet-proof glass, the cork, as it should be, is made using white and yellow gold, and an SUV with gold wheels is included in the purchase package. The price for this product has not yet been reported, but one can imagine how much such a drink will cost.


In general, the choice of vodka, of course, depends on the taste preferences of the buyer himself and his ability to pay. Nevertheless, many manufacturers in the post-Soviet space today offer a fairly high quality product at a relatively low price. Naturally, you shouldn't buy cheap artisanal vodka or a fake of some global brand. It is not known how the consumption of such a product may end. In addition, there is an unofficial system in the world in which it is clearly indicated that such and such vodka on the domestic or foreign market costs no less than so much and so much. That is why you should not take even a well-known vodka in a beautiful bottle at a deliberately low price.

The Russian quality system (Roskachestvo) completed a study of the quality of vodka before the New Year. 49 brands of Russian and imported vodka were tested for over 20 quality and safety indicators. The study did not reveal "fake" vodka in licensed retail, and more than 60% of the goods did not exceed the GOST indicators at all and were called a product of improved quality. Roskachestvo and the Ministry of Health remind that drinking alcohol, even of the best quality, is harmful to your health.

The vodka was checked for the content of impurities, the presence of heavy metals, nitrates, the content of calcium, phosphates and chlorides, and the quality of the water used in production was studied in detail. The main vector of the research was the study of the nature of the origin of raw materials - the presence of aldehydes, which are contained, for example, in alcohol-containing non-food products, the so-called. "Hawthorn", the content of technical and methyl alcohols, as well as fusel oils.

In addition, accredited tasters determined which vodka is easy to drink and which can be called truly bitter - the professional opinion of market experts has played an important role in building Roskachestvo's professional rating of vodka taste from softer to harder varieties.

As part of a rolling study of strong alcoholic beverages, an examination of 49 brands of vodka from 34 manufacturers was carried out. The items sent for research are made with deluxe and alpha alcohols. The study included products manufactured in 20 regions of Russia, as well as from France, Finland, Sweden and Belarus. Prices - from 205 to 1554 rubles per bottle.

Regions of production of domestic products - Tyumen, Tula, Belgorod, Penza, Vologda, Vladimir, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Kursk, Omsk, Tomsk regions, Republics, Adygea, Tatarstan, Mordovia, Perm and Stavropol Territories, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg ...

According to the results of laboratory tests, statistically, vodka has become one of the highest quality goods produced in Russia based on the results of research by Roskachestvo in 2017. Also, as in the course of the drying tests that took place in 2016, the experts did not reveal a single violation of the current legislation. Out of 49 samples - 31 products were able to reach even the increased requirements of the Roskachestvo standard. The remaining 18 products are called quality - they fully comply with the mandatory requirements and the information stated on the label.

Basically, the goods of higher quality turned out to be drinks produced in Russia, 1 - in Finland, 1 - Belarus, in France - 1. The goods from Sweden did not reach the increased requirements a little, however, there were no claims from the experts from the point of view of legislation. ... Russian-made goods can qualify for the Russian Quality Mark. According to the research results, the best products on the market are: Belenkaya, Zelena Marka, GRAY GOOSE. Putinka, Permskaya, Pervak, MOROSHA, Winter ROAD, Khortytsya, Tsarskaya, STATE ORDER, Myagkov, Sormovskaya LUX, Old Moscow, Solnechnaya Derevenka, Kind MEDVED, Special Talk, FIVE LAKES, Stolichnaya, Cranes BELUGAZ, Russian Standard , Festive, Smirnov №21, Ice cold, Bulbash, Lake Velikoe, Belebeevskaya, Russian North.

In addition, absolutely all products are made on the basis of edible alcohol, do not contain denatured alcohol and furfural, and toxic substances and methanol are below the level established by law. The strength of the drinks and the completeness of the filling correspond to those stated in the labeling.
According to Vadim Drobiz, head of the Center for Research on Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets, the opportunity to meet a low-quality surrogate made from technical alcohol concerns illegal retail, not licensed trade. “There is an illegal retail sector - for example, unlicensed shops, pavilions, booths, hand-held sales, etc., where about 250 million liters of illegal vodka are sold annually. Such products are manufactured in semi-artisanal conditions using stolen illegal alcohol and do not meet the mandatory requirements of technical regulations, ”notes Vadim Drobiz.

Based on the testing results, one more eternal consumer question can be answered - is there a fundamental difference between a relatively budgetary and very expensive vodka? According to the results of the study, the goods, which according to physical and chemical laboratory tests turned out to be of "improved quality", outstripped their analogues in taste (organoleptic) tests, which were carried out by an independent group of certified experts.

Moreover, the best taste, smell and color were noted by experts for vodka from 230 to 775 rubles. Thus, vodka at affordable prices was able to bypass more expensive counterparts.

18 products are recognized as high-quality and safe, but will not qualify for the state quality mark. These products received from 9 to 9.3 points in terms of organoleptic properties, while all high-quality products received an expert assessment of more than 9.4 points.

Such results can be associated, for example, with the quality of the water used, which must contain the necessary set of micro- and macroelements, various salts (sodium + potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphates, nitrates, sulfates, chlorides). In production, water for an alcoholic drink is specially softened and sulfates are removed, which give bitterness to vodka. And for some vodkas, the production of which involves cleaning with milk, hard water is used to ensure the precipitation of the casein contained in the milk.

According to the results of the study, there are no comments to most of the products. But in vodka "Tomsk standard" sodium and potassium slightly more than optimal - 80.7 mg / dm3 (GOST recommends up to 60 mg / dm3). This can be explained by the use of an ion-exchange unit in water preparation. Excess of calcium, magnesium, chlorides and sulphates - in "Parliament" vodka. This may be due to the purification of vodka with milk. These facts are not a violation of the law.

“The special preparation of water provides vodka with a mild taste, clean aroma and optimal salt composition. One of the most important indicators affecting the stability of vodka during storage is hardness. Excessive content of calcium and magnesium ions leads to turbidity and sediment formation in the finished product, and, consequently, its rejection, "says Marina Medrish, head of the laboratory of VNIIPBT, a branch of the Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology.

What kind of salt composition vodka will have is up to the manufacturer, but it must be in strict accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documentation.

Also, the organoleptic properties are affected by the purification of alcohol - the more serious the purification of alcohol, the softer the taste of the vodka itself.

“In Soviet times, there was no alpha or luxury alcohol - soft vodka made from more refined alcohols was drunk only in the West. In Russia, vodka fashion was different - we loved tough, real male vodka. In the post-Soviet era, consumer habits began to form in favor of soft vodka. This is a female type of vodka. In my opinion, this does not mean that vodka is better or worse from high purity alcohol, luxury or from alcohol alpha - this is vodka with different tastes. Today the market is saturated and consumers can choose a variety based on their personal preferences, ”says Vadim Drobiz.

Detailed research results for each brand are available on the Roskachestvo portal.

High quality goods:
9.6: Green mark, Winter road, Tsar's order, Five lakes, Russian standard, Beluga, Belebeevskaya, Russian North
9.5: Belenkaya, GRAY GOOSE, Putinka, Pervak, Tsarskaya, Myagkov, Old Moscow, Stolichnaya, FINLANDIA, HUSKY
9.4: Permskaya, MOROSHA, Khortytsya, Sormovskaya LUX, Solnechnaya Derevenka, Dobry Medved, Osobaya Talka, Cranes, Festive, Ice cold, Bulbash, Lake Velikoe, Russian North

Quality goods:
9.3: Every Day, Honest, Nemiroff, Kalina Krasnaya, MEDOFF, CURRENCY PLATINUM, Larks, VEDA, STARAYA KAZAN, MILOVKA, Morozovskaya Gorka, Russian steel
9.2: Graf LEDOFF, Maykop, Lyuli-lyuli
9.0: Parliament, Tomsk Standard

You no longer need to rack your brains and find out with your “own liver” which strong alcohol deserves the title of the best vodka in terms of quality of components, organoleptic properties and price.

The Russian state quality system has published a rating of high-quality and healthy vodkas.

The research was carried out in December 2017. Their results can be called encouraging for our consumer. Almost all selected product samples (34 manufacturers, 49 brands) meet the quality requirements for vodka.

What alcohol is used to make vodka?

Only make vodkaon food ethyl rectified alcohol. Only high-quality purified varieties made from food raw materials have a "tolerance":

  • "Alpha". It is produced from cereals - rye, wheat, or a mixture of various ratios. Methyl alcohol content during alpha purification does not exceed 0.003%;
  • "Lux" is produced from various types of cereal grains, both of the same type, and a mixture with the addition of potatoes (no more than 35%). Methyl alcohol content is allowed - up to 0.003%, as well as when cleaning "alpha";
Note. In Russia, premium and super-premium vodka is produced on rectified ethyl alcohol of "alpha" and "luxury" purification.
  • Extra is also a grain alcohol. Made from wheat, rye, corn and triticale. May contain no more than 0.02% methyl alcohol;
  • the highest purification assumes that alcohol can be produced from various plant materials grown in agricultural enterprises: grain, potatoes, sugar beets, etc., as well as from sugar production waste. It may contain up to 0.03% methanol (methyl alcohol).

It was on the quality of alcohol that the experts' attention was primarily directed. They looked for components that should not be in alcohol, and also checked the permissible amount of those substances that are certainly present in alcohol (even food, highly purified).

For this, spectral and chemical analyzes are carried out, which are then compared with a reference sample. The main efforts were made to identify elements that are especially dangerous to humans.

To find out the nature of alcohol (food or technical ), as well as to check how well it is cleaned, the experts looked in the vodka samples sent for examination:

  • Methyl alcohol (methanol) - a substance that is fatal to humans. Causes severe damage to internal organs and is fatal.
  • Acetaldehyde contained in large quantities in technical alcohols and liquids, popularly called "Hawthorn". Drunk, it turns into acetic acid and literally "burns" the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. When drinking and even being in a room saturated with acetaldehyde vapors, it provokes blindness, damage (sometimes irreversible) of the respiratory tract.
  • Fusel oils , complex ester compounds cause not only a severe hangover, but also cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Toxic elements from the periodic table (lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury) can be present in low-quality grain or other plant raw materials. This poison should not be present in edible alcohol.
  • Furfural is a by-product of fermentation. Scientifically proven to be toxic and cause mutations in rats. With regard to humans, only an irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes has been proven. Correct rectification removes it from the final product (alcohol).
  • Crotonic aldehyde , indicating that the sample contains denatured alcohol - a substance consisting of industrial alcohol, gasoline, etc., used to create solvents.

Thorough analyzes were carried out, which determined that none of the selected samples had any deviations in quality, and the indicated degree of purification of the alcohols from which the vodka was created corresponds to the labeling.

GOST for vodka in Russia

In order for all vodka produced in the Russian Federation, as well as imported into the country from abroad and sold in the Russian Federation, to be safe for consumption, there isGOST 12712-2013 , which is called “Vodkas and vodkas are special. General technical conditions ".

It is he who regulates the presence of various components in spirits, called vodka. In particular, the quality of alcohol, organoleptic properties (smell, taste, softness), acceptable additives such as herbal extracts, etc.

Reference. The largest deliveries of vodka to Russia are from Finland, Belarus, Sweden and France.

Moreover, in these countries, the requirements for the quality of edible alcohol are not so strict and they are not divided into varieties according to the degree of purification, as in Russia.

Quality rating of vodka

Note that the experts involved carried out independent studies of the obtained samples according to the following parameters:

  • compliance of alcohol with GOST for the food group of alcohols and the correct marking of the degree of its purification;
  • compliance with the requirements forhardness and water quality ... This includes such parameters as the mandatory presence of an acceptable amount of macro-, microelements, salts. The water should not contain sulfates, which give bitterness to vodka;
Peculiarities. Not all samples passed this test. Thus, in the "Tomsk Standard", an excess of the amount of potassium and sodium was found, which can be explained by the use of an ion-exchange unit in production. The "Parliament" exceeded the content of calcium, chlorides, sulfates and magnesium, which may be due to the purification of vodka with milk.
  • organoleptic properties. Here the experts checked the aroma, taste and aftertaste of vodka products. Those brands that did not pass the "water test" received 9 points in taste. Professional tasters called Tomsk Standard too harsh and pungent, while Parliament was harsh, with a bitter taste. But this is a subjective matter. Someone likes it softer, someone - hot;
  • strength and filling. Samples "gave out" a strength of 39.9 - 40 °. One Parliament has outperformed the others by a tenth degree - 40.1 °. With the filling, no one failed either: in a half liter bottle - at least 500 ml of vodka. And some - and "with a hike." The bottles of Five Lakes, Honest, and Morosha contained 510 ml each instead of 500. Instead of 250 ml, the Great Lake vodka contained 257 ml;
  • marketing moves and the truth. Oddly enough, the indications on the labels turned out to be true that the vodka was purified with a 13 m long carbon filter or milk. Businesses today use silver and platinum filters, which is also true. Experts doubt the assertions that water from Lake Baikal or, in general, from glaciers was used for production. Rather, it is a marketing ploy.

And now we will find out which vodka was recognized by the experts as the best. Moreover, this is not one brand.

With the quality mark

Seven Russian-made vodkas were awarded the Russian Quality Mark:

  • "Morosha" on mineral water of Karelia from LLC "Russian North", with tincture of flax seeds and natural honey. Used alcohol cleaning "Alpha".
  • "Wheat homemade pervak". Producer LLC "Russian North". The vodka is created from alcohol on "Lux" purified wheat breadcrumbs, with the addition of linden alcohol tincture and sugar syrup.
  • "Perm Lux" on rye bread from JSC "Permalko".
  • "Russian North Traditional" on alcohol "Lux" with tincture of oatmeal, honey and glucose.
  • "Sunny Village" with infusion of rye malt, apple juice and sugar syrup. Manufacturer - LLC "LVZ Saranskiy".
  • "Khortytsya is absolute". Produced by OOO Rodnik and K on the alcohol of purification "Absolute" with the addition of sugar syrup and infusion of wheat flakes.
  • "Tsarskaya originalnaya" from LLC "Group" LADOGA "contains, in addition to alcohol" Lux "and purified water, linden blossom infusion and natural linden honey.

Improved quality

24 products are recognized as high quality due to the fact that, according to the results of laboratory tests, they meet not only the requirements of GOST, but also the leading standard developed by Roskachestvo. It:

  • "Belebeevskaya classic", on mineral water "Belebeevskaya 2", on alcohol "Alpha". Producer OJSC "Bashspirt" This vodka received the highest 9.6 points according to the results of tasting;
  • "Belenkaya Lux" from LLC "Georgievsky". Tasting score 9.5;
  • "Bulbash special", containing infusions of raisins, oatmeal and natural honey;
  • "Gosudarev order" from LLC "Georgievsky" with infusions of raisins, sesame seeds, sugar syrup;
  • Dobry Bear with linden blossom infusion and sugar syrup. Manufacturer - LLC "Georgievsky";
  • "Cranes" with millet infusion, sugar syrup and glucose from PARLAMENT PRODUCTION LLC;
  • "Green mark" is traditional from JSC "Distillery" Topaz ". Received 9.6 points on the tasting;
  • "Winter road". LLC "Distillery" Crystal-Lefortovo "produced vodka, which received 9.6 points from the tasters;
  • "Myagkov" SILVER (9.5 points for taste). Producer LLC "Georgievsky";
  • "Lake Velikoe" (alcohol "alpha", produced by JSC "VladAlko");
  • "Holiday" from LLC "Distillery" Crystal-Lefortovo ";
  • "Putinka" soft was rated by the tasters at 9.5 points. Manufactured by JSC "Moscow Plant" Crystal ";
  • "Five Lakes" (9.6 points from the tasters) is produced by LLC "Ruzsky Blending Plant";
  • Russian Standard got 9.6 points in terms of taste;
  • "Smirnov No. 21" from LLC "Distillery" Saranskiy ";
  • "Old Moscow" from LLC PK Kristall-Lefortovo;
  • "Ice cold" from JSC "Moscow plant" Kristall "on alcohol" luxury "with honey and peppermint;
  • "Talka" with infusion of Siberian herbs in melt water, honey and syrup, alcohol "luxury". Manufacturer - JSC Siberian Distillery;
  • "Husky" - vodka from LLC "Omskvinprom", with infusion of wheat, on alcohol "luxury", the assessment of tasters - 9.5;
  • "BELUGA" from JSC "Mariinsky Distillery" received 9.6 points from the tasters. The recipe uses infusions of milk thistle, oats, natural honey and vanillin;
  • FINLANDIA from BIG LLC, manufactured in Finland. In the composition - alcohol "luxury", infusion of grain, sugar syrup, glucose. Assessment of tasters - 9.5;
  • Gray Goose with a taste of 9.5 points, produced in France, LLC "Bacardi Rus" from alcohol "luxury";
  • “Sormovskaya LUX” is produced in Russia by “SORDIS” LLC from alcohol “Lux” with raisins and natural honey;
  • Stolichnaya from JSC "Moscow plant" Crystal "from alcohol" luxury "was rated by tasters 9.5 points.

High quality

18 products have been awarded this title.

Thus, Pervak ​​vodka, included in the top seven "With the Quality Mark", costs 310 rubles per 0.5 liter, and the French Gray Goose, which did not get into any rating for quality, although it received 9.5 points according to the results of tasting, costs 1554 ruble.

Vadim Drobiz, head of the Center for Research on Alcohol Markets in the Russian Federation, noted thatnone of the samples taken contained alcohols or other additives that did not comply with GOST that could be harmful to health.

In addition, he made public information that a low-quality substitute ("fake" vodka) was not found in legal retail (points of sale licensed to sell alcohol).

Although it does not exclude that such products can still be bought in pavilions, kiosks, points of sale that do not have a license, from hands.

This is not the first time that real Russian vodka has proven the impeccability of taste and high quality when using modern innovative approaches to production.

Therefore - buy from trusted, licensed locations, drink in moderation, and be confident in quality.

If the article was useful to you, please like it. Share it with your friends so that they also know which vodka is worth tasting at a friendly table.

Choosing the best vodka from 1000 world brands produced in more than 50 countries of the world is not an easy task.

The quality of alcohol depends on many factors: selection of ingredients, adherence to technology, honesty of the manufacturer.

Good vodka should be clean of impurities and not weaker than 40% vol., It is easy to drink and, if used wisely, does not cause a hangover syndrome.

These criteria are sufficient for consumers, but many other indicators are taken into account when compiling ratings.

All vodkas in the world are produced from softened water. The quality of alcohol directly depends from raw materials, depth of purification and filtration... Alcohol is necessarily and repeatedly filtered (not always), water is purified from salts and other impurities.

After that, both components are mixed in certain proportions. Recipes of special brands are supplemented with herbal tinctures, fruit or berry concentrates, nuts, honey, milk, etc.

Despite the abundance of names and brands, all vodka can be divided into two types:

  • Classic- clear alcohol with a strength of 40% vol., consisting only of alcohol and water. Classic brands should not have color and taste other than alcohol. Examples: Stolichnaya, Arbatskaya, Gzhelka.
  • Special- has the taste and smell of additional ingredients. Fortress - from 38% vol. Examples: Zubrovka, Lemon.

There is also a classification by the type of alcohol:

  • Alpha - from wheat and rye.
  • Lux - from grain and low-starchy potatoes (the norm is up to 35% starch).
  • Extra - from grains and potatoes with high starch content.
  • Basis - the content of potato starch in a mixture of grain and potatoes is about 60%, not more.
  • High purity (low quality alcohol) - potatoes, beets, molasses, etc.

The price of a product directly depends on the category of alcohol. The most expensive premium and super-premium varieties are produced from alcohols Alpha and Lux(Finlandia, Gray Goose, Russian Standard, Smirnoff, Absolut, Mamont, Nemiroff, etc.). The famous Khortytsa vodka is made from Alfa alcohol (until 2017, Lux alcohol was used).

Standard class is made from alcohol Extra(Green mark, Zavalinka, Wheat, Russian size, Crystal Dzidrais). The basis of cheap brands is highly refined alcohol (Bogorodskaya, Olympus, Salut, Zlatoglavaya).

Vices that reduce the quality of the drink:

  • Methanol- a deadly substance.
  • Ukcyclic Aldehyde- in the digestive system, it is converted into acetic acid, which burns the mucous membranes of internal organs. Concentrated vapors of acetaldehyde cause blindness and respiratory damage. This substance is present in technical alcohols.
  • Wild oils- ester compounds remaining in alcohol in case of insufficient purification. Because of them, a severe hangover and cirrhosis of the liver occurs.
  • Toxins(lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury) - come into alcohol from low-quality grain and other raw materials.
  • Fypfypol- a substance that irritates mucous membranes and skin. Fermentation by-product is removed by correct rectification.
  • Small aldegid- component of denatured alcohol, the content of which is excluded.

The presence of one or more of the listed substances excludes the presence of the brand in the rating.

The best vodka in Russia

  1. Green stamp(JSC "AVZ" Topaz "). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 270 rubles. The human factor is minimized in production. A traditional drink made from selected grains, after thorough cleaning it is filtered with silver. The tasters noted the clean aroma and aftertaste of the Green Mark.
  2. Winter road(Distillery Kristall-Lefortovo). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 300 rubles. The alcohol is made according to the traditional recipe and technology; it has excellent taste due to the addition of malt. The drink is soft, without a pronounced aftertaste.
  3. Tsar order(LLC "Georgievsky"). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 255 rubles. With an average price, the product is not inferior in quality to expensive alcohol. Raw materials undergo complex purification, alcohol is filtered with silver and frozen. After all technological processes, strong alcohol is obtained with an almost imperceptible smell of alcohol. The soft "Tsar's order" is easy to drink and surprises a little with a slightly outlined sweetness.
  4. Five lakes(LLC "Ruzsky blending plant"). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 290 rubles. A classic product based on water from Siberian lakes and high quality alcohol. Water saturated with silver is filtered, but it retains its unique properties. The surface of the bottle with a wavy relief symbolizes the surface of the water, and the pure classic taste resembles a breath of air in the forests of Siberia.
  5. Russian standard(LLC "Russian Standard Vodka"). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 370 rubles. The recipe compiled by the father of Russian vodka D.I. Mendeleev, has not changed since 1894. Thanks to modern technologies, production has been simplified, but Russian Standard still remains the standard of vodka and is successfully sold in Russia and in 50 foreign countries. Glacier water and selected wheat are used in the production. After multi-stage filtration with birch charcoal, the alcohol has crystal purity and a taste of warm bread.
  6. Beluga(JSC "Mariinsky Distillery"). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 775 rubles. One of the most famous Russian brands in Europe. Exclusive alcohol is produced in Siberia from natural and environmentally friendly ingredients. A special technology with repeated filtration and relaxation, combined with the proprietary secrets of the manufacturers, provided Beluga with a fresh scent reminiscent of a breeze.
  7. Belebeevskaya classical(JSC "Bashspirt"). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 230 rubles. It is produced on the basis of alcohol of the Alpha class and mineral water from springs. Alcohol has a fresh and mild taste, clean aroma and light aftertaste.
  8. Belenkaya Lux(LLC "Georgievsky"). Expert rating - 9.5. Average price - 250 rubles. Before spilling, "Belenkaya Lux" is passed through 13 meters of a charcoal filter and quartz sand. Inexpensive and crystal clear alcohol from ecologically clean raw materials has a sweetish taste.
  9. Putinka(JSC "Moscow plant Kristall"). Expert rating - 9.5. Average price - 240 rubles. The drink has been produced since 2003 and has already won the love of Russians. An inexpensive product with a noble taste and clean aftertaste - an excellent alcohol option for friendly gatherings.
  10. Homemade wheat pervak(LLC "Russian North"). Expert rating - 9.5. Average price - 310 rubles. Traditional Russian recipes and modern production technology made it possible to create original alcohol. A slight turbidity does not spoil "", and the pungent aroma attracts lovers of tart taste.

The best vodka in the world

  1. Gray goose(France). Produced in the province of Cognac. Alcohol from selected grains and spring water from Gente is renowned for its ideal qualities. French "Gray Goose" is purified with limestone, after five distillations the purity of alcohol becomes unattainable for competitors.
  2. Crystall(Russia). "Kristall" is better known abroad than at home. Manufacturing technology includes a carbohydrate module "Alcosoft", created specifically for this brand. Impeccable cleaning allows Kristall to take prizes in competitions and enter the TOP ratings.
  3. Krolewska(Poland). The Poles are sure that it was they who invented vodka and are doing their best to win the palm. It will not be easy for them - in the minds of the world community, vodka and Russia are synonyms. "Royal" is just a very good alcohol from excellent raw materials.
  4. Youri dolgoruki(Yuri Dolgoruky) (Russia). This brand is also not very well known in Russia, it is produced for export. The classic recipe, additives for softness and pure taste - all without surprises, but very high quality.
  5. Finlandia(Finland). The signs "Finland", beloved in Russia, are well known in the United States as well. Finnish vodka has already earned an ideal reputation and does not need advertising. Its taste in all variants is beyond praise.
  6. Jewel of Russia(Russia). Another Russian woman, almost unknown at home. Jewel of Russia is made from dry wheat bread, lactose and fructose are added. The chip is microscopic pieces of gold leaf.
  7. Vincent ( Holland). Dutch vodka is almost unknown in our country, and it is produced in small batches. Raw materials are wheat and barley. Double distillation provides a smooth and clean taste.
  8. Rain(USA). It would be strange to see an American rating without American vodka. Corn alcohol is almost tasteless, which is good news. Alcohol is cleaned with diamond dust and coal.
  9. Ketel one(Holland). Nice Dutch vodka, clean and light. Made according to traditional recipes and the finest raw materials.
  10. Three olives vodka(England). Three Olives are produced in the United Kingdom and imported into the United States. Produce Three olives from English winter wheat. Craft vodka is produced in traditional form and with fruit flavors.

What is the best quality vodka

  • Compliance with GOST alcohol.
  • The softness and quality of water, the presence and absence of certain trace elements.
  • Organoleptic properties: aroma, vkyc, after-effect.
  • Strength and filling.
  • The veracity of advertising and marketing moves.

Seven brands with a sign of quality

  1. Moss ( OOO "Russian Cever"). Alfa alcohol, natural honey and flaxseed tincture.
  2. Home wheat first(OOO "Russian North"). Alcohol Lux on wheat dryers, linden flavor and sweet cheese.
  3. Permskaya suite(JSC "Permalko"). Alcohol on rye dryers.
  4. Russian North is traditional. Alcohol "Lux" with oatmeal, honey and glucose.
  5. Sunny tree(OOO "Distillery Capanskiy"). With rye malt, apples and sugar cakes.
  6. Hoptica abcolutnaya(OOO "Podnik and K"). Alcohol Absolut, with sugar syrup and wheat flakes.
  7. Royal original(OOO "Group" LADOGA "). Alcohol Lux, linden blossom and linden honey.

List of vodka of the highest quality

This alcohol exceeds the GOCT requirements. Expert ratings on a scale with a maximum score of 9.6:

  • Belebeevskaya classical (OAO Bashspirt) - 9.6.
  • White suite (OOO Geopgievsky) - 9.5.
  • Bulbash is special.
  • State order in order (OO "Geopgievsky").
  • Good Medved (OOO Geopgievsky).
  • Green mark (JSC "Distillery" Topaz ") - 9.6.
  • Winter road (OOO "Distillery" Crystal-Lefoptovo ") - 9.6.
  • Myagkov SILVER (OOO Geopgievsky) - 9.5.
  • Lake Velikoe (OAO VladAlko).
  • Holiday "(LLC" Distillery "Crystal-Lefoptovo").
  • Pytinka (JSC "Moscow Plant" Crystal ") -9.5.
  • Five lakes (OOO Pyzskiy kypazhny zavod) - 9.6.
  • Russian Standard - 9.6.
  • Smirnov No. 21 (LLC “Distillery“ Capanskiy ”.
  • Old Moscow (OOO "PK" Crystal-Lefoptovo ").
  • Ice service (JSC "Moscow plant" Crystal ").
  • Talka (JSC "Siberian Distillery").
  • Khacki (OOO Omskvinprom) - 9.5.
  • BELUGA (JSC "Mariinsky Distillery") - 9.6.
  • FINLANDIA (OOO "BIG") - 9.5.
  • Gray Goose (French "Bacardi Pyc") - 9.5.
  • Sormovskaya LUX (COPDIC LLC).
  • Stolichnaya (JSC "Moscow Plant" Crystal ") - 9.5.

Quality vodka

Experts attribute alcohol to high-quality vodkas at a price of 200 to 800 rubles per bottle. At a democratic price, consumer properties are quite often quite competitive. For example, it is believed that "Pervak" for 310 rubles. the taste is almost as good as the French Gray Goose for 1,554 rubles.

Inexpensive Russian alcohol in the overwhelming majority complies with GOST and, if consumed in moderation, cannot harm health. Russian vodka is famous all over the world, and innovative technologies and modern equipment make it possible to mass produce a high-quality product.