Production technology. Condensed milk - beneficial properties

Condensed milk is one of the most popular products among the population, as raw materials are widely used in confectionery industry. Due to its increased shelf life, sweetened condensed milk is strategic product. All this indicates the high profitability and liquidity of the product.

High quality condensed milk

Eurocubes and barrels for condensed milkWonderful taste and numerous beneficial features Condensed milk makes this product the best of its kind. No dish can compare with its high nutritional properties. We offer to buy the best condensed milk in bulk. After all, its unique sweet notes will remind you of simple joys life and will give you a large supply Have a good mood. In addition, condensed milk has a positive effect on the main functions human body. For example, children in need of calcium prefer mineral-rich condensed milk instead of other dairy products. Condensed milk will ideally restore strength and return spent energy. Available to you here the best condensed milk wholesale from Eco-MolProduct.
Condensed milk itself is extremely useful product and has a distinct taste. This combination of qualities is rarely found in natural products. And knowing this, the EcoMolProduct company supports the production of traditional whole milk, preserving and maintaining its unique nutritional properties. We produce everything existing species condensed milk, from whole product with sugar, to instant condensed milk with cocoa and chicory. We also manufacture and boiled condensed milk. The process of preparing these products is regulated by domestic technologies and production methods, and our condensed milk is strictly controlled. As a result, we offer high-grade condensed milk in bulk, at affordable prices. Evaluate our superiority for yourself and see the undeniable quality of EcoMolProduct products.

Technology for preparing condensed milk

Condensed milk (condensed milk) is concentrated milk, usually with sugar. Initially it was stored in cans, but is now also found in other containers - glass and plastic bottles, tubes, etc.
The technology for making condensed milk was patented on August 19, 1856 by American inventor Gale Borden.

Borden's goal was to come up with a way to store food for the long term. Experiments with milk were preceded by attempts to thicken juice, tea, and meat. In 1850 Borden created the “meat cracker”, and in 1851 he was invited to a trade exhibition in London. While returning, he witnessed the death of several children due to poisoning with poor quality milk from sick cows. From that moment on, Borden began condensing milk.

In 1858, the world's first condensed milk production plant opened in the United States, and with the outbreak of the Civil War, the product began to be produced in huge quantities to supply them to the soldiers of the North. Borden's post-war fame allowed him to organize several new factories, pass on a prosperous company to his sons, and end his days in a small Texas town named Borden in his honor.

The first plant for the production of condensed milk in Russia appeared in Orenburg in 1881.


Until 2011, the main GOST according to which condensed milk was produced was GOST 2903-78.
On January 1, 2011, GOST R 53436-2009 “Canned milk products” was introduced. Milk and cream condensed with sugar. Specifications" According to this standard, only raw milk and cream, sugar and water can be used for the production of condensed milk and cream. Only ascorbic acid can be added as an antioxidant, and derivatives of sodium and potassium can be added as a stabilizer. Depending on the proportion of fat in the product, the new GOST divides condensed milk into skim (no more than 1%), regular (no less than 8.5%) and cream (no less than 19%). Moreover, in any of three types Condensed milk should contain at least 34% protein. A product of heterogeneous mass, with visible crystals, is considered to be of poor quality. milk sugar. The taste and smell of the product should be milky, sweet, clean, the color can be from perfectly white to white with a creamy tint. U skim milk A slightly bluish tint is allowed. GOST requires that the cans into which condensed milk is poured do not emit toxic metals and do not contaminate the product.

The second line on the top lid of the cans contains the assortment code. The first character of the code, the letter M, is the sign of milk. The next two digits are the manufacturer's code. Next come two or three numbers, this is the product assortment code. Condensed milk with sugar without any additives is designated by the number 76.

Condensed milk (see picture condensed milk) is one of the most popular products among the population; as a raw material it is widely used in the confectionery industry. Due to its increased shelf life, sweetened condensed milk is a strategic product. All this indicates the high profitability and liquidity of the product. Condensed milk production technology: condensed milk is produced by evaporating part of the water from fresh milk and adding beet or cane sugar. Canning is based on the principle of osmoanabiosis and is achieved by increasing the concentration of milk solids and adding sucrose to increase osmotic pressure. The preservation effect is also achieved through heat treatment and sealed packaging. Options: Whole condensed milk with sugar (see photo of condensed milk and production diagram)

Condensed milk (see picture of condensed milk) one of the most popular products among the population, as a raw material it is widely used in the confectionery industry. Due to its increased shelf life, sweetened condensed milk is a strategic product. All this indicates the high profitability and liquidity of the product. Condensed milk production technology: Condensed milk is produced by evaporating some of the water from fresh milk and adding beet or cane sugar to it. Canning is based on the principle of osmoanabiosis and is achieved by increasing the concentration of milk solids and adding sucrose to increase osmotic pressure. The preservation effect is also achieved through heat treatment and sealed packaging. Options: Whole condensed milk with sugar (see. photo of condensed milk and production schemes). Composition according to the standard: water - 26.5...25.8%; fat - 8.5-8.8%; (m.d.SV 29-29.5%); protein - 8.8-8.9%; lactose - 11.6-11.8%; sucrose - 43.5-44.8%. Low-fat condensed milk with sugar. Condensed milk with sugar and fillers (coffee, cocoa, fruit additives). Condensed cream with sugar (fat content 19%). Technology for the production of sweetened condensed milk (for more details, watch the video how to make condensed milk)

1. Acceptance and assessment of milk quality; cooling; reservation; milk purification. 2. Normalization of milk by fat and dry substances The fat content of a normalized mixture is calculated using the formula: Zhsm = Zhpr * SOMOsm / SOMOpr (where Zhpr and Zhsm are the fat content of the product and mixture, %; SOMOpr and SOMOsm are the content of dry skim milk residue in the product and mixture, %). For example: Zhsm=7.8*8.7/17.7=3.83%. To increase the fat content of whole milk, it is normalized by adding cream or milk fat. To reduce the fat content of whole milk, skim milk is added. Adding, if necessary, stabilizer salts. 3. Pasteurization High-temperature pasteurization (at 90-95C) ensures the destruction of pathogenic microflora and stabilizes the physical Chemical properties milk, thereby preventing milk from thickening during storage. 4. Cooling to 70-75 C. 5. Intermediate storage before thickening. 6. Adding sugar It is added to milk in solid form or in the form of syrup with a sugar content of 60-70%. The syrup is prepared as follows: A) heat the water to 60C. B) sift and dissolve the sugar; C) the resulting syrup is heated to 95-99C (without holding). Before adding to milk, the syrup must be filtered. The syrup is most often added before thickening, by mixing or in a stream. 7. Condensation of milk The resulting mixture is sent for condensation to a vacuum evaporation unit. When hot milk is introduced into the apparatus, it boils instantly and violently, intensively mixing particles and evaporating moisture. The readiness of the product is determined by the content of dry substances, using a refractometer or by density. 8. Cooling condensed milk Hot product sent to crystallizers, where in an environment of vacuum and constant mechanical action, it is cooled to 20C within 20-25 minutes. All these manipulations are necessary in order to avoid the formation of large crystals of lactose, which leads to the formation of such a defect as sandiness. 9. Adding the seed Lactose ground into dust is used as a seed. The purpose of the operation is to create many lactose crystallization centers, which in turn prevents the formation of large crystals. 10. Packaging and storage Sweetened condensed milk is packaged: In tin or laminated cans (shelf life 1 year) In polypropylene or polystyrene cups (shelf life 3 months).

Condensed milk - beneficial properties.

Condensed milk was invented by the Frenchman Upper at the beginning of the 19th century, and it first went on sale in America in 1856.
In Russia, it began to be produced at a small factory near Orenburg in 1881. Thus, condensed milk is already over 200 years old!

The composition of this product is very simple - only milk and sugar. Sugar is dissolved in milk and then long time evaporate at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees until the required thickness is obtained. The result is a product with a moisture content of up to 26%, sugar in the amount of 43.5% and a fat content of 8.5% or more. One can of milk contains 1200 kcal. Condensed milk, according to GOST, should not contain any other components, because it is a baby food product!
The benefits of condensed milk
Condensed milk is considered the most healthy sweetness because it contains a lot of calcium and other useful minerals and vitamins, but unlike other sweet products (cakes, marmalade, sweets and other confectionery products) it does not contain yeast or food additives. Thus, natural condensed milk has many beneficial properties inherent in fresh milk.
Real condensed milk should be white, with a light creamy tint, homogeneous, thick and have a creamy taste.
Condensed milk, although it is canned, is very demanding in terms of storage conditions and shelf life. It should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 10 degrees and for no more than 12 months.
Any violation of these rules (increased or decreased storage temperature), violation of the tightness of the packaging or storage duration makes this product unsuitable for food.
If, upon opening a can of condensed milk, you notice that it has begun to crystallize, lumps or mold have appeared in it, and the can itself is swollen, throw it away immediately! By consuming such spoiled milk, you risk ending up in a hospital bed for a long time and significantly compromising your health.

Nutritionists advise eating condensed milk not as an independent product, but in combination with other products, such as pancakes or fruit, and wash it down with unsweetened tea.
Know your limits! Many of us are accustomed to eating condensed milk in large spoons and in large quantities, and yet daily norm consumption of condensed milk is only 2 tablespoons!
Harm of condensed milk
Condensed milk contains a lot of sugar, and, naturally, it is very high in calories.
Condensed milk is contraindicated:
overweight people;
for obesity;
with diabetes mellitus.
Excessive consumption of condensed milk can cause tooth decay.

Condensed milk, alas, is the most falsified dairy product - more than two-thirds of condensed milk is fake!
According to GOST, real condensed milk is called “Whole condensed milk with sugar” and cannot be called anything else. If on store shelves you see jars with the name: “Sweetened condensed milk”, “Condensed milk” or “Sweetened condensed milk” (there are many options), despite the blue and white label familiar from childhood, you should know that this is a fake!
In such condensed milk, in order to reduce its cost, instead of natural milk fat, various vegetable fats, For example Palm oil, which is harmful to the human body, as well as various nutritional supplements.
During laboratory testing, some types of condensed milk were found to contain white dye E171 is titanium dioxide, a very toxic substance that is used in the manufacture of paints (titanium white), in the production of ceramic products and solar batteries.
In addition, real condensed milk should only be packaged in cans, no other packaging - plastic tubes, cups, etc. - is allowed.
To protect yourself as much as possible from counterfeits and not cause harm to your body, read the label carefully. Remember, if a product contains anything other than milk and sugar, it is a harmful product!

Varieties of condensed milk

With added sugar

The popular term condensed milk refers to concentrated milk with added sugar.
No added sugar
Condensed milk without added sugar is usually simply called concentrated milk.
With added chicory

Made from normalized cow's milk, sugar, chicory. The taste is sweet, with a bitter aftertaste and the aroma of chicory with milk. Fat content - 7%.
With added cocoa or coffee

Since Soviet times, sweet condensed milk with the addition of cocoa or coffee has also been produced under various names, such as “Condensed milk with cocoa” and “coffee with condensed milk and sugar.”

In the post-Soviet period, combined vegetable and dairy products (with the addition of vegetable oil and other components) under the names “Condensed milk and coffee” and “Condensed milk and cocoa” also began to be offered in Russia.
Boiled condensed milk

Boiled condensed milk - a thick brown-yellow product with a caramel flavor - is obtained by heat treatment of condensed milk. The composition and taste resembles “milk toffee” candies.

In Soviet times, caramelized (boiled) condensed milk with sugar was not produced industrially, but was prepared at home by additionally boiling ordinary condensed milk (directly in a can in a water bath for several (usually 2-3) hours. (When the water boils, the cans can explode .)

In the post-perestroika period, boiled condensed milk began to be produced industrially.

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The product is made from pasteurized cow's milk using condensation and added sugar to suppress the growth of microflora. By organoleptic indicators the finished product has a clean and sweet taste without foreign tastes or odors, a uniform consistency without the presence of sugar crystals that can be tasted. By chemical composition in condensed whole milk with sugar, the mass fraction of moisture is no more than 26.5%, sucrose - no less than 43.5, total mass fraction of dry substances - 28.5, including fat - no less than 8.5%.

The technological process for the production of sweetened condensed milk is carried out in the following sequence: acceptance, preparation and reservation of raw materials, normalization, homogenization and pasteurization, preparation and administration sugar syrup, thickening, cooling, packaging and storage.

Scheme technological line production of whole condensed milk with sugar is shown in Figure 17.

In addition to the technological operations common to the production of all types of canned food, when producing sweetened condensed milk, important techniques are the addition of sugar, the preparation of sugar syrup and the crystallization of lactose when cooling the condensed milk. Let's look at these techniques in more detail.

Preparation of sugar syrup. The quality of sugar, which is a preservative and makes up more than half of the solids in condensed milk, significantly affects the quality of the finished product. Therefore, increased demands are placed on the quality of sugar in terms of solubility, the content of foreign impurities and moisture, which contributes to the development of microflora in sugar. Sugar can be added to milk in dry form or in the form of an aqueous solution (syrup). By adding sugar in solid form and dissolving it in milk, the technology is significantly simplified, costs (equipment, heat, energy) and the duration of condensation are reduced. At the same time, when sugar is dissolved in milk, pasteurized milk may become contaminated with microorganisms found in the sugar. The viscosity of condensed milk, produced by dissolving sugar in milk, increases sharply during storage. Method of application

Dry sugar is more preferable in the production of condensed skim milk. When producing condensed canned food intended for reserve, despite the additional costs, sugar is added in the form of syrup.

To prepare sugar syrup, calculate required masses sugar and drinking water. The concentration of sugar solutions is selected taking into account the intensity of evaporation, as well as the effect on the properties of milk and the finished product during storage. The optimal mass fraction of sugar syrup dry matter at which the development of bacteria is inhibited is
64...65% sugar.

Sugar, previously purified using sieves, is dissolved in hot water(70...80 °C), then the syrup is heated to a boil without holding to ensure its sterility. At temperatures above 100 “C, inversion of sucrose in syrup is possible, the hydrolysis product of which is invert sugar. To avoid inversion, the holding time of sugar syrup from the start of boiling to the start of mixing it with milk should not be more than 20 minutes. Before mixing with milk, the sugar syrup is filtered using filters or centrifuges. The thickening of the milk-sugar mixture is completed when the moisture mass fraction reaches 29...31%, taking into account additional evaporation of moisture in the vacuum cooler.

Rice. 17. Scheme of the technological line for the production of whole condensed milk with sugar in a continuous flow way:

1, 6 - containers for raw milk; 2, 4, 7 - milk pumps; 3 - container with a strain gauge device; 5, 22, 33 - plate coolers; 8, 17 - milk counters; 9-t disc filter for milk-sugar mixture; 10, 20-plate heaters; 11 - pump for milk-sugar mixture; 72-recirculation pump; 13 - container for dissolving sugar; 14- sugar dispenser; 75-receiving hopper; 16- receiving chute; 18- pump for skim milk; 19-container for skim milk; 21- cream separator; 23 - buffer tank for cream; 24, 27 - pumps for cream; 25, 28-plate pasteurizers; 26- container for storing cream; 29- container for normalizing the mixture; 30 - mixture pump; 31 - vacuum evaporation unit; 32- homogenizer; 34, 36 - containers for the finished product; 35, 37 - pumps for the finished product; 38- bank washer; 39- filling machine; 40-seamer machine; 41 - washer dryer; 42-labeling machine; ^ - packaging machine

Crystallization of lactose. In sweetened condensed milk, the mass fraction of lactose is 11.4%, or 0.44 kg per 1 kg of water. Lactose solubility in clean water is: at 60 °C - 0.587 south/south water, at 40 °C - 0.326 south/south water, at 20 °C - 0.192 south/south water.

Sucrose, present in canned condensed milk in a 4:1 ratio with lactose, reduces the solubility of lactose by almost 1.5 times. Consequently, already at 40...60°C, and even more so at 20°C, lactose is in a supersaturated state and is capable of crystallizing.

However, due to the slow transition (3- to a-form, it is not possible in sufficiently remove supersaturation and achieve complete crystallization of lactose during the cooling process. This leads to crystal growth during long-term storage product at low temperatures. The intensity of crystal formation can be enhanced by adding surfactants along with fine-crystalline lactose. Their effect is due to the fact that they reduce surface energy and intensify the process of nucleation of lactose crystals.

Cooling of sweetened condensed milk is accompanied by an increase in the viscosity of the product by 2...3 times and crystallization of lactose. Crystallization is explained by the fact that when the temperature drops, the solubility of lactose decreases and supersaturated solutions are obtained in which crystallization centers are formed. For

mass nucleation of lactose crystals, the product is quickly cooled, intensively mixed and seeding material is added. Sweetened condensed milk should be cooled in such a way as to obtain crystals no larger than 10 microns in size. Such crystals are not perceptible during organoleptic evaluation, and the product has a uniform consistency. Mass crystallization of lactose in the product is facilitated by the introduction of a seed of fine-crystalline lactose with crystals no larger than 3...4 microns in size. The seed is added in an amount of 0.02% of the mass of the product at a temperature of intense crystallization (31...37 °C). At this temperature, lactose supersaturation occurs with a minimal increase in milk viscosity.

The process of crystal formation is enhanced by the additional introduction of flaxseed or sunflower oil in an amount of 0.001...0.01%. Oil is added when feeding the milk mixture for thickening or before entering the product for cooling.

The greatest efficiency is achieved by adding seed pastes prepared from sunflower oil and fine-crystalline lactose in a 1:1 ratio. Vegetable oil Before cooking, heat to 90 °C for 30 minutes. The seed paste is added at the temperature of intense crystallization of lactose.

Palm, coconut, stearic and other oils with a melting point of 27...41 °C, as a result of phase transformations occurring in them, can cause uncontrolled lactose crystallization processes at the cooling stage.

Condensed milk with sugar is cooled to a temperature of 20 °C and sent for packaging in consumer or transport containers. The finished product is stored at a temperature of 0 to 10 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 85% for 12 months.

To expand the range of condensed products with sugar, products with flavoring and aromatic fillers are produced. In the production of sweetened condensed milk, coffee, cocoa, and chicory are used as fillers. The peculiarity of the production of coffee with condensed milk and sugar is the extraction of the dry substances contained in the coffee.

New types of condensed milk products with sugar have been developed with replacement milk protein and fat into vegetable ones. Thus, condensed milk with sugar “Otbornoe” is produced using vegetable fats. Various fillers, lactulose, and food additives, including biologically active ones, are added to the product formulation.

In order to prevent spoilage during storage of canned food caused by the activity of undesirable microflora and oxidizing agents, preservatives and antioxidants (sorbic and ascorbic acids) are used.

The production of condensed milk in Russia, according to experts, is quite promising and profitable business. Condensed milk is in high demand consumer market. Sweets and healthy treat It is bought in large quantities not only by the population. A popular type of sale is the wholesale sale of condensed milk to enterprises engaged in the production of confectionery and bakery products.

Business idea: production and sale of condensed milk

The advantage of the business is that buying equipment for the production of condensed milk today is quite simple. The domestic market offers customers a wide range of both individual devices and fully equipped production lines. The cost of equipment depends on the country of manufacture, configuration and power. Modern, compact equipment can be installed in a relatively small area. Mini production of condensed milk does not require special knowledge or large financial investments. But before you buy equipment and start making condensed milk, you need to familiarize yourself with the technological process and some of the nuances of running such a business.

When choosing ingredients for making condensed milk, you should take into account the fact that a standard condensed milk production line is equipped with a vacuum evaporator designed to get rid of excess liquid and is designed for processing natural whole raw materials.

If you plan to use dry milk formula, then in this case you will have to spend money on purchasing an expensive unit - a homogenizer. The advantages of powdered milk over whole raw materials are convenient delivery, relatively low cost and shelf life.

Requirements for the manufacturing process and raw materials

In 2011, a new GOST for condensed milk (GOST R 53436-2009) was established, clearly indicating the composition of the product:

  • raw milk,
  • water,
  • sugar,
  • cream.

Ascorbic acid can be used as an oxidizing agent, and potassium and sodium derivatives act as a stabilizer. In rare cases, it is possible to use a dry mixture with the addition of animal fats. The production of condensed milk in accordance with GOST is not only compliance with the specified composition of the finished product, its protein and fat content. The appearance, color, taste and packaging of condensed milk must also meet a certain standard. According to GOST, the container is made from environmentally friendly, non-toxic material, and the label must inform the buyer about the manufacturer, composition and shelf life of the product.

But the cost, and therefore the final price of a quality delicacy, is quite high. Therefore, despite impeccable taste and beneficial properties, whole condensed milk is produced in small volumes.

More often, condensed milk production technology involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • powdered milk;
  • vegetable fats;
  • flavorings;
  • stabilizers;
  • thickeners;
  • other delights of the chemical industry.

Additives included in the finished product significantly reduce its cost. The low price attracts the attention of buyers, both retail and wholesale. That's why store shelves are filled with these products.

Production of condensed milk: technology, raw materials, diagram

A beginner should study the question of how condensed milk is made from different ingredients. The information obtained will help you choose the available technology and decide on the configuration of the automated line.

The technological process for producing condensed milk is not complicated and consists of the following scheme:

  • mixing water and milk powder in a mixer;
  • adding sugar and fats from the melter;
  • passing the resulting mass through a homogenizer;
  • heat treatment in a reactor;
  • cooling in the crystallizer (without this, crystallization and a decrease in the quality of the finished product are possible);
  • packing of condensed milk.

When opening a mini production of condensed milk, which converts dry milk mixture and additives into a sweet treat, an entrepreneur must purchase a melter, a reactor, a homogenizer, and a pump. A larger operation will require the inclusion of digesters and additional tanks in the production line.

If a businessman decides to open a condensed milk production plant that processes natural fresh raw materials, then to the listed devices it is necessary to add crystallizers, a pipeline equipped with a receiving funnel and a control panel.

Automated lines for the production of condensed milk from dry mixtures

The price of equipment for condensed milk from dry mixtures and additives can reach 3,500,000 rubles. and higher.

These are high-power lines for giant factories producing more than 200 kg of products per hour, including:

  • fat melter 200 l.,
  • 500l reactor,
  • homogenizer (4 stages),
  • crystallizer cooler,
  • fat pump,
  • pump for pumping condensed milk,
  • intermediate tanks with a volume of 1000 l.
  • tomitel - a device for pasteurization and production of boiled condensed milk.

Entrepreneurs opening the production of sweetened condensed milk in a small locality do not need such a powerful installation. In this case, you should pay attention to more compact and less powerful equipment, for example: UMS-4, plus the VMS-100 reducing agent. The line produces about 23 kg of condensed milk within 8 hours.

The cost of the extended line varies from 300,000 rubles:

  • UMS-4 (3 machine guns) – 90,000 rubles;
  • HSR – 210,000 rub.

Milk consumption per 1 kg of finished product will be 2.5 liters (dry mixture - 0.3 kg), and sugar will need about 0.45 kg. That is, the cost of 1 kg of condensed milk is 60 rubles. ( fresh milk), 45 rub. (powdered milk).

Equipment for the production of condensed milk from whole raw materials

An automated device for producing whole condensed milk from natural fresh raw materials costs about 550,000 rubles. and is equipped with a separator that analyzes the composition and fat content of the mass. After adding or removing cream, the milk goes into a pasteurizer for processing that increases the shelf life of the raw material.

Sugar is added to the cooled mass and it enters a vacuum evaporator. After excess liquid removed from the total mass, the condensed milk enters the crystallizer for cooling. The introduction of crushed lactose helps to avoid crystallization of a homogeneous mass. Packaged condensed milk is stored or delivered to the customer.

The technological process for the production of condensed canned sugar consists of the following main operations: acceptance and preparation of raw materials and components, normalization, pasteurization, homogenization, preparation and addition of sugar syrup, condensation, cooling of the condensed product, packaging, packaging (rolling) and storage.

In the production of sterilized condensed milk, condensation is followed by: homogenization, bottling, packaging and sterilization.

Reception of raw milk and its preparation (cleaning, cooling and reserve) is carried out in the same way as in the production of other dairy products. The components of the finished product according to the recipe are prepared in accordance with the current documentation. After preparation, the milk is normalized taking into account the content in finished product fat, milk solids, skimmed milk solids (SMR) and the ratio of fat to SNF.

Canned condensed milk with sugar is produced one at a time technological scheme(Fig. 4.1). Regime parameters depend on the specific type of canned food.

condensed milk consumer quality

Rice. 4.1

1 -- receiving container; 2, 7, 10, 13, 14, 21 -- pumps; 3 -- plate heater; 4 -- milk separators; 5 -- cream separator; 6 -- container for skim milk; 8 --plate cooler; 9, 12, 15 -- containers; 11 -- tubular pasteurizers; 16, 22 -- vacuum devices; 17, 20 -- level regulators; 18 -- tubular coolers; 19 -- tubular heaters; 23 -- vacuum cooler; 24 -- filler; 25- seaming machine; 26- washing-drying unit; 27 -- labeling machine.

In the production of canned food, mainly three principles of canning are used: xeroanabiosis (drying milk), osmoanabiosis (condensation of milk), abiosis (sterilization).

The osmotic pressure in milk is 0.74 MPa and differs little from the pressure inside the bacterial cell (about 0.6 MPa). Therefore, microorganisms, if present nutrients develop well in milk and cause spoilage. If the osmotic pressure of the environment is greater than this pressure inside the bacterial cell, then the protoplasm of the cell is dehydrated, as a result, plasmolysis of the cell occurs, and conditions unfavorable for its life are created.

To preserve milk, the osmotic pressure is increased by increasing the solids (thickening) and adding sugar. In condensed milk with sugar, the osmotic pressure reaches 18 MPa.

Canning condensed milk is achieved by sterilizing it.

The quality and durability of canned milk largely depend on the raw materials and heat treatment. The fewer bacteria in milk sent for condensation, the more effective methods canning. Therefore, the main objectives of heat treatment are: destruction of the primary microflora of milk; destruction of enzymes (especially lipases of bacterial origin); giving milk certain technological properties to avoid waste during storage; ensuring minimal changes physical and chemical properties milk.

To thicken normalized mixtures, single-effect and multi-effect vacuum evaporation units are used. various types. Evaporation of moisture from milk occurs at temperatures from 75 to 45 ° C due to partial rarefaction of air in the installations.

Thanks to low temperatures evaporation, the physicochemical properties of milk do not change significantly. When thickening occurs, the fat globules are partially destroyed and protein lumps are formed. To improve the consistency of the product and increase its durability, homogenization is used.

The quality and durability of canned milk largely depend on the raw materials and heat treatment. The fewer bacteria there are in milk sent for condensation, the more effective the preservation methods are. Therefore, the main objectives of heat treatment are: destruction of the primary microflora of milk; destruction of enzymes (especially lipases of bacterial origin); giving milk certain technological properties to avoid thickening during storage; ensuring the least changes in the physical and chemical properties of milk.

Food fillers (sugar syrup, coffee, cocoa, etc.) are added during the thickening process and into the finished condensed mixture.

Sterilized condensed milk. Condensed sterilized canned food is produced from condensed whole or skim milk or from cream without condensation, followed by sterilization in a container.

To achieve the sterilization effect, the condensed mixture, preheated and packaged in cans, is sterilized in hydrostatic sterilizers at a temperature of 116-117°C with a holding time of 15-17 minutes.

Sterilized condensed and concentrated milk is characterized by a sweetish-salty taste, characteristic of baked milk, and a creamy tint. The consistency of the product is viscous, milk fat distributed evenly.

The most important technological operations and factors that shape the quality of sweetened condensed milk are pasteurization and homogenization of the normalized mixture; duration and temperature of condensation in a vacuum apparatus; conditions for lactose crystallization in coolers.

When milk is condensed, the lactose concentration increases in proportion to the decrease in moisture. In hot condensed milk, lactose is in a saturated state. Rapid cooling of condensed milk in vacuum coolers, adding fine-crystalline lactose as a seed and intensive stirring contribute to the massive formation of crystallization centers. The size of the lactose crystals determines the consistency of the product. In high-quality sweetened condensed milk, the size of lactose crystals is no more than 10 mm. With the formation of crystals up to 15 microns in size, the milk consistency becomes slightly powdery, and at 25 microns a defect appears - sandiness.

Condensed milk products with sugar and food fillers are produced according to the technological scheme for the production of sweetened condensed milk. Technology Features: preliminary preparation fillers (cocoa powder, coffee, chicory, etc.), extraction of extractives, adding cocoa sugar syrup, extracts of coffee-chicory mixture into vacuum devices at the last stage of thickening or into vacuum coolers.

For packaging sweetened condensed milk, consumer containers (metal cans No. 7 and 14, aluminum and plastic tubes) and transport containers ( wooden barrels, metal flasks, etc.).

Rice. 4.2.

1-cleaning and cooling milk

2-normalization of the original mixture



5- Homogenization

6-Add stabilizer

7-Filling and packing

Containing milk, it is developing at a rapid pace in Russia. Experts explain the dynamics of the increase in output volume by the growth of consumer demand for this product. At the same time, it is not only the population that buys it. Enterprises engaged in the production of confectionery products also purchase canned milk.

Business prospects

The steady dynamics of growth in the volume of milk used by the food industry allows us to make a positive forecast about an increase in the number of companies operating in this area over the next few years.

The list of promising products for production also includes condensed milk. It is in high demand in the consumer market.

This product is concentrated milk to which sugar has been added. There are also some varieties. As additional ingredients they use coffee, cocoa, berry or fruit fillings.

Initially, condensed milk was produced only in cans. Currently there are alternative options packages Thus, the product can be sold in plastic or glass bottles, soft bags, tubes, etc.

State standards

The production of condensed milk is allowed not only according to GOST. The product may comply with specifications. This leads to the fact that in retail chains under the same name there is a product with different consumer properties and composition.

The production of condensed milk according to GOST is traditional. This product enjoys great customer confidence. So, in Soviet times According to GOST, only milk fats could be present in condensed milk. Currently, many manufacturers, in order to reduce costs, use plant ingredients (palm oil, soy, etc.) in the formulation. The cost of the product becomes lower, but its nutritional and taste qualities suffer.

The new GOST R 53436-2009 was adopted in 2011. According to this standard, the production of condensed milk must be carried out using only raw milk, cream, sugar and water. In this case, only ascorbic acid can act as an antioxidant, and derivatives of potassium and sodium can act as a stabilizer.

According to the new GOST, condensed milk is classified depending on the proportion of fat it contains. Yes, in the composition low-fat product its 1%. In regular condensed milk – up to 8.5%. Condensed cream has a large mass fraction fat (up to 19%).

Certain requirements for the product are also imposed on its protein content. This component should be more than 34%.

The new GOST describes the requirements for the consistency and appearance of the product, as well as for the container used for its packaging.

In the case when condensed milk has a heterogeneous mass and the presence of milk sugar crystals is felt in the taste, it is considered to be of poor quality. The product must have a sweet milky taste and smell.

The color of condensed milk can have different shades. It can be not only pure white, but also cream. A bluish tint is characteristic of skim milk.
GOST requirements also apply to containers. It must be made of non-toxic material.


The production of condensed milk is becoming increasingly widespread. In this regard, the market offers a considerable amount of various equipment.

When organizing your business, you can choose it of any type, power and size. Modern equipment for the production of condensed milk is created using new technologies. It can significantly reduce the energy costs required to produce a product.

To this we can add the high popularity that condensed milk enjoys among buyers, the widespread use of the product in Food Industry and significant shelf life. All these factors allow us to achieve excellent production profitability.

On average it is up to ten to fifteen percent. However, it is worth remembering that these figures are correct only for those production facilities in which new technologies are used.

Manufacturing process

Condensed milk is obtained by evaporating part of the water from fresh product. Cane or beet sugar. This ingredient significantly improves the taste of the product.

The production technology of sweetened condensed milk is based on the principles of osmoanabiosis. This process can be carried out by increasing the dry elements of milk, as well as by adding sucrose to the product. These actions allow you to increase osmotic pressure. Heat treatment and the tightness of the packaging help to increase shelf life.

Main stages of the technological process

All stages of production are a set of sequential operations. This includes the reception, as well as storage and preparation of the necessary raw materials. After this, all components are dissolved and thoroughly mixed. Necessary steps to obtain the product are homogenization, pasteurization of the mixture, production of sugar syrup, direct thickening followed by cooling, packaging and labeling.

At the initial stage of production, the quality of the received milk is assessed. Only after this the original product is cooled, reserved and thoroughly cleaned. At this stage, it may be necessary to increase the fat content of the raw material. Then cream is added to it. Sometimes you need to reduce the fat content. To do this, skim milk is added to the original milk. At this stage, stabilizers and salt can be added to the mixture.

An important step technological process is pasteurization. Heating the mixture to ninety-five degrees eliminates pathogenic microorganisms and stabilizes the physical and chemical properties of milk. After passing the pasteurization stage, the product is able to retain liquid consistency over a long period.

At the next stage, the product is cooled. Its temperature should be seventy to seventy-five degrees. After this, sugar is added to the mixture. Its usual solid form can be used. In some cases, a syrup is prepared in which the percentage of sugar is seventy.

The next step is to thicken the milk mixture. A vacuum evaporation unit is used for this. When milk enters the tank, it immediately boils. The moisture evaporates. After passing through a vacuum evaporation unit, the resulting product is cooled in crystallizers.

A seed of lactose ground to powder form is added to the mixture, which has cooled to twenty degrees. It prevents the formation of crystals in condensed milk.

On last stage The product is packaged. Automated equipment is used for this. Containers for condensed milk are lamister or tin cans, as well as polystyrene and polypropylene cups. With the first packaging option, the product can be stored for a year. In the second case, the condensed milk must be sold within three months.

Other production methods

Condensed milk can be produced in a different way. Recently, a different production method has been most often used. It involves the use of milk powder. This technology is somewhat cheaper than the one described above. First of all, due to the lower cost of the ingredients used. Also, with this method there is no need to evaporate moisture.

They take everything to get the product. necessary ingredients. The mixture is kneaded until a homogeneous structure is passed through filters and enters the crystallizer. In this device, a lactose seed is added to it. Then the product is quickly cooled and packaged in bags or cups. Condensed milk from powdered milk is rarely packaged in cans. This allows you to reduce its cost as much as possible.

The condensed milk production line can produce a combined product. In this case, the main component is taken whole in the summer, and dry in the winter.

Starting a business

If you decide to start producing condensed milk in accordance with GOST, then, in addition to the production line, you will need additional tanks and a refrigerator for storing raw materials. At the same time, energy costs increase significantly.

Don’t forget about the SES requirements, which apply to all dairy industry enterprises. You can familiarize yourself with them by reading the “Guidelines for organizing a sanitary and epidemiological control service.” Data hygienic requirements relate not only to the initial structure of enterprises, but also to all stages of the technological process.

For beginning businessmen, the second method is suitable. In order to store dry mixtures, special equipment not required. In this regard, energy costs are also reduced. As a rule, when starting their own business, they produce condensed milk, which is supplied to private bakeries, confectionery shops and factories. This product does not require packaging.

New ideas

At the first stages of organization own business you can purchase a production line that will allow you to produce not only condensed milk, but also boiled milk. In one work shift, this equipment will be able to produce up to five tons of sweet product. The same line can also be used for the production of fruit jams, boiling juices, etc.

Business profitability

Companies that produce and sell equipment for the production of condensed milk claim that its payback period is no more than a year. However, these figures should actually be multiplied by two, or even three. It will take some time to find wholesale buyers. In addition, if you have no experience in this area, you will have to master the intricacies of the production process. This will also take some time.

For example, to organize the production of condensed milk from dry raw materials, you will need to make the following capital investments. First of all, you will need to purchase equipment (three USM-4 units). Its cost will be approximately sixty thousand rubles.

You will need a reducing agent VSM-100 for milk powder. It can be purchased for one hundred eighty-two thousand. If thirty eight-hour shifts are worked per month, the resulting output will be 1980 kg. This calculation was made taking into account the daily output of one installation, equal to 22 kg. With a product cost of one hundred rubles, monthly revenue will be 198,000 rubles.

The cost of condensed milk is approximately 76,000 rubles;

Rent of premises, wages, transportation and other expenses - 70,000 rubles.

As a result, the net profit for the month will be 51,736 rubles, which will allow the investment to pay off in five months.