Technology for the production of cupcakes on chemical baking powder. Technological process of making cupcakes on chemical leavening agents and with the addition of surfactants

Cupcakes are flour confectionery products, the recipe of which includes a significant amount of egg products, sugar and fat, as well as fillers that are valuable in taste - raisins, candied fruits, fruits, nuts, etc. Some types of cupcakes include spices - cardamom, saffron, vanilla powder or vanilla essence - salt and dyes. Sugar is used in the form of granulated sugar, powdered sugar or refined powder. From fats, butter, margarine, vegetable oil are used. Some types of cakes include dairy products - whole milk, milk powder, cottage cheese, as well as fruit and berry jam and starch syrup.

Humidity cupcakes 18 - 30%. Extremely nutritionally useful dry substances determine the high energy value (360 kcal or more per 100 g), pleasant taste and aroma of cakes. An attractive look will be created thanks to a variety of shapes, weights and exterior finishes. Recently, cupcakes with filling (wild berry jam), glazed cupcakes are in great demand.

Cake dough is a multi-phase structured system that contains an air phase that provides a porous structure. The recipe for cupcakes includes chemical baking powder or yeast. The role of baking powder can be performed by surface-active substances (surfactants), which are part of the main raw materials, mainly egg products. Depending on the method of preparation and recipes, cupcakes are divided into groups: on yeast, on chemical baking powder, without chemical baking powder and yeast.

The cupcake manufacturing technology includes the following operations:

dough preparation;




In the production of cupcakes with filling or icing, the technological scheme includes operations for the preparation or preparation of the filling and icing, these operations can be combined into a mechanized line (Fig. 16.1).

Technological process yeast dough preparation starts with the preparation of the dough. Yeast (50% of the prescription amount) for dough is crushed and stirred in warm water (40 ° C). Then part of the melange and flour (50 - 60%) are introduced and everything is thoroughly mixed. At the end of kneading, the surface of the dough is lightly dusted with flour, covered with a cloth and left to ferment for 4 - 4.5 hours at a temperature of 30 - 32 ° C. Quality indicators of dough: humidity 44 - 52%, acidity 3 - 3.5 degrees of acidity.

To prepare the dough, granulated sugar, a mixture of fat with the part of the melange remaining from the prescription amount, heated to 35 - 40 ° C, is loaded into the finished dough. The mass is thoroughly mixed, after which the remaining prescription components are introduced into it. All raw materials with dough are thoroughly mixed for 10 - 30 minutes. Then the dough is sprinkled with flour, covered with a cloth and left to ferment in a room with a temperature of 30-32°C. The duration of fermentation is 1.5-2 hours. During this time, one or two punches are made to remove part of the carbon dioxide from the dough, which is formed during fermentation, and create optimal conditions for further fermentation. Quality indicators of the finished dough: humidity 20 - 32% (depending on the type of cake), acidity 3 - 3.5 degrees of acidity, temperature 30 -32 ° C.

Technology preparation of dough on chemical baking powder according to the first method includes: churning fat (butter, margarine); the introduction of granulated sugar and churning it with fat; the introduction of egg products; the introduction of other prescription components, with the exception of flour; adding flour and kneading dough.

In a kneading machine, butter, heated to a temperature of 40 ° C, is churned for 7-10 minutes. When using cold oil, it is preliminarily softened at a low and then at a high number of revolutions of the kneader. Add granulated sugar and continue churning for 5-7 minutes. After that, egg products are gradually added to the kneading machine. The total duration of churning is 20 - 30 minutes. Raisins, essence and chemical leavening agents are added to the downed mass at a low speed of rotation of the blades of the machine, everything is thoroughly mixed. Lastly, flour is introduced and kneaded for 3-5 minutes in a churning machine or 10-15 minutes in a dough mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed. A cake obtained from such a dough is airy and has a large rise. This method is used when the dough is cooked on melange or on eggs.

The second method of preparing dough on chemical baking powder includes: churning egg products with granulated sugar for 25 - 30 minutes; softening and churning butter; adding to churned butter all prescription components, with the exception of flour; introduction to the resulting mixture of downed egg-sugar mass; the introduction of flour. A cake made from dough obtained by the second method is characterized by a uniform finely porous structure, but the dough in this case is less saturated with air. Quality dough has a moisture content of 23 - 31% .

The range includes cakes produced on chemical baking powder with the addition of surfactants that play the role of emulsifiers (cake "Special"). The dough for such cupcakes is prepared in three stages: softening and churning margarine with granulated sugar; mixing the resulting mass with melange, surfactants and other prescription components, except for flour and cocoa powder; kneading dough with flour and cocoa powder. Surfactants are introduced in the amount of I % total weight of prescription components.

Technology preparation of dough without chemical leavening agents and yeast includes: softening butter for 5 - 8 minutes; churning butter with granulated sugar 10-12 minutes; the introduction of parts of the yolk and knocking down 15 - 20 minutes until the disappearance of sugar crystals; adding flour and starch to the beaten mass and stirring for 20 - 30 s; churning egg white 13-17 minutes until a strong foam is formed; mixing the downed protein with the bulk. The finished dough has a moisture content of 27 - 29%.

Forming the dough for cupcakes in metal molds. When making some varieties of cakes ("Spring"), the dough is divided into pieces, given them a round shape and placed in molds. Yeast dough rests V forms 90-110 minutes until the volume increases by 2-2.5 times. Small cupcakes are baked in corrugated molds or in molds in the form of cylinders. Forms are pre-lubricated with oil.

Cupcakes are forming when baking as a result of physicochemical processes, mainly colloidal. At the same time, taste, aroma, color are formed. Technological parameters of baking (temperature, duration) of cupcakes depend on the recipe, the weight of the form of dough pieces, and the design of the oven. Cakes are baked in ovens used for baking semi-finished flour products at a temperature of 160 - 200 ° C for 18-120 minutes, depending on the mass of dough pieces, their shape and recipe composition. Baked cupcakes are cooled for 4-5 hours, removed from the molds and the surface is cleaned with a knife or grater.

Then the cupcakes are finished. To give the cupcakes a nice look and reduce surface drying, they make out finishing semi-finished products- powdered sugar, lipstick, candied fruits, printed syrup, sugar icing.

The finishing of a chocolate-glazed cake consists in covering the surface with tempered chocolate icing. Glazing is carried out both manually and in glazing machines and machines for spraying chocolate CHOCO-BASIC. The formation of a hard chocolate shell on the surface occurs as a result of the crystallization of cocoa butter upon cooling.

Cupcakes are called confectionery products of various shapes, made from pastry with the use of whipping. Usually, various components are added to the dough for cupcakes, including nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits and other additives. As a rule, muffins are high in calories.

In our everyday life, the word "cupcake" firmly entered the twentieth century. The word itself comes from the English "cakes", which the British call various sweet confectionery products with fillings. The closest relative of the cake in Russian cuisine can be called Easter cake. However, with all the similarities, cupcakes have a different dough preparation technology from Easter cakes.

Now, cupcakes can be called an integral part of the cuisines of different countries of the world. Confectioners work not only on improving the taste of cupcakes, but also on their appearance, trying to make it more attractive.

For the preparation of various types of cakes, several, in many respects similar, but also having significant differences, dough kneading technologies are used, however, almost all recipes have a common feature. The dough used to make cupcakes is usually fluid.

If you use molds for cooking, then before filling with dough, it must be greased with oil, or put oiled parchment on it. As a rule, small piece cakes are baked in corrugated forms. The baking process lasts about 15-20 minutes at the maximum temperature, which is usually around 200º C. Large-shaped cupcakes tend to bake for a longer time. Their preparation takes about 1-1.5 hours. They are baked at a temperature of 175-185º C. The degree of readiness of the cake is determined by piercing it with a stick, knife, or wooden skewer.

In general, technology making cupcakes does not differ in complexity, but at the same time, a cupcake is a rather capricious product that requires strict adherence to the cooking technology and recipe. The dough used to make cupcakes needs to be kneaded very quickly. Also be sure to observe the temperature regime of baking. In order not to disturb the structure of the dough, it is not recommended to move the form within 15 minutes from the start of baking. To cook cupcakes, you must use an oven that heats evenly, otherwise, there is a high probability that the cupcakes will not bake from the inside.

Needless to say, some requirements apply to products used for making cupcakes. If you use fruits and berries as an additive when baking cupcakes, then they should be well washed and dried before adding. Dried fruits and candied fruits must first be sorted out and then washed with water. It is also recommended to sort and clean nuts, almonds, seeds from various impurities. If you use various jams, preserves, fruit purees during cooking, then it is not advisable to dilute them with water. Moreover, you need to make sure that the products are fresh, because all this can have a significant impact on the taste of cupcakes.

The purpose of the study is to consider the technology of cupcake production.

The achievement of this goal will be facilitated by the solution of a number of tasks:

1. To study the features of production and the main types of flour confectionery.

2. Describe the cake as one of the varieties of flour products.

3. Develop a technical and technological map of the Vanilla Cupcake dish.

4. Consider the basic requirements for the production of cupcakes, the quality of raw materials and the finished dish "Vanilla Cupcake".


Chapter 1

1.1. Features of production and main types of flour confectionery products…………………………………………………………………………….4

1.2.Characteristics of a cake as one of the types of flour products…………...8

Chapter 2

2.1. Technical and technological map of the Vanilla Cupcake dish……………12




Files: 1 file

K e ex "Home".


300 grams of flour

2 eggs

- ½ can of condensed milk

1 ½ tsp n e ekarskogo powder (loose e elya t e esta)

120 grams butter or margarine

100 grams of raisins

1/8 teaspoon salt

Ask e e e e e e I eat flour in a bowl or in a food processor cup, adding We eat loosen up the elk dough, a little salt and we eat everything. Then we beat the eggs into the flour, add the condensed e milk, creamy f e oil (the best oil is it’s good to melt, but e e bring to high t e temp e rature, otherwise it will be brewed), raisins and deputy e yeshiva e em homogeneous e e te te yes. Convenient for these e ate her to use the food processor. Molds for e ex lubrication e I eat butter from the inside and fill e eat 2/3 cooked Special test for cupcakes. B aking cupcakes at te m p e erature e 180 degrees 30-40 minutes. When added In case of baking powder, use this rake endowed quantity e will loosen e el, in t h e if e is 300 grams of flour. In case e e extreme will loosen if necessary E el t e s t can be substituted with food eva soda in quantity e e ½ teaspoon, hash e some vinegar.

Thus, as can be seen from No single examples, i.e. manufacturing technology e niya k e exov is quite simple and at the same time e time name ex - pretty moody Th e p r o d u c e , i t i t i t m ak u t i o n i t u t u t u t u t u t th e meticulous ob servance of the recipe of the eks and technol ogy. The muffin dough needs to be kneaded very well it's fast, obligatory e it is important to strictly observe the eat the baking mode. Can't p e r e move the form with t in the first place 15-20 minutes of baking so as not to break the structure e yesta. Otherwise e e, you can get me finely porous structure e eliya. Do not put the form with te eating in a heavily loaded e this oven, as e surface of k e xa can be em quickly form t Removable TV shrill crust that will e no pr e prevent moisture from escaping from the inside, and eex will remain un- prope ny. If you have an old oven waving unevenly, better e give up id s and preparations exov, because eex is again baked from the inside. Cupcakes are baked at te m p e rature e 180 - 200 degrees in t e h e h e e 1 hour 20 minutes - 1 hour 50 minutes. To email e ectric oven e with equal e hot dry heat The name of a cupcake is usually smaller. B ut can't tell exactly how long output ekania is quite difficult, since the sun it depends on it e and from elaboration t that is, that is, that is, that it is lightness, airiness and splendor.

In the second chapter e term paper bud no eptura and composition e na te tekhniko-te tekhnologiche Another card is ready e vanilla k e exa.

Chapter 2

2. 1. Technical and technological map of the dish "Vanilla Cupcake"

Name of the dish: "Vanilla Cupcake"

List of raw materials:



Granulated sugar






Baking powder

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: All raw materials for cake baking comply with state standards.


"Vanilla Cupcake"

Cooking method:

1. Preparation of vanilla mixture for dough and glaze.

Melt butter, add sugar, cocoa, vanillin, milk. Heat until completely dissolved, stir.

2. Preparation of the test.

Cool the mixture prepared in step 1. Whisk eggs with salt. Mix eggs, vanilla mixture, flour, baking powder.

3. Baking a cupcake.

Pour the resulting dough into a baking dish and place in the oven. Bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Readiness to check with a wooden skewer. Remove the finished cake from the oven and leave in the form to cool.

The technological scheme for the preparation of vanilla cake is shown in fig. 1

Rice. 1. Technological scheme for preparing the dish "Vanilla Cupcake"

2. 2. Basic requirements for the production of cupcakes, the quality of raw materials and the finished dish "Chocolate Cupcake"

The preparation of raw materials for the production of cakes should be carried out in a separate preparatory department.

Flour is brought to the enterprise by a flour truck and transported by mechanical pumps to special silos. Before being used in production, the flour is sieved and passed through magnets to trap metal impurities. If the flour comes in bags, then before sifting, the bags are cleaned with a brush from dust and dirt. And then carefully ripped at the seam. The inside-out bags are lightly shaken and thus some of the flour is removed from the surface. The resulting flour after whipping cannot be used for the production of confectionery products, as it contains burlap fibers.

Flour is a product of wheat processing. Flour is a free-flowing white substance with a slightly yellowish or creamy tint. The taste of flour is sweetish. In the confectionery industry, flour of the highest and 1st grade is mainly used. Moisture content of flour should be standard 14.5%. The technological properties of flour depend on the gluten content and its quality, so for my product it is better to use premium flour with a small amount of weak gluten, the flour should not have extraneous flavors, odors, acidity. Flour should not be damaged by barn pests.

Sugar - before use, it is sifted in burats through a sieve with holes with a diameter of not more than 3 minutes and passed through magnets to remove metal impurities. Sugar syrups are filtered through a metal sieve with cells with a diameter of not more than 1.5 mm. Granulated sugar is a product of sugar beet or sugar cane processing. Sugar is sweet to taste and soluble in water, the solutions are light. Sugar should be white, clean and not sticky. Humidity - 0.14%. Sugar, in flour confectionery products, is a dough plasticizer, i.e. it is not its structure that affects, a change in the amount of sugar in the dough leads to increased stickiness and makes it difficult to form. If the dough does not have the correct ratio of sugar and fat, i.e. there is a lot of sugar, and not enough fat, then this leads to the fact that the products become tough. During heat treatment, the sugar partially caramelizes and gives the product a pleasant light brown color.

Potato starch - sifted in small quantities through a sieve, usually mixed with flour to reduce the percentage of gluten in the manufacture of biscuit dough for muffins. When kneading the dough, the starch partially swells, and when baking, it becomes gelatinous.

Melange is thawed in warm water and filtered to remove possible shell residues. In the preparation of cupcakes, a homogeneous mass is used, without foreign flavors. Gives the product softness, elasticity and yellowish color.

Natural ground coffee is prepared for use by roasting and grinding the seeds and is used in the form of an aqueous extract to give a coffee flavor to creams, dough and ready-made cakes.

Cocoa powder is a product of processing cocoa beans. It is a brown powdery substance with a pleasant chocolate smell. It is obtained by grinding and partial defatting of cocoa beans.

The powder contains 14% fat and is used to make dough and cream. It is also used as a flavoring agent and gives chocolate flavor to products and can be used as a dye. Cocoa powder - sifted through a sieve before use to eliminate large particles, cocoa powder is used to improve the taste characteristics of muffins.

Dyes, acid flavors and other food additives must comply with the requirements of technical regulations and harmonized standards and be stored in their original packaging. Spilling and transfusion of dyes, flavors, acids and other food additives into other storage containers is not allowed. Solutions of dyes and flavors are prepared by laboratory workers of the facilities and issued for production in containers indicating the name and concentration.

Technological map No.Cupcake Stolichny, 1 kg catering(SR-recipe No. 154)

Publishing house Kiev "A.S.K" 2005


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cookingcupcake Stolichny,must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

Preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

NameConsumption of raw materials per serving, g
Gross weight, g% cold worked Net weight, g% during heat treatment Yield, g
Butter277,0 2.00 (loss during mixing) 271,0
Sugar217,0 2.00 (loss during mixing) 213,0
Chicken egg4 things.2.00 (loss during mixing) 157,0
Soda10,0 0,00 10,0
Salt10,0 0,00 10,0
Wheat flour285,0 2.00 (loss during mixing) 279,0
Raisin200,0 0,00 200,0
Lemon50,0 60.00 (juice, zest)20,0
Butter20,0 20,0
Dough weight 1160,0 13,79
Exit 20 pcs. x 50 g
  1. Cooking technology

Butter is prepared - cut into small pieces, left at room temperature until softened.

Raisins are sorted, washed, scalded with boiling water, left for 0.5 hours. Then the water is drained. Raisins are dried.

First, beat softened butter with sugar for five minutes. Then add one egg at a time and beat constantly for about three minutes. Washed, scalded and dried raisins and grated lemon zest are added.

Stir. Then add flour with salt and soda, soda is quenched with lemon juice. Beat the dough until a fluffy homogeneous mass. Transfer the dough into moulds.

Bake in the oven at 170 degrees for about 15-25 minutes. Ready muffins are covered with a towel for about half an hour.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish, semi-finished product.

Appearance- products baked in the form. Swollen raisins are visible on the cut of cupcakes. The consistency is porous.

Taste- baked sweets, raisins. No foreign aftertaste.

Smell- baked sweets, raisins. No foreign smell.

  1. Requirements for design, implementation and storage.

Cupcake Stolichnymade from the menu. Bake on the day of use. They don't store.

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), ammonium carbonate, baking powders are used as chemical leavening agents for dough.

There are two ways to prepare dough on chemical baking powder.

The dough preparation technology according to the first method includes successive operations

  • v churning fat (butter, margarine);
  • v the introduction of granulated sugar and churning with fat;
  • v introduction of egg products;
  • v introduction of prescription components (except for flour);
  • v introduction of flour and dough kneading.

In a kneading machine, butter, heated to a temperature of 40 ° C, is churned for 7 - 10 minutes. when using cold oil, it is preliminarily softened at a low and then at a high number of revolutions of the kneader. Then granulated sugar is added, and churning is continued for 5-7 minutes. After that, egg products are gradually added to the kneading machine. The total duration of churning depends on the time of year and the amount of oil and is 20 - 30 minutes. raisins, essence, chemical baking powder are added to the downed mass at a low speed of the blades of the machine and everything is thoroughly mixed. Lastly, flour is introduced and kneading is carried out for 3-5 minutes until a homogeneous mass is formed in a churning machine or 10-15 minutes in a dough mixer.

A cake obtained from such a dough is autumn airy and has a great rise. The described method is used when the dough is cooked on melange or on eggs, in which proteins from yolks are poorly separated.

If the recipe provides for whole milk, a part of sugar is added to it and boiled until the crystals dissolve. The milk syrup is cooled and gradually added to the churned butter.

The second method of preparing the dough includes the following operations:

  • v churning egg products with granulated sugar for 25 - 30 minutes;
  • v softening and churning butter;
  • v adding to churned butter all prescription ingredients except for flour;
  • v introduction to the resulting mixture of beaten egg-sugar mass;
  • v the introduction of flour.

A cake made from dough obtained by the second method has a uniform, finely porous structure. But the dough is less saturated with air. When processing melange with sugar in a churning machine for 25 - 30 minutes, the volume increases by 2.5 - 3 times.

Humidity is an indicator of the quality of the dough.

The range includes cakes produced on chemical leavening agents with the addition of surfactants that play the role of emulsifiers.

In this case, the dough is prepared in three stages:

  • v softening and churning of margarine with granulated sugar;
  • v softening the resulting mass with melange, surfactants and other prescription components, except for flour and cocoa powder;
  • v kneading dough with flour and cocoa powder.

The surfactant is introduced in the amount of 1.0% of the total mass of the prescription components of the dough (by nature). Preliminarily, in a ratio of 1:3, a mixture of surfactants with a small amount of melange is prepared for one batch. Softening of margarine and churning with sugar in a kneader continues for 8-12 minutes, then melange and surfactant with melange are introduced.

The total duration of churning is 20 - 30 minutes, depending on the time of year and the quality of the margarine. Next, the remaining prescription components are added to the downed mass, except for flour and cocoa powder. The whole mass is thoroughly mixed, flour and cocoa powder are added. The mass is stirred until the disappearance of lumps of flour (30 - 60 s).