Manufacturing technology of mayonnaise at the factory. The easiest homemade mayonnaise recipe

Mayonnaise, which is so disliked by supporters of healthy eating and idolized by bachelors, is just a sauce of French origin, prepared on the basis of eggs and vegetable oil. Mayonnaise itself is not a harmful product, despite its fat and calorie content, but thanks to preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers and modified starch, it actually won the fame of a “harmful” salad dressing, which was blamed for being overweight, cellulite and indigestion stomach. But there is a way out - to cook and enjoy an appetizing, healthy, fragrant and delicious sauce, generously flavoring any dish with it.

How to make delicious homemade mayonnaise?

There are a huge number of recipes for making homemade mayonnaise - at home you can make a classic fat sauce, diet mayonnaise, and seasoning with various additives. Contrary to the popular belief that homemade mayonnaise is a very complicated process, you can debunk this myth in practice using our tips. We will tell you in detail about the various technologies for preparing this dish, so that you can see for yourself - cooking mayonnaise is simple and easy!

Take 2 eggs and 400 g of vegetable oil (sunflower or olive), 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or vinegar (apple, wine, grape, balsamic), salt, sugar, pepper to taste and beat everything with a mixer, blender or regular whisk, however, it will take a little longer to beat by hand. An important point is that the nozzle on the blender should stand on the bottom of the container so that the sauce whips faster. Before your eyes, the mass will begin to thicken and turn white, it remains to add mustard to it (then you get Provencal), garlic, herbs, spices and spices - to taste and desire. Now you finally know, the benefits of which are obvious, and there is no harm, except for extra centimeters at the waist, if you get carried away and eat too much.

Cooking low-calorie mayonnaise at home

The recipe for light homemade cholesterol-free mayonnaise is even simpler - instead of eggs, you need to take milk, and use lemon juice as a thickener, which instantly turns liquid milk into a thick mass. Light mayonnaise can be prepared with cottage cheese and potato starch - it is better to replace half of the oil indicated in the recipe with vegetable broth boiled with celery, carrots, onions, mushrooms and parsley root. Kissel is boiled on the broth, which is then whipped with butter - and the dietary mayonnaise is ready!

If, during the preparation of the famous sauce, you have questions about why homemade mayonnaise turns out to be liquid and does not thicken even after ten minutes of beating, for what reason it is not very tasty or too sharp, then you did something wrong or did not take into account the differences between homemade store-bought mayonnaise.

  • Homemade mayonnaise is never very white because it does not contain dyes, and village egg sauce takes on a yellow tint.
  • You can use only yolks for making mayonnaise, which, in combination with butter, quickly form a thick emulsion.
  • From quail eggs, a more tender and healthy mayonnaise is obtained.
  • If the mayonnaise remains liquid, add a little more lemon juice to it, but do not overdo it so that it does not become sour, or put the sauce in the refrigerator - mayonnaise usually thickens faster in the cold.
  • Too viscous mayonnaise can be diluted with a teaspoon of water (or a little more) - the taste will not suffer!
  • Cold milk is used for mayonnaise, since warm milk whips worse, and all other products indicated in the recipe should be at room temperature.
  • For a spicier sauce, the mustard should be replaced with mustard powder.
  • In some homemade mayonnaise recipes, there are cumin, cumin, coriander, various types of peppers, paprika, Provence herbs. This sauce can be enriched with any spices, getting new shades of taste for different dishes.
  • You should not make mayonnaise only on the basis of olive oil, otherwise it will be bitter - be sure to dilute it with refined sunflower oil.
  • Many housewives are interested in how long homemade mayonnaise is stored in the refrigerator - usually this period does not exceed two weeks, unlike store-bought sauce, which does not lose its properties for months - thanks to preservatives!

After the first tasting of homemade mayonnaise, you will no longer want to buy its store-bought counterpart, because you get used to quality food too quickly!

Making mayonnaise at home

The difference between store-bought mayonnaise and homemade mayonnaise is that homemade mayonnaise is fatty, high-calorie, in the store you choose mayonnaise of any fat content. Homemade mayonnaise is more suitable for salads and in order to smear it on bread and is not suitable to be used for baking or frying, homemade mayonnaise is not suitable for either, because at high temperatures mayonnaise breaks down into components (vegetable oil separates, yolks coagulate ). And here is a vivid example of this.

But one plus is that we prepare homemade mayonnaise from natural products, which we all strive for so much, to eat natural products. Making mayonnaise at home is not difficult.

For the preparation of homemade mayonnaise, we take only homemade fresh eggs. My mother, for example, has chickens and she cooks mayonnaise on eggs "literally from under the chicken." But unfortunately, my mother lives very far from us, we live in the city and we have to buy eggs in the rural market from grandmothers, but not always in the market even grandmothers can buy fresh eggs. That's why we cook mayonnaise very rarely. Yes, and every day you won’t eat homemade mayonnaise with a spoon, just like store-bought mayonnaise, otherwise it can be a liver or a stomach. And we prepare salads for the holidays, but sometimes we make a holiday for ourselves on a regular weekday and prepare a salad, and it’s also very tasty if you spread a piece of fresh, crispy baguette with homemade mayonnaise, but again, you shouldn’t eat mayonnaise with a baguette every day, since mayonnaise is like no calorie product.

According to my mother's recipe, we prepared mayonnaise (a little later I will share my mother's mayonnaise recipe), and for the first time we make it on yolks. Today in our kitchen there are whole experiments on making homemade mayonnaise, we will try to make mayonnaise with vinegar by whisking it with a whisk. And we will make the second one with the addition of lemon juice and beat it with a mixer, and then compare which mayonnaise is tastier. Chefs say that the classic Provencal mayonnaise should be prepared with vinegar, lemon juice does not give that piquancy to Provencal mayonnaise as vinegar does. Well, let's try this and that and see.

How to make homemade mayonnaise

Homemade mayonnaise recipe #1.

2 egg yolks (room temperature)

1 teaspoon mustard

1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%

1 teaspoon sugar

a pinch of salt

300 ml. vegetable oil.

Mayonnaise can be whipped with a mixer, blender or a simple whisk, I use a regular whisk.

As for vegetable oil, you can use ordinary refined vegetable oil, or you can mix sunflower and olive oil mixed in a 1: 1 ratio, mayonnaise will be bitter in pure olive oil, and it is also not good to use unrefined vegetable oil for making homemade mayonnaise.

Before preparing mayonnaise, we will wash the eggs under running water, wipe them, carefully break the egg in the middle and separate the yolks from the proteins, be sure to smell the broken egg, because we use raw yolks and they should not have an extraneous smell.

I'm making mayonnaise today using 9% vinegar.

To begin with, let's prepare the ingredients for making mayonnaise, I have ordinary mustard, not dry, homemade eggs, ordinary refined sunflower oil.

We separate the yolks from the proteins, I accidentally, when separating the protein from the yolk, the yolk was damaged, well, there are such troubles. Add a teaspoon of mustard to the yolks.

Then add a pinch of salt and one full teaspoon of sugar.

Here is my mayonnaise.

We take a clean jar and put the mayonnaise in a jar, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Now I will try to make mayonnaise using lemon juice and add a little more sugar, beat the mayonnaise with a mixer.

Homemade mayonnaise on yolks. Recipe

Recipe for mayonnaise №2.

1 tablespoon sugar

1 teaspoon mustard

a pinch of salt

half a lemon (a medium-sized lemon makes 2 tablespoons of lemon juice)

2 tablespoons of boiled water at room temperature.

0.300 ml. vegetable oil

We add boiled water to mayonnaise so that our mayonnaise does not delaminate.

Let's prepare all the ingredients for making delicious mayonnaise.

Add yolks, mustard, salt and sugar to a bowl in which we will beat mayonnaise.

We need 0.300 ml of vegetable oil.

Beat the ingredients while pouring half the oil in a thin stream.

When we poured half the oil into our mayonnaise (150 ml), we add one or two tablespoons of boiled water at room temperature, do not use hot water in any case, otherwise the yolks will simply boil.

Now we will need to add the juice of half a lemon, two tablespoons of lemon juice come out of a medium-sized half of a lemon, make sure that the seeds do not get into the juice.

Lemon juice should be added to mayonnaise and again, in a thin stream, continuing to beat, pour in the rest of the vegetable oil. I show in the photo what we get, unfortunately I didn’t manage to take a picture of how I pour in vegetable oil.

That's what we got mayonnaise, this is a close shot.

Mayonnaise prepared with lemon juice turns out to be more tender in taste and not as sour as mayonnaise prepared with vinegar, we love sweet and sour mayonnaise, adding a spoonful of sugar it turns out just like that. In my opinion, the second mayonnaise recipe is just perfect. Only when cooking you need to observe all proportions.

This mayonnaise is delicious to smear on a loaf or baguette, and we added mayonnaise prepared according to the first recipe to the salad.

This mayonnaise can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 5 days. The optimum temperature for storing homemade mayonnaise is about 6 degrees. But it is better when homemade mayonnaise is prepared no earlier than half an hour before serving.

How to make delicious homemade mayonnaise. Recipe

Homemade mayonnaise recipe from my mom.

3 chicken eggs

1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon mustard

1 st. a spoonful of vinegar 9%

a pinch of salt

0.800 ml vegetable oil

First of all, she adds eggs, mustard, sugar, salt and 200 ml of vegetable oil to the bowl, she beats everything with a mixer. Then he pours all the rest of the vegetable oil in a thin stream and continues to beat and at the end adds a spoonful of vinegar. From this amount of ingredients, about one liter of mayonnaise is obtained. For holidays, birthdays, mom prepares 3-4 liter jars of such mayonnaise and seasons salads with this mayonnaise. Mom usually has a lot of guests.

You can, for example, replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, replace one chicken egg with four quail eggs.

I also want to say that you can add spices, seasonings, herbs, garlic, black pepper to homemade mayonnaise, you get an interesting, tasty and not quite usual combination.

For example, you can add fresh dill, parsley and even basil to mayonnaise, mayonnaise will acquire a spicy taste and aroma, such mayonnaise can go well with fish dishes.

You can squeeze garlic through a press into mayonnaise, such mayonnaise will acquire some piquancy and will be delicious if you spread such mayonnaise on a piece of fresh crispy baguette, and it will also go well with all meat dishes. Or you can peel a clove of garlic, crush the clove with a knife and grind it well with salt and put this garlic in a bowl in which you will beat the mayonnaise.

You can also rub hard cheese into mayonnaise on a fine grater, such mayonnaise will also be very tasty and is suitable as a dressing for vegetable salads or just with ordinary fresh vegetables.

You can also rub lemon zest into mayonnaise on a fine grater, it also turns out a very unusual taste and such mayonnaise is suitable for fresh vegetables or fish dishes.

And if you like olives, then you can chop the olives very finely and mix them with mayonnaise, such mayonnaise acquires southern notes in taste.

You can add Provence herbs in a bowl (or other dish) in which you will cook mayonnaise and cook mayonnaise with Provencal herbs, you get a unique and spicy taste of mayonnaise, it is suitable as a sauce for salads.

But you must remember that mayonnaise should not be consumed by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and especially during an exacerbation of diseases. Due to the high content of vegetable oil, mayonnaise should not be consumed by people who monitor their weight, because mayonnaise is a rather high-calorie product.

Do you cook homemade mayonnaise and what kind of mayonnaise do you like best using whole eggs or just yolks, with vinegar or lemon juice? If you've made homemade mayonnaise, share your success. Did you like the taste of homemade mayonnaise? Do you have your own homemade mayonnaise recipe?

The main components of mayonnaise are vegetable oil and eggs. A store-bought product is recommended to be stored at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees from 45 days to 6 months. To achieve such a long storage, chemical preservatives are included in its composition. But you can eat the sauce loved by many and without harm to health, because from natural products, mayonnaise at home with a blender can be prepared in just a few minutes.

To prepare the most popular French sauce, known to many as mayonnaise, you will need:

  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 15 ml lemon juice;
  • 10 g of ready-made mustard;
  • salt, sugar, ground black pepper and other spices to taste.

To make mayonnaise at home, you will have to spend no more than five minutes of time, but in order for everything to work out, you need to clearly follow the cooking instructions:

  1. Break the egg into a deep glass (for example, from a blender) and beat it until smooth.
  2. Then begin to introduce refined oil in small portions, continuing to beat the mass with a blender. At first, you need to add only ¼ teaspoon, and when half of the oil is already whipped along with the egg, you can add one tablespoon at a time.
  3. The mass is well whipped and thickened - it's time to add salt, sugar, lemon juice and other spices. Whip it all up again. Try if you need to adjust the taste by adding sweetness, salt or other spices, beat again and the mayonnaise is ready.

The cooking sequence may be slightly different: pour oil into a glass, add all the ingredients, beat in an egg, and then gently press the egg to the bottom with a blender nozzle and start beating, raise the nozzle as the mass thickens. This method of preparation requires some skill.

From quail eggs

Quail eggs are much healthier than chicken eggs, since their content of vitamins A, B1, B2 is two to three times higher, so they can become the basis for vitamin mayonnaise, which will include:

  • 6 quail eggs;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 10 g mustard;
  • 7 g black ground pepper;
  • 10 ml of lemon juice;
  • 4 g salt;
  • 4 g sugar.

How to cook mayonnaise from quail eggs step by step:

  1. At high speed, beat the quail eggs with salt, mustard, sugar and ground pepper with a blender for about one minute.
  2. Continuing to work with a blender, start introducing vegetable oil in a teaspoon, then its amount can be increased to 1-2 tablespoons.
  3. Pour lemon juice into the almost ready whipped sauce and mix the mass until smooth.

Vegetarian mayonnaise blender

Mayonnaise is an oil-in-water sauce made from vegetable oil whipped into an emulsion.

Most often, eggs act as an emulsifier, but even without them, you can cook delicious and thick homemade mayonnaise, which will require:

  • 300 ml of refined oil;
  • 100 ml of aquafaba (can be replaced with 150 ml of soy milk);
  • 20-30 g of ready-made mustard;
  • 30-45 ml lemon juice (or wine vinegar);
  • 5 g salt;
  • 3-5 g of sugar;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. In a suitable container, mix the oil and aquafaba (soy milk). Then beat the mixture with an immersion blender for a few minutes into a bubbling emulsion.
  2. Add remaining sauce ingredients and continue beating on high speed until desired consistency is reached. The result is almost half a liter of delicious vegetarian mayonnaise.

How to make Provence at home?

No matter how many new names would be full of mayonnaise packaging labels, most housewives prefer Provencal. His GOST of 1950 assumed the following ingredients in the composition of the sauce: vegetable oil, fresh egg yolks, 5% vinegar, ready-made mustard, sugar, salt and spices.

There were no starch, thickeners, flavorings and preservatives in its composition, so it’s tastier and easier to cook your favorite Provence on your own.

  • 150 ml of refined oil;
  • 2 yolks of chicken eggs;
  • 10 g of finished table mustard;
  • 15 ml of table vinegar;
  • 5 g sugar;
  • 2-3 g of table salt.


  1. Drive the yolks into a half-liter jar, add sugar, salt and put mustard. Beat this mass until smooth and completely dissolve all the crystals of salt and sugar.
  2. Then, continuing to beat the mass with a blender at high speeds, add all the vegetable oil in small portions. Pour vinegar into the almost ready mayonnaise and beat for about one more minute. To prevent the mayonnaise from exfoliating, all ingredients must be at the same temperature. It can be just room, or you can cool the yolks and butter so that the sauce whips faster.
  3. Right in the half-liter jar in which the mayonnaise was prepared, put it in the refrigerator for several hours to thicken it, and then you can use it to dress salads and cook other dishes.

original garlic mayonnaise

The original mayonnaise with garlic flavor and juicy greens is perfect for a chicken baked in the oven. This recipe uses basil and parsley, but you can use any other greens to your liking.

List and quantity of ingredients:

  • 1 egg;
  • 200 ml of refined oil;
  • 10 g parsley;
  • 10 g basil;
  • 12 g of garlic;
  • lemon juice and salt to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Whisk the egg with a fork until smooth and pour it into a glass for a submersible blender. Next, beat the egg with a blender with a nozzle for making cocktails (whorl), gradually pouring in vegetable oil and lemon juice.
  2. Add garlic crushed through a press, finely chopped greens, salt and spices to the airy thick mass, mix thoroughly with a spoon.

Homemade, no eggs

Homemade mayonnaise without eggs can be not only lean, but also cooked with cow's milk.

To make 500 ml of this sauce, you will need the following products in the following proportions:

  • 300 ml of oil;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 20 g of mustard ready;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 30 ml of lemon juice or table vinegar;
  • 3-4 g of sugar.
  • spices.

Steps of preparation:

  1. Use an immersion blender to turn the butter and milk into a white emulsion. This will take just a few seconds.
  2. Add salt, lemon juice and mustard to the resulting mixture. Beat everything for about two minutes using high speed. The mass should thicken.
  3. At the last stage, add sugar and spices. Whip it all up again. Ready mayonnaise send for several hours in the cold.

Step by step cottage cheese recipe

Mayonnaise is a fairly high-calorie product, but this does not mean that people who are on a diet or watching their weight should refuse salads dressed with this sauce. You can always find a lighter dietary alternative, and, for example, make mayonnaise at home from cottage cheese.

For him you will need to take:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 60 ml of milk;
  • 60 ml of sunflower or olive oil (you can take their mixture in equal proportions);
  • 20 g of ready-made mustard;
  • 15 ml lemon juice or apple cider vinegar;
  • salt to taste.

Action algorithm:

  1. In a blender, beat cottage cheese, yolks and milk into a homogeneous smooth mass.
  2. Continuing to beat the cottage cheese, pour in the oil in small portions. Then add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
  3. If the cottage cheese was dry and grains remained in the mayonnaise, the sauce can be rubbed through a fine sieve.

Store cottage cheese mayonnaise, like any other home-made mayonnaise, you need only in the refrigerator from 3-4 days to one week.

With added vinegar

To enhance the taste, lemon juice is added to mayonnaise, but it can be replaced with vinegar. The taste of the finished dressing will not only not suffer from this, but, on the contrary, will become richer and richer. The main thing is not to take the usual table, but instead use balsamic, apple or wine vinegar.

The composition of mayonnaise with the addition of vinegar:

  • 2 raw chicken eggs;
  • 250 ml of refined vegetable oil;
  • 5 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 5 g sugar;
  • 3 g of allspice ground pepper.


  1. Beat the eggs together with all the other ingredients (except the butter) with an immersion blender until smooth.
  2. Then pour in refined oil in five or six passes, without stopping beating at maximum speed.
  3. When the dressing acquires a thick and viscous consistency, reminiscent of sour cream, transfer it to a glass jar and cool for half an hour in the refrigerator.

Good afternoon.

I've been posting a lot of salad recipes lately. Preparation for the holidays makes itself felt and I want the table to be beautiful and rich. Well, everything was delicious, of course.

I will cook salads and and. But, at the same time, many have a common feature - mayonnaise dressing. I do not want to argue about how harmful or useful it is, it is much more important for me that it is very tasty. And to the remarks that there are a lot of chemicals in mayonnaise, I have a simple answer. I cook mayonnaise myself and know exactly what it consists of.

It's not hard to make, it only takes a couple of minutes. It is only important to follow the technological process and then you get a thick white sauce, just like a store-bought one.

These are the nuances of the technological process and the permissible ingredients that we will talk about today.

Homemade mayonnaise: a classic blender recipe

Classic mayonnaise from traditional products. If you look at the content in the store packaging, then discarding all sorts of e-shki and stabilizers, you will see that they are the only ones left.

When using a blender, cooking becomes as simple as possible and takes literally 1 minute.


  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil - 200 ml
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Mustard 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice - tbsp

The most important rule: all products must be at room temperature.


1. Break an egg into a blender bowl and pour in sunflower oil. When breaking the shell, the yolk must remain intact.

2. Next we send salt, pepper, mustard and lemon juice.

3. Let's start whipping. This is the most crucial moment. The working part of the blender should cover the yolk and press against the bottom of the cup.

4. Turn on the blender immediately at maximum speed and watch how a thick white mixture begins to form from under it.

5. Then we begin to gently raise and lower the blender back in order to grab and interrupt the oil a little bit. The amplitude of movement is literally half a centimeter.

Homemade mayonnaise without eggs in 5 minutes: natural and healthy

Opponents of mayonnaise accuse him of excessive fat content and excess cholesterol. I will not go into the wilds of reasoning about the lack of evidence of the influence of external cholesterol on its amount in the blood, I will only say that you can significantly reduce cholesterol in the sauce if you do not add eggs to it, replacing them with milk.


  • Milk (2.5% - fat content) - 100 ml
  • Sunflower oil - 200 ml
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • Apple cider vinegar (lemon juice) - 1 tsp
  • Mustard - 1 tsp


1. Pour milk at room temperature into a blender bowl, pour in sunflower oil (also at room temperature), salt, sugar, vinegar and mustard.

2. We lower the blender into the bowl, press it to the bottom and turn on the maximum speed. We do not move the blender until a thick white mixture begins to form.

3. After the start of thickening, we begin to move the blender up and down, evenly interrupting the entire contents of the bowl.

If it seems to you that the mayonnaise is thick, then next time add a little more milk.

homemade mayonnaise recipe with vinegar

Now let's see what other ingredients can be replaced or removed altogether. Citric acid can be replaced with vinegar and then the taste will be more vigorous.

I give this recipe separately in case there is no high bowl of the blender. Cooking in a bowl requires a slightly different approach.


  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Vinegar 9% or apple - 2 tbsp.
  • Mustard - 1 tsp


1. Break eggs into a bowl, add salt with sugar, mustard and vinegar. Beat the mixture with a blender until smooth.

2. Then, continuing to beat, gently pour in sunflower oil in a thin stream.

3. Beat until the desired consistency is obtained.

How to make olive mayonnaise? The easiest recipe

Olive mayonnaise is made from the same ingredients as regular mayonnaise, but with the addition of olive oil.


  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • Olive oil - 50 ml
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Mustard - 1 tsp (dry or tube)
  • Lemon juice - 1-2 tbsp (or 1 tablespoon wine or apple cider vinegar)


1. The cooking process is no different from previous recipes. It is necessary to combine all the ingredients in a glass of a blender and beat first by pressing the blender, and after the start of thickening, shaking the blender up and down in a small amplitude.

Whipping time varies from 1 to 5 minutes depending on the type of oil.

There is one important point in this recipe: you cannot completely replace vegetable oil with olive oil. Its amount should be no more than 25% of the total amount of oil. Otherwise, the sauce will turn out bitter, and the density will not be achieved at all.

Step-by-step recipe for making homemade mayonnaise with a mixer

Not everyone has a blender at home, but I think that most housewives have a mixer. This inexpensive kitchen appliance greatly simplifies the preparatory stages in the preparation of many dishes. You can also make mayonnaise with it. The process is different from cooking with a blender, so be careful.

The recipe also uses garlic to make it more interesting, but if you don't want to, just leave it out.


  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • Sunflower oil - 250 ml
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Juice of half a lemon


1. First of all, we separate the protein from the yolk.

2. Add salt and mustard to the yolks and beat with a mixer until smooth.

3. In 5-6 visits, add vegetable oil, each time stirring it until completely dissolved.

4. When the mixture thickens, add sugar, proteins, lemon juice and garlic squeezed out with a garlic press.

5. And beat again until a thick white consistency is obtained.

Video on how to make mayonnaise from Yulia Vysotskaya

Well, if you find yourself somewhere in the country without electrical appliances at all, then in this case you can make a little effort and cook mayonnaise by whisking it with a whisk. I propose to watch a master class from Yulia Vysotskaya in her project “We Eat at Home” on how to do this the easiest way.

Why is the sauce not thick?

You may have once tried to make homemade mayonnaise yourself, but instead it turned out to be a liquid exfoliating slurry. Why is this happening? Here are the main mistakes that are made during cooking:

  1. Temperature regime. All ingredients must be at room temperature. You can't take eggs out of the fridge and start beating them right away. They need to be given time to warm up.
  2. Wet glass or bowl in which mayonnaise is whipped. The dishes must be thoroughly dried and there must be no drops of moisture in them.
  3. When using a blender, it does not press against the bottom of the glass, or rises too high. Be sure to wait for the sauce to thicken when whipping, and only then begin to gently lift the blender so that the oil mixes in small portions.

These are not complicated rules for getting a beautiful snow-white thick sauce.

Be sure to try one of the suggested recipes and I guarantee that you will never go back to its store-bought version.

Well, that's all for today, thank you for your attention.

The food industry has always been considered a fairly promising area for profit. But in order to start multiplying incomes by producing and selling finished products, it is important to choose a product that, regardless of the season, is in demand among the consumer. Here, without any doubt, we include mayonnaise. It is the production of mayonnaise, according to many experts, that today is one of the most promising industries. Having spent not so much money, you can organize your own stable business in the field of food production.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 2,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 7/10.

Mayonnaise is a creamy mass prepared on the basis of vegetable and animal raw materials. This product is loved by consumers for its palatability and is widely used to season hot and cold dishes.
Despite the apparent complexity, it is not difficult to open a mini mayonnaise plant in Russia. The main difficulties that will await every entrepreneur are related to the documentation of the workshop and bringing it into proper form - sewerage and ventilation, preparation of warehouses, maintaining optimal storage conditions for raw materials and the finished product. Let's not forget that it is a food enterprise that is planned, and therefore, here we will have to work on studying the regulatory documentation.

So, what should an entrepreneur organize his own mayonnaise production business?

Mayonnaise manufacturing technology and raw materials used

Technological scheme for the manufacture of mayonnaise

The raw materials used to obtain the finished product are publicly available in any region of our country. But in order to minimize costs, it is better to conclude contracts for the wholesale supply of all necessary components. And here it is worth choosing those suppliers that are located as close as possible to the workshop. What ingredients are to be purchased?

  • Vegetable oil (soybean, sunflower, corn, olive).
  • Milk (whole, dry),
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.
  • Vinegar.
  • Soda.
  • Additives.

The list of raw materials may vary, since each specific plant uses its own unique recipe, which is kept in the strictest confidence. And therefore, if an entrepreneur does not know how mayonnaise is made, he definitely needs to hire (even before the launch of the plant) an experienced technologist who would calculate the ratio of all components. Success in the market will largely depend on this, because the tastier the product, the more demand it will have.

In general, the mayonnaise production technology can be described as follows:

  • Preparation for processing of individual components of the recipe.
  • Obtaining mayonnaise paste, when all raw materials are mixed to a homogeneous state.
  • Heat treatment of the resulting paste at a temperature of 53-55 °C.
  • Cooling mayonnaise to a temperature of 15-20 °C.
  • Homogenization of finished mayonnaise until a perfectly balanced mass is obtained.
  • Packing and packaging of the product.

The methods of obtaining the finished product may vary, but literally every process that takes place during its manufacture must be strictly controlled. After all, even the slightest deviation from the specified parameters can lead to low-quality products.

Mayonnaise production equipment

Mayonnaise production line

The next thing an entrepreneur has to do is to buy equipment for the production of mayonnaise. Suppliers offer a wide choice of technical equipment. The differences in the arrangement of lines are insignificant, therefore, when choosing devices, it is better to focus on some other parameters:

  • price,
  • power,
  • degree of process automation,
  • packing method.

A standard vacuum mayonnaise production line consists of the following pieces of equipment:

  • Intermediate and final containers for mixing raw materials and storing the finished product before packaging.
  • Pasteurizer.
  • Homogenizer.
  • Packing machine.

At the same time, as the automation and equipment of the line vary, the market price of equipment for the production of mayonnaise also changes. For example, a line with a capacity of up to 1000 kg / day can be purchased for 700,000 rubles. But more powerful equipment (up to 2500 kg / day) will cost the entrepreneur no less than 1,500,000 rubles.

In the business plan, in addition to spending on the main equipment, it is also worth including the cost of auxiliary units. In this case, chambers for storing certain types of raw materials and finished products will require large investments. This is at least another 200,000 rubles.

Sales options for the finished product

The mayonnaise production shop will only start to make a profit when all manufactured products are sold to customers. And just the search for interested consumers will take a lot of time from the entrepreneur at first.

The competition in this niche is low, but this does not make it any easier to find buyers. Large hypermarket chains are reluctant to contact small businesses, and small wholesale sales will not generate large revenues.

It is important to offer customers a wide range of products. And the point here is not even in the recipe of the mayonnaise itself, but in the container in which it will be packaged. Plastic and glass jars, bags, disposable packaging - everything can be used.

To attract customers, not only the technological scheme for the production of mayonnaise should be thought out, but also the marketing campaign should be clearly planned. This means that we will add the services of a designer to the development of attractive packaging to the start-up costs. As for advertising, it is hardly worth spending money on large-scale advertising campaigns for small and medium-sized businesses, since the attention of buyers here is riveted to the products of large brands - it makes no sense to compete with them yet. At first we make the main bet on the quality of the finished product.

How profitable is the mayonnaise business?

It has already been proven in practice that the manufacture of mayonnaise can bring consistently high profits. And if you find the required start-up capital for organizing a business, then the workshop will be able to recoup all costs in a short time. And investments, even according to minimal estimates, will be impressive - at least 2,000,000 rubles. And the main items of expenditure will fall on the commissioning of the purchased line, the preparation for operation of the premises and the development of packaging design.

Investments will be somewhat higher if the plant provides for its own fleet of vehicles for the delivery of finished products to customers.

The line for the production of mayonnaise purchased for the available amount will produce no more than 1000 kg of the finished product per day. At the same time, the wholesale price for mayonnaise of a budget brand fluctuates around 50 rubles/kg. And knowing the average production volumes, you can determine the monthly sales revenue - it will be at least 900,000 rubles. Taking into account variable expenses (rent, transport, taxes, communications, salaries for employees), the net profit will be ≈100,000 rubles.