Tartlets with caviar are a welcome appetizer! Recipes for elegant and delicious tartlets with caviar and other additions. Tartlets with filling: simple and tasty recipes with photos

Today, festive tartlets with filling are an integral part of any feast. And I am very pleased with the fact that tartlets with filling as an appetizer can be found not only in restaurants, but also at a sincere family holiday or a friendly office buffet.

It is difficult to surprise sophisticated guests with traditional, even the most original and refined appetizers, but the original presentation of appetizers and salads in tartlets is a completely different matter. Festive tartlets look very elegant and appetizing, and salads in tartlets are convenient to serve at buffets and outdoor events. Today on the Internet you can find many recipes for filling tartlets for the holiday table: from the most traditional fillings to unusual and sophisticated ones. But still, I prefer simple snacks in tartlets made from affordable products that you can always buy in a supermarket near your home.

Dear friends, I bring to your attention an interesting selection of recipes for filling tartlets, which I hope will be useful to you. It’s very interesting to know what kind of tartlets you prepare for the holiday table? I look forward to your comments and feedback!

What can you put in tartlets? The simplest option is filling tartlets with crab sticks. But, in my version, tartlets with crab sticks bear little resemblance to the classic crab salad. The combination of olives and pineapple makes this tartlet salad simply wonderful: the zesty taste of the green olives perfectly complements the delicacy of the crab sticks, and the canned pineapple gives the appetizer that much-needed festive touch. See the recipe with step-by-step photos.

Tartlets with red caviar

Are you looking for delicious tartlet fillings? Perhaps I can help you. I suggest you try making delicious baskets with caviar as an appetizer for your holiday table. An appetizer with red caviar in tartlets looks very impressive and appetizing, and additional ingredients in the form of butter, quail eggs and fresh cucumber perfectly complement the filling for caviar tartlets. You can see how to make tartlets with caviar (recipe with step-by-step photos).

Tartlets with pineapple and chicken are an excellent appetizer option for a buffet table. They are easy to prepare and anyone can do them. The filling for pineapple and chicken tartlets keeps well in the refrigerator for several days, so you can prepare it in advance and then put it in pastry baskets before guests arrive. Recipe with photo.

Tartlets with cod liver and cucumber

One of the filling options for tartlets is cod liver. This appetizer is prepared quickly and very simply, literally in a matter of minutes. It’s better to do it just before serving, so that the tartlets don’t soften or lose their shape. See recipe with photo.

Appetizer in tartlets with shrimps and curd paste

Very often, when guests arrive, I prepare some interesting snacks in tartlets. The fact is that festive tartlets with filling look very advantageous and are very popular. So, if you need a spectacular snack, then this is just the case. To confirm my words, I want to introduce you to a recipe for tartlets with shrimp and curd paste. You can watch how to prepare tartlets with shrimp and curd paste.

Dishes with tartlets will decorate even the most modest holiday table, and if you are looking for interesting and inexpensive snacks for the holiday, pay attention to the tartlet salad with cod liver. Cute and cute baskets with cod liver are prepared quickly and easily, and are eaten by guests even faster.

The filling for cod liver tartlets is prepared with the addition of carrots and pickled cucumber. Cod liver in tartlets goes well with pickled cucumber, delicate carrots, and boiled egg. Look at the recipe for making tartlets.

Filling for tartlets with caviar and green butter

If you want to diversify such a classic appetizer as tartlets with caviar and butter, then pay attention to green butter. Baskets with caviar and green butter will definitely delight you with an interesting taste and beautiful appearance. You can see how to prepare tartlets with red caviar and green butter (recipe with photos step by step).

Tartlets with red fish and cheese

Delicious snacks in tartlets, it is not at all difficult and does not take long, as it might seem at first glance, and festive tartlets with red fish and cheese are a clear confirmation of this. An appetizer in baskets with red fish turns out very tasty and bright. Therefore, if you are looking for something to fill tartlets with, I can confidently recommend the filling for tartlets with red fish and cheese. See the recipe with step-by-step photos.

Tartlets with feta cheese and tomatoes

The filling for ready-made tartlets does not have to be complicated or labor-intensive. For example, like these little baskets stuffed with feta cheese and tomato. This makes a delicious tartlet filling and Greek salad on one plate. I wrote how to make tartlets filled with feta cheese and tomato.

Salad in tartlets “Meat Rhapsody”

If you are looking for something to fill tartlets for your holiday table, I strongly recommend that you prepare tartlets with the “Meat Rhapsody” salad. The salad in the baskets turns out to be light, piquant, lush and at the same time satisfying, you won’t notice apples in it - your men will be happy too. Another plus is that the salad does not “flow” and the salad baskets remain crumbly. Try it! Recipe with photos step by step.

Salad in tartlets “Family”

Are you looking for a light salad in tartlets? I suggest you try making holiday tartlets with “Family” salad. The filling for tartlets with Korean carrots, fresh cucumber and pickled mushrooms is prepared quickly and easily, and the result will certainly please you. This mushroom salad in tartlets is perfect for both a family holiday at home and an office buffet. ...

Tartlets with herring and green onions

Such a snack in baskets is easily absorbed first, this has already been tested. The filling for herring tartlets is very simple to prepare, and the herring is accompanied by: cheese, egg and apple. One of the advantages of this recipe is that there are very few ingredients, just a few.

Another plus is that the ingredients are quite affordable for the average consumer. Therefore, if you need to make holiday tartlets and need a delicious filling for tartlets, I strongly recommend herring tartlets! Recipe with photos step by step .

Salad in tartlets “Mushroom basket”

Today it is difficult to surprise anyone with a salad with chicken and mushrooms, but if you serve this salad with chicken in tartlets in an original way, the effect will be completely different. The recipe for tartlets with chicken and mushrooms is simple, tasty and unpretentious, but small and neat baskets with chicken will definitely please all your guests. How to prepare a salad in “Mushroom Basket” tartlets can be found at the link.

Julienne in tartlets

You won’t surprise anyone with traditional julienne on the holiday table, but tartlets with julienne filling are a completely different matter! Mushroom tartlets baked in the oven with chicken and mushrooms are not hackneyed, original, and incredibly tasty. In addition, such julienne in tartlets can be served on a buffet table. You can see the recipe with photos step by step.

Festive tartlets with cheese and red fish

Fish filling for tartlets is one of the best combinations, and if you use red fish and shortcrust pastry baskets in the recipe, the success of the recipe is guaranteed. Tartlets filled with processed cheese, cucumber, eggs and red fish are very tasty. A great option for an office buffet or home feast! You can view the recipe for tartlets filled with red fish and cheese at the link.

Tartlets with red caviar and cream cheese

A very tasty and elegant appetizer with red caviar in tartlets! Baskets with caviar and cream cheese are tastier than sandwiches. Tartlets with red caviar and cheese are the best way to surprise guests with an original presentation of such a delicacy as red caviar. Let's look at the recipe with photos step by step.

What to fill the tartlets with?

Recipes for filling tartlets can be very diverse, but if you are preparing snacks in tartlets for a large number of people, it is better to build on their taste preferences, or choose universal fillings for tartlets. Salad in tartlets, julienne, pate, mousse, cream, individual products like red caviar, or pickled mushrooms, and this is not all that you can fill tartlets with. Tartlets can serve not only salads, cold and hot appetizers, but also desserts. After all, there is nothing easier than filling tartlets with your favorite cream and decorating with berries!

Appetizers on the festive table in the form of tartlets are pleasing to the eye and add a unique flavor twist to the menu. In this article we will talk about how to make caviar tartlets yourself.

It’s not for nothing that the French are considered universally recognized culinary gurus - the example of tartlets, popular all over the world, is quite eloquent. The name of this dish literally translates as “small open pie.” Let's see how tasty and interesting it is to fill such a miniature pie with caviar.

Ideas for small tartlets, canapes with caviar for the festive table and buffet table: photo

Tartlets with red caviar and butter: a delicious recipe

You will need:

  • Red caviar— 150 g.
  • Butter- 100 g.
  • Lemon, parsley For decoration

IMPORTANT: The butter should be pre-cooled.

  • Place in each of the baskets a piece of butter
  • Place a teaspoon on top caviar. By the way, the sequence can be different - butter can decorate the appetizer
  • Lemon or herbs will add finishing touch snack

Delicious recipes for tartlets with red caviar and curd cheese

For this simple dish you will need:

  • Cottage cheese- package
  • Greenery

Preparation will take a minimum of time:

  • Open the packages with caviar and cheese. First place on the bottom of each tartlet. cheese
  • Caviar placed on top of cheese
  • The appetizer is decorated greenery

Next recipe both elegant and satisfying. For the filling you will need:

  • One canned tuna in its own juice
  • Cottage cheese— 200 g.
  • Pickle medium size
  • clove garlic
  • Mayonnaise- 1 tbsp. l.
  • Jar red caviar
  • Dill
  • Salt and pepper taste

IMPORTANT: This amount of ingredients is enough on average for 18-20 tartlets.

  • First of all open a can of tuna and drain the juice from there
  • Self will shift the meat e into some container. Add there also cheese
  • Finely chop the cucumber, pour into the same container
  • Pass through garlic prepared clove. Add this mixture to the rest of the ingredients
  • The last thing to add to the filling is mayonnaise, salt and pepper
  • Paste thoroughly mixed

IMPORTANT: Fill the tartlets with filling literally before serving. The appetizer is also decorated last with red caviar and dill.

Festive tartlets with black caviar: recipes

They look quite interesting tartlets with black caviar and cucumber. They are perfect if if you don’t have time to bake or buy dough baskets.

  • To start cut the cucumbers into slices. Small indentations can be made
  • Place some kind of cheese- feta and cheese are ideal
  • Superimposed on top teaspoon caviar
  • You can decorate the snack greenery

IMPORTANT: This recipe is the perfect combination of beauty and benefit. Among all the methods of preparing tartlets, it is considered the most dietary.

Black caviar goes well with With butter. It is recommended to decorate such a snack parsley.

Tartlets with red caviar and salmon: recipe

You will need to stock up:

  • Salmon steak— 250 g.
  • Red caviar— 1 can
  • Curd cheese— 150 g.
  • Greenery

Let's start cooking:

  • First thing steam the fish— small pieces cook perfectly in this form. Recommended salt steak, treat it with lemon juice. If you wish, you can add some spices.

IMPORTANT: Steamed fish should be cooked for 8-10 minutes.

  • Let the fish cool and then remove bones and skin.
  • Next you can or cut cut the steak into smaller pieces, or use a blender. In the latter case, chop the fish together with the cheese.
  • The final touch - adding mixture and caviar in baskets. green leaf on top will make the snack brighter and tastier.

Tartlets with avocado and caviar: recipe

This recipe uses very popular among gourmets, because the salty taste of caviar goes well with the nutty avocado paste. Some chefs also add lemon acid to this palette. Total you will need:

  • Red caviar— 75 g
  • Avocado- 1 PC
  • Lemon- half. Do not neglect this product - lemon juice will give avocado puree a beautiful shade
  • Salt
  • Parsley or cucumber For decoration

IMPORTANT: The choice of avocado must be approached with special attention. The fruit should be ripe and with bright pulp. Of course, the pulp is not visible when purchasing, but you should not take the fruit, which is soft to the touch - there is a risk of purchasing an overripe product. The best option is a firm avocado with bright green skin.

  • Prepare the filling as follows:
  • Split the avocado into two parts, remove the pit
  • teaspoon separate the pulp that is bright in color. Brown won't work
  • Add lemon juice and start turn the pulp into puree. You can do this with a fork or a blender - it all depends on the softness of the product

IMPORTANT: Observe the color of the resulting puree. If the puree begins to darken within 15 minutes, add a little extra lemon juice. The fact is that the acidity of each lemon is individual, so it is advisable to keep this product in stock.

  • Now you can fill the baskets green filling, and on top lay out the caviar
  • You can also thinly slice the cucumber and decorate the dish parsley sprigs

How to make tartlets with egg and caviar?

  • Caviar black
  • Eggs- 5 pieces.
  • Green onions
  • Butter

Let's start preparing the snack:

  • Previously boil hard-boiled eggs
  • In every basket put some oil

  • Cut the eggs into quarters. Place each piece into a tartlet

Eggs should be placed in tartlets this way

  • Side of the eggs place the spawn

  • You can decorate the appetizer with onion feathers- it will look more interesting this way

Tartlets with pollock caviar: recipe

As for the filling, you need to fill the baskets as follows:

  • Lightly salted trout is cut into pieces. Each of them fits in the form of a ring into a tartlet

  • Caviar is squeezed out using a pastry syringe
  • The final stage - tartlet decor olives, herbs

How to make tartlets with capelin caviar and cream cheese?

Tartlets for such a snack can be made both from shortbread and waffle dough.

Cream cheese you can cook and on one's own. For this:

  • Stir sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk until smooth. Their quantity depends on your taste preferences.
  • Salt the mixture and, if you prefer a sour taste, add lemon juice.
  • Should be in a colander lay gauze in 3-4 layers- now you can use it discard the mixture.
  • All this covered and hidden in the refrigerator approximately for two days.

IMPORTANT: As an alternative to cream cheese, you can also use sour cream. You just need to put it first in a colander lined with gauze. When the whey is released, a mass similar to cream cheese is formed.

Now You can start filling the tartlets. This is done in the following sequence: cheese, caviar and then greens optional.

How to make cod roe tartlets?

For the filling of this snack you will need:

  • Caviar- 300 g.
  • Tomato
  • Egg- 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise

Easy to prepare:

  • Boil the eggs
  • Rearrange caviar in a deep plate knead her
  • Add to the container with caviar finely chopped eggs
  • Add there too finely chopped tomato
  • All stir And season with mayonnaise

Tartlets with shrimp and red caviar: delicious recipes

To make the filling you will need:

  • Caviar
  • Eggs- 3 pcs.
  • Shrimps— 250 gr.
  • Crab meat— 1 pack
  • Corn- half a can
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt

Let's get started:

  • First you need boil the eggs
  • Then chop the eggs and crab meat

IMPORTANT: Some housewives think that the larger the pieces of filling, the better. This is actually a misconception. It is best to chop the filling for tartlets finely.

  • Add corn, All stir.
  • Now you can spread the filling, seasoning it mayonnaise and adding to taste salt.
  • Shrimp are placed for tartlets separately.

For the next filling you will need:

  • Shrimps
  • Caviar
  • Mussels
  • Greenery
  • Cheese, hard or soft

Let's get started:

  • If you have chosen hard cheese, grate him and mix with mayonnaise
  • Add this mixture or soft cheese for tartlets

IMPORTANT: Garlic goes perfectly with this appetizer. Only you don’t need to cut it into pieces, but press it into the cheese mass.

  • Then the baskets filled with shrimp, mussels, herbs and, of course, caviar

Tartlets with mascarpone and caviar: recipe

Mascarpone cheese is quite unusual - tender and very similar to cream. In combination with red caviar, it will become an excellent appetizer for the holiday table.

For the filling you need:

  • Caviar- jar
  • Mascarpone cheese— 250 g.
  • Dill
  • Shallot
  • Salt pepper

Filling tartlets is simple:

  • Chop the dill
  • cut finely onion
  • Beat the cheese, adding greens and onions. Add salt, pepper
  • Further the mixture is laid out in baskets, decorated with caviar

How to make tartlets with melted cheese and caviar?

Boil the eggs And separate the whites from the yolks

  • You won't need yolks, but Here the whites are crushed into porridge either with a grater or a fork.
  • Further Processed cheese is processed using a grater. It's needed add to the whites, season with mayonnaise.

  • So you can decorate it all put the filling on the tartlets, and on top decorate it with caviar.

How to make tartlets with pike caviar?

Pike caviar is no less tasty than red and black, and its nutritional value is equal to sturgeon and red fish.

The recipe, as it seems at first, is simple - mix caviar with butter and fill tartlets with it. However, you need to know how to cook caviar correctly:

Pike caviar is found in the so-called "bags". Rinse them under cold water

Carefully tear the joints of the “bags” and get the caviar

IMPORTANT: Don’t worry if you can’t remove all the film at once - you can do this during the cooking process.

  • Now add to the container with caviar salt. Average for 130 g of caviar you will need one tablespoon of salt.
  • Now beat the caviar with salt for 15 minutes- this will allow the eggs to separate and the films to detach from the eggs.
  • Once on the surface a white salt coating appeared- you are on the right track! Add 60 ml. vegetable oil and that's all stir. Now the caviar is ready to become a filling for tartlets.

Salad with caviar for filling tartlets

For the salmon salad you will need:

  • Red caviar- 70 g. However, you can change the quantity at your discretion.
  • Salmon or other red fish— 250 g.
  • Eggs- 4 things.

IMPORTANT: It is highly desirable that the yolks be bright - then the filling for the tartlets will turn out festive. For this, it is best to use homemade eggs.

  • Canned pineapple— 150 g.
  • Hard cheese, preferably Parmesan - 50 g.
  • Olives
  • Mayonnaise- 1.5 tbsp. l. Bold recommended
  • Bunch of dill

The salad is made as follows:

  • Finely chop the fish fillet and place in a deep salad bowl
  • Boil eggs hard, fine shred them and send it to the same salad bowl

IMPORTANT: For this case, boil the eggs in boiling water for at least 10 minutes.

  • Now take the pineapples And drain the liquid- otherwise the salad will turn out watery and the tartlets will “spread”. If you don't want a sweet taste, rinse the pieces with boiled water.
  • Finely chop
  • In the same bowl add half of the prepared caviar
  • Carefully mix everything, season with mayonnaise. Again stir
  • Spread the mixture by baskets
  • Grate the cheese, and then sprinkle it on the tartlets
  • Decorate the snack chopped olives, remaining caviar, dill
  • Many people associate caviar with holiday menus. But why make sandwiches if you can make a snack in the form of tartlets? They will become a real decoration, and quite tasty.

An appetizer with caviar can be prepared not only for the New Year's table. This dish will be a great addition to any feast. By adding simple ingredients, you can turn a simple snack into a work of art. I bring to your attention several snack recipes for every taste.

Recipe for tartlets with caviar and curd cheese

Kitchenware: baking sheet, parchment paper, rolling pin, glass and spoon.


Step by step recipe

How to choose ingredients

  • As with all food products, the expiration date is very important for red caviar. Therefore, do not buy an expired product. The size of the eggs ranges from 2 to 7 mm, it depends on the type of fish. The color of caviar in different types of fish is also varied. From orange to bright red.

It is best to buy caviar in glass jars. But it will be more expensive. Firstly, because it is, as a rule, of better quality, and secondly, glass containers themselves are more expensive. Caviar in a tin is of lower quality. Since it is impossible to visually assess its condition, manufacturers often add a lot of brine to it. Therefore, there is less caviar in such a container than it should be.

  • When it comes to buying caviar by weight, people have different opinions. Some say that such caviar is better, because you can taste and smell it, and, accordingly, determine its quality on the spot. Some complain that during open storage, bacteria could have entered the caviar, which cannot be determined by taste and smell. In addition, in order to store such caviar longer, it can be pumped with preservatives.
  • As for artificial caviar, that is, prepared from algae and other additives, it is rarely passed off as natural. The manufacturer honestly writes its composition and sells it at a lower price. Therefore, do not be afraid to get synthetic caviar instead of natural one. And remember that no matter what packaging you choose, always buy this product in official stores, which have all the necessary documentation for the product.
  • Tartlets can be sand, puff or waffle. Shortbread ones are higher in calories, but very tasty, puff ones are soft, they hold their shape well, and waffle ones are not suitable for wet filling, they quickly get soggy.


This video shows recipe for making tartlets with filling: red caviar and cheese.

Recipe for tartlets with caviar and avocado

Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Number of servings: 11 pcs.
Kitchen tools: knife, spoon and cutting board.
Calorie content of the dish: 312.57 kcal per 100 g.


Step by step recipe


This video shows how to quickly prepare an original caviar appetizer.

Recipe for tartlets with caviar and cream cheese

Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Number of servings: 16 pcs.
Kitchenware: cutting board, bowl, knife and fork.
Calorie content of the dish: 301.85 kcal per 100 g.


Step-by-step recipe for tartlets with red and black caviar with photos


This video shows how to make a spectacular and tasty caviar appetizer for the holiday table.

  • To prepare tartlets with cod, pollock or capelin caviar, use my recipes with photos. Red caviar can be replaced with something cheaper, but no less tasty.
  • Sometimes caviar is replaced with analogues made from algae. This caviar looks very beautiful, but the taste leaves much to be desired.
  • Snacks can be prepared with a variety of foods. You can strictly follow the recipe, or you can add something of your own. When experimenting, make small portions and be sure to taste so you know what you get. Here are some ingredients that can be used for tartlets: processed cheese, herbs, boiled eggs, butter, mayonnaise, seafood, garlic, etc.

How to decorate and what to serve with

This appetizer can be decorated with fresh herbs. Snacks prepared for a children's party can be decorated in the form of funny animals. For example, make eyes and a nose from vegetables, herbs or olives.

To serve the tartlets, prepare a nice flat plate. You can lay lettuce leaves or other greens on it. This dish is served along with other cold appetizers at the very beginning of the feast. You can serve with them vegetable and meat slices, salads, pate, etc.

Options for snack recipes

  • I recommend making julienne in tartlets. This appetizer will appeal to all mushroom lovers.
  • A is not only a tasty, but also a healthy snack.
  • You can prepare it for any holiday or just to pamper your loved ones with something delicious.
  • Salad in tartlets will be a wonderful addition to the holiday table.

I would be grateful if you could tell me your snack recipes. Bon appetit!

Red caviar is a favorite delicacy that appears on the holiday table almost without fail. Most often these are standard sandwiches: loaf - butter - red caviar. I agree, this is the easiest and fastest option. But if you want to somehow diversify your holiday menu, but don’t want to give up the idea of ​​red caviar, I can tell you an excellent solution: tartlets. Yes, small and neat shortcrust pastry tartlets.

The filling for tartlets with caviar remains the same simple - butter, but the appearance of such a snack will be much more impressive. I also advise you to definitely add lemon: its pleasant sourness goes very well with caviar, so don’t forget about it when you prepare this appetizer.

But don’t overdo it – there shouldn’t be too much lemon, otherwise it will take over all the attention, leaving other ingredients in the background. Well, it seems that I have already told you all the secrets of how to make tartlets with caviar - a spectacular and bright appetizer for the festive table. But if you still have questions, then welcome to my kitchen - let’s prepare tartlets with red caviar and butter together so that everything is very clear.


  • 10 tartlets;
  • leaf salad;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2-3 cups of lemon;
  • 70-80 g red caviar;
  • greens for decoration.

How to prepare tartlets with butter and red caviar:

Unsweetened small baskets - tartlets - can be prepared at home, or you can buy them in the store. The second option is much faster, of course, the first will be tastier in any case. I give preference to the first one, because it is not so difficult to find half an hour of time to prepare tartlets yourself, especially since such tartlets store well, so you can make them the day before, and if necessary, simply remove them from the bag and fill them with the desired filling.

By the way, about the filling for tartlets with red caviar. As I already said, in our case it will be very simple, not requiring any preliminary preparations. The first thing we need to do is put a small part of the lettuce into the baskets.

Then a turn of butter. There is no need to take it out of the refrigerator in advance; on the contrary, when chilled it will be more convenient for us to cut it into plates, the size of which should correspond to the size of the bottom of the tartlets. Place butter in baskets.

Another ingredient for our tartlets with red caviar and butter is lemon. Cut a thin slice of lemon into 4-6 pieces (depending on size).

And put it in tartlets, which already contain lettuce and butter.

And now our main character is red caviar. We also find a place for it in the tartlets.

The final touch is to decorate the tartlets with butter and red caviar with herbs - parsley or dill.

Step-by-step recipes for making tartlets with cod caviar, cream cheese or avocado

2018-01-15 Yakovleva Kira





In 100 grams of the finished dish

17 gr.

12 gr.


15 gr.

227 kcal.

Option 1: Tartlets with cod caviar - classic recipe

Caviar is a delicious and beloved delicacy by many. Cod, as a rule, is quite expensive, so recipes for appetizers have appeared that allow you to combine it with other ingredients, so that each guest can enjoy the prepared dish to the fullest. Any type of dough will work for tartlets: shortbread, puff pastry, waffle. You can also prepare them from pita bread or in the form of small canapés from pieces of bread with cut off crusts. Due to the fact that caviar has a fatty and richly salty taste, it is better to combine it with cheese, mousse or butter, this will make the taste softer.

The classic recipe is based on a delicate filling, which makes the tartlets perfect. To make the dish look aesthetically pleasing and attractive, it should be served on fresh lettuce leaves. And the cod roe tartlets themselves can be decorated with cherry tomato halves, herbs or mayonnaise. Don't be afraid to show your imagination.


  • 300 grams of cod caviar;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 10 tartlets;
  • 70 grams of mayonnaise.

Step-by-step recipe for tartlets with cod caviar

Boil the eggs in salted water (eight minutes after boiling), peel and chop finely.

Drain the liquid from the canned food, transfer the caviar to a salad bowl and mash a little with a fork.

Cut the tomato into small pieces.

Mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise.

Fill each tartlet with salad, you will need about one and a half tablespoons for each piece.

To decorate the tartlets, you can use any product to your taste: shrimp (canned or boiled), fresh cucumber, grated cheese, olives, boiled quail eggs, tomato pulp, arugula leaves, parsley, green onions or dill.

Option 2: Quick recipe for tartlets with cod caviar

Cod caviar is one of those types of seafood that combines excellent taste and an impressive range of healthy ingredients. Despite the fact that this caviar is not such a delicacy as black salmon or sturgeon caviar, it is in great demand and costs much less. One hundred grams of the product contains 115 calories, so it can be eaten even during a weight loss diet.


  • 12 tartlets;
  • 1 can of cod caviar;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise.

How to quickly prepare cod roe tartlets

Boil the eggs hard, finely chop or grate.

Drain the oil from the jar of caviar, place it on a plate and gently mash with a fork.

Finely chop or grate the cucumbers.

Chop the peeled onion.

Mix all ingredients together with mayonnaise.

Carefully fill all the tartlets one by one with the resulting salad.

Cod caviar is often used to make salads, sandwiches and various snacks, as it contains many vitamins and elements necessary for the human body. The most valuable element is polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, caviar contains zinc, potassium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus and sodium, as well as vitamins B12, A, B and C, useful during autumn-winter colds. Only people with biliary tract disorders, kidney disease, stomach disease, and those suffering from atherosclerosis should be wary of consuming caviar.

Option 3: Tartlets with cod caviar and curd cheese


  • 16 small tartlets;
  • 50 grams of lightly salted fish;
  • 50 grams of cod caviar;
  • 135 grams of curd cheese;
  • parsley for decoration.

Step by step recipe

Fill each tartlet one at a time with cream cheese. This can be done either with a regular spoon or with a shaped pastry cream attachment to make it look more festive.

Cut the fish into thin slices, and roll it into rolls, place it in tartlets a little to the side of the cheese, leaving room for the caviar.

Drain the liquid from the jar, mash the caviar a little with a fork and decorate the tartlets with a small spoon.

Place a small piece of parsley on top of each tartlet for decoration.

Place the dish in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Instead of tartlets with the same filling, you can make small sandwiches on crispy rye bread or crusty bread. You can decorate the finished dish with any herbs, olives, sliced ​​mugs or olives. There is no need to add additional pepper or salt to the dish, since the curd cheese, caviar and fish are already seasoned enough.

Option 4: Tartlets with cod caviar and avocado

It would be difficult to find a more festive snack option than tartlets with cod caviar and avocado. The salty taste of cod caviar, lemon sourness and delicate nut butter is a very unusual combination that will not leave any guest indifferent. It is important to choose a ripe avocado for preparing this snack. However, it is difficult to select it in a store by touch, and you cannot look inside, so you may end up with an overripe fruit with brown pulp. It is recommended to choose firm avocados with bright green skin.


  • 75 grams of cod caviar;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 15 small tartlets;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • parsley for decoration.

How to cook

Cut the avocado lengthwise, remove the pit, and carefully scoop out all the pulp with a teaspoon.

If the avocado is soft, then you can turn it into puree by mashing the pulp with a regular fork; if it is hard, then beat it in a blender together with juice squeezed from lemon. If the filling begins to darken, then more juice should be added. This is due to differences in acidity between different types of lemons.

Fill tartlets with avocado paste

Carefully place the caviar on top of the avocado.

Thinly slice the cucumber, first into slices and then into quarters.

Garnish each tartlet with a cucumber and a sprig of parsley.

Avocado will add benefits to the snack, since the substances, especially polyunsaturated acids, in its composition reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases and increase memory concentration. A lack of these acids can cause the onset of atherosclerosis. Avocados also contain potassium, which normalizes water-salt balance and increases the body's resistance to stress.

Doctors recommend using this product for anyone who suffers from high blood pressure. Avocado has a good effect on blood circulation, and the copper it contains prevents anemia, iron is involved in the creation of red blood cells. At the same time, these substances are well absorbed, so avocados are good for the digestive system.

Option 5: Tartlets with cod caviar and cheese and sour cream spread

A paste made from cheese and sour cream will help highlight the salty taste of cod caviar. The appetizer turns out to be spectacular and unusual, so it’s perfect for any holiday table, especially New Year’s.


  • 10 tartlets;
  • 100 grams of any hard cheese;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream (15-20% fat content);
  • 3 sprigs of dill;
  • 50 grams of cod caviar;
  • 2 slices of lemon.

Step by step recipe

Place sour cream in a salad bowl.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Chop the dill.

Add cheese and herbs to sour cream, mix.

Mash the cod roe with a fork.

First put cheese and sour cream sauce into each tartlet, then caviar, you can decorate the top with any herbs.

The tartlets should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than a couple of hours, as they will become saturated with the salad dressing and become soft. To keep them crispy, you can make the filling ahead of time, chill it in the refrigerator or even leave it there overnight, and fill the tartlets just before serving. It will take no more than five minutes.