Is coconut oil as beneficial when taken internally and used externally? Interesting facts about the benefits and harms of coconut oil. Coconut oil - composition, medicinal and beneficial properties, benefits and harms

Hello, my dear friends, readers and guests!

Since I started blogging, I have made a lot of new discoveries for myself.

Some of them I learned on my own, and some thanks to my new blogger friends.

For example, I have come across information about the amazing properties of coconut oil many times.

Inspired, I set a goal for myself to buy this super product and see its properties for myself, understand the benefits of coconut oil and how to use it

From this article you will learn:

Coconut oil is a vegetable fatty oil obtained from copra. Often made by hot pressing fresh dried coconut meat. Less commonly produced by cold pressing dried copra.

What are the benefits of coconut oil?

It alone can replace products for hair and skin care, to strengthen teeth and bones, to relieve stress, to lose weight, to improve immunity, for good digestion and metabolism, to restore good functioning of the heart and blood vessels, to combat high blood pressure , diabetes, cancer!

Composition and use of coconut oil

Natural coconut oil is one of the healthiest and safest officially registered foods, with no known side effects, one of the healthiest, most versatile dietary oils in the world.

  • more than 45% lauric acid;
  • more than 15% myristic acid;
  • more than 8% palmitic acid;
  • more than 5% oleic acid;
  • more than 4% caprylic and capric acids;
  • vitamins E, C, A.

This oil is usually of a solid consistency (at temperatures above 22 C it becomes liquid), white in color with an aromatic sweet smell of coconut and the incomparable taste of Bounty!

As a test, I spread a little butter on a rye cracker and realized, now I will eat this every day

Coconut oil has won me over! Besides, I already knew how much benefit it had!!!

Ways to use coconut oil

  1. Consuming coconut oil in recommended servings, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Ideal for weight loss exercise programs.
  2. Coconut oil reduces the load on the liver, preventing the accumulation of fats; it perfectly helps dissolve kidney stones; useful for pancreatitis; used for the prevention and treatment of diabetes; promotes the absorption of calcium by the body, strengthening teeth and preventing caries.
  3. Since coconut oil is lower in calories than other oils, its fat is easily converted into energy, increasing endurance and internal reserves of the body, and improving athletic performance.
  4. Coconut oil also perfectly moisturizes and makes the skin velvety, slows down the aging process, restores the hair structure, gives it shine and silkiness!!!

How to use coconut oil?

Coconut oil is versatile. It can be used externally (creams, scrubs) and internally.

It can replace all other oils, including butter.

It can be used in cooking instead of vegetable oil, margarine or other cooking fats for baking or frying at temperatures up to 180 °C.

Well, that’s it, my friends, my healthy diet has once again been replenished with another new healthy food product.

Of course, I will continue to experiment with coconut oil further and share the results of my experiments on the pages of my blog.

P. S My friends, I found where you can buy high-quality coconut oil at normal prices in such an assortment that you will be overwhelmed!!!

This is the famous store of organic cosmetics and iherb products, see here

I have already ordered several jars from different manufacturers, I will post them as they arrive! Do you use coconut oil? I'd love to hear your feedback.

Alena Yasneva was with you, see you again!!!

An excellent source of health and energy for vegetarians, raw foodists and people leading a healthy lifestyle. Coconut oil improves the body's ability to absorb various minerals. These include calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for the health of the skeletal system. This is why coconut oil is so beneficial for older women prone to osteoporosis.

Coconut oil perfectly strengthens the immune system, helps get rid of excess weight, reduces cholesterol levels, protects the body from viruses and bacteria, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, normalizes metabolism and thyroid function, cleanses blood vessels, improves digestion, and cleanses the intestines. And this is not the entire list of the beneficial effects of coconut oil on the body.

It contains many antioxidants and is the best oil for maintaining and restoring health and youth.

Scientific studies have shown that lauric acid in coconut oil is ideal for maintaining cholesterol levels within a normal range. Coconut oil has many beneficial properties and prescriptions for use in various diseases.

If taken orally, it helps reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart disease and cancer.

  • In addition, the body becomes resistant to viral diseases and various infections, due to the fact that the oil strengthens the immune system and at the same time reduces the ability of viruses to adapt to antibiotics. Coconut oil is not stored in the human body as fat, unlike many other oils.
  • Dr. Bruce Fife discovered that coconut oil contains 10 types of medium carbon chain fatty acids (MCFAs).

Each of them is already a nutrient in itself, and also stimulates improved absorption of other substances: vitamins, minerals from other products.

Thanks to these properties, coconut oil provides energy to all vital processes and increases the level of resistance to viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Coconut oil promotes weight loss because it speeds up metabolism, breaks down into energy without turning into fat reserves, and causes the process of thermogenesis.

Coconut oil is the only oil that does not break down when exposed to high temperatures, which is very important in a healthy diet.

Natural coconut oil is one of the healthiest and safest officially registered food products with no known side effects.
But drink no more than three tablespoons of oil per day.

Children are recommended to take half or one teaspoon depending on their age.
You can safely mix coconut oil with other foods.


Drink 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil mixed with warm water or drink a glass of warm water to improve digestion and cleanse the intestines.
If you are drinking this oil for the first time, start taking half a teaspoon and gradually increase.

  • For older adults, it is recommended to take no more than one tablespoon of coconut oil per day.
  • If you feel tired and sluggish, have a confused mind, slow metabolism and extra pounds, wrinkles, dry skin, scaly patches or eczema, you need to buy coconut oil and use it regularly. All your problems will be resolved within a few months.

Previously, it was believed that coconut oil was harmful because it contained a large amount of various fats. Now this product has returned to the kitchens of many housewives precisely because it can help against all of the above ailments. For a long time it was believed that coconut oil was unsuitable for consumption, but research has shown that the fats contained in this oil are very beneficial for our health.

Here are some benefits of adding oil to your diet:

Coconut oil, the benefits and harms of which depend on the method of production, is widely used in countries where coconut palms grow naturally. In some places, coconuts are a major source of nutrients and are one of the most readily available foods. They are used in cooking, cosmetology, and even for medical purposes.

The oil can be obtained from the pulp of coconuts, which is called copra. Hot and cold pressing methods are used for this. The benefits of the resulting products vary. During the hot pressing process, a significant part of the valuable substances is lost.

Cold pressing allows you to preserve almost all the important properties of the oil for the body. But this method also has a drawback. It makes it possible to extract only about 10% of the total oil that is in the pulp. The cost of the final product increases significantly. But the benefits of coconut oil obtained in this way are much higher.

Using special methods, fractionated and hydrogenated oils are obtained, but they are used only for industrial purposes. Use in cosmetology and especially consumption in food is unacceptable.

Fatty acids in the composition

The composition of the product is considered unique. It contains calcium and phosphorus, which are needed for strong bones and teeth. It also contains vitamin C, which helps improve immunity, vitamins A and E. They are powerful antioxidants, help maintain youth and have a positive effect on appearance.

However, the health value of coconut oil lies in saturated fatty acids, of which there are large amounts in the product. These include oleic, lauric, linolenic, arachidonic, stearic, capric and others. Most of them are essential: they are not formed in the body, so they must be obtained with food.

It is precisely because of the abundance of saturated fatty acids that the opinion arose that coconut oil is harmful to the body. But due to their special structure, they are absorbed differently from animal fats. The fact is that this product contains so-called medium-chain triglycerides, and, for example, meat or cheese - long-chain triglycerides.

The fatty acids found in coconut oil are mostly converted into energy, and they also turn into ketone bodies. These elements have a beneficial effect on the brain. There is a special ketone therapy intended for children with epilepsy. It helps reduce the frequency of attacks.

Ketone bodies can also provide an additional source of energy for the brains of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, in which glucose is not absorbed properly.

How does coconut oil affect the body?

You may come across the opinion that fats increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. There is some truth to this, but the source of fat matters a lot. Those present in coconut oil have the opposite effect. The product contains the so-called correct cholesterol, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. At the same time, they help eliminate bad cholesterol. So regular intake of oil will prevent cardiovascular diseases.

The benefits of coconut oil are also great for digestion. It improves metabolic processes and promotes healing of the mucous membrane. It is recommended to eat it for stomach and intestinal ulcers. And one spoon of the product, taken orally, helps to quickly forget about heartburn.

Coconut oil has an antibacterial effect. This makes it possible to use it to treat various skin ailments. It will help with fungal diseases, eczema, and lichen. The oil works well against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida fungus. True, in some cases it acts as an adjuvant as part of complex therapy, and therefore it is necessary to consult a specialist. It is also used for faster healing of wounds; it can be used to lubricate pimples and diaper rash in babies.

Weightloss remedy

The positive properties of coconut oil for weight loss deserve attention. Despite the abundance of fatty acids, this product not only does not settle on the waist and sides, but helps to get rid of extra pounds. If, of course, you eat it in moderation. If the portions are too large, the benefit turns into harm.

The calorie content of coconut oil is high, about 800 kcal per 100 g. But those who are watching their figure should not only count calories, but also take into account their source. Products are absorbed differently and their effect on the body is different. Most of the oil is converted into energy. Moreover, a certain amount of calories is spent on digesting the product. That is, you can lose weight simply by eating coconut oil every day. The benefits and harms are not comparable. Fat is lost especially well in the abdominal area, which is considered a problem area. You can lose an inch of waist circumference per month without making much effort.

For the effect to really impress, you should combine taking the oil with proper nutrition and physical activity. The product increases energy expenditure, so exercise will help remove fat. If you include oil in your diet, it will be easier to withstand it, because the body will not need important substances.

In order to get the healing effect, it is enough to consume about 30 ml of coconut oil per day. It is worth knowing that at temperatures up to 25 degrees the oil becomes hard, it resembles a bar of soap. The beneficial qualities do not suffer. At higher temperatures it becomes liquid. Coconut oil for food or other needs can be melted in a water bath.

The product can be used in different ways. Its presence in the diet helps improve the body's condition and lose weight. The oil can be taken in its pure form or added to dishes, giving them an exotic flavor. It is suitable for dressing salads, you can put it in porridge and baked goods, and prepare desserts with it. It is suitable for frying as it does not form carcinogens.


But we must not forget about the possible harm. For mid-latitudes this is an exotic product, so the likelihood of allergies is quite high. Sometimes there is a cumulative effect, when the reaction does not occur immediately, but after repeated doses.

Due to saturation with fatty acids, exacerbation of cholecystitis and pancreatitis is possible. Therefore, people with these diseases should use coconut oil with caution, checking with their doctor to see if it is dangerous.

There are no other contraindications, the main thing is to monitor your body’s reaction.

Application in cosmetology

Coconut oil has proven itself well in cosmetology. Benefits and harms, however, when using it must be taken into account equally. The product has a good effect on the condition of the skin and hair; it is often present in shampoos, conditioners, creams and masks.

Coconut oil is one of the best natural hair products. It is especially suitable for dry, brittle, weakened strands. It provides the following effect:

  • makes hair shiny and soft;
  • reduces fragility;
  • stimulates hair follicles, so that curls grow faster and increase in density;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • less split ends;
  • protects curls from the harmful effects of the external environment, including ultraviolet rays.

Thanks to such amazing properties, coconut oil is so popular in cosmetology. The benefits and harms of the product have been sufficiently studied, and experts confirm that it can be used as an independent product. To do this, apply it to the roots and entire length of the hair for half an hour, then wash it off with your favorite shampoo. Thanks to this, it will be possible to nourish the curls, make them smooth and easy to style.

It is also possible to add other ingredients to enhance the effect of the product.

  • A mixture of several oils is more effective than one. It is recommended to combine coconut oil with other oils suitable for hair, such as burdock and almond oil.
  • This mask will help strengthen your hair: a small spoon of coconut product is mixed with glycerin, wine vinegar and egg yolk.
  • A nourishing mask is made as follows: mash a banana, add two large spoons of butter and sour cream.

To make the masks work better, they are applied to the hair, and the head is wrapped in a bag and then with a towel.

Coconut oil is no less useful for the body and face. It is well suited for dry skin: softens it, provides nutrition and hydration, and removes flaking. But it can also be used for oily skin, as it helps fight acne. The oil has proven itself well as an anti-aging agent. Thanks to it, small wrinkles are smoothed out, skin elasticity increases, and the oval of the face is tightened. Pigment spots are reduced.

The product has protective properties, it protects against ultraviolet rays, prevents burns, and provides an even tan to the skin. It can be used to cleanse the skin, including makeup. The pores are not clogged, the product helps eliminate toxins and improve blood circulation.

The presence of coconut oil in the diet helps improve the condition of the body. Saturated fatty acids, which predominate in this product, are easily digestible, give strength and increase performance. They also promote weight loss, so people who want to get rid of extra pounds can safely include them in their diet. It is also recommended to use the product for hair and skin.

Coconut oil can be called a universal product, since it is used in many areas - cosmetology, cooking, medicine and even in the household: it is used for polishing wooden furniture. The product is extracted from coconuts, or more precisely from their pulp, which is called copra. Like most oils, coconut oil is made in two ways - hot or cold pressing.

Oil produced by hot pressing partially loses its beneficial components. The product produced by cold pressing is considered the most valuable, since almost all the beneficial substances from the coconut remain in it. This method is used less frequently than the first, since it allows you to extract only 10% of the total oil present in the nut pulp. This oil is more valuable and costs more than that obtained by hot pressing.

Coconut oil stored at room temperature or below has an appearance unusual for vegetable oils. It may be in the form of a thick, whitish-creamy liquid or small, solid pieces that resemble soap. The oil becomes liquid and transparent when heated to 26 degrees and above.

Composition of coconut oil

The main component of coconut oil is polyunsaturated fatty acids, recognized by scientists as vital for humans. Since they are not synthesized by the body, they can only be obtained from the outside. Coconut oil is one of the best sources of these substances. It contains fatty acids:

  • myristic;
  • lauric;
  • oleic;
  • palmitoin;
  • caprylic;
  • linolenic;
  • arachidonic;
  • stearic;
  • capric.

In addition, the product boasts calcium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C and E, which are valuable substances that preserve beauty and youth.

Types of Coconut Oil

There are two types of Coconut oil - non-food And food. The latter can be found in stores. It is intended for culinary purposes. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that when heated it does not release carcinogens. It can replace the usual sunflower oil, and then the dishes will acquire an exquisite taste. It is suitable for preparing baked goods, sweet and vegetable dishes, seafood, dressing salads and adding to cereals and drinks.

Manufacturers use the product as a food additive to produce margarine and cake fillings.

The unique combination of fatty acids gives the product medicinal properties. Metabolized in a special way, they have a positive effect on the brain and improve the condition of people suffering from epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. The substances in the product increase the level of “good” cholesterol and lower the level of “bad” cholesterol, and this also reduces the likelihood of developing vascular and heart diseases. Coconut oil improves immunity, and with regular use reduces the likelihood of cancer and restores thyroid function.

The benefit of coconut oil also lies in its ability to help treat many skin diseases. It has antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This allows it to be used to combat fungal infections of the skin, hair and nails, dermatophytosis and mycosis.

The oil can also relieve diseases caused by Candida fungus, dermatitis and eczema. It can also be used as an aid in the treatment of lichen, even ringworm.

For hair care, the product can be used without additional components. Rubbing a little oil into curly hair will make it easier to style. To improve the condition of your curls, just apply the oil to your strands and scalp for 30 minutes, and then rinse off using regular shampoo. Rub the warm product in with light massage movements.

Coconut oil is good for the ends of your hair: regular use will get rid of split ends. You can prepare masks:

  • Oily. The product is combined with other oils: mustard, castor, peach and burdock. To prepare the mask, combine three different types of oils in a teaspoon, and then heat them in the microwave or in a water bath.
  • Strengthening. Combine 0.5 tablespoons of glycerin with 40 grams of oil, yolk and 10 milliliters of wine vinegar.
  • Nutritious. Mash a banana in a bowl and place 1.5 tablespoons of cream or full-fat sour cream and 40 grams of butter.

Coconut oil is not easy to remove from hair. To make the task easier, do not apply it to the strands in large quantities, and also use it together with less fatty oils or heated dairy products.

Coconut oil for face

The product is ideal for dry skin. The oil nourishes, eliminates inflammation, softens, moisturizes and restores the skin, and also prevents the occurrence of cracks, peeling and irritation. It is also useful for other skin types. For example, for problem skin, the product will help eliminate acne and speed up the healing of wounds after them.

The product combats another age-related problem – pigmentation. To reduce its intensity, you need to lubricate problem areas.

Coconut oil can also be used as a sunscreen for skin. It will help avoid burns, protect against ultraviolet radiation and ensure an even tan. It makes a good cleanser that cleanses the skin and easily removes makeup. It is also a good protective agent, improves blood circulation and helps remove toxins.

Coconut oil– a product rich in substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Today the main manufacturers of this product are Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines.

You can purchase it anywhere in the world without any problems. In ancient times, the use of coconut oil was only available to wealthy people. Today it suits almost everyone’s wallet.

Description and composition of the product

If we compare coconut oil with, it is more dense and thickens to a creamy state already at room temperature. At zero degrees it hardens but remains elastic.

The basis of the product is saturated fatty acids:

  • lauric (about 55%);
  • oleic (11%);
  • caprylic (10%);
  • capric (9.7%);
  • myristic (8%);
  • palmitic (5%);
  • stearic (1.3%).

They are considered essential for the body, and since it does not produce them itself, you need to get them through foods. Coconut oil is a source of these elements. In addition, it contains calcium, phosphorus, vitamins K, E, etc. necessary for humans.

How is oil obtained?

The starting material for the production of this product is coconut pulp. Eat 2 methods oil production: cold and hot pressing. Thanks to hot pressing, more of the finished product is obtained, but it contains less beneficial properties. Cold pressing preserves all beneficial substances.

First, the pulp is separated from the shell, then ground, dried and the oil is squeezed out. There are 2 types of it: purified ( refined) And unrefined. Refined has a more transparent structure; it is purified without the use of chemicals under high pressure.

Coconut oil can be prepared at home. First you need to make a puncture in the existing hole of the coconut and release the water. Chop the nut, separate the pulp and cut into pieces. After this, grind in a meat grinder or blender. The resulting chips must be poured hot ( 60-70 degrees) with water. Stir vigorously with a wooden spoon. The coconut will begin to release liquid. Place the cooled chips in a cool place for several hours. The oil will float to the surface and thicken. It is removed from the surface and transferred to a glass container.

Useful and healing properties

Distinguish food And non-food(for cosmetic and medicinal purposes) coconut oil. The product that has not been subjected to heat treatment has the best properties. In many Asian countries, coconut oil is used as a salad dressings.

Lauric acid, included in the composition, effectively resists infections. Can be strengthened with oil gums and teeth.

It is a good preventative against the development of cancer. Using it for a scalp massage helps relieve stress and calm you down.

Antioxidants slow down the aging process of body cells. The use of coconut oil helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Lipid metabolism and the functioning of the blood coagulation system improves. Oil reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Coconut oil for skin, hair and face

The product has become widespread and used in cosmetology. Regularly rubbing oil into your hair strengthens it and makes it shinier. If your hair is dry and damaged, apply warm oil to it for a few minutes before washing.

Face masks with coconut oil get rid of many skin blemishes. They give it a velvety feel and protect it from exposure to sunlight. Regular use of unrefined oil for massage helps reduce stretch marks on the skin.

Coconut oil for weight loss

Saturated fatty acids tend to break down quickly. This promotes the metabolic process in the body. Therefore, for those losing weight, coconut oil is one of the key fats in the diet.

Triglycerides the middle chain, of which there is a lot in the product, is well absorbed by the body and converted into energy, and does not accumulate. Oil prolongs the process of digesting food; a person does not feel hungry longer.

Coconut is used as an ingredient cleansing diets, because it normalizes the digestive system and cleanses the body. But it can help in the process of losing weight if you approach it comprehensively. It is necessary to observe the general and adhere to the necessary. Oil is introduced into the diet gradually.

Harm and contraindications for use

If this product is taken orally without control, instead of a beneficial effect, it can cause harm to the body. Because it large amount of fat, then excessive consumption can provoke stomach irritation and exacerbation of chronic diseases ( cholecystitis, pancreatitis).

Some may have an individual intolerance to the drug. An allergy may not appear immediately, but after some period after a person takes the oil.

If you plan to use it as an oral medicinal product, it is imperative to consult with your doctor so that he can determine the dosage and rules of administration.

How to use and take coconut oil correctly

For oral administration as a prophylaxis against infectious diseases, dissolve in the morning 1 dining room spoon about 15 minutes like candy. After which you can spit it out and brush your teeth. Thanks to this procedure, the condition of the gums improves and the formation of plaque on the teeth is prevented.

For intestines and blood vessels taken every day on an empty stomach in the morning 1-2 dining rooms spoons of butter. But you need to start with 0.5 teaspoon, gradually bringing to the required volume. After taking, drink a glass of warm water.

Those who want to lose weight take it 1 dining room spoon before eating. You can eat no more than 3 spoons. Children can be given 0.5-1 teaspoon, based on the age and weight of the child. Elderly people can consume no more than 1 tablespoon per day.

To smooth out small wrinkles, rub it on the face and neck before going to bed, after cleansing them first. Corns and cracks on the feet are eliminated by applying the oil overnight.

Where to buy, how to choose and store coconut oil

You can buy coconut oil in different places - in big stores, points of sale of health products, in pharmacies etc. Its price is quite affordable. But you should not buy a product that is too cheap - its quality may directly depend on the price.

If you want to purchase natural oil, you can request a certificate confirming 100% naturalness of the product. The most stringent standards BDIH, NaTrue, USDA Organic.

At the time of buying unrefined oil On the bottle you need to find information about the cold pressing method. The pour point of natural coconut oil is lower 25 degrees. It becomes hard, white in texture, and melts when applied to the surface of the skin. This high-quality product has a delicate, subtle aroma. If it is too pronounced, then most likely an artificial flavor has been added to it. It is better to store the product in a dark glass container out of direct sunlight. Store it for no more than a year.