Beet cutlets - recipes for gourmets. Cooking method: beet cutlets

From what only resourceful hostesses cook cutlets! Meat, fish, potato, buckwheat, rice - choose any to your taste. Have you tried beet cutlets? Surely now many were surprised, because we usually prepare vinaigrette and borsch with beets. Well, it's time to expand your culinary horizons!

Note to the hostesses!

If this is your first time taking up beet cutlets, listen to what experienced chefs advise:

  • Cutlets are made from boiled, baked and raw beets. Before heat treatment, you do not need to peel the vegetable from the skin.
  • To keep the beet cutlets in shape after frying or baking, add semolina, sifted flour or breadcrumbs to them. Eggs are an obligatory ingredient.
  • After you've chopped the beets, let them sit for 10-15 minutes to drain the juice, which should then be drained. Attention! Do not rush to pour the beet juice, because it can help if your minced meat turns out to be dry.
  • It is better to serve beet cutlets with sour cream or sauces prepared on its basis.

  • In such cutlets, you can add dried apricots, raisins or prunes and a little granulated sugar. Then you will get an exquisite dessert.
  • Beets are in perfect harmony with cottage cheese in taste. Would you like to make a second course? Add garlic cloves to the curd. Would you like dessert? Mix it with granulated sugar.
  • Place the beetroot patties in the pan as soon as they are blinded. Then the crust will have time to grab, and if you delay, it will soften.
  • If the minced beet is still liquid, do not sculpt the cutlets, but put it in the pan with a spoon.

Beet cutlets are unique, because they can be served as a side dish for meat, and as a main dish with buckwheat or pasta.

Note for vegetarians! Vegetable burgers are prepared with such cutlets. In addition to them, tomatoes, lettuce and sauce are added to the filling.

Dedicated to lovers of a healthy diet

We will traditionally start with the classic recipe for making beetroot cutlets. We will boil it first, because this way it is better absorbed by our stomach.

Attention! Beet cutlets are incredibly healthy for our intestines and stomach. Many pediatricians recommend including them in the children's diet. And as practice shows, this dish attracts kids with its bright color.


  • 0.5 kg of beets;
  • 50 g semolina + for breading;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • ground black pepper.


Advice! Before boiling the beets, rinse them well using a brush. Then place the vegetable in an enamel saucepan and cover with cold water to coat the beets. Until the liquid boils, cook on a high burner level, and then turn it to a minimum. Typically, the entire cooking process takes from 40 minutes to 1 hour.

You need to know this! For people with anemia, beet cutlets with buckwheat are recommended. You need to replace semolina with cereals. This makes an iron-rich dish.

The original recipe for juicy cutlets

Now let's cook beetroot and carrot cutlets in an original way. They are very beneficial, especially for nursing mothers, as carrot juice can improve the quality of breast milk. Although you should first consult with your doctor.

On a note! Beet cutlets are also prepared with the addition of minced meat. Give preference to beef or chicken.


  • 150 g of boiled beets;
  • 150 g carrots;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • sour cream;
  • greens;
  • 15-20 g semolina;
  • 10-15 g butter;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Secret! To keep the beets as healthy as possible, steam them.


We diversify the taste of the dish with cheese notes

Beetroot cutlets in the oven with cheese will surely please all your household. It is better to bake such cutlets in silicone molds so that they do not creep. For example, we took the shapes in the form of hearts. It turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful.


  • 100 g raw beets;
  • 3 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • greens;
  • 1 tsp red pepper;
  • 100 g of cheese.


Another interesting recipe

Consider another way to cook beetroot cutlets in a pan. The highlight of this dish will be the processed cheese, which we will add to the minced meat. Thanks to him, the cutlets will simply melt in your mouth!


  • egg;
  • 2 small beets;
  • 4 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 4 tbsp. l. processed spread cheese;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • blend of spices;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • salt.


Wash the beets thoroughly under running water to remove dirt and soil. Cut off the tail and top.

I always bake the beets in the oven, wrapping each one individually in foil. Then I put it in a cake pan with a brick and put it in the oven. At the same time, my temperature is set to 180 ° C. Typically, medium-sized beets take about 45-50 minutes.
This method of cooking beets suits me much more than cooking beets in a saucepan on the stove. Perhaps, in terms of time, I do not win too much, but I save the apartment from the smell of boiled beets, which pervades everything around.

Cool the finished beets, peel them, rub on a fine grater.

Use a blender to grind walnuts.
You can use any of your favorite nuts instead of walnuts. Hazelnuts will be very appropriate in these cutlets, which can be pre-dried a little.

Combine beets, nuts, and semolina in a large bowl. Season with salt to taste.
You can also add spices to such cutlets, for example, a pinch of nutmeg, cinnamon or ginger. They will give the cutlets a light spicy shade.

Pour prunes with water and leave for a while. Then finely chop the prunes.
Add prunes to the cutlet mass and mix everything thoroughly.

Blind the minced meat into cutlets and bread them, if desired, in breadcrumbs or flour. Preheat a skillet over medium heat. Pour in a little oil (vegetable, olive) and fry the patties until tender, about three to five minutes on each side.
If you are preparing these beet cutlets exclusively for children, then I advise you to bake them in the oven. They, of course, will not turn out as ruddy and crispy as in a pan, but without excess fat.

During the fast, you really want to diversify your family's menu. Numerous recipes for lean cutlets will help you do this. Appetizing cutlets can be made from carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, cereals, but beet cutlets are especially popular.

Classic lean beet cutlets: recipe

Lean beet cutlets are perfect for baby food. Their calorie content per hundred grams is approximately 180 calories.

Beet cutlets with the addition of carrots

Boil 2 beets until tender. While cooking, peel, grate a medium carrot, chop an onion and grate 2 cloves of garlic. Slightly fry vegetables (except beets) in a pan. When the beets have cooled, peel and grate them. Then mix it with sautéed vegetables, add one egg, a spoonful of semolina, salt and pepper. We form lean beet cutlets and fry them in oil. If desired, you can bread them in breadcrumbs or semolina. Lean beet cutlets, the recipe of which advises the use of carrots, are especially popular with children.

How to make beet cutlets beautiful and appetizing?

Often housewives complain about the stubbornness of minced vegetables to sculpting. Cutlets fall apart either at the stage of formation, or during frying. How to be in this case? After all, every housewife wants to delight household members not only with tasty, healthy, but also beautiful food. In order for your lean beet cutlets to be attractive in appearance, you can arrange the minced meat in special silicone molds and place them in the cold. Then carefully remove the form - your cutlets will have a neat shape and will not creep out during further heat treatment. If you do not have such forms, you can easily make them yourself. Take ordinary tin cans. Cut out the bases from them - and the cutlet molds are ready.

Lovers of vegetable dishes will love lean beet cutlets. The recipe for their preparation is simple. Such a dish can be completely independent, or it can act as a side dish. Vegetable beet cutlets go well with fresh sour cream and

Boiled beet cutlets.
Raw beet cutlets with garlic.
Raw beet cutlets with tomatoes

Boiled beet cutlets, will be much tastier from the baked one. Ingredients: 5 medium-small beets (I have purchased boiled beets in a vacuum bag), 2 cloves of garlic, a bunch of cilantro, 2 eggs, a pinch of baking powder (aka baking powder), soy sour cream, 1 table. a spoonful of grape, soy or olive oil. Salt, freshly ground pepper.
It must be borne in mind that the amount of carbohydrates in boiled beets increases.

Peel the beets, grate on a coarse grater, squeeze or chop the garlic finely, chop fresh cilantro, you can replace it with coriander or cumin for lovers of cumin. Add 2 tablespoons of soy flour and two loose eggs, a pinch of baking powder. Add 1 tablespoon of grape oil there. Mix everything and fry like pancakes on Teflon, without rolling in flour and without oil.

Without the addition of acidic ingredients, the beautiful beetroot color is lost.

Raw beet cutlets.
I will show you several options at once:
1. Beet cutlets with onions, tomatoes, tomato paste, chopped herbs, baked in the oven.
2. The same minced meat, boned with corn flour, fried in a pan
3. Cutlets with garlic, cilantro, coriander, red onion, baked in the oven. I used soybean butter, made in Belgium, (it tastes like Vologda butter). Soy sour cream. All Bioproducts.

The first stage is the same for all varieties of cutlets:
Wash, peel, grate the beets (you can wear gloves), mix with pre-mixed dry ingredients (2 tablespoons of soy flour + 2 tablespoons of corn flour + a pinch of baking powder + salt and pepper to taste), then add two there (preferably whipped or shaken) eggs. The juice of half a lemon, the second half of a lemon, we need for a mixture of beets with garlic.

We spread the resulting mixture with a spoon on baking paper, trim it a little and put it in a hot oven at 160 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Ready-made cutlets, baked in the oven, two varieties, on both sides. The flat, bright side on the paper side.

Add to the other half of the beetroot mixture:
medium tomato, finely chopped onion, one dessert spoon of tomato paste, chopped herbs, I have parsley with dill. Half of the mixture, put on a pan, in the form of cutlets, roll the rest of the beetroot mixture in corn flour.

With a tablespoon, put the mixture on the corn flour, level and roll over the flour, carefully put it in a hot frying pan with butter with a dry spoon.

Fry on both sides. They turned out to be so handsome.

I ended the experiment by baking all kinds of cutlets with goat cheese in the oven

Summary: Delicious all cutlets.
You can also try to make beet cutlets with prunes.
Mrs Beaton's famous cookbook, Housekeeping, printed in mid-19th century England and still the Old Testament of British housewives, contains thirteen beetroot recipes, the most prominent of which is carrot and beet jam.

I tried to take a photo on the balcony in the sun. It doesn't get any better.

About the benefits of beets

The leaves and rhizome of beets contain vitamins A, C, B1, B5, B6, E, PP, folic acid, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, carbohydrates, fiber, proteins and amino acids, fats, organic acids, riboflavin , thiamine, nitrogenous substances.
Beets are the record holder for iodine content.

Natural antiseptics contained in the rhizome allow suppressing and even treating some infectious diseases, prevent the development of gastric and intestinal pathogenic microflora, cleanse the oral cavity, and improve the condition of the skin microflora.

Beets are actively used in diets for the treatment of hypertension, scurvy, diabetes mellitus, and kidney stones. Fresh rhizome cut or pounded leaves - for wound healing. Fresh juice is especially effective for use.

The substances contained in beets regulate fat metabolism, prevent the accumulation of excess body weight.

During her life, a woman eats a huge amount of lipstick, which turned out to be harmful.
Beetroot Lipstick: Mix 0.5 tablespoon of melted edible wax with 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons of castor oil and 1 tbsp. spoon of lanolin, add there 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of beet juice. Stir everything well. Using a disposable syringe, place the mixture in an empty lipstick case or leave it in the syringe. Lipstick ideal in its properties. Light pink color, very natural, can be licked off without harm to health

Beetroot cutlets are an excellent low-calorie recipe for all adherents of a healthy diet and of course for children. They can be served as an independent dish with sour cream or with any side dish. They are good both hot and cold.

Wash 2 or 3 beets, depending on size, and place in a saucepan. Cover with cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 35-40 minutes.

Peel the finished beets.

Grate the beets on a large-caliber grater :)

Chop 3 garlic cloves. You can also use a press for this.

Put beets and garlic in a deep dish. Also add 100 grams of semolina there and break the egg. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Stir the minced vegetables thoroughly.

Put the minced beet in a preheated pan with vegetable oil, using a regular tablespoon, or pre-shape them with your hands. Fry for 4-5 minutes on each side over medium heat.