Daily norm of kilocalories for men. Daily calorie intake for women

An online daily calorie and dietary calculator will help you understand what amount is needed to stay in shape, gain weight or lose weight. Specify your parameters, choose your lifestyle and goal. The system will do the calculation automatically!

Your height (cm):

Your weight, kg:

Your lifestyle:

Don't know Sedentary, inactive Light activity (exercise 1-3 times a week) Moderate activity (exercise 3-5 times a week) Vigorous activity (high exercise every day) Extremely vigorous activity

Your aim:

Daily calorie intake:
according to average consumption per kilogram 2600 - 3000;
according to the Harris-Benedict formula 2923;
according to the Mifflin-San Jeor formula 2410.
Guidelines for:
calorie range 2290 - 2531;
daily protein intake 143 - 221 grams;
daily fat intake 64 - 84 grams;
The daily carbohydrate intake is 258 - 348 grams.

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are the most important components of our food. When planning a diet for weight loss, it is necessary to accurately calculate the daily calorie intake to meet the body's needs and the ratio of BJU. Properly selected nutrition will allow those losing weight to:

  • do not feel hungry, lethargic and weak;
  • provide yourself with enough nutrients;
  • effectively lose weight and maintain weight at a certain level, which is especially important for women;
  • for men - choose a diet to gain muscle mass or lose weight, prepare the body for drying;
  • get the correct ratio and balance of nutrients in the body.

Online calculator for calculating BZHU and daily calorie intake

  • indicate your parameters;
  • choose a lifestyle and goal;
  • the system will do the calculation automatically.

Why do you need to know this?

The counter will allow you to get answers to the questions:

  • How many calories do we need to lose weight?
  • Should the nutritional value of food be increased/decreased?
  • Are we eating enough BJU?

Daily calorie intake for weight loss

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? How to correctly calculate calories and their consumption? An online calorie calculator will help you solve these problems.

Of course, each person who wants to lose weight has their own lifestyle: some are more active, some are less active. Accordingly, one needs to calculate the number of calories per day to lose weight and strictly adhere to this plan, while the other just needs to decide how much he needs to stay in shape.

How to correctly calculate calorie consumption for weight loss

If you decide to lose weight, you need to know your acceptable intake and the optimal amount of calories per day. To calculate calorie consumption and understand the calorie content of a particular dish, use an online calculator.

To calculate your calorie intake per day, you need to determine how much you consume in one day.

There is a specially designed Mifflin-San Geor counting formula:

  • daily calorie intake for men: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (g) + 5) x A;
  • for women, the daily calorie intake is calculated using the same formula, the difference from the men’s formula is in the last coefficient: +5 change to -161.

After performing this simple computational operation, we obtain data to keep ourselves in shape. In order to calculate calorie content for weight loss, multiply the result by the physical activity indicator (A):

  • low (sedentary work in the office + rare walks around the city) =1.2;
  • small (the above + exercises in the gym + swimming several times a week) = 1.4;
  • average (workouts 3-5 times a week) =1.6;
  • high (daily physical activity) =1.7.

Harris-Benedict formula.

BMR (basal metabolic rate) * AMR (active metabolic rate).

BMR for women: 447.593 + (9.247 * weight in kg) + (3.098 * height in cm) - (4.330 * age in years).

BMR for men: odds 88.362; 13.397; 4.799; 5.677 respectively.

  • Sedentary lifestyle – 1.2;
  • Moderate activity – 1.375;
  • Average (classes 3-5 times a week) – 1.55;
  • Active people (intense loads) – 1.725;
  • Athletes (6-7 times a week) – 1.9.

For gaining muscle mass AMR=1.2; for losing weight women and men – 0.8.

Consumption per kilogram depends only on weight and lifestyle:

  • sedentary. 1 kg from x26 to x30;
  • light activity. 1 kg from x31 to x37;
  • average. 1 kg from x38 to x40;
  • high. 1 kg from x41 to x50;
  • extreme. 1 kg from x50 to x55.

Norm for men and women per day for weight loss

Nutritionists say that when losing weight, the daily calorie intake for a woman and a girl should be at least 1100-1300 kcal. This amount of consumption can provide the female body with everything it needs.

For weight loss, the daily calorie intake for a man is slightly higher - 1300-1600 kcal. It is extremely important to calculate the calorie content of the food you eat so that it contains not only proteins, but also complex carbohydrates. Under no circumstances should you give up entire food groups. This may have a negative impact on your well-being.

How to calculate the daily calorie intake for weight loss?

An online daily calorie calculator will help you understand what calorie intake you need to stay in shape, and will also make a calculation and help you understand how many calories per day you need to lose weight. In addition, you can calculate the norm yourself using calorie consumption tables and formulas.

For a person, the recommended daily calorie intake for weight loss is 20% less than the result you obtained from the above calculations (1200-1400 kcal). For a child (up to 10 years old), the average daily intake, when losing weight, fluctuates around 1800-2000 kcal, and for a teenager the recommended daily intake is 2300-2500 kcal.

The ratio of BZHU in the diet

For a long time, doctors, nutritionists, scientists and physiologists tried to derive the proportional ratio of BZHU so that the human body could function fully, and also so that diseases associated with poor or unhealthy nutrition would not arise. As a result, they established the following relationship, which is important to remember:

  • 1 g B = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g F = 9;
  • 1 g U = 4.

A person should consume food per day containing 40% proteins and carbohydrates and 20% fat. The formulas for calculation are as follows:

  • B: (2000 kcal * 0.4) /4;
  • F: (2000 * 0.2) /9;
  • Y: (2000 * 0.4) /4.

The results obtained are the required norm for you for each substance separately.

Table of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) products

The last task remains: to choose food that matches these data.
It is important to take into account its usefulness for the body, the presence of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other useful elements that are directly involved in the growth and regeneration of cells and the proper functioning of all internal organs and systems.

The menu should be varied. If possible, include dairy and fermented milk products, meat, fish, cereals, fruits, vegetables, flour, nuts, and sweets.

When creating a balanced diet, this table will be an excellent assistant:

Product Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calorie content per 100g
boiled chicken egg 12,7 10,7 0,8 144
buckwheat 12,6 3,3 68,0 335
rice 7,0 1,0 77,3 330
boiled brown rice 2,7 0,8 24,7 116
semolina 10,3 1,0 73,3 328
oatmeal 11,0 6,1 65,4 303
durum wheat 13,0 2,5 66,6 301
wheat bran 15,1 3,8 33,5 191
Hercules 11,0 6,2 65,7 305
pearl barley 9,3 1,1 73,7 320
Dutch cheese 26,0 26,8 0,6 352
low-fat cottage cheese 18,0 0,6 1,8 88
raw cow's milk 3,2 3,6 4,8 64
Mozzarella 21,2 20,7 0,7 264
low-fat kefir 3 0,05 3,8 30
sour cream 10% 3,0 10,0 2,9 115
banana 1,5 0,1 21,8 89
watermelon 0,7 0,2 10,9 38
apple 0,4 0,4 11,8 45
cherries 1,1 0,4 11,5 50
cherry 0,8 0,5 11,3 52
pear 0,4 0,3 10,9 42
melon 0,6 0 10,3 38
strawberry 0,6 0,3 7,2 33
raspberries 0,8 0,3 14,1 42
peach 0,9 0,1 11,3 46
black currant 1,0 0,2 11,5 38
kiwi 1,3 1,0 9,8 52
White cabbage 1,8 0,1 6,8 27
cauliflower 2,5 0,3 2,4 30
corn 3,5 2,8 15,6 101
potato 2,0 0,4 18,1 80
salad 1,5 0,2 3,1 17
carrot 1,3 0,1 9,3 34
bulb onions 1,4 0 10,4 41
Sweet pepper 1,3 0 7,2 27
garlic 6,5 0 6,0 46
tomato 1,1 0,2 5,0 23
beet 1,5 0,1 11,8 42
tomato 1,1 0,2 5,0 23
cucumber 0,8 0,1 3,8 14
zucchini 0,6 0,3 5,2 23
bell pepper 1,3 0,1 7,2 26
cod 17,1 1,1 0,6 81
pink salmon 20,8 6,8 0,5 147
squid 19,0 2,6 1,3 105
pollock 16,5 1,3 0,6 78
salmon 20,8 10,1 1,3 172
trout 20,3 7,9 0,4 152
tuna 22,5 2,6 0,3 115
chum salmon 21,3 6,1 1,1 140
beef 20,4 12,7 0,5 193
beef liver 18,8 4,2 3,4 125
mutton 16,9 17,4 1,2 219
pork 20,5 11,5 0,04 209
chicken 21,3 9,7 1,3 175
chicken breast 23,9 2,9 0,7 124
chicken liver 19,8 6,7 1,1 143
chicken thigh 19,4 11,5 2,0 187
minced chicken 17,7 9,9 0,6 164
turkey breast 20,5 3,2 0,1 111
turkey fillet 20,0 4,1 0,2 117
peanut 26,3 45,2 9,9 551
cashew 22,6 49,0 17,5 606
milk pasta 11,5 2,9 67,1 345
durum pasta 10,4 1,1 74,9 337
spaghetti 9,9 1,4 59,2 293
wheat grain bread 8,1 1,4 45,6 231
Borodinsky black bread 6,8 1,3 41,8 207
premium wheat flour 10,3 1,1 70,6 334
pita 9,1 1,1 56,2 277
green beans 1,2 0,1 3,1 16
beans 21,0 2,0 54,5 292
green peas 5,0 0,2 13,8 73
asparagus 3,8 2,0 4,4 46
chanterelles 1,6 1,1 2,2 20
raisin 1,8 0 72,2 262
dried apricots 3,0 0 68,5 227
dates 2,5 0 72,1 271
granulated sugar 0 0 99,8 379
natural honey 0,8 0 80,3 314
raspberry jam 0,6 0 72,6 275
water 0 0 0 0
black coffee 0,2 0 0,3 2
cocoa powder 24,2 17,5 33,4 380
crab sticks 6,0 1,0 10,0 73
cutlet 15,4 18,1 8,2 248
smoked sausage 17,0 40,3 2,1 431
sausages 11,2 23,9 2,3 256
boiled breast 25,4 3,2 0,4 130
mashed potatoes 2,5 3,3 14,4 96
fried zucchini 1,2 6,6 7,1 96
braised cabbage 3,4 4,0 7,4 66
pancakes 6,1 8,4 27,9 206
pancakes 6,6 7,6 35,3 229
dumplings 11,5 14,0 25,8 265
pizza 9,3 13,4 24,7 260
pilaf 10,0 9,9 26,5 211
millet porridge 4,9 2,4 25,7 138
boiled rice 3,3 1,7 24,8 130
fried eggs 14,2 16,8 1,2 211
borsch 2,7 3,1 3,8 56
chicken bouillon 3,2 1,6 1,4 32
cheeseburger mcdonald's 13,9 11,9 28,6 281
McDonald's fries 3,2 12,7 31,3 252

To make the consumption of these components even more beneficial, it would be nice to additionally:

  • play sports (running, race walking, squats, push-ups, abs - these are the minimum physical activities necessary for everyone);
  • spend more time in the fresh air.

Men need to take care of their health too! Therefore, you should understand in what quantities different products are consumed. But first you need to find out the acceptable calorie norm for your daily diet. Again, the components of the dishes and their balance are important.

Every person requires proteins, fats and carbohydrates in specific quantities, as well as vitamins and microelements that we get from foods. However, those who take their health seriously should first calculate their individual calorie intake during the day. Food should provide the body with the amount of energy it needs; there is no need for excess energy.

Food is a source of energy for every person. This energy is expressed in kilojoules (kJ). Almost all products have food (energy) value, that is, their nutritional value is indicated in this measure. It is difficult for people far from physics to understand this. This is why calories (kcal) are used to indicate nutritional value.

Calculations should be made based on the norm:

  • Protein on average 65–70 g.
  • Fats on average 70–80 g.
  • Carbohydrates on average 280–360.

Each product contains its own caloric intake. The absorption of different substances also occurs in different ways. Carbohydrates are divided into fast And slow, for the assimilation of which energy is expended in larger quantities than for the first ones. For this reason, the body receives more benefits from them. But how to decide on the quantity?

To find out how much energy a particular person needs, you need to know how he uses energy. Those who lead an active life, playing sports, also spend energy actively. It is also important to take age into account - young people need more energy than older people.

Why is it necessary to balance the caloric content of dishes?

The human body immediately shows its attitude in situations where the amount of food consumed exceeds the permissible limits. The unspent supply of calories remains in the body in the form of fat, the body begins to “swim”, and unnecessary kilograms are added. The places where fat accumulates the most are the stomach and thighs. But in addition to external aesthetics, health problems appear: the circulatory system (heart and blood vessels), kidneys, liver, knee joints and spine suffer.

Naturally, this process will seem tedious to some, and in this case another option is possible - try to refrain from consuming the following products too often:

  1. Fatty meat and poultry (pork, lamb, duck, goose).
  2. Semolina, oatmeal and rice porridge.
  3. Cakes, muffins and white bread, cookies.
  4. Smoked meats and sausages.
  5. Omelettes and fried eggs.
  6. Dried fruits.
  7. Soda, ice cream and milkshakes.
  8. Pickles and jam.
  9. Alcoholic drinks, since 1 g of alcohol = 7 kcal. Among other things, they lead to an increase in appetite and provoke you to eat more food than necessary, which will cause an energy “overdose”. Vodka and cognac are particularly dangerous in this regard.

The approximate amount of calories that a man needs to consume has been established. It is not possible to establish a 100% error-free number, but this is not required, all you need to do is determine something close to the norm.

Conditions that affect the amount of calories required:

  1. The greater the weight, the more energy is required to maintain its stable value.
  2. Tall people also require more food.
  3. The older a person gets, the less energy his body uses.
  4. Lifestyle: a person who, due to the nature of his activity, moves little, accordingly needs less food and the energy obtained from it. For someone who constantly plays sports and/or is engaged in physical labor, the need for energy increases.

According to rough estimates, the optimized option 2400 – 3000 calories, but these data are influenced by lifestyle and aspirations. Those who want to say goodbye to unnecessary weight should reduce the calorie content of their diet. But we must not forget that 1500 – the maximum permissible reduction in calorie content, which does not pose serious consequences for health! In this case, the energy reserve is used only to preserve the functions of the body (without playing sports!): brain function, metabolism, hemodynamics, breathing, intrasecretory work of the glands, maintaining the natural temperature in the body.

Of course, at first it’s not so easy to make calculations, but the basic list of products that are consumed every day, as a rule, remains unchanged and in the near future you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to determine your norm and, if necessary, adjust your nutrition.

Determination of the daily norm by age and activity level:


  • 2400–2600.
  • 2600–2800.
  • 3000–3200.


  • Minimum level of physical activity 2000–2200.
  • Moderate physical activity 2400–2600.
  • Intense physical activity 2600–2800.

Ages 61 and older:

  • Minimum level of physical activity 2000 .
  • Moderate physical activity 2200–2400.
  • Intense physical activity 2400–2600.

Fasting is not a way to lose weight! When the number of calories consumed suddenly decreases, an “alarm signal” goes off in the body, which leads to loss of muscle mass, and not at all to getting rid of fat. Why is this happening? Glucose is vital for humans, which means the body will strive to get it in any way possible!

On the first day, the glycogen reserve is used for this, the largest amount of which is found in the liver, as well as in the muscles. But the very next day, glucose is “taken” from the muscles, leading to their degeneration, which means that after the hunger strike is over, you will have to start “reviving” the muscle tissue. If you are malnourished at first, weight decreases due to loss of muscle mass, and fat reserves are consumed last.

The problem is that not everyone wants to devote time to training, and not everyone can choose the right load to strengthen their muscles. Conclusion - fasting not only does not get rid of excess fat, but on the contrary, it increases its amount, because fat replaces lost muscle and weight can increase from 15 to 100%!

A starving person becomes slow and nervous, and the expected result cannot be achieved.

Don't try to control your weight this way! Safer and more natural options are proper nutrition and exercise.

Perhaps many men question the benefits of counting the calorie content of foods, but the main arguments in favor should be the desire to maintain health, optimism and attractiveness in old age!

There are many myths about losing weight. In pursuit of a beautiful body, girls starve themselves and torture themselves with training. Often all these experiments end in breakdowns and weight gain. To lose weight, you definitely need to eat, but at the same time keep count of KBJU. You can calculate the daily calorie intake for a woman when losing weight using special calculators and smartphone applications; as a result, you will know how many kilocalories the body needs per day to lose weight.

What are calories

The energy value of the product indicated on the packaging or in the relevant tables is calculated in kilocalories. Calories are units of measurement of the energy value of food, i.e. how much energy the human body must expend to process food. There are 1000 calories in 1 kcal, this is important to remember when calculating calories. Daily caloric intake for weight loss is also measured in kilocalories.

Daily calorie intake

A certain amount of food that a person needs to consume to ensure the normal functioning of the body - calorie intake or calorie intake per day. When we sleep, blink, inhale, exhale, we expend energy. During fasting, the body becomes exhausted. He does not receive his daily dose of energy and begins to “get” it from his reserves. The main reserve (glycemic) is in the liver, if it is not restored in time, the body begins to take useful substances from the muscles, causing catabolic processes, and only after that from adipose tissue.

There can be two reasons for weight gain: either you are overeating or undereating. When the body does not receive enough energy, it begins to store it in reserve, in so-called fat traps, in case of stressful situations or hunger strike. Excess calories lead to body fat, increased cholesterol levels and, subsequently, obesity. Calorie zigzag (uneven consumption of kilocalories) disrupts metabolism. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the average daily norm.

Daily calorie intake for women

Nutritionists recommend a daily calorie intake for women of 2100-3000 kcal, this is enough to cover the main energy consumption for metabolism. To adjust your weight, you need to slightly reduce/increase this indicator. Often people deliberately reduce the caloric content of their diet to a minimum, naively thinking that this way they can lose weight faster.

Calories for weight loss

You can often find on the Internet and relevant literature on dietetics diets with a minimum of 1500 kcal, but this amount is not enough. To lose weight comfortably, you need to reduce the number of calories for weight loss by about 10% (create a deficit of 100-200 kilocalories). The daily calorie intake for weight loss is individual for each woman.

Calorie calculation for weight loss

There are counter programs on smartphones and special online calculators. With their help you can calculate your calorie intake per day. You can also calculate calories manually using the formulas that these services use, for example, the Mifflin-Saint-Geor or Harris-Benedict formula. They take into account a person’s parameters: weight, height, age, activity level, which are multiplied by the corresponding coefficients. In addition to calories, you need to maintain a balance of nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The ratio of BZHU for weight loss is 40%/20%/40%.

It's important to eat right. The diet should consist of healthy, high quality foods. It is advisable to limit the consumption of sweets, especially store-bought ones. To satisfy this need, you can eat some dried fruits, berries or honey, but strictly limit the amount. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Sufficient water consumption (40 ml per 1 kg of weight) will speed up metabolic processes and promote the rapid removal of fat cells.

The daily calorie intake for weight loss is calculated in the app in a few seconds, and calculating your BJU is also not difficult. After determining the norm, at the initial stage you need to clearly control your food intake, record it in programs or manually. By following this regimen, you can lose 2 kg in a week. Physical activity should be increased to achieve maximum effect. In the future, you will be able to determine by eye the approximate calorie content and weight of the dishes.

Formula for calculating calories for weight loss

The amount of energy required to ensure the normal functioning of the human body is called basal metabolism (BMR). Every day, 70% of all food consumed goes to physical activity, 10% to digesting food, 20% to other activities. Formula for calculating calories per day of Mifflin-St. Geor for women:

GV = (10 × weight (kg)) + (6.25 × height (cm)) – (5 × age (years)) – 161.

Harris-Benedict formula for calculating calories for weight loss for women (permissible deviation ±200 kcal):

GV = 447.593 + (9.247 × weight (kg)) + (3.098 × height (cm)) – (4.330 × age (years)).

Calorie table for weight loss

Presented in the table are calories per day for women. Range – minimum-maximum kilocalories. Daily calorie intake for women for weight loss, depending on age category and lifestyle:


There are many things that humanity can easily give up. But there is something that is necessary for survival and procreation - food and water. And if the water balance needs to be maintained by a certain number of liters of liquid daily, then with food everything is much more complicated.

Proper nutrition is the source of fitness and well-being. A correct calculation of the calorie intake per day will allow you to keep yourself in good shape, forgetting about ailments.

Any activity requires a certain amount of energy expenditure. Without them, physical and mental abilities do not fully manifest themselves. Eating a diet that provides a lot of energy increases fat mass. On the contrary, with a low-calorie diet, gradual weight loss begins.

The whole difficulty lies in finding the golden mean. Losing weight or gaining muscle mass should be, first of all, guided by proper nutrition, and the number of calories must be selected as accurately as possible.

There is an expert opinion on how many calories you should consume per day. For the stronger sex - about 2500 cal., for the weaker sex - 2000 cal. These numbers are approximate.

There are many factors that influence these values:

  • Lifestyle;
  • work activity;
  • schedule;
  • meal times;
  • age;
  • amount of physical activity.

You cannot put, for example, a manager in an office and a worker in the construction of a residential building on the same level.

At the same time, it is possible to take out some axioms:

  • the older a person is, the less energy he needs;
  • a man needs more energy than a woman;
  • pregnant and young mothers form reserves for themselves and their baby;
  • during heavy physical activity, the diet must be doubled.

Impact of the quality of calories consumed

Food should consist of equal amounts of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The percentages are 30, 50 and 20. Without these proportions, excess fat remains in the body.

And with excessive consumption of carbohydrates with a decrease in the value of proteins, you will immediately feel a lack of strength, lethargy, and decreased immunity. When you lose one thing, you gain another.

Calculation of daily caloric intake

If we assume that 1 calorie per 1 kg of weight is burned every hour, then further calculation will show what energy is needed for a weight of 75 kg in the amount of 1800 cal.

This value is only sufficient for normal operating conditions. If you add here the digestion of food, physical and mental stress, the number will immediately increase.

Currently, the approximate calculation is as follows: on average, per 1 kg of body weight, you need to burn 24 calories in 1 hour. Calculating calories per day for women is more difficult to perform due to the special physiology of the body.

The weaker sex, according to statistics, gains weight faster. And if you are expecting or giving birth to a child, your weight increases by leaps and bounds.

Lifestyle plays an important role here. With low mobility, middle-aged women will need 1800 per day, with average mobility - 2000, with high mobility - 2200.

When losing weight, subtract 500 units from the value you derived. This scheme will allow you to lose weight by 0.5 kg weekly. The main thing is not to get carried away with weight loss. Reduce calories below 1200 units. undesirable.

The calorie intake for men is significantly different compared to women's. A man needs protein. And to get it, energy reserves will have to be increased.

With a sedentary lifestyle, middle-aged men require 2200 calories, with moderate mobility - 2500 calories, with high mobility - 3000 calories.

Daily calorie intake for weight loss

In order to find out how many calories you need to consume to lose weight, you should calculate your daily energy expenditure. After you have calculated your daily requirement, feel free to subtract 20% from this value, but let us remind you that this figure should not be less than 1200 units.

This will be your calorie intake for weight loss. Strive to stick to the results you get and you will soon feel the changes yourself.

Proper diet for children

If the adult male and female organisms are fully studied, the issue of proper nutrition for children remains on the surface from year to year. Each child is individual.

The quality of food is of paramount importance. Depending on the age, a child needs 800 calories at 1 year, 1500 at 3 years, 2000 at 6 years, 2900 at 13 years.

Keeping yourself in good shape throughout your life is no easy task. Her decision depends only on you.

For questions about proper nutrition, cleansing the body, and choosing the right diet, you can always contact us. In our case, we are always ready to come to your aid.

Photo examples of calculations of the optimal calorie intake per day

It's no secret that to lose weight you need to have a higher calorie intake than your calorie intake. If it depends only on the consumption of food and drinks, then the consumption is divided into basic and additional. Basic calorie expenditure is the energy spent on maintaining life, and additional calorie expenditure is the amount of energy we spend on training and any other physical work. To avoid confusion in these concepts, let's look at them in more detail.

Calculation of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

The body spends much more calories on maintaining vital functions than on training activity. We don’t notice it, but our body spends energy on breathing, metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, cognitive functions and support of the nervous system, heartbeat and the work of other internal organs, maintaining hormonal levels, sleeping, moving and even eating . The work of the body does not stop for a minute.

Calculation of lean body mass (LBM):

LBM = [weight (kg) × (100 - %fat)]/100

BMR = 370 + (21.6 × LBM)

Basic caloric expenditure is related to both the amount of fat and the amount of muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more energy your body expends at rest.

Incremental energy expenditure is divided into calories expended during exercise and calories expended during non-exercise activities.

During training, we spend relatively few calories - on average 400 calories per hour of intense exercise. With three workouts per week, this gives us only 1,200 calories. However, if training is aimed at strengthening muscle tissue, then basic energy expenditure will increase. The body spends more calories building and maintaining muscle than storing and retaining fat.

This includes any spontaneous or routine physical work: walking, shopping, cleaning, cooking, playing with a child, and even working at the computer.

Knowing energy expenditure allows you to correctly calculate the calorie deficit for weight loss, but predicting exact weight loss is quite difficult.

Difficulties may arise due to:

  • Errors in calculating calories consumed;
  • Erroneous assessment of one’s own activity;
  • Fluid retention in the body;
  • Fluid retention in the female body during certain phases of the cycle;
  • Simultaneous growth of muscle mass and fat burning;
  • Inattention to slowing basal caloric expenditure.

To avoid the above difficulties, eat properly within the calorie and BJU range, soberly assess your own non-training activity, trying to maintain it at approximately the same level every day, exercise regularly, weigh yourself and measure volumes at the same time, and also take into account the phase of the menstrual cycle.