Dried foods. Dried vegetables - storage of preparations, use in cooking

About the benefits of dried foods.

1. Apricots (dried apricots) are a healer for the heart and blood vessels. Dried apricots are high in potassium and antioxidants. Dried apricots remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Dried apricot is good for people with thyroid diseases and diabetes.

2. Pineapple. Dried pineapples are sources of potassium and magnesium, iron and zinc, B vitamins and fiber, which is good for digestion. Dried pineapples also help get rid of swelling, give strength and improve your mood. Help to quit smoking - the experience of many smokers suggests that such sweet snacks reduce the craving for smoking.

3.Eggplants. The most valuable property of this product is the ability to quickly rid blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, and generally reduce the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Eggplants contain a lot of copper, cobalt and manganese. These are quite rare elements that improve blood composition and help the spleen work. Eggplants also contain enough iron, so they are useful for anemia. Eggplants contain a lot of potassium and therefore help remove excess fluid from cells. Eggplants are used to lower blood sugar levels.

4. Bananas are a source of potassium, which is necessary for the heart, liver, brain, bones, teeth, but most of all – muscles. Each of us needs at least 1 g of potassium per day, and the optimal daily requirement for adults is 3-4 g. Children also need potassium daily, in the amount of 16 - 30 mg per kg of weight. A lack of potassium in the body can cause dystrophy even with normal protein intake. Dried bananas are rich in natural sugar, which when digested is easily absorbed into the blood. For the same weight, dried bananas contain 5 times more calories than fresh ones. are also used for medicinal purposes. Banana contains the protein tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin. Serotonin improves mood, helps you relax and just feel happy.

5. Grapes (raisins) are useful for everyone, without exception, especially light ones - they contain the maximum amount of potassium, a lot of phosphorus - this helps during intense intellectual work, during exams. Eating raisins is a good prevention of periodontal disease.

6. Dried cherries increase concentration and especially help those who have decided to quit smoking: the substances contained in cherries weaken nicotine addiction.

7. Mushrooms. Any dried mushrooms help you lose weight. In addition, the valuable protein contained in all dried mushrooms without exception, in its nutritional properties is practically not inferior to beef protein, but does not leave behind toxic substances. Dried porcini mushrooms are a powerful antidepressant, intellectual stimulant and migraine remedy.

Dry boletus and boletus help fight anemia, atherosclerosis, as well as “lazy bowel syndrome.” To prepare, they need to be soaked for 4 hours in cold water, then squeezed out and boiled for 30 minutes.

Dried chanterelles are an excellent sorbent; they have the ability to absorb harmful substances that accumulate in our intestines, and at the same time remove radionuclides no worse than red wine. All dried mushrooms, without exception, are rich in potassium, which is good for the heart. The main thing is not to “spoil” dishes made from them with excessive amounts of butter or heavy cream.

Using electric dryers, which you can purchase in our store, you can dry up to 10 kg of fresh mushrooms in 6 hours.

8. Pear. Pear fruits contain unique essential oils, biologically active substances that can increase the body's defenses, resist infectious diseases, have an anti-inflammatory effect and even fight depression. Pear is included in dietary nutrition for preventive and therapeutic purposes for diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, diabetes mellitus, and impaired capillary permeability.

Pear treatment can be carried out almost all year round, since the fruits, when dried, retain almost all biologically active substances.

Dried pear compote can relieve chronic colitis and also increase sexual activity.

9. Dried melon has a good tonic effect, as well as a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, restorative, laxative, cleansing properties (externally cleanses the skin, when taken orally - the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system), improves hematopoiesis, enhances intestinal motility, promotes removes cholesterol from the body and has a normalizing effect on metabolism. In folk medicine, melon is prescribed to debilitated and anemic patients, with anemia and atherosclerosis. Melon is considered especially useful for people who have had liver disease and suffer from constipation.

10. Zucchini contains a small amount of calories, it contains many different microelements - iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sodium. High content of vitamins C and B.

The benefits of zucchini could not be called obvious if it were not for its ease of digestibility by the body. This vegetable is suitable for baby food because it is low-allergenic. It is usually given to children in the form of mashed puree.

It is known that the benefits of zucchini are also manifested in the fact that it contains a lot of vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Stimulates the immune system. Zucchini is recommended for people with anemia, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension.

11.Kiwi. First of all, kiwi is very rich in vitamin C. The berry contains even more of it than citrus fruits. Kiwi promotes the body's absorption of meat due to the content of a substance such as actidine. Due to the presence of potassium and magnesium in considerable quantities in kiwi berries, it helps lower blood pressure. Eating kiwi helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots in them.

12. Dried kiwi is perfect for those who watch their figure - an excellent snack that is convenient to take with you on the road, to work, to school. Drying kiwi is very easy. It is enough to peel, cut in the evening, put in an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits and get ready-made snacks in the morning.

13. Dried strawberries retain all their beneficial properties for two years of storage. Dried berries are especially valuable because they contain pectic acids, which help remove toxins from the body. It is useful to use during the period of exacerbation of seasonal diseases, namely late autumn and early spring. Dried strawberries are also famous as a powerful antidepressant.

14. Dried tomatoes. The most valuable substance in dried tomatoes is lycopene. This carotenoid was discovered relatively recently and it turned out that lycopene is a powerful antioxidant with pronounced antitumor properties. Oncology scientists have now been able to prove that this substance is capable of destroying dangerous cells much more effectively than polyphenols (antitumor substances contained in green tea and red wine). Chlorogenic and coumaric acids contained in tomatoes significantly reduce the harm caused to the body by carcinogens found in cigarette smoke.

15.Pumpkin. Its pulp contains sugars, carotenoids, pectin substances, fiber, macro- and microelements of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, ascorbic acid, vitamins B, E, PP. Pumpkin strengthens memory and gives strength to a physically weak body. Pumpkin porridge is good for children, teenagers and extremely thin people. It helps to improve the health of the stomach and duodenum. It is useful for those suffering from gastritis, enteritis, and colitis. For diabetes mellitus, high fat content of the blood, pumpkin gives a miraculous effect to remove excess bile and mucus from the body.

16. Dates, especially Egyptian ones, are able to combat colds accompanied by high fever: they contain compounds similar in structure to acetylsalicylic acid. By the way, this is one of the few dried fruits that contains a lot of provitamin B5 - it is this that ensures healthy hair and nails.

17. Blueberries are the absolute leader in vitamin A content, which can preserve vision. In addition, it lowers blood sugar levels, and is therefore useful for those who suffer from diabetes.

18. Prunes. Since it contains a lot of plant fiber, prunes are prescribed to people with digestive tract problems. Prunes are useful for vitamin deficiency and anemia.

19.Apples will compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, simultaneously improving the digestion process. Apples are the lowest calorie dried fruit. Fresh apples are not recommended for people with gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as for people with high stomach acidity. Many of these people are offered baked and dried apples instead of fresh ones; they are considered much safer.

Dried apples are also a good substitute for chips and crackers. After all, everything in them is natural, there are much fewer calories, and many times more benefits and vitamins.

20.Dried fruits will give you health, longevity and well-being. The electric dryers offered in our store can ensure their high-quality preparation. Each Zdravushka electric dryer from the Molgato brand comes with a booklet with recommendations on how to prepare for drying, dry and store various products after drying.

Dried vegetables and fruits retain all their taste and almost all vitamins:

Vitamin C is almost completely preserved in whole fruits. And if the product is cut before drying, then the loss is slightly greater.

Carotene is completely preserved in products. Therefore, carrots and sweet peppers, which are richest in carotene, should be stored in a dark place to avoid the destruction of carotene (provitamin A).

The nutritional value of dried foods is also preserved. In addition, due to the evaporation of moisture, the concentration of sugar increases, causing fruits and vegetables containing sugar to become sweet. That is why the calorie content of dried apricots is four times higher.

Dried foods take up significantly less space than fresh ones. The weight of the products is also much lower. After all, most of the moisture has been removed from them. Dried products are very convenient to store, so a 0.5 liter jar can hold 40 dried tomatoes or 50 dried peppers.

Reconstruction of dried products.

Properly dried food using electric dryers can be easily rehydrated (restored with water). They practically return to their original size, shape and appearance. After reconstitution, they usually have almost the same aroma and taste and retain most of the vitamins and microelements. There are several methods for restoring dried foods. One of the most effective ways to restore dried foods is to use an electric steamer. Place the food in a large cup and fill it with water. Circulating steam will help moisture penetrate the food and return it to its original fresh appearance. For the most successful rehydration, follow the operating instructions for your steamer.

You can resort to soaking dried foods in a shallow container. It is necessary to pour water so that it only covers the food, wait 1-2 hours until the food is restored. If you soak overnight, place the container in the refrigerator.

Dried vegetables and fruits retain their taste and almost all vitamins. In addition, due to the evaporation of moisture, the concentration of sugar increases, causing fruits and vegetables to become sweet. That is why the calorie content of some of them increases four times.

Apricots and pineapples
Dried apricots are a healer for the heart and blood vessels. It has a lot of potassium and antioxidants. Dried apricots remove harmful cholesterol from the body and are useful for people with thyroid diseases and diabetes.
Dried pineapples are a source of potassium and magnesium, iron and zinc, B vitamins and fiber, which is good for digestion. They also help get rid of swelling, give strength and improve mood, and help quit smoking - the experience of many smokers suggests that such sweet snacks reduce the craving for smoking.

Grapes and cherries

Raisins are useful for everyone, without exception, especially light ones - they contain the maximum amount of potassium, a lot of phosphorus - this helps during intense intellectual work. Eating raisins is a good prevention of periodontal disease.
Dried cherries increase concentration and especially help those who decide to quit smoking: the substances contained in cherries weaken nicotine addiction.

Pear and melon
Pear fruits contain unique essential oils, biologically active substances that can increase the body's defenses, resist infectious diseases, have an anti-inflammatory effect and even fight depression. Dried pear compote can relieve chronic colitis and also increase sexual activity.
Dried melon has a good tonic effect, as well as diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, restorative, laxative, cleansing properties, improves hematopoietic processes, enhances intestinal motility, promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body, and normalizes metabolism. It is considered especially useful for people who have had liver disease and suffer from constipation.

Overseas fruits
Bananas are a source of potassium, which is necessary for the entire body, but most of all for the muscles. Dried bananas are rich in natural sugar, which when digested is easily absorbed into the blood. This fruit contains the protein tryptophan, which turns into serotonin, which improves your mood, helps you relax and just feel happy.
Kiwi berries contain even more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Kiwi helps the body absorb meat due to the content of a substance such as actidine. The presence of potassium and magnesium in large quantities in the berry reduces blood pressure. Eating kiwi helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots in them. Dried kiwi is perfect for those who are watching their figure.

Eggplants and zucchini
Blue ones rid blood vessels of cholesterol plaques; they contain a lot of copper, cobalt and manganese. These rare elements improve blood composition and help the spleen work. Eggplants also contain enough iron, so they are useful for anemia. The vegetable contains a lot of potassium and therefore helps remove excess fluid from cells. Eggplants are used to lower blood sugar levels.
Zucchini contains a small amount of calories, but many different microelements - iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sodium. High in vitamins C and B. This vegetable is suitable for baby food because it does not cause allergies. Dried zucchini has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the immune system.

The valuable protein contained in all dried mushrooms, without exception, is not inferior in its nutritional properties to beef protein, but does not leave behind toxic substances. Dried porcini mushrooms are a powerful antidepressant, intellectual stimulant and migraine remedy. Dry boletus and boletus help fight anemia, atherosclerosis, and lazy bowel syndrome. Dried chanterelles are an excellent sorbent; they absorb harmful substances that accumulate in the intestines and remove radionuclides. Without exception, all dried mushrooms are rich in potassium, which is good for the heart.

How to dry
The easiest way to dry fruits, berries and mushrooms is in the oven. If you want the product to retain its natural color, you need to place the cut pieces in a container with citrus juice for half an hour, let the juice drain and place the fruits and vegetables on a wire rack and place in the oven for 10-12 hours, maintaining a constant temperature of 60-70 degrees .
Eat healthy all year round!

Dried foods are certainly not as juicy or attractive as their fresh counterparts. But this does not mean that they are less useful. Rather, it's exactly the opposite.

1. Apricots (dried apricots)

This is a healer for the heart and blood vessels. Dried apricots are high in potassium and antioxidants. Dried apricots remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Dried apricot is good for people with thyroid diseases and diabetes.

2. Pineapple.

Dried pineapples are sources of potassium and magnesium, iron and zinc, B vitamins and fiber, which is good for digestion. Dried pineapples also help get rid of swelling, give strength and improve your mood. Help to quit smoking - the experience of many smokers suggests that such sweet snacks reduce the craving for smoking.

3. Eggplants.

The most valuable property of this product is the ability to quickly rid blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, and generally reduce the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Eggplants contain a lot of copper, cobalt and manganese. These are quite rare elements that improve blood composition and help the spleen work. Eggplants also contain enough iron, so they are useful for anemia. Eggplants contain a lot of potassium and therefore help remove excess fluid from cells. Eggplants are used to lower blood sugar levels.

4. Bananas

This is a source of potassium, necessary for the heart, liver, brain, bones, teeth, but most of all – muscles. Each of us needs at least 1 g of potassium per day, and the optimal daily requirement for adults is 3-4 g. Children also need potassium daily, in the amount of 16 - 30 mg per kg of weight. A lack of potassium in the body can cause dystrophy even with normal protein intake. Dried bananas are rich in natural sugar, which when digested is easily absorbed into the blood. For the same weight, dried bananas contain 5 times more calories than fresh ones. are also used for medicinal purposes. Banana contains the protein tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin. Serotonin improves mood, helps you relax and just feel happy.

5. Grapes (raisins)

It is useful for everyone without exception, especially the light one - it contains the maximum amount of potassium, a lot of phosphorus - this helps during intense intellectual work, during exams. Eating raisins is a good prevention of periodontal disease.

6. Cherry

Dried cherries increase concentration and especially help those who decide to quit smoking: the substances contained in cherries weaken nicotine addiction.

7. Mushrooms.

Any dried mushrooms help you lose weight. In addition, the valuable protein contained in all dried mushrooms without exception, in its nutritional properties is practically not inferior to beef protein, but does not leave behind toxic substances. Dried porcini mushrooms are a powerful antidepressant, intellectual stimulant and migraine remedy.
Dry boletus and boletus help fight anemia, atherosclerosis, as well as “lazy bowel syndrome.” To prepare, they need to be soaked for 4 hours in cold water, then squeezed out and boiled for 30 minutes.
Dried chanterelles are an excellent sorbent; they have the ability to absorb harmful substances that accumulate in our intestines, and at the same time remove radionuclides no worse than red wine. All dried mushrooms, without exception, are rich in potassium, which is good for the heart. The main thing is not to “spoil” dishes made from them with excessive amounts of butter or heavy cream.
Using electric dryers, which you can purchase in our store, you can dry up to 10 kg of fresh mushrooms in 6 hours.

8. Pear.

Pear fruits contain unique essential oils, biologically active substances that can increase the body's defenses, resist infectious diseases, have an anti-inflammatory effect and even fight depression. Pear is included in dietary nutrition for preventive and therapeutic purposes for diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, diabetes mellitus, and impaired capillary permeability.
Pear treatment can be carried out almost all year round, since the fruits, when dried, retain almost all biologically active substances.
Dried pear compote can relieve chronic colitis and also increase sexual activity.

9. Melon

Dried melon has a good tonic effect, as well as a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, restorative, laxative, cleansing properties (externally cleanses the skin, when taken orally - the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system), improves hematopoiesis, enhances intestinal motility, promotes excretion cholesterol in the body, has a normalizing effect on metabolism. In folk medicine, melon is prescribed to debilitated and anemic patients, with anemia and atherosclerosis. Melon is considered especially useful for people who have had liver disease and suffer from constipation.

10. Zucchini

Contains a small amount of calories, it contains many different microelements - iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sodium. High content of vitamins C and B.
The benefits of zucchini could not be called obvious if it were not for its ease of digestibility by the body. This vegetable is suitable for baby food because it is low-allergenic. It is usually given to children in the form of mashed puree. It is known that the benefits of zucchini are also manifested in the fact that it contains a lot of vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Stimulates the immune system. Zucchini is recommended for people with anemia, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension.

11. Kiwi.

First of all, kiwi is very rich in vitamin C. The berry contains even more of it than citrus fruits. Kiwi promotes the body's absorption of meat due to the content of a substance such as actidin. Due to the presence of potassium and magnesium in considerable quantities in kiwi berries, it helps lower blood pressure. Eating kiwi helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots in them.
Dried kiwi is perfect for those who are watching their figure - an excellent snack that is convenient to take with you on the road, to work, to school. Drying kiwi is very easy. It is enough to peel, cut in the evening, put in an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits and get ready-made snacks in the morning.

12. Strawberry

Dried strawberries retain all their beneficial properties for two years of storage. Dried berries are especially valuable because they contain pectic acids, which help remove toxins from the body. It is useful to use during the period of exacerbation of seasonal diseases, namely late autumn and early spring. Dried strawberries are also famous as a powerful antidepressant.

13. Dried tomatoes.

The most valuable substance in dried tomatoes is lycopene. This carotenoid was discovered relatively recently and it turned out that lycopene is a powerful antioxidant with pronounced antitumor properties. Oncology scientists have now been able to prove that this substance is capable of destroying dangerous cells much more effectively than polyphenols (antitumor substances contained in green tea and red wine). Chlorogenic and coumaric acids contained in tomatoes significantly reduce the harm caused to the body by carcinogens found in cigarette smoke.

14. Pumpkin.

Its pulp contains sugars, carotenoids, pectin substances, fiber, macro- and microelements of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, ascorbic acid, vitamins B, E, PP. Pumpkin strengthens memory and gives strength to a physically weak body. Pumpkin porridge is good for children, teenagers and extremely thin people. It helps to improve the health of the stomach and duodenum. It is useful for those suffering from gastritis, enteritis, and colitis. For diabetes mellitus, high fat content of the blood, pumpkin gives a miraculous effect to remove excess bile and mucus from the body.

15. Dates

Dates, especially Egyptian ones, are able to combat colds accompanied by high fever: they contain compounds similar in structure to acetylsalicylic acid. By the way, this is one of the few dried fruits that contains a lot of provitamin B5 - it is this that ensures healthy hair and nails.

16. Blueberries

The absolute leader in vitamin A content, which can preserve vision. In addition, it lowers blood sugar levels, and is therefore useful for those who suffer from diabetes.

17. Prunes.

Since it contains a lot of plant fiber, prunes are prescribed to people with digestive tract problems. Prunes are useful for vitamin deficiency and anemia.

18. Apples

They will replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals, simultaneously improving the digestion process. Apples are the lowest calorie dried fruit. Fresh apples are not recommended for people with gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as for people with high stomach acidity. Many of these people are offered baked and dried apples instead of fresh ones; they are considered much safer.
Dried apples are also a good substitute for chips and crackers. After all, everything in them is natural, there are much fewer calories, and many times more benefits and vitamins.
Dried fruits will give you health, longevity and well-being.
Dried vegetables and fruits retain all their taste and almost all vitamins.
Vitamin C is almost completely preserved in whole fruits. And if the product is cut before drying, then the loss is slightly greater.
Carotene is completely preserved in products. Therefore, carrots and sweet peppers, which are richest in carotene, should be stored in a dark place to avoid the destruction of carotene (provitamin A).
The nutritional value of dried foods is also preserved. In addition, due to the evaporation of moisture, the concentration of sugar increases, causing fruits and vegetables containing sugar to become sweet. That is why the calorie content of dried apricots is four times higher.
Dried foods take up significantly less space than fresh ones. The weight of the products is also much lower. After all, most of the moisture has been removed from them. Dried products are very convenient to store, so a 0.5 liter jar can hold 40 dried tomatoes or 50 dried peppers.

Reconstruction of dried products.

Properly dried food using electric dryers can be easily rehydrated (restored with water). They practically return to their original size, shape and appearance. After reconstitution, they usually have almost the same aroma and taste and retain most of the vitamins and microelements. There are several methods for restoring dried foods. One of the most effective ways to restore dried foods is to use an electric steamer. Place the food in a large cup and fill it with water. Circulating steam will help moisture penetrate the food and return it to its original fresh appearance. For the most successful rehydration, follow the operating instructions for your steamer.
You can resort to soaking dried foods in a shallow container. It is necessary to pour water so that it only covers the food, wait 1-2 hours until the food is restored. If you soak overnight, place the container in the refrigerator.

In a modern world full of interesting events, it is increasingly difficult to find time to prepare delicious home-cooked meals. And sometimes you want to sit at home at a large table with family and friends and have leisurely conversations while enjoying amazing food.

We offer you delicious natural dishes, the preparation of which you will spend a minimum of time, but will certainly appreciate their great taste!

  • New

    Compound: dried boiled red beans, dried potatoes, dried carrots, dried onions, salt, dried parsley and dried coriander.

    Net weight: 140 g

    Cooking method:

    Best before date

    : Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 14.5 1.7 61.0, 317 kcal.



  • New

    SOUP SET "SOUP WITH PASTA" in vacuum packaging 140g.


    Net weight: 140 g

    Cooking method:: To prepare, you will need 2.5 liters of meat broth or water, cook for 25 minutes. The package includes 4 servings.

    Best before date: 12 months. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25C and relative humidity not exceeding 75%.

    Nutritional and energy value of 100g of product:

    Manufacturer: LLC "S-Fruit of Siberia" tm "Siberian open spaces"

    Contraindications: Individual intolerance to components

  • New

    Compound: dried potatoes, dried cabbage, dried carrots, dried beets, dried onions, salt, bay leaf, dried parsley.

    Net weight: 140 g

    Cooking method:: To prepare, you will need 2.5 liters of meat broth or water, cook for 25 minutes. The package includes 4 servings.

    Best before date: 12 months. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25C and relative humidity not exceeding 75%.

    Nutritional and energy value of 100g of product:: Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 11.5 1.6 64.0, 316 kcal.

    Manufacturer: LLC "S-Fruit of Siberia" tm "Siberian open spaces"

    Contraindications: Individual intolerance to components

  • New

    Compound: steamed rice, dried potatoes, dried carrots, dried onions, salt, dried parsley and dried coriander.

    Net weight: 140 g

    Cooking method:

    Best before date: 12 months. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25C and relative humidity not exceeding 75%.

    Nutritional and energy value of 100g of product:: Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 8.6 1.5 74.0, 344 kcal.

    Manufacturer: LLC "S-Fruit of Siberia" tm "Siberian open spaces"

    Contraindications: Individual intolerance to components

  • New

    Compound: dried boiled chickpeas, dried potatoes, dried carrots, dried onions, salt, dried parsley and dried coriander.

    Net weight: 140 g

    Cooking method:: Package includes 4 servings. To prepare, you will need 2.5 liters of meat broth or water, cook for 25 minutes.

    Best before date: Shelf life 12 months. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25C and relative humidity not exceeding 75%.

    Nutritional and energy value of 100g of product:: Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 15.0 1.5 63.0, 326 kcal.

    Manufacturer: LLC "S-Fruit of Siberia" tm "Siberian open spaces"

    Contraindications: Individual intolerance to components

  • New

    Compound: pasta, dried potatoes, dried carrots, dried onions, salt, dried parsley and dried coriander.

    Net weight: 70g

    Cooking method:: Package includes 2 servings. To prepare, you will need 1 liter of meat broth or water, cook for 15-20 minutes.

    Best before date: 12 months at a temperature not exceeding +25 C and relative humidity 75%

    Nutritional and energy value of 100g of product:: Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 11.0 1.0 76.0, 356 kcal.

    Manufacturer: LLC "S-Fruit of Siberia" tm "Siberian open spaces"

    Contraindications: Individual intolerance to components

    : Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 8.6 1.5 74.0, 344 kcal.

    Manufacturer: LLC "S-Fruit of Siberia" tm "Siberian open spaces"

    Contraindications: Individual intolerance to components


It is important to maintain the necessary supply of vitamins and nutrients in the body. Everyone without exception knows about this, and dried fruits and berries have long been considered excellent helpers in this. Dried fruits belong to the category of concentrated, and also sweet, products. However, they do not contain the sugar that we are used to putting in tea, but fructose and glucose, which do not increase the level of insulin in the blood. Dried fruits are high in calories, but these are not the “harmful” calories found in sweets and cakes.

1. Apricots (dried apricots) is a healer for the heart and blood vessels. Dried apricots are high in potassium and antioxidants. Dried apricots remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Dried apricot is good for people with thyroid diseases and diabetes.

2. Pineapple. Dried pineapples are sources of potassium and magnesium, iron and zinc, B vitamins and fiber, which is good for digestion. Dried pineapples also help get rid of swelling, give strength and improve your mood. Help to quit smoking - the experience of many smokers suggests that such sweet snacks reduce the craving for smoking.

3. Eggplants. The most valuable property of this product is the ability to quickly rid blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, and generally reduce the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Eggplants contain a lot of copper, cobalt and manganese. These are quite rare elements that improve blood composition and help the spleen work. Eggplants also contain enough iron, so they are useful for anemia. Eggplants contain a lot of potassium and therefore help remove excess fluid from cells. Eggplants are used to lower blood sugar levels.

4. Bananas– a source of potassium, necessary for the heart, liver, brain, bones, teeth, but most of all – muscles. Each of us needs at least 1 g of potassium per day, and the optimal daily requirement for adults is 3-4 g. Children also need potassium daily, in the amount of 16 - 30 mg per kg of weight. A lack of potassium in the body can cause dystrophy even with normal protein intake. Dried bananas are rich in natural sugar, which when digested is easily absorbed into the blood. For the same weight, dried bananas contain 5 times more calories than fresh ones. are also used for medicinal purposes. Banana contains the protein tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin. Serotonin improves mood, helps you relax and just feel happy.

5. Grapes (raisins) useful to everyone without exception, especially light - it contains the maximum amount of potassium, a lot of phosphorus - this helps during intense intellectual work, during exams. Eating raisins is a good prevention of periodontal disease.

6. Cherry dried increases concentration and especially helps those who decide to quit smoking: the substances contained in cherries weaken nicotine addiction.

7. Mushrooms. Any dried mushrooms help you lose weight. In addition, the valuable protein contained in all dried mushrooms without exception, in its nutritional properties is practically not inferior to beef protein, but does not leave behind toxic substances. Dried porcini mushrooms are a powerful antidepressant, intellectual stimulant and migraine remedy.
Dry boletus and boletus help fight anemia, atherosclerosis, as well as “lazy bowel syndrome.” To prepare, they need to be soaked for 4 hours in cold water, then squeezed out and boiled for 30 minutes.

Dried chanterelles are an excellent sorbent; they have the ability to absorb harmful substances that accumulate in our intestines, and at the same time remove radionuclides no worse than red wine. All dried mushrooms, without exception, are rich in potassium, which is good for the heart. The main thing is not to “spoil” dishes made from them with excessive amounts of butter or heavy cream.
Using electric dryers, which you can purchase in our store, you can dry up to 10 kg of fresh mushrooms in 6 hours.

8. Pear. Pear fruits contain unique essential oils, biologically active substances that can increase the body's defenses, resist infectious diseases, have an anti-inflammatory effect and even fight depression. Pear is included in dietary nutrition for preventive and therapeutic purposes for diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, diabetes mellitus, and impaired capillary permeability.
Pear treatment can be carried out almost all year round, since the fruits, when dried, retain almost all biologically active substances.
Dried pear compote can relieve chronic colitis and also increase sexual activity.

9. Dates, especially Egyptian ones, are able to defeat colds accompanied by high fever: they contain compounds similar in structure to acetylsalicylic acid. By the way, this is one of the few dried fruits that contains a lot of provitamin B5 - it is this that ensures healthy hair and nails.

10. Blueberries– the absolute leader in vitamin A content, which can preserve vision. In addition, it lowers blood sugar levels, and is therefore useful for those who suffer from diabetes.

11. Prunes. Since it contains a lot of plant fiber, prunes are prescribed to people with digestive tract problems. Prunes are useful for vitamin deficiency and anemia.

12. Apples will compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, simultaneously improving the digestion process. Apples are the lowest calorie dried fruit. Fresh apples are not recommended for people with gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as for people with high stomach acidity. Many of these people are offered baked and dried apples instead of fresh ones; they are considered much safer.
Dried apples are also a good substitute for chips and crackers. After all, everything in them is natural, there are much fewer calories, and many times more benefits and vitamins.

13. Dried fruits will give health, longevity and well-being. The electric dryers offered in our store can ensure their high-quality preparation. Each Zdravushka electric dryer from the Molgato brand comes with a booklet with recommendations on how to prepare for drying, dry and store various products after drying.

! Reconstruction of dried products

Properly dried food using electric dryers can be easily rehydrated (restored with water). They practically return to their original size, shape and appearance. After reconstitution, they usually have almost the same aroma and taste and retain most of the vitamins and microelements. There are several methods for restoring dried foods. One of the most effective ways to restore dried foods is to use an electric steamer. Place the food in a large cup and fill it with water. Circulating steam will help moisture penetrate the food and return it to its original fresh appearance. For the most successful rehydration, follow the operating instructions for your steamer.

You can resort to soaking dried foods in a shallow container. It is necessary to pour water so that it only covers the food, wait 1-2 hours until the food is restored. If you soak overnight, place the container in the refrigerator.