Pike perch in the oven: recipes with photos. Baked pike perch Recipe for cooking pike perch in foil on the grill

In terms of its structure, pike perch is a lean and non-bony fish. Because of its dryness, it is unfairly ignored. Thanks to a selection of the best recipes, housewives will begin to cook pike perch with love. This fish is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Dietary pike perch meat contains only 84 calories. There is practically no fat in it. It is sold fresh, chilled or frozen. Unlike freshwater pike perch, sea pike perch have darker flesh.

The secrets of experienced chefs will allow you to cook pike perch correctly. Delicious fish can be used to make fish soup, soups, baked in the oven and fried.

Fried pike perch in a frying pan

How to make rich fish soup

Required ingredients:

  • head and tail of pike perch;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • bulbs - 2 pcs;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • white rice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, whole bay leaf;
  • allspice and bitter pepper;
  • greenery.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 100 grams 92 kcal.

  1. Remove scales from fish parts and remove gills. Wash everything thoroughly under cold water.
  2. Place the fish inside the pan, fill it with drinking water, and let it cook. After boiling, add the whole onion, bay leaf, pepper, and salt.
  3. Cook the head and tail until done. While they are cooking, fry the onions and carrots. Peel and cut the potatoes. Rinse the rice.
  4. Remove the fish from the pan and strain the broth. Place on the stove, bring to a boil, add chopped potatoes and rice. If necessary, add salt to taste.
  5. Reduce heat and add the fried herbs at the end of cooking.
  6. Serve as a hot dish with sour cream.

Pike perch in Polish

Required ingredients:

  • pike perch steaks - 3 pcs;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • celery root - 30 g;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs;
  • salt, spices, herbs.

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Calorie content: 100 grams 91.9 kcal.

  1. Make vegetable broth from whole carrots, onions, potatoes, and celery (no need to cut vegetables). Salt it and season with spices. At the end of cooking, place the fish steaks in the water. Cook until the fish is done, being careful not to overcook it.
  2. Take out the boiled potatoes and celery, mash them with a fork adding hot milk and butter. A large quantity of potatoes is mashed with a potato masher to make a puree.
  3. Crushed potatoes, pieces of boiled carrots, and fish steaks are placed on portioned plates. Pour broth on top. It’s better to do this through a sieve, in case a bone or scale gets caught.
  4. The finishing touch to the dish is given by a grated egg, which should be sprinkled liberally over the contents of the plate.
  5. Decorate the pike perch in Polish with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Read how to prepare a delicious dish that came to us from Central Asia -.

What is tkemali sauce, what is it made from and what to serve it with in our article.

From zucchini and potatoes - we have collected several interesting recipes that can be prepared every day.

Recipe for cooking a whole pike perch in foil

Required ingredients:

  • pike perch weighing up to 5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • sprigs of rosemary;
  • salt, spices for fish;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • leek - 100 gr;
  • mayonnaise - 50 g;
  • greens for decoration;
  • oil for lubrication.

Cooking time: 1.5 hours.

Calorie content: 83.5 kcal.

  1. The fish is usually baked whole with head and tail. The gills must be removed from the head, otherwise it will taste bitter. Make a convenient incision along the abdomen. Remove scales and entrails.
  2. Rinse the fish well and dry with a napkin. Salt generously and rub with spices.
  3. While the pike perch is salting, you need to cut the onion and carrots into slices.
  4. Grease a piece of foil with vegetable oil to prevent the skin from sticking during baking.
  5. Place foil inside the pan in which the fish will be baked. Place the pike perch and pour lemon juice over it.
  6. Place carrots and leeks inside. Place sprigs of rosemary around the carcass.
  7. Wrap the foil. Place the contents inside the preheated oven for 40-45 minutes. Willingness to check with a splinter.
  8. Carefully remove the finished fish from the oven, unwrap it and remove the foil.
  9. If the pike perch is served on a separate dish, you need to transfer it there.
  10. Decorate the top with a mesh of mayonnaise, cover the edges with vegetables and herbs.
  11. Serve cold or hot.

Recipe for pike perch fillet with potatoes

Required ingredients:

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • pike perch fillet - 700 gr;
  • onion - 250 gr;
  • Russian cheese - 150 gr;
  • mayonnaise - 180 ml;
  • salt, spices;
  • oil for greasing the baking sheet.

Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes.

Calorie content: 117.9 kcal.

  1. Peel enough potatoes and onions. Cut potatoes and onions into slices.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with any oil. Place a layer of onions and potatoes. Salt everything and sprinkle with spices. Pour in mayonnaise.
  3. On top is a layer of onion with pieces of fish fillet. Salt and pepper. Pour in mayonnaise.
  4. Cover the fish with a layer of potatoes mixed with the remaining mayonnaise. Sprinkle with cheese and bake inside the oven until done.
  5. Serve with vegetables, pickled mushrooms or sauerkraut.

Quick marinated fish


  • deboned pike perch - 700 g;
  • onions - 250 gr;
  • vinegar 9% 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • peppercorns, whole bay leaf;
  • chilled boiled water.

Cooking time: 30 minutes (plus 3-4 hours for marinating)

Calorie content: 97.9 kcal

  1. Cut the cleaned fish into small pieces. Place them in a container in which it will be convenient to mix everything. Cover it with salt and spices, pour out half the vinegar. Mix everything well and let stand for a while.
  2. While the ingredient is marinating, cut the onion into half rings. Press it with your hands and add to the fish.
  3. You need to marinate pike perch in glass jars or a stainless saucepan. Plastic or aluminum utensils are not allowed.
  4. Place fish and onions in prepared containers, periodically add bay leaves and pepper. Compact the surface well. Pour the resulting juice there, add the remaining vinegar and vegetable oil on top.
  5. If there is not enough liquid, you can add cold boiled water to the required volume.
  6. Cover with a lid and place inside the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. The finished fish should change color, it will turn white. Thanks to onions, spices and vinegar, its taste will become piquant. Vegetable oil will give dry fish juiciness.
  7. A quick marinated dish will be an ideal snack for potatoes.

  1. To ensure juicy fish dishes, you need to cover or steam them before finishing cooking.
  2. You should not cook pike perch in butter, it hardens quickly, it is better to use vegetable varieties.
  3. Fried fish goes very well with tomato sauce, ketchup, sour cream, and mayonnaise.
  4. It is recommended to additionally filter fish broths. If you don't do this, you may end up with bones in your soup or soup.
  5. Cook exclusively fresh fish; if there is an unpleasant smell, it means it is spoiled.
  6. Rosemary and special spice sets will help enhance the taste of fish dishes.
  7. You need to salt pike perch fish in advance before frying. Otherwise, it will not have time to salt inside.

Bon appetit!


What to cook with fish? But if you have pike perch, there should be no problems with cooking. Pike perch is the most delicious river fish that can be caught in all reservoirs of the European part of the country. The average weight of pike perch is from 600g to 3.0 kilograms; specimens weighing more than 18 kilograms are rarely found. River borsch is often confused with pike perch, but it can be distinguished by its scale-covered “cheeks”; this is the fleshy part of the gill covers. Sea pike perch lives in the Caspian Sea and the Dnieper-Bug Estuary; it is distinguished by its wide head and dark color. The meat of real river pike perch, tender, white, is well absorbed by the body, unlike bursh, which has a lot of bones and sea pike perch, whose meat is coarse.

Pike perch requires special care when fishing, as it has spines in its fins and gill covers. Pike perch is used to prepare various fish dishes; it is boiled, fried and stewed; it is rarely used for pickling and smoking, because pike perch meat is not fatty.

The simplest thing you can cook from pike perch is to fry it. You can fry it in pieces, or you can fry the fillet. It is good to remove the fillet if the pike perch is large. Cut the fillet into portions, add salt and pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. Then roll the fish in flour and fry in hot oil for 15 minutes. Serve fried pike perch with vegetables and potatoes.

Boiled pike perch with sauce. Prepare the pike perch and cut into portions. Salt the fish and refrigerate for 1-2 hours. Why add salt to pike perch before cooking? Salt will keep the pieces of pike perch intact and they will not fall apart during cooking. Then the pieces can be washed to remove excess salt and placed in a pan. Pour water over the fish and cook until tender, 30 minutes. Prepare the sauce. Chop two hard-boiled eggs very finely, mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, dilute with warm cream and heat for 3 minutes. Before serving, pour the boiled sauce over the boiled vessel and serve as a side dish with potatoes, vegetables and herbs.

Pike perch stewed with horseradish sauce. Prepare the pike perch and cut it into portions, add salt and refrigerate for 1 hour. Horseradish is the best seasoning used when cooking fish. Prepare the sauce, grate the horseradish root, add salt and sugar. Place half of the horseradish in the pan and place pieces of fish on it, add the other half of the horseradish on top. Dilute sour cream with water 1:1 and pour over fish. Simmer over low heat for 40-50 minutes. Serve the pieces of pike perch, pouring over the sauce obtained during stewing.

Pike perch rolls. To prepare pike perch rolls, you need to take skinless fillet, lightly beat it and salt it. Prepare minced meat. Boil rice and mix with finely chopped boiled egg and fried onions. Spread each pike perch fillet with a thin layer of prepared minced meat and roll into a roll. If the fillet is small, then the roll can be tied or stabbed with a wooden stick. Then dip the roll in beaten eggs and roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil. Serve pike perch rolls with vegetables, herbs and lemon slices.

Pike perch fried in greens. Pike perch fillet, cut into portions, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, roll in flour and dip in beaten eggs. Then dip in breadcrumbs mixed with finely chopped parsley and dill. Press the breading well onto the fish and fry in hot oil on both sides. For garnish, prepare boiled young beans and asparagus, fry shallots with garlic. Boil wide noodles. Serve fried pike perch with noodles and vegetables.

It is best to prepare fish aspic from pike perch. To prepare aspic, fish must be cleaned, gutted, washed, cut off the head, and remove the gills. Cut off the tail of the fish and cut out the fins. Place the head, tail and fins, and if you have them, pike perch caviar in a saucepan and cover with cold water, add parsley roots, parsnips, onion, bay leaf, and salt. Cook over low heat, then add portions of fish and cook for another 15-25 minutes. When the fish is cooked, it must be carefully removed from the broth and placed on a dish as a whole, with head and tail. Strain the fish broth and add pre-soaked gelatin (for 1 kg of fish you need 10 g of gelatin), boil and strain again. Cover the fish with lemon slices, boiled carrot stars, green parsley leaves and carefully pour the broth halfway. When it cools down a little, pour out the remaining fish broth, as much as the dish allows. Cool the aspic. Such a large aspic is prepared for the festive table, for banquets and anniversaries. The aspic can be prepared in portions, without the need to preserve the integrity of the fish. In each bowl, just put a piece of fish, a carrot rose, a slice of lemon and fill it with the prepared filling. Only horseradish with vinegar, horseradish with beets, horseradish with sour cream, mayonnaise, salads and salted and pickled vegetables are served with fish aspic.

Boiled pike perch with vegetables. Prepare vegetables, carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, broccoli, cut and place on the bottom of the pan. Then prepare the fish, cut it into pieces, add salt and pepper, and place it on top of the vegetables. Pour some water into the pan and place on low heat. Simmer for 30 minutes. When everything is ready, place pieces of fish on a plate with boiled vegetables on them, pour over melted butter and serve hot.

Pike perch on toast. Cut the pike perch fillet into pieces diagonally, place on a greased baking sheet, add salt and pepper, grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese, place in a preheated oven. Bake the fish for 30-35 minutes. Prepare croutons. Cut the white loaf into slices diagonally, fry in oil on both sides, rub with a clove of garlic and place on a dish. Place the cooked fish pieces on each piece of loaf, pour over the sauce with mushrooms. Serve with fresh vegetables.

Pike perch baked with potatoes. Cooking pike perch is a pleasure because it is a fish that does not have small bones, so it can be baked with potatoes. Cut the cleaned and washed fish into two halves along the ridge, then cut each into pieces, add salt and pepper. Place the pike perch pieces on a greased frying pan. Peel and cut the potatoes into strips, place on top of the fish and on the sides, add salt, add onion rings, pour in oil and sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Serve with vegetable salad.

Pike perch turns out juicy if you cook it in dough (orli). Remove the fillet from the pike perch and trim the flesh from the skin. Cut the fillet pieces into cubes 2-2.5 cm wide. Place the prepared pieces of pike perch in a saucepan and add salt and pepper, pour over a mixture of lemon juice and vegetable oil, add chopped parsley and dill. Mix the mixture and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Now you need to prepare the dough. Take 0.5 cups of water, add 5 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 1.5 cups flour, whites from 6 eggs, salt. Stir everything thoroughly until smooth. Pike perch sticks, using a fork, dip into the dough and deep-fry, fry for 6-8 minutes until golden brown. To remove excess oil, place the fish in a sieve or on paper napkins. Serve fried pike perch in dough with potatoes or as a separate dish, garnishing it with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs.

As a first course, you can prepare fish solyanka from pike perch. To prepare you need 600g of fish, 2 onions, 3 pickles, 2 tbsp. spoons tomato paste, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 15 olives, lemon. Chop the onion, fry it in oil and add tomato paste, simmer with water. Peel and chop the pickled cucumbers finely, add them to the onion and tomato, add a bay leaf. Place everything in a saucepan, pour in the fish broth and cook for 10 minutes, then add pieces of fried fish fillet. Serve fish solyanka with a slice of lemon, olives and sour cream.

You can make anything from pike perch - boil fish soup, make fish cutlets or quenelles, or simply fry it in batter. In this article we will discuss how to cook pike perch deliciously in the oven in order to enrich and diversify its taste and surprise loved ones and guests with the unusual design of the finished dish.

The predatory pike perch from the perch family is a skinny fish. This is determined not by his weight or appearance, but by the small amount of fat in the meat, because he is a hunter and leads a fairly energetic and active lifestyle. However, this is not its disadvantage, rather an advantage that allows the use of dense, tender, white and tasty pike perch meat in any menu, even a dietary one, especially since pike perch has practically no small intermuscular spiny bones.

When choosing a recipe for how to cook pike perch deliciously in the oven, you must remember that the features of its composition, in addition to the large amount of protein in the meat, include a noticeable amount of extractive substances, in particular nitrogen-containing ones, up to 3.28%. These substances take part in various processes occurring in the human body. In particular, they stimulate the gastric glands and stimulate the digestive function of the pancreas. This helps digest proteins and fats.

Recipes for cooking pike perch in the oven

A special feature of the following recipes for cooking pike perch can be considered their versatility. They can be either a hot appetizer, which is complemented with vegetables or salads, black olives, or a full-fledged hot dish with a side dish. As a side dish, in addition to traditional rice or vegetables, fried or boiled, it is worth offering cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, boiled white or green beans. You can make a complex side dish and accompany it with a special sauce. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of flavors and use the same spices and seasonings in the sauce as in the main dish. Most often, baked pike perch is served directly in the form so that everyone can see the beauty of the finished dish.

Before cooking pike perch in the oven, you need to buy fish that corresponds to a specific recipe. Usually pike perch is sold fresh frozen, but it can also be fresh or chilled. This can be fillet or sliced, as well as whole fish. Defrost the fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in a deep bowl. It is necessary to clean the pike perch very carefully; there are spines on its gill covers and fins, the injections of which are very painful.

Recipe for pike perch in the oven with herbal sauce and nuts


  • 1-2 pike perch carcasses or 4 fillet plates
  • 1 onion and 1 carrot each
  • 1 bell pepper, preferably green
  • 100-150 g walnut kernels
  • clove of garlic
  • small bunches of parsley, basil, celery
  • salt, pepper, cumin
  • flour for deboning
  • sunflower (vegetable) oil, odorless
  • sour cream


Peel the pike perch, wash it, cut it into pieces of the same size. Season each piece with salt, pepper and cumin and place in a cool place for 15-20 minutes. At this time, peel all vegetables. Cut the bell pepper and onion into half rings, carrots into small cubes. Roll the fish in flour and fry on both sides in a sufficient amount of heated oil until a crust appears. Place all pieces of pike perch into a buttered pan. In the same frying pan, fry the onion, add carrots to it. When the carrots change color, add bell peppers, mix and add salt, simmer under the lid until the carrots and peppers become soft. Place all the vegetables in the pan on top of the fish. Grind nuts, garlic and all herbs. Fry the nuts in the same very hot frying pan, add all the greens to them, stir, add garlic, stir again. Beat enough sour cream with a pinch of salt. Pour it into the pan, mix with herbs and nuts. Pour this mixture into the mold with pike perch and vegetables. Place the mold at 180°C for 15-20 minutes.

Video recipe

How to cook pike perch fillet in cheese soufflé


  • 500 g pike perch fillet without skin
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g of any hard cheese
  • ¼ cup milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • salt pepper
  • odorless vegetable oil


Wash the pike perch fillet, dry it and cut each plate into 3-4 pieces of the same size. Sprinkle the fish with salt and pepper and fry in oil in a hot frying pan for 1 minute on each side. Place all pieces into a baking dish coated with oil.

Finely grate the cheese. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the grated cheese with the yolks until the mixture is as homogeneous as possible. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of fine salt until you obtain a stable foam that does not drip from the whisk. Gradually add egg whites and flour to the cheese mixture, mixing with gentle, smooth movements from bottom to top. Place the soufflé mixture evenly on the fish. Place the form with the pike perch in an oven preheated to 170°C for half an hour. The finished dish can be served immediately on the table, directly in the form, and divided into portions in the presence of guests.

Recipe for stuffed pike perch

INGREDIENTS for 1 whole carcass:

  • 2 grenades
  • 100 g walnuts
  • 1 onion
  • vegetable oil
  • salt pepper


Carefully gut the fish and remove scales, and cut out the gills with scissors. Wash and let dry on a wooden cutting board, then pat dry with a paper towel. Salt inside and outside. Make 3-4 diagonal cuts on one side of the carcass. While the pike perch is drying, chop the onion and fry in a very small amount of oil, add chopped nuts to it, turn off the heat and cool. Peel the pomegranates, mix the grains with onions and nuts, season the mixture with salt and pepper. Stuff the pike perch with the prepared mixture, chop off the belly with wooden toothpicks or skewers, or sew it up with culinary thread. Line the bottom of the pan with baking parchment, place the fish on it and bake in the oven at 200°C for 30 minutes. Serve with mixed greens.

Pie with a complex fish filling made from pike perch


  • 1 pack of ready-made puff pastry
  • butter
  • fine salt
  • 700 g pike perch fillet
  • ½ cup fish broth
  • 50 ml white wine
  • bay leaf, pepper, salt, lemon, egg

INGREDIENTS for minced meat:

  • 500 g pike perch fillet
  • 1 onion
  • 2 slices white bread without crusts, soaked in milk
  • ½ cup cream
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • salt pepper


Prepare a baking dish for pike perch pie - coat with butter and sprinkle with semolina or thin breadcrumbs. Thaw both layers of the finished dough, separate the third part from both layers. Roll out the remaining dough into layers of length and width greater than the length and width of the mold by 2 heights of the sides, each layer separately. Grease the bottom layer with a small amount of butter and sprinkle with a little fine salt. Place a second layer rolled out to the same size. Place these two layers in a baking dish, raising them to the sides, slightly higher than their height.

Cut the fish fillet (700 g) into small pieces so that later they do not interfere with cutting the pie. Fry until half cooked in vegetable oil, transfer to a saucepan. Add bay leaf, salt, pepper, a few slices of lemon, and broth. Simmer covered until done. Drain in a colander. At this time, grind 500 g of pike perch fillet in a meat grinder and fry along with chopped onion. Add the drained bread, season with salt and pepper, and grind again. Pour in the cream and beat the minced meat with a fork until it becomes fluffy.

Place a layer of minced meat on the dough in the form, place all the fish on it, and distribute the remaining minced meat evenly on top. Roll out the remaining third of the dough to fit the bottom of the pan, cover the pie with it, pinch around the perimeter, prick with a fork, brush with beaten egg. Place in a hot oven at 180-200°C. Bake until the cake is browned and begins to pull away from the sides of the pan. During this time, make a sauce from the remains of the broth in which the fish was stewed, thickening it with starch or flour while boiling. Remove the finished pie from the oven. Using a hot knife, cut off the lid, pour a reasonable amount of hot sauce over the pie, cover with a pastry lid and serve warm.

NOTE! This recipe has a variation. Along with pike perch for filling, but not for minced meat, take pike and pink salmon (salmon) in equal quantities, approximately 250 g of fillet of each fish, which are fried and stewed at the same time.

Video recipe

There is an opinion that baking is the most correct way of preparing any food, in which all the natural properties of the products are most preserved. Thus, knowing the recipes for how to cook pike perch deliciously in the oven, you can not only enjoy it, but also enrich the body with all the beneficial substances it contains. However, pike perch is very good in fish soup and in aspic, but more on that another time.

How do you like to cook pike perch?

We can say that there are pike perch delicacies for all occasions. Personally, I use it to prepare zrazy, cutlets and even rolls. It's perfect for everyday meals and holiday treats. Pike perch is boiled, fried, and added as a filling to pies. In my article we will talk about recipes for pike perch in the oven.

Pike perch is a healthy and tasty fish, from which a variety of dishes are made. However, the preparation differs in some subtleties. If you follow them, all the benefits of fish and the wonderful taste of the dish will be preserved. Baked pike perch is ideal for the New Year's menu.

4 most popular recipes for cooking pike perch in the oven

Classic recipe

If you want to cook juicy and tasty fish, you need to use the classic recipe for pike perch in the oven. The cooking process is quick and uncomplicated.


  • pike perch - 1 piece
  • one lemon
  • two tomatoes
  • one onion
  • four sprigs of parsley
  • mustard, pepper, salt


  1. I clean the fish and wash it well. After that, I make transverse cuts on it. I rub it with pepper and salt. Then I leave it for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and lemon, then cut them into thin slices. I place one slice of tomato and lemon into the cuts. I send the remaining cuttings inside the fish.
  3. After that, I take the foil and put the fish on it. I squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and mix it with mustard. I grease the fillet with the resulting sauce.
  4. I peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Then I sprinkle it on the pike perch. I put greens on top. Next, I wrap the fish in foil, place it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven.
  5. I bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for about half an hour. A few minutes before it’s ready, I open the foil and let the dish brown.

I serve the treat with boiled potatoes or buckwheat.

Video recipe

The fastest way to cook pike perch in the oven

Pike perch cooked in the oven is healthy, tasty and filling. You don't need any culinary skills to cook fish the fastest.


  • pike perch - 1 piece
  • hard cheese - 200 grams
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • butter, rosemary, salt, saffron, pepper and cilantro


  1. First of all, I clean the fish, gut it, dry it with a paper towel, rub it with pepper and salt outside and inside.
  2. After this, I make cuts and stuff with garlic. It is best to cut the garlic cloves in half. I mix a tablespoon of butter with spices, add breadcrumbs, and coat the fish with the resulting mixture.
  3. I grease the baking tray well with oil. Next I lay out the pike perch stuffed with garlic and smeared with a spicy mixture. All that remains is to sprinkle the fish with hard cheese.
  4. I cook in the oven for about half an hour. I preheat it to 180 degrees.

When the dish is ready, take it out of the oven and let it cool a little. The pike perch prepared according to my recipe is aromatic and has a divine taste. The dish's taste can only be compared with fried oyster mushrooms.

Cooking video

Recipe for cooking pike perch with vegetables

Another recipe is pike perch with vegetables. These include carrots, zucchini and onions. It turns out very tasty, and the softness is not inferior even to juicy cutlets. So, here's the recipe.


  • pike perch – 750 grams
  • half a lemon
  • zucchini - 1 piece
  • onion - 3 heads
  • carrots - 2 pieces
  • hard cheese - 100 grams
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, dill, parsley, salt


  1. First, I wash the fish, dry it and cut it into pieces. Then I sprinkle with lemon juice, grease with vegetable oil, salt and season. I leave it in this state for a quarter of an hour.
  2. I peel the carrots and onions. I also recommend using young zucchini. In this case, you don’t have to clean it, and the dish turns out tastier. I cut the onion into half rings, grate the zucchini and carrots.
  3. I place the fish on a baking sheet, having previously laid parchment on the bottom. Can be served in the container in which it was prepared. The finished dish looks beautiful in glass or ceramic dishes.
  4. Sprinkle the fish evenly with onions on top. Then I lay out the carrots and zucchini in alternate stripes. Salt.
  5. I squeeze mayonnaise onto the carrot strips. Squeeze ketchup onto the zucchini. I put the ingredients in the oven for half an hour. The temperature inside the oven is 180 degrees.
  6. I take the baking sheet with the fish out of the oven and sprinkle with grated cheese. After this, I send the pan back to the oven for another 15 minutes.

I sprinkle the finished pike perch generously with herbs. The dish is delicious both cold and hot.

Diet pike perch with sour cream

I present to your attention a wonderful dietary dish, pike perch with sour cream. In my opinion, it is light and has a wonderful taste.


  • fresh pike perch – 2 kg
  • 1 medium onion
  • sour cream - 200 grams
  • dried thyme - 1 pinch
  • sulfur pepper, vegetable oil


  1. I chop the onion and chop the greens. In a small container, mix sour cream, thyme, herbs and onions. Lightly pepper and salt, mix the resulting sauce well.
  2. I fillet the fish and cut it into pieces. I add pepper and salt. It is not necessary to remove the skin from the fish.
  3. I put the fish in a ceramic dish, pour in sunflower oil and mix thoroughly. Advice. Place the fish pieces vertically. This will allow the sauce to penetrate between all the pieces.
  4. After this, I add the sauce on top and distribute it well over the fish. I put the form with pike perch in the oven for 50 minutes. For fish, 30 minutes is enough, but I use a ceramic form, in which the pike perch heats up more slowly and the sauce warms up well. Therefore, I keep the dish in the oven a little longer.

When the dish is ready, I take it out of the oven and leave it in a warm place for a couple of minutes. Serve with salad or potatoes.

In the article I shared my recipes for cooking pike perch in the oven. Cook, experiment, delight your loved ones with delicious dishes and they will thank you for your efforts.

Non-bony, low-fat pike perch is also tasty. Therefore, those who are interested in healthy eating are actively introducing recipes for cooking pike perch into their diet. Fortunately, fish is available on the shelves. Yes, it’s not cheap, but many people want to eat tasty, healthy and varied food. After all, a considerable number of dishes can be prepared from universal fish. Therefore, our secrets and tips will undoubtedly help you!

Methods for preparing pike perch

I think that there is no point in listing now all the benefits that tender lean meat contains.

It is no coincidence that this fish is included in the list of those that are suitable for any occasion, because it:

  • Boil (steamed and in water)
  • Bake
  • Stew
  • Fried
  • Salted
  • Smoked

Stewed pike perch with vegetables

Any dish made from fish from the perch family has an unsurpassed taste - both everyday and for the holiday table:

  • Cutlets
  • Meatballs
  • Zrazy
  • Jellied
  • Rolls
  • Dumplings
  • Pies

What is important to know when cutting a carcass?

There are several options:

  1. Cook whole (for baking or stuffing, for example).
  2. Cut into portions.
  3. Fillet, using fins, etc. for a lean but healthy broth.

Tip: It's easier to remove the skin if you don't peel it.

The fish has a very sharp dorsal fin. Therefore, before cooking, it is removed with scissors or a sharp knife, and only after that it is gutted and cut up.

How to cut a carcass? It depends on what you will cook and what kind of fish you purchased, sea or river (weight can reach 10 kg).

So, if you are lucky enough to purchase a walleye carcass, be sure to remove the head. Otherwise, the dish will have an unpleasant aftertaste. But this will not happen to its river brother.

What goes best with?

I don’t think that now anyone will try to prove that pike perch is especially good with porridge. Of course, it will be perfect with any porridge. However, as my practice and the opinions of professionals show, it is difficult to find something better than vegetables to accompany pike perch.

So, fish goes well with:

  • Potatoes
  • Carrot
  • Bow
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell pepper
  • Eggplants
  • Zucchini
  • Pickled cucumbers
  • Mushrooms
  • Olives
  • Sauerkraut

And the addition of lemon juice, milk, cream, sour cream and dry white wine will make the meat even more tender. Have you ever tried pike perch, which is prepared by stewing in beer and mustard? I recommend! Well, first, let's prepare some classic dishes in a classic combination!

I know that every woman has her own recipes. After all, the unpretentious meat of pike perch will tolerate anything. That’s why it’s so easy for them to diversify their diet if they suddenly get bored of something. Let's cook pike perch with steamed vegetables in a slow cooker?

Pike perch with steamed vegetables in a slow cooker - tasty and healthy!

I’ll say right away that the list of ingredients is not a dogma. Add whatever you like, replacing items on the list that you don't have. The main thing here is the cooking principle.


  • Pike perch – up to 1 kg
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Celery stalk – 2 pcs.
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper – 1 piece
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Hot spices - to taste
  • Olive oil

How to cook pike perch with steamed vegetables - step-by-step recipe with photos

I was lucky - I found a small pike perch in the market. I took 3 carcasses and then diversified my menu as I wanted. But, one way or another, any recipe requires a necessary procedure - preparation. I started by cutting off the fin, so how can you inflict a long-lasting wound. Then, using a small knife, holding it at an angle, I removed the scales.

Step 1. Clean the scales

The fish slid. That's why I put a paper napkin under it. In general, stock up on napkins - you will need a lot of them. So, having removed the scales, I washed the fish with water, dried it and gutted it. How? Having cut along the abdomen, I take out all the insides with a napkin. After washing, I wipe it again with a napkin. The carcass turns out beautiful.

Step 2. Prepared carcass

What's next? Of course, portioned cutting. Since I was supposed to have fillets and not pieces, I started the process. First, I made an incision along the back so that the ridge remained on one side. And then I removed the fillet from it. You can do it differently. Cut into pieces and then fillet them in the same way.

Step 3. Separate the fillet

I decided not to be delicate this time with the fish in terms of natural taste. That's why I didn't skimp on spices. Which ones? I think everyone has their own preferences. I just love Italian herbs. The aromas are incomparable. Let's marinate the pieces. Let them lie like this for half an hour.

Step 4. Marinate the pieces

Well, now - to our vegetables. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into the desired format. I decided to make small slices this time.

Step 5. Cut the potatoes

Celery, my favorite, is good in small quantities and in small pieces.

Step 6: Celery Pieces

Unfortunately, I didn’t have peppers of a different color, otherwise the dish would have turned out brighter. But this pepper also added its charm to the dish. We cut randomly. If I had red, I would cut it into feathers.

Step 7. Pepper rings

Well, the penultimate ingredient. Tomatoes. I cut them last because... would quickly leak out. Slices are a good format.

Step 8. Tomato slices

OK it's all over Now. You can fill the multicooker bowl with water. In what quantity? It depends on which mode you choose. I cooked in the “steam” mode. It will also work well in the “soup” mode. Put all the ingredients in a steam mold and, after salting and sprinkling this beauty with spices, chop the garlic. Let's break it down into pieces of fish.

Step 9. Ingredients in steam pan

That’s it, you can sprinkle the fish and vegetables with oil, and you won’t regret it! Let's get ready. We don't look there. Unless the fillet is thin. So here you need to first cook the vegetables, and then add fish and tomatoes to them. Don’t cook in large quantities - pike perch is a little dry, so for one meal it’s great.

Step 10. Pike perch with vegetables is ready. We invite everyone to the table

Whether there is a reason, or you decide to pamper yourself and your loved ones, prepare more complex dishes. Let's say, body, jellied or stuffed pike perch. But there are plenty of other, simpler recipes. Let's meet!

How to properly cook pike perch in foil - we cook at home and on the street

A frying pan, a slow cooker or a saucepan are not all the attributes. After all, there are recipes with foil. If you cook it over a fire, you will remember the dish for a lifetime!


  • Pike perch - 1 carcass
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Lemon juice
  • Vegetable oil

Recipe for cooking pike perch in foil on the grill

We marinate the cleaned fish in spices, sprinkling with a small amount of lemon juice. Wrap the fish, well seasoned in oil, in foil and place it in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. You don’t need to keep it for long - the already dry meat will dry out. By the way, you can also put vegetables inside, add sauce, mayonnaise, etc. On coals, this beauty will sound even brighter!

The most delicious recipe for pike perch cutlets

What could be simpler! After all, pike perch is not a particularly bony fish. Yes, and in a meat grinder the fines will grind.


  • Pike perch – 500 g fillet
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • White bread – 1 slice
  • Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp.
  • Sour cream – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Fish broth – 0.5 cups

Simple preparation of fish cutlets from pike perch

The minced meat does not need to be ground twice, like meat. And we won’t mince the onion, but chop it finely. After soaking the bun in water, squeeze it out and mix it with the minced meat. Let's put 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and, seasoning the minced meat with salt and spices, form cutlets from the mass. Fry in oil and simmer for 5 minutes in mayonnaise mixed with fish broth made from the head, spine and fins.

Exquisite pike perch with mushrooms in sour cream - a time-tested recipe!

Yes, you can fry it in batter. But I wanted exactly this quality. There are so many useful things here, and how delicious it is! Lenten fish stewed with mushrooms in sour cream and tomato, this is something!


  • Pike perch – 1 carcass
  • Champignons – 3-4 pcs.
  • Onion – 100 g
  • Bell pepper – 1 piece
  • Sour cream – 50 g
  • Tomato paste – 50 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking spicy pike perch with mushrooms in sour cream sauce

Divide the prepared carcass into fillets. Cut it into strips like beef strosganoff and wipe with salt and spices. Straws of champignons, onions and peppers will be perfectly fried in oil. And next to it, if the frying pan allows it, you can fry fish. Let's combine sour cream with tomato paste and pour it over everything we're frying. Cover with a lid. After frying for 10 minutes, let it simmer for about three minutes. That's all!

Pike perch baked in beer and mustard is my favorite recipe!

As I promised at the very beginning, the recipe for a very unusual dish. It is clear that it is not for children!


  • Pike perch – 1 kg fillet
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Mustard – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste

How easy it is to bake pike perch in beer and mustard - surprise your guests!

Dry the prepared carcass in a convenient way. Rub it with salt and spices. Let it marinate. Now make the sauce by combining the juice of half a lemon and mustard. After chopping the tomato, onion and the other half of the lemon, place them inside the fish. Place in foil, pour in the sauce and bake at 200 degrees in the oven for 20 minutes. Beauty!

Delicious fish soup from pike perch

Fish solyanka? Yeah why not? A rich broth flavored with goodies will make pike perch a welcome ingredient on your menu!


  • Pike perch – 1 kg
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumber – 1 piece
  • Olives – 50 g
  • Lemon – 1 slice
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Butter

How to make fish soup from pike perch even tastier

Prepare the carcass by removing scales and entrails. Then, having separated the head, tail and ridge, we put them in boiling water flavored with spices. While the broth is cooking (no more than 7 minutes (if the head is small), chop the remaining ingredients. Fry the onions and carrots in oil, and after 5 minutes of cooking, add them to the saucepan along with the pike perch fillets. Remove the head and other parts and remove the meat, if necessary. really. After 3 minutes, take out the fillet and, cutting it finely, send it back along with pieces of pike perch from the head, with pickled cucumber and olives. Season the solyanka with lemon. You will like it! By the way, take a little water and add if there is not enough of it. The solyanka should be thick.

  • It is better to clean frozen fish without completely defrosting it.
  • Wash fish only from the tap.
  • Remember to pat dry before frying in any way.
  • Don't overcook the pike perch! It’s easy to tell if it’s ready – just see that the meat is peeling away from the backbone.
  • Preserve the softness of the meat and vitamins by boiling it in cheesecloth, and only then cut it.
  • To use pike perch in salads or aspic, cook the carcass until it boils, after about five minutes, remove the bones and cook again for a few minutes.
  • Fry the pike perch in a small amount of oil before stewing, preferably in a cast iron frying pan.
  • The fish is salted and peppered a quarter of an hour before frying.
  • In order for the fish to brown, you need to bread the pieces dry.
  • The pike perch will be juicier and more ruddy after frying for 5 minutes and finishing in the oven.
  • Bake the fish for no more than 10-20 minutes

Secrets of cooking pike perch from a leading chef

  • Pike perch is good in any form, but the most delicious is stewed.
  • Don't forget to flour it before frying.
  • Fry only in well-heated oil - vegetable and butter (half and half), but longer on the first side.
  • Small fillets will not curl in the pan if you cut them slightly crosswise.
  • Do not keep the fish in the oven for exactly as long as it should be - remove it a few minutes before it is ready.
  • The fish will be better salted if you keep it in salt water for a while (we are talking about large pieces).
  • Do not cook a lot of fish in a large pan - it is better in small portions, but in a small amount of water.
  • The meat will be more tender and odorless if it is stewed for a minute or two in milk.
  • It is better to remove the skin after cooking, so it will retain all the juices.
  • Do not defrost in water!
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