Glass glaze recipe. Mirror glaze for cake - recipes with photos

Mirror glaze is a real find in cooking. Now, most European cakes are covered with a mirror glaze or a layer of velor, they combine taste, minimalism and style. While we are making figurines from mastic and squeezing cream out of cornets, it is the Europeans who bring “simplicity and graceful laziness” into fashion. But you know, it works! Personally, I have been chasing this mirror glaze for more than a year, and the same thing always upset me: I just had no idea where I could get the glucose syrup, which is so necessary to get the mirror glaze. What was my joy when, on the Internet, I accidentally stumbled upon information that glucose syrup can also be replaced with invert syrup in the preparation of glaze. This is my real lifesaver! And what do I have now?! Ability to prepare mirror glaze and decorate cakes with it. So mirrored that looking into it, you can do your hair. Of course, this is not serious. So, prepare the glaze and enjoy the result. Most importantly: the cake (or other desserts) should be mousse, smooth, or simply wrapped in a dense, persistent cream. Before preparing the glaze, the mousse cake should spend the night in the freezer - this is important. Stock up on an immersion blender - nothing will work without it.


  • instant gelatin - 5 grams;
  • water - 30 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 70 grams;
  • invert syrup - 70 grams ();
  • white chocolate (not a confectionery bar) - 70 grams;
  • condensed milk (not condensed milk) - 50 grams;
  • dye.
  • Total cooking time: 20 minutes.

How to make a mirror glaze for a cake:

1. Pour gelatin with a small amount of water and leave it until it swells. Be guided by the time indicated on the back of the package.

Now we are dealing with syrup: pour invert syrup with water and add granulated sugar to them. Mix everything until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. As soon as they dissolve, turn off the hob, and remove the saucepan from the heat.

2. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave. I pointed out right away and I will repeat again: do not use a confectionery bar, its composition has nothing to do with the composition of white chocolate, and I am not responsible for any consequences, in the form of spoiled products.

Attention: in order not to spoil the white chocolate and not to “fry” it in the microwave, I put a plate of chocolate over a plate of boiled water: the chocolate dissolved in a matter of seconds. Let's mix it up.

3. We are engaged in melting gelatin over low heat (without boiling), which after that will go to our syrup. Syrup and gelatin are mixed very carefully, albeit manually.

4. We send condensed milk to white chocolate (not condensed milk - its composition is also doubtful, unknown and unpredictable) and mix everything. The plate of white chocolate, meanwhile, is still on the plate of boiling water, to keep the chocolate from hardening during our brief absences for the syrup.

5. We send white chocolate with condensed milk into a deep and narrow bowl and mix thoroughly with a spoon, but very carefully, without forming bubbles on the surface.

6. After, add syrup and dye to white chocolate and condensed milk. We start to beat everything. But beat in such a way that the shape is tilted and the icing does not bubble over the blender nozzle. At this point, I made a small mistake: out of habit, I grabbed the mixer and oops: bubbles. I had to pass the icing through a small sieve to get rid of obvious troubles. But you do not repeat this mistake: grab the blender right away.

7. The cake or other desserts that we will decorate need to be very well leveled so that the icing just flows over it. We put it on the grate, we must install a baking sheet under the grate and begin to fill the cake with icing, the temperature of which is 30 degrees.

So, first pour 1/3 of the glaze, then the second third and the remaining amount. The frosting spreads on its own. It will not drain off the cake all at once if you really kept the dessert in the freezer. And also, if you have not cooled the icing completely: its temperature, and the cake, should be as different as possible.

Under the cake you can see strands of icing, they can be removed with a knife, but with careful movements.
Cake with icing should be placed in the refrigerator for a short time. It should be cut cold and with a hot knife, so that the glaze does not reach for the knife.

If the icing on the baking sheet is free of crumbs, parts of the mousse and all that is superfluous, then it can be reused, it should only be slightly warmed up. You can store the frosting in the refrigerator, covered with cling film.

Bon appetit!!!

Sincerely, Julia.

In the world of beauty, culinary modern desserts, stunning in their beauty, have appeared and firmly taken their place. They attract our attention, amaze with a palette of colors and extraordinary brilliance. All this splendor comes from the mirror glaze, which is covered with cakes and pastries. When you get closer, you can even see your reflection on the cake. Apparently, this is where the name accurately reflecting the beauty of the cake comes from - mirror glaze! When I first saw the photos of these cakes, they simply fascinated me.

It seems that it is impossible to cook such a miracle at home. But no - knowing the technological methods and the "formula" of the ingredients, it is quite possible to master everything. This article for the Tasty and Easy website was prepared by amateur cook Lyudmila, who independently studied all the intricacies of the cooking process and now shares her experience with us and tells us how to make a mirror glaze for mousse cakes. All photos in the article are the work of Lyudmila. Agree, these desserts look like a million dollars and it seems that they were made by the pastry chef of a chic restaurant!

We will study and develop the topic of mousse desserts in the future, and now - a review article on how to make mirror glaze in different ways: with glucose syrup or without glucose, with invert syrup, with honey. There are recommendations on the choice of dyes for the preparation of colored mirror glaze for every taste - white, chocolate, mother-of-pearl. In order for you to get a complete picture of the technological process, the article provides a detailed step-by-step recipe for cooking. Yes, it's not easy. But how exciting!

What kind of cakes can be decorated?

Mirror glaze is made to cover mousse desserts (cakes, pastries), since only mousse cakes can have an absolutely smooth surface to achieve the desired gloss and mirror effect. As a rule, mousse desserts are made in special silicone molds or in confectionery rings, in which a smooth surface of the cake is obtained. There are several ways to prepare the glaze, depending on its constituent ingredients.

What dyes can be used?

As you can see from the composition of the ingredients, the newfangled mirror glaze is nothing more than an emulsion - it has a water part (syrup) and an oil part (chocolate). Therefore, to make colored glaze, water-soluble and fat-soluble dyes can be used as dyes. Americolor dyes are very popular with cooks. You need to add them in drops until you get the desired color. You can also take dry fat-soluble dyes.

If you add kandurin (powder) of gold or silver color, the glaze acquires a stunning mother-of-pearl luster. To prepare a white mirror glaze, titanium dioxide is used - this is a white powdery substance, since pure titanium dioxide TiO2 is the most stable of all known white pigments.

Basic recipe with glucose syrup

To begin, consider the basic universal method for preparing colored mirror glaze using glucose. Accuracy is important in the technology for preparing this confectionery miracle, so you will need measuring instruments - electronic scales and a cooking thermometer. You will also need an immersion blender with a tall glass.


  • 12 g - sheet gelatin
  • 75 g - water
  • 150 g - white sugar
  • 150 g - glucose syrup
  • 100 g - condensed milk
  • 150 g - white chocolate
  • 3-4 drops - food coloring


  1. Let's start with gelatin. Soak leaf gelatin in ice water. It is more convenient to work with sheet gelatin! But if you like to use powdered gelatin, then you also need to fill it with ice water, but in a ratio of 1:6, i.e. take 12 g of gelatin and fill it with 72 g of water. Everything is measured on electronic scales.
  2. Let's prepare a tall glass from an immersion blender or a jug, in which we put condensed milk, then finely chopped white chocolate.
  3. First, pour water into a saucepan, then add sugar and glucose syrup, put on fire and gradually heat the mixture until the sugar dissolves. At the same time, you do not need to stir the sugar with a spoon yet, move the saucepan slightly on the stove, thereby helping the sugar to dissolve faster. The sugar has dissolved and the mixture boils.
  4. We begin to measure the temperature of the syrup with an electronic thermometer. Stir with a spoon and bring the syrup to a temperature of 103 degrees. At this stage, 2 points are very important: 1. if the icing is not finished cooking, it will drain from the side parts of the cake; 2. overcooked - the icing will be very thick, and most likely you will not be able to fill the cake.
  5. Pour the hot syrup into a glass, the temperature of the syrup gradually decreases to 85 degrees, the chocolate melts, spread the squeezed gelatin. Powdered gelatin can be pre-melted slightly in the microwave and poured into a glass. Mix everything carefully.
  6. We add a few drops of coloring and start punching the icing with a blender, and you can see how the color of the icing changes. Add dye if you want a more intense color. Tip: you can see the color of your cake without pouring it - freeze a white plastic spoon, then dip it into the finished icing.
  7. Hold the blender at an angle of about 45 °, turning only the glass, and you will see how the bubbles go into the resulting funnel (their number will increase if the blender is used incorrectly). The blender is running at minimum speed.
  8. Excellent result if you punched without bubbles. Bubbles can be removed by straining the glaze through a fine sieve into another glass or pitcher and cover with cling film. Glucose syrup forms a film on the icing, so immediately cover the icing with cling film in contact. We send the glaze to the refrigerator for 12 hours or overnight to stabilize.
  9. After 12 hours, you can check how well it turned out for us - we press the glaze with our fingers, if it is elastic and springy, then the result is excellent!
  10. We heat the icing in the microwave or in a water bath and punch it again with a blender and measure the temperature again, the operating temperature should be 30-35 degrees. Strain the icing through a sieve into a jug with a spout (it's more convenient to pour from this one) if bubbles form.
  11. The icing is ready, the working temperature is 30-35 degrees, you can take out the frozen cake blank from the freezer and immediately start pouring. An important point: If your cake stands for at least 5 minutes on the table while you are somewhere and looking for something, the temperature of the icing will change, and condensation will form on the surface of the cake and the icing will simply drain off the cake.

What to do if there is no glucose syrup?

This syrup is not sold everywhere; it is difficult to find it in small towns. In this case, here are two proven recipes for making mirror glaze without the use of glucose syrup: one based on honey, the other with homemade invert syrup.

honey frosting recipe

Another option for colored glaze: if you don’t have glucose syrup on hand, you can take the same amount of light liquid honey. The magnificent aroma of honey, the aroma of flowering herbs will give your dessert an incredible taste, combined with delicate mousse and fruit fillings.


  • 12 g - sheet gelatin
  • 75 g - water
  • 150 g - white sugar
  • 150 g - natural honey
  • 100 g - condensed milk
  • 150 g - white chocolate
  • 3-4 drops - food coloring

The preparation of glaze with honey is similar to the preparation of mirror glaze with glucose syrup.

Mirror glaze with invert syrup

In this method of preparing a mirror glaze, we take invert syrup instead of glucose syrup. To prepare invert syrup, sugar, water and citric acid are needed. Ready-made invert syrup is similar in consistency to liquid honey. We will not go into the details of its preparation now, if you are interested - there are recipes on the vast expanses of the Internet.


  • 7 g - sheet gelatin
  • 50 g - water
  • 100 g - white sugar
  • 100 g - invert syrup
  • 70 g - condensed milk
  • 100 g - white chocolate
  • 3-4 drops - food coloring


  1. We heat water, sugar and invert syrup, bring the temperature of the syrup to 103 degrees. Pour over condensed milk and pieces of white chocolate, stir well, add gelatin, pre-swollen and squeezed, food coloring.
  2. Blend everything with a blender until smooth. The working temperature of the glaze should be in the range of 30-35 degrees.
  3. The prepared icing can be left in the refrigerator under cling film for several days, i.e. cook in advance, and before coating the cake or pastries, heat in the microwave or in a water bath to operating temperature.

Mirror chocolate glaze

She's just incredible. The bright chocolate flavor of the glaze is slightly bitter, like dark chocolate, in contrast, it goes well with a delicate and sweet mousse. There is no dye in this recipe, cocoa plays its role. We take good quality cocoa, for example, alkalized cocoa powder, Cacao Barry.

Recipe for icing with cocoa and cream


  • 12 g - sheet gelatin
  • 160 g - cream 33% fat
  • 240 g - sugar
  • 100 g - water
  • 80 g - glucose syrup
  • 80 g - cocoa


  1. Soak gelatin in cold water, sheet for 10 minutes, powder in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Warm up the cream over medium heat. Next, we need to boil the syrup from water, sugar and glucose syrup to a temperature of 111 degrees, we use an electronic thermometer to measure. A very important point is not to overcook, otherwise the syrup will be thick and it will be difficult to fill the cake.
  3. At a temperature of 111 degrees, remove the syrup from the heat and pour in the boiled cream, then add cocoa. You need to mix everything well and put it on fire again. Bring the mixture to a boil and add the squeezed gelatin.
  4. Then pour into a tall glass or jug ​​and pierce with a blender. We break through at minimum speed until a homogeneous state, while trying to reduce the number of bubbles to a minimum.
  5. Glaze is ready. The working temperature of the glaze should be between 36-40 degrees. You can take the dessert out of the freezer and cover it with delicious chocolate icing. We are sure that you will make such a glaze more than once.

milk chocolate recipe

In this mirror glaze recipe, we do not use food coloring, perhaps this is what someone will be very interested in. Here we take a bar of milk chocolate, it has a soft, delicate and caramel color. The cake will look amazing.


  • 12 g - sheet gelatin
  • 75 g - water
  • 150 g - sugar
  • 150 g - glucose syrup
  • 100 g - condensed milk
  • 150 g - milk chocolate 55%


  1. Soak gelatin in ice water.
  2. Water, sugar and glucose are heated and brought to 103 degrees.
  3. Pour over a mixture of condensed milk, finely chopped chocolate and swollen, squeezed gelatin.
  4. Punch with a blender at minimum speed. We cover in contact with cling film, this must be done, since glucose syrup forms a film on the glaze. Place in the refrigerator at least overnight or overnight.
  5. Before pouring the cake, heat it in the microwave or in a water bath to 30-35 degrees.

Covering cakes and pastries

Surely you were curious about how to cover a mousse cake with a mirror glaze? This is the most interesting and exciting moment in cooking. The icing is already ready, it is in the refrigerator, covered with cling film. Consider step by step the entire filling process.

  1. We take the icing out of the refrigerator and heat it in the microwave or in a water bath to a temperature of 30-35 degrees Celsius.
  2. Remove the film and pierce with a blender until smooth. The bubbles that appear can be filtered through a sieve. Let's prepare the grill for setting the frozen cake. We put the grate on a tray or a large dish to collect the icing flowing from the cake.
  3. Take the frozen cake out of the mold. If the edges of the cake turned out to be sharp or not quite even, you can smooth them out with the body of your hands. Do not hold it in your hands for a long time, excess heat and condensation on the cake will spoil the icing for us, it will drain from the cake. With the right glaze temperature, the cake is covered with an even glossy layer.
  4. We fill. If you have a cake with a flat top surface, you can remove the excess glaze immediately after pouring, the layer will be beautifully thin and there will be less sweetness. We carry out confidently once with a spatula, gently shifting the icing on top of the cake. But it is better not to touch if you are not sure of your actions. We wait a little while the icing grabs and gently tuck the hanging threads of the icing under the cake.
  5. We take the cake from below by hand and transfer it to the substrate with a spatula (or knife). Put in the fridge for 5 minutes. Then take the cake out of the fridge and decorate.
  6. We return it to the refrigerator again so that the cake begins to gradually thaw, it will take 5-6 hours. Cakes thaw for about 3 hours. Here you can calculate the start time of the festive event and decide when to start pouring icing on the cake.

Good afternoon friends! Today, professional confectioners have learned how to make real masterpieces by decorating cakes and pastries. These are figurines of people and animals, intricate patterns and paintings, not a cake, but a work of art. Did you know that it is not necessary to be a super-master to amaze your loved ones with great pastries. It is enough to know how to make mirror glaze at home.

The composition of the shiny glaze is a kind of emulsion that has a water part in the form of syrup and an oil component - chocolate. An amazing palette of colors and unusual brilliance, and the surface is so smooth that when you get closer, you can see your reflection. Hence, apparently, the name.

To be honest, for a long time I was sure that all these desserts, amazing the imagination, are nothing more than some kind of clever trick. Well, such a perfectly smooth, shiny coating cannot be edible. But it turned out that it can! And even more - it is not at all difficult to make it yourself.

How to make mirror glaze at home

Do not think that homemade mirror glaze recipes are beyond your power. In fact, you only need to know a few nuances and subtleties, and the rest will depend on your desire and good mood. If this is your first time making glaze, then you will probably have questions that I will try to answer as fully as possible:

What can be decorated

A glaze called mirror glaze is prepared to cover mousse dessert products - cakes, pastries, soufflés, since they have a perfectly smooth surface. And this is an indispensable condition for achieving specularity and the desired gloss effect.

For the preparation of such desserts, special confectionery rings or silicone molds are usually used, which make it possible to obtain such an absolutely smooth surface.

Sometimes used in traditional cakes, but usually they are not completely covered, but only the top. Glaze in this case flows down beautiful streaks.

What is needed for cooking

Glossage - this is also called mirror glaze, can be made from products that are quite affordable to everyone. These are gelatin, sugar, chocolate, glucose syrup, molasses, food coloring, cocoa, vanillin, condensed milk. Agree, all this is sold in stores.

The cooking technology assumes high accuracy, so in addition you will need:

  • Cooking thermometer to choose the right working temperature.
  • Electronic balance.
  • Blender with a tall glass.

How to choose the right temperature for making glaze

After heating all the components, the glaze is whipped with a blender. At the same time, an indispensable condition for successful glaze is the observance of the temperature regime. It is very important to observe the operating temperature regime, since glazing is the final stage in working with cakes. Spoil - nullify all previous efforts.

  • Depending on the type, the working temperature for whipping is considered to be 29 - 39 o C. On average - 32 o C.
  • The lower temperature will cause the mixture to "seize" before it has time to coat the dessert. Although ... there are some subtleties here: if you are going to make beautiful streaks on the cake, choose the lowest temperature possible - 29 - 30. At a higher temperature, the streaks will quickly roll down and freeze in puddles.
  • Too hot glaze will flow very quickly, leave gaps, and you will not achieve the desired effect.
  • It is also important that the cake is well frozen, take it out just before you start working with the icing.

Mirror glaze for cake - basic recipe

This is a universal option for making mirror glaze, having mastered it, you can handle others.

  • Leaf gelatin - 12 gr.
  • Water - 75 gr. (Note that water is weighed in grams).
  • Sugar, white chocolate, glucose syrup - take 150 gr. each component.
  • Condensed milk - 100 gr.
  • Dye - 3 - 4 drops.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Soak the gelatin in very cold. almost ice cold water. You will not find a sheet, take the usual powder, it is also filled with water, but the ratio is 1:6. This means that at 12 gr. powder you need to take 72 gr. water.
  2. Put the condensed milk and chopped chocolate into a glass of a blender.
  3. Separately, pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and syrup there, heat the mixture over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Do not stir the mixture, but simply shake in a saucepan or move around.
  4. When the mixture boils, measure it with a thermometer - you need to bring the mixture to a temperature of 103 o C. Bring it up, and immediately remove from heat. It is important to know here: digest - the icing will become too thick, if not cooked - it will drain.
  5. Pour the syrup into a glass of a blender, squeezed gelatin there and monitor the temperature - it should drop to 85 ° C. Stir everything gently.
  6. Add a couple - three drops of the desired dye and start working with a blender at minimum speed. Whisk a little, then decide on a color and add coloring if needed.

Tip: Hold the blender at a 45-degree angle, and only turn the glass as you work. Then you will see how a funnel forms in the mass and bubbles go into it. There should not be many of them, and if you do everything right, then there will not be at all.

If bubbles still form, remove them by straining the icing through a sieve, and then covering with cling film so that a film does not form on the surface of the icing.

After that, put the container in the refrigerator to stabilize for 12 hours (overnight).

In the morning, check the mirror glaze for quality. If you press it with your finger, then it should become elastic and springy.

Before decorating the cake:

  • Warm the icing in the microwave, beat again with a blender and measure the temperature. Working - 30 - 35 degrees - adjust if necessary.
  • Quickly strain the mixture through a sieve and into a jug with a spout (this will make it easier for you to work), and remove the frozen cake from the freezer.

Important! Start decorating the cake right away. If it stands for at least a couple of minutes, condensation will form on it, due to which the glaze will quickly drain. Yes, and the temperature of the glaze will drop.

Colored mirror glaze

As I said above, mirror glaze is a water-oil emulsion. Based on this, dyes are selected for it. They must be both fat and water soluble.

Popular among cooks are confectionery gel colors, which are added in drops to achieve the desired color. In addition, you can take fat-soluble dry dyes.

  • For a stunningly pure white color, add titanium dioxide, a powder that produces a stable white pigment.
  • You will get a mother-of-pearl effect if you add silver or golden kandurin powder.

Attention! The hardened mirror glaze will become more saturated and bright in color than warm. Keep this in mind when adding dyes.

By the way, if you dip a white plastic spoon into the mixture and freeze it, you can find out the color of the future cake without filling it.

A few more tips:

  • If the icing is glass, collect it and use it for decoration, but only if it does not contain cake crumbs. If hit, pass the mixture through a sieve, and then it can be used again.
  • Make sure that no condensation forms, otherwise the icing will wrinkle.
  • If the icing is too thick, it needs to be reheated in the microwave and continue working. Thus, it can be heated several times.
  • Excess glaze can be collected and left in the refrigerator for a month - longer storage is not provided. Cake, and other confectionery products filled with
  • mirror glaze, cut with a hot dry knife.

Chocolate mirror glaze - recipe

Mirror glaze, which is called chocolate, is the most popular in home cooking. And decorate the cake, and the cake, and the soufflé. You will not find molasses, make the syrup yourself, as described below.

  • Gelatin - sachet.
  • Sugar - 240 gr.
  • Water - 95 gr. Molasses - 80 gr.
  • Cream, the fattest, more than 30% - 160 gr.
  • Cocoa powder - 80 gr.
  1. Soak gelatin: for powder 30 ml. water, leaf - in 200 ml.
  2. Add molasses and sugar to the water, set to boil, at the same time boil the cream in a separate bowl.
  3. Combine cream with syrup, add cocoa in small portions.
  4. Stir, add the swollen gelatin and start whipping the icing. The temperature of the mixture for decorating cakes is 37 ° C.

Honey mirror glaze for cake

Instead of glucose syrup, if you can not find it, you can successfully use ordinary honey. Or make your own syrup (recipe below). The honey flavor will give your cake a special flavor.

  • Water - 75 gr.
  • Sheet gelatin - 12 gr.
  • Sugar, natural liquid honey, white chocolate - each 150 gr. Condensed milk - 100 gr.
  • Dye.

How to make frosting:

  1. The preparation of the mirror mixture is completely similar to the basic recipe. Just note that honey must be liquid, for this, melt it in a water bath.

Mirror glaze with homemade syrup

This syrup is called invert, which is very easy to make yourself. Used instead of molasses and glucose syrup.

How to cook it:

  1. Take: 350 gr. sugar, hot water - 155 ml, citric acid - 2 gr. (this is 2/3 teaspoon) and baking soda - 1.5 gr. (a quarter of a teaspoon).
  2. Put sugar in hot water and boil until boiling. When this happens, add citric acid and cook for 20 minutes with the lid on. The syrup will turn a light golden color.
  3. Remove from fire. Dilute the soda with a dessert spoon of water and pour into the syrup. There will be something like an explosion. When the bubbles subside, the syrup is ready. It resembles liquid honey in color and consistency.

How to make mirror glaze:

  • Gelatin - 7 gr.
  • Sugar, white chocolate and invert syrup - each component 100 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 70 gr.
  • Dyes.
  1. Soak the gelatin. Heat water, add sugar, syrup and bring the temperature to 103 degrees. Pour in the condensed milk and add the chocolate. Stir, put the desired dye and gelatin.
  2. Beat with a blender (glaze temperature should be 30 - 35 degrees). Send to the cold. Before using for decoration, heat to the desired temperature.

One of the easiest ways to decorate homemade desserts is to decorate with icing. Depending on what result you plan to get at the end, the glaze can be prepared on a variety of bases, as a result, the mixture will turn out to be thicker or more fluid, glossy or matte, rich black or even colored. In this article, we've rounded up some of the most notable mirror chocolate frosting recipes that are perfect for thin cake toppings.

Colored mirror glaze for cake - recipe


  • instant gelatin - 10 g;
  • filtered water - 140 ml;
  • white sugar - 145 g;
  • invert syrup - 145 g;
  • white chocolate (high quality) - 145 g;
  • - 110 g.
  • dye - a few drops.


Soak powdered gelatin for a while in 50 g of cold purified water. Pour the remaining water into the ladle, add sugar, add syrup and put on fire. We warm the mass until boiling and complete dissolution of sugar crystals.

In the meantime, melt white chocolate, mix it with condensed milk in a deep bowl and mix thoroughly. Next, pour the syrup into the chocolate mixture and stir. We heat the gelatin until dissolved and pour it into the rest of the ingredients. Add a few drops of gel color and stir. You can use a blender.

Now we filter the glaze through a fine strainer to get rid of air bubbles, cool to 30 degrees. If you want to get a liquid icing that will flow down the edges of the cake, you need to cool the mass to 30 degrees, and to cover the entire cake 32-35 degrees.

Before covering the cake with a mirror glaze, it is ideal to hold it for one hour in the freezer.

White mirror icing for cake - recipe

White icing can be made both on the basis of ordinary powdered sugar and with the addition of white chocolate, which, of course, improves its taste and makes it smoother, silkier and, accordingly, the appearance of the finished product becomes perfect.


  • white chocolate - 135 g;
  • cream 33-35% - 110 ml;
  • milk - 110 ml;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • - 1/2 tbsp. spoons.


Before making a mirror glaze on the cake, soak the gelatin in a small amount of purified water. Pour milk and cream into a saucepan and place over medium heat. We warm the milk mixture to a boil, remove from heat, lay the chocolate broken into pieces and stir until completely dissolved. Then add vanillin, soaked gelatin and stir so that it also completely dissolves. Let the white mirror glaze for the cake cool to a temperature of forty degrees, and cover the dessert with it, after filtering the mass through a strainer.

Recipe for mirror chocolate cake icing


  • chocolate - 55 g;
  • cocoa powder - 85 g;
  • cream - 85 ml;
  • filtered water - 150 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 255 g;
  • gelatin - 10 g.


First of all, soak 10 grams of gelatin in water according to the recommendations on the package. We mix granulated sugar with cocoa powder in a ladle, pour in cream and 150 ml of water and, stirring, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. We throw in the broken dark chocolate and soaked gelatin and stir well until completely dissolved. Now we filter the mass through a strainer and cool to room temperature.

We place the chilled cake on the wire rack and cover it with mirror glaze. We immediately transfer the cake to a dish and send it to the refrigerator for at least two hours.

Do you like to cook various homemade desserts and cakes, but don't know how to decorate them effectively? Take a look at the mirror glaze recipes.

Firstly, it can be prepared based on various ingredients, secondly, it is not as difficult as it might seem, and thirdly, the finished baking looks amazing.

Mirror Glaze - General Cooking Principles

The advantages of mirror glaze are that the appearance of baking is great, no complex products are needed for cooking, the finished product can be frozen, mirror glaze can be easily painted with water-soluble paints.

The disadvantages include only the ductility of the mirror glaze, the mass turns out to be very sweet and, when cut, can reach for the knife. But this can be avoided if you cut the cooled cake with a slightly warm knife.

The main difficulty in the preparation of mirror glaze is the formation of bubbles. You can avoid them if, when whipping the ingredients, make sure that the bowl is at an angle, and during the rotational movement, the mass does not foam, but, as it were, diverges in waves. But if it so happened that the mass foamed, you need to carefully remove the top layer with a spoon.

Mirror glaze is distributed over a perfectly flat surface, preheated to 37 degrees. At the same time, baking should be very cold, ideally if it lies in the freezer for about an hour before coating.

White mirror glaze

In order to prepare a white mirror glaze, either powdered sugar or white chocolate is used. In the second case, the glaze is smoother and silkier, which gives the finished product a perfect look.


140 grams of white chocolate;

100 ml 35% cream;

100 ml of milk;

a teaspoon of gelatin;

A pinch of vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 50 ml of cold water into a glass, dilute gelatin in it. Leave the mass aside, allowing the gelatin to swell.

2. Stir the cream with milk, put on a quiet fire, bring to a boil, remove the saucepan from the heat.

3. Put the chocolate crushed into small pieces into the milk mixture, stir until it is completely dissolved.

4. Add swollen gelatin and vanilla. Stir, strain the appetizing mass through a strainer.

5. Cover the finished product by cooling the mirror glaze to 35-38 degrees, or put it in the refrigerator for storage, but do not forget to warm it up before applying.

Mirror glaze "Colored"


130 ml of water;

150 grams of sugar;

10 grams of gelatin;

150 ml of invert syrup;

150 grams of white chocolate;

100 grams of condensed milk 8.5%;

5-6 drops of dye.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 50 ml of cool water into a small cup, dissolve gelatin in it.

2. In a separate container, mix the syrup with the remaining water and sugar, bring the mass to a boil, simmer until all sugar grains are completely dissolved.

3. Melt the chocolate in another bowl and stir in the condensed milk.

4. Mix the syrup with slightly warmed gelatin and chocolate mass, add a few drops of dye. Thoroughly mix the sweet mass, making sure that bubbles do not form during the mixing process.

5. Cool the mirror glaze to the desired temperature, strain, cover the baking surface.

Chocolate mirror glaze


60 grams of dark chocolate;

80 grams of cocoa;

100 ml cream;

150 ml of water;

230 grams of sugar;

10 grams of gelatin.

Cooking method:

1. Soak gelatin in water.

2. Mix sugar with cocoa, cream and water in a saucepan. Bring the sweet mass to a boil, remove the container from the heat.

3. Throw chocolate pieces and swollen gelatin into the chocolate mass, mix, strain through a fine sieve.

4. Cool the mirror glaze to 37 degrees, apply to the surface of the cake or dessert.

Chocolate sponge cake cooked in a slow cooker, covered with a mirror glaze

Biscuit Ingredients:

A glass of flour;

seven eggs;

120 grams of cocoa;

A glass of granulated sugar;

Vanillin - to taste.

Cream Ingredients:

A glass of sour cream;

A glass of condensed milk.

Decoration Ingredients:


Cooking method:

1. Pre-cool the eggs, beat them into a deep bowl, add sugar in small portions, beating the mixture with a mixer until a thick, dense foam forms.

2. Mix flour with vanilla and cocoa, sift the dry mixture through a sieve.

3. Slowly pour the flour into the egg mixture, knead the mass with smooth movements from the bottom up, make sure that no lumps form.

4. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, pour the dough into it.

5. Cook a biscuit for 60 minutes, setting the "baking" mode.

6. After the time has elapsed, without opening the lid of the multicooker, turn on the “heating” mode for 15 minutes.

7. Cool the finished biscuit without removing it from the bowl, with the lid open.

8. In a small bowl, beat sour cream with condensed milk until the consistency of dense thick sour cream.

9. Cut the biscuit cake into two parts, grease with cream.

10. Put the cake in the refrigerator for six hours, then in the freezer for an hour or two.

11. Fill the cake with heated chocolate mirror glaze.

12. Garnish with walnuts.

Smetannik with condensed milk and mirror glaze

Ingredients for a biscuit for one cake:

A glass of sour cream;

50 grams of cocoa;

Half a can of condensed milk;

100 grams of sugar;

Two eggs;

250 grams of flour;

Half a teaspoon of soda.

Cream Ingredients:

A pack (200 grams) of butter;

50 grams of cocoa;

Vanillin - to taste;

100 grams of condensed milk.

Decoration Ingredients:

Chocolate mirror glaze;

Nuts - optional.

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs in a deep bowl, add cocoa powder and granulated sugar. Whisk again.

2. Add sour cream and soda, mix.

3. Pour in the sifted flour, stir the mass until it acquires a uniform consistency.

4. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

5. Thus, you need to cook yes cake.

6. To prepare the cream, beat softened butter, cocoa, condensed milk and vanilla.

7. Lubricate the cakes with chocolate cream, put in the refrigerator for an hour to soak, then put the cake in the freezer for another hour.

8. Pour the cooled sour cream with chocolate mirror glaze.

9. Decorate with nuts if desired.

10. Let the baking brew for three hours and soak.

Chocolate sponge cake on kefir with white mirror glaze


A glass of flour;

60 grams of cocoa powder;

400 grams of sugar;

10 grams of soda;

A glass of kefir;

A glass of ready-made strong black coffee;

Two eggs;

Half a glass of vegetable oil;

Vanillin - to taste.

Decoration Ingredients:

White mirror glaze.

Cooking method:

1. Mix all the dry ingredients of the biscuit: flour, cocoa, soda, granulated sugar.

2. Add two eggs, a glass of kefir, oil, coffee and vanilla. Beat the dough for at least 5 minutes, it should turn out liquid.

3. Divide the mass into two parts, bake them separately for at least 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

4. You can combine biscuits into a cake by soaking them with any cream: sour cream, condensed, protein. Or leave it like this.

5. Cool the biscuit or cake in the freezer, fill with white mirror glaze.

Bird's milk with chocolate mirror glaze


250 grams of margarine;

six eggs;

500 grams of granulated sugar;

400 grams of premium flour;

380 ml of milk;

Two lemons;

300 grams of butter;

60 grams of semolina;

Chocolate mirror glaze.

Cooking method:

1. Melt the margarine in the microwave, cool.

2. Add 200 grams of granulated sugar, soda slaked with vinegar, and eggs, beat well.

3. Add the sifted flour in small portions. Stir.

4. Divide the mass into two even parts, bake the cakes for 20 minutes.

5. Boil milk in a small saucepan, pour semolina into it, cook semolina without lumps.

6. Rinse the lemons thoroughly and grate directly with the zest, mix with semolina.

7. Mix 300 grams of sugar with melted butter, put in a semolina-lemon mixture. Beat with a mixer. Remove the lemon curd from the refrigerator.

8. Put one cake on a dish, fill it with settled cream, cover with a second cake. Put the bird's milk in the freezer for 2 hours.

9. Fill the cake with chocolate mirror glaze.

10. Soak for another two hours in the refrigerator.

Mousse cake with colored mirror glaze


200 grams of soft cottage cheese;

300 grams of blueberries;

50 grams of granulated sugar;

60 ml of milk;

10 grams of gelatin;

Colored mirror glaze;

Fresh fruits and berries - optional.

Cooking method:

1. Pour gelatin into a small container, pour in cold milk, mix. Set the mass aside, let the gelatin swell.

2. Put cottage cheese, washed and dried blueberries, sand into the blender bowl. Beat, then add gelatin, mix again.

3. Put the berry mass in a mold, put it in the freezer until completely solidified.

4. When the mousse cake has hardened to the desired condition, put the mold in boiling water for a few seconds so that you can easily remove the mousse.

5. Put the blueberry-curd dessert on the grate, fill it with colored mirror glaze.

6. If you only need to cover the top of the cake without touching the sides, you can leave the mousse in the tin.

7. Decorate the dessert with fresh fruit slices and berries as desired.

You can warm up the mirror glaze before applying it in a microwave oven, if there is no stove, then in a well-known way - using a water bath.

If a wire rack is used to glaze the product, place a baking sheet down. The excess mirror glaze can be collected and used for something else.

Pastries must be frozen before glazing - this ensures an even distribution of the mirror glaze.

You need to work with mirror glaze quickly, otherwise it will cool down, or lie unevenly.

Minor irregularities in the mirror glaze in the form of bubbles or smeared places can be decorated with nuts, chocolate, meringue.