Beef tenderloin steak recipe. How to cook the perfect beef steak in a frying pan

1. Take only beef

Just in case, we remind you: only beef has the right to be called a steak. No pork, lamb or especially chicken! This is the fundamental point.

2. Decide in advance what kind of steak you want.

If you think that “a steak is a steak”, you are wrong. There are about a dozen types of this fried meat. In principle, they can be divided into three groups:

  • Marbled steaks. They are prepared from the so-called marbled meat: tender, soft, streaked with fat parts of the back and fillet (thin and thick edges). This type of steak includes the popular ribeye and striploin.
  • Lean steaks. Prepared from tenderloin. They are also distinguished by their tenderness, but due to the smaller amount of fat they are slightly less caloric. These include, for example, filet mignon and chateaubriand.
  • Alternative steaks. They are prepared from other parts of the beef carcass: shoulder, flank, and so on. These steaks are less fatty and tender, rarely have the correct shape and may contain tendons. They are more suitable for lovers of “real” meat that you can tear with your teeth... This type of steak includes flank, scart, top blade, and so on.

Once you have decided exactly what taste and nutritional characteristics you need, go buy meat.

3. Don't just buy beef pulp.

Let us partially repeat the previous point. The rules are strict: to get exactly the steak you want, you need to choose meat from very specific ones. Skirt steak is always flank steak. Top blade - spatula. Ribeye and striploin - back and sirloin. Filet mignon is made only from the most tender tenderloin - and nothing else!

4. Don't be clever

If you are not an expert in choosing and preparing meat, it is better to limit yourself to the classic, most popular and easiest to prepare types of steaks - marbled (ribeye) and lean (filet mignon). The premium parts of the carcass from which they are prepared will be quite edible, including inexpensive meat.

But alternative steaks will only be tasty if they are prepared from truly good, aged meat from a grain-fed beef bull.

5. Check the quality of meat before purchasing

Meat for a rib-eye steak should be soft and marbled, that is, with visible streaks of fat.

The quality of meat for filet mignon can be checked as follows. Press the tenderloin firmly with your finger: it should give in easily, but as soon as you remove your finger, it will quickly return to its previous shape.

We won’t talk about the quality of meat for other types of steaks now: it’s difficult for a non-professional to determine the necessary characteristics, so it’s better to stick to the classics.

6. Frozen meat is allowed

But it is important to take it only from trusted sellers, so as not to run into a “second-fresh product” or the wrong part of the carcass.

Please note that this option will require proper defrosting. Never defrost meat in the microwave or in the sun: a jump in temperature will lead to the loss of precious juice, and this will worsen the taste characteristics of the future steak.

About a day before you plan to fry, remove the beef from the freezer to the main compartment of the refrigerator. This way the meat will become soft, but will not lose its juiciness.

In general, you don’t have to defrost the meat at all.

How to prepare meat for frying

5. Dry the meat thoroughly

Before frying, pat the meat dry with a paper towel to remove any excess moisture from the surface. If you don't get rid of the liquid, the steak in the pan will cook rather than fry.

To ensure that moisture is removed, you can sprinkle cornstarch on the raw meat.

And a way for perfectionists. Take a disposable foil pan, pierce it in several places with wooden skewers (so that you get something like a lattice inside the mold) and place the meat wrapped in a paper napkin on this lattice. Let it sit in the refrigerator for about 24 hours. Perfect surface dryness is guaranteed.

However, if you have a wire rack, you can do without skewers.

Let it lie in the air for at least 20–30 minutes. During this time, the meat will weather around the edges and be covered with a light crust, which, when frying, will allow the juice to be retained inside the piece.

7. Don’t add salt or pepper!

If you salt the steak while frying, the meat juices will seep out. As a result, you will end up with a piece that is tougher than it otherwise would be.

Let’s make a remark here: many people neglect this recommendation because they prefer just this, slightly tougher type of meat. Experiment. In this case, you can rely on your own taste sensations.

If we are talking about alternative steaks, then you should either marinate them, or salt and pepper them and brush them with olive oil before frying.

What else should you do before frying the steak?

1. Choose the right pan

The ideal choice is a grill pan or a regular frying pan with a thick bottom (cast iron would be good). The thick bottom of the pan ensures that after heating it will maintain the temperature at the same level for a long time.

If the pan has a thin bottom, it cools quickly. This means that the meat is not fried, but rather boiled in its own juices.

2. Think about your choice of oil

Butter adds fat (softness) and flavor to the meat. Which one would you like? Some recommend frying in olive oil, adding a little butter towards the end.

Others advise Food Tips: How to Cook the Perfect Steak exotic - liquid peanut butter: it has a mild aroma that will give the steak tenderness and originality.

However, if you are preparing a ribeye or other marbled steak, additional fat content is not necessary. It's up to you, but approach this moment consciously.

Another important point is the boiling point (smoke point) of the oil. Smoke point. If the fat smokes, it will give the steak an unpleasant taste. Therefore, it makes sense to choose vegetable oils that boil at elevated temperatures for frying.

For example, unrefined sunflower and flaxseed oil are not suitable for cooking steaks. They begin to smoke already at 107 °C, while the temperature of a well-heated frying pan is 150 °C and higher. Extra virgin olive oil and unrefined peanut oil are tolerated up to 160 °C. Creamy, coconut, unrefined sesame do not smoke up to 170 °C.

Excellent options are refined sunflower and avocado oil: they begin to smoke after 200 °C.

3. Get a thermal needle or learn to do without it

The degree of doneness of a steak is determined by the temperature inside the piece of meat. The easiest way to measure it is with a needle thermometer.

Common degrees of doneness look like this:

  • 38 °C and above - raw / blue (steak with blood);
  • 48 °C and above - rare (very lightly fried);
  • 52 °C and above - medium rare (low-roasted);
  • 58 °C and above - medium (normally fried);
  • 63 °C and above - medium well (well-done);
  • from 74 °C - well done (very well fried).

If you don’t have a needle at hand, you can roughly determine the level of doneness by pressing the meat with your finger.

Blue and rare steaks feel the same as the muscle tissue at the base of the thumb: press it with the index finger of your other hand and feel the softness.

If you squeeze the tips of your thumb and index finger, the muscle will tense and the base of your thumb will resemble a medium rare steak. Large and medium - medium. Large and nameless - medium well.

Well, by connecting your thumb and little finger, you will feel approximately the same pressure as when pressing a well done steak.

1. Pre-cook the steak in the oven.

This technique How-To Reverse Sear A Steak will allow you to get the most even roasting without gray, overcooked meat around the edges.

Place the steak on a baking sheet and bake at 90–95 °C for 30–60 minutes, depending on how well done you want the steak to be.

If you want a rare steak, then the pre-frying episode can be omitted.

By the way, in a similar way you can restore the taste of a steak that has already been cooked, but has cooled and rested. Place it in the oven at 120°C for about 30 minutes and then fry it in a frying pan on both sides to bring back the crispiness.

2. Heat the pan

Let it sit on high heat for at least 8-10 minutes. Better - more. The chef of the Alinea restaurant in Chicago, for example, recommends 12 Unexpected (But Totally Legit) Tricks For Making The Best Steak preheat the cast iron frying pan for half an hour!

Then add the oil, wait a few more minutes until it warms up, and only then add the steak.

3. Grill steak at high temperature

1.5–2 minutes, depending on the desired color of the crust, on each side. During frying, the protein - primarily on the surface of a piece of meat - curls up and turns into a kind of film that blocks the release of liquid. This means that a steak fried over high heat will remain juicy inside.

Only then reduce the heat to low, cover the meat with a lid and let stand for another 1–5 minutes, depending on the desired degree of doneness. This recommendation applies to steaks made from fatty and juicy marbled meat.

Check readiness with a thermal needle or your finger. You should not cut or pierce the steak with a knife: juice will leak out of the meat.

If we are talking about leaner sirloin steaks, the technology will have nuances. After thoroughly frying the steak on both sides until golden brown, add a little more oil (for example, butter) to the pan, as well as, if desired, your favorite spices (the same garlic) and herbs (rosemary, lavender, thyme, sage...) . Reduce the temperature to medium and continue to fry the meat on both sides, basting it with the released juices. This will ensure the steak is cooked properly.

4. Bring to desired degree of doneness in the oven.

In a covered frying pan, steaks are perfectly cooked at a level of doneness up to medium rare. If you want a truly cooked steak, place it in an oven preheated to 180°C immediately after frying it on all sides in oil.

The length of time the meat spends in the oven depends on the desired level of doneness:

  • medium rare - 4 minutes is enough;
  • medium - 7 minutes;
  • medium well - 10 minutes;
  • well done - 14 minutes.

How and with what to serve steak

1. Let the steak rest for 3-5 minutes.

At high temperatures, the top layers of meat shrink, locking the juices inside. If you cut the steak right away, the juices will simply run out onto the plate. Wait up to 5 minutes: this is enough for the top layers of meat to expand and also become saturated with juice.

2. Serve hot!

This is one of the basic rules for serving steak. In this case, meat is an independent dish, simple and understandable. For its flavor to be fully revealed, the steak must be hot.

3. For fatty, juicy steaks, choose minimal spices.

On the same ribeye, just put a sprig of rosemary or a clove of garlic: the hot meat will quickly absorb the flavor. Also, the taste characteristics of the steak are well emphasized by parsley, thyme, and cilantro.

4. Lean steaks need sauce.

The tenderloin from which filet mignon is prepared is very tender meat that literally melts in your mouth. But at the same time it is quite tasteless, and therefore this steak is always served with sauce.

5. The best side dish is vegetables

Fresh or grilled. This is an ideal side dish for steak from a nutritional standpoint.

Attempts by English aristocrats to introduce beef steak into the highest gastronomic society failed. After a centuries-long journey, the dish settled in America, took root and became modernized. But the steak retained its aristocratic attitude: selected meat, cooking options and the skill of the cook are the requirements of an elite dish!

Beef steak - meat cut across the grain in pieces from 2.5 to 4 cm and fried in a frying pan or grill. Simply determining the cooking process actually requires skill and mathematical calculation. The main thing is to decide on the choice, because areas of the carcass that are not involved in motor skills are suitable for a juicy product.

  1. Before properly cooking a beef steak, select a dark red, tendonless cut with an even layer of fat over the surface. Check the softness of the product by pressing your finger: soft meat will quickly return to its shape, while hard meat will remain pressed in.
  2. Do not wash the purchased product, but blot it with a towel, peel it and cut it.
  3. Preparing a marinade from olive oil, lemon juice and spices is a matter of taste. Classic steak only requires salt and pepper.
  4. Thaw previously frozen product naturally.
  5. Fry the meat on a well-heated cast iron or grill for a minute on each side, then maintain the time and temperature based on the degree of frying.
  6. Before serving, the piece should rest for a couple of minutes so that the juice does not leak out.

Roasting a beef steak is the final stage of cooking meat. The degree of cooking varies according to personal taste, increasing or decreasing the frying time. The American classification system gives five degrees of cooking, based on a meat thickness of 2.5 cm.

Be sure to brown the edges of the beef steak when turning it over.

For a tasty and juicy dish, grain-fed bulls are used. A delicate fatty layer forms inside their meat, similar to marble veins, which is why marbled beef steak is especially valuable. Steak meat is named by the part of the animal carcass using the generally accepted classification of cuts.

Striploin steak

Striploin, or thin loin edge, in its name reflects the essence: strip-loin is a strip of loin, with weak marbling, but with a pronounced beef taste. Large fibers add tenderness and softness to the meat, and a thick strip of fat around the perimeter adds juiciness.


  • thin edge - 850 g;
  • rosemary and thyme - a pinch;
  • ground black pepper - 3 g;
  • olive oil - 25 ml.


  1. Before cooking striploin steak, cut it across the grain into 1-inch thick pieces.
  2. Salt, rub with spices and olive oil.
  3. Heat a dry frying pan, add the beef steak and fry on both sides for no more than 4 minutes.

The meat is cut from the lower belly of the bull. A flat piece without fat or bones is quite tough and requires proper handling. “Flank steak - how to cook?” - the most common question among lovers of fajitas. Marinate the meat for an hour to 24 hours in a sour sauce and you will get a premium beef steak.


  • beef flank - 980 g;
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml;
  • red pepper - 5 g;
  • tomato juice - 480 ml.


  1. Prick the cleaned meat with a knife and place it in a marinade of tomato juice and oil for a day.
  2. Fry the marinated meat for 10 minutes at maximum and the same amount at medium temperature.
  3. The finished dish rests for 8 minutes, after which it is cut into portions.

Ribeye steak - recipe

Premium cut - ribeye is the most marbled and meaty of all cuts. The abundance of fat layers that melt during cooking makes the dish juicy and soft. To the question of how to cook a ribeye steak, there is one answer - without marinades and special seasonings, the product fried in a hot frying pan is ready in a couple of minutes and requires serving.


  • steaks - 2 pcs. 350 g each;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml.


  1. Brush the pieces with oil.
  2. Heat the frying pan well and fry the beef steak for a couple of minutes on both sides.
  3. Increase or decrease cooking time depending on personal preference.
  4. Salt and season the finished meat with pepper.
  5. After resting for a couple of minutes, serve on a warm plate.

Filet mignon

Tenderloin is the most valuable cut, obtained from a muscle not involved in motor activity. Therefore, fillet mignon steak is the most tender meat of all existing types. With a thickness of 8 cm, the dish retains juiciness and softness due to marbling and pleasantly pleases the taste during dinner with good wine.


  • sirloin - 430 g;
  • oil - 30 ml;
  • champignons - 250 g;
  • red wine - 130 ml;
  • cream - 80 ml.


  1. Fry the seasoned meat in a frying pan for five minutes, then place in the oven for ten at 180 degrees.
  2. Fry chopped champignons with cream and red wine.
  3. Serve the finished dish with mushroom sauce.

T-bone steak

A T-shaped bone divides a huge piece of meat into two different types: a thin edge of the sirloin with a pronounced beef taste and the middle part of the most tender tenderloin. The heavy, hearty cut is most often prepared on the grill or in a Josper oven, but a frying pan and oven are also suitable options.


  • T-bone steak - 900 g;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • shallots - 60 g.


  1. Before cooking a beef steak in a pan, trim the fat around the perimeter.
  2. Fry the workpiece in a hot frying pan for no more than a couple of minutes, then another 10 minutes at low temperature.
  3. Beef steak is a recipe that requires finishing in the oven.
  4. Place the meat on the cut onions and bake at 200 degrees for a quarter of an hour.

Beef steak in the oven

Even a beginner can cook a steak in the oven without first frying it in a frying pan. This method of heat treatment will evenly distribute meat juices, and the grill function will provide a fragrant crispy crust.

Beef tenderloin steak or fillet mignon, for it a piece of meat is cut from the middle of the thin part of the tenderloin, 5 to 8 centimeters thick. This is the leanest and softest dietary meat, apparently because of this it is considered lady meat. To avoid over-drying it, the best degree of roasting for it would be Rare - raw with a red cut or Medium Rare - medium raw with pink juice on the cut. Steaks of this degree of roasting can only be made from beef, which must lie chilled for several days to a temperature of +1 degrees Celsius so that the internal juices in the meat undergo fermentation. This makes the finished steak especially tasty and tender.

Compound: for two servings, take Beef Tenderloin - 300 g., Refined vegetable oil - 50 ml., Butter - 50 g., Dry white Wine - 100 ml., Garlic - 3 cloves, Thyme sprig and Sage leaves for aroma, Salt and a mixture of black allspice to taste.

cooking beef tenderloin steak

Recipe: Do not wash the fillet, but blot it with a napkin, cut it into two portions, slightly flatten it in the direction of the grain so that it decreases in height by approximately 1 - 2 centimeters, so that the piece of steak becomes stable in a vertical position.
direction. It will rise slightly when fried. Rub it with a mixture of allspice and vegetable oil. Let the meat marinate a little and warm to room temperature. Fry the steak in a dry frying pan preheated to 200 degrees, for 3 - 4 minutes on one side, until the required degree of frying, and then turn it over to the other side, add salt to the fried surface of the steak, put a piece of butter on it so that it melts and soaks crispy crust. Fry the steak on the second side for 3 - 4 minutes.

Filet Mignon Steak

To obtain a uniform color, lightly fry it on the sides. Next, peel the garlic, crush a few cloves and put them in a frying pan with the steak along with the rest of the butter and aromatic herbs and pour dry wine over everything, pepper and salt. Bring to a boil and simmer everything over low heat until the liquid evaporates and the sauce thickens. Place the beef tenderloin steak on a plate and let it rest for 3 to 5 minutes. Pour the sauce over the steak and serve with fresh herbs.

Fragrant, juicy, tasty, with a tender crispy crust, beef steak has captivated millions of people around the world. Veal is the most suitable meat for such a dish, since it is not as fatty as pork and not as “rubbery” as lamb.

Perfectly cooked meat is not easy to prepare. First you need to understand what level of cooking you need, then decide on the marinade, sauce and side dish.

What degrees of doneness are there for beef steak?

Everyone determines for themselves the degree of doneness of the steak according to their own taste.

There are several of them:

  1. Raw. Weak degree of roasting. This meat has a weak crust on the sides, but the inside is almost raw. To achieve this level, the steak will only need two minutes of simmering in a frying pan.
  2. Medium Rare. The meat is slightly more cooked, with pinkish juice released when pierced. The pieces come out tender and full of juice.
  3. Medium. Golden mean. There is no longer any blood in the beef, it is evenly tender on the inside and golden brown on the outside.
  4. Medium Well. In such a steak, the juice is no longer pink, but transparent, and the meat is a little dry.
  5. Well Done. Fully fried inside and out, the meat is brown in color and has almost no juice.

Ideal sauces for meat

Eating meat without sauce is boring, so we offer wine sauce for the perfect steak.

You will need:

  • vinegar – 4 ml;
  • beef broth – 250 ml;
  • brown sugar – 16 g;
  • red wine – 120 ml;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

Prepare the dressing for the dish:

  1. Pour the meat broth into a bowl and cook until it is reduced in volume by half.
  2. Pour in sugar, add vinegar and wine and continue cooking for 10 minutes.
  3. All that remains is to add salt and pepper to the sauce and you can serve it with a tender steak.

In addition to this option, you can serve your favorite steak with a bowl of tomato sauce, barbecue sauce, soy-honey sauce, or even plum sauce. Some prefer the taste of pure meat and use only two or three types of herbs and salt in its preparation.

Side dish for beef steak

In addition to the sauce, you can serve green lettuce and boiled potatoes with the veal. Grilled vegetables go very well with fried meat: tomatoes, eggplants, sweet peppers and onions. Baked beans, corn, cooked rice and asparagus in sauce complement the taste of steak well.

Steak marinade: recipes

The marinade gives beef steak a unique spicy taste and aroma. It provides the meat with the necessary juiciness and softness on the inside and gives an amazing golden brown color to the crust on the outside.

Required Products:

  • lemon juice – 15 ml;
  • salt and mustard – 5 g each;
  • sunflower oil – 40 ml;
  • a little black pepper;
  • one onion;
  • two garlic cloves.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Combine lemon juice, pepper, oil and salt in a cup.
  2. Using a grater, turn the onion into a pulp and transfer it to a common bowl.
  3. Press the garlic cloves and send them after the onion.
  4. Mix everything and pour this marinade over the beef.

Pan recipe

To implement this plan you will need:

  • two pinches of black pepper;
  • olive oil - a couple of spoons;
  • one serving of meat steak;
  • two pinches of salt.

Let's look at how to cook beef steak in a frying pan below:

  1. We took a piece of meat with a thin layer of fat, without bones. Its thickness should not exceed 3 cm, since shmat that is too thick will not be completely fried in a frying pan.
  2. Take the veal out of the refrigerator in advance and warm it to room temperature.
  3. Heat a frying pan with a little olive oil.
  4. At this time, carefully treat the meat preparation with a mixture of salt and pepper.
  5. We begin to fry it for 2 minutes in the hottest oil.
  6. The further cooking method depends on the preferred degree of doneness. On average, beef is fried for a couple of minutes in boiling oil on both sides and the sides are fried for 5 minutes after reducing the heat.
  7. When the food is ready, let it sit for about a quarter of an hour.
  8. After this time, it’s time to serve juicy, flavorful pieces of meat with fresh herbs or vegetables. Bon appetit!

Cooking from marbled beef

List of products per kilo of meat:

  • salt and basil - to the hostess’s taste;
  • a couple of tablespoons of olive oil;
  • pepper mix.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. We blot the meat with a disposable towel and leave it to warm up to kitchen temperature.
  2. Season the pieces with seasonings and salt and oil them.
  3. Heat the frying pan very hot on the stove and load the beef into it, pressing down a little with a spatula.
  4. Cook the meat on one side for a couple of minutes, and then carefully turn it over to the other. We repeat the manipulations 4 – 5 more times.
  5. All that remains is to transfer the tender marbled beef steak with a golden brown crust to a plate and let it rest for 5 minutes. After this, you can start eating.

Cooking in the oven


  • any dry spices to your taste;
  • veal – 300 g;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook beef steak in the oven:

  1. Lightly beat the thawed piece of meat with a wooden mallet, rub salt and spices into it.
  2. Let the product marinate for 60 minutes.
  3. At the end of the process, turn on the oven and preheat it to a temperature of 220 degrees.
  4. At the same time, heat the frying pan, add oil to it and fry the workpiece for 2 minutes on each side.
  5. Treat the baking dish with the remaining vegetable oil and place the delicious meat with a “seized” crust in it.
  6. Bake the beef steak in the oven for 10 minutes. We decorate it with herbs and serve it to the table.

How to Grill with Tomato Salsa?

Required ingredients:

  • cherry tomatoes – 100 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
  • cumin and sugar - 15 g each;
  • olive oil – 35 ml;
  • beef – 0.7 kg;
  • onion head;
  • ground pepper to taste;
  • kilo of potatoes;
  • ground hot pepper – 1 tsp;
  • one lime;
  • three garlic cloves.

Cooking steak on the grill:

  1. Two cloves of garlic should be peeled and pressed. Combine them in a bowl with salt and grind.
  2. Add hot ground pepper, cumin, another 15 grams of salt and sugar. Rub raw veal on all sides with this aromatic mixture.
  3. Place the meat pieces in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
  4. Peel the onion, tomatoes and bell pepper and cut into cubes.
  5. Combine the vegetables in another bowl, add 20 grams of salt, crushed clove of garlic and ground black pepper. Pour in oil and 50 ml of water. Mix everything and close it in the refrigerator.
  6. When the meat and salsa are completely cooked, heat up the grill. Place the veal on the grill and cook it on each side for 4 minutes.
  7. Then close the lid and cook for another 6 minutes.
  8. Let the fried, delicious meat sit for a while, cut into portions and pour in spicy salsa. Bon appetit!

Cooking beef steak "Miratorg"

You will need:

  • mushrooms – 100 g;
  • Miratorg steak – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • sea ​​salt to taste;
  • olive oil – 70 ml;
  • ground black pepper to taste;
  • half a glass of dry red wine.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Squeeze the garlic in the garlic press.
  2. Rub raw steak pieces with sea salt, half the total amount of garlic and black pepper. Cover the product in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add garlic and fry it until golden.
  4. Pour in the chopped pieces of mushrooms, pour in the wine, add salt and cook the ingredients for 10 minutes.
  5. Heat up the grill, put our marinated steaks there and cook on both sides for 6 minutes.
  6. All that remains is to let the juicy meat brew for 10 minutes, then arrange it on plates and add mushrooms in wine. The taste is amazing!

Fast and tasty on the electric grill

What to take:

  • mustard – 2 g;
  • beef fillet – 1 kg;
  • olive oil – 20 ml;
  • red wine – 0.1 l;
  • bacon – 0.2 kg;
  • salt – 15 g;
  • champignons – 0.3 kg;
  • cream – 50 g;
  • ground pepper – 5 g.

Cooking beef steak on an electric grill:

  1. Chop the mushrooms into medium pieces.
  2. We wrap the veal fillet in bacon and secure it with thread.
  3. Treat the resulting steaks with olive oil, salt, mustard and pepper.
  4. Turn on the electric grill, heat it up and fry the meatballs for 7 minutes on each side.
  5. Wrap the hot steaks in foil and leave them like that for 10 minutes.
  6. During this time, cook the mushroom pieces in a frying pan until all the mushroom liquid has evaporated.
  7. Pour wine into the pan and simmer the food for 3 minutes.
  8. Pour in the cream and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
  9. All that remains is to place the finished steaks on a dish and add mushroom sauce to them. Bon appetit!

New York at home

Recipe Ingredients:

  • vegetable oil – 55 ml;
  • marbled veal – 0.5 kg;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • one chili pepper;
  • salt to taste;
  • a stalk of fresh rosemary;
  • piece of butter – 30 g.

How to cook steak:

  1. Warm two fresh steaks to room temperature, treat them on all sides with vegetable oil.
  2. Heat a dry frying pan, place our steaks on the bottom and cook for a minute on one side and the other.
  3. Fry for another four minutes, turning the crackling pieces from time to time.
  4. Crush the garlic into a pulp, add it to the meat along with butter. Add black pepper and salt. After a minute, turn off the heat.
  5. We lay out juicy, aromatic steaks, garnish with rosemary and chili. Bon appetit!

List of ingredients

  • lemon;
  • T-bone steak – 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • a piece of butter - 120 g;
  • thyme – 2 sprigs;
  • garlic – 2 pcs.;
  • black pepper – 5 g.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. A day before you start cooking, wrap the steaks you just bought with film and put them in the refrigerator.
  2. Remove the film and treat the juicy pieces of meat with salt. Let them rest for 10 minutes.
  3. Let's start making the steak sauce. To do this, peel the heads of garlic and cut each clove into large pieces.
  4. Wash the lemon and chop it into cubes without peeling.
  5. Place 80 grams of butter in a frying pan and wait until it melts.
  6. Then start frying the garlic for 3 minutes, then add lemon and thyme.
  7. After 5 minutes, remove the grass sprigs and grind the rest with a blender.
  8. We still have 40 grams of butter left. We use it to coat beef.
  9. Place the pieces on the surface of the pan and fry for 3 minutes.
  10. Pour the sauce over the steaks with a golden brown crust, transfer the preparations to a baking dish and cook in the oven for 10 minutes.
  11. Cover the finished steaks with foil and wait 15 minutes. After this you can set the table.

Marbled ribeye

Recipe ingredients needed:

  • a piece of butter – 25 g;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • Ribeye steak – 1 piece;
  • sea ​​salt to taste;
  • thyme – 1 sprig;
  • black pepper to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Heat the frying pan by pouring a little refined oil into it.
  2. Toss steak at room temperature in salt and pepper mixture.
  3. Place the veal on the surface of the frying pan and fry for one and a half minutes on each side - the meat should brown evenly.
  4. Basic products for steak:

  • salt to taste;
  • olive oil – 55 ml;
  • cognac – 100 g;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • primebeef meat;

For the sauce:

  • chopped garlic – 15 g;
  • flour – 65 g;
  • onion head;
  • Marsala wine – 0.1 l;
  • salt to taste;
  • broth – 300 ml;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • mushrooms – 0.2 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. For the sauce, heat the olive oil in a frying pan, throw in the chopped onion, slices of mushrooms and garlic. Fry the vegetables until golden.
  2. Add the sifted flour and cook for another minute.
  3. Pour in the wine and mix the ingredients, add the meat broth and cook until the sauce becomes thick.
  4. We cook the steaks in the standard way to the desired degree of doneness.
  5. Add salt and pepper. Pour in the cognac and use a long match to set it on fire right in the frying pan.
  6. We extinguish the fire, closing the lid, and serve the resulting dish to the table.

Juicy and tender - with butter

What to take:

  • pepper and salt to taste;
  • veal – 0.8 kg;
  • piece of butter – 50 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We make several steaks from beef tenderloin. Their thickness should be no more than 3 cm.
  2. Melt a stick of butter over high heat in a frying pan.
  3. Season the steaks on all sides with salt and pepper and fry in butter for 4 to 5 minutes on each side.
  4. Serve steaks with lettuce or vegetables.

Steak is a dish for all times. It can be quickly fried for a husband who is tired at work or served with a delicious sauce on a holiday table. Choose a recipe, practice, and very soon the popularity of your steaks will eclipse all other culinary delights of your friends.

Tenderloin is a valuable cut of beef carcass that produces lean and very tender steaks. Inexperienced cooks can easily overcook and ruin such meat. How to cook beef tenderloin steak T-Bone Academy knows how to avoid drying out!

How to cook beef tenderloin steak

If you decide to buy a whole cut, the beef tenderloin should be cleaned of the films that cover its surface, and then cut against the fibers into steaks about 2.5-3 cm wide.
What types of beef tenderloin steaks are there? The most famous and popular is. The well-known writer O. Henry called it a “unique dish.” It is believed that filet mignon is the most tender cut in the entire beef carcass, since these muscles are not used at all during the life of the animal. Most likely, such a steak cannot compete with Flank in flavor, but no other cut has a more delicate structure.
Another beef tenderloin steak is this. It is cut from the main part of the cut. Less tender texture than the previous steak, but excellent juiciness and a little more marbling.
– another beef tenderloin steak. This is the thin edge of the central part of the cut. Medallions, which are called "lady steaks." Tender, juicy, melt-in-your-mouth steak that is very easy to cook. The main thing is to monitor the temperature inside the meat in time so that it does not rise higher than 53-54°C. It is Medium Rare that is best suited for tender and lean steaks. You can buy marbled meat with delivery in the T-Bone online meat store.

Beef tenderloin steak recipe

Prepare beef tenderloin steak It’s very simple – you just need to have time to remove it from the pan in time. Most often, this steak meat is served with creamy sauces (mushroom or cheese). We suggest preparing a sophisticated classic - filet mignon with creamy mushroom sauce and cheese risotto. Surely you know where it is better. And if not, go to the T-Bone steakhouse at the Capital Market!
To make our dinner recipe, first make the risotto and sauce while removing the filet mignon from the package to allow the meat to come to room temperature.
For the risotto, finely chop the shallot and fry in olive oil until soft. Add the washed rice and keep it over medium heat until the oil is absorbed. Pour in a little white wine and evaporate it, stirring with a spatula. Then gradually add chicken broth, each time waiting until the rice has completely absorbed the liquid. When it is almost ready, pour in the cream and add finely chopped brie cheese. Cook over low heat, stirring, until the liquid boils and the cheese has melted. Keep risotto warm. Now that the filet mignon has reached room temperature, pat it dry and marinate in herbs. To do this, put a clove of garlic, a couple of peppercorns, sprigs of rosemary and thyme folded several times in a mortar and pound. Add olive oil and coat the meat with the aromatic mixture.
For the mushroom sauce dissolve the butter and fry finely chopped shallots in it, add chopped porcini mushrooms (you can use pre-soaked dried ones) and fry for 3-5 minutes. Season the mushrooms with white pepper and salt, then pour in the cream, add finely chopped parsley and bring to a boil. When the sauce has cooled, puree it with an immersion blender and, if necessary, evaporate excess liquid.
Remove the herb leaves from the beef tenderloin steak, add salt and place in a well-heated frying pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes until cooked medium-rare, then let the beef rest under the foil. Serve tender filet mignon with zesty cheese risotto and creamy mushroom sauce. Bon appetit!