Standards of service in a hotel restaurant. Guest service is the most important element of the entire enterprise.

  • So, while eating, it is unacceptable to part your lips while chewing food, slurp, suck in liquid from the end of a spoon, talk with your mouth full, in short, eat carelessly, hastily, and sloppily. In order not to cause discomfort to those sitting with you, you should operate the devices silently.
  • At the same time, different foods are eaten in different ways. There are generally accepted rules of etiquette in this regard. Let's talk about this further.
  • Nature has endowed humans with five basic senses: taste, hearing, vision, smell and touch.
  • All five senses are involved in the process of eating, and all of them, to one degree or another, contribute to the development of appetite. In fact, we see how beautifully a dish is prepared, from what products it is prepared thanks to vision; the sense of smell allows us to feel the smells and aromas of a dish; taste allows you to feel sweet, salty or sour food; Using touch, you can determine the degree of softness or hardness of the product. Hearing is necessary to maintain a conversation at the table.
  • It is no coincidence that all culinary specialists pay attention to Special attention their design, taste, aroma.
  • You need to learn to eat in such a way that you maintain your appetite throughout the entire meal and enjoy both the food and the socializing at the table. Don't be surprised, but it has been proven that it largely depends depending on the sequence of use numerous dishes and depending on the amount eaten. We do not recommend getting carried away with cold appetizers alone; you should leave room for the rest. By the number of knives, forks and spoons near your plate, you can judge the expected menu.
  • Etiquette recommends the following sequence of serving dishes:
    • first offer cold snack(or snacks),
    • followed by hot snack,
    • and after them - first course, such as soup,
    • then - second hot dishes - fish,
    • Then - second hot courses - meat,
    • finally, dessert - a sweet dish,
    • followed by fruit.
  • If, for example, a hot appetizer, soup and a hot fish dish are excluded from the menu, the sequence of serving the dishes will remain the same, those. after a cold appetizer, a second hot dish is served meat dish and then dessert.
  • Of course, the menu itself may change, but the sequence of serving dishes should remain the same.
  • Cold appetizers and dishes are recommended to be consumed in the following order.
    • Fish snacks and dishes - granular caviar, pressed caviar; lightly salted fish (salmon, chum salmon, balyk), boiled, jellied, stuffed, with mayonnaise, with marinade, cold and hot smoked fish and canned snack foods; natural herring, with garnish, chopped; fish salads.
    • Meat snacks and dishes - boiled meat, jellied meat, jelly, stuffed meat, stuffed meat, fried meat, cold cuts(sausages, smoked meats), cold poultry and game, meat salads.
    • Vegetable and mushroom snacks -fresh and canned vegetables, stuffed peppers, eggplants.
    • Dairy snacks- various cheeses.
  • Fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes) and canned (gherkins, pickles, squash, etc.), pickled and salted mushrooms, as well as butter can be consumed both as an independent snack and with any other snack.
  • In some countries, in France, for example, cheeses are offered before dessert.
So, the variety of cold appetizers and dishes is truly inexhaustible. Here you need to remember the main thing, namely: the order of their use.

First come fish, then meat, vegetable, and lactic acid.
Of course, at the table everyone eats only those snacks that he likes, and not all those that are displayed on the table. If you don’t want fish appetizers, start with meat ones, but don’t go back to fish ones after that. Mixed food, when, without observing the order, they eat everything in a row, first meat, then fish, then meat again, etc., inevitably leads to a dulling of the sense of taste and rapid loss appetite. And then all subsequent dishes will not be a joy, and the whole celebration will be ruined.

The waiter receives dishes for cold appetizers and dishes in the service room and passes them through the marque to the cold shop, having accepted the order, then makes an order to the hot shop and punches the receipts at the cash register.

In order to make the waiter's work easier, some restaurants use a light number alarm system. Each waiter is assigned his own number, which is stamped on orders that are sent to the kitchen. Upon completion of the order, the waiter's number is illuminated on a two-sided light display. In order to attract the waiter's attention, before the number appears on the board, a quiet melody sounds, pleasant to the ear. The numbers on the scoreboard are visible from a distance of up to 30 m. The scoreboard can be designed for 5, 10 and 20 numbers.

A convenient connection between retail premises and production must be ensured - dispensing, service, washing, which helps to speed up service to visitors, provides the necessary convenience in the work of waiters and thereby increases their productivity.

The waiter names the dishes and the number of servings that must be prepared, handing over to the marquee maker the utensils obtained from the service necessary to complete the order. The maker repeats the order (some restaurants use microphones for this), and the cook confirms its acceptance. In order to more accurately fulfill orders for portioned dishes, you can use a special display installed at the stamp maker’s workplace.

The scoreboard is a box with square cutouts for plexiglass disks with numbers and names of dishes. There are four fluorescent lamps inside the box. Instead of verbally transmitting the waiter's order to the cook, the stamp maker marks it on the board using a disk.

The cook, looking at the board, finds out how many and what dishes he should prepare.

When receiving ordered dishes from the kitchen, the waiter is obliged to pay attention to their design, temperature, etc. If, when serving identical dishes, he sees that one is good and the other is poorly prepared, or one of them seems smaller in volume or weight, the waiter should not accept their. It is necessary to call the head waiter or production manager and correct the shortcomings. It is prohibited to accept carelessly prepared, burnt or cold food from the distributor.

With the receipts, the waiter takes from the service table the utensils necessary to receive the products from the buffet and serves them to the visitors. Having received drinks, wine and vodka products, fruits from the buffet, the waiter must check whether there is sediment in the bottles, whether all bottles have labels, whether apples, pears, etc. are well washed and dried. Drinks received from the buffet in bottles and decanters etc., cigarettes, cigarettes, matches are carried on trays.

Techniques for serving food and drinks

The waiter must know the rules of service technique. When starting to place an order, you must strictly follow the accepted sequence of serving cold and hot appetizers, various dishes and drinks. First of all, you should adhere to the rule: all ordered dishes and drinks must be brought into the hall on a tray covered with a napkin, carrying it on your left hand, and, if necessary, holding it with your right. This is due to the fact that the waiter approaches the guest from the left.

There are several techniques for carrying trays: on the area of ​​the entire palm and with straight fingers wide apart, on the tips of five fingers (light tray). A tray with dishes cannot be raised above the shoulder (an exception can be made only in the utility room). It is not recommended to carry anything on a tray without first covering it with a napkin; The napkin reduces the sliding of objects and prevents possible breakage of dishes.

Place dishes and drinks on the tray in only one row, heavier items should be closer to the waiter, and tall ones should be in the center of the tray. Pantry and kitchen products must be brought separately. You should not carry an empty tray down to knee level. Brought from the kitchen on dishes culinary products in bowls and rams must be shown to visiting customers, and then, having received their permission, placed on plates.

When placing food on plates directly at the dining table, the waiter must approach visitors with the dish from the left side, holding the dish with the food in his left hand. Food should be served on plates, as well as clean plates should be placed on the right side of the visitor sitting at the table, with the right hand.

If the dish is laid out on plates on the utility table, this table is moved towards the dining table. The dish is placed on the side or behind the plate, onto which the culinary products are transferred, using utensils for laying out. When serving a glass of water, cigarettes, matches, bills (on a plate or small tray), it is customary to approach from the left side. You can remove used dishes from both the right and left sides.

It is important that the table is kept clean and tidy throughout the service: used dishes, glasses, glasses must be removed in a timely manner; sweep the crumbs into a dustpan with a brush, and cover the stains on the tablecloth with a napkin; You need to be especially careful about the cleanliness of your utensils, changing them after each dish.

If a visitor drops a fork or napkin on the floor, you must immediately serve him clean ones on a small tray or plate, and only then pick up and remove the dropped item.

The waiter, when laying out cutlery, placing plates and dishes, must remember the following rules:

  • your thumb should be behind the edge of the plate;
  • It is forbidden to touch the edges of cups or glasses;
  • the saucer under the glass should always be dry;
  • devices can only be grasped by the handles;
  • You should silently and carefully place glasses, glasses, cups, and cutlery;
  • do not brush crumbs onto the floor when cleaning the table;
  • bring the next dish after the used dishes from under the previously served one have been removed from the table; when serving, the dish or plate is taken with a handbrake, after wiping the bottom.

There is a certain sequence of serving drinks, snacks, and dishes. First, as a rule, mineral or fruit water, bread, snacks, and wine received from the buffet are placed on the table, and then hot dishes are served. Plates for hot dishes are heated to 40–50°C, for cold dishes they are slightly cooled to room temperature.

You need to work rhythmically, giving yourself rest during pauses in service. When completing an order, leaving the hall, you need to grab extra or used dishes and cutlery, and bring ready-made dishes on your way back. The waiter must remember that before placing used dishes from the table on a tray, they are cleared of food debris, removing up to 10 plates at a time. Heavy stacks of plates are placed in the middle of the tray.

Serving snacks. General rules

Lunch begins with appetizers. Snacks can be divided into cold and hot. Both serve good remedy to stimulate the appetite and add variety to the table. Cold appetizers include caviar, vegetable salads, meat salads, etc., assorted meats and fish, marinated fish, aspic, and gastronomic products.

IN common days In the restaurant, hot snacks are prepared to order. Feature hot snacks is that the food for them is cut small pieces so that the visitor does not need to use a knife. The most common hot appetizers that visitors order are mushrooms (champignons or porcini), pancakes, game julienne, etc. Cold appetizers are served in porcelain dishes. Hot snacks in luxury and highest category restaurants are served in cupronickel silverware. The temperature of cold appetizers served should be no higher than 14°C. Some products included in snacks should, on the contrary, be chilled, such as butter.

When receiving appetizers to be served, the waiter must pay attention to their external design, check whether the butter has melted, whether there is enough edible ice in the caviar bowl, etc.

Cold snacks are brought on a tray along with the utensils that should be used, and placed on the utility table. If fish is ordered, a snack knife and fork is required, not a fish knife and fork. The waiter places cutlery in the appetizer dishes for arranging. Then, with the permission of the guests, he serves snacks for dinner table. It should be remembered that snacks in tall dishes are placed closer to the center of the table, and in lower ones (for example, on trays) - closer to the edges of the table. Appetizers with side dishes are placed on the table on the left side, without side dishes - on the right.

If several types of appetizers are ordered, they are placed on the table in the same container in which they were brought. When ordering a large number of different snacks, two or three types are placed on the table, and the rest are laid out on snack plates and served to visitors during the service process.

Before the start of serving snacks in restaurants, bread is placed on the table in bread bins, or more often in plates, and butter, if it has been ordered, on pie plates. Toast is served hot on a special plate or wrapped in a napkin. There is an established order in the sequence of serving appetizers: first, caviar and fish appetizers are served (lightly salted fish, boiled fish, jellied fish, marinated fish, etc.); then salads - fish, meat, vegetables and, finally, meat snacks– ham, tongue, pate, poultry, etc.

Serving cold snacks

Assorted game. This snack includes pieces of black grouse, partridge, and hazel grouse.

Served on an ellipse-shaped dish. Garnish with pickled fruits. Garnish with parsley.

Assorted poultry. This appetizer includes two pieces each of chicken (white and dark meat), turkey, duck, and goose. Garnished with pickled fruits, red cabbage, gherkins, lettuce or parsley and served on an ellipse-shaped dish. You can serve mayonnaise sauce with chopped gherkins.

Assorted meats. This dish includes at least three types of meat products, cut into pieces: veal, ham, roast beef or boiled tongue. Served on porcelain oval or round dishes. Garnish: gherkins, pickled fruits, sliced ​​horseradish, fresh tomatoes. Sometimes they add pieces of meat jelly. Mayonnaise sauce with finely chopped pickles and capers is served separately.

Roasted poultry and game. Serve cut into pieces. Poultry should be cut into two parts, and then each into several pieces, depending on the size of the goose, turkey, chicken; hazel grouse and partridge are cut into two parts. Pieces of poultry or game are placed on dishes and decorated with parsley sprigs or lettuce leaves. Garnished with pickled plums, grapes, cherries, lingonberries, soaked apples, white or red cabbage, which can be served separately in a salad bowl. Mayonnaise sauce is served separately with poultry, and fruit and berry sauce is served with game.

Jellied meat. For this appetizer, veal, ham, and tongue are used. Prepare in portioned molds, serve in oval dishes, and transfer to appetizer plates.

Granular caviar (from beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon). The best beluga caviar is gray, coarse-grained, lightly salted. Served in caviar bowls containing a glass rosette and food ice. Caviar is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not lower than 0°C.

Chum salmon caviar. Like granular, it should have whole grains of light orange color. Caviar is served in caviar bowls with edible ice, chilled.

Pressed caviar. Pressed caviar is also obtained from sturgeon fish. When produced in fisheries, after salting, it is pressed and then formed into a roll. When released, pieces are cut from it, shaped like an ellipse or a rectangle, and placed on a fish tray, garnished with a slice of lemon or parsley. Just like granular caviar, pressed caviar has high taste qualities.

Sprat. Clean the entrails, cut off the heads, and place them on a tray. It is recommended to serve fresh cucumbers, hard-boiled egg, cut into circles. Egg circles can be decorated (from an envelope) with mayonnaise (in the form of a grid).

Canned snacks. Before serving, they are removed from the jars and placed on trays. The remaining amount is transferred to porcelain or glassware and stored in the refrigerator.

Crabs. Can be served squeezed, placed in a salad bowl or on a vase. Decorated with bouquets of boiled vegetables, slices of fresh cucumber or apple. Mayonnaise is served separately in a gravy boat.

You can serve butter with all three types of caviar, rasstegai with fish or viziga (according to Russian custom), lemon, hot rolls or white bread toast.

Game pate. This layered cake with minced game. The gaps between the minced meat and the dough are filled with jelly. Served on an ellipse-shaped dish or tray. Before serving, cut into slices.

Roast beef. Fried half-raw tenderloin of reddish color. Serve two or three pieces per serving on an elliptical tray and garnish with gherkins and red tomatoes. Mayonnaise sauce is served separately.

Jellied fish. Pieces of boiled and then chilled fish - pike perch, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, sterlet, perch or cod - are placed on a dish, decorated with lemon slices, parsley and filled with jelly. Served on oval porcelain dishes or trays. Horseradish sauce with vinegar is served separately.

Boiled fish. Served with a side dish. Sturgeon and stellate sturgeon are cut into pieces and, cooled, placed on trays or a plate. As a side dish, you can serve fresh red tomatoes and fresh or pickled cucumbers (in winter, add jelly in pieces). Decorate the dish with green salad leaves. Horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise sauce is served separately.

Fish under marinade. Fried pieces of sturgeon, pike perch, cod or perch are poured with marinade, sprinkled with chopped parsley on top. Serve in salad bowls, on trays or porcelain dishes.

Fish, vegetable, meat salads. Serve in salad bowls placed on small plates on which a spoon and fork are placed. For foreign tourists, salad dressing is often served separately in a gravy boat. If the salad serves as an addition to the ordered dish (green lettuce), it is placed to the left of the plate with this dish.

Sardines. Served on trays. Decorate with lemon slices and finely chopped parsley. If parsley is not available, it can be replaced with green lettuce leaves.

Salmon, salted chum salmon, lightly salted salmon. This fish appetizer is served in porcelain trays or on dishes at the rate of two pieces per serving. A portion of fish is complemented with a slice of lemon and a sprig of parsley.

Sprats in oil. Served on trays. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of parsley.

Serving hot snacks

Hot snacks are served in special dishes, usually the same ones in which they were prepared (portioned frying pans, cocotte makers, chillers, etc.). For example, baked fish is served in portioned frying pans, with the frying pan placed on a plate covered with a paper napkin.

Champignon or porcini mushrooms. Fried mushrooms are seasoned with sour cream and placed in a cocotte maker, sprinkled with grated cheese. Before serving, the cocotte makers are placed in the oven for baking. The appetizer is served in the same cocotte. There are two cocotte makers per serving, you can offer half a serving.

Game Julienne. Game fillet, as well as ham, tongue, champignons are cut into strips, seasoned sour cream sauce, sprinkle with cheese and bake in cocotte makers in the oven. Serve two cocotte bowls per serving.

Crabs. They are prepared in tomato sauce. Serve two cocotte bowls per serving.

Cancers. Among the gourmet hot appetizers, they are in greatest demand. Foreign restaurants believe that it is best to use them as delicacies from May to August, i.e., in months whose names do not have the letter “r”. A variety of snacks are prepared from crayfish.

Boiled crayfish are in particular demand. If crayfish (as well as crabs and shrimp) are cooked in broth, they are served in soup bowls, and a deep half-portioned plate and a special utensil are placed on the table. Boiled crayfish are served on round dishes. A snack plate and a special device are placed on the table. On the right side, place a slightly damp napkin on a small plate to wipe your fingers.

Meatballs in tomato. Meatballs can be served in round lambs or on a cupronickel frying pan.

The waiter, having placed the appetizers, takes bottles of alcoholic beverages and asks permission to fill glasses or wine glasses. After this, he can move away from the table, for example, to the sideboard, and from there observe all the tables in his service area, so that if necessary, he can immediately come to the aid of the guest, for example, put him a snack with common dish on a plate, etc. The waiter should not be intrusive, but must be attentive.

Used dishes and utensils must be removed before serving first courses. First, they take the cutlery from the table, and then the plates. They are placed in a stack on a tray, where a napkin is previously laid to avoid unnecessary noise. The tray should not be overloaded to prevent the dishes from breaking.

Serving first courses

Based on the method of preparation, there are clear soups (broths), dressing soups (cabbage soup, borscht), and puree soups (puree soup of cauliflower, asparagus, chicken, game). A separate group consists of fruit and berry soups.

Broths for clear soups are prepared stronger than for seasoned soups.

Dressing soups are prepared from vegetables, legumes and pasta with meat, fish, mushroom or vegetable broth. For dressing soups, roots and onions are sautéed; some soups are seasoned with white sauce.

Puree soups are prepared with meat broth, milk or a decoction of the products included in the soups, which are pureed after cooking.

Milk soups are prepared with milk, cream or a mixture of milk and cream with water.

According to the serving temperature, soups can be cold or hot.

Usually soups are served in cupronickel bowls with lids, placed on small plates, or in tureens. Deep plates and broth cups for serving soups must be heated. To do this, when preparing the restaurant for serving visitors, they are placed in heating cabinets. During the working day, the waiter on duty replenishes the stock from the service table as they are used up.

Receiving bowls of first courses from distribution, the waiter places them on a tray, where deep plates should already be placed and pouring spoons should be placed. Having brought the tray into the hall, he places it on the sideboard or utility table and pours the soup into deep plates placed on shallow ones. When pouring soup, keep the pouring spoon as close to the plate as possible so as not to spill the soup liquid. The filled plate is held with the left hand at the level of the soup bowl. When pouring the soup, do not shake it, but evenly distribute the fat and sour cream if the first course is seasoned with it, then add the thick part of the soup and then pour the broth. When serving during the day, a spoon, if it is not placed on the table in advance, is served on a stand plate.

There is another way to serve soups to visitors. The soup bowl is placed on a shallow plate on the dining table. A pouring spoon is placed on the right side of a deep plate. In this case, sometimes a little soup is poured into the visitor’s plate, and he can top it up himself.

Broths and clear soups are served in broth cups. The cup should be placed on the saucer with the handle to the left. Sometimes the saucer is placed on a shallow plate. The spoon is placed on a saucer or on the table to the right of the guest. The broth is usually served with croutons or a pie on a pie plate, which is placed to the left of the cup of broth. You can offer an egg (hard-boiled) or an omelette.

Cold and seasoned milk soups are served in bowls. There are some special features when serving seasoned soups. So, with day-old cabbage soup, sour cream is served separately in a gravy boat. You can serve buckwheat porridge on a plate or in a clay pot according to Russian custom. The borscht is served with cheesecake or a piece of krupenik. For some cold soups, for example, botvinya, okroshka, food ice, chopped into small pieces, is served in a salad bowl.

Fruit and berry soups are also served in bowls.

Before setting the table for serving main courses, the waiter collects the used dishes on a tray, sets them according to size and type, removing leftover food from the plates on one plate, and putting the cutlery on another. He puts these plates on top and takes them away. When carrying heavy objects, they are placed closer to the side of the tray facing the waiter. Then, on a tray or in a stack with a handbrake, the waiter brings clean plates for the main courses.

Serving main courses

The order of serving second courses: first fish, then meat and poultry and game dishes, and then vegetables, cereals, eggs, dairy, flour.

When submitting fish dishes use the following utensils: for boiled fish - oval cupronickel dishes, for fried fish - cupronickel frying pans placed on small plates or oval metal dishes.

Sauce for boiled fish, such as pike perch in Polish, is served separately in a sauce boat. When ordering fish dishes (Polish pike perch, mirror carp, etc.), the table is additionally served with fish knives and forks. The plates must be warmed up. But when setting the table for fried fish, the plates are not heated, since the crust must remain crispy. It is advisable to place a plate for bones next to the pie plate.

In case the fish is being cooked whole carcass(from a live one), then it is also served whole, and on a utility table the waiter puts it on plates, if he has received the visitor’s permission.

Before preparing a dish from live fish, it should be shown to the visitor.

When serving meat dishes, the following dishes are used: for natural - steaks, entrecotes, as well as breaded products - cupronickel dishes; for stewed in sauce - round lambs or clay pots with a lid.

Poultry and game are served on platters. When arranging poultry or game into portions, the waiter must ensure that there is a piece of white and dark meat on each plate.

Boiled vegetables are served in round cupronickel dishes. Butter can be served separately.

Baked vegetables are served in the pans in which they were cooked. If vegetables are served as an independent dish and not as a side dish, only a large fork is used as a utensil - it is placed on the right side of the main plate or in front. If a vegetable dish contains any product that requires cutting, a knife is added to the device.

The waiter, having received the ready-made second course, brings it along with heated plates and utensils for laying out and places it on the utility table. Then he shows it to the guests and, after their permission, using serving utensils, places the dish on plates and serves it to the visitors.

During group service, the waiter presents the guests with a dish, which they serve for themselves (a plate should be placed in front of each visitor). When serving a plate or dish to the table, the waiter's thumb should be on the side. They pass the dish around to the guests only on the left side, holding it in their left hand on a napkin.

Serving sweet dishes

Sweet dishes usually end the meal. Most of them not only have a pleasant taste, but also a high nutritional value. As a rule, they contain a significant amount of sugars, and some are rich in proteins and fats.

The range of sweet dishes is very diverse. These are jelly, compotes, jellies, mousses, various puddings, casseroles, etc.

Before serving sweet dishes, the waiter must remove all used dishes and cutlery, and sweep away crumbs from the tablecloth.

Many sweet dishes (jelly, compotes, ice cream, jelly) are served in bowls. They are placed on a dessert or pie plate, on which a dessert or teaspoon is placed with the handle facing to the right. Serving some sweet dishes has its own characteristics.

Mousses and jellies served chilled should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature between 2 and 14°C before serving.

Real Guryev porridge served in a portioned frying pan in which it was baked, placed on a shallow plate and covered with a paper napkin. Milk foam, canned fruit or jam, and toasted almonds should be placed on top. Apricot sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

Casseroles and puddings are served on cupronickel dishes, portioned frying pans or in rams. When leaving, pour sauce or syrup over it. Sometimes sauces are served separately. For hot sweet dishes, the dishes are heated.

Ice cream is served in ice cream bowls, placed in the form of balls and decorated canned fruit. When serving whipped cream ice cream (parfait), use a round dish on which it is cut into portions and placed on dessert plates.

Pre-washed boiled water and dried fruits are served in vases. In addition to dessert plates, there should be fruit knives and forks on the table. The vase is usually filled with fruit different types- apples, pears, grapes, oranges. If one of the visitors ordered the fruit individually, they are served on a dessert plate, making up a set of apple, pear, tangerine or orange, and a bunch of grapes.

Sometimes citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines) are served in bowls. In this case, they are peeled, divided into slices and poured with dessert wine.

Berries are served on dessert plates or in bowls. The berries are served separately in a socket powdered sugar. When serving berries with milk or cream, they are placed in a deep plate, and milk or cream is served in a milk jug.

Serving hot drinks

At the end of the meal, the waiter offers guests tea, coffee or other hot drinks. Coffee comes to restaurants as beans, raw or roasted, and ground. When receiving from suppliers, it is important to ensure that not only the variety, but also the type of coffee is indicated on the boxes of coffee. Raw grains can be stored for a long time. Roasted grains coffee is supplied to restaurants in plywood boxes with a net weight of up to 15 kg, lined with two layers of paper. In order to preserve the aroma, it is recommended that roasted coffee be delivered to enterprises in small quantity, no more than 20–30 days.


When preparing coffee, you should remember that only the right combination of its individual types gives the drink a pleasant taste, aroma and characteristic color. Using just one type of coffee, you cannot achieve a good quality drink. The most common names and percentages of different types of coffee are:

  • Colombian – 75%, Ethiopian – 25%;
  • Indian Arabica – 75%, Ethiopian – 25%;
  • Colombian – 75%, Indian Arabica – 25%;
  • Colombian – 50%, Indian Arabica – 50%;
  • Colombian – 25%, Indian Arabica – 75%;
  • Colombian – 50%, Ethiopian – 50%.

Raw coffee beans have a strong astringent taste and are difficult to turn into powder. To eliminate these shortcomings, they are fried. Before roasting, coffee beans are separated from foreign impurities and then roasted on cast iron frying pans in electric ovens.

The beans are poured into a frying pan in a layer of 2 cm, placed in the oven chamber and fried with frequent stirring until they are uniformly brown and a specific coffee aroma appears. The frying temperature of 180–200°C is set in electrical cabinets using a thermostat (switch). If there is no electric oven, coffee beans are roasted in the same way on the stove over low heat.

The roasted grains are poured from the frying pan and quickly cooled, after which they are poured into metal jars with tight-fitting lids or into glass jars with ground plugs. Improper roasting of coffee beans leads to changes in the taste and color of the finished drink. Over-roasted beans give coffee a bitter taste, while under-roasted beans negatively affect the taste and even the color of coffee. During frying coffee beans profound changes occur in them: the volume of the beans increases by 30–50%, the weight decreases on average by 18% due to the removal of water and the decomposition of certain substances, the sugar caramelizes and gives the coffee beans a brown color.

In order to obtain strong drink With pleasant taste and the strong aroma used is roasted coffee beans. Coffee is best prepared in coffee makers, but you can also cook it on the stove in coffee pots or Turkish coffee pots. Before starting to prepare coffee, warm up the coffee maker until the metal part of the handle becomes hot.

Coffee beans are ground in coffee grinders immediately before brewing; The degree of grinding on the coffee grinder is adjusted using a special ring. For oriental coffee, the beans are ground finer than for black coffee.

In order to ensure the accuracy of pouring coffee into a portion, use a dispenser on a coffee grinder, which measures a portion of coffee from 5 to 10 g.

Chicory is often not added to ground coffee. It is recommended to prepare coffee with added chicory only upon order.

Black coffee (yield 100 ml)

Portion ground coffee pour into the coffee maker filter, secure the filter holder under the dosing cylinder, then turn the handle towards you and after 15–20 s return it to the vertical position. When the handle is lifted up, the coffee prepared in the dosing cylinder is poured into the cup through the filter. Black coffee is sold in small coffee cups. Sugar for coffee is served separately in an outlet.

Oriental coffee (yield 100 ml)

Pour a portion of coffee along with sugar into a Turkish dish specially designed for preparing and dispensing this type of coffee - a cone-shaped container with a handle for 1, 2, 5 servings, fill with cold drinking water, and bring to a boil with steam from a steam exhaust tube. At the same time, the coffee foam formed during brewing should remain on the surface of the coffee. Coffee is served to the table in the same container in which it is prepared. If it is brewed in one container for several servings, then first the coffee foam is laid out in the cups, and then the coffee itself is poured. Chilled water with ice is served separately.

Coffee with milk (yield 150 ml)

Hot baked milk and sugar are added to the finished black coffee, and milk foam is added when leaving. Coffee with milk is sold in glasses. It is recommended to include it in the breakfast menu. At mass preparation Coffee with milk can be served without foam.

When serving coffee in coffee pots, an empty cup with a capacity of 100 ml is placed in front of the guest and, after receiving permission, it is filled. There is usually some coffee left in the coffee pot. The waiter places the coffee pot to the guest's right so that it is convenient for him to pour the second cup himself.

If coffee is served in cups, they are placed on a saucer, where a teaspoon is placed. Cups must be preheated. It is recommended to serve a glass of cognac or liqueur with black coffee. Sugar is supplied separately at the outlet.


In addition to coffee, tea is served. Very for a long time They thought that tea has a tonic effect on a person primarily when it serves to quench his thirst and warm him up from the cold. Then they noticed that tea increases a person’s energy in all cases, since it also acts as a hunger quencher. Indeed, while in no way completely replacing food, tea at the same time helps people withstand its lack or absence for quite a long time. This is explained by the fact that tea leaves are not inferior to legumes in protein content and quality. A cup of tea with a tablespoon of milk and a lump of sugar provides 40 calories (according to some sources - 50). By replacing milk with cream and drinking stronger tea with two pieces of sugar per cup, the calorie content of a serving of tea increases to 95–100 calories. In addition, tea is a real storehouse of vitamins. Fresh tea leaves contain more vitamin C than lemon juice (however, during factory processing its amount decreases). In addition to vitamin C, tea also contains vitamins. There are many varieties of tea: black, red, yellow, green. There are several hundred varieties of black tea alone.

Water for tea should not have any, even minor, specific or foreign odors. The second important requirement is a low level of dissolved minerals in the water, its “softness”. Spring water is considered the best for brewing tea. In second place is the soft water of fast rivers with a rocky-sandy bottom and flowing glacial lakes.

Attaching utmost importance proper brewing tea and the quality of the infusion, the Chinese specially brought soft spring water to the capital from rather remote mountainous areas. The water must be left to stand for at least 24 hours before use to brew tea. You can use special water softeners produced by industry.

Tea is brewed with boiling water, it is best when the water is boiling.

Neither water that has boiled over nor the water whose boiling was stopped at the beginning of the third stage is suitable for brewing tea. For some types of it, specially unboiled water is used at a temperature of 50–60°C. In the vast majority of cases, brewing tea requires water in the middle of the boiling process.

Tea in various countries prepared differently.

Japanese way of making tea

In Japan they drink green and partly yellow tea. Yellow tea brew according to the Chinese classical method - directly into the cup, with an exposure time of 1.5–2 minutes. As for green teas, in most cases, before brewing, they are first ground into powder in special porcelain mortars, and then poured with boiling water in porcelain, pre-warmed spherical teapots with a capacity of 0.5–1 liters. Dry kettles are heated in special braziers in a stream of hot air or in buckets of hot water and the entire surface (not just the bottom) is heated evenly to a temperature above 50°C, but not above 60°C. Therefore, the handles of Japanese teapots are either made entirely of bamboo or braided with reeds so as not to get burned. The average dosage is a teaspoon of tea powder per 200 g of water, sometimes a little more.

English way of making tea

The British drink tea with milk or cream. Preheat the dry kettle. Then tea is poured into it at the rate of a teaspoon per cup of water and a teaspoon per teapot. The kettle is immediately filled with boiling water (twice) and left to steep for 5 minutes. While the tea is steeping, milk is poured into very hot cups - from 1/6 to 1/4 cup (to taste) and then tea is poured into the milk. Moreover, the British strictly follow the rule of pouring tea into milk, and in no case vice versa. It has been observed that adding milk to tea spoils the aroma and taste of the drink, and such a mistake is considered in England as ignorance. They drink tea at strictly defined hours: in the morning at breakfast, during lunch (13.00) and in Fife-o-Clock, that is, at afternoon tea (17.00). The British drink exclusively strong tea and they drink little water: firstly, each time they drink no more than two cups of tea, and secondly, this amount of liquid consists of 20–30% milk.

Indian way of making tea

In India, especially in cities, tea is also drunk in English, with milk, but the so-called iced tea is considered the national drink. It is prepared as follows. Add three teaspoons of the best tea to 300–350 ml of water, which is brewed in the usual way for 5 minutes. Then a 0.5 liter glass is filled with several ice cubes and all the tea from the kettle is poured. To this tea add sugar and lemon, cut into slices, about half the fruit, and sometimes the juice of the whole fruit, which is squeezed directly into a glass. The tea is covered with a napkin and cooled for about 3-4 minutes, then drunk in extremely small sips.

Mongolian way of making tea

This is one of the oldest ways of brewing tea. It is widespread from the Gobi Desert to the Nogai steppes between the Volga and Don rivers. The main ingredients for preparing tea using this method are green brick tea, milk, butter, flour and salt. Depending on the national composition of the population of the area where Mongolian tea is consumed, all its elements, except brick tea, may vary. Thus, milk can be cow, goat, sheep, mare, camel, and can also be partially or completely replaced with kumiss; oil may sometimes be completely absent or replaced and supplemented with lard (beef, lamb); flour can be wheat, barley, rye and is supplemented with rice, millet (gaoliang). Sometimes, along with salt, black peppercorns (bitter) are added to tea at the rate of one grain per glass. Mongolians first grind brick tea into powder and pour 1–3 tablespoons of this powder into 1 liter of cold water.

As soon as the water boils, add 0.25–0.5 liters of cow, sheep or camel milk, a tablespoon of melted yak butter (shartos), camel or cow butter, as well as 50–100 g of flour pre-fried with butter (zatirukhi). ) and half or a quarter cup of any cereal (rice, millet). Bring all this again to a boil and readiness, adding salt to taste. If cereal is not added, then very little salt is added.

Russian way of making tea

The porcelain teapot is rinsed with boiling water, tea is placed in it and 1/3 is also filled with boiling water. After 3–5 minutes, the kettle is topped up. Russian tea can be drunk and recommended to restaurant visitors with honey, jam, sugar, milk or cream, lemon and other fruits, bagels, rolls, pies, gingerbread, etc.

It is best to drink tea from porcelain dishes, which should not only be clean and free of foreign odors, but also dry. You should not pour tea into the cup to the top - you should try to leave at least 1.5 cm of space free from liquid to the edges.

You can drink the tea quite hot, but not get burned. Sips should be small, and it is better not to swallow immediately, but to hold the tea a little in the front of the mouth and even rub your tongue on the palate and upper gum, savoring the drink. This will not only help you taste it, but will also prevent too hot liquid from entering your esophagus and stomach.

Tea is served in tea cups or glasses with glass holders. Cup holders should be placed on saucers with a teaspoon.

Serve separately for tea with lump sugar in rosettes and lemon cut into slices. At the visitor's request, hot milk or cream is served with tea in a milk jug.

Serving tea in hotel rooms has some peculiarities. In this case, it is served in two teapots: in a small one - brewed tea, in a large one - boiling water.

Chocolate and cocoa are served in cups and saucers.

The following confectionery products are usually offered with hot drinks: various cakes, cakes, cupcakes, cookies in vases or on dessert plates.

Serving dishes

The waiter will certainly take care of serving the dishes in the restaurant. However, knowing the rules of presentation will help you feel confident and avoid any kind of awkwardness.

If at the time of seating the table has already been set, you should not touch the cutlery, straighten the napkin or rearrange the glasses ahead of time.

Typically, dishes are served to the table in the order they are offered on the menu and ordering sequence. Having chosen several dishes of the same category, you should inform the waiter when it is best to serve them.

It is acceptable to ask for a children's menu to be brought faster, especially if the establishment has a play corner.

In a friendly company or family circle, you can change the serving sequence by warning the waiter.

During the banquet, the serving sequence is not allowed to be changed according to an individual order. On a date, especially on the first, it is also better to stick to the established rules.

If for some personal reasons you decide to change the order of serving, inform the waiter about it.

The guest may miss serving a particular dish. You cannot return to a missed dish, but you can place an additional order in a friendly company.

There are three main methods of serving dishes: French (to take away), English (using a serving table) and Russian (on a common table).

In most establishments it is practiced French method. In this case, the waiter brings the finished dish. Ready-to-serve dishes are served on the right. During a banquet with seating in a circle, some dishes are placed on the plates of guests from big dish waiter Food placed on plates is served from the left side.

Sometimes guests help themselves to a portion from a dish brought by the waiter. In this case, the waiter approaches the guest from the left and holds the dish in his left hand. If salad or other side dish sticks to the cavity of the spoon, simply scrape the spoon clean with a sliding motion of the fork.

When serving food, the temperature regime must be observed. It is advisable to serve hot dishes on heated plates, caviar in a caviar bowl containing a glass rosette and ice. The temperature of cold appetizers is up to 14 °C, hot - 75 °C, soups - 75–90 °C, hot meat and fish dishes - 65–75 °C.

Hot snacks are usually served in the container in which they were prepared, for example, in a cocotte maker. Cocotte makers are placed on a pie plate.

Most restaurants of European cuisine offer a wide range of main courses from fish, meat, poultry, vegetables in boiled, fried, stewed, baked and other forms.

The order of serving second courses: fish, then meat and poultry dishes, then vegetable, egg, dairy.

Most often, 3-4 dishes are ordered: a cold or hot appetizer, a first course, a hot fish or meat dish and dessert. Usually a cold appetizer is served before the soup, and a hot appetizer after it, but variations are possible.

Lunch of five or more courses is served on special occasions. Moreover, after the hot meat comes vegetable dish or order both cold and hot snacks.

The English method involves serving dishes on a serving table and portioning them in front of visitors. The dish is conveniently located on the left side of the serving table, and the plates are on the right. Waiters place food on plates in the following order: main product, side dish, sauce, herbs. The plate is served from the right side and with the right hand.

The waiters strive to make the portions uniform; if someone gets a little more side dish or a smaller piece, they are not supposed to indicate.

The Russian method of serving is convenient for a group of friends. Cold and hot snacks and dishes are placed on a common table, and guests serve themselves. You are not supposed to take food from a common dish with your fork. It is customary to take a portion from a common dish from the top or from the edge, rather than choosing better pieces.

Sauces can be served individually for each guest. They are placed on the guest's left hand.

When serving food, drinks, or changing cutlery, guests should not help the waiter. If the waiter is uncomfortable approaching the guest from the left, he can also approach from the right. The main task of service is the convenience and comfort of guests.

Some restaurants bring bread and butter before serving food.

For fish snacks include caviar (grained, pressed, chum salmon), fish (lightly salted, jellied, boiled, stuffed, marinated, smoked, fish salads), seafood (crabs, lobsters, shrimp, crayfish, oysters, etc.).

Meat snacks: meat (boiled, jellied), sausages, smoked meats, meat salads, boiled and jellied bird, game and poultry salads.

Vegetable snacks: vegetable and mushroom salads, pickles, olives or black olives.

Soups: transparent, puree, milky, cold.

Hot dishes often offered in sections: fish, meat, Domestic bird, vegetables.

Often the menu is presented by a sommelier to immediately offer an aperitif and help in choosing drinks.

The menu is served to the guest open on the first page. There is no point in reaching out for him. If there are several guests of equal status at the table, then the menu will first be served to the one sitting further from the waiter. In another case, the rule is used: children - women - men - according to seniority. In the women's team, no distinction is made between women by age.

Having noticed cigarettes or a lighter on the table, the waiter brings an ashtray along with the menu or explains where you can smoke.

During an official event, dishes are served “by rank”: first to more important, honored guests, then to women and the owner of the table.

Snacks are served within 10 minutes after ordering. The first and second hot dishes appear on the table within 15 minutes after ordering, unless the time has been specified additionally. Desserts, coffee and tea - within 10 minutes after ordering.

Do not rush to start the meal as soon as a plate of food appears in front of you - you should wait until the plates appear in front of all the guests.

Immediately after serving, you can start eating only soup.

The next dish is not served until all participants in the meal have finished the previous one. There is no point in delaying the meal and delaying the entire table.

Used dishes are removed from the right side when guests are ready, regardless of rank.

The end of the meal is indicated by the arrangement of the cutlery: the knife and fork are placed on the plate with their handles parallel, even if there is still food left on the plate. The soup spoon is left in the plate.

Under no circumstances should you help the waiter clear the table, even if you come to the restaurant with your family and children.

You should not stack plates on top of each other, especially glasses on an empty plate, or move plates to the edge of the table to demonstrate the end of the meal.

Do not place used paper napkins in a glass or glass.

The waiter should ask the guest if it is time to remove something from the table. If you haven't finished your meal and the waiter starts cleaning, you should stop him.

When clearing dishes, the waiter usually moves around the table clockwise. Glasses and glasses are removed with the right hand to the right of the guest.

You should not call the waiter who is removing dishes from the next table. Having taken dirty plates from the table, the waiter must immediately take them away so as not to stop and place them on someone else’s table dirty dishes. Just give a sign and the waiter will return to your table.

The dessert menu is served when all guests have finished their meal and the plates have been cleared after the main course.

The waiter must clarify whether it is time/can the dish be served. Sometimes the waiter warns the guest that the dish will be served when ready.

From time to time the waiter checks with the visitors whether they like everything and whether they want anything else. A short answer of “yes, thank you” is enough. There is no point in admiring or criticizing the cuisine.

It is permissible to ask for a replacement dish only if the preparation standards are not met or the food is served half-baked or sloppy. If you don’t like the taste of the dish, you shouldn’t ask for a replacement.

If the dish is not served with sauce, do not ask for mustard, ketchup or mayonnaise. Even if visitors are accustomed to such food at home, it is better to eat the proposed menu in a restaurant.

If smoking is still allowed, then if one person smokes at the table, the ashtray is changed after each cigarette. For four or more guests, two ashtrays are provided. Cigarettes and matches are served to visitors on the left.

The arrival of coffee signals the end of lunch. Coffee and tea are served with sugar, sometimes with lemon. After stirring the sugar, remove the spoon and place it on a saucer.

The bill is served on the left side.

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Recipes for love dishes There are many known recipes for aphrodisiac dishes. As an example, I will give methods for preparing two salads. “Love” salad No. 1. Chop three hard-boiled eggs, add a finely chopped onion to them, add salt and pepper (the taste should be

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Serving Drinks Drinks are an important part of the meal. If there is a sommelier in the restaurant, he is the first to approach the visitors, hand over a card and offer to help with the choice. The waiter can also offer the drink most compatible with the selected dish. Glasses should

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Chapter 4. Recipes for anti-stress dishes

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Recipes for some dishes Vitamin drink Required: 1 lemon, 1.5 l mineral water, 4 ice cubes. Preparation. Finely chop the lemon, put it in a saucepan, mash the mixture with a spoon, pour in 1.5 liters of mineral water, stir, add ice cubes, strain. It turns out

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Recipes for people born under the sign of Sagittarius Appetizers Sausages with potatoes and eggs 200 g sausages, 250 g potatoes, 250 g mayonnaise, 5 eggs, 100 g pickles, 2 onions, 250 g mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. l. butter, salt to taste. 1. Chop the onion and fry in creamy

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Recipes for people born under the sign of Capricorn Appetizers Mackerel with cheese 700 g mackerel, 200 g cheese, 2 pods bell pepper sweet, 2 fresh tomatoes, 70 g vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. crushed breadcrumbs, a little parsley, 1 head onions, salt and

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Recipes for people born under the sign of Aquarius Appetizers Assorted fish 4 eggs, 40 g butter, 40 g salmon and sturgeon caviar, 1 can of sprat, 100 g salted fish, 100 g boiled fish, 1 pickled cucumber. 1. When preparing assorted fish, they primarily use

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Recipes for people born under the sign of Pisces Snacks Solyanka “Volzhskaya” 600 g fresh river fish, 2 onions, 2 pickles, 2 tomatoes, 0.5 cups pickled plums, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, Bay leaf, 0.5 lemon, 30 g of herbs, salt to taste. 1. Clean the fish and

Evgeny Veselov,

restaurant chef

Forte Bello

The most simple presentation prevails, the reason is banal - the desire to reduce the cost of the dish. If we talk about global trends, now they often present familiar dishes V unusual form, for example, pate with tangerine jelly in the form of a tangerine. Of course, no one has canceled the role of interesting designer dishes in the presentation, but here again we return to the issue of cost.

Yesterday's serving - all sorts of variations on the theme of decorating shrimp, chicken fillet, etc. with mixed salad.

I follow what surprises Rene Redzepi, Ferran Adria, Nobu Matsuhisa and other chefs in foreign restaurants, what tableware is appearing on the market and what new equipment manufacturers offer.

Chefs get ideas for new dishes from cookbooks and when traveling to other countries and cities, and sometimes a trip to the food market is enough for them

2. “Handwriting” of the boss

restaurant chef


Each chef has his own style that he adheres to, or his own vision existing techniques. There are dishes for which classic white plates are enough, and there are those that require an original presentation.

I really like what they are doing Grant Achatz And Rene Redzepi. In my opinion, very interesting idea– using a 3D printer to work with chocolate.

3. Designer dishes

restaurant chef

"Latin Quarter"

The main trend is serving on non-standard or custom-made designer dishes created for specific dishes. In this case, it is very important to adhere to the color scheme.

It is no longer relevant to pour sauce over the entire dish before serving, and also to combine a large number of different tastes.

You can impress your guest by changing the texture of your food. In my opinion, an interesting idea is to serve ingredients from which the guest assembles the dish himself, choosing what he likes.

Among the chefs whose work is interesting to watch, I would like to name Adrian Ketglasa And Heston Blumenthal. Among the establishments, I highlight the Arzak restaurant in San Sebastian.

4. Color wheel theory

restaurant chef

New and relevant - serving the same product, but in different textures. Very interesting ideas based on the correct combination of colors when used various ingredients. It is important to use the theory of the color wheel (the color of recent seasons is green).

Serving on slate, on wood and along with inedible elements has ceased to be relevant. Also, very bright dishes with more than 3-4 colors are not in trend (with the exception of desserts).

You can impress a guest with a seemingly ordinary dish if you tell its story or hidden subtext. For example, our menu includes quail pate and chicken ventricles conf. The restaurant is located at a bird's eye view, and such close proximity to birds gave rise to the idea of ​​​​creating this unusual dish.

Interesting ideas for serving dishes can be seen from chefs from Finland, Denmark, France, Spain, Estonia and Asian countries.

5. Balance of form and content

Alexey Berzin,

restaurant chef

"Grand European Express"

I try to demonstrate the limitless variety of cooking possibilities, including scientific evidence. I form the menu from simple, understandable products that reflect the tastes and preferences of the majority of consumers. I stick to the basic principles Japanese cooking– this is naturalness, elegant simplicity, balance of form and content.

Main trends require original presentation and beautiful design(the dish should look like a composition - a side dish, several sauces, decoration), high quality products and their correct proven combinations, instant cooking and affordable prices.

I also include shocking presentation and the possibility of simple ingredients make complex interesting dishes. I strive for the dish to be complex, multi-component, bright in presentation and at the same time remain democratic.

Scandinavian countries and Spain now dictate fashion in gastronomy and are at the top. If we talk about the chefs I focus on, then this is definitely Andre Chang. He uses only new methods in his dishes, quality ingredients And seasonal products. Often he doesn’t even have a prepared recipe; the dish can be born 10 minutes before serving it to the guest. At the same time, the price remains affordable.

6. Product quality

Mikhail Simagin,

bakery cafe chef

"Bread Shop"

I place my bet, first of all, on the quality of the product, on its original presentation, for the correct proven taste combinations.

Today in Moscow there are two trends: either chefs copy the cuisine or presentation from foreign ones, or they follow the wishes of the guests, who dictate to us what they want to eat. The consumer is not interested in either new offerings or molecular cuisine, everything goes to simplicity, to the quality of the product. The guest is interested in new products. Price also matters, but people pay attention to it secondarily (they began to compare it with foreign restaurants).

In the world of gastronomy, everything changes very quickly, everything is cyclical, and fashion can return. I can say only one thing with confidence: no matter what trend is observed in the world, I will not cook insects.

There are a lot of cool chefs now, especially in Spain. They “play” well with dishes and think through every detail. There is also interesting equipment, for example, a sous vide grill, which allows you to cook at low temperatures.

Maxim Ryzhkov,

restaurant chef

Paulaner Brauhaus Moscow Paveletsky

The requirement of time is only natural ingredients, refusal to use additives and dyes, preserving the natural taste and benefits of seasonal products.

To impress a guest, you need to meet his expectations - and people whose lives are full of worries and tasks want to receive homely, healthy and Tasty food. Amazing dishes prepared on open fire– they have an incomparable taste.

7. “Taste of childhood”

brand chef of the Varenichnaya No. 1 chain

and cafe "Kompot"

Nowadays Russians and Ukrainian dishes that we remember from childhood. I like Odessa cuisine - it's a mixture best traditions Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish, French, Italian, Polish, Moldovan cuisine. In Odessa, a port city, there were a lot of people, everything boiled in one pot and formed an incredibly colorful cuisine.

I will call the use of rare products that none of the chefs have used before as a new trend. For me, the discovery was rapana - a very tasty and healthy Black Sea product, as well as garfish - a small tasty fish with blue bones. Working with a local product gives chefs a very good chance to develop and come up with their own ways of preparing familiar dishes.

My reference point is, of course, Western chefs; From Moscow restaurants I pay attention to “Muesli”, “Syrovarnya”, “Dr. Zhivago", "Wing or Leg" and "Spotlight".

8. Combination of incongruous things

Alexander Popov,

brand chef of beer restaurants


Previously, dishes were very popular haute cuisine, molecular gastronomy. In modern conditions they have become in demand simple dishes from Soviet cuisine, decorated in new way. In the USSR, dishes were served decorated with fresh herbs. Nowadays, many restaurants are seeing exactly this trend.

I follow the ideas of these great chefs. If I like something, I borrow the brightest component and use it to create own dishes. I like to use products that, at first glance, do not go together, like lychees and shrimp.

I adhere to the following principle: the presentation of dishes should be borrowed from the French, the taste from the Italians, and the precision from the Japanese.

9. The return of ancient technologies

Yuri Kudryavtsev,

steakhouse brand chef


Regional cuisine and the use of high-quality domestic products, seasonal village vegetables and herbs are trending. Undeservedly forgotten technologies are returning, for example, cooking in a Russian oven or over fire, homemade spices and sauces.

The main trend is fresh food, carefully prepared, their natural taste, not hidden by complex sauces. When creating new dishes, there should always be one leading product that can be supplemented with side dishes.

From past trends, serving under air foam is still used. Stylish tableware with wide sides and serving separated dishes that demonstrate the texture of the product, its quality and careful preparation are still relevant.

10. Special effects

Valery Shanin,

restaurant chef

"Filimonova and Yankel"

In Russia, the topic of Russian cuisine with an original approach, the use of new technologies and local products. Among the most current trends is healthy eating. A new phenomenon that continues the trend of fruits and vegetables “fresh from the garden” is restaurants where chefs grow their own greens on the balconies or in the gardens next to their establishment.

People are becoming especially demanding external design. Tasting menus with wine accompaniment are popular (a gastronomic set where each dish is accompanied by a glass of specially selected wine). Dishes-pictures, decoy dishes, as well as all kinds of special effects are relevant. For example, recently smoked, deliberately charred dishes sprinkled with “ash” have been in fashion. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation - these trends are more typical for developed countries and large cities; only a few percent of the planet’s inhabitants dream of this.

I am interested in restaurants that consistently maintain a high level of quality, such as Noma in Copenhagen, White Rabbit and Dr Zhivago in Moscow.

Chef at Noma restaurant Rene Redzepi prepares exclusively from those products that are grown or produced in the vicinity of the city. He manages to combine products that seem incompatible at first glance. This is very interesting, because not every restaurant will offer fried reindeer moss with porcini mushrooms, crispy pork skin with black currants and fresh radishes for an appetizer, which you need to pull out of the pot and eat (“the ground” is also edible).

As for White Rabbit and Dr Zhivago, I'm impressed by the skill Vladimir Mukhin And Maxim Tarusina take recipes from ancient Russian cuisine and add modern unusual notes.

The range of dishes for a wedding feast is varied. Both hot and cold snacks are served on the table. In addition, if desired, you can arrange an excellent dessert table.
Be sure to prepare dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, sliced ​​cheese, and various types of sausages for a wedding.

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A wedding menu for 50 people at home may include the following dishes:

1. Cold appetizers

This is something that should always be a lot. Snacks and alcoholic beverages are used as snacks and snacks, so there is no need to skimp here. What you should definitely prepare:
cold cuts;
slicing fresh vegetables (peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers);
assorted salted vegetables;
marinated mushrooms;
cheese slices (2 types);
cutting from different types of sausage (3 types);
jellied tongue;
liver cake;
stuffed vegetables;
fish platter;
jellied fish;
sandwiches or canapés.

2. Salads

They are served in small salad bowls. It is advisable to have as many different types as possible than just one in a large salad bowl. Also, some of them can be served in tartlets - small baskets of dough. Traditional salads are:
"Herring under a Fur Coat".
Nowadays, new types of salads are popular:
“Mediterranean” (seafood, pineapple);
“Ali Baba” (boiled chicken fillet cubes, pineapple, pepper);
“Blonde” (raw smoked sausage, tomato, cheese, grated fried potatoes).
It is not necessary to prepare everything according to 20-year-old standards; you can prepare any salad, especially if the wedding reception is planned to be at home. But the best option There will be a variety of salads, where the main ingredient is mushrooms, meat, sausage, fish or vegetables.
Advice! Give the salad a festive look on the plate, for example, arrange it in the shape of a heart and you will see that the table will look festive.

3. Hot dishes

The banquet menu must include main hot dishes. They can be made from meat and fish. These products can be boiled, baked, stewed, or grilled.
fish with sauce, with vegetables;
fried liver;
cabbage rolls; (look - cabbage rolls recipe)
stuffed poultry (duck, turkey, goose);
pineapple chops;
julienne with mushrooms or chicken;
eggplant or zucchini with garlic sauce;
stuffed vegetables;
grilled thighs;
gefilte fish;
pancakes with meat or mushroom filling;
fried mushrooms;
schnitzel or steak;
roast or pilaf.
Serve as a side dish boiled potatoes, rice, vegetables. In addition, bread is served in an assortment.

4. Desserts

Naturally, the most basic dessert on festive table is a wedding cake. The weight of a piece of cake per person should be approximately 250 grams. Therefore, the total weight of the cake for a wedding menu of 50 people is about twelve and a half kilograms. The main delicacy of a wedding feast can be ordered at a pastry shop, and if you have a talent for preparing such products, you can bake a cake at home.
The cake can be multi-tiered. Its important design is silhouettes of newlyweds made of mastic, edible pearls and beads. It is fashionable to decorate the product with berries, fruits, and fresh flowers.
The loaf is an absolute attribute on the wedding table. For 50 people, its weight should be at least seven and a half kilograms.
In addition, desserts at a wedding feast may include:
ice cream;
chocolate candies;
tartlets with condensed milk;
fruit bowl (grapes, apples, peaches, oranges, bananas, kiwi, tangerines);
Advice! As such, they begin to drink tea towards the end of the wedding banquet, so it is better to place all the sweets on a separate table along with the birthday cake, so that it does not interfere with the common table.

5. Drinks

At any event, not only at wedding banquets or buffets, you must take into account that there are people who drink alcoholic beverages, but there are also those who do not drink at all and you need to think about each of them. In principle, it is impossible to calculate how much guests will drink, so in this matter it is better to take more than the guests will be dissatisfied later.
Among without alcoholic drinks can be distinguished:
fruit juice;
sparkling water (sweet and mineral);
fruit compote;
Non-alcoholic drinks for 50 guests must be at least 100 liters.
Range of alcoholic drinks:
champagne (1 bottle for 3 people);
vodka (1 bottle for three people);
wine (1 bottle for two);
There may be various wine and vodka products (alcoholic cocktails, martinis, gin). But beer is not on the menu festive feast.
To hold a celebration for such a number of guests, a room is usually rented.

What to consider when creating a menu for a wedding feast
When creating a menu, you should consider what foods your guests eat. Are there children, elderly people, vegetarians, or people suffering from any diseases among the guests? Such a menu should also be explained by the choice of complex dietary dishes and baby food. It is necessary that all guests can choose healthy and tasty dishes from the variety of food.

To create a menu, you need to take into account the number of guests. Considering average weight food per person, it is easy to calculate the total weight of treats for a certain number of guests.
Wedding menu for 40 people
Just like for 50 guests, a wedding menu for 40 people is quite expensive. All dishes are served on small snack plates.
Regarding appetizers, sausage, cheese, vegetable slices, assorted meats and fish, and pickles are served on the table. You can prepare inexpensive salads: both mixed and puff. Among hot dishes, preference is given to stuffed poultry, cutlets or schnitzels, appetizer pancakes, baked fish, and julienne.
The cake is prepared weighing about eight kilograms. To save money on the holiday table, instead of a cake there can be korowai, sweets, cookies, cakes, and fruits.
To create a wedding menu for 30 people, you need to calculate the average weight of each dish. To save money, it is better not to reduce portions, but to choose cheaper ingredients.
Therefore, among the hot dishes, chicken fillet chops, roasts, baked mackerel, meat fingers, pancakes with mushroom filling, and grilled poultry are suitable. For cold appetizers, choose inexpensive salads, sliced raw smoked sausages, hard cheeses, sliced ​​fresh vegetables, pickled mushrooms, assorted pickles.
The total amount of compotes, juices and sparkling waters should be at least 60 liters (2 liters per person). Champagne and vodka – 10 bottles, wine – 15.
Features of holding a banquet in the summer
To create a wedding menu in the summer, you need to consider elevated temperature this time of year. Some foods can spoil quickly in the heat. In addition, in the summer, banquets are most often held outdoors. If the wedding feast is organized outdoors, then there are other difficulties - food delivery, lack of refrigerators. Also, annoying insects somewhat spoil the holiday.
To prevent certain troubles and avoid food poisoning, it is important to correctly create a list of treats. Some rules that will help make your summer wedding unforgettable:
1. If the festive feast will take place outdoors, portable refrigerators will be a good option.
2. When chilled drinks heat up quickly in hot weather, this problem can be solved with pieces of ice.
3. In the summer heat, preference is given to fruits and ice cream rather than creamy desserts.
4. You should remember about the bad combination of alcoholic beverages and heat. Therefore, alcohol such as vodka and cognac can be replaced with less strong ones, for example, cocktails and wine.
5. To prepare snacks and salads, you need to choose ingredients that are not too fatty: chicken, fish low-fat varieties, fresh vegetables, pickles, herbs.
6. Great idea There will be tartlets and sandwiches made from herbs, olives, and fresh vegetables on the table.
7. Summer is a great time for barbecue, meat or fish on the grill. They can be easily included in the list of hot snacks for a wedding. Moreover, barbecues go very well if you decide to have a beach wedding.
8. On sweet table light desserts are also perfect - soufflé, mousse and others.
9. Also in the summer, watermelon and melon are served as dessert.
10. It is important to remember more soft drinks.

Banquet table for other holidays
In addition to weddings, banquets are held for anniversaries. Such a dinner party is ordered in cafes or restaurants on March 8, New Year, professional holidays. The banquet can be full or partial service.
Menu for a banquet for 20 people
Usually, a banquet for 20 people is called mini. Below is an approximate menu for the number of people.

Cold appetizers

sliced ​​from various types of cheese (1 kg);
cold cuts: sausage, ham, boiled pork, tongue (700 gr.);
assorted fresh vegetables (1 kg);
pickled herring (600 gr.);
pickles: pickled mushrooms, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage (800 gr.);
olives, black olives (400 gr.);
salads from vegetables, meat, mushrooms, sausage (800 g each).
Hot dishes
baked potatoes with mushrooms (1 kg);
fish or meat steaks (800 gr.);
cutlets (800 gr.);
pancakes with meat and mushroom filling (700 gr.).
It is important to remember the presentation bread products in assortment.
Dessert table
Can be cooked birthday cake, or limit yourself to fruits, sweets and mini-cakes.

mineral water;
sweet carbonated water;
fruit and berry compote;
fruit drink;
fruit juices.
For 20 people, all drinks must be up to 30 liters. Tea and coffee are served at the sweet table.
Menu for a banquet for 30 people
For a festive feast for such a number of people, it is worth renting a banquet room. You can prepare dishes for the banquet yourself, or order a catering kitchen. But in the second case, then use two waiters who will keep order on your table. If, however, your decision fell on your own preparation and service, then the following menu will help you a lot.
Cold appetizers
fresh and pickled vegetables (assorted);
meat, cheese, sausage cuts;
assorted fish: trout, salmon;
canapes with caviar or red fish;
liver cake;
salad tartlets;
jellied tongue;
gefilte fish;
olives and black olives;
several types of salads (vegetable, meat, seafood).
Hot dishes
pork meat in French;
cabbage rolls;
roast with mushrooms;
chicken chops;
Fried fish;
pancakes with mushrooms.
Desserts include assorted fruits, ice cream, cakes, and sweets.
The range of strong and non-alcoholic drinks is varied.
The menu for a banquet should be compiled taking into account the average weight of dishes per person. Cold and hot dishes are served at the rate of 350 g. Non-alcoholic drinks - approximately 1.5 liters per person. Champagne and vodka - 0.5 liters each, wine - 1 bottle per guest.

Banquet space is one of the main criteria for any celebration.

A small number of guests - up to 20 people can be accommodated at home. To organize a festive feast for more than 20 guests, the best option would be to rent a room for a banquet.
Halls for banquet tables can be rented in almost any restaurant or cafe. To select such a room, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements:
1. Convenience of the celebration hall (air conditioning, spacious room).
2. Capacity (the hall must accommodate the required number of guests).
3. Location (it should be taken into account that it should be convenient for guests to get to the establishment).
4. Interior of the room (taking into account wishes and preferences).
5. Availability of a dance floor and recreation areas.
6. High-quality service.
7. Menu selection.
8. Reasonable prices.
9. For outdoor events - the presence of awnings and umbrellas.
10. Availability of space for an aperitif.

The choice of a hall to celebrate any event is important, as is the range of food. After all, a wonderful atmosphere, attractive prices, original design, colorfully decorated hall will create a great mood for all guests and heroes of the occasion and will be remembered for a long time.
The banquet manager will help you choose a room, taking into account all the requirements and wishes of the clients. A specialist in organizing such celebrations will give necessary advice, will provide a list of premises for rent for a feast, from which you can choose the best option.

Furniture for banquets

It is important that the chairs match the number of guests invited. Banquet chairs are covered with special satin covers or decorated with beautiful festive bows and ribbons. The color must fully correspond to the theme of the celebration and the decoration of the hall.
Tables can be combined into one common table or placed separately (accommodate 4-6 people). Banquet tables are covered with well-ironed tablecloths.
To hold a celebration at home, you can rent the same furniture or simply collect it from your neighbors at home. Of course, all this is quite important at any banquet, but the most important thing, for example at a wedding, is the happy and loving newlyweds, and at other events the joyful faces of the guests.